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Symposium: Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Dietary

and Toxicological Standards for Essential Minerals

Dietary Standards for Manganese: Overlap between Nutritional and

Toxicological Studies1,2
J. L. Greger
Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706

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ABSTRACT The Estimated Safe and Adequate Daily Dietary Intake (ESADDI) for adults for manganese is 2–5
mg Mn/d. The LOAEL (lowest-observable-adverse-effect level) for manganese in water is 0.06 mg Mn/(kgrd) or
4.2 mg Mn/d for a 70-kg individual. The inconsistency in these standards reflects limitations in the available data
as well as differences in the way in which the standards are calculated. Manganese balance and excretion data
are not useful biomarkers of manganese exposure but do demonstrate that the body is protected against manga-
nese toxicity primarily by low absorption and/or rapid presystemic elimination of manganese by the liver. Serum
manganese concentrations in combination with lymphocyte manganese-dependent superoxide dismutase
(MnSOD) activity, and perhaps blood arginase activity, seem to be the best way to monitor ingestion of insufficient
manganese. Serum manganese concentrations in combination with brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
scans, and perhaps a battery of neurofunctional tests, seem to be the best way to monitor excessive exposure
to manganese. J. Nutr. 128: 368S–371S, 1998.

KEY WORDS: • manganese • toxicity • manganese-dependent superoxide dismutase

• magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) • arginase

In the past, the establishment of nutritional and toxicologi- ESSADDI is 2–5 mg Mn/d and the RfD for manganese in food
cal standards for minerals has not been coordinated. This has is 0.14 mg Mn/(kgrd) or 10 mg Mn/d for a 70-kg individual.
led to inconsistencies between the nutritional standards [e.g., EPA officials thought that a separate standard was required
the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)3 and Estimated for manganese in drinking water because of the potentially
Safe and Adequate Daily Dietary Intake (ESADDI)] and the greater bioavailability of manganese in water than in food
toxicological standards [e.g., the reference dose (RfD) and low- (Velazquez and Du 1994). Data from an epidemiological study
est-observable-adverse-effect level (LOAEL)]. by Kondakis et al. (1989) were used. Kondakis et al. (1989)
In 1989, the Food and Nutrition Board, in the absence of observed more neurological symptoms among individuals
good biomarkers (indicators of nutritional or toxicological sta- ú 50 y of age living in areas in Greece in which the drinking
tus in regard to manganese), based the ESADDI for manganese water contained 1.8–2.3 mg Mn/L than among individuals
on typical intakes of manganese and on data from short-term living in areas in which the drinking water contained õ0.015
balance studies (NRC 1989). Similarly the Environmental mg Mn/L. Assuming that a 70-kg individual would consume
Protection Agency (EPA) used estimates of manganese levels 2 L of water daily, the EPA estimated the LOAEL for manga-
in typical Western and vegetarian diets to calculate the RfD nese in water to be 4.2 mg Mn/d or 0.06 mg Mn/(kgrd) (Velaz-
for manganese in food (Velazquez and Du 1994). Thus the quez and Du 1994).
Thus these standards ‘‘suggest’’ on the basis of very limited
data that individuals consuming the amount of manganese
Presented as part of the symposium ‘‘Between a Rock and a Hard Place: recommended by the ESADDI (5 mg Mn/d) could consume
Dietary and Toxicological Standards for Essential Minerals’’ given at the Experi-
mental Biology 97 meeting, April 7, 1997, New Orleans, LA. This symposium was
‘‘excessive’’ amounts of manganese (ú4.2 mg Mn/d) if much
sponsored by the American Society for Nutritional Sciences (ASNS), the ASNS of the manganese came from water. Conflicting standards of
Research Interest Sections on Vitamins and Minerals and Nutrient and Food this sort lead to either alarm and/or cynicism among the public
Toxicology. The symposium was supported in part by educational grants from and scientists. Obviously, policy decisions such as toxic clean-
the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service and
the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. Guest editors for the symposium pub- up efforts and food fortification should be based on stronger
lication were Suzanne Hendrich, Food Science and Human Nutrition, Iowa State scientific evidence.
University, and Janet L. Greger, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University The rest of this review will examine the types of data that
of Wisconsin, Madison.
Supported by the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of are available for use in calculating nutritional or toxicological
Wisconsin-Madiosn project number 2623 and the Graduate School. standards. The limitations of the data will be noted.
Abbreviations used: EPA, Environmental Protection Agency; ESADDI, esti-
mated safe and adequate daily dietary intake; LOAEL, lowest-observable-ad- MANGANESE EXPOSURE
verse-effect level; MnSOD, manganese-dependent superoxide dismutase; MRI,
magnetic resonance imaging; RDA, recommended dietary allowances; RfD, refer- One reason for the difficulty in recommending optimal in-
ence dose; TPN, total parenteral nutrition. takes of manganese is that scientists really are not sure of

