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9B Ellipsis and substitution

1 Complete the dialogue with the phrases below.

he does  I can’t  I do  I tried to  I would  I’d love to  should I  you should

Mum Did you call your grandad last night?

Alf 1
 , but I couldn’t get through. I’ll try again this afternoon.
Mum 2
 . He really wants to talk to you.
Alf I know 3
 . He said he’s got some exciting news to tell me. Do you know what it is?
Mum 4
 . And I think you’ll be very surprised by it. But I’m not sure I should tell you.
Alf Oh please do.
Mum 5
 , but 6  . I made a promise to him.
Alf Can you give me a hint?
Mum Why 7  ? It’s his news, not mine. Give him a call now.
Alf 8
if I could, but I know he’s out this morning.
Mum Well then, you’ll just have to wait until this afternoon.

2 Choose the correct reply to each question.

1 Is that your brother over there? 5 Have you passed your exams?
a I doubt it. a I don’t expect so.
b I doubt so. b I don’t expect.
2 Did she visit him yesterday? 6 Does Gregor live here?
a She might visit, but she didn’t tell me about it. a He used, but he doesn’t now.
b She might have, but she didn’t tell me about it. b He used to, but he doesn’t now.
3 Has she read your message yet? 7 How do you know Mary stole your bike?
a I don’t presume. She hasn’t replied a She admitted she did.
b I presume not. She hasn’t replied. b She admitted so.
4 Are you getting a birthday present for your grandma? 8 Did your grandad fight in the war?
a I hope to this afternoon, if I remember! a I think so.
b I hope it this afternoon, if I remember! b I think it.

3 SPEAKING   Work in pairs. Play ‘Don’t repeat it!’.

Student A: Make a question with one of the phrases below.

be at the sports centre  be on holiday  become famous  buy a new computer 

come to my party  live in France  lose your phone  see the new Jennifer Lawrence film

Student B: Reply with one of the verbs below. Avoid repeating student B’s main verb.

be afraid doubt imagine intend love might think want

Do you think you’ll become famous in the future? I doubt it!

Solutions Third Edition Advanced photocopiable © Oxford University Press

  9B  Ellipsis and substitution
Aims:  To review and practise the use of auxiliaries,
modals, so and not … so to avoid repetition.
Time:  10–15 minutes
Materials:  One handout for each student

Exercise 1
• Give each student a handout and ask them to read
through the whole dialogue first for gist. Ask some
general comprehension questions if necessary: Why
does Alf’s grandad want to talk to him? (because he’s
got some exciting news) Does Alf’s mum know what the
news is? (yes, she does)
• Students complete the dialogue with the correct
• Check answers by asking two students to read out the
dialogue and getting the rest of the class to listen and
raise their hands if they think they hear a mistake.
1  I tried to   2  You should   3  he does   4  I do  
5  I’d love to   6  I can’t   7  should I   8  I would

Exercise 2
• Students read each question and choose the correct
reply. Refer students back to the Learn this! box on
page 98 of the Student’s Book if necessary.
• Check answers with the class.
1  a  2  b  3  b  4  a  5  a  6  b  7  a  8  a

Exercise 3
• Students work in pairs to ask and answer questions,
trying to avoid repeating the main verb. Get students to
swap roles after a couple of minutes so that everyone
has an opportunity to practise the target language.
• Monitor and check that students are using auxiliaries,
modals, so and not … so correctly.

 Third Edition Advanced photocopiable © Oxford University Press

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