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Plant Molecular Biology 52: 31–41, 2003.

© 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Expression pattern of diacylglycerol acyltransferase-1, an enzyme

involved in triacylglycerol biosynthesis, in Arabidopsis thaliana

Chaofu Lu Lu1 , Shen Bayon de Noyer, Douglas H. Hobbs, Jinling Kang∗ , Yancheng Wen2 ,
Dieter Krachtus and Matthew J. Hills∗
John Innes Centre, Norwich Research Park, Colney Lane, Norwich NR4 7UH, UK (∗ author for correspondence; e-
mail; 1 Present address: Institute of Biological Chemistry, Washington State University,
WA 99164, USA; 2 Permanent address: Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhenzhou, Henan Province,

Received 29 May 2002; accepted in revised form 8 October 2002

Key words: Arabidopsis, diacylglycerol acyltransferase, expression pattern, β-glucuronidase (GUS), triacylglyc-
erol synthesis

Triacylglycerol (TAG) is the major carbon storage reserve in oilseeds such as Arabidopsis. Acyl-
CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT) catalyses the final step of the TAG synthesis pathway. Although TAG
is mainly accumulated during seed development, and DGAT has presumably the highest activity in developing
seeds, we show here that TAG synthesis is also actively taking place during germination and seedling development
in Arabidopsis. The expression pattern of the DGAT1 gene was studied in transgenic plants containing the reporter
gene β-glucuronidase (GUS) fused with DNA sequences flanking the DGAT1 coding region. GUS activity was
not only detected in developing seeds and pollen, which normally accumulate storage TAG, but also in germinat-
ing seeds and seedlings. Western blots showed that DGAT1 protein is present in several tissues, though is most
abundant in developing seeds. In seedlings, DGAT1 is expressed in shoot and root apical regions, correlating with
rapid cell division and growth. The expression of GUS in seedlings was consistent with the results of RNA gel blot
analyses, precursor feeding and DGAT assay. In addition, DGAT1 gene expression is up-regulated by glucose and
associated with glucose-induced changes in seedling development.

Introduction has also been identified in plants and animals (Cases

et al., 2001; Lardizabal et al., 2001).
Triacylglycerol (TAG) is the most efficient en- In animals, TAG synthesis occurs in several cell
ergy storage compound found in many eukaryotic types including adipocytes and hepatocytes, and may
organisms (Ohlrogge and Browse, 1995; Farese also play a role in lipoprotein assembly and the regu-
et al., 2000). TAG is derived from diacylglycerol lation of plasma TAG concentration and the cellular
(DAG) through acylation of the sn-3 position in the DAG levels (Farese et al., 2000; Nishizuka, 1992).
glycerol backbone. This step is mainly catalysed In plants, TAG mainly accumulates in seeds, pollen
by acyl-CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT) and fruits of a number species (Murphy et al., 1993;
(Ohlrogge and Browse, 1995). In addition, there Murphy, 2001) and serves as an important carbon and
is recent evidence that phospholipid:DAG acyltrans- energy source during seed and pollen germination.
ferase also can catalyse this final acylation step However, several lines of evidence suggest that TAG
(Dahlqvist et al., 2000). In Arabidopsis, the DGAT1 synthesis and DGAT activity are not restricted to the
(or At2g19450) gene has been cloned (Hobbs et al., embryo and anthers. DGAT activity has been found
1999; Routaboul et al., 1999; Zou et al., 1999). The in spinach leaves (Martin and Wilson, 1983) and ger-
DGAT2 gene, which is sequence-unrelated to DGAT1,

