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my name is Lalitphan Thaidej (Gene)

from 1101

Here is where my
presentation begins
Internship at Faculty of
Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital
September 30th, October 2nd, 9th, 21st-22nd ,24th-26th
01 02
Internship Schedule Daily Works

Table of
Contents 03 04
Reflections Fun Facts
Internship Schedule: Issued by Faculty
of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital
Date 7.00-12.00am 13.00-15.30pm

Monday Conference room OPD

30 September OPD

Wednesday Neurosurgery (OR3) Neurosurgery (OR3)

2 October

Wednesday Ward Round Neurosurgery (OR3)

9 October Neurosurgery (OR3)

Monday Ward Round at ER OPD

21 October
Internship Schedule: Issued by Faculty
of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital

Tuesday ICU (หออภิบาลหญิงประสาท OPD

22 October ศัลยกรรม)

Thursday ICU Neurosurgery (OR3)

24 October Neurosurgery (OR3)

Friday Neurosurgery (OR5) Neurosurgery (OR5)

25 October

Saturday Gross Anatomy Laboratory Gross Anatomy Laboratory

26 October
Daily Works
What is it?
Conference Room is a meeting place where the Resident have to gather as
they have to present their patients’ medical history with their medical teacher.
For OPD (Outpatient Department), is the part of the hospital designed for the
Day1 treatment of people with health problems who visit the hospital for diagnosis
or treatment, but do not require to be admitted for overnight care.

September 30th, 2019

Conference Room & OPD Experience
I have to go to the Conference Room to learn how the resident study and
present their presentation. Resident in medicine means a physician who has
finished medical school and is receiving training in a specialized area, such as
surgery, internal medicine, pathology, or radiology. In the room, there is a screen
that shows many MRI and CPR scan. MRI scan stands for Magnetic resonance
imaging. It is a test that uses powerful magnets, radio waves, and a computer
to make detailed pictures inside our body. The doctor can use this test to
diagnose or to see how well we have responded to treatment. For CPR scan, it
stands for Cerebroplacental ratio. It can be used to predict the adverse of
pregnancy outcome and also our brain.
For the Out-Patient Department,I need to
observe how the residents work.
● doctors must have a good personality
such as being polite.
● doctors have to take care of patients and
calmly speak to them.
Day2 October 2nd, 2019 / 7.00-15.30pm / At Neurosurgery (OR3)

What is it?
Operating Room (OR), also called the surgery center unit of the hospital. In another word, it is a special room where surgical
procedures are performed. When performing surgery, the doctors can do it with any part of the human body. Neurosurgery is a
type of surgery that involves the human brain, or you can say that it is a surgery of the nervous system. Neurosurgery is the
medical specialist concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of patients with injury, or diseases/disorders of the brain, spinal
cord and spinal column, and peripheral nerves within all parts of the body.

Experience There are two cases to

perform today!
● The first case, doctors will remove the tumor located inside of the patient’s brain.
● Second case, remove the tumor inside of the rib cage.

Yet before the first case start, there is one patient that needs to do the CT scan first because the doctors need to look for
the tumor inside the patient’s body. CT scan, also known as computed tomography. It allows the doctors to see inside our
body. It uses a combination of X-rays and a computer to create pictures of the organs, bones, and other tissues.
Furthermore, the CT scan also displays more detail than a regular X-ray. CT scan does not take a very long time, and it is
painless. While scanning, every people in the room need to wear the lead apron to protect our body from the scattered x
rays. We also need to wear it around our neck too. The lead apron is quite heavy and when you wear it for a long time,
your shoulder will feel very weak.
Surgery time!
Before they can do the surgery, they need to let
the anesthetists work first. The anesthetists are
specialist doctors who are responsible for
providing anesthesia to patients for operations
and procedures. In brief, anesthetists have a
range of practice which extends beyond
anesthesia for surgery to include pain
management and intensive care. When they
finish their work, the rest things that they need
to do will all be the neurosurgeries job.
Day3 October 9th, 2019 / 7.00-15.30pm / Ward Round & Neurosurgery (OR3)
● visited many patients during the morning.

● observe neurosurgeries - remove the tumor inside

the patient’s brain. The process is different from the
What is it? first case in October 2nd. The patient has been
surgery for three time. Today is her fourth time. Her
Ward round = regular visit to patients in the hospital by medical
staffs and doctors for the purpose of making decisions concerning
skull had been removed because if the doctor did
patients care. On ward round, the doctors will review each patient not get rid of it, her brain will get injure.
under the care of his/her consultant. A nurses may join too, so that
they can updated on the clinical plan. Each medical staffs and
doctors will have a different time table because if they have to work
at the same time, it will be overcrowded.
Day4 October 21st, 2019 / 7.00-15.30pm / Ward Round at ER & OPD
What is it?
ER, also known as emergency room. ER in medical term, it is stands
for a hospital room or area staffed and equipped for the reception and
treatment of persons requiring immediate medical care. Most people
who come to these room have a bad accident such as a car accident,
a fight, and many more.

