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Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal

Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 206–213
c 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins



Toxic Alcohol Ingestions

Focus on Ethylene Glycol and Methanol
Deanna M. McMahon, PharmD ;
Shane Winstead, PharmD ;
Kyle A. Weant, PharmD

The ingestion of toxic alcohols, specifically ethylene glycol (EG) and methanol, provides unique
therapeutic challenges for emergency personnel. If untreated, these agents can result in significant
morbidity and mortality. The toxicity of EG and methanol is dependent on endogenous metabolic
processes rather than the actual parent compound ingested. These metabolites lead to the char-
acteristic metabolic acidosis and cellular dysfunction typically seen with toxic alcohol ingestions.
Fortunately, several options exist for the treatment of these ingestions, which, if implemented in
the appropriate time period, can significantly decrease associated morbidity and mortality. The intent
of this review is to discuss relevant management issues associated with EG and methanol intox-
ication in the emergency department. Key words: alcohol, ethanol, ethylene glycol, fomepizole,

A LTHOUGH relatively uncommon, poi- permanent organ damage can be decreased.

sonings with ethylene glycol (EG) and The intent of this review is to discuss relevant
methanol can result in significant mor- management issues in the emergency depart-
bidity and mortality in the emergency pa- ment as well as the current therapeutic prin-
tient population (Abramson & Singh, 2000; ciples for the treatment of EG and methanol
Megarbane, Borron, & Baud, 2005). The intoxication.
unique characteristics of these toxins provide
potentially adventitious aspects for treatment.
If treated early, the toxicity of these agents ETHYLENE GLYCOL
can be minimized and the risk of death and
Ethylene glycol is a colorless and odorless,
sweet-tasting substance that can be found in
Author Affiliations: Department of Pharmacy Ser-
vices, University of Kentucky HealthCare, and Depart- common household solutions, such as an-
ment of Pharmacy Practice & Science, College of Phar- tifreeze, detergents, and polishes (Abramson
macy, University of Kentucky, Lexington. & Singh, 2000). In the United States in 2007,
Corresponding Author: Kyle A. Weant, PharmD, De- EG was the primary substance in 5,731 expo-
partment of Pharmacy Practice & Science, College of sures and resulted in 27 deaths as reported
Pharmacy, University of Kentucky, 800 Rose St, Room
H109A, Lexington, KY 40536 (kawean2@email.uky. in the Toxic Exposure Surveillance System
edu). (Bronstein et al., 2008). The primary route