minating soybean cotyledons (Wilson and Kwanyuen, 1994) cassette to yield construct pDGAT:GUS:NOS.
1986) and TAG synthesis has been measured in leaves The downstream sequence directly after the DGAT
exposed to ozone treatment (Sakaki et al., 1990). TAG coding region was cloned as a 1207 bp fragment
synthesis has also been found in senescing leaves by PCR into pBluescript KS+ and then fused into
of Arabidopsis, which appears to be an intermedi- pDGAT:GUS:NOS in place of NOS terminator to
ate step in the conversion of thylakoid fatty acids to yield the plasmid pDGAT:GUS. The DGAT promoter-
phloem-mobile sucrose (Kaup et al., 2002). In addi- GUS region of pDGAT:GUS was cloned into the
tion, DGAT1 transcripts have been detected in many binary vector pBIN19 (Bevan, 1984), and then
tissues in Arabidopsis including developing siliques, were transferred to Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain
flowers, germinating seeds and young seedlings (Zou GV3101 by electroporation.
et al., 1999). By using RNA gel blot analyses, our
previous studies also detected low levels of DGAT1 Plant material and growth conditions
expression in leaves and stems besides its strong ex-
pression in embryo and flowers in Brassica napus Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Col was used for trans-
(Hobbs et al., 1999). These observations suggested formation by the Agrobacterium-mediated transfor-
that TAG may also play roles other than its ‘classical’ mation method (Clough and Bent, 1998). Transfor-
role as a storage reserve in plants. mants (T1 generation) were selected in half-strength
DGAT1 has been shown to play a major role Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium (Murashige and
in TAG synthesis in Arabidopsis. The mutants de- Skoog, 1962) supplemented with 50 mg/l kanamycin
ficient in DGAT1 activity only accumulate 55–75% before transfer to soil in the greenhouse. The number
of the wild-type seed oil level (Katavic et al., 1999; of T-DNA loci within each line was determined by
Routaboul et al., 1999). More interestingly, we found segregation for kanamycin resistance in the progeny
that these mutants also displayed increased sensitivity (T2 ). The tag1 mutants, tag1-2 and tag1-1, were
to sugars and various stress conditions during germi- kindly provided by Drs Lepiniec (INRA) and Kunst
nation and seedling development (Lu and Hills, 2002). (UBC, Vancouver), respectively. For germination and
To better understand the roles of DGAT and TAG seedling development tests, wild-type (Col-0 and Ws-
synthesis in plants, especially during post-embryonic 0) and mutant seeds were surface-sterilized with 30%
stages, we investigated the expression pattern of the household bleach for 7 min and rinsed with sterile
DGAT1 gene in Arabidopsis using transgenic plants water at least 3 times, and plated on the above media
containing the DGAT1 gene promoter-GUS chimeric without kanamycin. Plates were kept at 4 ◦ C for 4 days
gene. We show here that DGAT1 exhibits a tissue- and then transferred to 23 ◦ C for germination under
specific and development-associated expression pat- a 16 h light/8 h dark cycle. For western blotting, the
tern. tag1-1 and tag1-2 plants together with their respective
parent ecotypes Col and Ws were grown in a growth
chamber under a 16 h light 20 ◦ C/8 h dark 15 ◦ C cycle.
Materials and methods
GUS activity assays
DGAT-GUS gene fusions
Histochemical analyses were performed with leaves,
A reporter gene construct (pDGAT:GUS) was made by flowers and siliques of the primary (T1 ) transformants
combining the gene for the histochemical marker β- carrying the pDGAT:GUS construct, and with germi-
glucuronidase (GUS) with nucleotide sequences flank- nating seeds and whole seedlings of the (T2 ) progeny.
ing the coding region of DGAT. A DNA fragment GUS activity was detected histochemically by sub-
representing ca. 2.1 kb of 5 -flanking sequence was merging plant materials in GUS histochemical buffer
isolated from the genomic DNA (Col) by polymerase (100 mM sodium phosphate, 0.5 mM K3 Fe(CN)6 ,
chain reaction (PCR) amplification. This DNA frag- 0.5 mM K4 Fe(CN)6 , 10 mM Na2 -EDTA, 0.1% Tri-
ment, which contains 1845 bp of the 5 -flanking region ton X-100, and 1 mg/ml 5-bromo-4-chloro-3- indoyl
and 225 bp of the untranslated leader sequence, was glucuronide (X-gluc)) and incubating at 37 ◦ C un-
initially cloned into the pBluescript KS+ phagemid til colour developed (2–12 h). Samples were cleared
vector (Stratagene) and then fused to the GUS re- with 70% v/v ethanol and were mounted on micro-
porter gene in the plasmid OPgus (Keddie et al., scope slides and observed either under a dissecting

