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Globalization is defined as the elimination of barriers to trade, communication, and cultural exchange.

With advances in technology and communications, the world becomes deterritorialized (Robertson,
1996), the constraints of geography shrink and the world becomes more singular and unified (Waters,
2011). Talking about the positive or negative effect of globalization, some see it as a power that destroys
the heritage and culture of different ethnic groups around the world. For them, globalization is a
nightmare that is happening in the present and will continue for generations. Some effects of
globalization can be seen through, for example, wearing Adidas clothing, listening to iPods, watching
Western television series, eating McDonalds, drinking Starbucks or Coca Cola, and even speaking a
language that includes Americanized English slang (Godfrey, 2008). This illustrates the cultural
dominance of the West over the rest of the world. Cultural imperialism is one of the dominant faces of
the west. As technology and science developed in the west, other regions of the world started
borrowing this technology and thus the ideas and values that originated in the west became the
standards of the whole world. In the words of Peter Evans, “Products and ideas developed in rich
countries shape the value and ideas of citizens of poor countries” (Evans, 1971, 638)

This dominance has caused some national groups to fight back against globalization and the evil they
believe it introduces (Godfrey, 2008). Globalization as a concept refers to “the compression of the world
and intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole… both concrete global interdependence
and consciousness of the global whole in the 20th century” (Robertson, 1992. P.8). This quote shows
how the world has become a single place that is connected in one way or another.

The term ‘nationalism’ refers to the feelings of attachment to one another that members of a nation
have, and to a sense of pride that a nation has in itself (Kacowicz, 1998). Nationalism is in itself an
international ideology, which can be used to promote and defend a particular culture and way of life
(Godfrey, 2008). An example of nationalism is when a person moves out of their home country, yet still
cheers for their home country’s sports teams and continues to stay up to date with the local news.
Nationalism is the foundation of modern society and social solidarity; it is also used by politicians to
promote national unity and patriotism.

When you connect globalisation to nationalism it actually becomes an oxymoron. Globalisation is all
about opening your borders for trade and commerce with multiple countries, while nationalism is
superiority of one's country over the other. Globalization can be a challenge to realising nationalism
itself. For example: Economic globalisation has definitely led to increase in economic opportunities and
entrepreneurial avenues, the ruling elite is made up of large business corporations. The fruits of this
economic growth have not been distributed evenly among all sections of society, due to which fresh
wounds have been exposed and these sections are actually challenging the concept of nation and
nationalism as a whole!

The state or the country is no longer the sole player in international relations. The non-state actors
(NGO's, MNC's, activists, even terrorists!) are also stakeholders and decision makers in a nation today...
they are rising in number and calling the shots in public policy in domestic front, they mould and shape a
nation today. Therefore nationalism gets filtered and multi-layered into new forms and no longer
restricted to a single form i.e what you find in the days a country was fighting for freedom from foreign


Suffice it to say here that the people who have same race, language, religion, history, literature,
economic interests and political aspirations, feelings of nationalism are aroused among them.
Nationalism teaches us to love our motherland.

The nationalist love their motherland, rivers, mountains, flowers, animals and birds very much and they
say that motherland is better than paradise. Hans Kohn writes, “Nationalism is an idea, an idea-force
which fills man’s brain and heart with new thoughts and sentiments and drives him to translate his
consciousness into deeds of organised action”.

According to Dr. Gamer, “It is one of the characteristic features of modem nationalism that most
peoples who constitute a nationality aspire either to be independent and to be under a state
organisation of their own choice and creation or at least to be accorded a large political autonomy
where they are united with another nationality or nationalities in the same state”.

Merits of Nationalism:

(1) Inspiration of Patriotism

Nationalism is the state of mind that merges the self of individual in the self or nation. It installs the
spirit of sacrifice for the cause of nation and that is why modern state creates national army and not
mercenary forces. These nationalistic feelings create a vigor in unarmed people that makes them stand
against the most powerful armies of world e.g. Vietnam and Afghanistan. It is the increasing strength of
nationalism that enables nations to dominate and even to rule others.

Nationalism creates the feeling of heroism and self-sacrifice. Every nation has to make several sacrifices
for the attainment and protection of its freedom. India at first freed itself from the Turks and the
Mughals and later from Britishers.
In order to achieve this aim, our people made many sacrifices which have gained an important place in
our history. Similarly, our countrymen made several sacrifices to face the Chinese and Pakistani
aggressions and our armed forces displayed a spirit of unique heroism. It forms a golden chapter of our

Nationalism infused the spirit of patriotism in the minds of the people. If a country is under the yoke of a
foreign rule as was the case in India before 1947, the people can be united for attaining freedom
through nationalism.