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of exposure is from oral ingestion through about half of patients will present with two
which it is rapidly absorbed and reaches a forms of calcium oxalate crystals (monohy-
peak concentration in 1–4 hr (Barceloux, drate or dehydrate) in the urine, often in com-
Krenzelok, Olson, & Watson, 1999). This may bination with a concomitant hypocalcemia
occur as a result of an attempt to commit (Jacobsen, Akesson, & Shefter, 1982). These
suicide, a substitute for ethanol, or an ac- crystals may be present after a period of
cidental ingestion. More than 80% of expo- about 4–8 hr and up to 40 hr (Barceloux
sures in 2007 were accidental and 583 were in et al., 1999; Flanagan & Libcke, 1964). An
children younger than 6 years. Although wide elevated serum EG level can also be useful
variations exist regarding the quantity of EG in confirming the diagnosis of a toxic EG in-
that represents a lethal dose, it is typically ref- gestion. Although false positives can exist,
erenced as 1.4–1.5 ml/kg body weight or ap- these are exceedingly rare (Eder et al., 1998;
proximately 100 ml in adults (Abramson & Martinez, Lubbos, Rose, Swartz, & Kayne,
Singh, 2000; Eder et al., 1998). On the basis of 1998). Interestingly, because of the mecha-
its dependency on metabolic processes how- nism of this disorder, there are limited cor-
ever, it should be noted that any quantity of relations between serum EG and patient out-
consumption can lead to toxicity. come. As each patient’s EG level declines, this
is indicative of its conversion to more toxic
Pathophysiology and Clinical Symptoms metabolites rather than the resolution of in-
toxication. Fortunately, correlations can be
The toxicity of EG is largely related to its
made between arterial pH, serum bicarbon-
metabolites rather than the parent compound
ate or glycolate levels, and clinical outcome
itself. Hepatic metabolism is responsible for
(Borron, Megarbane, & Baud, 1999; Brent
80% of the absorbed dose, with alcohol and
et al., 1999). In the first several hours fol-
aldehyde dehydrogenase serving large roles
lowing ingestion, patients will often present
in this conversion (Barceloux et al., 1999).
with an elevated serum osmolality due to the
The accumulation of large quantities of the
EG parent compound (Barceloux et al., 1999;
metabolite glycolate is primarily responsible
Jacobsen, Bredesen, Eide, & Ostborg, 1982).
for the ensuing metabolic acidosis charac-
However, as this compound is metabolized to
terized by a wide anion gap. Subsequent
glycolate, this elevation will return to normal
metabolism results in the formation of ox-
and a high anion gap metabolic acidosis will
alate, which precipitates with calcium to form
develop primarily because of the formation
calcium oxalate crystals. These crystals can
of glycolic acid (Hewlett, McMartin, Lauro,
form in various tissues throughout the body;
& Ragan, 1986; Jacobsen, Ovrebo, Ostborg,
however, their formation in the renal tubules
& Sejersted, 1984). As metabolism continues,
leads to the subsequent renal dysfunction as-
serum bicarbonate levels will decrease, con-
sociated with this toxic ingestion. The clin-
tributing to the ensuing acidosis. The elim-
ical course following a toxic EG ingestion
ination of any existing EG concentration in
can typically be broken up into three stages
conjunction with the resolution of acid-base
as described in Table 1 (Abramson & Singh,
abnormalities and signs of systemic toxicity
2000; Barceloux et al., 1999). Because of mul-
are typically considered the endpoints of ther-
tiple interpatient variables and the typical
apy (Barceloux et al., 1999).
coingestion of ethanol, this course is often
Laboratory Monitoring
Methanol, also known as wood alcohol, is
Both urine and serum can present evidence a clear, colorless liquid with a slightly alco-
of EG toxicity as well as serving to monitor holic odor that is an additive found in several
potential endpoints of therapy. On admission, commercial products, including antifreeze,
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208 Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal

Table 1. Typical clinical course following toxic ethylene glycol

Time period
after ingestion Typical symptoms

Stage 1: Neurological 0.5–12 hr Transient inebriation and euphoria

Nausea and vomiting
Metabolic acidosis
Central nervous system depression
Nystagmus, ataxia, myoclonic jerks
Coma and seizures
Stage 2: Cardiopulmonary 12–24 hr Tachycardia and mild hypertension
Compensatory hyperventilation
Congestive heart failure
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Most deaths occur during this stage
Stage 3: Renal 24–72 hr Acute tubular necrosis, oliguria, flank pain, and
renal failure

Note. From “Treatment of the Alcohol Intoxications: Ethylene Glycol, Methanol and Isopropanol,” by S. Abramson and
A. K. Singh, 2000, Current Opinion Nephrology Hypertension, 9, pp. 695–701. Copyright 2000 by Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins. Adapted with permission of the author; and from “American Academy of Clinical Toxicology Practice Guide-
lines on the Treatment of Ethylene Glycol Poisoning. Ad Hoc Committee,” by D. G. Barceloux, E. P. Krenzelok, K. Olson,
and W. Watson, 1999, Journal of Toxicology: Clinical Toxicology, 37, pp. 537–560. Copyright 1999 by Marcel Dekker,
Inc. Adapted with permission of the author.