microscope or under a compound microscope (Carl Homogenization of plant material

The homogenization medium contained 400 mM su-
Precursor feeding experiment crose, 100 mM Hepes-NaOH pH 7.5, 10 mM KCl,
1 mM MgCl2 , 5 mM EDTA, 2 mM DTT, and a
Seedlings were grown on half-strength MS medium protease inhibitor cocktail tablet from Roche (Lewes,
with 1% w/v sucrose under the above conditions in UK). Plant material was homogenized using a glass
the culture room. Ten 2-day old seedlings were har- mortar and pestle. The homogenate was spun at 20 000
vested and incubated in 50 µl 30mM MES-NaOH × g for 15 min and the supernatant fraction was
pH 5.0 with 37 kBq [14 C]-sodium acetate. After in- again spun at 356 000 × g for 15 min to obtain the
cubation overnight at room temperature, 1 ml chloro- microsomal membrane fraction. This fraction was re-
form/methanol (2:1 v/v) was added. The tubes were suspended in 50 µl of homogenizing medium and
incubated for 20 min before 250 µl 0.88% KCl was the protein concentration was determined by a dye-
added. After vortexing for 5 s, the phases were sepa- binding assay (Bradford, 1976).
rated by centrifugation, 10 s pulse (Microfuge). The
organic phase was rescued and evaporated to dry- SDS-PAGE and western blot analysis
ness under a nitrogen atmosphere. The lipidic residue
was dissolved in 50 µl chloroform and resolved by Proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE on a Laemmli
thin-layer chromatography (TLC) with hexane/diethyl gel system with a Mini-Protean duel slab cell (Bio-
ether/acetic acid (80:20:2, v/v). An autoradiograph Rad, Hemel Hempstead, UK). A 50 µg protein sample
was produced overnight and bands corresponding to was loaded as previously described (Brown et al.,
known standards scraped and counted in 3 ml scintil- 1998). Pre-stained SDS-PAGE standards (BioRad,
lation fluid. UK) were used as molecular mass markers. After
electrophoresis, proteins were transferred from the
Antibody production and purification gel onto nitrocellulose membrane (Hybond-C, 45 µm;
Amersham, UK) by means of a Mini-Transblot ap-
DNA encoding the first 130 N-terminal amino acids
paratus according to the manufacturer’s instructions
of DGAT1 was amplified by PCR and cloned into the
(BioRad, UK). The membrane was blocked with 2.5%
expression vector pET15b from Novagen (Madison,
w/v dry milk powder in TBS (10 mM Tris pH 7.4,
WI). The peptide, including an N-terminal histidine
150 mM NaCl) and incubated with the purified pri-
tag, was expressed in Escherichia coli strain BL21
mary antibody at 1:300 dilution and then washed as
by induction with isopropyl thio-β-D-galactosidase in
previously described (Pongdontri and Hills, 2001).
accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. The pep-
The blot was then incubated in blocking buffer con-
tide was purified in a nickel column and eluted with an
taining secondary antibody from Sigma (Poole, UK) at
imidazole buffer as previously described (Brown et al.,
1:2000 dilution. The blot was washed again and pres-
1998). The histidine tag was cleaved from the peptide
ence of the alkaline phosphatase conjugated secondary
by using thrombin from Novagen with conditions for
antibody was visualized with Western Blue stabilized
efficient cleavage as described by the manufacturer.
substrate (Promega).
The peptide solution was then concentrated using an
Amicon YM3 cut-off filter to produce a final solution
DGAT activity
of 1.2 mg/ml. Antibodies were raised in two rabbits
by standard protocols by Sigma-Genosys (Cambridge, DGAT activity was determined by measuring the in-
UK). The antibodies were purified by affinity chro- corporation of label from [14 C]oleoyl-CoA into TAG
matography in a column to which the 130 amino acid (Bouvier-Nave et al., 2000). Assay mixtures (100 µl)
DGAT1 peptide had been covalently bound with an contained 100 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.4, 20% v/v glyc-
AminoLink Plus Immobilization Kit (Pierce, USA) erol, 200 µM 1,2-dioleoylglycerol and 22.8 µM
according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The anti- [14 C]oleoyl-CoA (2.11 GBq/mmol) and reactions
bodies (3 ml) were diluted 1:10 by addition of 10 mM were started by the addition of 10 µg microsomal
Tris pH 7.5 and passed through the column. The anti- membrane protein. The assays were incubated in glass
bodies were eluted with 100 mM glycine pH 2.5 and tubes for 5 min at 30 ◦ C with shaking at 130 r.p.m.
the antibody containing fractions pooled as previously The 1,2-dioleoylglycerol was prepared as a 400 µM
described (Pongdontri and Hills, 2001).

