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Discouse on the occassion of the Urs of Mawlana Abdalqadir al-Jaylani

Manchester July 1999

The Last Mughal Emperor in Durbar

Discourse of Shaykh Abdalqadir as-Sufi

Cheetham Hill Mosque

Manchester July I999

Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah

Ash-hadu an la ilaha illallah

wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rasulullah,
sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam.

My heart was drawn to you by the invita4on I re-

ceived from the spiritual leadership here and when
the date was fixed we realised it was also the celebra-
4on for Moulay Abdu'I-Qadir al-Jaylani, radiyallahu
anhu. I thought that these two events, the drawing
together of the hearts of the Muslims here in this
country and the celebra4on of Moulay Abdul Qadir
al-Jaylani were not disconnected in any way. Before
we begin the recita4on of the Burda I want to say a
few words and later I will say something else on an-
other level.

Really the important reason why we should gather is

to allow our hearts to be expanded and to receive
lights from Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, in this gather-
ing, which will most certainly happen by the barakah
of Allah and the promise of Allah to the people of the
gathering of the dhikr of Allah.

I also want to say we have a duty. This is most impor-
tantly to those brothers among us who are the oldest
members of the community. We have a duty to save
your grandsons. The sons and the grandsons, the new
genera4on must not only be held and strengthened
inside Islam but they must be the means by which
this country and all of Europe must embrace Islam.

There is no other outcome but that this becomes a

Muslim country. Remember the Chris4an religion has
collapsed. It has collapsed theologically and it has col-
lapsed morally before the religion of the secular ju-
daism of Hollywood and the United States. At the
funeral of the son of the former President Kennedy,
the Cardinal of New York introducing the event of the
celebra4on of what they call 'the mass', announced
that the mass was a gathering of the chris4ans to cel-
ebrate a meal, a memorial meal. At that moment it is
clear that the chris4an church has actually dropped
their central claim of the blasphemy that this bread
was transformed into the, astaghfirullah, flesh of
sayyidina Issa, alayhi sallim. It is therefore now clear
that this religion has collapsed before the forces of
the secular world, but there is no way that your sons
and grandsons can survive unless we reconstruct
here Islamic modali4es of the use of our money and
eventually of the actual substance of our money. We
have to provide an educa4on that is outside the state
system because you cannot make compa4ble the
kafir system with what it is teaching from a very early

age and the morality it is ins4lling with the high and
noble Deen of Islam.

Equally the community of Muslims from the sub-con-

4nent must purify their social prac4ces in the light of
the moral obliga4ons of Islam concerning marriage
and the nature of the marital contract. There is no es-
caping this and it must not bring shame on us that
things, which are not Islamic prac4ces, are being car-
ried out here.

So we have strong du4es. If we follow the Sunnah of

Rasul, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then we will find
that in every aspect of our lives, and this includes the
fundamental nature of business and trading un4l it is
under the rule of what has been laid down in Madi-
nah al-Munawarrah by Rasul, sallallahu alayhi wa sal-
lam, under the orders of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala,
we will not have success. There is no use making an
economy in the Muslim community that is bourgeois
capitalist and then expec4ng your sons and your
grandsons to be other than secularised bourgeois
capitalists. We have a noble Deen which covers every
aspect of life, as our enemies never cease to remind
us, and that involves our obliga4on to protect our
children, to respect virginity, to respect the woman
with her right of choice in a partner and to trade ac-
cording to the rules that have been laid down by
Rasul, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in Madinah al-Mu-

Every aspect of life we have to revise and not think
that we can sit among these disgus4ng and decadent
kuffar who occupy these islands in the most degraded
circumstances and allow the blessed green plant of
Islam to flourish. We will succeed in this but it must
be done by tearing down false divisions.

For example, the division between Barelwi and De-

obandi. There is no fundamental difference between
these two groups. I have never been sa4sfied by their
arguments. Finally, I asked one of the leaders of one
of the two groups to show me where these two
places were on the map. We took out a map of the
sub-con4nent and they pointed to Deoband and
Barelwi and there we saw the fact of the ma5er.

