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Logical Reasoning

Revision Test Paper [Test Code : LG REV 02]


Test Code LG REV 02
Topics covered Coding Logic, Direction Sense
Problems, Critical Reasoning, Page | 1
Puzzles, Syllogism, Analytical
Reasoning, Find Odd one out and
Blood Relationship.
No. of Questions 25
Maximum Marks 25
Competitive score 20
Time allowed 15 minutes
Answers have been provided for self-evaluation.

1. In a coded language, HOSPITAL is written as 32574618. In the same language

POSTAL would be written as______
a. 752518 b. 725681 c. 725168 d. 725618

2. Sachin walked 40 m towards west, took a left turn and walked 30 m. He then took a
right turn and walked 20 m. He again took a right turn and walked 30 m. How far
was he from the starting point?
a. 70m b. 50 m c. 90 m d. 60 m

3. Rahul went 3 km towards South. Then he turned to his right and went upto 5 km
and then again turned to his right and walked 7 km. Lastly in which direction was
he going?
a. West b. South c. East d. North

4. At birth we have no self-image. We cannot distinguish anything from the confusion

of light and sound around us. From this beginning of no-dimension, we gradually
begin to differentiate our body from our environment and develop a sense of
identity, with the realization that we are a separate and independent human being.
We then begin to develop a conscience, the sense of right and wrong. Further, we
develop social consciousness, where we become aware that we live with other
people. Finally, we develop a sense of values, which is our overall estimation of our
worth in the world.

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Logical Reasoning
Revision Test Paper [Test Code : LG REV 02]

Which one of the following would be the best completion of this passage?
a. The sum total of all these development we call the self-image or the self-
b. This estimation of worth is only relative to our value system. Page | 2
c. Therefore, our social consciousness is dependent on our sense of values.
d. The sum total of living with other people and developing a sense of values
makes us a total person.

5. Many actors have entered politics

a. Only actors can become politicians
b. All politicians are actors
c. Actors can be often drawn to politics
d. All actors are politicians.

6. He was convicted by the court of theft.

a. All who commit theft will be convicted by court.
b. All who have convicted by court have committed theft.
c. None, but who commit theft, will he convicted by court.
d. Most who commit theft will be convicted by court.

7. “Make hay while the sun shines” is logically similar to

a. sleep when you are tired
b. strike the iron when it is hot
c. take the bull by horn
d. losing hope is losing everything

8. “Do not eat ice cream, because you have cough and cold” is logically similar to
a. Do not read as you have weak eye sight.
b. do not speak as you are not prepared
c. do not sing as you have a hoarse voice
d. do not strain yourself, as doctors have advised you against it.

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Logical Reasoning
Revision Test Paper [Test Code : LG REV 02]

9. In Kolkata, there is going to be a power cut for two months.

a. There is a shortage of electricity
b. People of Kolkata consume too much electricity
c. People of Kolkata do not want electricity for 2 months Page | 3
d. None of the above

Question 10 - 12: In a joint family of seven persons L, M, N, O, P, Q and R two

are married couple. ‘R’ is a housewife and her husband is a lawyer. ‘N’ is the wife of
‘M’, ‘L’ is an engineer and is the grand-daughter of ‘R’ and ‘O’ is the father-in-law of
‘N’, a doctor and father of ‘P’, a professor. ‘Q’ is L’s brother and M’s son.
10. How is P related to M?
a. Son b. Brother c. Daughter d. Uncle
11. How is Q related to O?
a. Grandfather b. Uncle c. Grandson d. Brother
12. Who is M’s father?
a. O b. R c. N d. P
13. Statements:
Some pens are rooms.
All rooms are walls
Some walls are bricks
All bricks are slates
I. Some slates are walls.
II. Some walls are pens
III. Some bricks are rooms
IV. Some slates are rooms
a. Only I and III follow
b. Only II and III follow
c. Only I and II follow
d. Only III and IV follow