windshield cleaner, paint thinner, and rub- Cary, Mitchell, & Cooper, 1953; Jacobsen &
bing alcohol (Abramson & Singh, 2000; McMartin, 1986).
Barceloux, Bond, Krenzelok, Cooper, & Vale,
2002). It is frequently used as a solvent Pathophysiology and Clinical Symptoms
in multiple products. In 2007, methanol Analogous to EG, methanol itself has a rela-
was the primary substance in 2,059 ex- tively low toxicity. Largely its metabolism, pre-
posures and resulted in 11 deaths in the dominantly by the liver, is responsible for the
United States, according to the Toxic Expo- production of toxic metabolites (Barceloux
sure Surveillance System (Bronstein et al., et al., 2002; Brent, McMartin, Phillips, Aaron,
2008). Similar to EG, the primary route of & Kulig, 2001). Alcohol dehydrogenase and
exposure is ingestion, with common rea- formaldehyde dehydrogenase are the primary
sons being intended suicide, substitution enzymes in this metabolic process, and it is
when ethanol is not available, or uninten- this later metabolism that is responsible for
tional exposure. Oral absorption is rapid, the formation of formic acid, the agent re-
reaching its peak in 30–60 min (Barceloux sponsible for the toxicity of methanol inges-
et al., 2002). Close to 90% of cases in 2007 tion. Formic acid can have an impressively
were unintentional exposures, and 510 of large number of clinical effects that lead to
these were patients younger than 6 years the significant morbidity and mortality asso-
(Bronstein et al., 2008). The quantity of ciated with this toxicity (Barceloux et al.,
methanol necessary to cause toxicity is de- 2002). Formic acid can inhibit mitochondrial
pendent on the concentration of the solu- oxidative metabolism leading to an increase
tion and the metabolic process involved but in lactate levels (Nicholls, 1976). This ef-
has been documented with as little as 15– fect, combined with formic acid itself, pro-
500 ml of a 40% solution in adults (Bennett, duces the high anion gap metabolic acidosis
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July–September 2009 r Vol. 31, No. 3 Toxic Alcohol Ingestions 209

seen in acute methanol poisoning (McMartin, Table 2. Clinical features of methanol

Ambre, & Tephly, 1980). Formic acid also toxicity
contributes to the signature ocular toxicity
seen in this clinical scenario causing optic
Organ system Typical symptoms
disc edema and nerve lesions (Martin-Amat,
McMartin, Hayreh, Hayreh, & Tephly, 1978). Central Headache, vertigo,
In addition, an intricate toxic neurological nervous lethargy, and confusion
process can develop, which presents as cere- system Coma and convulsions
bral edema and necrotic damage in the basal Extrapyramidal symptoms
ganglia (Barceloux et al., 2002). The clinical Ocular Blurred vision and
course of methanol toxicity is less structured
Photophobia and “feeling
than that of EG toxicity. Often there is an ini-
of being in a snow field”
tial period of 12–24 hr during which only mild Fixed and dilated pupils
central nervous system depression symptoms Gastrointestinal Nausea, vomiting, and
are present followed by a latent period dur- abdominal pain
ing which the metabolic conversion to formic Acute pancreatitis
acid occurs (Barceloux et al., 2002). Similar to Elevated hepatic
EG, this process can also be delayed by sev- aminotransferases
eral hours with the coingestion of ethanol. Kidney Myoglobinuria and renal
Following this latent period, the patient typ- failure (rare)
ically develops a profound metabolic acidosis
and visual disturbances. Common symptoms Note. From “American Academy of Clinical Toxicology
are outlined in Table 2. Practice Guidelines on the Treatment of Methanol Poison-
ing,” by D. G. Barceloux, G. R. Bond, E. P. Krenzelok, H.
Cooper, and J. A. Vale, 2002, Journal of Toxicology: Clin-
Laboratory Monitoring ical Toxicology, 40, pp. 415–446. Adapted with permis-
sion of the author.
Serum methanol concentrations provide sev-
eral unique challenges with regards to inter-
pretation. Small concentrations of methanol sis (Jacobsen, Jansen, Wiik-Larsen, Bredesen,
are present in several fruits and vegetables and & Halvorsen, 1982). Early in the course fol-
can accumulate in binge drinking scenarios lowing methanol ingestion, the patient will
(Barceloux et al., 2002). The mean methanol develop an osmolal gap due to the parent
concentration in one study of drivers sus- compound and any coingestion of ethanol
pected of driving under the influence of (Barceloux et al., 2002). However, as this par-
alcohol was 7.3 mg/dl (Jones & Lowinger, ent compound is metabolized, the patient will
1988). As a result, the American Academy begin to develop a metabolic acidosis and a
of Clinical Toxicology recommends the use bicarbonate deficit, which subsequently leads
of a methanol concentration greater than to the creation of an anion gap (McMartin
20 mg/dl to indicate those at risk for toxic- et al., 1980). Treatment is typically recom-
ity in conjunction with the presence of an an- mended to continue until these abnormalities
ion gap metabolic acidosis (Barceloux et al., are corrected and the serum methanol con-
2002). Although this level should be in- centration falls below 20 mg/dl (Barceloux
terpreted within the context of when the et al., 2002).
methanol ingestion occurred, as lower lev-
els may also indicate toxicity (Kostic & Dart, MANAGEMENT
Treatment Overview
Of more clinical value, and correlated more
closely with clinical symptoms and mortal- According to the American Academy of Clin-
ity, is the ensuing anion gap metabolic acido- ical Toxicology Practice Guidelines on EG
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210 Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal

and methanol poisonings, available options and Drug Administration (FDA)–approved for
for the treatment of toxic ingestions include either indication. Ethanol binds to the en-
an antidote, hemodialysis, and/or supportive zyme alcohol dehydrogenase more efficiently
care (Barceloux et al., 1999, 2002). Because of than does EG or methanol and inhibits the
the rapid absorption of EG and methanol, gut subsequent formation of toxic metabolites. It
decontamination is of limited use in this set- may be administered intravenously, orally, or
ting. Activated charcoal is not recommended via nasogastric tube depending on the clin-
because EG and methanol are not likely ad- ical status of the patient. An initial loading
sorbed by this agent. The antidotes, ethanol or dose of 600–700 mg/kg of ethanol (equiva-
fomepizole, are indicated for use if the patient lent to 7.6–8.9 ml/kg of 10% ethanol solu-
has a documented plasma EG or methanol tion) should be administered over 60 minutes,
concentration greater than 20 mg/dl, a assuming that the patient’s baseline ethanol
witnessed ingestion of either substance in level is undetectable, followed by a main-
toxic amounts with an osmolal gap greater tenance dose based on the patient’s drink-
than 10 mOsm/L or a history or high suspi- ing history (Table 3). If the baseline ethanol
cion of poisoning in addition to two of the level is elevated, a loading dose should ac-
following criteria: arterial pH less than 7.3, count for the difference between the target
serum bicarbonate less than 20 mEq/L, os- ethanol level and the patient’s current level.
molal gap greater than 10 mOsm/L, and uri- Ethanol levels should be monitored every 1–
nary oxalate crystals in the case of EG tox- 2 hr until a steady state concentration be-
icity (Barceloux et al., 1999). The cofactors tween 100 and 150 mg/dl is achieved, after
pyridoxine, thiamine, and magnesium should which levels should be checked every 2–4
be replenished in patients with suspected vi- hr. If the infusion rate or dose is changed at
tamin deficiencies, such as alcohol-dependent any time, more frequent monitoring (i.e., ev-
patients, to promote the conversion of glyoxy- ery 1–2 hr) is indicated until therapeutic lev-
late, glycolic acid, and glyoxylic acid to non- els are reestablished. The levels achieved after
toxic metabolites, respectively. In the setting oral ethanol are highly patient dependent and
of EG overdose, hypocalcemia is typically not thereby require the same intensity of moni-
corrected unless the patient is symptomatic toring as the continuous infusion. Because of
because of concerns over the formation of the labor-intensive monitoring required, pa-
calcium oxalate crystals. Folinic acid (leucov- tients receiving ethanol should be cared for in
orin) or folic acid given intravenously may a critical care unit. In addition to necessitating
be used as adjunctive agents to increase the frequent therapeutic drug-level monitoring,
metabolism of formic acid in methanol over- ethanol can cause a number of adverse events,
dose (Barceloux et al., 2002). Typically, folinic including hypoglycemia, respiratory depres-
acid given at a dose of 1 mg/kg (maximum sion, visual impairment, vomiting, slurred
of 50 mg) administered over 30–60 min ev- speech, and mental status changes. Infusion
ery 4–6 hr is preferred over folic acid (50 mg through a central catheter may be necessary
every 4–6 hr) because it does not require as the intravenous formulation has been asso-
metabolic reduction to a bioactive form. How- ciated with local phlebitis (Barceloux et al.,
ever, it should be noted that currently no hu- 1999, 2002).
man studies exist supporting the use of these
agents for this purpose.
Fomepizole is FDA approved for the treatment
of methanol and EG toxicities. It inhibits al-
Although ethanol has been used as an antidote cohol dehydrogenase, preventing the forma-
for EG and methanol poisonings since the tion of toxic metabolites responsible for the
1940s, there are no prospective trials to sup- sequelae associated with methanol or EG in-
port its use and consequentially it is not Food gestion. A one-time loading dose of 15 mg/kg
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Table 3. Therapeutic doses of ethanol based on the patient’s drinking history