When the Bri4sh claimed authority over the sub-con-

4nent and destroyed the supremely noble leadership
of the Muslims and Mughal rule and took Delhi as
their capital which had before been the commercial
capital Calcu5a, at that moment the Ulama le% Delhi
and went into a kind of exile in two villages outside
Delhi. Therefore, at that moment these Ulama sepa-
rated the 'Amr of power and command and the au-
thorisa4on of Islamic law from Deen of Islam.

Therefore whatever emanated from these two places

had already surrendered that essen4al element with-
out which Islam cannot exist, which is the 'amr of the

ruler. Therefore, the Deen as taught there is incom-
plete in both these places, however excellent in many
other aspects each of these schools are. In that sense
to be strong Muslims we must be of the school of
Delhi, not of Deoband or Barelwi. Of course we love
Rasul, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the conflict
about the adab to Rasul is absurd because when you
examine it both par4es love Rasul and in their differ-
ent ways do honour him.

This cannot be done by debate; it can only be done

by command. I said to one of our dear brothers, a
Barelwi 'alim of great repute in Birmingham, “Look
here, we have to stop this quarrel, I’ll tell you my so-
lu4on. I will get the leaders of Deoband and the lead-
ers of Barelwi together and I will come on an
elephant and I will say 'Lock them up for 24 hours. If
they have not come to a mutual agreement that both
par4es are Muslim, both par4es are pleasing to Allah,
then the foot of this elephant will go on their heads.”
And the 'alim looked up and said, 'Subhanallah, that
is what Umar ibn al-Kha5ab would have done.' I saw
that he recognised that the issue was not the content
of the conflict but the lack of an authority.

What is needed at this 4me is to bring the Muslims

together, to unify them, to stop these small divisions
and to pay extremely careful a5en4on to transmi6ng
the message to the new genera4on that Islam in-
volves every aspect of life and that it is not something

to run from but something to run towards.

Insha’Allah with this dhikr the hearts will be affected,

the hearts will move, lights will manifest from the At-
tributes of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, and inspire us
and insha’Allah later I am going to ask our brother
Hajj Muhammad Amin, who has come all this way
with a group from South Africa to be with you
tonight, to tell something of his experience in South
Africa with the Muslim community there because
there are significant parallels that relate to 20 years
ago in South Africa and now. We have to deal with
these problems and they are our problems.

I would just like to say one more thing, we have to

eliminate usage and acceptance of the term 'Asian'.
'Asian' if you will forgive me, is the same as 'nigger'. It
is not acceptable. It is the division to allow you to be
classified ethnically. If you are classified ethnically,
now you know in Europe itself, you will be 'cleansed'.
We reject the term 'Asian'. If I go into a room and
there are two groups from the sub-con4nent and one
group are Muslim and the other group are hindu,
what is my response? Is it to do with being Asian? No.
These are my brothers and to these people I say
audhu billahi min ash-shaytanir-rajeem. Finished. So
where is Asian? No, we are the Muslims and they are
the kuffar and that is the only difference we canbe al-
lowed to teach, to accept or to declare.

Bismillah - Burda.

In the li5le 4me before Maghrib I would just like to

say another word towards what we were looking at
at the beginning of the evening because I want you to
change your perspec4ve, and widen your perspec4ve
about your own des4ny. Your own des4ny with Allah,
subhanahu wa ta'ala, and the des4nies of your fami-
lies that have come from a far place to this place and
how we meet together. People from Europe, people
from the sub-con4nent who find ourselves with the
same Deen and in close brotherhood and we find that
we have the same enemy.

I would just like you to know that our people have a

Centre established in the north of Albania where we
are trying to strengthen the people of Albania be-
cause you must understand that in Europe now there
is a country whose popula4on is 90% Muslim.

