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Oxford Exam Trainer

Felkészülés a középszintű angol érettségire


Rézműves Zoltán  Brigit Viney  Gareth Davies

Szakmai lektor: Elekes Katalin, Jilly Viktor

4212694 Oxford Exam Trainer BLAD HU.indd 1 13/10/2017 15:26

About the Érettségi exam p 4

Vocabulary Reading Listening

1 Family Social networks Thanksgiving with grandparents

Stages of life Matching statement halves True / false / the text does not say
Family and Family celebrations Expressions with mind Family histories
relationships Relationships Multiple matching
p. 6 Spending time together

Appearance Colours and your personality Folk traditions

2 Personality Multiple matching Evaluating statements
People and society Feelings and emotions Adjectives with -ing or -ed A Hungarian in Britain
p. 16 Society and politics Short answers (sentence completion)
Social work

Furniture and equipment Living on the top floor Home-makers

3 Describing a home Gapped sentences Multiple matching
Home Housework Phrasal verbs with look Living on a houseboat
p. 26 Your neighbourhood Short answers (sentence completion: exact
Renting a home word)

School life Home-schooling The future of education

4 Language learning Multiple choice Correcting factual information
School Education system Often confused words Boarding schools
p. 36 Collocations with do, make and take Technology in learning True / false / the text does not say
True / false / the text does not say

Jobs A career change Work issues

5 Professions Multiple matching Short answers (sentence completion)
Work Employment Words in context Teenage jobseekers
p. 46 Unemployment Phrasal verbs with give Multiple choice

Teenagers and money Advertising Dangers of online finance

6 Saving and banking Gapped text Correcting factual information
Money Shopping and payment Expressions with get; negative prefixes Living on a budget in the UK
p. 56 Advertising Evaluating statements
Making a complaint

Daily routine Heart transplants Healthy eating through the media

7 Nutrition Short answers (summary completion) Short answers (sentence completion: exact
Healthy living Exercising Phrasal verbs with take word)
p. 66 Illnesses and injuries Health fads
Disability True / false / the text does not say

Travelling A cycling record attempt Christmas journey

8 Holidays True / false / the text does not say Short answers (sentence completion)
Travel and tourism Accommodation Expressions with prepositions Holidays gone wrong
p. 76 Means of transport Three-part phrasal verbs Multiple choice

Hobbies and interests TV cooking shows Underwater photography

9 Art and literature Gapped text Evaluating statements
Culture and free Entertainment Words in context Street art
time Mass media Word formation (suffixes) Short answers (sentence completion: exact
p. 86 Cultural events, festivals Prepositional verbs word)

Sports and competitions Sport as entertainment A teenage athlete

10 Venues and equipment Matching statement halves Correcting factual information
Sport Extreme sports Phrasal verbs with set Sporting experiences
p. 96 Keeping fit Multiple matching

Everyday technology JFK Space Center Useless inventions

11 ICT Multiple choice True / false / the text does not say
Science and Science Words in context Science education
technology Inventions and discoveries Expressions with take and go Multiple choice
p. 106 Space exploration

Geographical features The weather Natural events

12 Weather and climate Short answers (sentence completion) Multiple matching
Nature and Natural disasters Environmental concerns
environment Animals and plants Evaluating statements
p. 126 Environmental issues

5 W O RReference
Grammar K pp 126 – 162  Speaking Bank pp 163 – 168  Writing Bank pp 169 – 178  Wordlist pp 179 – 199  Érettségi mock exam pp 200 - 223

4212694 Oxford Exam Trainer BLAD HU.indd 2 13/10/2017 15:26

Use of English Writing Speaking

Social trends for young people Spending the holidays with a friend Family and relationships
Open cloze Informal email Conversation
A visiting relative Introducing your news; informing about your A friend’s birthday
Multiple-choice cloze plans; Role-play
Language review: future tenses; prepositions finishing a letter Family relations
Long turn

Fashion bloggers School-leaving dilemma Groups in society

Banked cloze Internet forum comment Conversation
Customs and fashions Introducing your opinion; giving advice Raising money for charity
Word formation Role-play
Language review: articles; question tags; National identity
linking words Long turn

A famous Budapest statue Renting a flat Flats and houses

Word formation Informal email Long turn
Gender roles in the home Homes
Multiple-choice cloze Conversation
Language review: perfect tenses; indefinite pronouns Flatmates
Detached houses
Long turn

Student exchange Exams and homework School and learning

Multiple-choice cloze Internet forum comment Conversation
Sleeping in class Expressing opinions A language course in Britain
Banked cloze Role-play
Language review: talking about the past Places in a school
Long turn

Internships Working in a summer camp Work

Word formation Formal email: a job application Conversation
Taxi drivers in London Summer jobs for students
Open cloze Role-play
Language view: verb tenses; expressing quantity Types of jobs
Long turn

A history of taxes Faulty goods Money and happiness

Multiple-choice cloze Formal letter: complaint Conversation
Online shopping Stating the reason for writing; describing a Holiday souvenirs
Banked cloze problem; requesting action; closing a formal Role-play
Language review: the passive; have something done letter Shopping in a shop and online
Long turn

Flu advice Keeping fit Health and illness

Multiple choice cloze Informal email Conversation
Diet and exercise In a health shop
Open cloze Role-play
Language review: so and such; reported speech, Healthy holidays
reflexive pronouns Long turn

Budapest sightseeing A holiday abroad Travel and education

Banked cloze Blog post Conversation
Staying at Lake Balaton Using adjectives to create interest A weekend trip to Scotland
Word formation Role-play
Language review; conditionals; either, neither; every, Keeping in touch from a trip
each, all, both; other, another Long turn

Benefits of leisure time Entering a talent contest Free time

Multiple-choice cloze (expand text and add items) Formal letter: inquiry Conversation
The media Ordering information Going out
Word formation Role-play
Language review: modal verbs; indirect questions Hobbies
Long turn

Fitness fads Fitness and exercise at school Doing and watching sports
Open cloze Online forum comment Conversation
Spectator sports A sports event
Banked cloze Role-play
Language review: comparatives and superlatives Keeping fit
Long turn

Dinosaurs A technology course Inventions and discoveries

Multiple-choice cloze Formal letter: inquiry Conversation
Using technology Using indirect questions Problems with technology
Word formation Role-play
Language review: relative clauses Everyday science
Long turn

Green living A beach cleanup campaign Pets

Open cloze Blog post Conversation
Preventing disasters Zoos and national parks
Banked cloze Role-play
Language review: modals for speculation; Protecting endangered species
there and it as the subject Long turn

