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Copyright ( 1974 American Society for Microbiology Printed in U.S.A.

Gentamicin-Adenylyltransferase Activity as a Cause of

Gentamicin Resistance in Clinical Isolates of Pseudomonas
Departments of Medicine and Microbiology, Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center, and the Pritzker
School of Medicine, Universitv of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60616
Received for publication 16 April 1974

Gentamicin adenylyltransferase activity was found in extracts of clinical

isolates of gentamicin-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Extracts of one of
these isolates, P. aeruginosa POW, inactivated gentamicin in the presence of
adenosine 5'-triphosphate. Extracts of strain POW catalyzed the binding of
radioactivity from ["C ]adenine adenosine 5'-triphosphate to gentamicin compo-
nents, tobramycin, sisomicin, kanamycin A and B and, to a variable degree,
streptomycin and spectinomycin. The substrate profile with these agents and
other aminocyclitols was similar to that obtained with R factor-mediated
gentamicin adenylyltransferase found in Enterobacteriaceae. Adenylylating
activity was absent in gentamicin-susceptible mutants of strain POW. Adenylyl-
ation may be added to acetylation as an enzymatic mechanism responsible for
gentamicin resistance among strains of P. aeruginosa.

Resistance to aminocyclitol antibiotics in was the concentration that completely inhibited

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is often based upon growth after 24 h of incubation at 37 C. Most studies
enzymatic inactivation of the antibiotic, as is were made with P. aeruginosa POW, resistant by the
the case in most other gram-negative bacilli (4). disk test to gentamicin, tobramycin, kanamycin,
Resistance to gentamicin in the Enterobac- neomycin, streptomycin, spectinomycin, tetracycline,
chloramphenicol, carbenicillin, cephalothin, and sul-
teriaceae may be mediated by adenylylation or fonamide. Escherichia coli strain WIL was isolated
acetylation. In clinical isolates of gentamicin- from a urine specimen at the Michael Reese Hospital.
resistant P. aeruginosa, the only well-docu- It carried an fi+ R factor mediating gentamicin
mented enzymatic mechanism demonstrated resistance (10). Strain JR66/W677, obtained from J.
heretofore has been acetylation (7). We report Davies, was E. coli K-12 bearing a R factor that
the detection of gentamicin adenylyltransferase mediated gentamicin resistance by adenylyltransfer-
activity in some gentamicin-resistant isolates ase action (3).
of P. aeruginosa. Preparation of sonic extracts. Cultures of P.
(Presented in part at the 13th Interscience aeruginosa in the exponential phase of growth, in 300
ml of brain heart infusion broth (Difco), were cen-
Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chem- trifuged at 4 C and washed twice with 0.125 M
otherapy, 19 to 21 September 1973, Washing- tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris)-hydrochlo-
ton, D.C.) ride buffer (pH 8.0) containing 0.02 M MgCl2. The
cells were then suspended in 10 ml of this buffer
MATERIALS AND METHODS containing 7.5 mM dithiothreitol and were broken in a
Biosonik oscillator. Cellular debris was spun down at
Organisms. Clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa were 30,000 rpm for 60 min in a Spinco ultracentrifuge. The
obtained from urine specimens submitted to the supernatant was dialyzed overnight against buffer
Microbiology Laboratory, Michael Reese Hospital containing dithiothreitol and stored at -20 C. Ex-
and Medical Center, Chicago, Ill. Antibiotic suscepti- tracts of Pseudomonas strains contained 2 to 5 mg of
bility was determined qualitatively by the disk test protein per ml (11). Extracts of E. coli were prepared
according to standard Kirby-Bauer criteria (2). Re- similarly, except that the bacteria were grown in
sults were confirmed when necessary by determining double-strength Penassay broth (Difco) and the con-
the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the centration of dithiothreitol employed was 2.5 mM.
antibiotic diluted in Mueller-Hinton agar. For this Antibiotics and reagents. The aminocyclitols
purpose, inocula obtained from a 10-2 dilution of an used in these studies were laboratory standard prepa-
overnight Mueller-Hinton broth culture were depos- rations with the exception of streptomycin, which was
ited by means of a Steers-Foltz replicator. The MIC a medicinal preparation of Pfizer Laboratories. Gen-

