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How to Draw a Cartoon Boy in Four

Simple Steps
A cartoon boy drawing doesn't have to be hard, even for people who are not
extremely artistic. In a few simple steps, you can be on your way to
illustrating your own comic book about this mischievous cartoon boy. Grab
your pencil and eraser, and let's get to it!

Step 1 - The Base

For the head, start with a curved line on the top. From the top left corner,
curve a line down toward the center of the face area. Do the same thing on the
right side. Make a tiny 'U' shaped bump between the two sides of the face to
create the chin.

The body will basically be an upside down cone, with the top cut off at the
neckline and the bottom of the cone curved slightly and uneven. Below that,
draw what appears to be a skirt - we'll address how to make it look cooler for
this cartoon in the next step.

Step 2 - Clothes, Face and Legs

The two legs are going to resemble peg legs that a pirate would have, both
shorter than the skirt we just drew and pretty thin, unless you are drawing a
fat cartoon boy!

Next, we'll address the skirt shape. Draw a line straight up the middle about
3/4 of the way, and add a miniature 'T' top to it. At the bottom of the line,
make a small, narrow upside down 'V' and erase the pencil line connecting
the two legs of a pair of shorts between the points.

On the body, draw an arc to create the neck and collar line. Sleeves will be
similar in shape to the body, only smaller and angled out at about 30
degrees, but still touching the body. Erase the pencil lines from the top of
the body cone about 1/3 the way down to connect the sleeves.

For eyes, draw two small circles set wide apart halfway down the sides of
the face and add thick eyebrows at odd angles for personality. The nose is a
small arc in the center of the face, on top of a banana-shaped mouth.
Step 3 - Arms and Shoes
Start with two very short lines coming out of the sleeves, at the
same angle, only skinnier. Then, reverse the angle and draw two
more lines in toward the top of the shorts, getting narrower as you

Drawing shoes for your cartoon boy aren't difficult - the right foot
is facing forward and is little more than a blob resembling a
rectangle, while the left foot faces out as a long rectangle with an
arc dipping across the top. Two rectangles - one long and one wide.
Don't forget to create The cargo pocket for your cartoon boy's
pants. This again uses rectangles as the base with a circle for the
button, and a line down the middle for a little extra detail. He's
starting to look cool - let's wrap this up in the next step.

Step 4 - Finishing Touches

To make the ears use a 'C' shapes on both sides of the cartoon
boy head.

Start the hair by creating a line of waves from left to right. The
biggest wave should be on the left getting smaller and smaller to
the right. Then, curve two lines up from the ears - to meet the
wave line you just drew.

Cut out pockets for the hands at slants on the sides of the shorts
to add more flair.
Drawing a Cartoon Woman
in Five Steps
A cartoon woman is a little harder to create than some other images because
they are more rounded than angular, but with a little practice, you can build
a cute woman in five easy steps. Grab a pencil and a piece of paper, and
let's give it a go.

Step 1 - The Base

We'll create the body structure first. The head is shaped like an upside down
egg, not quite round and not quite oval. The thinner part will be at the base by
the neck. The neck is shaped like a pocket, with a straight line across the top
and a "U" below. The body is shaped like a bell. I like to start with the bottom
left, rounding across the top and coming back down to the bottom right. Then
connect the two sides with a slight arc.

Step 2 - Drawing the Left Side

Here, we'll again use rounded shapes to build the arm and the leg. Draw an
oval from the top left of the bell (where the shoulder would be) at an angle out
away from the body, then another connecting to the end of it angling straight
down. At the end, your woman's hand will be a rounded triangle, with the tip of
the triangle on the wrist.

The left leg will start at the base of the bell toward the right. A larger oval will
angle toward the left, with another, thinner bell shape connecting and angling
back toward the right. The foot is a little more difficult. I like to start with the
ankle, which is just an upside down "U". Then, I draw two lines, one from either
end of my "U", at a 45 degree angle. Across the bottom, I connect those two
lines with another straight line, then I round out all the sharp points on the
Step 3 - Drawing the Right Side
Now that one side is finished, the other is a little easier. Your cartoon woman
will have part of her right leg hidden by the left. That means that the oval and
the bell creating the right side of your woman will point straight down and
overlap the left side.