In the nineteenth century, in Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Serbia and Poland and in the twentieth century in
many countries of Africa, Asia and South America many freedom movements were started. Inspired by
the national feelings, the people of these countries freed themselves from the foreign rule.

(2) A Unifying Factor

Nationalism is the powerful feeling. The people forget their religious, linguistic and racial differences at
the call of nationalism e.g. in Afghanistan there were several differences but when USSR invaded her.
the people of Afghanistan answered with combined and united force regardless of their secondary
feelings, so we can say that nationalism plays very important role in this connection.

Through nationalism the feelings of the high and low and cateism are banished from the minds of the
people, and social unity is achieved. The nationalist leaders make the people understand with full force
that our nation can progress and can have a prestigious place in the world only, when all disparities are

(3) Nationalism enables the country face the economic and political crisis effectively:

Every nation faces an economic or political crisis once or twice in its career, and the world history is a
clear proof of it. If the people have national feelings, they will have unity, and the spirit of self-sacrifice.
With the help of this spirit, the people of that country shall be able to face the crisis boldly.

The feeling of nationalism unites the people and they work for the economic prosperity of the country.
They bear the burden of extra taxes in order to implement plans in the national interest.

Nationalism is a great organising force. Through this force, the leaders create political unity among the
people and they crush disintegrating tendencies. It brings about stability in the nation. For example,
when on October 20, 1962, China invaded India, the spirit of nationalism was aroused among the people
but the Leftist Communists preached in favour of China and their anti-national tendency was clearly
seen. Therefore, the then Minister for Home Affairs, Shri Gulzarilal Nanda, put them behind the bars and
created political unity and stability in the country.
(4) Nationalism helps in curbing mutual conflicts and quarrels and the attention of the people is drawn
towards big problems.

(5) Promote Culture and Literature

Nationalism has also gives great stimulus to art and literature, as it helped to develop group languages,
traditions, history and culture etc. A culture is the history of the development of Nationalism and
literature is its only image. It teaches the people to love their feelings and the gains and sufferings of
their heroes and heroines.

Preservation of Self-determination: Due to the down of nationalism on global scene, various nations and
states and their people containing common sentiments, common objectives of life and common culture
and civilization, became impelled and instigated to preserve their right of self-determination without the
encroachment of foreign domination. If it were not so, then the world society might not have presented
a variety of societies. their custom’. tradition. way and standard of life.

(6) Leads to Liberalism

The idea of national self-determination developed out of the liberal nationalism. Installs in man a
tolerance of other ideas and a feeling of compromise for common ends. Since it is associated with
democracy and never aims at imperialism or colonialism.

(7) Assimilation between minorities and majorities and Emancipation

The minority emancipated themselves from the subjection of the majorities on the basis of autonomy of
distinct group. The majorities use nationalism to assimilate minorities in their claim to achieve national

(8) Saving the world from monotony of the universal Empire and political and individual progress

Due to nationalism world rescues from the monotony of the universal Empire. In this system every
nation advances particularly politically. When a group of people develops its own laws and institutions
at its own disposal in the variety of political systems and then other nations try to follow the best.
comprehensive and strong system if possible.
True nationalism is an important link between different countries of the world. Mahatma Gandhi, Shri
Jawaharlal Nehru and Mrs. Indira Gandhi being true nationalists, were Internationalists also. Under the
inspiration of Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, the U.N. declared the year 1965 as international co-operation year.

India under the leadership of Mrs. Gandhi had become President of Non- Aligned Movement. After her
assassination on October 31, 1984, Mr. Rajiv Gandhi became the President of Non-Aligned Movement. If
the nationalism is liberal, it is not harmful. Liberal nationalists want world peace. They believe in
equality, liberty and prosperity of all nations. However, sometimes it becomes aggressive nationalism.

(9) Supporting the ideas of democracy

Today is the age of democracy in that sovereignty, liberty, self-government. equality, justice and peace
are the main symbols of democracy. One nation having common interest and common aim try to
develop these ideas of’ democracy among its people through its political institutions, powers and
functions of governmental organs. basic rights of the people and their duties in various fields as being
mentioned in the constitution that is a sacred document. Opinion and well of the people in both the
economical and political field is also superseded due to national sense of deliberation. In this regard we
have the example of USA. 1 Germany, India and Pakistan that have respective nature of ideals of
democracy owing national interest and national feelings

(10) A Source of Dynamism

Nationalism produces motion and competition. Every nation tries to dominate other through positive
competition. The charm and brightness of life is due to nationalism otherwise life is the valley of death.
It is natural that all sorts of constructions and creativity depend upon the positive competition and
competition is possible only when there is nationalism.