Figure 1. Expression of the DGAT:GUS chimeric gene in Arabidopsis transgenic plants. A. Schematic representation of the DGAT1
(At2g19450) gene on chromosome 2 of A. thaliana with respect to the flanking annotated genes At2g19440 and At2g19460 within the BAC
clone F27F23, and the construct of the DGAT1 promoter-GUS fusion gene. B. GUS expression in developing seeds (insert showing staining in
embryo). C. GUS expression in flower (insert showing GUS staining in pollen).

stock in 100 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.4, 20% v/v glyc- annotation of the clone (GenBank accession number
erol by vigorous shaking. The reaction was stopped AC003058) revealed that two open reading frames
by the addition of 1.875 ml methanol/chloroform (2:1) (At2g19440 and At2g19460) are about 6.5 kb up-
and 400 µl water and brief shaking of the tube. Next stream and 1.7 kb downstream of the coding region
613 µl each of water and chloroform were added and of At2g19450, respectively. A ca. 2.1 kb upstream
the mixture was vortexed, spun at 2000 × g for 2 min. fragment corresponding to the XbaI restriction site to
The lower phase was transferred to another tube, the the ATG start codon of the At2g19450 gene was iso-
solvent removed under a stream of N2 and the lipid lated by PCR from Arabidopsis (ecotype Col) genomic
applied to a silica gel TLC plate and the lipids resolved DNA and completely sequenced to ensure no error
with a solvent containing hexane/diethyl ether/acetic was introduced. This fragment was fused to the cod-
acid (70:30:1). The radioactive TAG bands, identified ing sequence for β-glucuronidase (GUS). To include
with a standard, were scraped and 14 C determined by possible regulatory elements in the 3 sequences of the
scintillation counting. gene, a 1.2 kb downstream sequence of the At2g19450
coding region including the fragment from the gene
Results stop codon to the SalI restriction site was also fused
to the 3 of the GUS gene (Figure 1A). The result-
Isolation and sequence analysis of the DGAT1 ing construct was transformed into Arabidopsis plants,
promoter and the primary transformants were analysed for GUS
activity with the histochemical substrate 5-bromo-
The gene, At2g19450, that encodes DGAT1 in Ara-
4-chloro-3-indolyl β-glucuronide (Xgluc) (Jefferson
bidopsis lies on the BAC clone F27F23 on chro-
et al., 1987). GUS expression was determined in 10 to
mosome 2 (Hobbs et al., 1999). Sequencing and

Figure 2. Nucleotide sequence of the 5 -upstream region of the DGAT1 gene. Putative TATA box and promoter elements described in the text
are labeled and underlined. The symbol (−) denotes the reverse orientation. The arrow indicates the transcription start site (Hobbs et al., 1999).
The beginning of the DGAT1 gene open reading frame is shown in lower-case letters.