14. Statements:
Some books are papers.
Some papers are plastic
No plastic is black.

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Logical Reasoning
Revision Test Paper [Test Code : LG REV 02]

I. Some papers are not black
II. All papers are not black
III. Some papers are black
Page | 4
IV. Some books are black
a. Only I follows
b. Only I and IV follow
c. I, III and IV follow
d. III follows

15. A shopkeeper uses a code name ‘BUDGETAR’ with a value of 36, where B=Rs. 1,
U=Rs.2, D=Rs.3, and so on. The price of which article is Rs. 13?
a. Soap
b. Tar
c. Bag
d. Egg

16. Statements
All Birds are crows
All crows are bananas
All bananas are apples
I. Some apples are Birds
II. All bananas are Birds
III. Some apples are crows
a. All follow
b. Only I follows
c. Only III follows
d. Only I and III follow

17. Statement :
No goat is door
All doors are chairs
I. Some chairs are doors
II. Some chairs are goats
III. No chair is goat
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Logical Reasoning
Revision Test Paper [Test Code : LG REV 02]

IV. Some doors are goats

a. I follows
b. III follows
c. I and III follow
Page | 5
d. None follows

18. If it is possible to make only one meaningful word with the second, third, eighth and
ninth letters of the word CONFLICTED, which would be the second letter of the word
from the left? If more than one such word can be formed, give A as the answer. If no
such word can be formed, given Z as your answer.
a. A b. T c. O d. Z

19. In a class of 42 children, Joseph’s rank is sixteen from the top. Kevin is seven ranks
below Joseph. What is Kevin’s rank from the bottom?
a. 22nd b. 20th c. 19th d. 23rd

20. From her home Shilpa wishes to go to school. From home she goes toward North and
then turns left and then turns right, and finally she turns left and reaches school. In
which direction her school is situated with respect to her home?
a. North-East b. North-West c. South-East d. South-West

Questions 21 - 24 : Find the ODD one out

21. a. Rhombus b. Pentagon c. Circle d. Diagonal

22. a. BCDG b. GHJK c. EIAO d. WXVZ
23. a. Carbon b. Iron c. Aluminum d. Copper
24. a. Jog b. Run c. Sit d. Walk
25. If N is the brother of B, M is the sister of N, J is the brother of P and P is the
daughter of B, who is the uncle of J?
a. B b. M c. P d. N

Refer Next Page for


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Logical Reasoning
Revision Test Paper [Test Code : LG REV 02]

1 d

Page | 6
3 2 5 7 4 6 1 8


7 2 5 6 1 8
2 d
40 m

30 m 30 m W E

20 m

3 d
7 km
3 km W E

5 km S

Hence, at the end. Rahul was proceeding towards north.

4 a The para starts with “ at birth we have no self-image” and traces the different
stages of personality development. By using ‘finally’ in the last line, the
development sequence is concluded. The use of words ‘ all these development’
in choice ‘a’ links well with the previous line which completed the description
of development . Hence ‘a’ is the appropriate conclusion.
Choice ‘b’ merely reiterates the last line of the para and so it is not a proper
ending of the arguments. Choice ‘c’ contradicts the para’s content by saying
social consciousness depends on sense of values whereas author has stated
we develop social consciousness prior to sense of values. Hence it is not
suitable conclusion. Choice ‘d’ introduces a new term ‘ total person’ which has
not been discussed and hence is unsuitable as conclusion.
5 c The given premise indicates that it is easy for an actor to get into politics.
Hence, ‘c’ is implied. One cannot say that to become a politician the
prerequisite is to be an actor. Hence, ‘a’ and ‘b’ are not implied. The given
premise (note: ‘many actors’ and not ‘every actor’ ) provides that some actors
do not enter politics. Hence ‘d’ is not implied.
©SRIRAM LAW ACADEMY, India’s Premier Institute for Law Entrance Exam Training.
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Logical Reasoning
Revision Test Paper [Test Code : LG REV 02]

