Sie sind auf Seite 1von 32


"Language" "portuguese"
"TrackerUI_ConnectionSpeed" "Velocidade de ligação à Internet"
"[english]TrackerUI_ConnectionSpeed" "Internet connection speed"
"TrackerUI_FavoriteWindowLabel" "Seleciona qual a janela do Steam que é
apresentada quando o programa inicia."
"[english]TrackerUI_FavoriteWindowLabel" "Select which Steam window appears when
the program starts."
"TrackerUI_FavoriteWindow" "Janela dos favoritos"
"[english]TrackerUI_FavoriteWindow" "Favorite window"
"Friends_Chat_Title" "%tabtitle% - Chat"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Title" "%tabtitle% - Chat"
"Friends_Chat_Group_Title" "%tabtitle% - Chat de grupo"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Group_Title" "%tabtitle% - Group Chat"
"Friends_Chat_Room_Headline" "%friend%"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Room_Headline" "%friend%"
"Friends_ChatTo" "Para: %friend%"
"[english]Friends_ChatTo" "To: %friend%"
"Friends_ChatToPlusStatus" "Para: %friend% (%status%)"
"[english]Friends_ChatToPlusStatus" "To: %friend% (%status%)"
"Friends_ChatToPlusInGame" "Para: %friend% (a jogar %game%)"
"[english]Friends_ChatToPlusInGame" "To: %friend% (playing %game%)"
"Friends_UserSays" "%friend% diz:\n"
"[english]Friends_UserSays" "%friend% says:\n"
"Friends_TypingMessage" "%friend% está a escrever uma mensagem."
"[english]Friends_TypingMessage" "%friend% is typing a message."
"Friends_LastMessageReceived" "Última mensagem recebida: %date% às %time%"
"[english]Friends_LastMessageReceived" "Last message received: %date% at %time%"
"Friends_FriendInfoDialog_Title" "%friend% - Informação de Utilizador"
"[english]Friends_FriendInfoDialog_Title" "%friend% - User Info"
"Friends_Chat_FriendNameChanged" "%old_name% mudou o seu nome para %friend%.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_FriendNameChanged" "%old_name% has changed their name to
"Friends_Chat_FriendStateChanged" "%friend% está agora %status%.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_FriendStateChanged" "%friend% is now %status%.\n"
"Friends_Chat_Send" "Enviar"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Send" "Send"
"Friends_Chat_InviteToChat" "Convidar para o chat"
"[english]Friends_Chat_InviteToChat" "Invite to Chat"
"Friends_Chat_ReJoin" "Reentrar"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ReJoin" "ReJoin"
"Friends_Chat_CannotSendFriendOffline" "%friend% está offline, a mensagem não
pode ser enviada.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_CannotSendFriendOffline" "%friend% is currently offline,
message cannot be sent.\n"
"Friends_Chat_InvitedToGame" "%friend% convidou-te para jogar %game%."
"[english]Friends_Chat_InvitedToGame" "%friend% has invited you to join them in
playing %game%. "
"Friends_Chat_FriendHasChangedGame" "%friend% está a jogar %game%. "
"[english]Friends_Chat_FriendHasChangedGame" "%friend% is now playing %game%. "
"Friends_Chat_UnknownGame" "um jogo"
"[english]Friends_Chat_UnknownGame" "a game"
"Friends_Chat_ClickHereToJoin" "Clica aqui para te juntares."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ClickHereToJoin" "Click here to join."
"Friends_Chat_ConvertedToMultiUser" "O teu chat com %friend% é agora um chat multi-
"[english]Friends_Chat_ConvertedToMultiUser" "Your chat with %friend% is now a
multi-user chat.\n"
"Friends_Chat_AnonymousChatName" "Anónimo"
"[english]Friends_Chat_AnonymousChatName" "Anonymous"
"Friends_Chat_CreateFailed_Title" "Falha na criação de chat"
"[english]Friends_Chat_CreateFailed_Title" "Chat Creation Failed"
"Friends_Chat_CreateFailed_Generic" "Falha ao criar sala de chat "
"[english]Friends_Chat_CreateFailed_Generic" "Failed to create chat room"
"Friends_Chat_CreateFailed_TooMany" "Criaste demasiados chats. Alguns destes chats
devem ser esvaziados antes de poderes criar mais."
"[english]Friends_Chat_CreateFailed_TooMany" "You have created too many chats.
Some of those chats must be emptied before you can create more."
"Friends_Title_Online" "Amigos"
"[english]Friends_Title_Online" "Friends"
"Friends_Title_Busy" "Amigos"
"[english]Friends_Title_Busy" "Friends"
"Friends_Title_Away" "Amigos"
"[english]Friends_Title_Away" "Friends"
"Friends_Title_Snooze" "Amigos"
"[english]Friends_Title_Snooze" "Friends"
"Friends_Title_Offline" "Amigos"
"[english]Friends_Title_Offline" "Friends"
"Friends_MyStatus" "O meu estado"
"[english]Friends_MyStatus" "My status"
"Friends_InGame" "A jogar"
"[english]Friends_InGame" "In-Game"
"Friends_InMod" "Num mod"
"[english]Friends_InMod" "In-Mod"
"Friends_InShortcut" "Num jogo não-Steam"
"[english]Friends_InShortcut" "In non-Steam game"
"Friends_Blocked" "Bloqueado"
"[english]Friends_Blocked" "Blocked"
"Friends_AddFriend" "Adicionar um Amigo..."
"[english]Friends_AddFriend" "Add a Friend..."
"Friends_Edit_Profile" "Editar perfil..."
"[english]Friends_Edit_Profile" "Edit profile..."
"Friends_FriendList_CurrentGame" "JOGO ATUAL"
"[english]Friends_FriendList_CurrentGame" "CURRENT GAME"
"Friends_FriendList_InGame" "A JOGAR"
"[english]Friends_FriendList_InGame" "IN GAME"
"Friends_FriendList_Online" "ONLINE"
"[english]Friends_FriendList_Online" "ONLINE"
"Friends_FriendList_Offline" "OFFLINE"
"[english]Friends_FriendList_Offline" "OFFLINE"
"Friends_SendInstantMessage" "Enviar mensagem..."
"[english]Friends_SendInstantMessage" "Send Message..."
"Friends_Ignore" "Bloquear todas as comunicações"
"[english]Friends_Ignore" "Block All Communication..."
"Friends_UnIgnore" "Desbloquear"
"[english]Friends_UnIgnore" "Unblock"
"Friends_InviteFriendToGame" "Convidar para partida"
"[english]Friends_InviteFriendToGame" "Invite to Game"
"Friends_JoinGame" "Entrar na partida"
"[english]Friends_JoinGame" "Join Game"
"Friends_LaunchGame" "Iniciar jogo"
"[english]Friends_LaunchGame" "Launch Game"
"Friends_ViewGameInfo" "Ver informações do jogo"
"[english]Friends_ViewGameInfo" "View Game Info"
"Friends_UserDetails" "Ver Informações do Utilizador"
"[english]Friends_UserDetails" "View User Details"
"Friends_RemoveUser" "Remover este amigo"
"[english]Friends_RemoveUser" "Remove this Friend..."
"Friends_RemoveFriend_Title" "Amigos - Remover utilizador"
"[english]Friends_RemoveFriend_Title" "Friends - Remove User"
"Friends_RemoveFriend_Info" "Tens a certeza de que pretendes remover %friend% da
tua lista de amigos?\n\n(Podes voltar a adicioná-lo clicando no botão \"Adicionar
um Amigo...\")\n"
"[english]Friends_RemoveFriend_Info" "Are you sure you want to remove %friend%
from your Friends list?\n\n(You can add them again later using the 'Add a
Friend...' button.)\n"
"Friends_RemoveFriend_Button" "Remover %friend%"
"[english]Friends_RemoveFriend_Button" "Remove %friend%"
"Friends_Options" "Opções"
"[english]Friends_Options" "Options"
"Friends_Options_Title" "Opções do utilizador - %name%"
"[english]Friends_Options_Title" "User options - %name%"
"Friends_Options_ProfileTab" "Perfil"
"[english]Friends_Options_ProfileTab" "Profile"
"Friends_Options_SoundsTab" "Sons"
"[english]Friends_Options_SoundsTab" "Sounds"
"Friends_EnterAccountNameOrEmailAddress" "Introduz o nome da conta Steam OU
endereço de correio electrónico da pessoa que pretendes adicionar à tua lista de
"[english]Friends_EnterAccountNameOrEmailAddress" "Enter the Steam account name
OR the email address of the person you wish to add to your Friends list."
"Friends_SearchingForFriend" "A procurar %search%..."
"[english]Friends_SearchingForFriend" "Searching for %search%..."
"Friends_FriendHasBeenAddedToYourListUnderName" "%search% foi adicionado(a) à tua
lista de amigos, com o nome '%friend%'."
"[english]Friends_FriendHasBeenAddedToYourListUnderName" "%search% has been added
to your Friends list, under the name '%friend%'."
"Friends_FriendHasBeenAddedToYourList" "%friend% foi adicionado(a) à tua lista
de Amigos."
"[english]Friends_FriendHasBeenAddedToYourList" "%friend% has been added to your
Friends list."
"Friends_UnableToFindFriendByThatName" "Não foi possível encontrar %search%.
Prima 'retroceder' se deseja tentar novamente a pesquisa."
"[english]Friends_UnableToFindFriendByThatName" "Unable to find %search%. Hit
'back' if you want to try and search again."
"Friends_CannotAddSelfToList" "Não podes adicionar-te a ti mesmo à tua lista de
"[english]Friends_CannotAddSelfToList" "You can't add yourself to your Friends
"Friends_CannotAddFriendWhoIsAlreadyInList" "%search% já está na tua lista de
amigos, com o nome '%friend%'."
"[english]Friends_CannotAddFriendWhoIsAlreadyInList" "%search% is already in your
Friends list, under the name '%friend%'."
"Friends_ConnectedButOffline" "Estás definido(a) para aparecer como offline para
todos os teus amigos."
"[english]Friends_ConnectedButOffline" "You are currently set to appear offline
to all your Friends."
"Friends_NoFriendsInList" "Porque não convidas alguém para ser teu Amigo?"
"[english]Friends_NoFriendsInList" "Why not invite someone to be your Friend?"
"Friends_GoOnline" "Iniciar sessão"
"[english]Friends_GoOnline" "Sign in"
"Friends_SignIn_RefreshPassword" "Iniciar sessão..."
"[english]Friends_SignIn_RefreshPassword" "Sign in..."
"Friends_SignIn_ActivateFriends" "Juntar à Beta da Lista de Amigos..."
"[english]Friends_SignIn_ActivateFriends" "Join Friends Beta..."
"Friends_ConnectingToFriendsNetwork" "A ligar à rede de amigos..."
"[english]Friends_ConnectingToFriendsNetwork" "Connecting to Friends network..."
"Friends_ScanningForFriends" "A transferir lista de amigos..."
"[english]Friends_ScanningForFriends" "Downloading Friends list..."
"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork" "Não foi possível estabelecer ligação à
rede de amigos. O Steam tentará ligar de novo automaticamente até que o serviço
esteja disponível."
"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork" "A connection to the Friends
network could not be established. Steam will automatically retry connection until
the service becomes available."
"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_InvalidPassword" "Tens de iniciar sessão
no Steam novamente para poderes usar a lista de Amigos."
"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_InvalidPassword" "You need to log
back into Steam in order to use Friends."
"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_LoggedInElsewhere" "Foste desconectado da
lista de Amigos, porque esta conta iniciou sessão noutro local.\n"
"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_LoggedInElsewhere" "You have
been signed out of Friends, due to this account being signed in elsewhere.\n"
"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_InvalidVersion" "Esta versão do Steam é
demasiado antiga para te ligares à lista de Amigos. Reinicia o Steam para receberes
a atualização mais recente."
"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_InvalidVersion" "This version of
Steam is too old to connect to Friends. Restart Steam to receive the latest
"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_ServersBusy" "Os servidores do Steam estão
desativados para manutenção de rotina. A ligação à lista de amigos será
restabelecida automaticamente assim que estiver disponível."
"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_ServersBusy""The Steam servers are
currently down for routine maintenance. Friends will automatically reconnect as
soon as they come available."
"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_NoConnection" "Não foi possível fazer
ligação de rede aos servidores do Steam. O Steam tentará ligar de novo
automaticamente até que o serviço esteja disponível."
"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_NoConnection" "No network
connection could be made to the Steam servers. Steam will automatically retry
connection until the service becomes available."
"Friends_NotAvailableInOfflineMode" "A tua lista de amigos não está disponível no
modo offline."
"[english]Friends_NotAvailableInOfflineMode" "Friends is not available in
offline mode."
"Friends_UserRequestingFriendship_Title" "Amigos - %friend%"
"[english]Friends_UserRequestingFriendship_Title" "Friends - %friend%"
"Friends_UserRequestingFriendship_Info" "%friend% adicionou-te à lista de Amigos
"[english]Friends_UserRequestingFriendship_Info" "%friend% has added you to
their Friends list."
"Friends_AllowUserToSeeMeOnline" "Permitir que %friend% te veja quando estás
online e entre em contacto contigo."
"[english]Friends_AllowUserToSeeMeOnline" "Allow %friend% to see when you are
online and contact you."
"Friends_BlockUserFromSeeingMeOnline" "Impedir que esta pessoa te veja quando
estás online e entre em contacto contigo."
"[english]Friends_BlockUserFromSeeingMeOnline" "Block this person from seeing when
you are online and contacting you."