20 independent transformants. Transformants showed with those found in the promoter of the napA gene,
intense staining in maturing embryos (>7 days after which encodes the seed-specific storage protein napin
flowering) and pollen, as shown in Figure 1B and C. in Brassica napus (Ericson et al., 1991). For example,
GUS activity was not detected during early embryo- the napin motif TACACAT (Ericson et al., 1991), is
genesis, i.e. before pattern formation was completed present in the 5 -flanking region of the DGAT1 gene at
(Goldberg et al., 1994), or in desiccating seeds (data position −1484. The octomer (CA)n element CCAA-
not shown). This expression pattern is consistent with CACC (Ellerstrom et al., 1996) required for embryo-
the fact that TAG synthesis is actively taking place and endosperm-specific transcription of the napA gene
during the embryo expansion phase (Mansfield and is present at −289. The E box of the napA gene (Stal-
Briarty, 1991), and that pollen also synthesizes TAG berg et al., 1996) is present in the DGAT1 promoter
during development (Piffanelli et al., 1997). In our region 12 times, 6 in the forward and 6 in the re-
previous report, northern blot analyses showed that verse orientation (not shown). Another element for
DGAT1 was also highly expressed in embryo and flo- seed-specific napA expression, the RY repeat CAT-
ral tissues in Brassica napus (Hobbs et al., 1999). GCA (Ezcurra et al., 1999), is found at −1799 and
Therefore, the DNA sequence flanking the At2g19450 −67 but in the reverse orientation. These findings
gene in the reporter construct contains regulatory ele- suggest that the DGAT1 gene shares some regulatory
ments necessary for appropriate expression of DGAT1 elements with the napA gene for expression in seeds
during the phases of seed and pollen development. as both are responsible for synthesizing seed storage
The sequence of the 2.1 kb upstream region con- reserves. The hexamer motif AAATGA that has been
tains a number of putative promoter elements (Fig- shown to be a cis-acting element directing expression
ure 2). Several of these elements are in common in tobacco pollen (Weterings et al., 1995) is found

Figure 3. GUS histochemical staining of transgenic Arabidopsis plants during germination and seedling development. A. Germinating seed, 0
day after imbibition (dpi). B. 1 dpi seedling showing GUS staining in cotyledon and hypocotyl. C. 5 dpi seedling showing GUS staining in the
shoot apex and root tips. D. 15 dpi seedling showing GUS staining in young leaves. E. 15 dpi seedling showing GUS staining in root tips. F.
Primary root tip. G. Emerging lateral root showing GUS staining in the tip.

at the position of −402. Interestingly, the ethylene- peared. GUS activity was, in turn, observed in shoot
responsive element (ERE) ATTTCAAA (Montgomery apices and root tips (Figure 3C). In seedlings, GUS
et al., 1993; Itzhaki et al., 1994) in present three times activity was detected in young leaves (Figure 3D) and
in the 5 -flanking region of the DGAT1 gene, two in root tips (Figure 3E). The initiating lateral roots devel-
the forward (−1721 and −720) and one in the re- oping from the pericycle also showed GUS staining
verse (−1051) orientation. This suggests that DGAT1 shortly after emerging from the central root (Fig-
expression may be regulated by ethylene during seed ure 3G). GUS activity was not detected in mature
filling and maturation. leaves (Figure 3D). However, GUS activity remained
in roots 15 days after germination, where primary and
Post-embryonic DGAT1 expression in transgenic lateral root tips were intensely stained (Figure 3F).
Arabidopsis plants Therefore, DGAT1 expression was regulated in a
tissue- and time- dependent manner. It was possible
To obtain information about the DGAT1 gene pro- that the staining in germinating seeds and seedlings
moter activity during post-embryonic phases, GUS was caused by GUS protein that had been expressed
assays were performed with progeny from six in- during seed development. However, it was previously
dependently derived transgenic lines, all of which reported that DGAT1 mRNA was present at high lev-
showed strong staining of embryos and pollen. A sig- els in many different tissues of Arabidopsis, including
nificant level of GUS activity was already detectable germinating seeds, young seedlings, roots and leaves
in seeds after imbibition on germination medium at (Zou et al., 1999). Similar results were obtained in this
4 ◦ C for 4 days (Figure 3A). High GUS activity was study, except that we observed a low level of DGAT1
detected in cotyledons and hypocotyls in germinating mRNA in leaves compared to that in other tissues (Fig-
seedlings (Figure 3B). GUS staining was equally in- ure 4). These results are consistent with the DGAT1
tense in both cotyledons and hypocotyls even when promoter-GUS expression pattern. This study shows
they were incubated in the staining solution for a that although the location of DGAT1 promoter expres-
short time (1–2 h). However, after cotyledon expan- sion changes during seedling development the amount
sion GUS activity began to decline in cotyledons but of DGAT1 mRNA in the whole seedling remains fairly
remained in hypocotyls until the first true leaves ap- constant.

