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Tomato jams processing


 Tomato is considered both, a fruit and a vegetable and forms an integral part of cuisines across the
globe, especially in the Mediterranean region.

 They are relatively easy to cultivate and grow very quickly, making them a great food source, which is a
big reason why tomatoes are a staple food for many nations.

 The scientific name of tomatoes is Solanum lycopersicum.

 They are an annual nightshade plant and grow in clusters of small to moderately sized, round red fruits.
They have soft, pinkish red flesh and a number of seeds, as well as a slightly sweet taste. They are
considered both, vegetables and fruits and weigh approximately 4 ounces.

 The health benefits of tomatoes can be attributed to their wealth of nutrients and vitamins, including an
impressive amount of vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin K, as well as significant amounts of vitamin B6,
folate, and thiamine.

 They are also a good source of potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, and copper. They have
dietary fiber and protein, as well as a number of organic compounds like lycopene that contribute to
their health benefits.

 Although tomato is a highly perishable crop, the rate and extent of spoilage depends on several factors
and that, to overcome this problem calls for the need to develop simple, cost-effective, and easily
adaptable preservation and processing techniques.

 Tomatoes can be processed into many forms to be consumed instantly or preserved for future use. The
correlation between laboratory test processes and the physicochemical qualities of tomato varieties will
contribute to develop an optimal solution for processing and product quality.

 Tomato jam (also referred to as tomato jelly) is a type of fruit preserve prepared with tomatoes and
sugar. ... It has been described as "a cross between marmalade and ketchup" (which itself is already
closer to a jam than a condiment, due to its already high sugar content).

 The health benefits of tomatoes have been known to mankind since ancient times. They are rich sources
of antioxidants that have been proven to be effective against many forms of cancer.

 Tomato contains a large amount of lycopene, an antioxidant that is highly effective in scavenging cancer-
causing free radicals.

 The lycopene in tomatoes defends against cancer and has been shown to be effective in fighting
prostate cancer, cervical cancer, cancer of the stomach and rectum as well as pharynx and esophageal

 It also protects against breast and mouth cancer, according to studies published by the Harvard School
of Public Health.

 A regular consumption of tomatoes has been proven to decrease the levels of LDL cholesterol and
triglycerides in the blood. These lipids are the key culprits in cardiovascular diseases and lead to the
deposition of fats in the blood vessels.

 The coumaric acid and chlorogenic acid, in tomatoes, fight against nitrosamines, which are the main
carcinogens found in cigarettes. The presence of vitamin A in high quantities has been shown to reduce
the effects of carcinogens and can protect you against lung cancer.


 Biotechnology in the food processing sector targets the selection and improvement of microorganisms
with the objectives of improving process control, yields and efficiency as well as the quality, safety and
consistency of bioprocessed products. Microorganisms or microbes are generic terms for the group of
living organisms which are microscopic in size, and include bacteria, yeasts and molds.
 Fermentation is the process of bioconversion of organic substances by microorganisms and/or enzymes
(complex proteins) of microbial, plant or animal origin. It is one of the oldest forms of food preservation
which is applied globally.
 During fermentation processes, microbial growth and metabolism (the biochemical processes whereby
complex substances and food are broken down into simple substances) result in the production of a
diversity of metabolites (products of the metabolism of these complex substances
 These metabolites include enzymes which are capable of breaking down carbohydrates, proteins and
lipids present within the substrate and/or fermentation medium; vitamins; antimicrobial compounds
(e.g. bacteriocins and lysozyme); texture-forming agents (e.g. xanthan gum); amino acids; organic acids
(e.g. citric acid, lactic acid) and flavor compounds (e.g. esters and aldehydes).
 Fermentation is globally applied in the preservation of a range of raw agricultural materials (cereals,
roots, tubers, fruit and vegetables, milk, meat, fish etc.).
 Certain microorganisms associated with fermented foods, in particular strains of the Lactobacillus
species, are probiotic i.e. used as live microbial dietary supplements or food ingredients that have a
beneficial effect on the host by influencing the composition and/or metabolic activity of the flora of the
gastrointestinal tract.

Tomato Jam Processing:

 In tomato jam making process amount of pectin in the formulated batch was determined from laboratory trial
production and observation of product consistency. So, the ratio of ingredients was (one-liter tomato juice, 740
gm sugar, 50 ml pectin solution and 15 ml citric acid). Tomato juice boiled with the addition of sugar and when
the mixture started boiling pectin was added.
 Finally, citric added and the mixture allowed to boil until the total soluble solid (TSS) content of the jam reach
68°Brix. The jam was then hot filled in clean sterilized glass jars and then the product was pasteurized in
pressure cooker. Lastly the jars were sealed by hot water bath canning system and stored in ambient
temperature for shelf life examination.
 Sugar does a lot more than just sweeten your jams. Its main function is to work with the pectin and fruit acids to
form the gel structure we call jam. Sugar acts as a preservative that helps maintain the beautiful color of the
fruit and inhibits mold growth.
 Always use the exact amount of sugar called for in the recipe. Reducing the amount of sugar will upset the
balance of fruit, sugar and pectin needed to ensure the jam or jelly sets.
 Sugar should be spooned into a dry measuring cup, then leveled off with a knife to achieve the exact

Physicochemical properties of tomato sample

Shelf life of the products

 As it is observed in the Table 2 below tomato jam could stay one year while tomato sauce stayed for nine
months safely. But the shelf life of tomato pasteurized juice was only six months. During the shelf life period of
tomato products, the bacterial count found was below spoilage detection level
Nutrition Facts



• 1 Kg Ripe tomato

• 3/4 Kg Sugar

• 1-2 pinch Salt

 2 tbsp Lemon juice

 2 pcs Cinnamon sticks
 /dalchini (Crush into coarse powder)
 5 - 6 Cloves/ Lauang (Crush into coarse powder)


1. Wash tomatoes and make a cross (X) in endways.

2. Boil water nicely. Switch off and drop tomatoes inside hot water. Let it remain in it for about 5-10 min. This
will help to peel skin off from tomatoes easily.
3. Take them out from water, allow to cool. Peel off skin and discard them .Squeeze out some of the juice and
seeds from it. You can use it for something else.
4. Chop tomato into very fine pieces or blend in a processor for few seconds.
5. Take a heavy bottom large pan. Pour tomatoes into it. Boil for about 15 minutes in medium high flame to
reduce liquid.
6. Add sugar, cinnamon and cloves powder. Mix well. Let the gas be on medium flame. Bring mixture to full
boil stirring frequently in between. As it thickens, stir consistently and reduce the flame. Make sure not to
overcook. Jam will thicken as it cools.
7. When the jam has reached a thick sauce consistency, add lemon juice. Mix well, turn off flame. Cool for
about 10 minutes and pour into clean sterilized glass bottles.
8. 8. Once it cools completely, close the lid and refrigerate / store in a cool dry place. Use when required for
bread, buns, etc .


 Use ripe and pulpy tomatoes. For flavoring you may addcinnamon and cloves. You can use something else too or

 When the jam has reached the consistency of ketchup, switch off the stove. When it will cool, it will thicken and
attain jam consistency.

 What to do, if you overcooked and your jam has become hard after cooling? Transfer the jam to the pan. When
it’s warm, sugar will dissolve. At this stage, add about a glass of boiled water. Mix well. See that it gets a
consistency of ketchup.

 If made well, stored well and used with clean hands, this homemade jam remains fresh for many months even at
room temperature.

 If you don't want seeds in it, you can puree and filter to remove all seeds.

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