"Friends_AddFriend_Title" "Adicionar um Amigo"
"[english]Friends_AddFriend_Title" "Add a Friend"
"Friends_FriendInfoDialog_DetailsTab" "Detalhes"
"[english]Friends_FriendInfoDialog_DetailsTab" "Details"
"Friends_FriendInfoDialog_StatusTab" "Estado"
"[english]Friends_FriendInfoDialog_StatusTab" "Status"
"Friends_FriendlyName" "Nome"
"[english]Friends_FriendlyName" "Name"
"Friends_RecentlyUsedNames" "Nomes recentemente usados:"
"[english]Friends_RecentlyUsedNames" "Recently used names:"
"Friends_PlaySoundWhenFriendJoins" "Emitir um som quando um amigo entra no jogo"
"[english]Friends_PlaySoundWhenFriendJoins" "Play a sound when any Friend joins
a game"
"Friends_PlaySoundWhenFriendComesOnline" "Emitir um som quando um amigo fica
"[english]Friends_PlaySoundWhenFriendComesOnline" "Play a sound when any Friend
comes online"
"Friends_PlaySoundWhenReceiveAMessage" "Emitir um som quando recebes uma
"[english]Friends_PlaySoundWhenReceiveAMessage" "Play a sound when you receive a
"Friends_NotifyMeWhenUserComesOnline" "Avisar-me quando este utilizador ficar
"[english]Friends_NotifyMeWhenUserComesOnline" "Notify me when this user comes
"Friends_PlaySoundWhenUserComesOnline" "Emitir sempre um som quando este
utilizador ficar online"
"[english]Friends_PlaySoundWhenUserComesOnline" "Always play sound when this user
comes online"
"Friends_PlaySoundWhenUserJoinsGame" "Emitir sempre um som quando este
utilizador entrar num jogo"
"[english]Friends_PlaySoundWhenUserJoinsGame" "Always play sound when this user
plays a game"
"Friends_RemoveUserExplanation" "Se removeres este amigo da tua lista, ele não
poderá saber quando estás online nem enviar-te mensagens."
"[english]Friends_RemoveUserExplanation" "If you remove this Friend from your
list, they won't be able to see when you are online or send you messages."
"Friends_FriendInvitedToGame_Title" "CONVIDAR - %friend%"
"[english]Friends_FriendInvitedToGame_Title" "INVITE - %friend%"
"Friends_FriendInvitedToGame_Info" "Foi enviado um convite a %friend% para entrar
na tua partida."
"[english]Friends_FriendInvitedToGame_Info" "An invitation to join your game
has been sent to %friend%."
"Friends_NotifyFriendOnline_Title" "%friend% - Aviso de amigos online"
"[english]Friends_NotifyFriendOnline_Title" "%friend% - Friends online
"Friends_NotifyFriendOnline_Info" "O teu amigo %friend% está online."
"[english]Friends_NotifyFriendOnline_Info" "Your Friend %friend% has come
"Friends_RefreshLogin_Title" "Steam - Atualizar sessão"
"[english]Friends_RefreshLogin_Title" "Steam - Refresh login"
"Friends_RefreshLogin" "Por favor, reintroduz os dados de início de sessão do
Steam para poderes estar online com Amigos."
"[english]Friends_RefreshLogin" "Please re-enter your Steam login details in
order to sign into Friends."
"Friends_AccountName" "Nome da conta"
"[english]Friends_AccountName" "Account name"
"Friends_Login_Btn" "Iniciar sessão"
"[english]Friends_Login_Btn" "Login"
"Friends_Login_Password" "Palavra-passe"
"[english]Friends_Login_Password" "Password"
"Friends_BetaHomePage" "Página de informação de Amigos Beta"
"[english]Friends_BetaHomePage" "The Friends Beta information page"
"Friends_PleaseSetFriendsName" "O teu nome de perfil ainda não foi definido."
"[english]Friends_PleaseSetFriendsName" "Your profile name has not been set."
"Friends_SetFriendsName" "Definir nome do perfil..."
"[english]Friends_SetFriendsName" "Change Profile Name..."
"Friends_TargetBlocked" "As definições de perfil deste utilizador impedem-te de
contactá-lo neste momento."
"[english]Friends_TargetBlocked" "This user's profile settings prevent you from
contacting them at this time."
"Friends_TargetIgnored" "%search% está a ignorar-te."
"[english]Friends_TargetIgnored" "%search% is ignoring you."
"Friends_TooManyFriends" "A tua lista de Amigos está cheia! Remove alguns
Amigos e tenta de novo."
"[english]Friends_TooManyFriends" "Your Friends list is full! Remove some Friends
and try again."
"Friends_TargetHasTooManyFriends" "A lista de amigos de %search% está cheia."
"[english]Friends_TargetHasTooManyFriends" "%search%'s Friends list is full!"
"Friends_DefaultAddError" "Houve um problema ao adicionar %search% à tua lista
de Amigos."
"[english]Friends_DefaultAddError" "There was a problem adding %search% to your
Friends list."
"Friends_UnableToFindFriendByThatNameInvitePrompt" "Não foi possível encontrar
um utilizador do Steam com o endereço de e-mail %search%.\n\nSe gostarias de
convidar %search% para aderir ao Steam e adicionares esse utilizador à tua lista de
Amigos, clica em 'Seguinte', ou em 'Retroceder' para pesquisares novamente."
"[english]Friends_UnableToFindFriendByThatNameInvitePrompt""Unable to find a Steam
user with email address %search%.\n\nIf you'd like to invite %search% to join Steam
and your list of Friends, hit 'Next', or hit 'Back' to search again."
"Friends_InvitingFriend" "A enviar convite para %search%..."
"[english]Friends_InvitingFriend" "Sending invitation to %search%..."
"Friends_InvitationPending" "%search% foi convidado recentemente para aderir ao
Steam e quando responder será adicionado à tua Lista de Amigos.\n"
"[english]Friends_InvitationPending" "%search% has been invited to join Steam
recently; when they respond, they will be added to your Friends list.\n"
"Friends_InvitationSent" "%search% recebeu um convite por e-mail e será
adicionado à tua lista de Amigos assim que responder.\n\n"
"[english]Friends_InvitationSent" "%search% has been sent an email invitation,
and will be added to your Friends list when they respond.\n"
"Friends_DefaultInviteError" "Ocorreu um problema ao enviar um convite para
"[english]Friends_DefaultInviteError" "There was a problem sending an
invitation to %search%."
"Friends_TooManyPendingInvitations" "Enviaste muitos convites recentemente. Tenta
convidar %search% novamente daqui a um dia ou dois."
"[english]Friends_TooManyPendingInvitations" "You've sent too many invitations
recently. Try inviting %search% again in a day or two."
"Friends_InvitationBlocking" "Tens todas as comunicações com este utilizador
bloqueadas. Antes de comunicares com este utilizador, deves desbloqueá-lo a partir
do respetivo perfil na Comunidade Steam."
"[english]Friends_InvitationBlocking" "You are blocking all communication with
this user. Before communicating with this user, you must unblock them by visiting
their Steam Community Profile."
"Friends_DontGiveOutPassword" "Nunca reveles a tua palavra-passe a ninguém.\n"
"[english]Friends_DontGiveOutPassword" "Never tell your password to anyone.\n"
"Friends_DontGiveOutPassword_URL" "
"[english]Friends_DontGiveOutPassword_URL" "
"Friends_invalidname_title" "Amigos - Nome reservado"
"[english]Friends_invalidname_title" "Friends - Reserved Name"
"Friends_invalidname_info" "O nome de perfil não pode ser '[desconhecido]' ou
conter 'Valve', 'Steam' ou 'Suporte'. Escolhe outro nome."
"[english]Friends_invalidname_info" "Your profile name cannot be '[unknown] or
contain 'Valve', 'Steam' or 'Support'. Please choose another name."
"Friends_JoinGame_Dialog" "Falha ao encontrar jogo para %friend%"
"[english]Friends_JoinGame_Dialog" "Failed to find game for %friend%"
"Friends_Friendlist_Friends" "AMIGOS"
"[english]Friends_Friendlist_Friends" "FRIENDS"
"Friends_FriendList_Pendings" "CONVITES ENVIADOS"
"[english]Friends_FriendList_Pendings" "INVITATIONS SENT"
"Friends_FriendList_InvitesReceived" "CONVITES"
"[english]Friends_FriendList_InvitesReceived" "INVITES"
"Friends_Friendlist_Members" "MEMBROS"
"[english]Friends_Friendlist_Members" "MEMBERS"
"Friends_Friendlist_Guests" "CONVIDADOS"
"[english]Friends_Friendlist_Guests" "GUESTS"
"Friends_Friendlist_Chat" "CHAT"
"[english]Friends_Friendlist_Chat" "CHAT"
"Friends_ViewSteamIDPage" "Ver perfil do Steam"
"[english]Friends_ViewSteamIDPage" "View Steam Profile"
"Friends_Tooltip_GroupOfficer" "Oficial de grupo"
"[english]Friends_Tooltip_GroupOfficer" "Group Officer"
"Friends_InviteFriendToGroup" "Convidar para o grupo"
"[english]Friends_InviteFriendToGroup" "Invite to Group"
"Friends_InviteToGroupConfirmation_Title" "Amigos - convite enviado"
"[english]Friends_InviteToGroupConfirmation_Title" "Friends - invite sent"
"Friends_InviteToGroupConfirmation_Info" "O teu convite a %friend% para %group%
foi enviado."
"[english]Friends_InviteToGroupConfirmation_Info" "Your invitation of %friend%
into group %group% has been sent."
"Friends_menu_status" "Estado"
"[english]Friends_menu_status" "Status"
"Friends_menu_view" "Ver"
"[english]Friends_menu_view" "View"
"Friends_menu_players" "Jogadores"
"[english]Friends_menu_players" "Players"
"Friends_menu_view_showavatars" "Mostrar avatares"
"[english]Friends_menu_view_showavatars" "Show Avatars"
"Friends_menu_view_showsteamids" "Mostrar IDs de conta"
"[english]Friends_menu_view_showsteamids" "Show Account IDs"
"Friends_menu_view_sortbyname" "Ordenar por nome"
"[english]Friends_menu_view_sortbyname" "Sort by Name"
"Friends_menu_view_onlineonly" "Mostrar apenas utilizadores online"
"[english]Friends_menu_view_onlineonly" "Show Online Users Only"
"Friends_menu_view_settings" "Definições..."
"[english]Friends_menu_view_settings" "Settings..."
"Friends_menu_players_current" "Lista de jogadores - jogo atual"
"[english]Friends_menu_players_current" "Player List - Current Game"
"Friends_menu_players_recent" "Lista de jogadores - jogos recentes"
"[english]Friends_menu_players_recent" "Player List - Recent Games"
"Friends_JoinGroupChat" "Entrar no chat de %group%"
"[english]Friends_JoinGroupChat" "Join %group% chat"
"Friends_Chat_MemberNameChanged" "%old_name% mudou o seu nome para %member_name
"[english]Friends_Chat_MemberNameChanged" "%old_name% has changed their name to
"Friends_Chat_MemberEntered" "%member_changed% entrou no chat.%ignored%\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_MemberEntered" "%member_changed% entered chat.%ignored
"Friends_Chat_MemberLeft" "%member_changed% saiu do chat.%ignored%\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_MemberLeft" "%member_changed% left chat.%ignored%\n"
"Friends_Chat_MemberDisconnected" "%member_changed% desligou-se.%ignored%\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_MemberDisconnected" "%member_changed% disconnected.
"Friends_Chat_MemberWasKicked" "%member_changed% foi expulso por
"[english]Friends_Chat_MemberWasKicked" "%member_changed% was kicked by
"Friends_Chat_MemberWasBanned" "%member_changed% foi banido(a) por
"[english]Friends_Chat_MemberWasBanned" "%member_changed% was banned by
"Friends_Chat_MemberIgnored" "(Bloqueado)"
"[english]Friends_Chat_MemberIgnored" "(Blocked)"
"Friends_Chat_InviteToChatRoom" "Convidar para a sala de chat"
"[english]Friends_Chat_InviteToChatRoom" "Invite to Chat Room"
"Friends_Chat_InviteToChatRoom_Title" "Comunidade Steam - Convite para sala de
"[english]Friends_Chat_InviteToChatRoom_Title" "Steam Community - Chat Room
"Friends_Chat_InviteToChatRoom_Info" "Foste convidado a entrar no chat %chat%
por %patron%."
"[english]Friends_Chat_InviteToChatRoom_Info" "You have been invited to join the
%chat% chat by %patron%."
"Friends_Chat_InviteReceivedTime" "Convite recebido: %date% às %time%"
"[english]Friends_Chat_InviteReceivedTime" "Invite received: %date% at %time%"
"Friends_Chat_KickFromChatRoom" "Expulsar da Sala de Chat"
"[english]Friends_Chat_KickFromChatRoom" "Kick from Chat Room"
"Friends_Chat_BanFromChatRoom" "Banir da Sala de Chat"
"[english]Friends_Chat_BanFromChatRoom" "Ban from Chat Room"
"Friends_Chat_ToggleAvatars" "Mostrar avatares"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ToggleAvatars" "Show Avatars"
"Friends_Chat_ToggleBeeps" "Emitir aviso sonoro quando os utilizadores enviam
"[english]Friends_Chat_ToggleBeeps" "Beep when users send messages"
"Friends_Chat_ToggleTimestamp" "Apresentar o marcador de tempo em cada
"[english]Friends_Chat_ToggleTimestamp" "Show timestamp on each message"
"Friends_Chat_ManageBanList" "Gerir lista de banidos"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ManageBanList" "Manage Banned list"
"Friends_Chat_LockRoom" "Bloquear esta sala (torná-la privada)"
"[english]Friends_Chat_LockRoom" "Lock this room (make private)"
"Friends_Chat_OpenRoom" "Desbloquear esta sala (torná-la aberta)"
"[english]Friends_Chat_OpenRoom" "Unlock this room (make open)"
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_Title" "Não foi possível entrar no chat"
"[english]Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_Title" "Steam - Can't enter chatroom"
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_DoesntExist" "O chat %chat% foi encerrado."