and tag1-2 (Routaboul et al., 1999) and against their

parental ecotypes Col and Ws by western blotting
(Figure 5A). The western blot showed a band at
51 kDa that was found in developing seeds from the
mutants and wild types (Figure 5A) and all other tis-
sues examined (data not shown) but this band did not
correspond to DGAT1 as predicted previously by ex-
pression of the DGAT1 cDNA in insect cell cultures
(Hobbs et al., 1999). A band at 54 kDa was present in
the wild types but was absent in the deletional mutant
Figure 4. Northern blot analysis of DGAT1 expression in Arabidop-
sis seedlings. Total RNA was extracted from whole seedlings at 1, 3,
tag1-2 indicating that the band at 54 kDa is DGAT1.
5, 7, 10 and 15 dpi, and leaves and roots of 10 dpi seedlings. Total The difference in molecular mass estimates between
RNA (10 µg) was loaded for northern blot and hybridized to the this and our previously published result may be due to
DGAT cDNA probe. Ethidium bromide staining is shown for equal the use of different batches of pre-stained marker pro-
teins. It was recently reported that DGAT1 appeared
mainly as a 29 kDa band on western blots with little
of the full-length protein being detected (Kaup et al.,
2002). This was attributed to instability of the protein.
We did not observe the band at 29 kDa but this may
be due to the fact that the antibodies used in that study
were raised against a C-terminal peptide. A band at
ca. 56 kDa was visible in the lane corresponding to
membranes from the tag1-1 mutant (Figure 5A). This
result confirms that the tag1-1 contains an insertion
and is expressed as a protein.
A western blot of microsomal membranes from
a range of tissues show that DGAT1 protein is ex-
Figure 5. Western blot analysis of DGAT1 in a range of tissues from pressed in developing seed, inflorescence, and 7-day
Arabidopsis. Each lane contained 50 µg of microsomal membrane seedlings, and at a lower level in the stem, but is not
protein. A. Developing seed tissue from the Arabidopsis wild types
detected in the leaf (Figure 5B). During embryo devel-
Columbia (Col) and Wassilewskija (Ws) and mutants tag1-1 and
tag1-2. B. Col: DS, developing seed; I, inflorescence; S, stem; L, opment, DGAT1 protein is already present at 5 days
leaf; 7ds, 7-day old seedling. C. Developing seeds of ecotype Col. after anthesis, increases to a peak at 7–9 days, and
dpa, days after anthesis. then gradually declines, though is still detectable at 23
days when the seeds are turning brown and desiccating
In this study, GUS activity was not detected in (Figure 5C). It has previously been reported that oil
other tissues such as stems and senescing leaves, in is synthesized at maximum rates from days 7–13 after
which TAG is also synthesized (Kaup et al., 2002). anthesis (Focks and Benning, 1998), thus DGAT1 pro-
One possibility is that the regulatory elements speci- tein is present during the period of oil synthesis. The
fying DGAT1 gene expression in these tissues are not persistence of DGAT1 protein after the period of oil
included in the DNA sequences of this study. We have synthesis has stopped is in contrast to other enzymes
previously shown that the At2g19450 gene contains that are involved in oil synthesis which are usually
15 introns (Hobbs et al., 1999). We cannot exclude rapidly degraded during the seed desiccation phase
the possible roles of the introns in regulation of the (Pongdontri and Hills, 2001).
DGAT1 gene expression.
TAG synthesis in Arabidopsis seedlings
Expression of DGAT1 protein in Arabidopsis Strong expression of the DGAT1 gene in germinating
Antibodies raised against the soluble 130 amino acid seedlings is unexpected since at this stage of devel-
N-terminal domain of DGAT1 were tested against mi- opment TAG is being catabolized (Eastmond et al.,
crosomal membrane extracts from developing seeds 2000). In order to determine whether TAG synthesis
of the DGAT1 mutants tag1-1 (Zou et al., 1999) occurs in seedlings, seedlings were fed 2 days after
Table 1. DGAT activity and TAG synthesis in Arabidopsis seedlings.