4212694 Oxford Exam Trainer BLAD HU.indd 3 13/10/2017 15:26


Az Oxford Exam Trainer és az érettségi vizsga Olvasott szöveg értése

A 2017. tavaszi vizsgaidőszakra átdolgozott érettségi A vizsga első része azt méri, a vizsgázó képes-e a szövegek
követelmények szerint megváltozott az idegen nyelvi vizsga gondolatmenetének lényegét megérteni, véleményeket,
nyelvi szintje, a vizsga felépítésének egy része, és a témakörök érvelést nagy vonalakban követni és egyes részinformációkat
is kibővültek a tizedik, Gazdaság témakörrel. kiszűrni.
A feladatlap általában 4 autentikus vagy kismértékben
Az Oxford Exam Trainer, amely a középszintű angol szerkesztett szöveget és 4 egymástól különböző feladatot
nyelvi vizsgára készít fel, a Közös Európai Referenciakeret tartalmaz. A szövegek együttes terjedelme 1000–1200 szó, és
szerint B1 szintnek felel meg, és ezeknek a megváltozott a feladatok összesen 25–30 kérdésből állnak.
körülményeknek kíván eleget tenni. A feladattípusok a megadott lehetőségeken belül évről évre
változhatnak. Ezek között jellemzően az alábbi feladatok
A B1 szint fordulnak elő:
A tanuló B1 szinten megérti a fontosabb információkat • összegző mondatok egymáshoz rendelése
olyan egyszerű, hétköznapi szövegekben, amelyek gyakori • párosítás, egymáshoz rendelés
élethelyzetekhez (pl. iskola, szabadidő, munka) kapcsolódnak. • szövegből kiemelt hosszabb kifejezések, mondatrészek,
Képes külföldiekkel kommunikálni mindennapi helyzetekben. esetleg teljes mondatok szövegbe illesztése
Egyszerű, összefüggő szöveget tud alkotni olyan témákban, • feleletválasztás
amelyeket ismer, vagy amelyek érdeklődési körébe tartoznak. • igaz / hamis / nincs a szövegben állítások
Be tud számolni eseményekről, élményeiről, érzelmeiről és • kérdésekre adott rövid válaszok
törekvéseiről. Rövid magyarázatot tud fűzni eseményekhez, • hiányos mondatok kiegészítése.
jelenségekhez, indokolni tud különböző álláspontokat és Az olvasott szöveg értése feladatlap megoldására a vizsgán
terveket. (az Oktatási Hivatal meghatározása alapján) 60 perc áll rendelkezésre, és a helyes megoldásra összesen
33 pont szerezhető.
Az Oxford Exam Trainer minden fejezetében legalább
A könyv 12 fejezete az idegen nyelvi érettségi vizsgák mind a egy olvasott szövegértési feladat szerepel, és a kötetben
tíz témakörét járja körül: valamennyi jellemző feladattípus megjelenik.
• személyes vonatkozások, család (1. fejezet)
• ember és társadalom (2. fejezet) Nyelvhelyesség
• környezetünk (3. és 12. fejezetek) A vizsga második része azt méri, a vizsgázó képes-e
• az iskola (4. fejezet) gyakran használt nyelvtani szerkezetek és lexikai egységek
• a munka világa (5. fejezet) felismerésére, kiegészítésére és létrehozására szövegszinten,
• életmód (7. fejezet) azaz rendelkezik-e azokkal a nyelvi ismeretekkel, amelyek
• szabadidő, művelődés, szórakozás (9. és 10. fejezetek) képessé teszik az önálló kommunikációra.
• utazás, turizmus (8. fejezet) A feladatlap általában 3 rövid, autentikus vagy szerkesztett
• tudomány és technika (11. fejezet) szöveget és 3 egymástól különböző feladatot tartalmaz. A
• gazdaság (6. fejezet). szövegek együttes terjedelme 500–600 szó, és a feladatok
A fejezetek egyes részei a témakörök más és más elemeit
összesen 20–25 kérdésből állnak.
tárják fel.
Négy feladattípus fordul elő általában a középszintű
Az Oxford Exam Trainer minden fejezete a témakör nyelvhelyesség feladatlapon:
szókincsének átismétlésével és begyakorlásával • szövegkiegészítés feleletválasztással
kezdődik. A kötet legvégén fejezetenként (azaz a • önálló szövegkiegészítés
fentiek szerint érettségi témakörönként) csoportosított, • szövegkiegészítés megadott szókészletből vagy
kétnyelvű szószedet (Wordlist) található. kifejezéskészletből
• szövegkiegészítés szóképzéssel.
A nyelvhelyesség feladatlap megoldására 30 perc fordítható,
A vizsga szerkezete és a helyes megoldásra összesen 18 pont szerezhető.
A középszintű (B1) idegen nyelvi érettségi vizsga írásbeli és Az Oxford Exam Trainer valamennyi fejezetének
szóbeli részből áll. A sikeres érettségi vizsga feltétele, hogy a törzsanyagában két nyelvhelyességet mérő vizsgafeladat
vizsgázó mind az írásbeli, mind a szóbeli részben az elérhető szerepel, valamint egy harmadik feladattípus a fejezet
pontszám legalább 12%-át megszerezze. végén szereplő összegzésben is megjelenik.
A nyelvhelyességet gyakoroltató feladatokhoz kapcsolódó
ÍRÁSBELI VIZSGA szóanyag a fejezetek elején, valamint az egyes szövegértési
Az írásbeli érettségi vizsga 4 feladatlapból áll. részekben; a nyelvtani anyag pedig a nyelvhelyesség rész
elején egy rövid ismétlés erejéig, valamint a kötet végén
szereplő, részletes ismertetést és gyakorlatokat is tartalmazó
nyelvtan mellékletben (Grammar Reference) található.


4 Bevezető

4212694 Oxford Exam Trainer BLAD HU.indd 4 13/10/2017 15:26

Hallott szöveg értése SZÓBELI VIZSGA
A vizsga harmadik része azt méri, a vizsgázó képes-e szövegek A szóbeli érettségi vizsga tételeit az egyes iskolák tanárai
lényegét megérteni, gondolatmenetét nagy vonalakban dolgozzák ki központi útmutató alapján. Az egyes tételek
követni és egyes tényszerű információkat a szövegből kiszűrni vizsgázói feladatlapjain csak maga a második és harmadik
és megérteni. feladat szerepel. (A vizsgáztatói feladatlapra ezen felül a
A feladatlap általában 3 rögzített hangzó szövegből vizsgázó számára nem látható további információk, kérdések
(amelyben egy, kettő vagy több beszélő is szerepelhet), és is kerülnek.)
3 egymástól különböző feladatból áll. A szövegek együttes A feladatok kidolgozásához felkészülési idő nincs, de a
terjedelme 6–9 perc, és a feladatok összesen 20–25 második és harmadik feladat előtt körülbelül fél percnyi rövid
kérdésből állnak. gondolkodási idő jár.
A feladattípusok a megadott lehetőségeken belül évről évre A szóbeli vizsga azt méri, a vizsgázó képes-e gondolatait
változhatnak. Jellemzően az alábbi feladatok fordulnak elő a idegen nyelven szóban kifejezni, hogy milyen mértékben
vizsgákon: képes mind önálló témakifejtésre, mind beszélgetésben való
• igaz / hamis / nincs a szövegben állítások aktív részvételre.
• párosítás, egymáshoz rendelés A vizsgafeladatokat megelőzően a vizsgáztató rövid,
• kérdésekre adott rövid válaszok legfeljebb egy perces terjedelmű bemelegítő beszélgetést
• hiányos mondatok kiegészítése kezdeményez a vizsgázóval. A szóbeli feladatsor mindig
• ténybeli hibák azonosítása és kijavítása három fő részből áll.
• feleletválasztás. • A társalgási feladatban a vizsgázó egy konkrét témához
A vizsgán a vizsgázó minden szöveget kétszer hallgathat meg, kapcsolódó, szóban elhangzó kérdésekre válaszol (amelyek
a második meghallgatásnál megszakításokkal. A hallott szöveg a feladatlapon nem szerepelnek).
értése feladatlap megoldására 30 perc áll rendelkezésre, és • A szerepjáték során a vizsgázó a mindennapi élet
azon összesen 33 pontot lehet elérni. helyzeteihez hasonló, reális, személyéhez és élethelyzetéhez
kapcsolódó szituációkban beszélget a beszélgetőtárs
Az Oxford Exam Trainer minden fejezetében két különböző szerepét játszó vizsgáztatóval. A feladat tartalmazza
hallott szövegértési feladat szerepel, és a kötetben a szituáció leírását, a szerepeket és az elérendő
valamennyi jellemző feladattípus megjelenik. kommunikációs célokat, és tartalmazhat képeket vagy rövid
szövegeket is.
• Az önálló témakifejtés feladatban a vizsgázónak általában
Az írásbeli vizsga utolsó része azt méri, a vizsgázó képes-e két egymáshoz valamilyen módon kapcsolódó kép és
magát idegen nyelven írásban kifejezni, és a feladatokban megadott irányító szempontok alapján kell gondolatait,
megadott kommunikációs célokat megvalósítani, képes-e véleményét összefüggően kifejtenie. A vizsgáztató szükség
ismert, köznapi témáról részletesen írni és azokról véleményét esetén előre megírt segítő kérdéseket tehet fel. A feladatnak
kifejteni, valamint hogy képes-e a szöveget megfelelő módon, nem része a képek tartalmának részletes leírása és aprólékos
a szövegtípus sajátosságainak megfelelően felépíteni, tagolni összevetése.
és megfogalmazni. A szóbeli vizsga összesen 15 percig tart. Összesen 33 pont
Az íráskészség feladatlap mindig két feladatból áll: érhető el a három feladat megoldásával.
• interakciós / tranzakciós (80–100 szó terjedelmű) rövidebb
szöveg létrehozása, megadott segédanyagra reagálva, Az Oxford Exam Trainer minden fejezetének végén egy,
három irányító szempont alapján, és a fejezet témáihoz kapcsolódó teljes szóbeli feladatsor
• leíró / véleménykifejtő (100–120 szó terjedelmű) hosszabb szerepel – az órai vagy önálló gyakorlás céljaihoz
szöveg létrehozása, segédanyagok és négy irányító alkalmazott formában. A kötet végén található kifejezés-
szempont alapján. gyűjtemény (Speaking Bank) az egyes kommunikációs
A feladathoz biztosított segédanyagok között előfordulhat célokhoz kapcsolódó kifejezéseket sorolja fel.
egy adott szituáció részletes leírása, rövidebb-hosszabb
szöveg (pl. felhívás vagy hirdetés, üzenet, levél vagy email,
Az érettségi vizsgára készen!
blogbejegyzés vagy internetes hozzászólás), vagy ábra, kép,
grafikon vagy táblázat is. Az Oxford Exam Trainer legvégén egy teljes középszintű
A vizsgán a két szöveg megírására 60 perc fordítható, és a érettségi vizsga minta-feladatsora található, amelyet a
feladatlapon maximum 33 pont érhető el. Az íráskészség tanultak összegzésére, próbavizsgaként használhatunk.
vizsgán egy- vagy kétnyelvű nyomtatott szótár használható!

