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1. The bioethical issues in the film are that Anna is made inside the lab to be a compatible
donor for his sister’s kidney, Anna is also unwillingly providing the needs of her sister in order to
survive and make it each day. It became a bioethical issue because when a donor is forced to
provide a body part or even a single drop of blood, it can be considered already as a bioethical
issue. Being said that from the day Anna was born she was already giving the needs of Kate (her
sister) up until Anna opened her eyes and became woke about the situation, she decided to
stood up and protect herself for future harm because it is her rights to do so even though she is
still a minor and under her parents.

2. The problems inside the film was solved when it came to the point where Anna decided to
hire a lawyer and started to stand up for herself. The case of Anna and her mother that is
forcing her to give everything that Kate needs has been brought up to the court to settle
everything. Anna’s mother was pointing out that if she stopped on giving what Kate needs, Kate
will die and it is Anna’s moral obligation to provide everything that Kate needs medically
because she is her sister. On the other hand, Anna and her Law is pointing out about the rights
of Anna to decline because she is being forced to do everything to keep Kate alive and
everything is against her will. The side effects of the operations that Anna has gone through
was enough for her to stop herself and decided that it’s enough and it’s her body that’s why she
gets to decide it for herself, not her mom, not Kate, but Anna. Also, Anna don’t want to live in
fear and being cautious all the time, she wants to live a normal life and be happy.

They resolved the issue when Anna told her mother that Kate wants to die and there’s no point
if Anna will still keep on giving what they want because even the words that their mother
doesn’t want to hear came from Kate. Before the judge made a decision, she went up to Kate
and talked to her and the decision of the judge was give Kate the rights that she needs to have.

3. The resolution that happened in the film was correct. It was the right decision to make by the
judge because even though Anna was still a minor and under the custody of her parents, she
still have the rights to refuse when she’s being forced to do something and it can’t be called a
donation when it is being forced. No one can ever remove someone’s rights to refuse even
though it is a child or a minor because it is against his/her will.

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