tamicin (a mixture of approximately equal parts of binding of radioactivity from [8-14C JATP to
gentamicin C,, C,,, and C,), pure preparations of gentamicin C,. In the standard assay with
gentamicins Cl, C,a, and C,, and sisomicin were extracts of these four strains, gentamicin C,
supplied by J. A. Waitz of the Schering Corp.; bound from 100 to 765 counts/min. Two gen-
tobramycin was from R. S. Griffith of the Eli Lilly tamicin-susceptible strains gave 0 counts/min,
Co.; kanamycin A and B and amikacin (BB-K8), a whereas the remaining gentamicin-resistant
semisynthetic kanamycin derivative, were from Bris- strains gave low counts ranging from 20 to 40
tol Laboratories; spectinomycin and neomycin B were
from the Upjohn Co. [8-14C ladenosine 5'-triphosphate counts/min.
(ATP; 50 mCi/mmol), [1-_4C Jlacetylcoenzyme A (52.8 Most of our observations were made with P.
mCi/mmol), and [y-'"PJATP (6.9 Ci/mmol) were aeruginosa POW. Table 1 shows that the ami-
products of the New England Nuclear Corp. nocyclitol substrate specificity of adenylyl-
Ewymatic assays. The assay for adenylyltransfer- transferase in extracts of strain POW resembled
ase was performed by the method of Benveniste and that of the R factor-mediated enzyme in strains
Davies (3, 5). The standard assay contained 20 uliters WIL and JR66/W677. The degree of adenylyla-
of bacterial extract (40 to 100 ug of protein), 10 nmol tion of gentamicin C, increased linearly with
of antibiotic, 20 nmol of labeled ATP (4 uCi/pmol),
and 20 Aliters of 0.125 M Tris-hydrochloride-0.02 M the amount of POW extract within the range of
MgCl, buffer (pH 8.0) containing 150 nmol of dithio- 5 to 30 Mliters (data not shown). The activity of
threitol, all in a final volume of 60 Aliters. The reac- POW extracts per milligram of protein was
tion mixture was usually incubated for 20 min at 30 C. similar to that of strain WIL and about 21% of
Duplicate volumes of 10 jsliters each were spotted on strain JR66/W677. Similar experiments with
phosphocellulose paper, washed, and counted in a l1- '4C lacetylcoenzyme A showed no evidence of
Packard scintillation spectrometer. Acetylation and enzymatic attack on gentamicin C, or Cia at pH
phosphorylation of gentamicin were tested by pub- 5.8 and 7.6. Also, in* experiments with ['y-
lished methods (7, 13). 32P]ATP there was no evidence of enzymatic
Inactivation of gentamicin and other antibiotics
was also demonstrated by the method of Benveniste
and Davies (3). The reaction mixture (100 uliters) TABLE 1. Substrate specificity of gentamicin
contained 20 nmol of antibiotic, 240 nmol of ATP, 5 adenylyltransferases
Amol of Tris (pH 8.0), 0.8 umol of MgCl2, 300 nmol of Adenylylation relative to
dithiothreitol, and variable amounts of enzyme, up to gentamicin C, (%)G
50 uliters. The mixture was incubated at 30 C for 5 to Substrates
22 h and then tested after 0-fold to 40-fold dilution PoWb WJR66/
with Tris-hydrochloride buffer containing dithio- POWb WIL
WIL' W677'
threitol. Residual antibiotic activity was assayed by
spotting 20-uliter volumes on filter paper disks placed Gentamicin C, looc 10OC 100
on petri plates of Sensitivity Test Agar (Colab) Sisomicin ........... 72 90 57
inoculated with Bacillu's subtilis spores (15). The Tobramycin ........ 40 44 30
diameters of the zones of inhibition were measured Kanamycin A ....... 33 47 41
after incubation for 18 h at 37 C. Standards contain- Kanamycin B ....... 35 47 44
ing known amounts of antibiotics similarly incubated Gentamicin C, ....... 30 36 35
either without ATP or with extracts of gentamicin- Gentamicin Ca....... 26 29 27
susceptible organisms were employed. The residual BB-K8 .............. 25 58 16
amounts of antibiotic in the test samples were calcu- Neomycin B ......... 10 22 5
lated by comparison with the standards. Streptomycin ....... 5-104d 9 2
Conjugation studies. Attempts to transfer antibi- Spectinomycin ...... 5_69d" 5 1
otic resistance by conjugation were performed by
a Results are means of from two to five assays per
conventional techniques reported previously (6, 10).
Curing and mutagenesis. Published techniquessubstrate. Counts per minute bound by gentamicin C,
per milligram of protein of bacterial extract in a
using acriflavine and ultraviolet irradiation were
20-min assay were 38,200 for POW, 42,000 for WIL,
employed for attempts at elimination of R factors
and 185,000 for JR66/W677. Adenylylation of 1 nmol
(16). Mutagenic treatment was performed with ethyl
of substrate is equivalent to 6,600 counts/min.
methane sulfonate (EMS) (5). Mutants were obtained
b Extracts from P. aeruginosa POW, E. coli WIL,
after exposure to EMS for 4 min, followed by washing,
and E. coli K12 JR66/W677.
growth in broth for 3 h, plating on heart infusion agar
'Results are based on assays that gave about 400 to
to obtain individual colony-forming units, and rep-
600 counts/min. Percent adenylylation values of 10%
lica plating to heart infusion agar containing 10 ug of
gentamicin per ml. or less reflect net experimental counts equal to or less