The following are the drawbacks of aggressive nationalism:-

(1) Aggressive nationalism leads to racism:

Aggressive nationalism leads to racism. Hitler encouraged racism in the name of nationalism and said
that Aryan race was the best race and it had been made to rule all over the world. He turned the Jews
out of Germany. Mussolini also believed in racial supremacy. The British likewise believed in the
supremacy of the white race.
According to Prof. Morgenthau, nationalism leads to racism, as he says, “After integration of several
states minorities are absorbed and the majority rule over other nationalities and so afterwards the unit
disintegrated just of racial conflicts as Russia was dominant of all the 15 states of the former USSR,
whereas after fall different states one by one declared independence just because they wanted their

(2) It encourages Colonialism and Imperialism:

In the name of nationalism many European races discovered many new markets for their goods in the
name of racism and established colonies. Later on for the sake of their national interests, they
conquered many parts of the world and expanded their empire. The English, Dutch, French, Russians,
Japanese, Germans, Italians and Spanish people acted similarly during the nineteenth and twentieth

To conquer and subjugate other nationalities to satisfy the ego of one nationality and to show that the
culture, literature and institution of one nation are superior. Nationalism naturally resorts to imperialism
through expansionism. That is associated. with Japanese nationalism adopted a policy of expansionism
to prove that it was for superior to others.

(3) Endanger world peace

Nationalism is a danger to world peace and civilization. The small national sovereign states are a source
of rivalry and war between strong and powerful nations. In this context we have the examples of
Kashmir, Bosnia etc that stop the way of peaceful process in the world.

When nationalism takes the extreme form in any country, that country invades other weaker countries,
which becomes the basis for a world war. For example, Hitler invaded Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland,
Denmark, Norway, Belgium and France and Russia.

Mussolini invaded Ethiopia, The result of all these invasions, was the Second World War in which there
occurred a great destruction of men, money and material. After the Second World War, Pakistan
followed this policy and, first in 1947, and later in 1965 and 1971, she invaded India. It resulted in a
great loss of life and property to both the countries.

(4) It is hindrance in the way of World Federation and international cooperation:

Nationalism breed’s contempt’s, war and hostility. It is a kind of modern fanaticism and breeds jealously,
hatred and suspicion among nations. The Germany sings the song of Germany over all nations.” The
English assert, “Britain shall rule the world.” The French believe that their “Culture” must dominate all
others. While the Japanese too dream of the world domination through their tremendous industrial

Militant or aggressive nationalism is a great hindrance in the way of international co-operation. Many
modern intellectuals are of the view that in order to establish world peace, it is essential that every state
should give up a part of its sovereignty and give it to the world-federation. But militant nationalism
proves a hindrance in its way.

(5) Negligence of Human Rights

Human rights are ignored all over the world, where in Israel on the name of nationalism thousands of
people were killed. Similarly, in the former South Africa before Nelson Mandela came to power a lot of
people sacrificed their lives against the racial nationalism.

Nationalism is the ideology that teaches to be selfish. Machiavelli in his -Prince- says, “Whenever there
is a matter of state or nations no concept of good or bad, fair or foul, justice or injustice morals or
immoral should be considered.” All other consideration is secondary when there is national interest.

(6) Exercise of Supreme Power

In the beginning of the 20th century, Hitler of Germany, Benito Mussolini of Italy and Emperors of Japan
greatly used the supreme powers against whole of the world just to satisfy the nationalistic feelings.

It in its extreme associates itself with the racial superiority. The people of one nation regard other as
inferior to themselves. For example, Hitler and William II nourished German militant nationalist by the
theory of superiority of Nordic.

(7) Leads to Exploitation

In order to exert greater influence in the field of “IR” nations greatly indulges in a serious competition of
amazing military power that puts an end to cooperation in international relations. So we can say that
nationalism leads to exploitation to a great extant.

To conclude nationalism, we may say that it is neither good nor bad. It is all our thoughts to recommend
it or condemns it. It can be used in a good way and in a bad way also.

If the nationalism does not take the militant form, it is a good thing. It will help in settling international
conflicts. Unity will be established and mutual goodwill and co-operation will be increased. As Hayes has
said, “Nationalism will prove a boon for the humanity and the world if it means pure patriotism. If it
takes a militant form, it will result in mutual enmity and non-co- operation among the nations and the
world peace will be disturbed. In that situation, it will prove a curse”.

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