Az Oxford Exam Trainer minden fejezetében egy íráskészség
Eredményes felkészülést, sikeres vizsgát kívánunk!
feladat található, és a kötetben valamennyi jellemzően
előforduló feladattípus szerepel. A kötet végén az egyes a szerzők
szövegtípusok jellemzőit ismertető mintaszöveg- 2017. szeptember
gyűjtemény (Writing Bank) található, a feladat megoldását
segítő tanácsokkal és hasznos kifejezésekkel.
Az írásbeli vizsga négy részét tehát 180 perc alatt kell
megoldani, és a maximálisan elérhető pontszám 117 pont.
Bevezető 5

4212694 Oxford Exam Trainer BLAD HU.indd 5 13/10/2017 15:26

5 Work

1 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer the

Part-time jobs
3 Complete the table with expressions from the box.

check stock serve food and drinks pick fruit

1 What jobs are shown in the photographs? clear tables play games operate a till prepare meals
2 What do they involve doing? feed animals bring the bill deal with customers
tell stories take orders
3 Would you like to do any of these jobs in the
future? Why/Why not?
Jobs Working on a farm
2 Read the definitions and write the proper names Working in a restaurant
of jobs. Use the suffixes in bold. Working in a shop
1 somebody who works for the army Adjectives describing work
2 somebody who cuts, shapes and colours people’s
4 Match each adjective with its definition.
-or full-time badly-paid temporary permanent manual
3 somebody who teaches other people how to drive part-time well-paid

1 when you do less than the usual hours of a working

4 somebody who translates one language into
2 when you do all of the usual hours of a working
5 somebody who works at a reception desk and
3 a job that involves using your hands
welcomes people
6 somebody who is a specialist in psychology 4 a job where you earn lots of money
5 a job where you earn little money
-ian 6 lasting for a short time
7 somebody who plays a musical instrument 7 lasting for a long time

8 somebody who works in politics

5 Work in pairs. Student A: Choose a job and
describe it. Student B: Guess the job.
other jobs Then switch roles.
9 somebody who performs medical operations
It’s a job that involves working with people.
This person works on their own.
10 somebody who represents a company and travels
It isn’t a very well-paid job, but it’s important.
around an area selling its products This person works in a school with students.
Add at least one more job for each suffix.

6 5 WORK

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Looking for a job Employment

6 Read the advice on looking for a job, and put 9 Choose the right word in each sentence.
the steps in the correct order. Then complete the 1 Would you like to work / have / do a career in the
sentences with words from the box. media?
2 My sister is / gets / had on sick leave at the
covering letter curriculum vitae (CV) contract
interview qualifications application form references
experience offered accept 3 I often do / make / take overtime at weekends.
4 Joe’s leaving because he didn’t get / make / take a
pay rise.
5 Doctors often take / get / work very long hours.
How to Find a Job 6 Teresa works / makes / has shifts.
7 Who’s in / on / at charge of the sales department?
➤ Step
8 Susan is doing very well in her job, so she hopes to
Wait to hear from the company to find out if they want
get / become / make promoted.
you to come for an 1  . Then start preparing
for it. 10 Complete the sentences with right words. The first
➤ Step letter of each missing word is given.
Complete your 2  . This is the document that 1 Megan was f by her boss because she
includes all your personal information, 3
stole from the company.
(e.g. diplomas, degrees, etc.) and previous work
 . It should also include the contact 2 My grandfather is sixty-five. He r from
details of two people that know you well at work or work last year.
personally. These are your 5  . 3 I had a c with my company, but at the
➤ Step end of the year they decided not to extend it.
When you are 6 a job, decide carefully if you 4 Sarah has been u for six months. She just
want to 7 it. Then sign the 8  . can’t find a job.
➤ Step 5 The train drivers are going on s because
Look at job adverts on the internet and find a job that they want a bigger pay rise.
you are interested in. Download the 9  , if 6 I hate being o of work. I would really like
there is one. Then send it off with a 10 which to find a job.
will explain briefly who you are, where you saw the
advert and why you want to apply for the job. 11 Work in pairs. Take turns to answer the questions.

1 What’s your ideal job? Why would you like to

7 0.00 Listen and check your answers. do this job?
2 What do you think is the best way to look for
Professions a job?
8 Complete the sentences with words from the box. 3 What’s more important: qualifications or
experience? Why?
duties salary wages colleague boss position
self-employed quit
4 Would you like to be self-employed?
1 On average, a doctor’s is £50,000 a year. Why/Why not?
5 What’s more important in a job: money or job
2 Derek shares an office with a who is
thirty years older than him. satisfaction?
6 Describe a situation when you were in charge
3 A waiter’s are usually £200 a week.
of something.
4 A shop assistant’s include serving
customers and operating the till.
5 You’ll have to ask the first if you want to
take a day off.
6 If I hated my job, I would definitely  .
7 Peter is  . He runs a small coffee shop.
8 I would like to apply for the of sales

5 WORK 7

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Multiple matching
1 Work in pairs. Describe what jobs the pictures
show and answer the questions below.
1 What qualifications do you need for each of the jobs?
university education special training a degree

2 What personal characteristics do you need to be

successful in each of the jobs?
talented patient creative competent outgoing
sociable confident

To be a sports coach you need special training. A sports

coach should be patient and … Ready for a change?
2 Read the text from exercise 3. Why are the
Fed up with your boring job? Want to do something
summaries of paragraphs 0–5 below incorrect? different? Take a look at these jobs and find
out if you want to change your career.
0 An easy job for food lovers.
It is for food lovers, but the text says it is not easy.
0 F If you love food, then being a food critic is the job for
1 Only professional coaches should apply.
you! Imagine visiting restaurants, sampling dishes
2 It sounds exciting, but acting can be boring. and then writing articles about what you think of
3 Don’t make any errors in this job! them. But although it sounds great, this isn’t an easy
4 You should look exotic. option. You need to have a good background in food
5 The easiest way to become a billionaire. and nutrition and you need good communication
skills to write and present your reviews.
1 If you’re fearless and love sports like snowboarding
• Read the whole text to find out what it is generally about. and skydiving, why not be an extreme sports coach?
• Read each statement carefully to see what information It’s a dangerous job, but it will keep you fit and give
you are looking for in the text. you some excitement every day! In order to become a
• A statement must match the sense of a paragraph. professional coach for extreme sports, you need to do
You may find words or phrases from the text in a a training course. You also need to be an adventurous
statement, but it may not be the correct answer. kind of person!
• Check that the remaining statements really don’t match 2 Would you like to be an actor? Then take a trip to
any paragraphs. Hollywood. Get a part-time job, take some acting
lessons and see what happens. The part-time job
3 EXAM TASK Read the article about changing may be tedious, but after all, Brad Pitt worked as a
your career. In which paragraph (1–5) can you find chauffeur before he became a star, and Johnny Depp
was a salesperson. Just make sure you go to a good
the information (A–G)? One statement does not
drama school and learn about all the aspects of
match any of the paragraphs. There is an example film-making.
(0) at the beginning.
3 Do you play computer games whenever you have
A It’s a job for very active people.
free time? Then why not become a computer games
B It isn’t an easy way to see the world. tester? Testers are employed by development
C It’s a highly competitive world. companies and are paid to review and test the newest
D You can earn a lot of money doing very little. games. Tempted? You need to have good computing
E Do a dull job while you learn your skills. skills, as you’ll need to detect any kinds of errors in
F You need to be able to share your views. the games. You’ll also need a lot of patience.
G Be paid to find mistakes.