than background (40 to 50 counts/min) and therefore
RESULTS signify little or no enzymatic activity.
d Adenylylation by extracts of two clones was 52 to
Among 13 isolates of gentamicin-resistant P. 104% of that with gentamicin C,, and for three clones
aeruginosa, extracts of four strains caused the was 5 to 17%.
reaction with gentamicin Cl at pH 8. Thus, enzymatic activity employed. Differences in
there were no signs of acetylation or phosphoryl- inactivation may also be attributed in part to
ation of the substrates tested. greater stability of the enzyme from extracts of
Extracts of cultures made from randomly strain JR66/W677. Extracts of JR66/W677 incu-
chosen colonies of strain POW gave similar bated for 5 h in the presence of gentamicin Cl
results with the substrates listed in Table 1, but without ATP retained 75% of their gentami-
except for streptomycin and spectinomycin. cin Cl adenylyltransferase activity. Under the
With these compounds the degree of adenylyla- same conditions, strain POW extracts retained
tion varied widely among extracts made from 41% and strain WIL retained 50% of their activ-
different colonies, suggesting the possible pres- ity.
ence of a separate streptomycin-spectinomycin Sisomicin and tobramycin were inactivated
adenylyltransferase that may be missing or by the three extracts to a degree generally
variably expressed in some colonies. The mech- intermediate between that of gentamicin C 1 and
anism of resistance to these agents in strain C1a.
POW will require additional study. Inactivation of kanamycin A by POW extract
Incubation of the gentamicins with strain was distinctly less than that by WIL extract
POW extracts in the presence of ATP for 22 h even though they were adenylylated similarly.
inactivated gentamicin Cl completely but re- It is possible that strain WIL may inactivate
duced the activity of gentamicin Cia and C2 kanamycin by an additional mechanism, e.g.,
only partially (Table 2). Control experiments kanamycin phosphotransferase, as does strain
with the omission of ATP or with the substitu- JR66/W677 (3). The likelihood of the occurrence
tion of ATP by acetylocoenzyme A, or with an of this enzyme in WIL is supported by the
extract of a gentamicin-susceptible strain of P. complete resistance of WIL to neomycin in the
aeruginosa, gave no inactivation. Generally disk test.
similar results were obtained with extracts of Six independent gentamicin-susceptible mu-
strain WIL, but strain JR66/W677 extracts tants of strain POW were isolated after treat-
inactivated gentamicin Cla and C2 and the ment with EMS. Four of these mutants, strains
commercial gentamicin mixture to a greater ex- 1401, 1406, 1412, and 1416, were obtained from a
tent. Strain JR66/W677 extract was used in mutant parental strain of POW bearing a tryp-
these experiments in amounts that adenylyl- tophan auxotrophic marker. The gentamicin-
ated gentamicin Cl five times as rapidly as did susceptible mutants were also auxotrophic for
those of POW and WIL extracts. Thus, the tryptophan and, hence, were authentic mu-
greater inactivation of gentamicin C,. and C2 tants. Table 3 shows that mutants 1401 and
may be due to the greater amount of JR66/W677 1406 were susceptible to low concentrations of
TABLE 2. Inactivation of aminocyclitols by
gentamicin, tobramycin, and sisomicin, with
adenylylating enzymes MICs similar to those of eight wild-type gen-
tamicin-susceptible strains of Pseudomonas.
Inactivation' (%) Concomitantly, strains 1401 and 1406 lost
adenylyltransferase activity for the three gen-
Substrate POW" WIL W6776/ tamicins, tobramycin, and sisomicin. Extracts
of these mutants were no longer capable of
5h 22h 5h 22 h 5h 22h inactivating these antibiotics. The remaining
four mutants, including 1412 and 1416, were
Gentamicin C, 75 100 62 82 100 100 studied in less detail. They failed to adenylylate
Gentamicin Cia 10 2Q 10 30 20 70 gentamicin C1 or tobramycin and were suscepti-
Gentamicin C2 0 10 22 22 10 68 ble to gentamicin and tobramycin. Thus, resist-
GentamicinC.. 19 33 42 45 57 80
ance to gentamicin, tobramycin, and sisomicin
Tobramycin .... 15 28 15 28 38 54
Sisomicin ...... 30 39 31 64 100 100 in P. aeruginosa POW appeared to be due to
Kanamycin A ......31 43 100 100 100 100 enzymatic inactivation of these antibiotics by a
single adenylyltransferase. Attempts to obtain
a Means of two assays or duplicate assays. Reac- adenylyltransferase-positive revertants from
tion mixture contained initially 20 nmol of antibiotic these mutants were unsuccessful owing to the
in 100 lAiters. large number of apparently chromosomally me-
Extracts from P. aeruginosa POW, E. coli WIL, diated resistant mutants produced.
and E. coli K12 JR66/L677. The adenylyltransferase activity for kanamy-
Laboratory standard preparation of medicinal cin A and BB-K8 present in strain POW was not
product consisting of approximately one-third each
of gentamicin C , Cia, and C2. found in the mutants. Nevertheless, the MICs