The foot will be almost exactly the same shape, drawn just above the left foot
with the bottom of it touching the top of the first. The right arm will also use
the same shapes. This time, the top oval will follow the line of the bell of the
body, and the bottom oval will angle out a little. Your cartoon woman's right
hand should be almost identical to the left.

Step 4 - Details
This is the fun part. Your cartoon woman first needs a face and hair. Follow
the line around the top of the egg head, just a little outside of it, and stop
about halfway down each side of the egg to make the top of the hair. Use a
zigzag from left to right to create bangs, and then a large "V" shape to create
a part, rounding back down to the right side of the top hair line.

The eyes are two small circles with straight lines above them for eyebrows.
The nose is a standard sideways "V". The mouth is banana shaped just above
the chin. Your cartoon woman also needs breasts, made by adding two "C"
shapes, one to the side of the bell body and one matching one just inside.

On the feet, you can draw a line to create a high heel and two curves at the
top to create shoes. Hands get fingers with a couple of simple lines drawn up
from the bottom of your rounded triangles.

Step 5 - Accessories
If your cartoon woman has long hair, you can add pigtails with "S" shaped
lines connecting to the sides of the head. Hands can carry shopping
bags, easily created from boxes with rounded handles that fit into her

You can color your cartoon woman as you like, getting creative with hair
color and clothing. Just be sure to erase all the overlapping pencil lines
Step by Step Cute
Cartoon Girl Drawing
Let's make a cartoon girl that's both cute and friendly just like the image to the right. As usual
remember to draw lightly so you can erase your mistakes and guide lines easily when you are
finishing up your drawing.

Step 1 - Basic Shapes for Head and Body

Create an egg shape for the head. This isn't your standard egg however - this
is more of a cartoon egg. It's quite thick at the bottom and very thin and
narrow at the top.

Next, draw a rectangle for the body. This rectangle, like the egg shape,
should be thicker at the bottom than at the top. We'll use this to create the
body of the cartoon girl and her dress.

Step 2 - The Head

Whoa! It looks like a lot happened between step 1 and step 2, let's examine
what you need to draw.

Draw a "U" shape that connects the head and that also cuts into the dress -
this will make the neck. You'll also notice that the sides of the dress are a little
more curved than the original rectangle. The dress should curve outward as it
gets to the bottom.

Add in Lines for the Arms and legs. If you look closely you can see a little
bump on the knee and on the elbow. You don't have to add these details, but
I think your cartoon girl drawing will look a little better if you do. Don't worry
about the hands and feet for now, just worry about getting arms and legs that
are about as long as the ones in the step 2 image.

Step 3 - The Face, Ears, Hands and Feet

Add in a big smile to your cartoon girl - she's happy! Add another line on the
top of the mouth shape for the upper teeth.
TIP: When someone smiles you can usually see the upper teeth.

Draw two circles for the eyes, and an upside down "U" for the nose. By
keeping her face simple we'll make sure that she's as cute as a button!

To finish the feet, I used a triangle shape for the cartoon girl's left foot, and
another fatter triangle shape for her right foot. Let's keep it simple right? If
you wanted to at this point you could add some shoes to her, but for my
drawing she is going to be left bare-foot.
Her hands are also simple shapes. An easy way to do this is to draw a circle for the main part of the
hand, and then draw little spikes coming off of it for the fingers. At the very tip of the finger it's
important to remember to make it a little rounded so that your fingers are too pointy.

Step 4 - Hair, and Final details

To start create a scrunchie to hold her hair. This is just two little upside
down "u" shapes at the top of her egg head. Next create the shape for
the hair. It's bushy and thick right where it comes out from the scrunchie,
and then goes into a point at the end. You should also add in some lines
to indicate the shading of the hair. This should be drawn on the underside of
the pony-tail.