"[english]Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_DoesntExist" "The %chat% chat has been closed."
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_NotAllowed" "Não tens as permissões necessárias para
entrar no chat %chat%."
"[english]Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_NotAllowed" "You don't have the required
permissions to enter the %chat% chat."
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_Full" "O chat %chat% está cheio."
"[english]Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_Full" "The %chat% chat is full."
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_Error" "Ocorreu um erro ao entrar no chat %chat%."
"[english]Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_Error" "Error attempting to join %chat% chat."
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_Banned" "Não podes entrar no chat %chat%, porque estás
banido deste chat."
"[english]Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_Banned" "You may not enter the %chat% chat,
because you are banned from this chat."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultTitleSuccess" "Ação concluída com sucesso"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultTitleSuccess" "Action Succeeded"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultInviteSuccess" "%user_name% foi convidado(a) para o
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultInviteSuccess" "%user_name% has been invited
to chat.\n"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultKickSuccess" "%user_name% foi expulso.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultKickSuccess" "%user_name% has been kicked.\n"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultBanSuccess" "%user_name% foi banido(a).\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultBanSuccess" "%user_name% has been banned.\n"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultUnBanSuccess" "%user_name% já não está banido.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultUnBanSuccess" "%user_name% is no longer
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultLockChatSuccess" "O chat está agora bloqueado
(apenas membros do grupo ou utilizadores convidados podem juntar-se).\n\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultLockChatSuccess" "Chat is now locked (only
group members or invited users can join).\n"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultUnlockChatSuccess" "O chat está agora desbloqueado
(aberto a todos os utilizadores).\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultUnlockChatSuccess" "Chat is now unlocked (opened
to all users).\n"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultTitleFailed" "Ação falhada"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultTitleFailed" "Action Failed"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultInviteFailed" "A tentativa de convidar o utilizador
%user_name% para o chat %chat% falhou.\n%action_result%"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultInviteFailed" "Attempt to invite user
%user_name% to chat %chat% failed.\n%action_result%"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultKickFailed" "A tentativa de expulsar o utilizador
%user_name% do chat %chat% falhou.\n\n%action_result%"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultKickFailed" "Attempt to kick user %user_name%
from chat %chat% failed.\n%action_result%"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultUnBanFailed" "A tentativa de anular o banimento do
utilizador %user_name% do chat %chat% falhou.\n%action_result%"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultUnBanFailed" "Attempt to unban user %user_name%
from chat %chat% failed.\n%action_result%"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultLockChatFailed" "A tentativa de bloquear o chat %chat%
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultLockChatFailed" "Attempt to lock chat %chat%
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultUnlockChatFailed" "A tentativa de desbloquear (abrir)
o chat %chat% falhou\n%action_result%."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultUnlockChatFailed" "Attempt to unlock (open)
chat %chat% failed\n%action_result%."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultCloseFailed" "A tentativa de encerrar o chat %chat%
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultCloseFailed" "Attempt to close chat %chat%
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultError" "Erro desconhecido"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultError" "Unknown Error"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotPermitted" "Não tens permissões para fazer esta
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotPermitted" "You don't have the
permissions to do this action."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotAllowedOnClanMember" "Esta ação não é permitida
sobre um membro do clã, a não ser que sejas hierarquicamente superior."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotAllowedOnClanMember" "Action is not allowed
on a clan member unless you have higher rank."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotAllowedOnBannedUser" "Esta ação não é permitida
sobre um utilizador banido."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotAllowedOnBannedUser" "Action is not allowed
on a banned user."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultManageBans" "Gerir a lista de banidos da sala de
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultManageBans" "Manage chat room ban list."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotAllowedOnChatOwner" "Esta ação não é permitida
sobre o proprietário do chat."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotAllowedOnChatOwner" "Action is not allowed
on the owner of the chat."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotAllowedOnSelf" "Esta ação não é permitida sobre ti
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotAllowedOnSelf" "Action is not allowed on
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultChatDoesntExist" "O chat foi encerrado."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultChatDoesntExist" "The chat has been closed."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultChatFull " "O chat está cheio."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultChatFull " "The chat is full."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotOnline" "Esta ação não é possível se não
estiveres online."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotOnline" "Action is not possible while not
"Friends_Chat_Kicked_Title" "Expulso do Chat"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Kicked_Title" "Kicked from Chat"
"Friends_Chat_Kicked_Info" "Foste expulso do chat %chat% por
"[english]Friends_Chat_Kicked_Info" "You have been kicked from chat %chat% by
"Friends_Chat_Kicked_Entry" "Foste expulso do chat por %member_making_change%.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Kicked_Entry" "You have been kicked from the chat by
"Friends_Chat_Banned_Title" "Banido do Chat"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Banned_Title" "Banned from Chat"
"Friends_Chat_Banned_Info" "Foste banido do chat %chat% por
"[english]Friends_Chat_Banned_Info" "You have been banned from chat %chat% by
"Friends_Chat_Banned_Entry" "Foste banido do chat por %member_making_change%.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Banned_Entry" "You have been banned from the chat by
"Friends_Chat_Closed_Title" "Chat encerrado"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Closed_Title" "Chat Closed"
"Friends_Chat_Closed_Info" "O chat %chat% foi encerrado."
"[english]Friends_Chat_Closed_Info" "The %chat% chat has closed."
"Friends_Chat_Closed_Entry" "O chat foi encerrado.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Closed_Entry" "Chat has closed.\n"
"Friends_Chat_Offline_Entry" "O teu estado está definido como Offline.\n\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Offline_Entry" "Your state is set to Offline.\n"
"Friends_Chat_Offline_Rejoin_Entry" "Agora online e de volta ao chat.\n\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Offline_Rejoin_Entry" "Online now and rejoined chat.\n"
"Friends_Chat_FailedRejoin_Entry" "Não foi possível voltar ao chat.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_FailedRejoin_Entry" "You failed to rejoin the chat.\n"
"Friends_Chat_FailedRejoin_Rejoin_Entry" "Voltaste ao chat.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_FailedRejoin_Rejoin_Entry" "You rejoined the chat.\n"
"Friends_Chat_Disconnected_Entry" "A ligação ao Steam foi perdida; voltarás
automaticamente ao chat quando a ligação for restabelecida.\n\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Disconnected_Entry" "Lost connection to Steam, will
rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.\n"
"Friends_Chat_Disconnected_Rejoin_Entry" "Ligado de novo e de volta ao chat.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Disconnected_Rejoin_Entry" "Connected again and rejoined
"Friends_Chat_DisconnectedNoRetry_Entry" "Sem ligação ao Steam.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_DisconnectedNoRetry_Entry" "No connection to Steam.\n"
"Friends_Chat_RoomLocked_Entry" "A sala de chat foi bloqueada por
"[english]Friends_Chat_RoomLocked_Entry" "The chat room has been locked by
"Friends_Chat_RoomUnlocked_Entry" "A sala de chat foi desbloqueada (aberta a
todos) por %member_making_change%.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_RoomUnlocked_Entry" "The chat room has been unlocked
(opened to anyone) by %member_making_change%.\n"
"Friends_Chat_RackBouncing_Entry" "Os servidores do Steam irão reiniciar dentro
de pouco tempo. A ligação a esta sala de chat será restaurada após o reinício.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_RackBouncing_Entry" "The Steam servers will be
rebooting shortly. Connection to this chat room will be restored after the
"Friends_MsgNotification_Sender" "%name% diz,"
"[english]Friends_MsgNotification_Sender" "%name% says,"
"Friends_MsgNotification_Body" "%message%"
"[english]Friends_MsgNotification_Body" "%message%"
"Friends_AddUser" "Adicionar à tua lista de Amigos..."
"[english]Friends_AddUser" "Add to your Friends list..."
"Friends_Voice_Call" "Iniciar chamada"
"[english]Friends_Voice_Call" "Begin voice chat"
"Friends_Voice_EndCall" "Term. chamada"
"[english]Friends_Voice_EndCall" "End voice chat"
"Friends_Voice_CancelCall" "Cancelar chamada"
"[english]Friends_Voice_CancelCall" "Cancel call"
"Friends_Voice_Hold" "Colocar em espera"
"[english]Friends_Voice_Hold" "Hold"
"Friends_Voice_IncomingVoice" "Chamada de %friend% iniciada."
"[english]Friends_Voice_IncomingVoice" "Call from %friend% started."
"Friends_Voice_HangUp" "Chamada com %friend% terminada."
"[english]Friends_Voice_HangUp" "Call with %friend% ended."
"Friends_Voice_AudioSettings" "Definições"
"[english]Friends_Voice_AudioSettings" "Settings"
"Friends_Voice_Answer" "Atender"
"[english]Friends_Voice_Answer" "Answer"
"Friends_Voice_IncomingStatus" "%friend% deseja iniciar uma chamada."
"[english]Friends_Voice_IncomingStatus" "%friend% wants to chat via voice."
"Friends_Voice_OutgoingStatus" "A chamar %friend%..."
"[english]Friends_Voice_OutgoingStatus" "Calling %friend%..."
"Friends_Voice_Resume" "Retomar"
"[english]Friends_Voice_Resume" "Resume"
"Friends_Voice_ResumeStatusLocalHold" "Em espera"
"[english]Friends_Voice_ResumeStatusLocalHold" "On hold"
"Friends_Voice_ResumeStatusRemoteHold" "%friend% colocou a chamada em espera"
"[english]Friends_Voice_ResumeStatusRemoteHold" "%friend% has put this voice chat
on hold"
"Friends_Voice_AudioOptionsTitle" "Definições de áudio"
"[english]Friends_Voice_AudioOptionsTitle" "Audio Settings"
"Friends_Voice_Microphone_Volume" "Volume do microfone:"
"[english]Friends_Voice_Microphone_Volume" "Microphone Volume:"
"Friends_Voice_Speaker_Volume" "Volume de Receção:"
"[english]Friends_Voice_Speaker_Volume" "Receive Volume:"
"Friends_Voice_BoostMicrophone" "Aumentar o ganho do microfone"
"[english]Friends_Voice_BoostMicrophone" "Boost microphone gain"
"Friends_Voice_TestMicrophone" "Testar microfone"
"[english]Friends_Voice_TestMicrophone" "Test Microphone"
"Friends_Voice_StopTestMicrophone" "Parar teste do microfone"
"[english]Friends_Voice_StopTestMicrophone" "Stop Microphone Test"
"Friends_Voice_RejectCall" "Ignorar"
"[english]Friends_Voice_RejectCall" "Ignore"
"Friends_Voice_ReinitAudio" "Reparar áudio"
"[english]Friends_Voice_ReinitAudio" "Repair Audio"
"Friends_Voice_UsersChatting" "%UsersChatting% utilizador a usar o chat de voz"
"[english]Friends_Voice_UsersChatting" "%UsersChatting% user voice chatting"
"Friends_Voice_UsersChattingPlural" "%UsersChatting% utilizadores a usar o chat de
"[english]Friends_Voice_UsersChattingPlural" "%UsersChatting% users voice
"Friends_Voice_NoOtherUsersChatting" "Nenhuns outros utilizadores a usar o
chat de voz"
"[english]Friends_Voice_NoOtherUsersChatting" "No other users voice chatting"
"Friends_Voice_AllSlotsFull" "%UsersChatting% utilizadores a usar o chat de voz
"[english]Friends_Voice_AllSlotsFull" "%UsersChatting% users voice chatting
"Friends_Chat_StartVoiceChatting" "Iniciar chamada"
"[english]Friends_Chat_StartVoiceChatting" "Start voice chat"
"Friends_Chat_EndVoiceChatting" "Term. chamada"
"[english]Friends_Chat_EndVoiceChatting" "End voice chat"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultStartVoiceSpeak" "A iniciar chamada em %chat%."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultStartVoiceSpeak" "Starting voice in chat %chat
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultEndVoiceSpeak" "A terminar chamada em %chat%."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultEndVoiceSpeak" "Ending voice in chat %chat
"Friends_Chat_VoiceSpeakDenied" "Não é possível iniciar voz em %chat%; não
existem lugares de fala livres suficientes."
"[english]Friends_Chat_VoiceSpeakDenied" "Can't start voice in %chat%, not enough
free speaking slots."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultVoiceSlotsFull" "Não é possível iniciar voz em %chat%;
não existem lugares de fala livres suficientes."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultVoiceSlotsFull" "Can't start voice in %chat%,
not enough free speaking slots."
"Friends_Chat_VoiceStatus" "%availslots% lugares disponíveis [%maxslots%
"[english]Friends_Chat_VoiceStatus" "%availslots% slots avail [%maxslots% total]."
