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Dental Board

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1. How can dental -Direct contact with blood, oral fluids, 8. What destroys or Antiseptic
patients and dental or other patient materials; inhibits some
health care -Indirect contact with contaminated pathogenic
professionals be objects (e.g., instruments, equipment, microorganisms?
exposed to or environmental suraves);
9. What is the difference Disinfection is destruction of
pathogenic -Contact of conjunctival, nasal, or oral
between disinfection pathogenic and other kinds of
microorganisms? mucosa with droplets (e.g., spatter)
and sterilization? microorganisms by physical or
containing microorganisms generated
chemical means. It is less lethal
from an infected person and
than sterilization as is does not
propelled a short distance (e.g., by
destroy all microbial forms,
coughing, sneezing, or talking)
whereas sterilization does.
-Inhalation of airborne
microorganisms that can remain 10. Is a TB test required It is highly recommended but not
suspended in the air for long periods. for dental health care required
2. How can dental Careful handling of sharp instruments
patients and dental Use of rubber dams to minimize 11. T or F: Dental health TRUE
health care blood spattering care workers can
professionals use Handwashing prevent contracting
preventive practices Use of protective barriers (gloves, TB by wearing a face
to reduce blood masks, protective eyewear, gowns) mask during treatment
exposures? of a patient with active
3. Why is it important To prevent the spread of spores, be
in dentistry to have aware of the risks associated with 12. HIV can be TRUE
an understanding of possible contamination, and protect transmitted through
spores? all persons from inhalation and oral accidental needle
contamination. sticks with a
contaminated needle
4. What does the term Integrate and expand the elements of
standard precautions universal precautions into a standard 13. How can you minimize Patient placement, adequate room
mean? of care designed to protect HCP and spraying or spattering ventilation, respiratory protection,
patients from pathogens. of oral fluids in a saliva ejector for patient.
dental office?
5. Standard After an occupational blood exposure,
precautions include first aid should be given as necessary. 14. What are indications When hands are visibly soiled
what practices? Puncture wounds and other injuries to for hand hygiene? After barehanded touching of
the skin should be washed with soap inanimate objects likely to be
and water; mucous membranes should contaminated by blood, saliva, or
be flushed with water. respiratory secretions
Exposed DHCP should immediately Before and after treating each
report the accident and create an patient
exposure report. Before donning gloves
Seek medical attention and testing as Immediately after removing gloves
needed. 15. What are overgloves? A glove worn over contaminated
6. HOW LONG DO 7 YEARS exam gloves to prevent the
YOU KEEP PUBLIC contamination of clean objects
RECORDS? handled during treatment.

7. How often should They should be updated as soon as a 16. When should After exam gloves have become
dental health care vaccination has been received by the overgloves be used? unsterile then handling clean
personnel DHCP. There is no guidelines to objects during treatment
immunization follow on how frequently you need to 17. What type of gloves Nonsurgical gloves (Pt examination
records be updated? get vaccinated other than the CDC are used in surgical vs gloves)
recommendation nonsurgical Surgical gloves (Surgeons gloves)
18. What is the preferred EPA-registered hospital disinfectant 28. What is the difference Disinfection is destruction of
method of disinfecting between sterilization pathogenic and other kinds of
impressions? and disinfection? microorganisms by physical or
chemical means. It is less lethal
19. T or F: Needles should - FALSE
than sterilization as is does not
be bent or broken
destroy all microbial forms,
before being
whereas sterilization does.
29. How long should air and 30 SECONDS
20. T or F: Overgloves are FALSE
water lines be flushed
not acceptable alone
after the patient visit?
as a globe during
patient treatment 30. T or F: An EPA- FALSE
registered hospital
21. T or F: Protective TRUE
disinfectant should be
eyewear should have
used for both the
protective side shields
cleaning and
22. when should an always disinfectant step for
exposure be reported? uncovered surfaces to
23. examples of SEMI- Dental mouth mirrors, amalgam, provide dual purposes
CRITICAL instruments condenser, reusable dental 31. WHAT IS NEEDED FOR MANDATORY REPORTING
impression trays, dental LICENSE RENEWAL? CPR
handpieces. -- items that come in JURIS. P
contact with mucous membranes INFECTION CONTROL
or nonintact skin and they do not RADIOLOGY
penetrate soft tissue or bone or
32. Who is at fault for Dr and assistant
enter into the bloodstream.
falsifying info when
24. What instruments are Surgical instruments, scalers, submitting?
included under scalpel blades, and surgical dental
33. organization of the 5 dentists, 2 hygienists and 2 non
CRITICAL instruments? burs.
board? certified members
25. T or F: While cleaning FALSE
34. if a patients asks for yes
a spill of blood or
their records does a
other potentially
doctor have to give
infectious materials,
gloves are not needed
because of the 35. what is a critical anything that punctures the tissue
cleaning solution used instrument? or used to scrape teeth
26. T or F: Disposable FALSE 36. what is a non critical tool that does not puncture, like
sharps must be placed instrument? a mirror
in some type of
37. main difference water and sound waves
biohazard bag or
between autoclave and
container. The type of
bag or container is
unimportant as long as 38. can you use alcohol to No
it says biohazard dissinfect?

27. WHAT IS HOLDING Used to prevent drying of blood 39. how often do you have every year
SOLUTION? and debris on instruments if they to update immunization
can't be cleaned right away. records?
Should use any non-corrosive 40. can removable pieces No, must disinfect and heat
liquid. from attached sterilize
equipment be
41. what is a heat sensitive plastic tools
42. how often do you remove gloves? after every patient or when visibly soiled
43. how do you dispose of extracted teeth? bio hazard bin or return to patient unless it has amalgam then bio-
44. what kind of gloves are used to clean with? utility gloves
45. how long do you run suction for after each patient? 20-30 seconds
46. what do you use to clean handpieces? ethylene oxide
47. can you use liquid chemical sterilants/ high disinfectant to NO
48. what are the parts of a sterilization station? receiving

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