TABLE 3. Relation of loss of aminocyclitol resistance to adenylyltransferase activity

Adenylylation relative to gentamicin
Antibiotics (zsIml) C, by P. aeruginosa POW' (%)
POW5 1401b 1406b POWC 1401c 1406-
Gentamicin ........... 200 3.1 3.1
Gentamicin C1 ......... 400 12.5 12.5 100 0.2 0.6
Gentamicin C8 ........ 200 6.2 3.1 21 0.0 0.0
Gentamicin C2 ........ 200 6.2 6.2 24 0.0 0.0
Tobramycin .......... 20 2.5 2.5 35 0.0 0.0
Sisomicin ............ 50 3.1 3.1 84 0.5 1.0
Kanamycin A ......... 200 200.0 200.0 30 0.4 0.9
BB-K8 ............... 20 20.0 20.0 23 0.9 3.0
Neomycin B .......... 50 25.0 25.0 10 0.0 0.0
Streptomycin ......... 800 400.0 400.0 5 2.0 2.0
Spectinomycin ........ > 800 >800.0 > 800.0 5 0.2 2.0
a Percent adenylylation values of 10 or less reflect net experimental counts equal to or less than background
and therefore signify little or no enzymatic activity. Results are means of two to seven assays.
b Strains P. aeruginosa POW and its mutants 1401 and 1406.
c Extracts of strains P. aeruginosa POW and its mutants 1401 and 1406.

