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Note : Not to Include the Headings with red color in assignment

If there is only 3 parts in your assignment combine part 3 and part 4

These are the criteria you need to achieve pass,merit and distinction.

The format may vary from one assignment to another .For example some part may be in the form of
Reports,Presentation etc.



1. Introduction
2. Definition of algorithm
3. Features
4. Advantages
5. Disadvantages
6. Examples
7. Outline process of application
Here one should describe the software development life cycle along with diagram. Use the
word Outline process instead of SDLC
8. Development environment
Defination of development environment.
Existing Development nvironment for different language
Development environment you have used
Justify why you used this Development Environment.You can take features of IDE to justify it.
9. Programming language
Existing Languages
Language you have used with justification
10. Platform environment
Availabale Platform environment for different language.
What is the paltform environment of language you have used. Include operating system and
.netFramework and justify it why you used it
11. Design architecture of application
Draw design architecture how your application flow in block diagram.
Include all design of form screen shot.Code is not necessary here
12. Data dictionary
Make a tabular record of all database table including following titles(Serial
13. Algorithm and flowchart of Application(4,5)module.
Write flowchart and algorithm for the different module.

Prepared By: Shiva Poudel


1. Code execution process include following steps

a) Sourcecode
b) Pre-processor
c) assembler
d) Linker
e) Loader
f) Memory

Describe how code gets executed from the above steps .Draw code execution steps also.


Implemented of algorithm

1. Write a sample program

2. Draw Algorithm and flowchart
3. Write Code of above program in c or c++
4. Relationship between algorithm and code variant
write how algorithm and code are related to each othe.How algorithm help programmer to
build application in right direction.What programmer lags from algorithm?Can we extend any
solution to over come the lags.


Prepared By: Shiva Poudel

Part 2



1. Define Procedural language

2. Characteristics and features of PPL.
3. Limitations of PPL.
4. Example of coding using PPL.
5. Basic I/O
6. Control statement.
7. Looping
8. Array
9. Structure
10. Pointer
11. String
12. Function
13. File Handling

1. Object oriented programming language

2. Features of OOPL.
a) Data encapsulation
b) Class and Object
c) Inheritance and its Types
d) Polymorphism (Static,Dynamic)
e) Abstraction
f) other if exist

Prepared By: Shiva Poudel

1. Event driven programming language
2. Features
3. Characteristics
4. Disadvantage

Relationship between PPL, OOPL, event driven programming language.

Show example of a program using different programming language

1. Procedural Programming Language

2. Object Oriented Paradiagm
3. Event driven programming language
Note:All feature above underline should include Syntax,screenshot of example code and
screenshot of output .


1. IDE Define.
2. Benefits of IDE
3. Tools available in IDE.
a. Code editor
I. Auto complete
II. Syntax check
III. bracket Matching
b. compiling
c. Debugging
d. Documentation
e. libraries
f. automation tool

4. Net database connectivity (ADODB)

a) Explain about ADODB Connection

b) Write Steps for connectivity between .Net and database.

5.Critically evaluating source code of application

Write a Sample Scenario such as adding two numbers,finding interest or any other
Now Write Positive and negative aspect of source code application for different Programing
Paradiadm as follows instruction

Procedural oriented programming

A. Explain how POP done to solve a problem with reference to feature and charecteristic
B. Write program to Given Scenario

Prepared By: Shiva Poudel

C. Analyze the program that include what feature you used.What were the difficulties or lagging
you encounter .How can it be solved .

Object Oriented Paradiagm

A. Explain how OOP done to solve a problem with reference to feature and charecteristic
B. Write program to Given Scenario
C. Analyze the program that include what feature you used.What were the difficulties or lagging
you encounter .How can it be solved .

Event driven programming

A. Explain how EDP done to solve a problem with reference to feature and charecteristic
B. Write program to Given Scenario
C. Analyze the program that include what feature you used.What were the difficulties or lagging
you encounter .How can it be solved .

Conclusion of part 2

Prepared By: Shiva Poudel

Part 3


Implementation of Application

Include Design and code view of your application.You can adjust Screenshot of Forms and Codes in a
single page.You can take snapshot of code partially to fit the page.


1. IDE to manage development process

Advantage and Disadvantage of IDE
2. How IDE help in development of application and justify how you use these tools below during
3. Code editor
Auto complete
Bracket matching explain how these one used using
System check implementation with screenshots

Other tools used

1. Compiler
2. Documentation Write about these and put snapshot as for as possible
3. Libraries
4. Build automatic
5. Debug


Evaluating use of an IDE//don’t write this heading

Comparison of using IDE with not using

1. Completer testing with example code on normal code editor IDE with
2. Al error snapshot
3. Bug and error
4. Designing form
and other comparision


Prepared By: Shiva Poudel


1. Definition of debugging
2. Debugging process with dragran
3. Debugging facilities in IDE explain with snapshot
Break point
Watch point
Step command

Any new features.


Outing code standard

Coding Standard

1. Define and advantage.

2. Coding standard I have used (explain with screen shot how you have used coding standard to
meet d4)
A. Indentation
B. Commenting code.
• Block less
• EOP line comment
• Document comment
C. Variable declaration
D. Naming convention for
E. camel
F. pascal case


Debugging process evaluation

1. Describe How debugging Process got implemented in your any part of application.Support all
part of implementation with Screenshot.


Definition of coding standard.

1. Defination of coding standard

2. Pros of coding standard
For developer
For team
3. Cons of coding standard
4. Recommendation

Prepared By: Shiva Poudel

Recommendate to use / not use coding standard with regards to advantage and disadvantage
of Coding Standards.


Prepared By: Shiva Poudel

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