Enormous a5empts are being made by the catholics

to overturn this sta4s4c and as you know the sta4s4c
was overturned in Bosnia and in Kosovo by the simple
method of genocide but this genocide is not new. We
now have all the data and sta4s4cs of 100 years of
slaughter of Muslims inside Europe during the 4me
from 1900 un4l now, mostly during the 4me of the

collapse of the Osmanli rule in Istanbul of the Khalif
in the last period of Islamic power. These sta4s4cs go
to 5 million, in a most conserva4ve study, 5 million
were killed. That slaughter con4nued in Cyprus in the
middle of this century and then in Bosnia, and then in
Kosovo in what was clearly an organised genocide to
allow the world banking system to take over the
Balkans and break the green crescent that went from
Sarajevo to Istanbul.

If we go back further in history, just 150 years, then

of course we get the whole story of the disaster of
what the English did in the sub-con4nent. That has
two dimensions. One was the cruel and evil destruc-
4on of the last of the Mughal rulers, Bahadur Shah II
and at the same 4me the removal of 'amr was accom-
panied by another event which was the removal of
the gold coins of the Mughal Islamic rule and the re-
placing of it with the paper rupee. In one move 'amr
was removed in Delhi, and the coinage was removed,
which is the coinage decreed and authorised by
Rasul, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, from Madinah al-
Munawarrah, men4oned in Qur'an and the basis for
Zakah. Without the dinar there cannot be Zakah.

The most dis4nguished 'Ulama of the great madh-

habs of Abu Hanifa and Malik, may Allah be pleased
with both of them, have said that the Zakah cannot
be collected except through this instrument. Paper
money is not acceptable. Also Zakah is not given, it is
taken. Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, says in the Qur'an,
'Khud! - Take!' So un4l the Zakah is taken the Islam is
gone. Islam is built on five pillars - Shahada, Salah,
Zakah, Sawm, and Hajj and every 4me Allah, sub-
hanahu wa ta'ala, men4ons Salah He men4ons Zakah.
Is this not correct? Iqama Salah wa ata' Zakah.

I have two pictures I want to share with you, because

when I saw them they made such an impression on
me and upset me so much because it shows what
happens when we allow ourselves to be dominated
by the kuffar. Here is a popular image of the last of
the Mughal rulers in all his splendour, si6ng on his
throne receiving pe44ons. Here is how he was, and
when the Bri4sh were finished with him this was the
last of the Mughal rulers. This is the des4ny that the
kuffar have for the Muslims, and you know that they
killed his children in front of his eyes. We cannot let
this be repeated. What we must do is to take the
Deen of Islam out from the mosques into the streets
and to the people of this country un4l they have ac-
cepted the Deen of Islam. Islam is the Deen al-Haqq.
When it is declared it cannot be refused. When it is
declared then the people will accept it. We have the
treasure and we must give the treasure. They know
that we have it and we have to give it to them. Da’wa
is the primary responsibility of the ‘Ulama and the
Imams of the Muslim community of this country. Un-
less that Da’wa is done we will con4nue the story
which began with the horror of what happened to

the Muslim ruler and the degrada4on when he was
flung into the darkest of dungeons and le% to rot
un4l he died of disease and the slaughter of all his

Our poli4cs are not ‘poli4cs’ because we know that

there is a no power in the poli4cal system. The peo-
ple who are in the seats of government do not have
power. For example, in the Bosnian situa4on the
hands of NATO are dictated by the world financial
kafir system and its leadership. Equally they control
this country and all of Europe. Power does not belong
with them. Power belongs with Allah, subhanahu wa
ta'ala. La hawla wa la quwwata ila billahi al-'aliyyul-

We have been given this message. We have in our

hands the means to change the whole situa4on.
When we die we go before Allah, subhanahu wa
ta'ala, and we will be asked if we did it. A message
has come to us and we have to transmit that mes-
sage. Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, says in the Qur'an
in one ayah that the real Da'wa is thunder. It is like
that, when we declare Islam it will be like thunder.
The call to Islam will not be ra4onal with arguments .
It will be the manifesta4on that what we have is what
they need. What we have is what they do not have.
You cannot be here as aliens in this country. This is
the land Allah has des4ned you for. Why, because he
wants Islam here'. It is not for you to be rich or for

you to feel an underclass oppressed by the kuffar.
Allah has brought you here because He wants some-
thing from you. The people of Bosnia and the people
of Kosovo have had to return to their Deen by the
door of the funeral prayer because they had watered
it down and watered it down and compromised and
compromised and suddenly they realised they were
not killing them because they were Bosnians. They
were not killing them because they were Albanians.
They were killing them because they were Muslim.
What they destroyed were the mosques. The ones
they killed were the Imams.