Next you should add some hair that goes across her face. Create
sweeping curve lines that go from the top of her head to just above her
ears. You will see that the bigger of the two hair parts has some
additional lines. These help make the hair more interesting and give a
subtle effect of the hair strands.

What's the last detail? It's the ears of course! Use a "C" shape for her
right ear, and the round part of a "D" shape for the other. Add in two little
curved lines inside of these shapes to finish off the ears of this cartoon girl.
How to Draw Cartoon Trees

Cartoon trees aren't nearly as hard to draw as real trees. Once you stop worrying
about all the little details and the shading and just focus on the basic form of the tree
it's actually quite an easy shape to create. This is a basic drawing of a tree - if you can
learn to make this kind of a tree, you can use it in any number of scenarios. It's very
simple and easy to make. It is extremely easy to make so you can get your pencils out
and get started!

STEP-1: Making the Basic Shapes

Make an oval with a vertical rectangle below it and not overlapping but just touching
the base of the circle. Then add a narrower horizontal rectangle at the base of the
bigger rectangle.

The basic shape of the tree is done, and believe it or not - getting this first step right
is really the hardest part about drawing cartoon trees. Everything else will be a piece
of cake!

Remember! Draw lightly during this step so you can erase these guide lines later.

STEP-2: The Leaves Outline

In this step add small curving lines all around the big oval of the tree to create an
interesting shape for the leaves.

If you find this step a little difficult just practice making bumpy shapes with your
pencil. After 10 minutes of practicing how to control your pencil to make these
bumps you should be ready to jump back in and finish off this step of how to draw
cartoon trees.
STEP-3: Developing the Bush of the Tree
Here you must erase all the extra lines of the circle of the tree-now that you have the
basic shape of the tree done in small curves. Hopefully you remember to draw lightly
when you were making the guide lines in step 1, so the erasing should be quick and easy.
If not - don't be afraid to start again and try drawing lighter.

Lastly, add another line of small curves inside the shape of the tree, to give it more depth.

STEP-4: Finishing he wings and the feet

Add some more lines of curves-you can follow the example given for the placement of
these new curves or you can make random new ones.

In a tree it really doesn't make much difference where you put these lines, as long as the
basic foliage is made. You can experiment with different kinds of lines and placements, or
just follow along with the example here.

STEP-5: Tackle the Trunk!

In this step you come to the trunk of the tree which has been a simple
rectangle till now. Follow the example and make the slightly curving lines for
the trunk and the branches moving up into the leaves. They should be
following the lines of the rectangle of the trunk rather closely.

STEP-6: Finishing Your Cartoon Trees

In this last step you will remove all the extra lines from the trunk and then add
some jagged lines for the texture of the trunk and a few slightly curved lines to
further define the lines. Now you know how to draw cartoon trees into your
A Cartoon Tree That
Anyone Can Draw

Cartoon trees are one of the easiest things to learn to draw. Once
you have a basic tree, you can start varying your tree types and
shapes to create whole forests. But before you start experimenting,
let's start with four basic steps to creating trees.

Step 1:
This is actually really simple. You are going to draw two vertical arcs, starting about the same
height and about the same length. Make them curve a little differently, though, to give your tree
character. I like to curve to the right. Connect the bottom of your two arcs with a line that is not
quite straight but doesn't curve wildly, and you have yourself the trunk of your tree.

Adding branches is where a lot of people begin to sweat, thinking it's really difficult to make the
branches of your cartoon tree look real. It's actually no harder than the trunk. To start the two
main branches, turn your trunk into a "Y", still leaning a little to the right. These two lines will
connect with a large "V" or "U" in the middle, making two skinny branches. On the right side of
your trunk toward the top, add a very thin branch that is basically just a point, and on the left
side at the angle of the "Y", draw something that resembles the blade of a knife. Now, you have
some branches that will peek out through your leaves.

