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Quarter: First – Personal Development

TOPIC/ LESSON NAME Mental Health and Well-being in Middle and Late Adolescence
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
 The concepts about Mental health and Well-being in Middle and Late Adolescence
The learners shall be able to:
 Identify his/her own vulnerabilities and make a plan on how to stay mentally healthy
The learners can:
 Identify his/her own vulnerabilities and make a plan on how to stay mentally healthy
At the end of this module, the learners can:
 Interpret the concepts of mental health and psychological well-being in everyday observations about mental
health problems during adolescence
 Identify his/her own vulnerabilities
 Make a mind map on ways of achieving psychological well-being
 Create a plan to stay mentally healthy during adolescence

I. Mental Health and Well-being in Middle and Late Adolescence

1. INTRODUCTION: Communicating Learning Objectives
2. MOTIVATION: Video Presentation: Youth Mental Health and Well-being
3. INSTRUCTION/DELIVERY: Lecture- Discussion
4. PRACTICE: Share your feelings
5. ENRICHMENT: Activity/ Question and Answer

Materials Projector, Laptop

Resources DIWA Senior High School Series: Personal Development Module, Personal Development Reader

Procedure Meeting Learners' Needs

1. Introduction
The Learners shall be able to:
1. Interpret the concepts of mental health and psychological well-being in everyday observations about mental health problems during adolescence.
2. Identify his/her own vulnerabilities.
3. Make a mind map on ways of achieving psychological well-being.
4. Create a plan to stay mentally healthy during adolescence.
2. Motivation
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1. Watch this video: Youth Mental Health and Well-being:
2. What were the things mentioned by the young people in the video on how to take care of one’s mental health?

3. Instruction or Delivery
Psychological well-being – refers to an individual’s state or condition that is free from mental or emotional disorders. Teenagers who manifest this
condition is not free from distressing thoughts and emotions but can flexibly adapt to changing situations. Although stress is inevitable, adolescents
who are psychologically well can find ways to solve their problems in a more realistic manner, can make better choices in life, and demonstrate

Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are characterized by persistent disturbance of eating that result in altered consumption or absorption of food and significantly
impair physical health or psychosocial functioning. Eating disorders are common among adolescents and are associated with dissatisfaction with one’s
body due to distorted body image.
a. anorexia nervosa – Adolescents who experience anorexia nervosa may experience intense fear of gaining weight, disturbed body image, refusal to
maintain normal body weight, and dangerous measures to lose weight.
b. bulimia nervosa – involves overeating, and it is followed by efforts to induce vomiting, fasting, and excessive exercise.
c. Binge-eating disorder – involves an overindulgence of food, but it is not followed by efforts to induce vomiting, fasting, and excessive exercise.

Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety disorders include phobic disorder, panic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, which are all characterized by excessive fear,
anxiety, and related behavioral disturbance. Anxiety disorders differ from one another in the types of objects or situations that induce fear, anxiety, or
avoidance behavior. Phobic anxiety is accompanied by physical symptoms such as trembling and palpitations.

Major Depressive Disorder

Persons with major depressive disorder are characterized by hopelessness, lack of energy in their usual activities, crying for unexplained reasons,
and low self-esteem. More so, they experience loss of interest in their activities, cannot make decisions, and tend to blame and hurt themselves. Major
depressive disorder is caused by both heredity and environmental factors. The following are the diagnostic criteria:
1. Depressed mood most of the day
2. Diminished interest in all or almost all of the activities of the day
3. Significant weight loss or weight gain
4. Insomnia or hypersomnia
5. Psychomotor agitation or retardation
6. Fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day
7. Feelings of worthlessness or excessive and inappropriate guilt
8. Diminished ability to think or concentrate
9. Recurrent thoughts of death, suicide ideation, or suicide attempt
Bipolar Disorder

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Bipolar disorder is formerly called manic-depressive disorder. Individuals who suffer from this disorder experience both depression and manic periods
(Weiten et al., 2009). As such, individuals with bipolar disorder are observed with very high levels of energy, exaggerated plans, and very optimistic views.
They are said to be hyperactive and may even work without sleeping for days. More so, they tend to talk very fast and have overflowing ideas in their
minds. They feel challenged in doing their plans and may feel obsessed about certain projects. However, they are observed to be impulsive and sexually
reckless, and they may even have impaired judgment. Studies (Kalidindi and McGuffin, 2003) indicate that both biological and psychological factors have
contributed to the development of this disorder.