This is Europe. What is today in the Balkans, tomor-

row it will be here and yet we are the most significant
community in Europe. We are I2 million people,
maybe more, and we have been kept separate and
disunited by the kuffar and they take our money and
they take our taxes. You must realise that the Muslim
lands are the richest lands on the face of the earth
and the most oppressed and bankrupted and poor
countries are those Muslim countries. All the wealth
is with them and none of it goes into their pockets.

This is the situa4on and this is what will turnover but

it will come from here, right in the heart of the land
of the kuffar.You are the people, we are the people
who have to change this situa4on and by it we have
to understand we do not have a loyalty here and we
do not have a loyalty in Pakistan. Our loyalty is to the

Muslims wherever they are and our land is wherever
the Muslims are. In that sense all of us here must
take on the responsibility of assuring that Albania be-
comes Dar al-Islam because there is a majority of
Muslims and the rule of Islam must eventually be es-
tablished in that place. This is not by figh4ng in the
streets or terrorism or any of these foolish nihilis4c
paths that we have seen from the despairing Arabs in
their disastrous desire to have the western transac-
4on and somehow keep their Islam.

The people who follow Moulay Abdul Qadir al-Jaylani

know that this whole event is in the power of Allah by
the Decree of Allah and that we do it with a light
heart, fearlessly because we know that it is He who
decrees. Allah is the Powerful. La hawla wa la
quwwata ila billahi al-'aliyyul 'adhim.

A%er Maghrib we will return, go deeper, insha'Allah,

with the dhikr and with the fikr to see if we can
strengthen ourselves and inspire and awaken all of us
to this task. You are not here for your business, you
are not here for your families. Open the Qur'an again
and again and it says, 'Your Dunya is your wealth and
your families.' That is not what Allah is asking from
you. He is asking something else. What is this some-
thing else? It is not just to come and make the five
prayers, of course we make the five prayers, but
ubudiyya is more than ibada. It is really to serve Allah
in the cause of transforming society. Islam is a ma-

chine for making civilisa4on in this world and opening
the gates of the Jannah in the next world. Dunya wal
Akhirah. This is the business of the Muslims.

Wherever we have been, wherever we have gone,

wherever we have established ourselves, civilisa4on
has resulted. In Delhi look at the buildings. Are they
hindu? No, they are Muslim. All over India. are they
hindu buildings? No, they are Muslim buildings. Akbar
put water going through every house in his capital
because his people had to have clean water to do
their wudu. Civilisa4on. Go to Morocco, the same
thing. Civilisa4on. Go to Istanbul. Civilisa4on. Go to
the Malay world. Civilisa4on.

That is in the visible world, in the invisible world

awliya. Awliya wa salihun. People with lights mani-
fes4ng. Ma'rifatullah. Men of knowledge, men of illu-
mina4on, who illumine whole ci4es by their wisdom
following the path of Rasul, sallallahu alayhi wa sal-
lam and the Sahaba in Madinah at-Munawarrah. As it
was said, Madinah was not illuminated by the lights
of its streets but by the light of the Sahaba who lived
in it.

This night also is to ask Allah's blessings on Moulay

Abdal Qadr al-Jaylani, the greatest of the da'is among
the later people. We love him very much because he
embodied the spirit of Hajj. He sent out his followers
to bring people from every land, so that wherever

you travel in the Muslim world you will find Qadiris.
Following Moulay Abdal Qadir, al-Jaylani is a light. It
is a light that is invisible and inward and it is a light
that shines outwardly.