Step 2:
Adding branches is where a lot of people begin to sweat, thinking it's really difficult to
make the branches of your cartoon tree look real. It's actually no harder than the
trunk. To start the two main branches, turn your trunk into a "Y", still leaning a little
to the right. These two lines will connect with a large "V" or "U" in the middle, making
two skinny branches. On the right side of your trunk toward the top, add a very thin
branch that is basically just a point, and on the left side at the angle of the "Y", draw
something that resembles the blade of a knife. Now, you have some branches that
will peek out through your leaves.

Step 3:
Okay, so this is going to be really easy. Remember when you were little
and you used to draw houses with a sun in the corner and puffy clouds
in the sky? The leaves of your tree are basically going to be a single
cloud that has landed on top of your tree. However, instead of making
all the puffs the same size, make some smaller and some larger so that
it varies. You can put a smaller, skinnier cloud at the end of your little
tree branch on the right. Now, you are going to erase overlapping lines.
That will mean the branches disappear into the leaves and the leaves
disappear behind the trunk.
Step 4:
Now you can add cute little details to your cartoon tree. More little bubble arcs
can make additional leaves in your tree, and a couple of vertical arcs in the
trunk give it texture, like bark on a real tree. For real pizzazz, draw some
"lollipop" flowers at the base of the tree - three or four straight lines of different
lengths topped with circles for buds.

At this point, you've finished the outline for your cartoon tree, and it should
look really nice. You can color it in, or try your hand at a second and third,
perfecting your technique so that you can move on to more unique tree
structures. Other than that, you can consider yourself an expert artist for
cartoon trees!
One Point Perspective Drawing Tutorial
I'm sure you've heard of one point perspective drawing. That's why you're here right? You can think of this as the starting
point in a learning process that will have you drawing things that you never thought possible. I'm a visual learner, and being
an artist I'm guessing that you are too. If the explanation is a little long winded, just follow the pictures and you should be
fine. Let's get to it.

Grab a pen or pencil, a piece of paper, a ruler and your eraser.

Step 1: Draw the horizon line.

What in the heck is a horizon line? Think of it as the place off in the distance where
the sky meets together with the earth; that old familiar line where blue meets
brown and green. Just draw a horizontal line across the page. Easy enough.

Step 2: Choose a vanishing point.

Pick a point on the horizon line. For my example I'm going to pick a point near the
middle of the horizon line. You can pick a point anywhere on this line, it doesn't
much matter. If you pick a point away from the middle the results you get will look
different than the drawing I am doing, but the principles of one point perspective
will be the same. We've now completed the two basic parts to this tutorial. Let's use
our horizon line and vanishing point to make something. For this tutorial I'm going
to make a simple house shape. You can make whatever you want.

Step 3: Draw in perspective lines.

I'm going to start by making one line with my ruler from the vanishing point
outward. This line will be the bottom of my building.

Next, make the top line. This will form the base of one wall of the house.

Step 4: Connect the lines.

Now I'm going to draw 2 vertical lines that connect the bottom and top lines. Once
this is done I'll have finished one wall of my structure. How is your drawing looking?
Notice how the lines you just drew are not the same length? The shorter line fools
your eye into thinking that the object is moving back into the 'space' of the page.
Even though the page is flat, you've created some artificial depth. This is the same
kind of effect that you see when you look at buildings outside. The further things
are away from you, the smaller they appear.

You may notice that my top perspective line goes past the connecting line that I
just drew. I am going to erase that extended line, as it is not needed. When
drawing objects in one point perspective or any other kind of perspective, it's common to draw lines that are too long or too
short and you will need to adjust them accordingly. I usually draw lightly when I am forming my perspective lines so that if I
do need to erase something it's quite easy.
Step 5: Form the front of the perspective object.

The next step is to draw 2 horizontal lines of equal distance from the top and
bottom of the closest part of the wall. Connect these 2 new lines with another
vertical line.

We have a nice looking box happening now. This is one point perspective drawing
at it's most simple.

If you aren't seeing the box, erase the part of the horizon line as is shown in the
example image. See it now?

Step 6: Add the roof.