A. TAG synthesis in Arabidopsis seedlings B. DGAT activity in seedling membranes

(nmol per mg protein per minute)
2-day seedling 2nd leaf Exp. 1 Exp. 2

Col WT 6.7%∗ 1.3% 201 ± 1 116 ± 18

tag1-1 2.3%∗ 1.2% 2± 3 7± 4
Ws WT 5.2%∗ 1.2% 260 ± 29 138 ± 11
tag1-2 2.8%∗ 1.2% 4± 1 8± 2

A. Seedlings at 2 days after germination and 2nd leaves from 15-day plants were incubated
with [14 C]acetate. Lipids extracted from the plant material were resolved by thin layer
chromatography and the amount of radioactivity incorporated into TAG was calculated as
a proportion of that incorporated into total lipids. Data represent the mean value from 3
independent experiments with 3 replications. ∗ Significant at P < 0.01.
B. Microsomal membranes isolated from 2-day seedlings were assayed for DGAT activ-
ity measuring incorporation of [14 C]oleoyl-CoA into TAG as described in Materials and
methods. Results from two independent experiments are presented.

germination with [14 C]acetate and the incorporation DGAT1 activity predominates over DGAT2 in devel-
of label into TAG was determined. Since the incor- oping seedlings and that the TAG synthesis observed
poration of label into TAG in whole tissue would not in the acetate feeding experiments was likely to be
prove the presence of DGAT1 activity, the tag1 mu- formed by the action of PDAT or transacylases. How-
tants were used as controls. Table 1A shows that in ever, the possibility that the assay conditions used here
both Col and Ws wild-type seedlings, about 5–7% of discriminated against DGAT2 activity should not be
[14 C]acetate was incorporated into TAG as a propor- excluded.
tion of label incorporated into total lipids. However, in
the tag1 mutants, incorporation of label into TAG was DGAT1 expression is up-regulated by glucose
significantly reduced with only 2–3% of [14C]acetate
being incorporated. These results suggest that about After germination, TAG is catabolized and converted
50% of the capacity for TAG synthesis in the seedlings to sugar to support seedling growth. The tissue-
is catalysed by DGAT1, as has been shown in devel- specific DGAT1 expression pattern suggested that it
oping seeds (Katavic et al., 1995; Routaboul et al., might be regulated in response to metabolism and de-
1999). This suggests that the remaining TAG synthesis velopment of the seedlings. The expression level of
activity in the mutants may be conferred by DGAT2 DGAT1 in 2-day seedlings grown on medium sup-
(Lardizabal et al., 2001), or by other enzymes such as plemented with 2% glucose was about 4-fold higher
phospholipid:diacylglycerol acyltransferase (PDAT), than that of the seedlings grown on sugar-free medium
which can also catalyse TAG synthesis by an acyl- (Figure 6A). Seedling growth was arrested on medium
CoA-independent reaction (Dahlqvist et al., 2000). containing 6% glucose since cotyledons failed to turn
Leaves from 15-day old plants accumulated about green and showed little expansion, similar to the ob-
1% of the [14 C]acetate in TAG as a proportion of servation in previous studies (Jang and Sheen, 1994;
the total label incorporated into lipid. The tag1-1 Gibson, 2000; Laby et al., 2000). The DGAT1 expres-
and tag1-2 mutants were not affected in the synthe- sion level in these seedlings was about 10-fold higher
sis of TAG in the leaf, which was expected since than that of seedlings grown on sugar-free medium
DGAT1 is expressed at only a low level in leaves (Figure 6A). GUS expression was similarly greatly
(Figure 4). This TAG is most likely synthesized by increased in transgenic seedlings grown on medium
DGAT2 or by a non-DGAT-catalysed route (Dahlqvist containing 6% glucose (Figure 6B). Previous studies
et al., 2000; Lardizabal et al., 2001). We also directly have shown that ethylene antagonizes sugar signals
measured DGAT activity in microsomal membranes in sugar-induced stress effects. Seedlings treated with
isolated from 2-day old seedlings of tag1-1 and tag1- 1-aminocyclopropane-1- carboxylic acid (ACC), the
2 and their respective parent ecotypes. DGAT activity immediate precursor for ethylene biosynthesis, could
in the mutants was less than 10% of that of the re- overcome the developmental arrest (Zhou et al., 1998).
spective wild types (Table 1B). This suggests that the We similarly found that Arabidopsis seedlings devel-