I was once in 'Umrah at a 4me when Makkah was al-

most deserted. In the middle of the night, around 3
or 4 in the morning I was si6ng at the Ka'bah and
there were maybe just 200 people, not more, in the
tawaf and si6ng. Away on the other side of the
haram I saw, it was just of course a silhoue5e, but my
heart was moved by this outline of a Muslim si6ng
on the other side of the haram. Suddenly he got up
and he ran across the haram to me and greeted me.
He said, 'You are Qadiri. 'I said, 'Yes.' He said, 'I am
Qadiri. Tell me your awrad and I will tell you my
awrad. 'This was the exchange that we had in the
middle of night under the stars in Makkah. I recited
the wird of my Shaykh and he recited the awrad he
had from his silsilah. This is the spirit of the deep spir-
itual brotherhood that exists very specially among the
people who love Moulay Abdul Qadir al-Jaylani and
his courageous defence of the shari’ah and advice
about following the shari’ah and insistence on em-
bedding the jewel of ma'rifah in the se6ng of the
noble and blessed Shari’ah of Madinah al-Munawar-
rah from Rasul, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Allah,
subhanahu wa ta'ala. In Qur'an and in his teaching of
Rasul, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

We will do more dhikr now. In this dhikr you must ex-
pect. You must expect from Allah that the heart will
expand. That it will expand out from the periphery of
your body un4l it takes in everybody, so you do not
stop with your body but you are part of all the broth-
erhood of all the people listening to the dhikr be-
cause of the love that you have for them, because of
the love Rasul, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, had. Never
forget this wonderful discourse between Rasul, sallal-
lahu alayhi wa sallim, and Abu Dharr at the Ka'bah
when he said, 'Oh Abu Dharr I long for them, I yearn
for them.' And he said, 'Who Rasulullah?' He replied,
'I long for my brothers.' He said, 'Are we not your
brothers?' He replied, 'You are only my companions.'
He said, 'Who are your brothers?' He replied, 'They
are the ones who will love me without ever having
seen me.' And this is the high honour of all of us who
follow in the footsteps of Rasul, sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam. Or as Shaykh al-Akbar, Muhyiddin ibn al-
'Arabi said, 'I do not have the adab to say I follow in
the footsteps of Rasul, sallallahu alayhi wa sallim, I
follow in the dust le% by Rasul, sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam. 'This is our posi4on.

You must concentrate inwardly and not outwardly on

your own hearts because, as I say, you must expect
Allah has made a big des4ny for you to have brought
you into this gathering, to have brought you to this
place, to have brought you to this country, to have

set you among the kuffar who hate Islam and now in
their despera4on are beginning to long for it. You are
the people, especially the young people here, who
will take the banner of Islam and raise it high over all
of the kuffar un4l they submit to you. You are the
leaders, you're the sultans, you are the princes and
you will take the banner of Islam un4l all of Europe is
Muslim, insha’Allah.

I am going to ask Hajj Muhammad Amin from Johan-

nesburg to say some words to you that insha’Allah
will be of use.

Hajj Muhammad Amin Mayat

from Johannesburg, South Africa

A’udhu billahi minash shaytanir rajim

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

The Shaykh has asked me to say few things about

South Africa. I will try to be as informa4ve as possi-

The Muslims in South Africa of Indian origin have

been there for over 100 years now. Many of the Mus-
lims are from Gujurat province and others are from
Hyderabad. In the 100 years that we have been there

we have built many mosques, we have many Muslim
schools and I can tell you that the people are not un-
like yourselves, they are very hospitable, very gener-
ous. In fact if there is anything about them Allah will
bless them for their generosity and save them by
their generosity.

In these years that we have been there we did not

take the Deen to the local popula4on. We did not do
the Da'wa vigorously amongst the black community,
nor did we do that with the white community. In fact,
we became very insular and we have not gone out to
the people. Today we see the results of that because
we did not share this jewel of Islam with the people
in South Africa and indeed in southern Africa. What
you hear today in South Africa and the whole of
southern Africa is about violence and you see how
people are being a5acked. People are a5acked even
in the masjids today The people are not safe any
more. We feel today a%er looking at things closely
and a%er looking at things the way that Shaykh Ab-
dalqadir has taught us, that we have to go out vigor-
ously and very posi4vely to take this message of the
Deen to all the people.