"Friends_GroupSectionInfo_Online" "%online% ONLINE"
"[english]Friends_GroupSectionInfo_Online" "%online% ONLINE"
"Friends_GroupSectionInfo_OnlineInGame" "%ingame% A JOGAR, %online% ONLINE"
"[english]Friends_GroupSectionInfo_OnlineInGame" "%ingame% IN GAME, %online%
"Friends_GroupSectionInfo_OnlineChatting" "%inchat% NO CHAT, %online% ONLINE"
"[english]Friends_GroupSectionInfo_OnlineChatting" "%inchat% IN CHAT, %online%
"Friends_GroupSectionInfo_OnlineInGameChatting" "%inchat% NO CHAT, %ingame% A
JOGAR, %online% ONLINE"
"[english]Friends_GroupSectionInfo_OnlineInGameChatting" "%inchat% IN CHAT,
%ingame% IN GAME, %online% ONLINE"
"Friends_GroupSectionInfo_PublicGroup" "%groupname% (Grupo público)"
"[english]Friends_GroupSectionInfo_PublicGroup" "%groupname% (Public Group)"
"Friends_ViewGroupSteamID" "Ver perfil do grupo"
"[english]Friends_ViewGroupSteamID" "View group profile"
"Friends_JoinGroupChatRoom" "Entrar na sala de chat"
"[english]Friends_JoinGroupChatRoom" "Join group chat room"
"Friends_OpenAdministerGroupPage" "Administrar este grupo"
"[english]Friends_OpenAdministerGroupPage" "Administer this group"
"Friends_LeaveThisGroup" "Sair deste grupo"
"[english]Friends_LeaveThisGroup" "Leave this group"
"Friends_SteamIDLink" "Ver perfil"
"[english]Friends_SteamIDLink" "View profile"
"Friends_EditAlias" "Editar alcunha..."
"[english]Friends_EditAlias" "Edit alias..."
"Friends_UnsetAlias" "Reiniciar"
"[english]Friends_UnsetAlias" "Reset"
"Friends_ViewAliases" "Ver alcunhas"
"[english]Friends_ViewAliases" "View Aliases"
"Friends_NotificationOptions" "Opções de notificação"
"[english]Friends_NotificationOptions" "Notification Options"
"Friends_FriendAliases_Title" "Amigos - %FriendName%"
"[english]Friends_FriendAliases_Title" "Friends - %FriendName%"
"Friends_FriendAliasesInfo" "Já viste %FriendName% a usar os seguintes nomes:"
"[english]Friends_FriendAliasesInfo" "You have seen %FriendName% go by these
"Friends_Settings_TabTitle" "Amigos"
"[english]Friends_Settings_TabTitle" "Friends"
"Friends_Nickname" "Alcunha"
"[english]Friends_Nickname" "Profile name"
"Friends_Avatar" "Avatar"
"[english]Friends_Avatar" "Avatar"
"Friends_AutoSignIntoFriendsOnStartup" "Iniciar sessão automaticamente em Amigos
quando inicio o Steam"
"[english]Friends_AutoSignIntoFriendsOnStartup" "Automatically sign into Friends
when I start Steam"
"Friends_ShowTimeInChatLog" "Mostrar a hora nas mensagens do chat"
"[english]Friends_ShowTimeInChatLog" "Display timestamps in chat log"
"Friends_NotificationsAndSounds" "Notificações e sons"
"[english]Friends_NotificationsAndSounds" "Notifications & Sounds"
"Friends_WhenFriendJoinsGame" "Quando qualquer amigo inicia um jogo"
"[english]Friends_WhenFriendJoinsGame" "When any Friend joins a game"
"Friends_WhenFriendComesOnline" "Quando qualquer amigo fica online"
"[english]Friends_WhenFriendComesOnline" "When any Friend comes online"
"Friends_WhenReceiveMessage" "Quando recebo uma mensagem"
"[english]Friends_WhenReceiveMessage" "When I receive a message"
"Friends_DisplayNotification" "Apresentar uma notificação"
"[english]Friends_DisplayNotification" "Display a notification"
"Friends_PlayASound" "Reproduzir um som"
"[english]Friends_PlayASound" "Play a sound"
"Friends_FlashWindow" "Destacar a janela ao receber mensagem"
"[english]Friends_FlashWindow" "Flash window when I receive a message"
"Friends_FlashWindowAlways" "Sempre"
"[english]Friends_FlashWindowAlways" "Always"
"Friends_FlashWindowMinimized" "Quando minimizada apenas"
"[english]Friends_FlashWindowMinimized" "Only when minimized"
"Friends_FlashWindowNever" "Nunca"
"[english]Friends_FlashWindowNever" "Never"
"Friends_ViewSteamCommunityProfile" "Ver o meu perfil na Comunidade Steam"
"[english]Friends_ViewSteamCommunityProfile" "View my Steam Community profile"
"Friends_ChangeAvatar" "Alterar"
"[english]Friends_ChangeAvatar" "Change"
"Friends_NameTooShort_Title" "Amigos - Nome de Perfil demasiado curto"
"[english]Friends_NameTooShort_Title" "Friends - Profile name too short"
"Friends_NameTooShort_Info" "O campo da alcunha deve conter pelo menos dois
"[english]Friends_NameTooShort_Info" "Profile name field must contain at least
two characters."
"Friends_OnlineNotification_Info" "está online"
"[english]Friends_OnlineNotification_Info" "is now online"
"Friends_InGameNotification_Info" "está a jogar"
"[english]Friends_InGameNotification_Info" "is now playing"
"Friends_ChatInvitation_Info" "convidou-te para uma conversa"
"[english]Friends_ChatInvitation_Info" "has invited you to chat with"
"Friends_VoiceChatInvitation_Info" "quer conversar por voz"
"[english]Friends_VoiceChatInvitation_Info" "has invited to you to voice chat"
"Friends_ChatNotification_Info" "diz:"
"[english]Friends_ChatNotification_Info" "says:"
"Friends_GameInvitation_Info" "convidou-te para jogar"
"[english]Friends_GameInvitation_Info" "has invited you to play"
"Friends_OnlineNotification_Hotkey" "Prime %hotkey% para veres"
"[english]Friends_OnlineNotification_Hotkey" "Press %hotkey% to view"
"Friends_InviteNotification_Hotkey" "Prime %hotkey% para veres"
"[english]Friends_InviteNotification_Hotkey" "Press %hotkey% to view"
"Friends_ChatNotification_Hotkey" "Prime %hotkey% para responder"
"[english]Friends_ChatNotification_Hotkey" "Press %hotkey% to reply"
"Friends_PlayersDialog_Title" "Jogadores"
"[english]Friends_PlayersDialog_Title" "Players"
"Friends_CurrentPlayers_TabTitle" "Jogo atual"
"[english]Friends_CurrentPlayers_TabTitle" "Current game"
"Friends_RecentPlayers_TabTitle" "Jogos anteriores"
"[english]Friends_RecentPlayers_TabTitle" "Recent games"
"Friends_AddPlayerAsFriend" "Adicionar um amigo..."
"[english]Friends_AddPlayerAsFriend" "Add a Friend..."
"Friends_NoRecentlyPlayedWithUsers" "Não jogaste recentemente nenhum jogo Steam com
"[english]Friends_NoRecentlyPlayedWithUsers" "You have not recently played Steam
games with anyone."
"Friends_NoCurrentlyPlayedWithUsers" "O servidor de jogos não encontrou nenhum
utilizador do Steam."
"[english]Friends_NoCurrentlyPlayedWithUsers" "No Steam users reported by game
"Friends_PlayerName" "Alcunha"
"[english]Friends_PlayerName" "Profile name"
"Friends_SteamIDURLHeader" "Perfil Steam"
"[english]Friends_SteamIDURLHeader" "Steam Profile"
"Friends_PlayerRelationship" "Relação"
"[english]Friends_PlayerRelationship" "Relationship"
"Friends_PlayedWithGame" "Jogo"
"[english]Friends_PlayedWithGame" "Game"
"Friends_PlayedWithTime" "Quando?"
"[english]Friends_PlayedWithTime" "Time"
"Friends_PlayerFriend" "AMIGO"
"[english]Friends_PlayerFriend" "FRIEND"
"Friends_SteamIDPage" "Perfil"
"[english]Friends_SteamIDPage" "Profile"
"Friends_InvitesAvailable_Title" "Amigos - convites"
"[english]Friends_InvitesAvailable_Title" "Friends - invites"
"Friends_InvitesAvailable_Info" "Tens %groups% convite para grupos pendente."
"[english]Friends_InvitesAvailable_Info" "You have %groups% group invite pending."
"Friends_InvitesAvailable_InfoPlural" "Tens %groups% convites para grupos
"[english]Friends_InvitesAvailable_InfoPlural" "You have %groups% group invites
"Friends_InvitesAvailable_Info2" "Tens %friends% pedido de amizade pendente."
"[english]Friends_InvitesAvailable_Info2" "You have %friends% Friends invite
"Friends_InvitesAvailable_Info2Plural" "Tens %friends% pedidos de amizade
"[english]Friends_InvitesAvailable_Info2Plural" "You have %friends% Friends invites
"Friends_InvitesAvailable_Info3" "Tens %friends% pedido(s) de amizade e %groups%
convite(s) para grupos pendente(s)."
"[english]Friends_InvitesAvailable_Info3" "You have %friends% Friends invite(s) and
%groups% group invite(s) pending."
"Friends_InvitesAvailable_View" "Ver convites"
"[english]Friends_InvitesAvailable_View" "View invites"
"Friends_RetryVoiceConnections" "Tentar novamente a ligação de voz"
"[english]Friends_RetryVoiceConnections" "Retry voice connection"
"Friends_AddRecentPlayerAsFriend" "Ver utilizadores com quem jogaste
"[english]Friends_AddRecentPlayerAsFriend" "View users you've recently played
"Friends_NotificationOptions_Title" "Opções de notificação - %FriendName%"
"[english]Friends_NotificationOptions_Title" "Notification options - %FriendName
"Friends_WhenThisFriendJoinsGame" "Quando %FriendName% inicia um jogo"
"[english]Friends_WhenThisFriendJoinsGame" "When %FriendName% joins a game"
"Friends_WhenThisFriendComesOnline" "Quando %FriendName% fica online"
"[english]Friends_WhenThisFriendComesOnline" "When %FriendName% comes online"
"Friends_WhenReceiveMessageFromThisFriend" "Quando recebo uma mensagem de
"[english]Friends_WhenReceiveMessageFromThisFriend" "When I receive a message
from %FriendName%"
"Friends_InviteInfo_HasAdded" "adicionou-te à sua"
"[english]Friends_InviteInfo_HasAdded" "has added you to his or her"
"Friends_InviteInfo_FriendsList" "Lista de amigos"
"[english]Friends_InviteInfo_FriendsList" "Friends List"
"Friends_InviteInfo_BeenInvited" "Foste convidado"
"[english]Friends_InviteInfo_BeenInvited" "You have been invited"
"Friends_InviteInfo_JoinGroup" "para entrares no grupo Steam"
"[english]Friends_InviteInfo_JoinGroup" "to join Steam group"
"Friends_GroupEvent_NewEventScheduled" "agendou um novo evento"
"[english]Friends_GroupEvent_NewEventScheduled" "has scheduled new event"
"Friends_GroupEvent_NowStarting" "tem um evento a começar:"
"[english]Friends_GroupEvent_NowStarting" "has event starting"
"Friends_GroupEvent_NewAccouncement" "publicou um novo anúncio"
"[english]Friends_GroupEvent_NewAccouncement" "has posted new announcement"
"Friends_GroupEvent_Title" "%group% - evento iniciado"
"[english]Friends_GroupEvent_Title" "%group% - event started"
"Friends_GroupEvent_View" "Ver evento"
"[english]Friends_GroupEvent_View" "View event"
"Voice_Settings_TabTitle" "Voz"
"[english]Voice_Settings_TabTitle" "Voice"
"Steam_RepairAudioDescription" "(Quando um dispositivo de áudio é ligado ou
removido, podes precisar de detetar novamente os dispositivos ativos.)"
"[english]Steam_RepairAudioDescription" "(When an audio device is plugged in or
removed, you may need to re-detect active audio devices.)"
"Steam_RepairAudioButton" "Detetar dispositivos"
"[english]Steam_RepairAudioButton" "Detect audio devices"
"Steam_VoiceMicGain" "Aumentar o ganho do microfone"
"[english]Steam_VoiceMicGain" "Boost microphone gain"
"Steam_TestMicButton" "Testar microfone"
"[english]Steam_TestMicButton" "Test microphone"
"Steam_VoiceReceiveVolume" "Volume de receção"
"[english]Steam_VoiceReceiveVolume" "Receive volume"
"Steam_VoiceMicVolume" "Volume do microfone"
"[english]Steam_VoiceMicVolume" "Microphone volume"
"Friends_ViewGroupMembersLink" "Ver todos os membros"
"[english]Friends_ViewGroupMembersLink" "View all members"
"Friends_GroupCollapsedTooManyMembers" "(demasiados membros para mostrar)"
"[english]Friends_GroupCollapsedTooManyMembers" "(too many members to show)"
"Friends_GroupCollapsedNoOtherMembers" "(nenhuns outros membros para mostrar)"
"[english]Friends_GroupCollapsedNoOtherMembers" "(no other members to show)"
"Friends_ControlPanelLink" "Comunidade - Página Inicial"
"[english]Friends_ControlPanelLink" "Community Home"
"Friends_AchievementUnlocked_Headline" "Proeza desbloqueada!"
"[english]Friends_AchievementUnlocked_Headline" "Achievement Unlocked!"
"Friends_AchievementUnlocked_Body" "%achievement%"
"[english]Friends_AchievementUnlocked_Body" "%achievement%"
"Friends_AchievementProgress_Headline" "Progresso de Proeza"
"[english]Friends_AchievementProgress_Headline" "Achievement Progress"
"Friends_AchievementProgress_Body" "%achievement% (%cur%/%max%)"
"[english]Friends_AchievementProgress_Body" "%achievement% (%cur%/%max%)"
"Friends_ChatURLWarning_Title" "Alerta: web site não-Steam"
"[english]Friends_ChatURLWarning_Title" "Alert: non-Steam web site"
"Friends_ChatURLWarning_Info" "Nota: o URL em que clicaste não é um web site
oficial do Steam."
