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A second-hand market application

Lab4 – Position, ratings and aesthetic

Learning objectives
● Using Firebase Cloud Messaging
● Using the Google maps
● Take care of aesthetics details

You will improve the app created in the previous lab to send push notifications,
show locations on maps and rate sellers.
Furthermore you will finalize your app improving its aesthetic to make it consistent
and appealing.
The project will be kept on bitbucket as a private repository.

1. Open the project you have created in the previous lab.

2. Add push notifications for seller and buyer (if you have not already added
them) following this document​.

a. When a user is interested in buying an item on sale, the seller is


b. When a seller sets an item as sold, the buyer and all the other users
that were interested in that object are notified of the event.

c. When a seller sets an item as no more on sale, all the users interested
in that object are notified.

d. All the notifications should be managed when the app is in foreground

and in background.

e. Commit the project. Push it onto the remote repository.

3. Add two new fragments to the navigation bar.

a. ItemsOfInterestListFragment contains a list of all the items the logged

user is interested in

b. BoughtItemsListFragment is a list of all the items the user bought.

c. Commit the project. Push it onto the remote repository.

4. Update your application using Google maps.

a. When a user edits the location in its profile or in an item on sale, s/he
can also pinpoint the position on a map which will be visible to other
users when browsing the profile of the seller

b. Replace the location of the user and the location of the object with a
position shown on a Google map when in “show mode”.

c. When the user is consulting an item on sale, with a click on the map he
can see the route from its position to the location of the item; at this
purpose, use another fragment.

d. Commit the project. Push it onto the remote repository.

5. Add a rating to the users of the app.

a. After an item is sold to a user, this user can rate the seller, with a
number (collected using the five-star methodology) and, optionally, a
textual comment. This rate can be given only once for each item

b. Update the user profile so that the rating of the user is shown.

c. Commit the project. Push it onto the remote repository.

6. Finally, improve the aesthetics.

a. Choose a logo if you still don't have one.

b. Be sure that your product has consistency, both in each single page
and through pages

i. icons, buttons, colours, text, language, …

c. Make the contents simple and flowing.

d. Make some tests with potential users and use their suggestions to
improve your app.
e. Commit the project. Push it onto the remote repository.

7. Now your project is ready to be presented.

Submission rules
● Lab must be submitted by June, 7th at 23:59
● This lab session is scored 2 points, the functionalities implemented in your
code as well as the design of the user interface will be evaluated
● Before submitting, clean the project using ​Build -> Clean Project
● Create a zip file with your project and name it
● Upload it on the Polito web portal (only one student of the group must upload
it); for multiple uploads, only the most recent file will be evaluated

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