Volume of 10%
Absolute ethanol Volume of 43% oral intravenous
dose ethanol solution ethanol solution

Loading dose 600–700 mg/kg 1.8–2.1 ml/kg 7.6–8.9 ml/kg

Maintenance dose 66 mg/kg/hr 0.2 ml/kg/hr 0.83 ml/kg/hr
Maintenance dose during 169 mg/kg/hr 0.5 ml/kg/hr 2.13 ml/kg/hr
Chronic drinker
Maintenance dose 154 mg/kg/hr 0.46 ml/kg/hr 1.96 ml/kg/hr
Maintenance dose during 257 mg/kg/hr 0.77 ml/kg/hr 3.26 ml/kg/hr

Note. From “American Academy of Clinical Toxicology Practice Guidelines on the Treatment of Ethylene Glycol Poison-
ing. Ad Hoc Committee,” by D. G. Barceloux, E. P. Krenzelok, K. Olson, and W. Watson, 1999, Journal of Toxicology:
Clinical Toxicology, 37, pp. 537–560. Copyright 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. Adapted with permission of the author;
and from “American Academy of Clinical Toxicology Practice Guidelines on the Treatment of Methanol Poisoning,” by
D. G. Barceloux, G. R. Bond, E. P. Krenzelok, H. Cooper, and J. A. Vale, 2002, Journal of Toxicology: Clinical Toxicology,
40, pp. 415–446. Adapted with permission of the author.

should be administered intravenously over EG or methanol concentrations are less than

30 min, followed by four doses of 10 mg/kg 20 mg/dl, and the patient is asymptomatic
every 12 hr, and then a subsequent increase with a normal pH (Barceloux et al., 1999,
in the maintenance dose to 15 mg/kg ev- 2002). If hemodialysis is used in combina-
ery 12 hr is warranted because of autoin- tion with fomepizole, dose adjustments are re-
duction of drug metabolism occurring after quired because of the removal of this agent
48 hr. This regimen should be continued until by dialysis. Table 4 includes the appropriate

Table 4. Fomepizole dosing in hemodialysis

Dose at the beginning of hemodialysis

If less than 6 hr since last fomepizole dose Do not administer the next scheduled dose
If 6 hr or more since last fomepizole dose Administer the next scheduled dose
Dose during hemodialysis
Dose every 4 hr
Dose at the completion of hemodialysis
Time between the last dose and the end of Dose administered at the end of hemodialysis
hemodialysis session
Less than 1 hr Do not administer dose at the end of hemodialysis
1–3 hr Administer 50% of the next scheduled dose
Over 3 hr Administer the next scheduled dose
Maintenance dose after hemodialysis
Give the next scheduled dose 12 hr from last
fomepizole dose