0022-3166/98 $3.00 q 1998 American Society for Nutritional Sciences.


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typical manganese intakes. Daily food composites prepared on

the basis of the FDA’s Total Diet Study menus contained
on average 2.2 mg Mn for women and 2.7 mg Mn for men
(Pennington et al. 1989). The average intakes of adults eating
Western-type and vegetarian diets in various surveys ranged
from 0.7 to 10.9 mg Mn/d (Freeland-Graves 1994, Gibson
These variations in manganese intakes reflect variations in
food choices. Pennington and Young (1991) calculated that
grain products contributed 37%, beverages (particularly tea)
contributed 20% and vegetables contributed 18% of the man-
ganese in the FDA’s Total Diet Study menu for 30- to 35-y-
old males.

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Another limitation faced by experts trying to establish nu-
tritional and toxicological standards for manganese is that the
levels of oral intake of manganese associated with adverse
effects (both deficient and toxic) are debatable. This reflects
the scarcity of specific biomarkers for manganese.
Manganese balance and excretion. In general, data from FIGURE 1 Changes in serum manganese concentrations in 47
balance studies do not provide useful biomarkers of manganese women supplemented with 15 mg Mn/d (h), 60 mg Fe/d (s), 15 mg
exposure. Manganese balances during short- and moderate- Mn and 60 mg Fe (m), or placebo (j). Values are mean { SEM. *P
term balance studies do not appear to be proportional to man- õ 0.05; †P õ 0.01; and §P õ 0.0001 compared with placebo at the
same time point. Reprinted with permission from Davis and Greger
ganese intakes. Subjects in carefully controlled studies (1992).
achieved positive balances in regard to manganese when fed
diets containing 2.55–15.0 mg Mn/d (Freeland-Graves et al.
1988, Friedman et al. 1987, Greger et al. 1978b, Schwartz et al. In general, the balance data demonstrate that the body is
1986) and achieved negative balances in regard to manganese protected against manganese toxicity primarily by low absorp-
when fed diets containing 0.011–13.9 mg Mn/d (Freeland- tion and/or rapid presystemic elimination of manganese by the
Graves et al. 1988, Friedman et al. 1987, Greger et al. 1978a, liver. Accordingly, the potential of excess accumulation of
Greger and Baier 1983, Schwartz et al. 1986). manganese and toxic symptoms would be greater when manga-
The wide range of manganese intakes at which positive nese is delivered parenterally vs. orally or when liver function
manganese balances were achieved reflects a number of factors. and biliary secretion are decreased.
Past manganese intakes of subjects and contents of iron, cal- Tissue manganese concentrations. The biomarkers most
cium, phosphorus and phytate in the diet have all been found used for manganese exposure in animal studies are tissue man-
to affect manganese retention (Davis et al. 1992, Freeland- ganese concentrations (Brock et al. 1994, Davis et al. 1990,
Graves 1994, Keen and Zidenberg-Cherr 1996, Lee and John- DeRosa et al. 1980, Hurley and Keen 1989, Keen and Ziden-
son 1988, Schwartz et al. 1986, Wedekind et al. 1991). berg-Cherr 1996, Malecki and Greger 1995, Malecki et al.
Moreover, traditional balance techniques are inadequate for 1996, Paynter 1980). Malecki et al. (1994) noted a fairly uni-
assessing manganese absorption because absorbed manganese is form loss of 40–50% of the manganese in tissues of rats fed