Conduct Disorder
Conduct disorder is characterized by repeated pattern of behaviors in which the basic rights of others are violated. At times, persons with conduct
disorders are even violating policies, rules, and regulations. Such behaviors that already violate the law may result in illegal acts. Teenagers who have this
disorder are commonly labeled as delinquents (Santrock, 2012). Juvenile delinquency refers to any illegal act by a minor, and it emphasizes the criminal
as well as the legal aspects of the behavior (Dacey and Kenny, 1997). According to Erikson, one of the developmental tasks during the adolescence stage
is the ability to establish an identity. Delinquency, although a negative identity, is an attempt to establish one’s identity.

Personality Disorders
Personality disorder is an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the individual’s culture,
is pervasive and inflexible, has an onset in adolescence or early adulthood, is stable over time, and leads to distress or impairment. This pattern is usually
seen during a person’s interaction, and it continues for several years. Adolescents who suffer from personality disorders usually display deviant behaviors
and may be oversensitive or insensitive, rigid, and self-centered, or they may have extravagant illusions. DSM 5 classified and defined personality
disorders into the following categories:
1. Paranoid personality disorder – Individuals with this type of disorder usually demonstrate a pattern of distrust and suspiciousness on the motives of
the people around them. They usually think that others are thinking of hurting them, and these thoughts cause fears.
2. Antisocial personality disorder – This is manifested by the individual’s disregard or violation of the rights of others. They do not care if their
behaviors may harm others, but they will do and get whatever they want even at the expense of others.
3. Histrionic personality disorder – This disorder is manifested by individuals who show excessive emotionality and attention-seeking behaviors. At
times, they will cry for no apparent reason just to express their feelings. Also, they will talk or act like a baby just to be able to get attention from others.
4. Narcissistic personality disorder – Individuals with this type of disorder exhibit a pattern of grandiosity. They are self-centered or think of themselves
only, and their need for admiration is very strong. Also, they lack empathy or the ability to put themselves into the situation of others; thus, it is difficult
for them to understand the needs and feelings of others.
5. Avoidant personality disorder – This disorder is evident when individuals show a pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and
hypersensitivity to negative evaluation. Thus, they prefer to be alone and try to avoid social activities because of their fear of being judged or negatively
evaluated by others.
6. Dependent personality disorder – This is manifested when individuals demonstrate a pattern of submissive and clinging behavior related to an
excessive need to be taken care of. Thus, adolescents who suffer from this personality disorder usually cannot work alone, feel helpless when
unattended by someone, and may demand someone to be always at their side.
7. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder – This disorder is manifested by a pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and control.
Thus, adolescents who experience this disorder may be overly sensitive to the cleanliness of their room. To illustrate, even a single strand of hair
would cause irritation; they may not be able to study in their room when things are disorganized.

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Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders
Schizophrenia means “split mind” (Comer, 2013). It is a psychotic disorder usually characterized by the deterioration in personal, social, and
occupational functioning due to bizarre emotions and abnormal perceptions. According to DSM5, schizophrenic and psychotic disorders are
characterized by one or more of the following: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking (speech), and abnormal motor behavior. Thus, they
usually manifest odd thoughts, unusual interpretation of experiences, disturbed emotions, and motor abnormalities.

Substance-related Disorders
A drug is a substance whose chemical action alters the biological and psychological functioning of the person. If these substances are taken by the
individual, their chemicals will flow into the bloodstream and brain. Changes in one’s cognition, emotions, and behavior may result if there is an excessive
use of substances; hence, abnormal functioning such as intoxication or poisoning, mood changes, poor judgment, and hallucinations are commonly
observed among drug dependents.

Computer Addiction
Computer addiction is characterized by an excessive use of the computer or the internet. Computer addicts are preoccupied with online activities and
may demonstrate compulsive behaviors in using the computer or the internet. They find it difficult to control or regulate themselves in using the internet
or the computer; their addiction already interferes with their usual daily activities such as going to school, attending to personal needs such as eating,
and taking a bath. This addiction may even affect social relationships at home and at school. More so, computer addicts spend most of their time online
rather than talking to family members and friends.