Figure 6. DGAT1 expression is up-regulated by glucose. A. Northern blot of RNA from seedlings 3 days after germination and grown on 0%
glucose (lane 1), 2% glucose (lane 2), 6% glucose and 50 µM ACC (lane 3), and 6% glucose media. Total RNA (10 µg) was loaded for each
sample. Ethidium bromide staining is shown for equal loading. B. GUS staining of seedlings 2 days after germination on media containing the
1/2 MS salt (left), 1/2 MS + 6% glucose (middle) and 1/2 MS + 6% glucose + 50 µM ACC (right).

oped green cotyledons and true leaves on the media expression was confirmed by northern and western
containing 6% glucose when 50 µM ACC was added. blots, precursor feeding and DGAT1 assays. Before
At the same time, the DGAT1 promoter driven GUS true leaves appeared, the DGAT1:GUS expression was
expression level was restored to normal, as was the found to be equally strong in cotyledons and hypocotyl
DGAT1 mRNA transcript (Figure 6). (Figure 3B). After germination, seed oil serves as the
major carbon and energy source for seedling devel-
opment before photoautotrophism is successfully es-
Discussion tablished. The DGAT1 activity during post-embryonic
stages may have a role to sequester fatty acids released
The primary role of DGAT1 is to catalyse the final from the storage TAG and to coordinate metabolism
step of storage TAG synthesis. It has been shown with seedling development as it responds to changes
that the DGAT1-deficient Arabidopsis mutants accu- in its environment. For instance, alteration of the car-
mulate less TAG in their seeds (Katavic et al., 1995; bon to nitrogen ratio cause large changes in the rate
Routaboul et al., 1999). The fact that the promoter of storage TAG catabolism in developing Arabidopsis
of the DGAT1 gene shares several common regulatory seedlings (Martin et al., 2002). It is possible that un-
elements with the promoter of the seed-specific napA der conditions where fatty acid oxidation is inhibited,
gene (Figure 2) also suggests that DGAT1 mainly fatty acids released from TAG by the action of lipase
functions in developing seeds. However, unlike the would need to be recycled back to TAG and DGAT1
napin genes, DGAT1 gene expression is not restricted could catalyse that reaction. In older seedlings, GUS
to seeds. Sequence analysis showed that the two RY activity was detected mainly in shoot apex and root
repeat motifs (CATGCA) found in the DGAT1 gene tips and DGAT1 protein was present at relatively high
promoter are far apart and are present in a reverse levels in microsomal membranes isolated from whole
orientation (Figure 2). Although the function of the 7-day seedlings (Figure 5B). This expression pattern
CATGCA motif in the DGAT1 gene promoter remains suggests that DGAT1 activity correlates with rapid cell
speculative, the RY repeat has been well studied and it division and growth. Membrane lipid synthesis is im-
is present in many seed-specific storage protein genes portant in these regions, and DGAT1 may play a role
(Baumlein et al., 1992; Dickinson et al., 1988; Ezcurra in balancing the demand for DAG and acyl-CoAs with
et al., 1999; Reidt et al., 2000; Riggs et al., 1989). their supply. The amount of DGAT1 protein in 7-day
Mutations in the RY element abolished the seed spe- old seedlings was similar to that in developing seeds
cific enhancing activity of the upstream regulatory (Figure 5B) while TAG degradation is completed by
sequences of the β-conglycinin α-subunit, the 7S soy- day 4 (Lu and Hills, 2002). This suggests that ei-
bean seed storage protein, and caused expression of ther the DGAT1 activity is strongly regulated in the
the chimeric promoter in leaves (Fujiwara and Beachy, seedlings or that TAG synthesized in the young plant
1994). is very rapidly turned over. Previous work has shown
This study reveals an interesting expression pattern that DGAT1 expression in Brassica cell cultures is
of the DGAT1 gene in Arabidopsis during germination up-regulated by increasing the sucrose concentration
and seedling growth besides its expression in develop- (Nykiforuk et al., 2002). Transcription of the DGAT1
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