"[english]Friends_ChatURLWarning_Info" "Note: the URL you have clicked on is not
an official Steam web site."
"Friends_ChatURLWarning_Info2" "Se este site pedir o teu nome de utilizador ou
palavra-passe, não os introduzas. Poderás perder a tua conta Steam e todos os teus
"[english]Friends_ChatURLWarning_Info2" "If this web site asks for your user name
or password, do not enter that information. You could lose your Steam account and
all your games!"
"Friends_ChatURLWarning_Continue" "Ok, prosseguir para a página da web"
"[english]Friends_ChatURLWarning_Continue" "Ok, continue to the web page"
"Friends_ChatURLWarning_DontAskAgainCheck" "Não mostrar isto novamente."
"[english]Friends_ChatURLWarning_DontAskAgainCheck" "Don't show me this again."
"Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_Title" "Alerta: risco de segurança de conta"
"[english]Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_Title" "Alert: Account security risk"
"Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_Info" "Aviso: está prestes a partilhar a sua palavra-
"[english]Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_Info" "Warning: you are about to share
your password."
"Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_Info2" "O Suporte Steam nunca irá precisar da tua
palavra-passe, por qual razão que seja. Ao partilhares a tua palavra-passe, poderás
perder a tua conta Steam e todos os teus jogos!\n\nTens a certeza de que desejas
partilhar esta informação?"
"[english]Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_Info2" "Steam Support will never need your
password for any reason. By sharing your password, you could lose your Steam
account and all your games!\n\nAre you sure you wish to share this information?"
"Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_Continue" "Sim, enviar a minha mensagem de chat"
"[english]Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_Continue" "Yes, send my chat message"
"Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_DontSend" "Não, não enviar"
"[english]Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_DontSend" "No, don't send it"
"Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_Title" "Bloquear todas as comunicações com
"[english]Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_Title" "Block all interaction with
"Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_Info2" "Estás prestes a bloquear todas as
comunicações com %username%.\n\nNão poderás enviar ou receber mensagens ou convites
deste jogador.\n\nPodes alterar esta situação visitando o Perfil Steam desse
jogador ou desbloqueando-o através da tua lista de Amigos."
"[english]Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_Info2" "You are about to block all
communication with %username%.\n\nYou will no longer be able to send or receive
messages or invites with this player.\n\nYou can undo this by visiting their Steam
Profile or unblocking them via your Friends list."
"Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_DontAskAgainCheck" "Não mostrar isto novamente."
"[english]Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_DontAskAgainCheck" "Don't show me
this again."
"Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_Block" "Bloquear jogador"
"[english]Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_Block" "Block player"
"Friends_BlockCommunicationWArning_Cancel" "Cancelar"
"[english]Friends_BlockCommunicationWArning_Cancel" "Cancel"
"Friends_ChatIntro_Title" "Pedido de chat recebido"
"[english]Friends_ChatIntro_Title" "Incoming chat request"
"Friends_ChatIntro_Accept" "Aceitar"
"[english]Friends_ChatIntro_Accept" "Accept"
"Friends_ChatIntro_Decline" "Recusar"
"[english]Friends_ChatIntro_Decline" "Decline"
"Friends_ChatIntro_Ignore" "Bloquear"
"[english]Friends_ChatIntro_Ignore" "Block"
"Friends_ChatIntro_Info" "Recebeste um pedido de chat do seguinte utilizador:"
"[english]Friends_ChatIntro_Info" "You've received a chat request from the
following user:"
"Friends_ChatIntro_Info2" "Vocês têm os seguintes grupos em comum:"
"[english]Friends_ChatIntro_Info2" "You two share the following groups in common:"
"Friends_ChatIntro_InfoChatRoom" "Ambos participam nesta sala de chat:"
"[english]Friends_ChatIntro_InfoChatRoom" "You are in this chat room together:"
"Friends_ChatIntro_Request" "Desejas aceitar este pedido de chat?"
"[english]Friends_ChatIntro_Request" "Would you like to accept this chat
"Friends_ChatIntro_DontShowCheckBox" "Aceitar sempre pedidos de chat deste
"[english]Friends_ChatIntro_DontShowCheckBox" "Always accept chat requests from
this user."
"Friends_ChatIntro_WarningInfo" "O Suporte Steam nunca irá precisar da tua
palavra-passe. Ignora qualquer pedido de palavra-passe que recebas."
"[english]Friends_ChatIntro_WarningInfo" "Reminder: Steam Support will never need
your password for any reason. Ignore any password requests you receive."
"Friends_Voice_MicrophoneDeviceLabel" "Dispositivo de gravação (entrada de
"[english]Friends_Voice_MicrophoneDeviceLabel" "Recording (audio input) device"
"Friends_Voice_ChangeDevice" "Alterar dispositivo..."
"[english]Friends_Voice_ChangeDevice" "Change device..."
"Friends_Voice_ChangeDeviceNote" "(isto irá abrir o painel de controlo de voz do
"[english]Friends_Voice_ChangeDeviceNote" "(this will open the Windows voice
control panel)"
"Friends_Voice_ChangingDevice_Title" "Steam - Alterar dispositivo de gravação"
"[english]Friends_Voice_ChangingDevice_Title" "Steam - Changing recording device"
"Friends_Voice_ChangingDevice_Info" "O painel de controlo de áudio do Windows
encontra-se agora aberto. Clica em 'OK' quando tiveres concluído a alteração de
"[english]Friends_Voice_ChangingDevice_Info" "The Windows audio control panel is
now open. Hit 'OK' when you're finished changing settings."
"Friends_Voice_ChangingDevice_Button" "OK, concluí a alteração de definições"
"[english]Friends_Voice_ChangingDevice_Button" "OK, I'm finished changing
"Friends_Voice_NoDeviceDetected" "[ Não foram detetados dispositivos de gravação
"[english]Friends_Voice_NoDeviceDetected" "[ No recording device detected ]"
"Friends_Voice_PushToTalkKey" "Tecla para transmitir voz"
"[english]Friends_Voice_PushToTalkKey" "Push-to-talk key"
"Friends_Voice_WhenActive" "Quando o chat de voz se encontra ativo:"
"[english]Friends_Voice_WhenActive" "When voice chat is active:"
"Friends_Voice_AutoTransmit" "Transmitir automaticamente a minha voz quando falo"
"[english]Friends_Voice_AutoTransmit" "Automatically transmit my voice whenever
I speak"
"Friends_Voice_PushToTalk" "Utilizar uma tecla para transmitir voz"
"[english]Friends_Voice_PushToTalk" "Use a push-to-talk key to transmit voice"
"Friends_DownloadNotification_Steam" "Steam"
"[english]Friends_DownloadNotification_Steam" "Steam"
"Friends_DownloadNotification_Info" "terminou de transferir"
"[english]Friends_DownloadNotification_Info" "has finished downloading"
"Limited_OpenChat" "Abrir chat"
"[english]Limited_OpenChat" "Open Chat"
"Friends_SteamCommunity" "Comunidade Steam"
"[english]Friends_SteamCommunity" "Steam Community"
"Limited_Explanation" "A tua conta não cumpre os requisitos para a utilização
desta funcionalidade."
"[english]Limited_Explanation" "Your account does not meet the requirements to
use this feature."
"Limited_ForDetails" "Visita o Suporte Steam para mais informações."
"[english]Limited_ForDetails" "Visit Steam Support for more information."
"Friends_Chat_RoomModerated_Entry" "A sala de chat foi definida \"apenas para
oficiais\" por %member_making_change%.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_RoomModerated_Entry" "The chat room has been set to
officers-only chat by %member_making_change%.\n"
"Friends_Chat_RoomUnmoderated_Entry" "A sala de chat foi definida para todos
os utilizadores por %member_making_change%.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_RoomUnmoderated_Entry" "The chat room has been set to all-
users chat by %member_making_change%.\n"
"Friends_Chat_RoomUnmoderated_Info" "Apenas os oficiais de grupo podem enviar
mensagens em chats \"apenas para oficiais\""
"[english]Friends_Chat_RoomUnmoderated_Info" "Only group officers can send
messages in officers-only chat"
"Friends_Chat_ModerateRoom" "Ativar chat \"apenas para oficiais\""
"[english]Friends_Chat_ModerateRoom" "Enable officers-only chat"
"Friends_Chat_UnmoderateRoom" "Desativar chat \"apenas para oficiais\" (todos podem
"[english]Friends_Chat_UnmoderateRoom" "Disable officers-only chat (anyone can
"Friends_Chat_ModerateRoom_Status" "Só os oficiais do grupo podem conversar"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ModerateRoom_Status" "Only officers of the group can
"Friends_InviteToGame_Title" "Escolhe quais amigos queres convidar"
"[english]Friends_InviteToGame_Title" "Choose Friends to invite"
"Friends_InviteToGame_Close" "Regressar ao jogo"
"[english]Friends_InviteToGame_Close" "Return to game"
"friends_invitetogame_action" "CONVIDAR"
"[english]friends_invitetogame_action" "INVITE"
"friends_invitetogame_done" "CONVITE ENVIADO"
"[english]friends_invitetogame_done" "INVITE SENT"
"Friends_NoSoundSystems" "Não foram encontrados sistemas de Entrada de Som na
tua máquina."
"[english]Friends_NoSoundSystems" "No Sound Input systems found on your machine."
"Friends_SoundSystemName" "Dispositivo"
"[english]Friends_SoundSystemName" "Device"
"FriendsUI_SelectSoundSystem" "Seleciona o Dispositivo de Entrada de Som:"
"[english]FriendsUI_SelectSoundSystem" "Select Sound Input Device:"
"FriendsUI_SoundSystemTitle" "Selecionar Entrada de Som"
"[english]FriendsUI_SoundSystemTitle" "Select Sound Input"
"friends_ingametooltip" "A jogar: %game%"
"[english]friends_ingametooltip" "In-Game: %game%"
"friends_pendinginvites" "%invites% PENDENTES"
"[english]friends_pendinginvites" "%invites% PENDING"
"Friends_ViewInvitesOnCommunityPage" "Ver convites na Comunidade"
"[english]Friends_ViewInvitesOnCommunityPage" "View invites on Community"
"friends_ignoreallinvites" "Ignorar todos os convites"
"[english]friends_ignoreallinvites" "Ignore all invites"
"friends_acceptallinvites" "Aceitar todos os convites"
"[english]friends_acceptallinvites" "Accept all invites"
"friends_acceptrequest" "Aceitar"
"[english]friends_acceptrequest" "Accept"
"friends_ignorerequest" "Ignorar"
"[english]friends_ignorerequest" "Ignore"
"friends_blockrequest" "Bloquear"
"[english]friends_blockrequest" "Block"
"friends_acceptgrouprequest" "Aceitar"
"[english]friends_acceptgrouprequest" "Accept"
"friends_ignoregrouprequest" "Ignorar"
"[english]friends_ignoregrouprequest" "Ignore"
"TrackerUI_FavoriteWindowLabel_Windows" "Seleciona qual a janela do Steam a ser
apresentada quando o programa inicia, e quando é feito duplo clique sobre o ícone
na Barra de Notificação."
"[english]TrackerUI_FavoriteWindowLabel_Windows" "Select which Steam window
appears when the program starts, and when you double-click the Notification Tray
"Friends_ViewGameStorePage" "Ver página do jogo na loja"
"[english]Friends_ViewGameStorePage" "View game store page"
"Friends_Chat_Settings" "Definições de Conversação"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Settings" "Chat Settings"
"Friends_AlwaysNewChatCheck" "Abrir novas conversas em janelas em vez de
"[english]Friends_AlwaysNewChatCheck" "Always open a new chat window rather
than a tab "
"friends_tooltip_voicesettings" "Ver definições de voz"
"[english]friends_tooltip_voicesettings" "View voice settings"
"Friends_ScreenshotNotification_Info" "Ecrã capturado"
"[english]Friends_ScreenshotNotification_Info" "Screenshot saved"
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_UserLocked" "Não podes entrar na conversação %chat%,
porque os teus privilégios de conversação foram temporariamente suspensos."
"[english]Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_UserLocked" "You may not enter the %chat% chat,
because your chat privileges have been temporarily suspended."
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_ClanLocked" "Não podes entrar na conversação %chat%,
porque foi desativada pelo administrador."
"[english]Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_ClanLocked" "You may not enter the %chat% chat,
because it has been administratively disabled."
"Friends_ScreenshotNotification_Info_Multiple" "%screenshots% ecrãs capturados"
"[english]Friends_ScreenshotNotification_Info_Multiple" "%screenshots%
screenshots saved"
"Friends_ScreenshotErrorNotification_Info" "Erro ao guardar captura de ecrã"
"[english]Friends_ScreenshotErrorNotification_Info" "Error saving screenshot"
"friends_game_invite" "%friend% convidou-te para jogar"
"[english]friends_game_invite" "%friend% has invited you to play"
"friends_game_invite_action" "CLICA AQUI PARA TE JUNTARES"
"[english]friends_game_invite_action" "CLICK HERE TO JOIN"
"friends_voice_friendendedcall" "%friend% terminou a chamada."
"[english]friends_voice_friendendedcall" "%friend% has ended the call."
"friends_trade_invite" "%friend% convidou-te para trocar itens"
"[english]friends_trade_invite" "%friend% has invited you to trade items"
"friends_trade_invite_action" "CLICA AQUI PARA TROCAR"
"[english]friends_trade_invite_action" "CLICK HERE TO TRADE"
"friends_trade_invite_sent" "Um pedido de troca foi enviado para %friend%"
"[english]friends_trade_invite_sent" "A request to trade has been sent to
"friends_trade_invite_sent_waiting" "A aguardar resposta..."
"[english]friends_trade_invite_sent_waiting" "Waiting for response..."