Let's finish off this object by adding a roof. Draw 2 diagonal lines from the
opposite sides of the box. Extend the point where the lines meet towards the
vanishing point. Draw one more diagonal line that connects the far point of the
box with the line you just created going towards the vanishing point. Try to make
this diagonal line have the same angle as the line it matches up with at the front.
These 2 lines should be parallel.

Step 7: Finishing up.

Finish up the drawing by removing any unwanted perspective lines, like the ones
extending towards the vanishing point and horizon line. That's all there is to one
point perspective, now all you have to do is apply this knowledge over and over
again in the same drawing to come up with something amazing.
2 Point Perspective Drawing Tutorial
In this 2 point perspective drawing lesson you'll learn how to draw buildings and objects at an angle. It's almost the same as
the one point perspective but instead of just one point along the horizon you'll have two points. This will allow you to draw
perspective objects at an angle - not just straight on like one point perspective. Where the first tutorial just scraped the
surface of perspective, mastering 2 point perspective drawing will give you the info you need for drawing more interesting

Build a Simple Construction Grid

Start just like you did with lesson one and draw your horizon line. If you've forgotten what this is, draw a straight line across
the page. This is where if you are looking outside the sky meets the ground. This time instead of just one point on the horizon
line you want to put two. Don't put your vanishing points too close together on the page or your 2 point perspective drawing
will end up looking quite strange.

You can use the image above as a guide. Lines come from your vanishing points and meet in the middle. You can see that
when these lines meet they form a checkerboard pattern. Notice how the squares near the bottom of the image appear larger
than those towards the back. This is your 2 point perspective drawing in action. Objects closer to the person viewing the
image will appear larger, and those farther away will be smaller.

It is not always necessary to make a perspective grid like the image above. I would advise making one, especially if you are
new to 2 point perspective drawing. This grid will give you a starting point that you can work from.

Drawing in 2 point perspective step by step

Draw one vertical line that is perpendicular (90 degrees) to the horizon line. This will form one corner of the cube shape that
we're going to make, What you're doing now is laying the groundwork for some amazing drawings later. Just have some faith
and I'll help you get there.

Next, draw lines from the top and bottom of the you drew in step one line back towards your two vanishing points. These
lines will make the sides of the box. You should notice that these lines will naturally make triangles. If you can imagine this
box as being so large that it went all the way back to the horizon that it would appear to get smaller and smaller as it gets
closer to the horizon.
Now draw 2 more vertical lines between each of the triangle shapes. These lines will define the length and width of the box.

From the top of the lines that you added in step two draw another set of lines that go back to the vanishing points. You
should note that these lines will cross. The point where they cross is the back corner of the top of your box. In the last step
we'll clean up the construction lines and finish off the 2 point perspective drawing.

Remove any lines that are not necessary to define the box. I colored in my perspective box to make it more clear.

That's it for this 2 point perspective drawing lesson. Go back to the perspective drawing lessons page and continue with your
technical drawing education.
How to Draw a Cartoon Valley
Drawing a cartoon valley is a bit more difficult than some of
the other cartoon drawings we've discussed before, but it can
still be accomplished in just four steps.Sit down at your
drawing chair and with a little determindation we'll blast
through this lesson in four simple steps. Are you ready? Let's
rock and roll!

Step 1 - The Forming the Mountain Range

In order to have a valley, you must surround it with
mountains. We are going to create two sloping lines that come
in toward each other but don't touch. These two lines curve
down and are not perfectly even or smooth. Lines should be
bumpy just as they would appear in real life.

Step 2 - A River and the Background

Now that we have the mountains of our cartoon valley, we
can begin to draw the backdrop. Create craggy peaks
between the two slopes for a mountainous background. Get
creative and draw multiple peaks with rugged, uneven and
broken lines.

Coming from the base of the mountain on the right side of

your paper, start another minimally squiggly line that angles
down more steeply. This line will make one side of the river
that runs through the valley.