6 a ‘a’ is a valid inference. ‘b’ and ‘c’ are not valid as it is implied therein that
courts convict persons only for theft whereas one could be convicted by courts
for other crimes as well . ‘d’ is beyond our scope as it implies that some who
commit theft may escape conviction .
Page | 7
7 b “Make hay while the sun shines” means ‘ work when there is opportunity ’.This
is conveyed exactly by “strike the iron when it is hot”. The other sayings given
do not convey this meaning.
8 d “Do not eat ice cream, because you have cough and cold” means eating ice
cream would aggravate cough and cold, even if done once. This is exactly
conveyed by ‘do not strain yourself, as doctors have advised you against it’ as
straining oneself would aggravate the condition, even if done once.
‘c’ is not apt since one cannot sing with a hoarse voice. ‘a’ is not similar since
reading will not , in the short term, worsen a weak eye sight . ‘d’ is not
logically similar since one can try to speak as well as he could, even if not
prepared .
9 a Power cut arises due to a shortage in supply or lower generation. Hence ‘a’ is
implied. If people were to consume too much electricity, there would be a
perennial power cut, whereas power cut is announced for 2 months only ; so,
‘b’ is not implied ‘c’ is not implied because, in that case, they would have
declared total power stoppage, instead of a powercut.
10 b Given that O is f-i-l of N and N is wife of M, hence O is M’s father. O is also P’s
father ( given). Hence P, M are brothers.
11 c Q is M’s son (given) and M is O’s son ( shown above), so Q is grandson of O.
12 a M’s father is O ( the para states that O is N’s Father-in-law and N is M’s wife)
13 c Diagram 1 For this question, 2 diagrams are
Slates possible. When more than one
Walls Venn diagram is drawn to analyse
Bricks the statements, the final answer
Rooms should be arrived at after finding
the common solution

Diagram 1
Diagram 2 Slates and Walls share a common
area. Conclusion I follows.
Walls and pens share a common
area. Conclusion II follows.
Bricks and Rooms are disjointed. III
does not follow.
Slates and Rooms are disjointed. IV
does not follow.
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Logical Reasoning
Revision Test Paper [Test Code : LG REV 02]

Walls Result:
I and II follow
Pens Rooms
Diagram 2
Slates and Walls share a common Page | 8
Bricks area. Conclusion I follows.
Slates Walls and pens share a common
area. Conclusion II follows.
Bricks and walls share a common
area. Conclusion III follows.
Slates and Rooms share a common
area. Conclusion IV follows.
I, II, III and IV follow
Common solution is I and II follow
Answer is [c]

14 a Diagram 1
Diagram Diagram
1 2
Plastic Black
Papers Conclusion I Y Y
Conclusion II Y N
Conclusion III N Y
Diagram 2
Conclusion IV N Y

Common solution is “Conclusion I
Books Papers


15 d EGG = 5+4+4 = 13

16 d Apple and Bird share a common area.

Conclusion I follows.
Banana does not lie within Bird.
Conclusion II does not follow.
Apple and Crow share a common
area. Conclusion III follows.
I and III follow.
©SRIRAM LAW ACADEMY, India’s Premier Institute for Law Entrance Exam Training.
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Logical Reasoning
Revision Test Paper [Test Code : LG REV 02]

Apples Answer is [d]



Page | 9

17 c Chair and Door share a common area.

I follows.
ts rs Chair and Goat are disjointed. II does
oa o
not follow. For the same reason, III
Ch follows.
Door and Goat are disjointed. IV does
not follow.
I and III follow. Answer is [c]
18 a
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Meaningful Words -> NOTE, TONE
19 b
Kevin’s rank from the top => 16+7 = 23rd
Kevin’s rank from the bottom => 42 – 23 +1 = 20th
20 b School N


Starting point S

21 c All others are made out of straight lines

22 c All letters in this option are vowels
23 a All others are metals
24 c In all others, legs are used to move
25 d Since J is the brother of P and P is the daughter of B but N is the brother of B,
therefore, N is the uncle of J.

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