"friends_trade_declined" "%friend% recusou o teu pedido de troca."
"[english]friends_trade_declined" "%friend% has declined your trade request."
"friends_trade_you_are_banned" "Não podes trocar com %friend% porque estás
banido(a) do sistema de trocas."
"[english]friends_trade_you_are_banned" "You cannot trade with %friend% because
you have a trade ban."
"friends_trade_they_are_banned" "Não podes trocar com %friend% porque ele(a)
está banido(a) do sistema de trocas."
"[english]friends_trade_they_are_banned" "You cannot trade with %friend% because
they have a trade ban."
"friends_trade_they_are_trading" "Não podes trocar com %friend% porque ele(a)
está de momento a trocar com outra pessoa."
"[english]friends_trade_they_are_trading" "You cannot trade with %friend% because
they are currently trading with someone else."
"friends_trade_disabled" "O sistema de trocas encontra-se atualmente
desativado no servidor."
"[english]friends_trade_disabled" "Trading is currently disabled on the server."
"friends_trade_not_logged_in" "Não podes trocar com %friend% porque ele(a) não está
"[english]friends_trade_not_logged_in" "You cannot trade with %friend% because
they are not logged in."
"friends_trade_cancelled" "O pedido de troca foi cancelado."
"[english]friends_trade_cancelled" "The trade request was cancelled."
"friends_trade_too_soon" "Não podes trocar com %friend% porque ainda é muito
cedo para enviar novamente um pedido de troca."
"[english]friends_trade_too_soon" "You cannot trade with %friend% because it is
too soon to ask them again."
"friends_trade_too_soon_penalty" "Não podes trocar com %friend% porque fizeste o
pedido demasiadas vezes seguidas. Podes tentar novamente daqui a alguns minutos."
"[english]friends_trade_too_soon_penalty" "You cannot trade with %friend% because
you have been asking too frequently - you can try again in a few minutes."
"friends_trade_connection_failed" "%friend% não respondeu ao teu pedido de
"[english]friends_trade_connection_failed" "%friend% has not responded to your
trade request."
"friends_trade_you_are_already_trading" "Não podes pedir para fazer uma troca
nova enquanto ainda estiveres noutra sessão de troca."
"[english]friends_trade_you_are_already_trading" "You cannot request a new
trade while you are still in another trade session."
"friends_trade_you_are_already_requesting_trade" "Só podes ter um pedido de
troca ativo de cada vez."
"[english]friends_trade_you_are_already_requesting_trade" "You can only have one
outstanding trade request."
"friends_trade_no_respond" "%friend% não respondeu ao pedido de troca."
"[english]friends_trade_no_respond" "%friend% did not respond to the trade
"friends_trade_accepted" "%friend% aceitou o teu pedido de troca."
"[english]friends_trade_accepted" "%friend% has accepted your request to trade."
"friends_trade_you_accepted" "Aceitaste o pedido de troca de %friend%."
"[english]friends_trade_you_accepted" "You have accepted the trade request from
"friends_invite_to_trade" "Convidar para trocar"
"[english]friends_invite_to_trade" "Invite to Trade"
"friends_voice_usedbygame" "Microfone em uso pelo jogo"
"[english]friends_voice_usedbygame" "Microphone in use by game"
"Friends_HideFriend_Title" "Amigos - Ignorar Utilizador"
"[english]Friends_HideFriend_Title" "Friends - Ignore User"
"Friends_HideFriend_Info" "Tens a certeza de que queres ignorar e remover
%friend% da tua lista de Amigos Sugeridos?\n\n(Podes adicioná-lo outra vez mais
tarde usando o botão 'Adicionar um Amigo'.)\n"
"[english]Friends_HideFriend_Info" "Are you sure you want to ignore and remove
%friend% from your Suggested Friends list?\n\n(You can add them again later using
the 'Add a Friend...' button.)\n"
"Friends_HideFriend_Button" "Ignorar %friend%"
"[english]Friends_HideFriend_Button" "Ignore %friend%"
"Friends_HideFriend_Failed" "Não foi possível ignorar o amigo %friend%"
"[english]Friends_HideFriend_Failed" "Could not ignore friend %friend%"
"Friends_ViewFacebookIDPage" "Ver perfil do Facebook"
"[english]Friends_ViewFacebookIDPage" "View Facebook Page"
"Friends_HideUser" "Ignorar utilizador..."
"[english]Friends_HideUser" "Ignore user..."
"Friends_FriendList_Suggested" "AMIGOS SUGERIDOS"
"[english]Friends_FriendList_Suggested" "SUGGESTED FRIENDS"
"friends_ignoreallsuggestedfriends" "Ignorar todos os amigos sugeridos"
"[english]friends_ignoreallsuggestedfriends" "Ignore all suggested friends"
"friends_inviteallsuggestedfriends" "Convidar todos os amigos sugeridos"
"[english]friends_inviteallsuggestedfriends" "Invite all suggested friends"
"friends_inviterequest" "Convidar"
"[english]friends_inviterequest" "Invite"
"friends_trade_other_cancelled" "%friend% pediu para trocar contigo, mas ele(a)
cancelou o pedido."
"[english]friends_trade_other_cancelled" "%friend% had asked to trade with you,
but has cancelled their request."
"friends_trade_other_cancelled_timeout" "%friend% pediu para trocar contigo, mas
não respondeste a tempo."
"[english]friends_trade_other_cancelled_timeout" "%friend% had asked to trade
with you, but you did not respond in time."
"Friends_TradeInvitation_Info" "convidou-te para trocar"
"[english]Friends_TradeInvitation_Info" "has invited you to trade"
"Friends_Page_Groups" "GRUPOS"
"[english]Friends_Page_Groups" "GROUPS"
"Friends_Page_Friends" "AMIGOS"
"[english]Friends_Page_Friends" "FRIENDS"
"Friends_Page_Games" "JOGOS"
"[english]Friends_Page_Games" "GAMES"
"Friends_Friendlist_OtherFriends" "AMIGOS"
"[english]Friends_Friendlist_OtherFriends" "FRIENDS"
"Friends_Friendlist_AllFriends" "TODOS OS AMIGOS"
"[english]Friends_Friendlist_AllFriends" "ALL FRIENDS"
"friends_view_item_in_inventory" "Ver no inventário"
"[english]friends_view_item_in_inventory" "View in inventory"
"friends_group_tag_as" "Marcar como..."
"[english]friends_group_tag_as" "Tag as..."
"friends_group_edit_categories" "Atribui marcadores a este amigo para te ajudar
a encontrá-lo mais rapidamente. Amigos marcados serão agrupados na tua lista de
"[english]friends_group_edit_categories" "Assign tags to this friend to help you
find them quickly. Tagged Friends will be grouped together in your Friends list."
"friends_group_addtag" "MARCAR"
"[english]friends_group_addtag" "ADD TAG"
"friends_group_edittags_title" "%friend% - Marcadores"
"[english]friends_group_edittags_title" "%friend% - Tags"
"friends_trade_info" "NOVIDADE! Podes trocar coisas como cartas, emoticons,
planos de fundo e itens de jogos com o sistema de trocas do Steam. Clica na seta
acima para convidar esta pessoa para trocar. Também podes mostrar itens no chat ao
arrastá-los a partir do teu teu inventário."
"[english]friends_trade_info" "NEW! Trade Team Fortress 2 items, Portal 2 items,
and Steam Gifts with Steam Trading. Click on the drop down button to invite this
person to trade. You can also show off items in chat by dragging them from your
"friends_insertitem" "Mostrar um item do teu inventário"
"[english]friends_insertitem" "Display an Item from your Inventory..."
"Friends_FriendAliases_None" "Este jogador não é conhecido por nenhum outro nome."
"[english]Friends_FriendAliases_None" "This player has not gone by any other
"friends_trade_you_are_cafe" "Não podes trocar com %friend% porque estás numa
conta de cibercafé."
"[english]friends_trade_you_are_cafe" "You cannot trade with %friend% because
you are on a Cyber Cafe account."
"friends_trade_they_are_cafe" "Não podes trocar com %friend% porque ele(a) está
numa conta de cibercafé."
"[english]friends_trade_they_are_cafe" "You cannot trade with %friend% because
they are on a Cyber Cafe account."
"friends_trade_you_are_school" "Não podes trocar com %friend% porque estás
numa conta de Laboratório Escolar."
"[english]friends_trade_you_are_school" "You cannot trade with %friend% because
you are on a School Lab account."
"friends_trade_they_are_school" "Não podes trocar com %friend% porque ele(a)
está numa conta de Laboratório Escolar."
"[english]friends_trade_they_are_school" "You cannot trade with %friend% because
they are on a School Lab account."
"group_enterchatroom" "Entrar no chat"
"[english]group_enterchatroom" "Enter group chat"
"Friends_Chat_InviteToPrivateChatRoom_Info" "Foste convidado para te juntares a
um chat privado com %patron%."
"[english]Friends_Chat_InviteToPrivateChatRoom_Info" "You have been invited to
join a private chat with %patron%."
"Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_Info" "Estás prestes a bloquear todas as
comunicações com %username%.\n\nEste bloqueio também irá impedir que tu e este
jogador se juntem nos mesmos jogos que suportem o matchmaking do Steamworks."
"[english]Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_Info" "You are about to block all
communication with %username%.\n\nThis block will also prevent you two from joining
the same game with Steamworks matchmaking capabilities."
"Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_LinkInfo" "Mais informação sobre o
matchmaking Steamworks."
"[english]Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_LinkInfo" "More info about Steamworks
"Friends_BlockCommunicationResult" "%username% foi bloqueado!\n\nPara desbloquear
este jogador, visita a tua Lista de Bloqueados na Comunidade Steam."
"[english]Friends_BlockCommunicationResult" "%username% has been blocked!\n\nTo
unblock this player, visit your Blocked List in the Steam Community."
"Friends_BlockCommunicationResult_YourBlockedList" "Ver a minha Lista de
"[english]Friends_BlockCommunicationResult_YourBlockedList""View my Blocked List"
"Friends_DefaultBlockCommunicationError" "Ocorreu um problema ao bloquear
"[english]Friends_DefaultBlockCommunicationError" "There was a problem blocking
"friends_giftreceived_info" "enviou-te um presente"
"[english]friends_giftreceived_info" "has sent you a gift"
"friends_itemreceived_info" "Tens 1 item novo no teu inventário"
"[english]friends_itemreceived_info" "You have 1 new item in your inventory"
"friends_itemsreceived_info" "Tens %items% itens novos no teu inventário"
"[english]friends_itemsreceived_info" "You have %items% new items in your
"Friends_Tooltip_GroupModerator" "Moderador do Grupo"
"[english]Friends_Tooltip_GroupModerator" "Group Moderator"
"Friends_NameChangeFailed_Title" "Amigos - Não foi possível alterar o nome do
"[english]Friends_NameChangeFailed_Title" "Friends - Failed to change profile name"
"Friends_NameChangeFailed_Info" "Não foi possível alterar o nome do perfil. Por
favor, tenta de novo daqui a alguns minutos."
"[english]Friends_NameChangeFailed_Info" "Failed to change profile name. Please
try again in a few minutes."
"Friends_NameChangeThrottled_Info" "Alterações muito frequentes em nomes de perfil
não são permitidas. Por favor, tenta de novo daqui a alguns minutos."
"[english]Friends_NameChangeThrottled_Info" "Very frequent changes to profile
names are not allowed. Please try again in a few minutes."
"friends_trade_generic_failure" "Não podes fazer trocas com %friend%."
"[english]friends_trade_generic_failure" "You cannot trade with %friend%."
"friends_trade_they_are_blocked" "Não podes trocar com %friend% porque o(a)
"[english]friends_trade_they_are_blocked" "You cannot trade with %friend% because
you have blocked them."
"friends_trade_you_need_verified_email" "Tens de confirmar o teu endereço de e-
mail antes de participares numa troca. Confirma o teu endereço de e-mail na janela
de Definições."
"[english]friends_trade_you_need_verified_email" "You must verify your email
address before you can participate in a trade. Verify your email address from the
Settings window."
"friends_trade_you_have_steam_guard_disabled" "Tens de ter o Steam Guard ativo
antes de participares numa troca. Ativa o Steam Guard na janela de Definições."
"[english]friends_trade_you_have_steam_guard_disabled" "You must enable Steam
Guard before you can participate in a trade. Enable Steam Guard from the Settings
"friends_trade_their_account_cannot_trade" "%friend% não está disponível para
fazer trocas. Mais informações serão mostradas a %friend% se ele(a) te mandar um
pedido de troca."
"[english]friends_trade_their_account_cannot_trade" "%friend% is not available to
trade. More information will be shown to %friend% if they invite you to trade."
"Friends_PostNotification_Info" "publicou:"
"[english]Friends_PostNotification_Info" "posted:"
"Friends_ViewGameHub" "Ver Central do Jogo"
"[english]Friends_ViewGameHub" "View Game Hub"
"friends_setnickname" "Adicionar alcunha"
"[english]friends_setnickname" "Add Nickname"
"friends_setnickname_title" "Amigos - %friend%"
"[english]friends_setnickname_title" "Friends - %friend%"
"friends_setnickname_info" "Adiciona uma alcunha persistente a este jogador para
saberes sempre quem ele é."
"[english]friends_setnickname_info" "Add a persistent nickname to this player to
keep track of who they are."
