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7 Points of the Witch's Pyramid

I know what you’re thinking - there aren’t 7 points in a pyramid. If it’s a 4-sided
pyramid, there are exactly 5 points, and if it’s a 3-sided pyramid, there are only 4.

But when I say, “points,” what I really mean is, “principles.” As in: there are 7
points that can make a major difference in your spellwork, if you’ll just think
about what they really mean.

So here’s a pyramid:

If you’ve been around the Occult for very long, you probably recognize it as one
of two things: either (a) The Witch’s Pyramid, or (b) The Pyramid of

As The Pyramid of Manifestation, the top (apex) would be whatever your

particular view is: spirit, goddess, god, universe, source, etc. The floor (the
rectangle underneath that is both pink and yellow) is manifested reality - the
world we live in. Between there - from top to bottom - is where things ‘grow’
from the spirit-realm (source) to reality (your world). If you’re familiar with the
Kabbalistic Tree of Life, you might place the various spheres, in order, from top
to bottom, one sphere per layer.

But I don’t use the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.

As the Witch’s Pyramid, there are four faces. The east face (yellow) is “to know,”
while the southern face (the pink) is “to dare.” The western face (blue) is “to
will,” and the north face (green or black, variably) is “to keep silent.”

© 2017 Alan Fuller

7 Points of the Witch's Pyramid

These 4 principles of spellcraft have been in debate among Witches for a very
long time. I have no idea who even came up with this idea, but I know I learned
the Witch’s Pyramid as part of my training. At any rate, these 4 ideas or
principles tend to be what makes spellcraft work.

To know means: know yourself, know what your purpose/goal

is for the spellcraft, know what potential effects there are, and
know how to do the spellwork.
To dare means: to actually dare to do it.
To will usually means (to some folks) to know your “true will.”
But I propose that there is no Divine Force that determines a
“true will.” Your “true will” is whatever you want it to be right
now, in this moment (and there are philosophical/mythological
reasons why this is true, but they are beyond the scope of this
To keep silent means: to keep silent. Hush. Don’t tell anyone
about your work - in or outside of the Craft - until it has
manifested. (And there are reasons for this, too.)

But: no one asks what else is present in a pyramid.

There’s a floor, an apex, and whatever is inside. Pyramids aren’t solid structures -
there’s usually a maze of passageways within. But for our intents and purposes,
we can pretend that it’s a hollow structure, with space inside to put things.

As the Witch’s Pyramid, the floor is the foundation of your spellcraft. I call it
“core beliefs,” because it is these beliefs that affect how your work turns out. The
apex is the source of your power - whether that’s your belief in yourself, or your
Higher Self, or some external Gods, Goddesses, and/or spirits. And what is inside
the pyramid is trust - namely, trust in your intuitive abilities.

© 2017 Alan Fuller

7 Points of the Witch's Pyramid

This form of the Witch’s Pyramid is what informs the way Operative Witchery

We can easily take it a step further, though. Want to make it more complicated?
Okay, here we go!

So, the thing about a pyramid is: it has 4 sides, a floor, an apex, and whatever’s
inside, right? But we don’t generally break it down to determine what is behind
those principles of the Witch’s Pyramid. People just don’t ask. And even if they
did, do they really want to understand what forces are behind the “magic bean?”

Truthfully, you don’t have to understand how a bean grows into a bean plant in
order to harvest and enjoy the resultant legumes. You just have to know what you
need to do to the plant in order to get decent results. And that’s all well and
good. Except the more you know about a bean plant, the more you understand it’s
needs, and can meet them. And thus, maximize your yummy legume harvest.

So what’s behind the principles of the Witch’s Pyramid?

Glad you asked!

© 2017 Alan Fuller

7 Points of the Witch's Pyramid

See that Venn diagram above? I’m sure you’ve noticed already: there aren’t 7
points, but 8. So we’ve added a little more complication to the mix. But only sort
of. The reality of the matter is that 2 of those betwixt-bits are combined into one
step during a working. We’ll get to that.

But first, let me explain the Venn diagram. It’s pretty simple, but if you have
questions, don’t hesitate to ask in the group.

To know something + to dare to do it = activation.

Because you’re activating on it - you’re taking overt
action to remedy something.
To dare to do something + to will it to become reality
= application. You’re now taking the next step:
applying what you know to the situation.
To will something into reality + to keep silent =
affirmation. Because you’re affirming your trust in
yourself (source, universe, spirit, etc), and in your
Craft, by keeping that secret until the magic happens.
To keep silent + to know something = assumption. And
this is one of the major keys - secrets have very real
power; and, in some roundabout way, by keeping quiet
(and occasionally giggling to yourself, and talking to
yourself, about it), you’re kind of “affirming” that you
assume you’re going to turn the situation around.

It doesn’t matter where you start in the cycle. (And it is a cycle.) What matters is
that all of these factors exist for you, in some form or another.

You know the situation, you know yourself, you know the spellcraft you’re going
to use, you know (or think through) potential outcomes (and consequences) to
prepare yourself for them. You dare to take mundane action, while at the same
time, supporting it with spellcraft to skew the odds and rearrange situations. You
understand your will (know yourself, basically), and you’re quiet about what
you’re doing until it comes to fruition.

The forces behind the principles of the pyramid are what make things work.

© 2017 Alan Fuller

7 Points of the Witch's Pyramid

You activate yourself. Most of the time, you’re likely to just be fed all the way up
with a situation. And sometimes, even if you think you are, you aren’t. But when
you get there, you’ll activate against the situation or issue that is bugging the
crap out of you. You’re finally so sick of it that you’ll try almost anything to fix
the issue - so you activate yourself and your emotions to the point of no return.

You apply the spellcraft (along with the emotion) to the situation. Odds are
skewed in your favor.

As you affirm your trust by keeping your secret, situations are rearranged.

And the more you assume (not believe, or think, or hope, but assume) that a
major shift in that situation is coming, it does. If you can successfully assume and
not obsess, you’re suddenly one of the most powerful Witches in the world.

© 2017 Alan Fuller

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