very quickly (within minutes) secreted into the gut as bile Ç1 mg Mn/g diet for 2 mo.
(Davidsson et al. 1989, Davis et al. 1993b, Lee and Johnson Unfortunately, most tissues are inaccessible in humans
1988). Hence separation of unabsorbed manganese from en- without biopsies. Serum manganese is the most easily available
dogenous gut losses of manganese is difficult. However, Da- biomarker of manganese status in humans. Davis and Greger
vidsson et al. (1989), on the basis of Mn-54 retention from (1992) found that women consuming 1.7 mg Mn/d had lower
meals, estimated that adult humans absorbed 5.9 { 4.8% serum manganese concentrations than women ingesting 15 mg
(mean { SD) of ingested manganese. Davis et al. (1993b) of supplemental manganese for more than 20 d (Fig. 1).
estimated that growing rats absorbed 8.7% of their manganese Hambidge et al. (1989) reported that plasma manganese
intake but lost 37% of the absorbed manganese through gut levels were elevated in infants with choleostatic liver disease
secretions, presumably bile. who were given supplemental manganese in total parental
Accordingly, biliary manganese secretion might be a bio- nutrition (TPN) solutions. Similarly, others have observed
marker of deficient or excessive intake of manganese. However, manganese accumulation in blood, brain and liver of patients
biliary manganese excretion was found to be roughly propor- provided with supplemental manganese in parenteral solutions
tional to recent injected or oral doses of aluminum but not to (Fell et al. 1996, Mehta and Reilly 1990, Mirowitz and West-
body stores of manganese (Malecki et al. 1996, Thompson and rich 1992, Ono et al. 1995) and in patients with impaired
Klaassen 1982). liver function or biliary secretion (Fell et al. 1996, Hauser et
The usefulness of urinary manganese as an indicator of oral al. 1994, Mehta and Reilly 1990, Versieck et al. 1974).
manganese exposure is also doubtful. Friedman et al. (1987) Symptoms of manganese deficiency. Most of the gross
showed that urinary manganese excretion by men tended to symptoms (e.g., growth retardation, dermatitis or reproductive
decline during severe manganese depletion and to increase failure) and metabolic changes (e.g., reduced HDL cholesterol
during repletion. However, Davis and Greger (1992) could not levels or diabetic-like glucose tolerance curves) observed in
demonstrate that women given 15 mg Mn/d during a 125-d severely manganese-deficient animals are not specific enough
supplementation trial excreted more manganese in urine than to use as biomarkers (Baly et al. 1990, Davis et al. 1990,
women consuming 1.7 mg Mn/d in food. Friedman et al. 1987, Keen and Zidenberg-Cherr 1996, Taylor
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et al. 1996). The exceptions are the gross skeletal changes that
occur during manganese deficiency. They are characterized by
enlarged joints, deformed legs with thickened and shortened
long bones and lameness in pigs, ruminants and poultry (Hur-
ley and Keen 1989).
Symptoms of manganese excess. Typical symptoms (i.e.,
depressed appetite, growth depression, reproductive failure and
anemia) of chronic oral exposure to excess manganese are
nonspecific (Hurley and Keen 1989). The consequences of
chronic inhalation of excess manganese, as occurs among man-
ganese miners, are more specific and include a severe psychiat-
ric disorder resembling schizophrenia and an irreversible neu-
rological disorder resembling Parkinson’s disease (Hurley and
Keen 1989).