8 5 WORK

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4 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 7 Look at these words from the article. Then use
each word twice to complete sentences 1–10.
1 Which of the jobs do you think would suit you
best? Why? hand background fit free attention
2 Which would you least like to do?
1 You can just see our house in the of this
3 How would you describe yourself to an employer?
4 What are your best qualities? 2 She’s a good worker, but on the other  ,
5 What knowledge or skills have you got? she’s rather slow.
3 This car has so many problems it is no longer
to drive.
4 We’re looking for someone with a in
Words in context advertising for the job.
5 Find the highlighted words in the article. Match 5 If you buy a TV today, they will give you a
words with their meanings. DVR!
6 I can’t do this by myself. Could you give me a
1 boring
2 education and experience
7 You need to pay in class or you’ll miss
3 the ability to do something well some important information.
4 having firmly decided to do something 8 I enjoy going for walks in my time.
5 choice or possibility 9 Celebrities claim they don’t want all the
6 known to be good or reliable they get, but I wonder if that’s true.
7 imagine something you would like to happen 10 He goes to the gym four days a week in order to
keep  .
6 Complete the sentences with words from exercise 5. Phrasal verbs with give
1 The best for her is to work at night
because she goes to college during the day.
8 Find the phrasal verb give up in article. What does
it mean? Replace the underlined expressions with
2 This course will help you develop your speaking
the correct form of the appropriate phrasal verb
in English. with give.
3 She is so to get a promotion that she
works overtime almost every day. UP
4 I being a lawyer when I finish university.
5 Her in economics makes her a good
candidate for the job of financial director. IN
6 Unfortunately we did not hire a builder, OFF
and now the work has to be re-done. GIVE
7 Picking fruit all day can be very  , but it
certainly leaves your mind free to think about other
4 How about being a model? Think of being on the BACK AWAY
catwalk and wearing top designers’ clothes. Think
of travelling to the most exotic countries in the
1 The roses she bought produced a lovely smell for
world. Sounds great, doesn’t it? On the other hand,
think of the hard work, the long hours, the constant several days.
attention. If you still want to do it, make sure you go 2 OK, you’ve won. I’ll stop arguing.
to a reputable modelling agency. Maybe you’ll see 3 After trying several times to get the landlord to
your face in a magazine soon! rent the flat to her, she stopped trying and started
5 Are you dreaming of writing the next bestselling looking at other places.
novel and becoming a billionaire just like 4 Why is he donating so many of his paintings to
J.K.Rowling? Unfortunately, there are thousands charity? They are so valuable.
of people just like you and very few people achieve 5 Could you please return that BluRay disc you
success. However, if you’re determined and you’ve
borrowed? You’ve had it for weeks.
got enough talent, you might be
one of those few people. Keep writing! Keep
submitting! Don’t give up!
5 WORK 9

4212694 Oxford Exam Trainer BLAD HU.indd 9 13/10/2017 15:26

Short answers: sentence completion Speaker 4
9 The meeting has been called so they can share
1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
some updates on the new  .
1 What kind of problems do you think there are in 10 They are going to use a new computer system for
the workplace? storing/maintaining and doing everyday
2 Who would you ask for advice if you had problems work.
at work? 11 The speaker has already used the new system and
2 0.00 Listen to four people talking about thinks it is clear,  .
work and match each speaker (1–4) to each of the
questions (A–E) below. There is one question you
4 Complete the sentences with verbs from the box
in the correct form. There are two verbs you don’t
do not need.
Which speaker …
A is talking formally to a group of colleagues? get complain out mix up choose schedule praise
experience type deal with
B has improved in their job?
C lives close to where they work? 1 We need to together soon to discuss
D wants to discuss an issue with a friend? your future.
E is talking about work problems in general? 2 My new boss really likes me, she me for
everything I do.
3 I got really confused and the orders. It
• Read the statements in the task carefully to decide what was a nightmare.
information you should pay attention to during listening.
4 My colleagues are always about the long
• Use logical or grammatical clues in the questions to hours they have to do.
predict what the answers might be. Remember the same
information may be expressed in different ways in the 5 Laura problems at work. Apparently, her
statements and in the recordings. boss is always in a bad mood.
6 In my office there are all of people, from
3 EXAM TASK 0.00 Listen again. Look at the all over the world.
statements and fill in gaps 1–12 with no more than 7 Thank you for taking time of your lunch
THREE words in each gap. There is an example (0) hour to attend this training.
at the beginning. 8 They’ve the meeting for when I’m away,
Speaker 1 so I hope I won’t miss anything important.
0 The caller has a problem at work and thinks
that Terri might be able to help.
5 Work in pairs. Read the situation and role-play the
1 The caller doesn’t get on well with his/ her
You are working at a summer camp. Your boss often
asks you to do jobs you are not supposed to do. Talk to
2 The caller is aware that Terri has experienced
your friend about the problem.
in the past.
Speaker 2 Student A – You are the worker.
3 nights get busy for the speaker. • Your boss is asking you to work in the kitchens
4 The speaker likes most people she meets at work after your day shift.
and she gets  . • Tell how you feel about this situation.
5 Occasionally, the speaker gets customers who
 , but she has learnt not to worry. Student B – You are the friend.
Speaker 3 • Listen to student A
6 The speaker thinks that people experience • Suggest a solution.
problems as well as work related
problems in the workplace.
7 The work place is a environment as well
as a place where people work.
8 In work you often have to work and deal with
people that you wouldn’t choose to deal
with outside work.

10 5 WORK

4212694 Oxford Exam Trainer BLAD HU.indd 10 13/10/2017 15:26


I worked in different departments; I started off
verb tenses  •  expressing quantity
working in accounts, then in the 4 (design)
1 Choose the correct verb form in each sentence. department, and finally in the newsroom and I gained
a real insight into how the industry worked. It was
1 Jane has been / went to Australia three times. 5
(extreme) rewarding.
She loves it!
2 Peter retired / has retired three years ago. It was an amazing experience, I got on-the-job training
3 I’m really tired. I’ve been digging / dug in the and had a mentor who was 6 (will) to answer
garden all morning. any questions I had. Now when I go to an interview,
4 Ruth hasn’t had / wasn’t having a job since she I can say that I’ve had articles published and know
quit three months ago. how to set out a newspaper. I also made 7
(use) contacts and even though the company I
2 Choose the correct word in each sentence. worked for didn’t offer me a job, they did promise
1 I don’t think I can do the project myself; I need to write me a reference, which might be more valuable
a little / little help. than my 8 (qualify). The one problem with
2 Has Julia given you an / any advice on how to internships, is that they are 9 (pay). I only
use this new application? earned enough to cover my expenses.
3 The boys have only just started their house
cleaning business, but they already have much /
a few orders. Open cloze
4 Tom hasn’t got much / many things to do this
Before you start filling in the gaps, read the whole text to
Grammar reference p. 16 get a general sense of what it is about.

Word formation 4 EXAM TASK Read an article about London taxi

drivers. Some words are missing from the text.
Write the missing words in the gaps 1–10. Use only
• Decide what part of speech is missing in each gap: a verb, ONE word in each gap. There is an example (0).
a noun, an adjective, an adverb.
• Check, is it positive or negative? Cabbies
London is famous 0 for its distinctive black
3 EXAM TASK Read an article about how young taxi cabs and expert taxi drivers. Their navigation
people can gain work experience. Some words are skills and knowledge of 1 city are
missing from the text. Use the words in brackets incredible. Every person who wants to drive a taxi
to form the words that fit in gaps 1–9. Write the in London has to take a test commonly known as
appropriate form of the words. You may not have ‘the Knowledge’. The training can take a 2
to change all the words in brackets. There is an years and at the end of this time, the driver has
example (0). to know by heart 3 than 300 routes
and landmarks: tourist attractions, government
buildings, hospitals, police stations and 4
From an outsider to an insider places of interest. Jamie Wilson 5 been
Internships are a way for young people to gain work driving a taxi in London for over twelve years. He
experience in their chosen field to make themselves obtained his licence after four years of intensive
more 0 attractive (attract) to future employers. In training. During his training he 6 driving
this article, Lucy Green (22) explains how an internship around London on a scooter memorising every
was 1 (help) for her. street, road, avenue and building. By the time he
passed his exam, he 7 visited over 25,000
I had just finished university and was looking for
streets. Later, he took another course on the history
a career, I was sending lots of 2 (apply)
and culture 8 the city. Now, he entertains
forms but I couldn’t even get an interview. Someone his passengers with historical facts and anecdotes
suggested that I apply to be an intern and it was the about people and places in London. He gets lots of
best thing I ever did. I worked for eight weeks at a people from 9 over the world in his cab
newspaper. The work was quite 3 (vary). and famous people too. Last month he drove
very famous footballer to the airport.