Threats to Psychological Well-being

Adolescents like you may be prone to any of the disorders previously described if you are not aware of the possible threats that may contribute to
the development of such disorders. These threats can include family situations, environmental factors, and school-related problems such as bullying
and peer pressure. Each of these threats will be described in the succeeding paragraphs.
1. Family Situations
2. Socioeconomic Factors
3. School-related Factors
a. Bullying
b. Peer Pressure

Prevention of Mental Health Problems

Stress is inevitable and may even cause mental health problems. However, if you develop strategies in dealing with various challenges during
adolescence, mental disorders can be prevented. Also, reinforcement of factors such as self-esteem, resilience, problem-solving skills, social skills,
stress management, and self-regulation, the tendency to be at risk and develop mental disorders can be avoided.
1. Enhancing Self-esteem
2. Enhancing Resilience
Resilience is your capacity to recover from an unpleasant experience. Resilient individuals can bounce back or return to their original condition after a
life-changing experience such as an illness, death of a loved one, or an accident. Here are some techniques on how to enhance resilience.
a. Establish connections.
b. Accept the reality that nothing is permanent in this world.
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c. Love and take care of yourself.
d. Be more optimistic.
e. Strengthen your problem-solving abilities.
3. Developing Self-regulation
4. Enhancing Social Skills
a. Promote good feelings through positive reciprocity.
b. Show empathy.
c. Clarify boundaries and set people limitations.
d. Learn to negotiate.
e. Express gratitude.
f. Practice forgiveness.
g. Learn to help others.
h. Accept help from others.

Psychotherapy refers to the professional relationship between the counselor/therapist and counselee/client, which aims to promote psychological
wellness through various interventions. It is provided to address mental health problems and restore psychological well-being. It may include the following:
1. Psychoanalysis – This aims to help the client uncover conflicts and repressed emotions that prevent him or her to develop through free association,
dream analysis, resistance, and transference.
2. Behavior therapy – This aims to help individuals change or modify behavior by identifying maladaptive responses to stressors.
3. Client-centered therapy – This aims to promote psychological changes through a supportive emotional environment.

4. Practice
Share your feelings to your classmate about an experience that made you sad or happy.

5. Enrichment
I. Activity 1: Be Awed!
1. This activity aims to help you understand the different mental disorders commonly observed among teenagers:
a. Eating disorders e. Personality disorders
b. Depression f. Drug dependency or addiction
c. Antisocial behaviors g. Mood disorders
d. Anxiety disorders h. Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
2. Choose one mental disorder that you wish to learn more about.
3. Identify a person whom you can interview to provide more enlightenment about your chosen mental disorder. You can interview a guidance
counselor, a psychologist, a special education teacher, a social worker, or a psychiatrist.
4. Be guided with the following interview questions:
a. Give a general description of the mental disorder.
b. Who can diagnose mental disorders, and what are the negative effects of self-diagnosing?
c. What are the preventive measures for this particular mental disorder?
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d. What are the things to be done when symptoms are felt for this mental disorder?
5. Document the interview. You can use your smartphone to capture video or record the interview.
6. Consolidate the gathered data. Come up with a promotional material emphasizing the preventive measures for this mental disorder.
II. Essential Questions
1. What did you learn today about mental health challenges that you did not know before this class began?
2. Look at the positive characteristics that are circled. Are there any similarities across the different challenges?
3. People facing mental health challenges are just like everybody who wants to be a friend and have friends with; helping people with mental
challenges can get better and live normal lives.

6. Evaluation
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which refers to your state or condition that is free from mental or emotional disorders?
a. Psychological well-being c. Emotional health
b. Mental health problems d. Physical balance
2. Which is not considered a form of mental disorder?
a. Anxiety c. Laziness
b. Depression d. Personality
3. Mental illness occurs when individuals ______________________.
a. exhibit maladaptive and extremely deviant behaviors
b. experience loneliness
c. exhibit laziness
d. demonstrates loss of interest in school
4. Which type of mental disorder is characterized by excessive fear and anxiety and related behavioral disturbance?
a. Depressive disorder c. Anxiety disorder
b. Bipolar disorder d. Addiction
5. When individuals experience hopelessness, lack of energy in their usual activities, crying for unexplained reasons, a low self-esteem, they are said to
be suffering from what form of mental illness?
a. Anxiety disorder c. Addiction disorder
b. Depression disorder d. Conduct disorder
6. Which disorder is characterized by individuals displaying deviant behaviors, being oversensitive or insensitive, rigid, and self-centered, or having
extravagant illusions?
a. Drug dependency c. Personality disorder
b. Computer addiction d. Conduct disorder
7. Which means “split mind”?
a. Schizophrenia c. Abnormality
b. Perception d. Illness
8. Which type of personality disorder is characterized by perfectionism and preoccupation with cleanliness?
a. Dependent c. Narcissistic

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b. Obsessive-compulsive d. Avoidant
9. Which is characterized by an excessive emotionality and attention-seeking behaviors?
a. Antisocial c. Narcissistic
b. Histrionic d. Avoidant
10. Which is sometimes referred as pathological because individuals can no longer control their Internet use?
a. Computer addiction c. Drug dependence
b. Drug addiction d. Drug abuse


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