Note. From “Antizol [Package insert],” by Jazz Pharmaceuticals, 2006, Palo Alto, CA: Author. Copyright 2008 by Jazz
Pharmaceuticals. Adapted with permission of the author.
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212 Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal

fomepizole dosing in relation to the timing the basis of the individual patient case but
of the hemodialysis session (Jazz Pharmaceu- may be terminated when the metabolic aci-
ticals, 2006). No therapeutic drug monitoring dosis is corrected and serum concentrations
is required for fomepizole, allowing patients are less than 20 mg/dl. Another option is
to be cared for in an acute care setting rather to cease hemodialysis following the correc-
than an obligatory intensive care unit. The pri- tion of the metabolic acidosis and continue
mary adverse effects of fomepizole reported an antidote until EG or methanol concentra-
in clinical trials included headache, nau- tions are less than 20 mg/dl and the patient is
sea, and dizziness (Brent et al., 1999, 2001; asymptomatic (Barceloux et al., 1999, 2002;
Megarbane et al., 2001). Megarbane et al., 2005).
Because of the low incidence of methanol
and EG toxicities, comparison studies CONCLUSION
between ethanol and fomepizole are chal-
lenging. However, such investigations are Although they represent a relatively small por-
necessary not only to help determine the tion of poisonings overall, EG and methanol
superiority of one agent over another but also can cause significant toxicities to various or-
to help reconcile the cost and adverse event gan systems. It is imperative for all healthcare
profiles of these agents. A recent retrospec- personnel to become knowledgeable about
tive analysis found that 57% of ethanol-treated the signs and symptoms of ingestion of these
patients had at least one side effect compared agents, as well as the various monitoring
with 12% of fomepizole-treated patients parameters essential for accurate diagnosis
(Lepik et al., 2009). In addition, ethanol is and treatment. The availability of ethanol and
much more labor intensive with regards to fomepizole as antidotes has dramatically en-
critical care nursing and laboratory monitor- hanced our ability to treat these overdoses
ing (Megarbane et al., 2005). Fomepizole, and subsequently reduce related toxicities.
on the other hand, has the disadvantage
of having a high acquisition cost that has
contributed to this agent being avoided as an
option and leading to delays in its adminis- Abramson, S., & Singh, A. K. (2000). Treatment of the
tration (Mycyk, DesLauriers, Metz, Wills, & alcohol intoxications: Ethylene glycol, methanol and
Mazor, 2006). isopropanol. Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hy-
pertension, 9(6), 695–701.
Hemodialysis Barceloux, D. G., Bond, G. R., Krenzelok, E. P., Cooper,
H., & Vale, J. A. (2002). American Academy of Clini-
Hemodialysis rapidly clears EG and methanol cal Toxicology practice guidelines on the treatment of
in addition to their toxic metabolites. Tradi- methanol poisoning. Journal of Toxicology: Clinical
tionally, a serum EG or methanol concentra- Toxicology, 40(4), 415–446.
Barceloux, D. G., Krenzelok, E. P., Olson, K., & Watson,
tion greater than 50 mg/dl has been used as an W. (1999). American Academy of Clinical Toxicology
indication for dialysis, although there are in- practice guidelines on the treatment of ethylene glycol
sufficient data to suggest that any concentra- poisoning. Ad hoc committee. Journal of Toxicology:
tion represents a starting point for renal tox- Clinical Toxicology, 37(5), 537–560.
icity. Current recommendations suggest that Bennett, I. L., Jr., Cary, F. H., Mitchell, G. L., Jr., & Cooper,
M. N. (1953). Acute methyl alcohol poisoning: A re-
hemodialysis should be considered in patients view based on experiences in an outbreak of 323
presenting with an EG or methanol inges- cases. Medicine (Baltimore), 32(4), 431–463.
tion who have a significant metabolic acidosis Borron, S. W., Megarbane, B., & Baud, F. J. (1999). Fomepi-
(pH less than 7.25–7.30), renal failure, elec- zole in treatment of uncomplicated ethylene glycol
trolyte imbalances refractory to pharmaco- poisoning. Lancet, 354(9181), 831.
Brent, J., McMartin, K., Phillips, S., Aaron, C., & Kulig,
logical treatments, and/or hemodynamic in- K. (2001). Fomepizole for the treatment of methanol
stability secondary to the toxic alcohol. The poisoning. The New England Journal of Medicine,
duration of therapy should be determined on 344(6), 424–429.
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