This is the message that I would like to share with you

that you are here in England and you should not think
that you are here just trading, or just to make money
and just to be comfortable here. You are here for a
specific purpose. In fact, any of us, wherever we are,

there are two things that we should be there for. One
is Da'wa which we should do vigorously, and then
un4l such 4me as we have sufficient numbers on our
side the other is to do Jihad. We are not here for a
private purpose; we are here for Allah and His Rasul.
Wherever we are, we are the best of people but
some4mes we tend to go into a bit of a slumber and I
urge you all not to ignore your surroundings and to
go out to the people.

Go out to the non- Muslims, the Europeans and give

them the message that you have. Share it with them,
you will be surprised, they will readily accept the
message of Islam. We should not be insular and this is
my message to you. You are all wonderful people and
you have the best Deen. You should share this with
the people you are with here on this con4nent. I
think you should take the words of Shaykh Abdalqadir
very seriously and you should open yourselves to the
people around you.

Shaykh Abdalqadir as-Sufi

I would like to just confirm that from this point on we

should think especially to the new genera4on that
they should see themselves not as belonging to Man-
chester with some anchorage in the sub-con4nent
but they should see themselves as being part of the

Muslim Ummah and see that we yearn for the
'Umrah and we yearn for the House of Allah and we
yearn for Madinah al-Munawarrah and the barakah
and the nur of Rasul, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that
we find there. But our job is where Allah has put us or
where Allah drives us to, forces us to, to carry out His
business. We are on His business because life is very
quick. The Sufis say, 'Life lasts two hours.' Over in a
very short 4me. You do not want to look back and
say, 'I should have done it and I did not do it,' be-
cause then it is too late. You want to be able to say, 'I
did what I could. I did more than I thought I could but
it was with the help of Allah and I would not have
done it if Allah had not chosen me to do it.' In that
sense all the Muslims have been chosen by Allah,
subhanahu wa ta'ala. He chose them from before the
crea4on of the world in the contract of Alastu birab-
bikum! And we are the ones who remember that con-
tract while the kuffar forgot that contract.

This is what we have to do and I want you to feel that

you must visit the Muslims in other places and travel
in the land and see what Allah has done. Travel in the
land and see what death has done. Visit the Muslims
of Bosnia and visit the Muslims of Kosovo and Albania
and unite all our people together. The first step of
that is to unite all the communi4es of this country
and finish with these separate sectarian and false di-
visions and local divisions almost driving you back to
a kind of pre-Islamic loyalty to where you came from.
Insha’Allah this will be what we will achieve.

We have just one last piece of dhikr to intensify the
quality of this very blessed gathering of such noble
people that you cannot say which among you are the
most blessed. Like Rasul, sallallahu alayhi wa sallim,
said about his community, it is like the rain, you will
not know which is the be5er part of it, those at the
beginning or those who come at the end.


Oh Allah you have brought us to this place, give us

the benefit of this place. Protect us from the evil of
this place. Oh Allah, through us make this place a
place for the worship of you. Oh Allah, make us the
instruments of establishing the worship of You in this

Oh Allah, give us the spirit to call the people to wor-

ship Allah and to make Salah.

Oh Allah, give us the strength and the clarity of heart

to restore the Zakah un4l we insist on being ordered
to pay it by restoring Khilafa. Oh Allah, give us back
the nobility of power in Istanbul and in Delhi.
Oh Allah, establish power in Istanbul and in Delhi and
in all the Muslim lands and give us the unity and the
clarity of purpose that we want nothing but to estab-

lish the Deen.
Oh Allah, make the future nothing but the history of
the expansion and the establishment of Islam in this
coming 4me. Oh Allah, make us par4cipants in the es-
tablishing of the Deen.