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Biomarkers that can indicate excessive manganese exposure
before permanent neurological symptoms appear must be iden-
tified. Neurological tests have been used in at least two epide-
miological studies to gauge the toxicity of manganese in water
(Kondakis et al. 1989, Vieregge et al. 1995). Other investiga-
tors have reported that altered responses to a battery of neuro-
functional tests (e.g., postural instability when visual input is
prevented, slowed finger tapping speed, increased reaction
FIGURE 2 Changes in lymphocyte manganese-dependent super-
times or decreased hand steadiness) were useful in identifying oxide dismutase (MnSOD) activity in 47 women supplemented with 15
excess manganese exposure among industrial workers who were mg Mn/d (h), 60 mg Fe/d (s), 15 mg Mn and 60 mg Fe (m), or placebo
still asymptomatic for the classic neurological symptoms of (j). Values are means { SEM. *P õ 0.05 and †P õ 0.01 compared
manganese toxicity (Chia et al. 1995, Iregren 1994, Mergler with placebo at the same time point. Reprinted with permission from
et al. 1994). The results of neurofunctional tests and biological Davis and Greger (1992).
indications of excess manganese exposure should be studied
together in the future to assess their relative usefulness.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of brains may manganese-dependent superoxide dismutase (MnSOD).
provide useful biomarkers for excess exposure to manganese. MnSOD activity is usually depressed in heart and often de-
High intensity signals of several regions of the brain, but espe- pressed in the livers of manganese-deficient animals (Davis et
cially the globus pallidus, have been observed in T-1 weighted al. 1990 and 1992, DeRosa et al. 1980, Malecki et al. 1994,
MRI scans of patients receiving manganese-supplemented Malecki and Greger 1995, Zidenberg-Cherr et al. 1983).
TPN solutions (Fell et al. 1996, Mirowitz and Westrich 1992, However, little work had been done to assess MnSOD activ-
Ono et al. 1995) and/or scans of patients who have compro- ity in humans. Davis and Greger (1992) demonstrated that
mised liver or biliary function (Fell et al. 1996, Hauser et al. lymphocyte MnSOD activity was elevated in women ingesting
1994). The abnormal imaging was reduced after manganese 15 mg of supplemental Mn/d for ú90 d (Fig. 2). Unfortu-
was removed from the TPN solutions in at least two cases nately, MnSOD is not a perfect biomarker. MnSOD activity
(Mirowitz and Westrich 1992, Ono et al. 1995). Nelson et al. can also be affected by a variety of factors that induce oxidative
(1993) observed similar high intensity signals from the globus stress, including ethanol (Keen et al. 1985), diets rich in poly-
pallidus of the brain of a man who had been an arc welder for unsaturated fatty acids (Davis et al. 1990, Phylactos et al.
25 y. 1994), non-heme iron (Davis et al. 1993a) and strenuous phys-
Activity of manganese-activated enzymes and metalloen- ical exercise (Ohno et al. 1993).
zymes. Scientists have had difficulty identifying enzymes that The reduction of MnSOD activity in manganese deficiency
could be useful biomarkers for several reasons. Many of the is interesting because it can be related to symptoms. Malecki
manganese-activated enzymes are activated by other ions, es- and Greger (1996) observed that manganese-deficient rats had
pecially magnesium (Keen and Zidenberg-Cherr 1996). Most more oxidative damage (as indicated by increased conjugated
manganese-activated enzymes are not reduced during manga- diene formation) in the mitochondrial membranes of their
nese deficiency. The exceptions are phosphoenol pyruvate car- hearts than did control rats. The conjugated diene levels were
boxykinase and the glycosyltransferases and xylosyltransfer- inversely correlated (r Å 00.71, P õ 0.005) to MnSOD activ-
ases, which are important in proteoglycan synthesis during ity in the heart.
bone formation (Baley et al. 1985, Hurley and Keen 1989).
There are three primary manganese metalloenzymes. The
activity of one, liver pyruvate carboxylase, is more sensitive SUMMARY
to developmental changes than to manganese intake (Baly et
al. 1985). The activity of the second, arginase, is depressed in There are no perfect biomarkers for assessing manganese
livers of manganese-deficient rats (Paynter 1980). Moreover, exposure. However, serum manganese concentrations in com-
manganese-deficient rats had not only depressed hepatic argi- bination with lymphocyte MnSOD activity and perhaps blood
nase activity but also depressed plasma urea and elevated arginase activity seem to be the best way to monitor ingestion
plasma ammonia concentrations (Brock et al. 1994). Unfortu- of insufficient manganese intake. Serum manganese concentra-
nately, the usefulness of arginase as a biomarker in clinical tions in combination with brain MRI scans and perhaps a
situations is debatable because a variety of factors, including battery of neurofunctional tests seem to be to the best ways
diabetes, liver disease and ingestion of high protein diets, can to monitor excessive exposure to manganese. A combination
affect arginase activity (Morris 1992). of these biomarkers should be used to estimate standards such
The third manganese metalloenzyme is mitochondrial or as the ESSADI and RfD for manganese.
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