5 WORK 11

4212694 Oxford Exam Trainer BLAD HU.indd 11 13/10/2017 15:26

Multiple choice 4 Look at sentences 1–8 from the interview in
1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
exercise 3 and underline the words that match
with the definitions A–H below.
1 Imagine you are finishing school and need to start
1 We try to work with young people from all
looking for a job. What would you do?
2 What problems might you face?
2 They have more opportunities to succeed.
3 Where would you turn for help?
3 They can really struggle to find work.
2 0.00 Listen to an interview with a charity 4 We work with a number of different partners.
worker and answer the questions. 5 It can be stressful if you’ve never worked before.
1 What does NEETS mean? 6 Some people find it difficult to respect the people
2 Who does NEETS try to help? in charge.
EXAM STRATEGY 7 We are very busy, but it is very rewarding.
8 Teenagers won’t face the same challenges their
• Read the task and the questions to familiarise yourself parents did.
with the content of the listening.
• Underline the key words in the questions and in the A people or organisations you are doing an activity
options A, B or C.
with (n)
• Think of synonyms or other ways to rephrase the key B be polite towards someone you think is important (v)
information in the questions. C the details of a person’s family, education,
experience, etc.
3 EXAM TASK 0.00 Listen to the interview
D a new or difficult task that tests somebody’s ability
again and choose the best response A, B, or C, to and skill (n)
each question 1–6. There is an example (0). E try very hard to do something with difficulty (v)
0 Seven out of ten young people spend… F causing a lot of anxiety and worry (adj)
A between six and eighteen months unemployed G worth doing or that makes you happy because it is
after leaving school. useful or important (adj)
B up to 6 months unemployed after leaving H the possibility to do or achieve something (n)
C 6 months unemployed after leaving school. 5 Work in pairs. Look at the ideas (A–E) and choose
three which you think would be the most helpful
1 Louisa’s charity works mostly with people from… in helping young people into work. Compare your
A a variety of backgrounds. list with other pairs.
B poorer backgrounds.
C from the countryside.
A work placement
2 Why are NEETS hard to reach?
B membership of a sports team
A They live below the poverty line.
C encouragement to stay in school
B They live in the countryside.
D help with interview techniques
C They live in big cities.
E help with writing a CV and applying for jobs
3 How do placements in sports teams and business
help young people?
A They can understand the value of things.
B They can earn some money.
C They can realise the value of themselves.
4 Louisa’s charity encourages younger teenagers to …
A have interviews.
B make new friends.
C study harder at school.
5 Why does Louisa find the job rewarding?
A She enjoys working with kids.
B The parents set her challenges.
C She helps the people she works with
improve their lives.

12 5 WORK

4212694 Oxford Exam Trainer BLAD HU.indd 12 13/10/2017 15:26

Formal email: a job application 5 Read the exam task in exercise 6 and choose the
1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
best expression (A–C).
1 Starting your letter:
1 Have you ever done a part-time job or a summer
A Dear Angela
job? What was your experience like?
B Dear Ms Jones
2 Why do students take on such jobs?
C Dear Sir/Madam
3 What are the most popular part-time or summer
jobs for teenagers? Why? 2 Finishing your letter:
A Yours sincerely,
2 Read the exam task in exercise 6 and answer the B Yours faithfully,
questions below. C Take care,
1 Who are you writing to?
2 Why are you writing to them? 6 EXAM TASK You are studying in Cardiff on an
3 What style of letter will it be? exchange programme, and you have found a job
offer at an international children’s day camp in
3 Complete the sentences with words from the Wales.
box. Then decide which point in the exam task in
exercise 6 you could use each sentence for. DAY CAMP GLOBAL, CARDIFF BAY:
advertisement apply experience candidate Part-time assistants needed!
position wish
Are you good with children? Are you a responsible,
but fun-loving person? Have you had any experience
1 I already have some work with young
looking after eight- to twelve-year olds? If so, you
may be the person we’re looking for!
2 I saw your for people to work on a
children’s camp in Wales in a local paper. YOUR TASKS:
3 I believe I am a good for the job because ◆ welcoming children, handing out information leaflets
I am a responsible person. to kids and parents
4 I am writing to for the of ◆ helping at meal times
assistant. ◆ working with professional trainers in creative games
5 I am studying psychology and I to work and activities
in a school in the future. ◆ looking after the health and safety of a small group of
4 Make some notes about yourself. Write at least two
facts for each heading.
◆ good communication skills
◆ calm, reliable, punctual and responsible worker
◆ good team player
◆ happy to work with children.
If you’re interested, send your application letter to:
Angela Jones at

Write a letter of application in 80–100 words, in

Skills and qualifications:
which you:
▸ say why you are interested in the work,
▸ describe your previous experience,
Plans and ambitions ▸ explain why you are a good candidate for this job.

7 Check your work.

Have you written about all three points in the task?
Have you used the appropriate formal language?
EXAM STRATEGY Have you written between 80 and 100 words?
• Use formal language and polite phrases suitable for Have you checked your work for grammar or
an application letter. (Look at Useful Phrases for a job spelling mistakes?
application in the Writing bank on p.17).
• Avoid using contractions (won’t, I’m, etc.) or any informal
expressions (I guess, totally cool, etc.).

5 WORK 13

4212694 Oxford Exam Trainer BLAD HU.indd 13 13/10/2017 15:26


• Make sure you ask questions about every piece of
information listed in the task.

2 EXAM TASK Work in pairs to do the role-play

task. Take turns to be Student A and Student B.
Read the information and then have a
The situation:
Student A: You are looking for a summer job for six
weeks. Meet Student B, who works at an international
employment agency. He/she offers you two jobs. Ask
him/her about the location, duties, hours and pay.
Choose one job and give reasons for your choice.
Student B: You have five summer jobs available in
different hotels. Read about them on page 19. Then
meet Student A, offer him/her two of the jobs and
answer his/her questions.
Conversation Now change roles. New Student B: Offer new
Student A two jobs that you were not offered.
Long turn
• Remember to avoid very short answers.
• Include details, examples from your own experience or EXAM STRATEGY
reasons for your views. • Don’t just describe what you can see in the pictures.
• Discuss the topic, using the pictures as examples.
1 EXAM TASK Work in pairs. Ask and answer the
questions about work.
3 EXAM TASK These two pictures show different
1 Have you ever had a job you really enjoyed? What types of jobs. In pairs, take turns to compare and
was it? Where was it? Who did you work with? contrast the two pictures. Include the following
2 Would you like to work for a big company or a points:
small one? Why (not)?
1 working conditions
3 Do you have any work experience? Would you
2 contact with people
include these types of experience in your CV?
3 pay
• working with others in sports, music or drama
• being with animals 1 2
• solving problems
• making things
4 ‘It’s better to have a low-paid job than no job.’
Do you agree? Why (not)?
5 Think of somebody who enjoys his/her job. What
does he/she do? What does he/she like about his/
her job?
6 ‘Young people should be prepared to work
without pay for at least six months in order to gain
experience.’ Do you agree? Why (not)?

14 5 WORK

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1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of 4 Robert used to be a teacher but he’s been out of
the appropriate word. work for a year.
A year ago his job as a teacher.
1 Being a s and operating on people is a
5 This is my first visit to such a big office.
really stressful but satisfying job.
I in such a big office before.
2 Mike is going to p fruit at his aunt’s apple
6 Ruth started working as a shop assistant two years
orchard this summer to earn some money.
3 The guests left and the waiters started to
Ruth two years.
c the tables.
4 I applied for a secretarial job and am going for an Use of English review
i tomorrow. I hope I don’t say anything
4 Read the text about a businesswoman. Choose the
best answer (A, B, C or D) for each gap (1–10). Only
5 Tom has broken his leg and will be on sick
ONE solution is correct.
l for a month, so someone has to take
over his duties.
6 Tony works at the hospital and is in c
team of ten doctors.
of a
S hawna Tinsley is a young entrepreneur. At the age of
just twenty-three, she 1 a very successful
website design business. This may not seem too unusual
7 If you want to work for this company, be prepared
until you find out that she 2 the business when
to work o − many people don’t go home she was fifteen years old. In fact, she was hoping to get
till 10 p.m. a3 – not as a website designer, but something
8 Mandy didn’t take the job because the s completely different. ‘I really wanted to work outdoors
they offered her was much less than she expected. that summer,’ she says. ‘But nobody would take me on.
2 Choose the best word in each sentence.
They kept saying I didn’t have enough work 4
But what did they expect? I was fifteen!’ Then a friend