Oh Allah, take from our hearts the love of the Dunya

and of the family and of wealth. Oh Allah, make us
see the benefit of the family to be people who know
how to glorify Allah and for whom it is a pleasure to
glorify Allah. Allah, give taste for the dhikr of Allah to
the youths and the children. Oh Allah, protect them
and keep them in Islam.

Oh Allah restore the dignity and nobility of marriage

among the Muslim community. Allah protect us from
the morality and the corrup4on of the kuffar in family

Oh Allah, protect the children from the evils of the


Oh Allah, make us clear in our establishment of the

Deen because of the love of Rasul, sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam, for the children.

Oh Allah, make us people who love the children and

protect them.

Oh Allah, make us honour the Muslim women and
Allah purify us from any un-Islamic prac4ce to force
women into marriage, make us people who see that
marriage is a thing of choice and of delight and of
pleasure in obeying Allah's orders in marriage.

Oh Allah, strengthen the Muslim community by the

act of marriage and protect us from separa4on.

Oh Allah, expand the community of the Muslims, ex-

pand it by everything that is pleasing to Allah. Expand
it by marrying into the community of the kuffar to
bring them into the Deen by the act of marriage.Ex-
pand the Deen of Islam by the wealth of the Muslims
that they come to trade with us to get our wealth and
so they enter Islam. Allah, make them enter Islam by
every door that He has permi5ed to be a door to
enter Islam.

Oh Allah, establish the Deen in this land un4l it is a

Muslim land. Purify it of all kuffar and let the Deen
spread through the whole of Europe and make Alba-
nia Dar al-Islam for all of us.
Oh Allah, give life to the sub-con4nent and purify it
from the rule of the hindus and the mushrikun of the
United States.

Oh Allah, purify the Muslims of the sub-con4nent

from the tyranny of paper money and establish again

the Islamic rupee of gold as it was in the 4me of the
great Mughals.

Oh Allah, give us pride in all the excellence of the best

of our community.

Oh Allah, purify Pakistan from its crude na4onalism

and the tyranny of its wealthy Oh Allah, remove the
wealth from the rich because they have not served
the poor. Take it and give it where it would be pleas-
ing to You.

Oh Allah, raise up among the people of Pakistan lead-

ers worthy of Islam who reject the Deen of kuffar.

Oh Allah, bless the people of Kashmir and establish

liberty for them with the rejec4on of the hindu

Oh Allah establish the Deen for the Muslims in India

itself, in the hindu hell of India re-establish the au-
thority of the Muslims there and give Delhi and its
fortress back to being the palace of the ruler of the
Muslims of India.

Allah, make us ci4zens of all these lands of the

Ummah because they are one and put our capital
where it is pleasing to You and keep our Haramayn
safe and pure from shirk and cleanse them of the kuf-
far who are now there.

Allah, bless all the people in this gathering by the

barakah and nur that Moulay Abdul Qadir al-Jaylani
has spread all over the world and encompass that
only in the light of sayyidina

Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa sallim, and by that

light turn us to the Power and Majesty of Allah, sub-
hanahu wa ta'ala, with whom nothing is associated.

Oh Allah, we know that nothing is associated with

You and this is the founda4on of our lives and this is
the founda4on of our future. Allah, make us people
who abhor the mushrikun in every way. Allah, make
us people of tawhid. Allah, make us people who love
Rasul, sallallahu alayhi wa sallim. Allah, protect this
place, protect its Imams and its excellent Muslim
leaders and Allah unite us with all the other Muslim
leaders of this country. Allah, give us a blessed end
and Allah, give us an Iman that lasts to the death in
this world.


0 Allah we ask you to have mercy on the Ruh of King

Hasan of Morocco and that Your forgiveness is large
for his defending Islam in Morocco and sustaining it
against all the a5empts to tear down the tradi4on of
Islam in his country. Allah strengthen his son and
make him a protector of his people and preserve him
from the evils of democracy.
Fa4hah for King Hasan of Morocco.
The Last Mughal Emperor under torture in prison
before his death at the hands of the English

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