of these antibiotics for the mutant strains were ATCC 12472, or to a methionine auxotroph of P.
not reduced from that of the parental POW aeruginosa 280 (6). Attempts at elimination of
strain. It was unlikely that strain POW pos- gentamicin resistance from POW by treatment
sessed acetyltransferase activity for kanamycin with acriflavine and ultraviolet irradiation were
in view of its lack of this activity for gentamicin similarly unsuccessful. Despite our own failure
Cla and C2 (4). Extracts of strains 1401 and 1406 to transfer resistance to other strains of P.
did not inactivate kanamycin A in the presence aeruginosa, we have been informed that genta-
of ATP, a finding that argued against any micin resistance in strain POW is conjugally
significant phosphotransferase activity. The transmissible to some strains of P. aeruginosa
cause for the sustained kanamycin resistance in and, therefore, is also associated with an R
the gentamicin-susceptible mutants of POW factor (L. E. Bryan, personal communication).
remains undetermined. Resistance to tobramycin, carbenicillin, strep-
As mentioned previously, we obtained varia- tomycin, and sulfadiazine was concomitantly
ble degrees of streptomycin-spectinomycin transferred.
adenylyltransferase activity from different ex-
tracts of strain POW. Whether this difference in DISCUSSION
activity is clonally heritable remains to be In general, clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa
investigated. In any case, this variation in mediate resistance to aminocyclitol antibiotics
enzymatic activity of the parental strain made either by acetylation or phosphorylation of the
it impossible to draw conclusions for the present antibiotic (4). Additionally, some resistant iso-
from the low levels of streptomycin-spec- lates display no evidence of enzymatic inactiva-
tinomycin adenylyltransferase activity found in tion of the antibiotic (R. Haraphongse and L. E.
mutants 1401 and 1406 (Table 3). Evidently the Bryan, presented at the 13th Interscience Con-
mutants had not lost their major mechanism for ference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemo-
streptomycin resistance since their MICs were therapy). In the case of gentamicin, acetylation
not significantly different from the parental by gentamicin acetyltransferase I is the only
POW strain. enzymatically mediated resistance mechanism
Mutants 1401 and 1412 had lost their resist- in P. aeruginosa that is established by biochem-
ance to carbenicillin and sulfadiazine in addi- ical evidence (7). This enzyme does not attack
tion to gentamicin. Among possible explana- kanamycin A and has little effect on to-
tions may be mutation at multiple sites, dele- bramycin. An enzyme with similar properties
tion of linked markers or curing of an R factor, has been demonstrated in E. coli and Klebsiella
or a polar or pleiotropic effect of a single pneumoniae (4). In these organisms, resistance
mutation. to gentamicin may be caused by another en-
We have been unable to transfer, by conjuga- zyme, gentamicin adenylyltransferase, that also
tion, antibiotic resistance from P. aeruginosa attacks and inactivates kanamycin A and to-
POW to E. coli K-12, Chromobacter violaceum bramycin (3). The genetic determinant for gen-

tamicin adenylyltransferase is usually situated our hospital (S. Kabins, C. Nathan, and S.
on an R factor (10, 12). In one strain of P. Cohen, unpublished data). Therefore the possi-
aeruginosa, Witchitz and Chabbert found an R bility exists that resistance of this type may be
factor that was transmissible to E. coli and that gradually transferred from Enterobacteriaceae
mediated resistance both to gentamicin and to P. aeruginosa, thereby adding to the dif-
kanamycin (17). They inferred that the resist- ficulty of treating infections with this refractory
ance of the strain of P. aeruginosa was caused organism.
by adenylyltransferase, as was the case in their
strains of Klebsiella and E. coli. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Our experiments offer biochemical and ge- This study was supported by Public Health Service grant
netic evidence that gentamicin resistance in P. Al 07715 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
aeruginosa mediated by adenylyltransferase is Diseases, by the Michael Reese Medical Research Institute
not a rare event, at least in our hospital. The Council, and by a grant from the Eli Lilly Company,
Indianapolis, Ind.
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