"Friends_Chat_FriendHasChangedApp" "%friend% está a usar %game%. "
"[english]Friends_Chat_FriendHasChangedApp" "%friend% is now using %game%. "
"Friends_InApp" "Numa aplicação"
"[english]Friends_InApp" "In-App"
"Friends_InAppNotification_Info" "está a usar"
"[english]Friends_InAppNotification_Info" "is now using"
"friends_trade_you_havent_had_steam_guard_enabled_long_enough" "Tens de ter o
Steam Guard ativo durante pelo menos %days% dias antes de poderes participar numa
"[english]friends_trade_you_havent_had_steam_guard_enabled_long_enough" "You
must have had Steam Guard enabled for at least %days% days before you can
participate in a trade."
"Friends_Chat_SendOfflineMessage" "%friend% está atualmente offline e receberá a
tua mensagem da próxima vez que iniciar a sessão.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_SendOfflineMessage" "%friend% is currently offline,
they will receive your message the next time they log in.\n"
"friends_trade_you_recently_reset_password" "Esqueceste-te da palavra-passe da
tua conta Steam e redefiniste uma nova recentemente. Não podes fazer trocas até
cinco dias se terem passado depois da última vez que redefiniste uma palavra-
"[english]friends_trade_you_recently_reset_password" "You recently forgot and then
reset your Steam account's password. You will not be able to trade until about five
days after the most recent password reset."
"friends_managefriends" "Gerir Amigos"
"[english]friends_managefriends" "Manage Friends"
"Friends_WebStatus_Tooltip" "Online num browser"
"[english]Friends_WebStatus_Tooltip" "Online using the Web"
"Friends_MobileStatus_Tooltip" "Online num dispositivo móvel"
"[english]Friends_MobileStatus_Tooltip" "Online using a mobile device"
"Friends_BigPictureStatus_Tooltip" "Online no modo Big Picture"
"[english]Friends_BigPictureStatus_Tooltip" "Online using Big Picture"
"friends_trade_you_are_using_new_device" "Iniciaste a sessão a partir de um
dispositivo novo. De forma a proteger os itens no teu inventário, não poderás fazer
trocas a partir deste dispositivo durante %days% dias."
"[english]friends_trade_you_are_using_new_device" "You have logged in from a
new device. In order to protect the items in your inventory, you will be unable to
trade from this device for %days% days."
"friends_trade_you_recently_reset_password_long" "Esqueceste-te e redefiniste
recentemente a palavra-passe da tua conta Steam após vários meses de inatividade.
De modo a proteger os itens do teu inventário, não poderás fazer trocas durante
mais %days% dias."
"[english]friends_trade_you_recently_reset_password_long" "You recently forgot and
then reset your Steam account's password after multiple months of account
inactivity. In order to protect the items in your inventory, you will be unable to
trade for %days% more days."
"friends_trade_you_recently_reset_password_short" "Esqueceste-te e redefiniste
recentemente a palavra-passe da tua conta Steam. De modo a proteger os itens do teu
inventário, não poderás fazer trocas durante mais %days% dias."
"[english]friends_trade_you_recently_reset_password_short" "You recently forgot and
then reset your Steam account's password. In order to protect the items in your
inventory, you will be unable to trade for %days% more days."
"friends_trade_you_recently_reset_password_oneday" "Esqueceste-te e redefiniste
recentemente a palavra-passe da tua conta Steam. De modo a proteger os itens do teu
inventário, não poderás fazer trocas durante mais 1 dia."
"[english]friends_trade_you_recently_reset_password_oneday""You recently forgot and
then reset your Steam account's password. In order to protect the items in your
inventory, you will be unable to trade for one more day."
"friends_newturn_info" "1 novo turno pendente"
"[english]friends_newturn_info" "1 new turn waiting for you"
"friends_newturns_info" "%turns% novos turnos pendentes"
"[english]friends_newturns_info" "%turns% new turns waiting for you"
"Friends_BlockCommunicationResultUnblock" "%username% foi desbloqueado(a)!\n\nPodes
consultar a tua lista de Utilizadores Bloqueados na Comunidade Steam."
"[english]Friends_BlockCommunicationResultUnblock" "%username% has been
unblocked!\n\nYou can visit your Blocked List in the Steam Community."
"Friends_Chat_InviteToWatch" "Convidar para assistir"
"[english]Friends_Chat_InviteToWatch" "Invite to Watch"
"Friends_FriendInvitedToBroadcast_Title" "CONVIDAR - %friend%"
"[english]Friends_FriendInvitedToBroadcast_Title" "INVITE - %friend%"
"Friends_FriendInvitedToBroadcast_Info" "Foi enviado um convite a %friend% para
assistir ao teu jogo."
"[english]Friends_FriendInvitedToBroadcast_Info" "An invitation to watch your
game has been sent to %friend%."
"Friends_BroadcastInvite" "%friend% convidou-te para assistires a uma
transmissão do jogo dele(a)"
"[english]Friends_BroadcastInvite" "%friend% has invited you to watch their
"Friends_BroadcastInviteNotification" "convidou-te para veres a transmissão
"[english]Friends_BroadcastInviteNotification" "invited you to watch their
"Friends_Chat_InviteToBroadcast" "Convidar para assistir"
"[english]Friends_Chat_InviteToBroadcast" "Invite to Watch"
"Friends_BroadcastApproveNotification" "gostaria de assistir ao teu jogo"
"[english]Friends_BroadcastApproveNotification" "would like to watch your
"Friends_BroadcastApprove" "%friend% gostaria de assistir ao teu jogo"
"[english]Friends_BroadcastApprove" "%friend% would like to watch your broadcast"
"Friends_BroadcastApprove_Approve" "ACEITAR"
"[english]Friends_BroadcastApprove_Approve" "APPROVE"
"Friends_BroadcastApprove_Or" "ou"
"[english]Friends_BroadcastApprove_Or" "or"
"Friends_BroadcastApprove_Ignore" "IGNORAR"
"[english]Friends_BroadcastApprove_Ignore" "IGNORE"
"Broadcast_FirstTime_Header" "Bem-vindo(a) às Transmissões Steam! Agora podes ver
outros utilizadores a jogar ou transmitir os teus jogos no Steam."
"[english]Broadcast_FirstTime_Header" "Welcome to Steam Broadcasting! You can
now watch other players and broadcast your own games with Steam."
"Broadcast_FirstTime_PermissionHeader" "Define as tuas preferências..."
"[english]Broadcast_FirstTime_PermissionHeader" "Take a minute to set up your
"Broadcast_FirstTime_DesktopOnly" "Por predefinição, só o teu jogo será
transmitido. O teu ambiente de trabalho não."
"[english]Broadcast_FirstTime_DesktopOnly" "By default, only your game content
can be watched. Your desktop will not be broadcast."
"Broadcast_FirstTime_FAQ" "Lê o FAQ das Transmissões Steam"
"[english]Broadcast_FirstTime_FAQ" "Read the Steam Broadcasting FAQ"
"Broadcast_FirstTime_Title" "Transmissões Steam"
"[english]Broadcast_FirstTime_Title" "Steam Broadcasting"
"Broadcast_FirstTime_OK" "OK"
"[english]Broadcast_FirstTime_OK" "OK"
"Broadcast_FirstTime_Cancel" "Cancelar"
"[english]Broadcast_FirstTime_Cancel" "Cancel"
"Broadcast_FirstTime_ViewerRequest" "%friend% gostaria de te ver jogar %gamename%"
"[english]Broadcast_FirstTime_ViewerRequest" "%friend% would like to watch you
play %gamename%"
"Broadcast_FirstTime_CompleteText" "Obrigado por definires as tuas permissões de
"[english]Broadcast_FirstTime_CompleteText" "Thank you for selecting your
broadcast permissions."
"Broadcast_FirstTime_Configuration" "Para mais opções de configuração, como
transmissão do microfone e resolução do vídeo, visita:"
"[english]Broadcast_FirstTime_Configuration" "For additional configuration
options such as microphone recording and video resolutions, visit:"
"Broadcast_FirstTime_ConfigurationLink" "Definições das transmissões"
"[english]Broadcast_FirstTime_ConfigurationLink" "Broadcast Settings"
"Broadcast_Chat_Mute_User" "Silenciar espectador"
"[english]Broadcast_Chat_Mute_User" "Mute viewer"
"Broadcast_Chat_Muted" "%s1 foi silenciado(a)."
"[english]Broadcast_Chat_Muted" "%s1 has been muted."
"Broadcast_Chat_Joined" "%s1 entrou no chat."
"[english]Broadcast_Chat_Joined" "%s1 joined the chat."
"Broadcast_Chat_Left" "%s1 saiu do chat."
"[english]Broadcast_Chat_Left" "%s1 left the chat."
"Steam_Settings_BroadcastTitle" "Transmissões"
"[english]Steam_Settings_BroadcastTitle" "Broadcasting"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_InviteOnly" "Só amigos que convido podem assistir"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_InviteOnly" "Only friends that I invite"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_FriendsApprove" "Amigos podem pedir para assistir"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_FriendsApprove" "Friends can request to watch
my games"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_FriendsAllowed" "Amigos podem assistir aos meus jogos"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_FriendsAllowed" "Friends can watch my games"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_FriendsPublic" "Qualquer pessoa pode assistir aos meus
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_FriendsPublic" "Anyone can watch my games"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate3500" "3500 kbit/s"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate3500" "3500 kbit/s"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate3000" "3000 kbit/s"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate3000" "3000 kbit/s"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate2500" "2500 kbit/s"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate2500" "2500 kbit/s"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate2000" "2000 kbit/s"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate2000" "2000 kbit/s"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate1000" "1000 kbit/s"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate1000" "1000 kbit/s"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate750" "750 kbit/s"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate750" "750 kbit/s"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_1080p" "1920x1080 (1080p)"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_1080p" "1920x1080 (1080p)"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_720p" "1280x720 (720p)"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_720p" "1280x720 (720p)"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_480p" "854x480 (480p)"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_480p" "854x480 (480p)"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_360p" "640x360 (360p)"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_360p" "640x360 (360p)"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_IncludeDesktop" "Gravar vídeo de todas as aplicações
neste computador"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_IncludeDesktop" "Record video from all
applications on this machine"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_RecordMic" "Gravar som do microfone"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_RecordMic" "Record my microphone"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowDebugInfo" "Mostrar estatísticas de upload"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowDebugInfo" "Show upload stats"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat" "Mostrar chat dos espectadores no jogo:"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat" "Show viewer's chat in game:"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_PermissionsHeader" "Definições de privacidade:"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_PermissionsHeader" "Privacy setting:"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_BitrateHeader" "Bitrate máxima:"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_BitrateHeader" "Maximum Bitrate:"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_DimensionsHeader" "Dimensões do vídeo:"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_DimensionsHeader" "Video Dimensions:"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat_Off" "Desligado"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat_Off" "Off"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat_LeftTop" "Canto superior esquerdo"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat_LeftTop" "Top-left"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat_RightTop" "Canto superior direito"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat_RightTop" "Top-right"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat_RightBottom" "Canto inferior direito"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat_RightBottom" "Bottom-right"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat_LeftBottom" "Canto inferior esquerdo"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat_LeftBottom" "Bottom-left"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Disabled_System" "As Transmissões Steam não são
atualmente compatíveis com este sistema operativo."
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Disabled_System" "Steam Broadcasting is not
currently supported on this operating system."
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Disabled_User" "A tua conta não tem privilégios
suficientes para fazer transmissões em direto."
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Disabled_User" "Your account does not have
sufficient privileges to broadcast live streams."
"Broadcast_Chat_Show_Profile" "Mostrar perfil"
"[english]Broadcast_Chat_Show_Profile" "Show profile"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate1500" "1500 kbit/s"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate1500" "1500 kbit/s"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Disabled_System_Windows_Compat_Enabled" "O Steam não
pode iniciar transmissões nesta máquina.\n\nO Windows está atualmente a executar o
Steam no modo de compatibilidade do Windows, o que pode impedir que as transmissões
do Steam funcionem corretamente. Caso este computador tenha o Windows 7 ou
superior, consulta a página abaixo para removeres o modo de compatibilidade."
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Disabled_System_Windows_Compat_Enabled" "Steam
is unable to start Broadcasting on this machine.\n\nWindows is currently running
Steam in Windows Compatibility Mode which can prevent Steam Broadcasting from
functioning properly. If this machine is Windows 7 or higher, please follow the
support page below to remove compatibility mode."
"Broadcast_RecordingError_Notification" "Não foi possível gravar o áudio desta
"[english]Broadcast_RecordingError_Notification" "Steam was unable to record
audio for this broadcast"
"Broadcast_RecordingError_Title" "Transmissão - Áudio não está a ser gravado"
"[english]Broadcast_RecordingError_Title" "Broadcast - Audio not being recorded"
"Broadcast_RecordingError_General" "Não foi possível gravar o áudio desta
transmissão. Visita o artigo abaixo para possíveis soluções para este problema."
"[english]Broadcast_RecordingError_General" "Steam was unable to record audio
for this broadcast. Please visit the support article below for help troubleshooting
this issue."
"Broadcast_RecordingError_URL_Text" "Suporte Steam - Áudio não está a ser gravado"
"[english]Broadcast_RecordingError_URL_Text" "Steam Support - Audio not being
"Broadcast_RecordingError_URL_General" "
"[english]Broadcast_RecordingError_URL_General" "
"Broadcast_RecordingError_Razer" "Não foi possível gravar o áudio desta
transmissão. Visita o artigo abaixo e consulta a secção sobre hardware de áudio
Razer para possíveis soluções para este problema."
"[english]Broadcast_RecordingError_Razer" "Steam was unable to record audio for
this broadcast. Please visit the support article below and read the \"Razer Audio
Hardware\" section for help troubleshooting this issue."