1 I must make / take / do a day off tomorrow to see a of her parents, who had his own plumbing business,
doctor. asked if they knew anyone who could help him with his
2 When the company started having financial website. Shawna 5 already designed sites for
problems, they refused to extend / expand / stretch herself and 6 friends, so they recommended
their employees’ contracts. her. She laughs about it now. ‘My first version of his
3 Bill Gates gave in /out / up school education after website 7 like it was for a pop star. But he’s a
reading an article on micro-computers. plumber! Anyhow, he was very patient, and we worked
4 The workers decided to go on / make / do strike 8
a design that suited his business.’ Shawna is
because they wanted longer holidays. happy in her work now, but she’s never forgotten why
5 If you’re interested in this job, please fill in a(n) she started doing it in the first place. ‘I 9 two
contract / application / acceptance form and send or three teenagers every summer, helping them get 10
it to us by March. experience so that it’s easier for them to find
6 The film starts in forty minutes, so if you’ve finished a job in the future.’
your dessert, let’s ask the waiter to prepare / bring /
deal the bill.
7 My mother can’t have a full-time / part-time / 1 A directs B runs C carries D controls
temporary job, because she has to pick up my little 2 A had started B was started C started
brother from kindergarten every day. D was starting
3 A job B work C career
3 Complete the second sentence in each pair so it
D profession
has the same meaning as the first one.
4 A skill B practice C experience
1 Jonathan hasn’t had a pay rise for three years. D knowledge
Jonathan last ago. 5 A was B did C has D had
2 My boss didn’t give me enough time to complete 6 A plenty B a lot C few D several
the project. 7 A looks B has looked C looked
My boss gave me too to D had looked
complete the project. 8 A up B out C off D over
3 The last time I went abroad was my business trip to 9 A hire B book C rent D occupy
Japan. 10 A any B an C some D –
I since my business trip to Japan.

5 WORK 15

4212694 Oxford Exam Trainer BLAD HU.indd 15 13/10/2017 15:26

Verb tenses 2 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets. Use the past simple or the
Present perfect, present perfect continuous, present perfect.
past simple Kate I 1 (listen to) a very interesting
▸ When we tell someone about recent events, we use
lecture recently.
the present perfect. Then, when we speak about the Jenny Really? What 2 (it/be) about?
details of these events, we use the past simple. Kate Professor Jenkins from Oxford University
Ann has left her job at the bank. She didn’t like her boss.
(talk) about an addiction to
▸ Other differences in using these tenses are presented shopping. He 4 (present) some
in the table below. unusual ways of fighting it and
Perfect tenses Past simple
(give) a lot of practical
We use the present perfect We use the past simple when
when we speak about we speak about activities Jenny Professor Jenkins? I think I 6
experiences and activities which happened at a specific (hear) that name. 7
without specifying when moment in the past. We (he/publish) anything?
they happened. In sentences often use words and phrases
in this tense we often use the such as ago, last week/year, Kate He 8 (write) a few books
adverbs ever, never, just, yet in 2009, yesterday and when I about modern addictions so far and his
and already, once/twice. was eight with this tense. We latest book, Don’t shop until you drop,
Have you ever been to Spain? also use the past simple in 9
(be) published two years
I’ve never been to Spain. questions with when.
Carrie has stayed at this hotel When did Lee go to Spain? ago; it 10
(be) quite popular
twice. Lee went to Spain last year. ever since.
We use the present perfect We use the past simple when Jenny Oh yes, I 11 (read) it. But I
and present perfect we speak about activities 12
(not find) it very practical.
continuous when we speak or situations which were
I 13 (even try) a few of his tips
about finished or unfinished finished in the past.
activities or situations which He came here two hours ago. but they 14 (not work) for me.
have a visible effect now. We I lived in Germany from 2002 Would you believe that this week I
often combine these tenses to 2006. 15
(spend) over £100 on shoes?
with since and for, as well as
how long. Kate I think you 16
(always be) a
He’s been waiting for us for spender.
two hours. Jenny That’s true!
I’ve lived in Germany all my
life. 3 Complete the email with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets. Use the past simple or the
present perfect.
1 Complete the sentences with the right words.
Choose a, b, c or d.
Dear Alice,
1 Have you travelled around Europe?
a ever b never c already d yet We 1 (not hear) from you for a long time
so I 2 (decide) to write to you and find out
2 We’ve had our English teacher the
if everything is OK with you. I hope you 3
beginning of term.
(enjoy) your stay in Brighton last month. How long ago
a for b just c yet d since 4
(you/come) back? 5
3 Max hasn’t been on holiday  .
(you/meet) anybody interesting there?
a since b ago c yet d never
Nothing 6 (change) much round here
4 I’m sorry. You can’t speak to Jack. He’s
since you 7 (leave). The bad news is that
gone out.
I8 (fail) my driving test again! When I
a since b just c yet d never 9
(approach) the junction,
5 My sister met her boyfriend summer. I 10 (not notice) when the lights
a since b for c last d ago 11
(turn) red and I 12
6 I’m not hungry. I’ve had a sandwich. (drive) on. The good news is that Peter and Amanda
a yet b since c ever d already 13
(just get) married. They
(fly) to a Greek Island for their
honeymoon last weekend.
Please write soon. Take care.

4212694 Oxford Exam Trainer BLAD HU.indd 16 13/10/2017 15:26

Job application

During your summer holiday you want to work in the UK. You are interested in a job vacancy
in a shopping centre near London. Write a letter to the company in which you:
▸ explain why you are interested in the job;
▸ describe why your previous experience makes you a good candidate;
▸ ask for more information about the working conditions.

Provide as much detail as you can for each of the four points. Remember that your letter should
be between 80 and 100 words. The examiner will take into consideration: task completion (achievement
of communicative aims) and writing to given text extent (5 point), vocabulary range, sufficient variety of
expression (3 points), and grammar and spelling (clarity of text) (3 points).

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to apply for the position of sales
assistant in your clothes shop as advertised on
A feladatban megadott mindhárom pontot your website.
fejtsd ki részletesen. Pl. ebben a bekezdésben
kell elmagyaráznod az első pontot, hogy miért I believe working in a shop will help me improve
érdekel ez az állás, miért jelentkezel rá. my English and raise money for university fees.
Currently, I am a student at a secondary school
Ha hivatalos levelet írsz egy intézménynek vagy in Hungary, but I have already had some
egy olyan személynek, akit nem ismersz, használj experience in this kind of work. Last summer
hivatalos stílust. Ne használj rövid alakokat. I helped my uncle in his grocery shop in a
seaside resort. I operated a till and arranged
goods on the shelves. I believe I am a good
candidate for the position because I am sociable
and I enjoy working in a team.
There are a few things I would like to ask.
First, I would like to know if it is a part-time or a
Ha a vizsgán maximális pontot szeretnél kapni a full-time job. Could you also let me know
nyelvhelyesség értékelési szempontra, használj
what the working hours are?
változatos szerkezeteket, pl. függő kérdéseket.
I look forward to your reply.
Yours faithfully,

Starting a job application

I am writing to apply for the position of … .
I am writing in response to/with regard to your advert … .
I would like to apply for the post/position of … .
Describing qualifications and experience
I already have some work experience with … .
I worked as … for … (two) months/years.
My duties included … .
I have a degree/diploma in … .
I believe I am a good candidate for the job because … .
Finishing a job application
I hope you will consider my application.
Thank you for considering my application.


