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e Caption
0:01 Creeks and Marshes, Incorporated,
0:05 a wetland mitigation company,
0:06 is using this map to identify potential sites for wetland mitigation.
0:10 Our job is to identify and map which of these potential sites
0:14 have hydric soils and are therefore better suited for mitigation.
0:17 As you can see, their data includes potential sites for mitigation,
0:22 soil polygons, and a mosaic dataset of aerial photos
0:26 used as a reference.
0:27 If I open the soil polygons attribute table,
0:31 you can see that there are many different soil types listed.
0:35 However, the only hydric soils are WaB and Co.
0:39 In order to complete this task, what we really need to answer is,
0:44 Which potential sites are located inside of a
0:48 WaB or Co soil polygon?
0:51 There are a number of tools we can use to find this information.
0:55 First is actually called the Find tool.
0:58 The Find tool will search the attribute values
0:61 and find the corresponding features.
1:03 We know we need to find WaB or Co soil polygons.
1:07 So I'll search for one of these soil types
1:10 and set the tool to search in the Soils layer.
1:13 Four features were found with a value of WaB.
1:18 If I double-click on a record, it will zoom, pan, and highlight
1:22 the feature.
1:23 I can also right-click and select the feature
1:26 in order to identify the hydric soil areas.
1:29 We could use this tool to navigate to each of the
1:31 WaB and Co polygons
1:33 and determine if there's a mitigation site inside,
1:36 but this may take a while.
1:38 So let's clear the selection,
1:40 using the Clear Selected Features tool,
1:42 and then click on the Identify tool.
1:44 When you click on a feature with the Identify tool,
1:48 it will pop up a window of the feature's attribute information.
1:52 If we change the identified layer to the soil polygons,
1:58 we can navigate to each site and identify its soil type.
2:01 However, this is still fairly time-consuming.
2:04 So let's try a different tool, called the Select By Attributes.
2:08 This tool allows me to query data.
2:10 First, I'll choose the layer I want to query.
2:14 Then I'll have to determine which attribute or attributes
2:17 I want to use to base the query.
2:19 Since I know that I want soils with the name Co or WaB,
2:23 I'll use the soil name attribute,
2:26 and then get a list of all the unique values from this field.
2:29 Using this information, I can write the following query expression.
2:34 This statement says that I want to find or select
2:46 all soil polygons with a soil name that is equal to Co
2:50 or with a soil name that is equal to WaB;
2:54 basically, all the hydric soils.
2:56 I'll verify the expression and then click OK to see the results.
3:02 This gives us all the areas with hydric soils.
3:08 But what we really need to identify are those sites
3:11 inside of the hydric soil polygons.
3:13 We can use the Select By Location tool for this task.
3:17 The Select By Location tool will find features
3:22 based on their spatial relationship with other features.
3:24 In this case, we want to find potential sites
3:29 that are based on their spatial relationship
3:30 with the hydric soil polygons.
3:33 Since we want to find points that are located inside
3:35 of these soil polygons, we can use the Within method.
3:39 Now this says we are looking for potential sites located
3:45 within the selected soil polygons,
3:47 which are the hydric soil polygons.
3:51 We can click OK and see that the sites have been identified.
3:54 Our next step is to remove some of the unnecessary sites.
4:00 To do this, we can right-click on the Potential Sites layer
4:03 and navigate to Selection > Create Layer from Selected Features.
4:07 This will create a new map layer from the selected features
4:10 with its own symbology.
4:12 I'm going to clear my selections
4:14 and then turn off the Potential Sites,
4:16 since we don't need them anymore.
4:18 I'll keep the soil polygons and orthophotos as a reference
4:22 and then switch to the layout view to look at the final map.
4:25 Creeks and Marshes, Incorporated,
4:28 now has a map of hydric soil mitigation sites.
4:31 They continue with their analysis to determine the final site.
4:34 This example illustrated a number of GIS tools
4:38 that can be used to search data for additional information.

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