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Stalbridge Congregational Church Prayer/Reflection 14 th June 2020

Hi everyone, lockdown continues but we meet for worship today. We are hoping to meet on the back lawn of the
Church on Friday 19th June at 10 am for Coffee and Chat for all who are fit and well weather permitting. It will
depend on the Governments guidelines as of next Wednesday and we will be adhering to strict socially isolating
practice. We need to know if you are coming, to ensure we have enough space for those who want to come.

Both sides of the coin - Let us say the Lord’s Prayer together
What a challenging week we have had – protests across the board about justice – whether bame or white, whether
privileged or deprived, some peaceful, some not, some passionate some pragmatic – historic or now, pandemic
induced such as our children’s education and redundancies or legacies of the past, recognised or unaware -
wherever you and I stand be assured God sees it all, cares about it all and calls us all to establish justice for all,
whoever we are, wherever we are and whichever side of the argument we stand.

Let us read Psalm 104 – ( it would be good to read it all ) revel in all God has created and then sing with joy……

Our first song requested by Diana - Let us sing together– I’ve got that joy, joy, joy, joy. Junior Praise 121
I’ve got that joy, joy, joy, joy And I’m so happy, I’ve got the peace that passes understanding
Down in my heart, (Where?) so very happy, Down in my heart (Where?)
Down in my heart, (Where?) I’ve got the love of Jesus in my heart Down in my heart (Where?)
Down in my heart, And I’m so happy, Down in my heart
I’ve got that joy, joy, joy, joy, so very happy, …………….. repeat
Down in my heart, (Where?) I’ve got the love of Jesus in my heart. Down in my heart to stay.
Down in my heart to stay.

The children might like to sing – Peter and John when to pray… MP 598 it tells the story of Acts 3 v 1 - 10

Peter and John went to pray, ‘Silver and gold have I none, He went walking and leaping and praising
they met a lame man on the way; but such as I have I give thee. God,
he asked for alms and held out In the name of Jesus Christ walking and leaping and praising God.
his palms, of Nazareth rise up and walk!’ ‘In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
and this is was Peter did say: rise up and walk!’

Let us pray together - 2 Corinthians 4 v 8 says ‘We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed.’
Lord we come today with all the challenges of living in these times, and the uncertainties of what the future holds,
but we come with the assurance of the Psalmist that you are the one who created all things to live together on the
earth you created. May we hold on to the peace which you give us in Jesus which passes all understanding that we
can truly live joyful lives – whether as a sick person healed leaping for joy or a fearful one whose fear you long to
banish. Lord may our praise be joyful and our worship be sincere – speak to us today as Your Church. Amen

Let us read together – Acts 3 v 11 – 26

We follow on from the healing of the lame man – first think about what you might have done – give alms
or offer healing and why?
When we pray for healing what do we expect to happen?
Let us continue – Acts 4 v 1 – 4
After such bold preaching - arrest and imprisonment! Will it scare people off? No numbers rose to 5000!
How do we feel about preaching? Scared of the consequences and timid or …….
Let us continue - Acts 4 v 5 – 14
In front of the very priests who had condemned Jesus to death Peter, who had denied Jesus, preaches the
gospel to them and they don’t have a leg to stand on. There stands the lame man healed!
Do you have a story to tell when asked about your faith? A comment on face book asked ‘Where was God
when the knee was on George Floyd’s neck? What would your response be? Perhaps it is to be found in
the next song we are to sing.
Our second hymn has been chosen by Maggs – The Servant King – MP 162
From heaven You came, helpless babe, This is our God, the Servant King, There in the garden of tears
Entered our world, Your glory veiled, He calls us now to follow Him my heavy load He chose to bear;
not to be served but to serve, to bring our lives as a daily offering, His heart with sorrow was torn,
and give Your life that we might live, of worship to the Servant King. ‘Yet not my will but Yours,’ He said.

Come see His hands and His feet, So let us learn how to serve,
the scars that speak of sacrifice, and in our lives enthrone Him,
hands that flung stars into space each other’s needs to prefer,
to cruel nails surrendered. for it is Christ we’re serving.

Let us continue reading – Acts 4 v 15 – 22

Here we see how the authorities, while recognising the truth of what Peter is saying, nevertheless want to
silence them as it is an inconvenient truth! We live in a season of inconvenient truths!
What inconvenient truths are we hearing at the moment – from our hearts; from the Government; from
sectors of our society; from nations across the world?
Let us continue reading – Acts 4 v 23 – 31
Did Peter and John go home to live in silence or ….. well we wouldn’t be here as Christians today if they
had… rather they went back to the others to pray – v 29 says ‘and now, Lord, take notice of the threats they
have made, and allow us, your servants, to speak your message with all boldness’ …….
What message of boldness should the church (should you and I) be asking for at this time?
What miracles and wonders do we want to see in our world?
Has Graham Kendrick caught the essence here in the next song:
‘Send forth Your Word, Lord, and let there be light’. Make this your prayer…..
Our third hymn has been chosen by Abbie – Shine Jesus, Shine, - MP
Lord, the light of Your love is shining, Shine, Jesus, shine,
in the midst of the darkness shining: fill this land with the Father’s glory,
Jesus, Light of the world, shine upon us; blaze, Spirit, blaze, set our hearts on fire.
Set us free by the truth You now bring us - Flow, river, flow, flood the nations with grace and mercy,
Shine on me, Shine on me. Send forth Your Word, Lord, and let there be light!

Lord, I come to Your awesome presence, As we gaze on Your kingly brightness

from the shadows into Your radiance; so our faces display Your likeness,
by Your blood I may enter Your brightness: ever changing from glory to glory:
search me, try me, consume all my darkness - mirrored here, may our lives tell Your story -
shine on me, shine on me. shine on me, shine on me.

Let us pray together

Saviour Jesus, who gave your life that we might live, come close to us now. As you said, ‘Father, forgive
them,’ so may we find compassion in our hearts for those who have hurt us and harmed us. As you said,
‘Abba Father, yet not my will, but yours’, may we seek to do your will – to love ourselves and our
neighbours unconditionally, seeking justice for all – basic human dignities for everyone – to live as though
my life matters as everyone’s life matters. May we live lightly on the earth – good stewards of your
creation; ensuring a safe and healthy environment for all. Holy Spirit pour down upon us as we pray for
boldness to be the Church founded on the rock which Peter became. To You, Jesus we pray. Amen
Let us sing…. MP 411 Let there be love shared among us, The Grace of our Lord Jesus
let there be love in our eyes, may now Your love sweep this nation, Christ, the Love of God and
cause us, O Lord, to arise: give us a fresh understanding of brotherly of love that is real; the fellowship of the Holy Spirit,
let there be love shared among us, let there be love. be with us all now and for ever
more. Amen.

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