Day5 October 22nd, 2019 / 7.00-15.30pm/ ICU (หออภิบาลหญิง

ประสาทศัลยกรรม) & OPD

What is it?
ICU, also known as Intensive care unit. ICU refers to the
specialized treatment given to patients who are acutely unwell and
require critical medical care. An intensive care unit provides the critical
care and life support for acutely ill and injured patients. Except you are
an emergency admission, you will need a referral from your doctor or
specialist to be admitted to ICU.
October 24th, 2019

ICU & Neurosurgery (OR3)

In the afternoon, I feel very depressed and sad because today case
is very hard to handle. Naturally, most tumor will be located inside
the brain. However, in this case, there is a very big tumor outside
of the patient’s skull. The doctor said that she is only thirty and
there is no chance that she can survive. He speaks to me very
straight that she will die anyways because the tumor already
grows big, and it will continue to grow and grow until she cannot
handle the pain. She already takes a surgery for seven time. This is
the eighth time for her.
October 25th, 2019 / 7.00-15.30pm / Neurosurgery (OR5)

Today is my last day that I have to work at the

hospital. There are two case for today and it takes a
very long time more than any case that I have seen
before. Also, I had met with the resident from Russia.
She told me that she came to Thailand to observe the
work for two weeks.
October 25th, 2019 / 7.00-15.30pm / Neurosurgery (OR5)
October 26th, 2019

Gross Anatomy Laboratory
What is it?
Gross Anatomy Laboratory is a
place where the traditional study of
human anatomy by dissection will be
demonstrated. The word “Gross”
comes from German word for large,
which referring to anatomy that does
not need a microscope to be seen.
Students will have an opportunity to
learn anatomy from the best teachers
possible, which is the altruistic
individuals who donate their bodies
for education.
Morning section Afternoon section
Doctors tech how to do the plastic surgery Doctors demonstrate how to find the liver
How I feels
● Awesome ● Sad / Depressed
● Fun ● Tired
● Interesting ● Sleepy
● Excited
Fun Facts
1st Fact
There are many doctors who come and ask me if I would like to
become a doctor or not in the future. When I said yes, they all said
that I should run away. They laugh about their joke, but seriously,
they said that when becoming a doctor is very tired. I should
choose other careers. They said that I should become a dentist
instead if I want to work in the medical field because they do not
have to be on duty at the hospital. Furthermore, they gain more
money than a normal doctor a lot. However, I still want to become
2nd Fact
a doctor, so I tell them that I will never change my career. They
said that I am a good kid and cheer me, that I can pass the exam
Different location of the tumor causes a different side
and become the doctor as I want.
effect to the patient. For instance, If the tumor located
in the front of the brain, the patient usually has a bad
mood. If the tumor located in the middle, the patient
will feel very sleepy and weak. The ability to memorize
thing will not be effective like in the past. If the tumor
located at the back of the brain, their eyes sight won’t
be as good as in the past too. The worst case found in
the patient is that they did no wake up. However, they
can still feel pain because the receptor still working.
When surgery, we can check if the patient is already

unconscious by looking at their eyelids. If there is some
movement, it means that the patient is not unconscious
yet. Moreover, when it’s a surgery time, the percentage
of the patient waking up is very low and hard to see.
There are many ways to check if the patient will wake

Fact up or not. First, we can look at the BIS (Bispectral

index), which will be attached on the patient’s head. It is
used for checking the brain wave. The second thing that
we will look at is the heart rate. We also need to look at
the machine that help the patient to breathe. Usually,
when the patient is unconscious, they will not have the
ability to breathe by themselves. If the patient is going
to wake up, their breathe will fight the machine.
Last Fact!
I think that the corpse smell like a
pickled fish, it makes me feel a little
dizzy. However, I can get used to it
after a while. Furthermore, I have
noticed that one dead body can be
used to study for many times. It can
be used for a year. I really respect the
people who are willing to donated
their body after they died. They are
very brave in my opinion.

This picture was taken on the

This is a human brain!
2nd day. The circular looking
thing is a tumor in the patient’s
rib cage.

This is how OR look like! Surgery process pic!

Thank you!

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