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American International School

Unit 6. Ecology SLS1C Life Science 2019-2020

Name: Silvia Ng Class: _________________ Date: 13 May

Biogeochemical Cycles
Cycle Biological Importance Keywords & Definitions Drawing/Picture of the cycle
Nitrogen Fixation = The
- element found in process of capture and
N proteins conversion of nitrogen
into a form that is usable
it - captured from the
air by species of
by plants.

r bacteria Denitrification = a
process when some soil
- Consumers get bacteria convert fixed
o nitrogen by eating nitrogen compounds
plants or animals back into nitrogen gas,
g that contain
which returns it to the

e - it returns to the
soil by animal
decompose and is
n reused by plants
American International School
Unit 6. Ecology SLS1C Life Science 2019-2020

Photosynthesis - plants
C - carbon is convert carbon dioxide
contained in and water into
a molecules of all
living things
carbohydrates and
releases oxygen

r - carbon and oxygen

make molecules for
b life, including
carbon dioxide and
o simple sugars

n - Carbon enters a long

term cycle when organic
matter is buried
underground and its
- Released from fossil
American International School
Unit 6. Ecology SLS1C Life Science 2019-2020

- The bodies of all

W organisms are built
from water and
a nutrients.
- Green grass

te captures
substances from
r - Organisms cannot
live without water
- 90% of water
vapor evaporates
from oceans and
- 10% evaporates
from the surfaces
of plants through a
process of
- 69% of freshwater
is frozen
American International School
Unit 6. Ecology SLS1C Life Science 2019-2020

Short term cycle:

P Phosphorus in phosphate
- is an element that in solution, is cycled
h is essential for
growth and
from the soil to
producers and then from

o development of
the producers to
- there's are two
s cycles : short term Long term cycle:
and long term weathering or erosion of
p cycle. rocks that contain
phosphorus slowly adds

h phosphorus to the cycle.

American International School
Unit 6. Ecology SLS1C Life Science 2019-2020


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