4212694 Oxford Exam Trainer BLAD HU.indd 17 13/10/2017 15:26

▶▶ Phonetic transcription at

Adjectives describing work and jobs        

WORDLIST: UNIT 5 WORK badly-paid rosszul fizetett        
Jobs boring/dull unmalmas, egyhangú       
full-time teljes munkaidős       
accountant könyvelő manual fizikai        
actor/actress  színész/ színésznő part-time részmunkaidős       
architect építész        permanent állandó       
barber férfi fodrász, borbély        tedious fárasztó, unalmas       
beautician kozmetikus        temporary átmeneti, időszakos       
businessman/businesswoman  üzletember/üzletasszony         well-paid jól fizetett       
car mechanic autószerelő       
cashier pénztáros        Adjectives describing people at work        
chauffeur sofőr, gépkocsivezető        communicative közlékeny, kommunikatív       
chef  főszakács, séf        competent  hozzáértő, alkalmas       
computer programmer  számítógép-programozó        competitive versenyző szellemű        
dentist  fogorvos        confident magabiztos       
doctor  orvos        creative kreatív, alkotó       
driving instructor  gépjárműoktató        determined eltökélt, elszánt       
editor  szerkesztő        generous nagylelkű, bőkezű       
electrician  villanyszerelő        outgoing közvetlen, barátságos       
engineer  mérnök        patient türelmes       
factory worker  gyári munkás        professional profi, hivatásos / szakszerű       
farmer  földművelő, gazdálkodó        responsible felelősségteljes, megbízható       
firefighter  tűzoltó        sociable társaságkedvelő       
flight attendant  légiutas-kísérő        talented tehetséges       
hairdresser  fodrász       
interior designer  belsőépítész       Looking for a job        
journalist  újságíró       
lawyer  ügyvéd        apply for a job/position állásra jelentkezik, pályáz       
librarian  könyvtáros        be offered a job állásajánlatot kap       
miner  bányász        candidate jelentkező, pályázó       
model  manöken, modell        complete an application form  jelentkezési lapot kitölt       
musician  zenész        covering letter kísérőlevél       
nurse  ápolónő        curriculum vitae (CV) önéletrajz       
physical therapist  gyógytornász        enrol on a course tanfolyamra beíratkozik       
plumber  vízvezeték-szerelő        experience tapasztalat       
police officer  rendőrtiszt        get ~ tapasztalatot szerez       
politician  politikus        work ~ szakmai /munkahelyi tapasztalat       
receptionist  recepciós        have
salesperson/sales representative (rep)  üzletkötő, kereskedő ~ a degree/diploma in sth  diplomája / képesítése van vmiből       
scientist tudós        ~ special training  szakképesítése van / különleges (ki)képzésben
security guard biztonsági őr        részesül
shop assistant bolti eladó        ~ a university education egyetemi végzettsége van       
social worker szociális munkás        interview állásinterjú, (felvételi) beszélgetés       
soldier katona        come for an ~ állásinterjúra jön, hívják       
sports coach edző        interviewer kérdező, felvételiztető       
stockbroker  tőzsdeügynök        job advert/advertisement álláshirdetés       
surgeon sebész         job application jelentkezés, álláspályázat       
tailor szabó        job centre munkaügyi központ        
taxi driver taxisofőr        job offer állásajánlat       
translator fordító        accept a ~ állásajánlatot elfogad       
vet állatorvos        turn down a ~ állásajánlatot elutasít       
waiter/waitress pincér / pincérnő        look for a job állást / munkát keres       
web designer  honlapkészítő, weblaptervező        qualifications végzettség       
writer író        references referenciák, ajánlólevelek       
sign a contract szerződést aláír       
Part-time jobs         skills készségek       
communication ~ kommunikációs készség       
babysit gyermeket őriz, gyermekre vigyáz        computing ~ számítógép használói készség       
babysitter gyermekfelügyelő, bébiszitter       
bring the bill kihozza a számlát        Professions        
check stock ellenőrzi az áru-/raktárkészletet       
clear tables leszedi az asztalt        be self-employed egyéni vállalkozó       
do volunteer work önkéntes munkát végez        boss főnök       
feed animals (meg)eteti az állatokat        colleague munkatárs       
lifeguard vízimentő        corporation társaság, cég       
operate a till a pénztárban dolgozik        duty kötelesség, feladat       
pick fruit gyümölcsöt szed        earn  keres (pénzt)       
play computer games számítógépen játszik        employee alkalmazott, munkavállaló       
prepare meals ételt készít, főz        employer munkáltató       
price goods beárazza az árut        job munka, állás       
serve food and drinks felszolgál(ja az ételeket és italokat)        ~ market munkaerőpiac       
summer job nyári munka        ~ satisfaction munkahelyi elégedettség       
take on a job munkát vállal        occupation foglalkozás, munka       
take orders rendelést felvesz        pay fizetés       
tell stories történeteket mesél        position pozíció, beosztás       
work in a camp táborban dolgozik        profession hivatás       
quit otthagy (állást), felmond       

18 5 WORK

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resign lemond         Words in context        
run a business üzletet / vállalkozást vezet       
salary (havi) fizetés         attention figyelem       
training képzés        pay ~ figyel vmire       
wages (heti) bér, munkabér        background háttér       
work munka        a ~ in sth  végzettség / tapasztalat/háttértudás vmiben       
working hours munkaidő        in the ~ a háttérben        
workplace munkahely        determined eltökélt, elszánt       
fit 1. egészséges, edzett 2. alkalmas, jó       
Employment         be ~ for sth alkalmas vmire, megfelel       
keep ~ edz, egészségesen él, edzett       
be in charge of sth felelős vmiért, rá van bízva         free 1. szabad 2. ingyenes       
be on sick leave betegszabadságon van        hand kéz       
do overtime túlórázik        give sb a ~ segít vkinek       
employ/hire felvesz, alkalmaz         on the other ~ másrészt       
get         option választás, választási lehetőség       
~ a bonus jutalmat, prémiumot kap        pay fizet       
~ a pay rise fizetésemelést kap        ~ sb back visszafizet, visszafizeti a kölcsönt       
~ promoted előléptetik        position helyzet, pozíció, beosztás       
have a career in sth  dolgozik / életpályát fut be vmilyen területen        reputable jóhírű       
take a day off kivesz egy szabadnapot        see  lát       
work         ~ sth as  vmilyennek / vminek lát       
~ as a teacher tanárként dolgozik        sick beteg / rosszul van, hányingere van       
~ for a company cégnél, vállalatnál dolgozik        be ~ of sth  elege van vmiből       
~ long hours hosszú munkaidőben dolgozik / túlórázik        
~ shifts váltott műszakban dolgozik        Phrasal verbs with GIVE        
Unemployment         give away elajándékoz, odaad       
give back visszaad       
be fired kirúgják, elbocsátják        give in megadja magát, meghátrál       
be out of work munkanélküli        give off kibocsát, áraszt        
go on strike sztrájkba lép, sztrájkol        give up felad, abbahagy vmit       
lay sb off elbocsát, elküld       
pension nyugdíj       
retire nyugdíjba megy, visszavonul       
unemployed munkanélküli       
unemployment munkanélküliség       


Speaking, p. 14, Ex. 2 Role-play, Student B
Kitchen assistant Room attendant Receptionist Waiter/Waitress Bartender
Location City centre Popular lake resort
Near International Tourist area of town Popular resort in
Airport historical city
Duties Using the dishwasher Cleaning guests’ Greeting guests and Serving in a busy Serving drinks and
and washing pots rooms and making responding to their restaurant snacks and keeping
and pans beds questions the bar area clean
Hours 8.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. 6.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m. 7.00 a.m.– 9.00 a.m. 6.00 p.m.– 2.00 a.m.
and 4.00 p.m. –
10.00 p.m.
Pay Average Average Good Quite good Very good

5 WORK 19

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Oxford Exam Trainer
Answer key

8 1 salary 5 1 tedious
5 WORK 2 colleague 2 background
3 wages 3 skills
Vocabulary 4 duties 4 determined
5 boss 5 option
1 Open task 6 quit 6 reputable
2 1 soldier 7 self-employed 7 dream of
2 hairdresser 6 position
6 1 option
3 driving instructor 9 1 have 2 skills
4 translator 2 is 3 determined
5 receptionist 3 do 4 dream of
6 psychologist 4 get 5 background
7 musician 5 work 6 reputable
8 politician 6 works 7 tedious
9 surgeon 7 in
10 salesperson/sales 7 1 background
8 get
representative 2 hand
10 1 fired 3 fit
3 Babysitting: play games, prepare 2 retired 4 background
meals, tell stories 3 contract 5 free
Working on a farm: pick fruit, feed 4 unemployed 6 hand
animals 5 strike 7 attention
6 out 8 free
Serving customers in a restaurant:
9 attention
bring the bill, serve food and 11 Open task
10 fit
drinks, clear tables, take orders
Reading 8 1 gave off
Working in a shop: check stock,
2 give in
operate a till, deal with customers 1 Open task 3 gave up
4 1 part-time 2 0 E xample: It is for food lovers 4 giving away
2 full-time but the text says it is not easy 5 give back
3 manual 1 It doesn’t say you need to
4 well-paid already be a professional Listening
5 badly paid to apply, just that you need
6 temporary 1 Open task
training to be a professional.
7 permanent 2 It says the part-time job can 2 A 4
5 Open discussion be tedious, not acting. B 2
3 It says you have to find errors, C –
6 Step 1: Complete your … not that you shouldn’t make D 1
Step 2: Look at job … any. E 3
Step 3: Wait to hear … 4 It says you will travel to exotic
Step 4: When you are … 3 0 example: at work
places, not that your looks
1 Interview 1 (new) boss
should be exotic.
2 Curriculum Vitae 2 something similar / similar
5 It says it is not easy to become
3 qualifications problems
a billionaire as a writer.
4 experience 3 Friday and Saturday
5 references 3 1 A  2 E  3 G  4 B  5 C 4 (good) tips
6 offered 5 (make) complaints
4 Open task
7 accept 6 personal
8 contract 7 social
9 application form 8 the kind of
10 covering letter 9 training programme
10 records
7 e Open task 11 simple and fast

