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Individual and Cultural differences

Different students can experience different emotions, even in the same

situation. These individual differences can relate to culture, ethnicity,
gender, school membership and class membership.
The differences in emotion experienced by different students within
one culture.
The contrast among female students and the contrast among male
students. The same is true for ethnicity.
Students can also differ in how they react emotionally to different
school subjects, for example one student may enjoy mathematics but
be bored by language.
Emotions can change over time. Emotions stability over time also
differs between students, for example some students tend to always
enjoy mathematics instruction, whereas others are more variable in
their. emotional

Introducing autonomy
We can Only make changes gradually, think about the effects of these
changes and consolidate them before trying somothing else. We also
need to allow time for changes in attitude to allow time for to affect
behaviour in the classroom.
Students will need time to notice the benefits of increased autonomy
for their language in particular and their personal development in
Giving choices. When offering choices, think about things like the age of
the students and how much responsibility they are already used to.

Raising awareness
About learning
Everyones experience of learning in different and we all learn in
different ways. As teachers, we have our own preferred ways of
learning and this is reflected in the ways that we teach
Students have their preferred approaches to learning.
The material we use presumes that people learn in certain ways and
may not cater for those who learn differently.
No one really knows how people learn. When the students have
different experiences in some cases are positive and other cases are
negative they choose as will learn. In much cases depend of individual
circuntances that can help or hinder the learn.
Here the teacher:
 Create many opportunities for the students can to learn
 Give students positive experiences for their learn
 Give the differents approaches for learning
In the learning process:
 Four different approaches to learning
 Give different tools for learning
 Help to students using variety of approaches and can choose
which is the best.

How to build trust?

Teacher behavior
 Be consistent in your treatment of the students
 Be fair
 Talk to individuals
Students behavior
 Work in group, create more harmonious between the classmates
 Monitor student, for when the student needs help the classmate
 Change the pairs in all classroom for the students can work with
other student and create a good relationship in the class

Trayectorias escolares:
son continuas y completas, tienen relación con la trayectoria teórica y
Las trayectorias escolares y sus singularidad y heterogeneidad actual
posible se ser repensada en torno a la construcción de nuevos saberes
pedagógicos- didácticos que rompan con los presupuestos instalados
como verdades y que van en contra de las cambiantes nuevas
realidades plurales, diversas, alejadas de los antaño aprendizajes
monocrónicos, homogenizadores.
Las trayectorias educativas cobran relevancia en el discurso pedagógico
actual y se instalan como una realidad que no puede dejarse de lado,
realidad que compromete al estado como agente posibilitador, garante
de derechos como a la comunidad educativa toda.
Las trayectorias educativas que dan cuenta de aprendizajes dentro y
fuera de las instituciones educativas, debe haber un compromiso con
una construcción teórica mucho mas inclusiva que considere las
trayectorias escolares- que solo se circunscriben al hacer escolar en
particular y que conceptualmente a fin de contribuir analíticamente al
análisis, nos remite al mismo tiempo al concepto de trayectoria teórica
y al de trayectoria real. (Georgy)

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