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PHRASAL VERBS: Choose a phrasal verb from the box and paraphrase the following negotiation tips.

There are four phrasal verbs you

don’t need to use.

Find out - Give up - Turn down - Fit in - Set up - Bring up - Give yourself away - Watch out - Point out - Go on

1. Let go of the old negotiating stereotypes. The opposing-parties model – supplier vs. client – is no longer workable. Today that
model is replaced by the business partners approach to negotiation.
_________Turn down old negotiations. The opposing-parties model-supplier vs. Client- is no longer workable.
2. Far too many old-style negotiators are on a continual ego trip: self-satisfied and intellectually incapable of seeing how there could
be advantage for themselves in working well with others.
3. Show the other party that you have confidence in him. Give him the chance to be open and self-assured. Be careful because mistrust
breeds mistrust; a reserved manner generates reserve.
_____"Watch out because mistrust breeds mistrust; a reserved manner generates
4. Be open, honest but don’t show your emotions. Take a serious, sincere interest in how to maximise benefits for both of you.
_________Be open, honest, bit don't give yourself away. Take a serious, sincere interestelar un how yo maximise benefitd for
both of you ______________________________________________________________________________________________
5. In most people’s minds, negotiation is always arranged around a table, with the negotiating parties lined up along their own sides,
like opponents in a conflict.
_______In most people's minds, negotiation is always set up around the
6. It is worth to highlight that negotiation is a company’s pulsing lifeblood. And in truth, every sort of human interaction or
communication entails negotiation, to a certain degree.

NOMINALIZATION: Read about the four main benefits of Fair-trade and rephrase the sentences by replacing the underlined words
with nouns. Don’t forget to make all other necessary changes in the sentence.

1. Stable prices : For most products there is a Fair-trade Minimum Price that 1. aims to cover the costs of sustainable production – even
when world market prices 2. fall. ____For most products there is an aim to cover the costs of sustainable production, Even when
there is a fall of world market prices.________________________________________________________________________
2. A Fair trade Premium: The Premium helps producers to 3. improve the quality of their lives. It is paid on top of the agreed Fair trade
price, and producers decide democratically how to use it. Typically, they 4. invest it in education, healthcare, farm improvements or
processing facilities to increase salary. ___ The improvement of the quality of producers' life is enhanced by the premium. Typically,
the invest in education, healthcare, farm improvements or processing facilities increases
3. Partnership: Producers are involved in decisions that 5. affect their future. Fair trade certified producers jointly own and manage Fair
trade International. Through the Fair trade International's Board, its Committees and consultation processes producers can 6. influence
prices, premiums, standards and overall strategy. _The affectation of producers' future is entailed because of their decisions__
___________________________________________________The influence of prices, premiums, standards, and oberal strategy is
something the fair trade international's board, it's comités ando consultaron procesales producers can do.______
4. Empowerment of farmers and workers: This is a goal of Fair trade. Small farmer groups must have a democratic structure and 7.
transparent administration in order to be certified. Workers must be allowed to have representatives on a committee that decides on
the use of the Fair trade Premium. Both groups 8. are supported by Fair trade International to develop their capacity in this area.
_________Farmers and workers are empowered:This is a goal of Fair trade.

SUBSTITUTION: Read this article about Coca Cola. Replace the highlighted words using different substitution techniques.
You MUST provide at least one example of each one of them.

The Coca-Cola Company produced an enormous number of bottles last year, of which more than 100bn are plastic 1. bottles,
Greenpeace claimed last month. This is troubling news for Coca-Cola, considering how much of the waste that 2. Coca-Cola produces
ends up outside plastic recycling systems. Separately it has been estimated that if we keep throwing plastic in our oceans, on current
trends, 3. plastic may become a real problem with it weighing more than all the fish.

In this debate about waste, Coca-Cola has long been the target of environmentalists. 4. These environmentalists are fighting the giant
with little success. After all, it has a massive ecological footprint that few companies can match – and packaging is just part of the story.
Beyond the billions of plastic bottles, Coke places heavy demands on the Earth. As early as the 1920s, the company boasted that 5. the
company was the largest consumer of sugar cane on the planet. It also soon claimed to be the world’s biggest buyer of processed
caffeine. Today, at its bottling plants it uses more than 300bn litres of water a year. Some people think Coca-Cola is a good company
because it crates thousands of jobs each year, but I 6. consider it is not a good company. Considering this appetite for natural
resources, it’s easy to understand why organisations such as Greenpeace have seen Coca-Cola as an ecological bogeyman .7. These
organizations have even promoted boycotts against it.

There are also issues with packaging. Coca-Cola claims its packaging is “recyclable”. Yes, plastic containers can be recycled, but people
are not 8. recycling the containers, so systems of reclamation are failing to capture the vast majority of this waste. Coca-Cola should
have known this would be the outcome. In the early 20th century, industry journals chastised soft drink bottlers that did not put
deposits on their returnable bottles, so 9. most bottlers put deposits on their returnable bottles. In 1905, for example, the Southern
Carbonator and Bottler proclaimed: “The only sane, logical and lasting solution of the bottle question is the deposit system.”

Roughly 80% of Coca-Cola bottlers surveyed in 1929 had deposit systems in place, and studies of that period showed that bottles did
dozens of trips back and forth between consumer and distributor. This was a re-use 10. system that truly reclaimed natural resources,
and private industry was its biggest promoter. Recycling is important for Coca-Cola, they know it’s important to create awareness
campaigns, so they 11. have created awareness campaigns.

1.ones. 7.They

2.this product 8. doing so

3.this material 9.they are doing so

4.They 10.method 11.have done so

6.I consider not

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