"Broadcast_RecordingError_URL_Razer" "
"[english]Broadcast_RecordingError_URL_Razer" "
"Broadcast_UploadError_Notification" "A transmissão foi interrompida (%reason
"[english]Broadcast_UploadError_Notification" "Stream upload has stopped (%reason
"Broadcast_Upload_Result_0" "erro desconhecido"
"[english]Broadcast_Upload_Result_0" "unknown error"
"Broadcast_Upload_Result_1" "OK"
"[english]Broadcast_Upload_Result_1" "OK"
"Broadcast_Upload_Result_2" "falha ao iniciar"
"[english]Broadcast_Upload_Result_2" "init failed"
"Broadcast_Upload_Result_3" "erro de frame"
"[english]Broadcast_Upload_Result_3" "frame failed"
"Broadcast_Upload_Result_4" "time-out"
"[english]Broadcast_Upload_Result_4" "time-out"
"Broadcast_Upload_Result_5" "demasiados dados"
"[english]Broadcast_Upload_Result_5" "too much data"
"Broadcast_Upload_Result_6" "FPS baixos"
"[english]Broadcast_Upload_Result_6" "low FPS"
"Broadcast_Upload_Result_7" "key frames em falta"
"[english]Broadcast_Upload_Result_7" "missing key frames"
"Broadcast_Upload_Result_8" "sem ligação"
"[english]Broadcast_Upload_Result_8" "no connection"
"Broadcast_Upload_Result_9" "falha na retransmissão"
"[english]Broadcast_Upload_Result_9" "relay failed"
"Broadcast_Upload_Result_10" "definições alteradas"
"[english]Broadcast_Upload_Result_10" "settings changed"
"Broadcast_Upload_Result_11" "sem áudio"
"[english]Broadcast_Upload_Result_11" "missing audio"
"Broadcast_Upload_Result_12" "atraso muito grande"
"[english]Broadcast_Upload_Result_12" "too far behind"
"Friends_WatchGame" "Assistir ao jogo"
"[english]Friends_WatchGame" "Watch Game"
"Broadcast_Notification_Joined_Public" "Um utilizador começou a assistir à tua
transmissão pública"
"[english]Broadcast_Notification_Joined_Public" "A user has joined your public
"Broadcast_Notification_Stopped_Public" "Todos os espectadores pararam de
assistir à tua transmissão pública"
"[english]Broadcast_Notification_Stopped_Public" "All users have stopped
watching your public broadcast"
"Broadcast_Notification_Is_Watching" "está a assistir à tua transmissão"
"[english]Broadcast_Notification_Is_Watching" "is watching your broadcast"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_StatusHeader" "Estado da transmissão:"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_StatusHeader" "Broadcast Status:"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_StatusNotBroadcast" "Desligada"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_StatusNotBroadcast" "Not Broadcasting"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_StatusBroadcast" "A transmitir"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_StatusBroadcast" "Broadcasting"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_WindowsCompatSupportURL" "https://support.steampowered
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_WindowsCompatSupportText" "Como desativo o modo de
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_WindowsCompatSupportText" "How do I disable
Compatibility Mode?"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_EnableHardwareSupport" "Ativar suporte de hardware
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_EnableHardwareSupport" "Enable Hardware Support
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_RequiresRestart" "* É necessário reiniciar o jogo
para aplicar"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_RequiresRestart" "* Requires game restart
before applying"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ConfigMic" "Configurar microfone"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ConfigMic" "Configure microphone"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Disabled" "Transmissões desativadas"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Disabled" "Broadcasting disabled"
"Broadcast_Notification_Title" "Transmissão"
"[english]Broadcast_Notification_Title" "Broadcast"
"Broadcast_Notification_AvailableToWatch_Title" "Transmissão ativada!"
"[english]Broadcast_Notification_AvailableToWatch_Title" "Broadcasting is
"Broadcast_Notification_AvailableToWatch_Friends" "Os teus amigos podem
assistir à tua transmissão a qualquer momento."
"[english]Broadcast_Notification_AvailableToWatch_Friends" "Your friends can join
your broadcast at any time."
"Broadcast_Notification_AvailableToWatch_Public" "Qualquer utilizador Steam
pode assistir à tua transmissão a qualquer momento."
"[english]Broadcast_Notification_AvailableToWatch_Public" "Any Steam user can join
your broadcast at any time."
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_HelpHeader" "Precisas de ajuda?"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_HelpHeader" "Need help?"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_HelpURL_Desc" "Ver artigos no Suporte Steam"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_HelpURL_Desc" "View Broadcast Support
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_HelpURL_URL" "
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_HelpURL_URL" "
"Friends_BroadcastCantStart_Streaming" "não pode ver a tua transmissão durante
uma sessão de streaming doméstico"
"[english]Friends_BroadcastCantStart_Streaming" "can't watch your broadcast while
In-Home Streaming"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowReminderBanner" "Mostrar sempre estado 'Em direto'"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowReminderBanner" "Always show Live
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_EncoderHeader" "Otimizar codificação para:"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_EncoderHeader" "Optimize encoding for:"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_EncoderQuality" "Melhor qualidade"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_EncoderQuality" "Best Quality"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_EncoderPerformance" "Melhor desempenho"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_EncoderPerformance" "Best Performance"
"Steam_Settings_Browser" "Browser da Web"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Browser" "Web Browser"
"Overlay_SettingsBrowserDesc" "As seguintes definições aplicam-se ao browser da web
utilizado dentro do Steam e no Painel Steam durante um jogo."
"[english]Overlay_SettingsBrowserDesc" "The following settings apply to the web
browser used inside the Steam Client and the Steam In-Game Overlay."
"Steam_SettingsBrowserClearAllCookies" "Eliminar todos os cookies do browser"
"[english]Steam_SettingsBrowserClearAllCookies" "Delete All Browser Cookies"
"Steam_Settings_Browser_DeleteTitle" "Eliminar cookies"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Browser_DeleteTitle" "Delete Cookies"
"Steam_Settings_Browser_DeleteMsg" "Eliminar todos os cookies do browser do
"[english]Steam_Settings_Browser_DeleteMsg" "Clear all Steam browser cookie
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_RecordSystemAudio" "Gravar áudio de todas as
aplicações neste computador"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_RecordSystemAudio" "Record audio from all
applications on this machine"
"friends_trade_you_recently_changed_email" "Mudaste recentemente o endereço de
e-mail associado à tua conta Steam. Não poderás realizar trocas até 5 dias após a
alteração do endereço de e-mail."
"[english]friends_trade_you_recently_changed_email" "You recently changed the
email address associated with your Steam account. You will not be able to trade
until five days after changing your email address."
"friends_trade_you_recently_changed_email_days" "Mudaste recentemente o endereço de
e-mail associado à tua conta Steam. De modo a proteger os itens do teu inventário,
não poderás trocar durante mais %days% dias."
"[english]friends_trade_you_recently_changed_email_days" "You recently changed
the email address associated with your Steam account. In order to protect the items
in your inventory, you will be unable to trade for %days% more days."
"friends_trade_you_recently_changed_email_oneday" "Mudaste recentemente o
endereço de e-mail associado à tua conta Steam. De modo a proteger os itens do teu
inventário, não poderás trocar durante mais um dia."
"[english]friends_trade_you_recently_changed_email_oneday" "You recently changed
the email address associated with your Steam account. In order to protect the items
in your inventory, you will be unable to trade for one more day."
"Broadcast_RecordingError_NoAudio" "Não foi possível gravar o áudio desta
"[english]Broadcast_RecordingError_NoAudio" "Steam was unable to record audio
for this broadcast"
"Broadcast_RecordingError_LowVideo" "O Steam alterou a codificação da transmissão
para \"Melhor desempenho\""
"[english]Broadcast_RecordingError_LowVideo" "Steam changed Broadcast encoding
to \"Best Performance\""
"Friends_ChatFilterBlockWarning" "Por questões de segurança, foi removido um
link da seguinte mensagem."
"[english]Friends_ChatFilterBlockWarning" "A link was removed from the following
message for your security."
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Disabled_Overlay" "O Painel Steam tem de estar
ativado para poderes fazer transmissões."
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Disabled_Overlay" "Steam Overlay needs to be
enabled to broadcast live streams."
"friends_trade_trade_hold_for_cleared_trades_initiator" "Não podes trocar com
%friend% porque todas as tuas propostas de troca foram canceladas recentemente."
"[english]friends_trade_trade_hold_for_cleared_trades_initiator" "You cannot trade
with %friend% because you recently had all your trade offers canceled."
"friends_trade_would_exceed_max_asset_count" "Esta troca não pode ser concluída
porque iria exceder o número máximo de itens permitidos no teu inventário."
"[english]friends_trade_would_exceed_max_asset_count" "This trade cannot be
completed because it would exceed the maximum number of items allowed in your
"Friends_VRStatusStatus_Tooltip" "Online (R.V.)"
"[english]Friends_VRStatusStatus_Tooltip" "Online in VR"
"Steam_SettingsBrowserClearWebCache" "Eliminar cache do browser"
"[english]Steam_SettingsBrowserClearWebCache" "Delete Web Browser Cache"
"Steam_Settings_Browser_ClearWebCacheTitle" "Limpar cache do browser"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Browser_ClearWebCacheTitle" "Clear Browser Cache"
"Steam_Settings_Browser_ClearWebCacheMsg" "Eliminar todos os ficheiros na cache do
browser do Steam?"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Browser_ClearWebCacheMsg" "Delete all files in the
built-in web browser cache?"
"Friends_WhenGroupEventsOrAnnouncementsHappen" "Para anúncios e eventos de grupos"
"[english]Friends_WhenGroupEventsOrAnnouncementsHappen" "For Group events and
"Voice_Settings_NewTabTitle" "Voz durante jogos"
"[english]Voice_Settings_NewTabTitle" "In-Game Voice"
"Friends_Voice_PushToMute" "Utilizar uma tecla para silenciar voz"
"[english]Friends_Voice_PushToMute" "Use a push-to-mute key to mute voice"
"Friends_ChatNoTextNotification_Info" "enviou-te uma mensagem"
"[english]Friends_ChatNoTextNotification_Info" "sent you a message"
"Friends_BroadcastChannelLive" "começou a transmitir na SteamTV"
"[english]Friends_BroadcastChannelLive" "is now live on SteamTV"
"Friends_SteamInputControllerConnectedNotification_Info" "A usar configurações
"[english]Friends_SteamInputControllerConnectedNotification_Info" "Using
configs from"
"Friends_SteamInputControllerConfigNotification_Info" "CONFIG. CARREGADA:"
"[english]Friends_SteamInputControllerConfigNotification_Info" "CONFIG LOADED:"
"Friends_SteamInputControllerConfigNotification_Info2" "%config_name%"
"[english]Friends_SteamInputControllerConfigNotification_Info2" "%config_name%"
"Friends_SteamInputControllerConfigNotification_Info3" "Edita-a a partir do
Painel Steam"
"[english]Friends_SteamInputControllerConfigNotification_Info3" "Edit it from the
Steam Overlay"
"SettingsController_SteamController" "Comando Steam"
"[english]SettingsController_SteamController" "Steam Controller"
"controller_none" "Nenhum"
"[english]controller_none" "None"
"controller_unknown" "Comando desconhecido"
"[english]controller_unknown" "Unknown Controller"
"controller_steamcontroller_unknown" "Comando Steam"
"[english]controller_steamcontroller_unknown" "Steam Controller"
"controller_steamcontroller_gordon" "Comando Steam"
"[english]controller_steamcontroller_gordon" "Steam Controller"
"controller_generic" "Comando genérico"
"[english]controller_generic" "Generic Gamepad"
"controller_xbox360" "Comando da Xbox 360"
"[english]controller_xbox360" "Xbox 360 Controller"
"controller_xboxone" "Comando da Xbox One"
"[english]controller_xboxone" "Xbox One Controller"
"controller_ps3" "Comando da PlayStation 3"
"[english]controller_ps3" "PlayStation 3 Controller"
"controller_ps4" "Comando da PlayStation 4"
"[english]controller_ps4" "PlayStation 4 Controller"
"controller_wii" "Comando da Wii"
"[english]controller_wii" "Wii Controller"
"controller_apple" "Comando Apple"
"[english]controller_apple" "Apple Controller"
"controller_android" "Comando Android"
"[english]controller_android" "Android Controller"
"controller_switch_pro" "Comando Pro da Nintendo Switch"
"[english]controller_switch_pro" "Nintendo Switch Pro Controller"
"controller_switch_joycon_pair" "Comandos Joy-Con da Nintendo Switch"
"[english]controller_switch_joycon_pair" "Nintendo Switch JoyCon Pair"
"controller_mobile_touch" "Comando táctil do Steam Link"
"[english]controller_mobile_touch" "Steam Link Touch Controller"
"Library_ControllerSaveDefaultTitle" "Configuração oficial"
"[english]Library_ControllerSaveDefaultTitle" "Official Configuration"
"SettingsController_AutosaveName" "Config. pessoal guardada autom."
"[english]SettingsController_AutosaveName" "Personal Autosave"
"Friends_SteamInputControllerPlayerNumberTitle" "Jogadores trocados"
"[english]Friends_SteamInputControllerPlayerNumberTitle" "Controller Switched
"Friends_SteamInputControllerPlayerNumberChanged" "é agora o Jogador n.º
"[english]Friends_SteamInputControllerPlayerNumberChanged" "is Now Player
"RemotePlayTogether_Notification_AvailableToInvite_Title" "Remote Play Together"
"[english]RemotePlayTogether_Notification_AvailableToInvite_Title" "Remote Play
"RemotePlayTogether_Notification_AvailableToInvite" "Faz clique direito num amigo
na tua lista e convida-o para jogar."
"[english]RemotePlayTogether_Notification_AvailableToInvite" "Right-click
anyone in your Friends list to invite them to play."

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