20 5 WORK

4212694 Oxford Exam Trainer BLAD HU.indd 20 13/10/2017 15:26

4 1 get 3 0 A  1 B  2 A   5 application
2 praises 3 C  4 C  5 C 6 bring
3 mixed up 7 full-time
4 1 C backgrounds
4 complaining
2 H opportunities 3 1 Jonathan last got a pay rise
5 dealing with
3 E struggle three years ago.
6 types
4 A partners 2 My boss gave me too little
7 out
5 F stressful time to complete the project.
8 scheduled
6 B respect 3 I haven’t been abroad since
5 Open task 7 G rewarding my last trip to Japan.
8 D challenges 4 A year ago Robert lost his job
Use of English as a teacher.
5 Open task
5 I haven’t been in such a big
1 1 has been office before.
2 retired
6 Ruth has been (working as)
3 digging an assistant for two years.
1 Open task
4 hasn’t had
2 1 t o Angela Jones (at Camp 4 1 B  2 C  3 A  4 C  5 D
2 1 a little 6 D  7 C  8 B  9 A  10 C
2 any
2 to apply for a job (of an
3 a few
assistant) Grammar Reference
4 many
3 three to four paragraphs
1 1  a  2 d  3 c  
3&4 to cover the information
4  b  5 c  6 d
0 (verb to adjective) attractive required in the exam task.
1 (verb to adjective) helpful 2 1 have listened to
3 1 experience
2 (verb to noun) application 2 was it
2 advertisement
3 (present to past verb form) 3 talked
3 candidate
varied 4 presented
4 apply, position
4 (no change) design 5 gave
5 wish
5 (adjective to adverb) 6 have heard
extremely 4 Open task 7 Has he published
6 (noun/verb to adjective) 5 1 B or C 8 has written
willing 2 A or B 9 It was
7 (noun/verb) to adjective) 10 has been
useful 6 Open task 11 have read
8 (verb to plural noun) 7 Open task 12 haven’t found
qualifications 13 have even tried
9 (opposite verb) underpaid Speaking 14 haven’t worked
15 spent
5 0 for
1 Open task / Students own 16 have always been
1 the
2 few 3 1 haven’t heard
3 more 2 Role play / Open task 2 decided
4 other 3 Long turn / Open task 3 enjoyed
5 has 4 did you come
6 was Language Review 5 Did you meet
7 had 6 has changed
8 of 1 1 surgeon 7 left
9 all 2 pick 8 failed
10 a 3 clear 9 was approaching
4 interview 10 didn’t notice
Listening 5 leave 11 turned
6 charge 12 drove
1 Open task 7 overtime 13 have just got
2 NEETS are people who are Not 8 salary 14 went
in Education, Employment or 2 1 take
Training. 2 extend
Louisa’s charity helps young 3 up
people to find jobs. 4 go on

5 WORK 21

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Oxford Exam Trainer
Listening script

5 WORK First, I’d like to thank all of you for being here. I know it
takes time out of your busy schedules, but I felt it was
EXERCIS E 7   PAGE 7   TRACK  000 important that we get together and share some updates
on the new training programme. As you know, we’re going
How to Find a Job
to use a new computer system soon, both for keeping
Step 1
records and for doing our everyday work. I got to use it
Complete your Curriculum Vitae. This is the document that
myself the other day, and I think it’s great – clear, simple
includes all your personal information, qualifications (e.g.
and fast. But, of course we all need to learn how to use
diplomas, degrees, etc.) and previous work experience. It
it, so we’re scheduling a series of training sessions in the
should also include the contact details of two people that
coming months …
know you well at work or personally. These are your referees.
Step 2 LI S T E N I N G 1   page 54
Look at job adverts on the internet and find a job that you
are interested in. Download the application form, if there Presenter: Youth unemployment is a big issue across
is one. Then send it off with a covering letter which will Europe. Recent figures showing that seven out of ten
explain briefly who you are, where you saw the advert and young people in the UK spend at least six months out
why you want to apply for the job. of work between leaving school and starting their first
Step 3 job. Some young people can spend as much as eighteen
Wait to hear from the company to find out if they want months looking for work. Joining me to discuss this is
you to come for an interview. Then start preparing for it. Louisa Ward who works for a youth charity in the UK.
Step 4 Louisa, tell us what you do?
When you are offered a job, decide carefully if you want to Louisa: Well, we try to work with young people from all
accept it. Then sign the contract. backgrounds to help them find a job which suits them but
we focus on those who come from disadvantaged areas.
L ISTEN IN G 1   page 52 Those from wealthier families have more opportunities
Hi, Terri. Err, I was wondering if we could get together this to succeed, so they don’t need our help as much. But our
evening. I’ve got some problems at work and I thought research suggests that less wealthy students, those who
you might know how to deal with them. It’s mostly our don’t have much money, can really struggle to find work.
new boss. It seems she really dislikes me, and I just don’t Presenter: I see, so you do most of your work in inner-city
know what to do about it. I mean, she praises people who areas?
don’t do half the work I do, and she never says a good Louisa: Yes, that’s right. We do have some agents in the
word to me. I know you’ve dealt with something similar, so countryside but we don’t do much work in those areas.
… anyway, give me a call. Most of our work takes place in towns and cities. We
2 work with NEETS, which means people who are not in
It gets very busy, especially on Friday and Saturday nights, Education, Employment or Training. We try to work with
and I end up rushing all over the place. I used to mix up hard to reach people whose parents don’t have money for
orders sometimes, which was a bit of a problem, but now the basic things in life, like food and clothes. We give them
I don’t make many mistakes. Most people are friendly and chances that they might not otherwise get access to.
give me good tips. Occasionally you get someone who Presenter: What do you do to help them?
complains all the time about the service, but then some Louisa: We work with a number of different partners
people just like to complain. You just learn to deal with it. including sports teams and businesses. So, some of the
3 people we have helped have learnt the value of teamwork
I’m sure your listeners would agree that problems at and co-operation through rugby. For others, we have
work aren’t only about the work itself. I’d say that nearly found placements in large companies where they have
everyone experiences personal problems in the workplace gained valuable work experience. These placements help
at some point. The difficulty is that work isn’t only a place students get a feeling of self-worth.
where people work – it’s also a social environment, just not Presenter: A feeling of self-worth? What do you mean
one that you choose yourself. This means that you have to by that?
deal with types of people that you wouldn’t normally have Louisa: Well, it shows them that they are important
much to do with. But there are several good ways to deal members of the community. That what they do has an
with personal conflict in the workplace … effect on other people. They are part of something and they
grow in confidence. But that’s only one side of our work.
Actually, most of what we do is on a more personal level…

22 5 WORK

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Presenter: I see, such as?
Louisa: Well, we give advice on writing CVs, interview skills,
dealing with work-related problems. You know, it can be
quite stressful if you’ve never worked before and suddenly
you have to be part of a team and have responsibilities.
Some people struggle to make friends or find it difficult to
respect the people in charge. We also work with younger
teenagers, encouraging them to stay in school and achieve
better grades.
Presenter: It sounds like you have your hands full.
Louisa: Yes, we are very busy, doing lots of different things,
but it is very rewarding. What we are doing is breaking the
cycle. We hope the kids of the people we are working with
today won’t face the same challenges their parents did.
Presenter:  That’s great. Louisa Ward, thank you for joining me.

5 WORK 23

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Oxford University Press Az Oxford Exam Trainer a középszintű (B1) idegen nyelvi
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this one, helping millions of  A kötet megismerteti a tanulókat a vizsgán előforduló
learners of English to achieve
  Vizsgastratégiák és tippek segítik a tanulókat, hogy magabiztos
their potential.
vizsgázóvá váljanak.

  Speaking Bank: különböző kommunikációs helyzetekben
felhasználható kifejezések gyűjteménye
  Writing Bank: mintaszövegek, hasznos kifejezések és tippek a
hatékony feladatmegoldáshoz
  Wordlist: a vizsgán előforduló témakörök kulcsszókincse tematikus
 Érettségi próbavizsga: egy teljes érettségi feladatsor, ami az éles
vizsga felépítését követi
  Student’s website: a tankönyv hanganyaga a honlapon

Rugalmas tananyag
 A kötet egyaránt felhasználható intenzív vizsgatréning kurzus-
könyveként, vagy bármely más tankönyvsorozat mellett kiegészítő
 Alkalmazkodik a tanulók igényeihez: a fejezetek és a leckék bármely
sorrendben, egymástól függetlenül is elvégezhetőek.


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