Step 3 - Clouds, Bushes, and a Stream

Let's start with clouds. Coming off the top of each of your most forward
mountains, you want to draw a straight line that will come almost to the center
of the drawing, leaving just a small space between the two lines. Above these
lines, you can get creative with the shape of your cloud structures, billowing
them up to whatever height you like.

The squiggly line you drew at the end of step two is going to be a stream, and
you can create another curved line coming out, widening creatively as you move
further down into the valley. This will give the effect of depth as the river should
look larger as it gets toward the front of the drawing.
Around the stream, you can create some bushes to keep the area from looking too empty. These structures will look
like the clouds but will not be solid on the bottom.

Step 4 - Adding more Details

Below your current clouds, your valley should have
some other cloud structures, smaller but formed

Atop your right hand mountain, you can cap it with

trees by adding your cloudlike billows upside down and
in smaller bubbles. Add more shrubs and bushes as you
see fit, and create individual trees on your left hand
mountain around your shrubs to give a little variation to
the trees.

Technically, that's all there is to a cartoon valley! I

suggest coloring in your drawing to finish it off. That's
all there is to this easy step by step drawing of a
cartoon valley.
How to Draw a Cartoon

This simple cartoon donkey is a lot of fun to make so you can get your
pencils out and get started!

Step 1 - Make the donkey's head and body

Make a circle. Now make a circular square below it in the proportions shown in
the example.

Be careful about the proportions and the placement of the circle as well as the
circular square because the circle will eventually make the head and the square
will be the main body of the donkey.

Step 2 - Joining the body and making one ear

In this step you must join the two shapes of the head and body with two
curved lines so that the shape of the neck can be seen. Notice the line on the
front part of the neck has a little bit more of a curve to it than the line for the
back of the neck.

Finish off this step by adding a long, skinny ear on top of the head-
something like the shape of a sword.

Step 3 - The Cartoon Donkey's Mane.

Here you make the mane of the donkey and the second ear. How you will go
about it is like this...

Make a line coming from the top of the cartoon donkey's body at the side of
the neck going up. Then Make a pointed end at the end of this line and join
up with the long ear. After that the mane continues towards the front top of
the head.

Then you can make the other ear in lines as shown in the example. Try and
make this shape on your own. If you are having trouble - remember to
break it down into the most simple shapes and lines, and then draw those.
Step 4 - The basic shape of the cartoon donkey's face becomes

Make a smaller circle at the side of the face circle you created way back in
step #1 and then join them with a couple of lines. This will create the
muzzle of your cartoon donkey.

Now you come to the bigger circle -the face circle and from the outer lower
part of that circle make a small curve, like shown in the example. What it is
for? You will know in the next step :)

Step 5 - The face and the mane are complete

In this step you must erase all the extra lines in the face circle so that the
shape is clear, and you can see that the small curve was for the jaw of the
donkey. Also remove the extra lines in the neck as well.

After this add a small oval for the nostril in the small circle of the muzzle,
and then add a closed semi circle in the face for the eyes. The face of the
donkey is done!

Next you can move to the mane of the donkey and add a few small lines
there as shown in the example.

Step 6 - Finishing off your Cartoon Donkey

Make a bunch of thin lines at the back part of the body of the donkey
for the tail.

After that, make four separate lines at the lower part of the belly of
the donkey to make the four legs (one will be curved to show the
lifted front leg of the donkey).

Please refer to the example for the sizes and placement of these lines.
All of these four lines will have a kind of oval/circle at the end to
denote the hoof of the donkey! Your adorable goofy donkey is
Construction Ahead:
Building a Cartoon
Drawing a cartoon house can be quite difficult if you don't
break down the steps and work with basic geometric shapes.
However, if you start simple, you can have a lot of fun building
a house that you'd like to live in. Put on your hard hat, and
let's get started.

Step 1 - Building the Frame

Okay, you took math, and you can draw a fairly straight line. We're going to go
back to geometry and make some shapes. If you'd like, you can reference the 1
point perspective tutorial available HERE and learn how to draw in 3D.

The front of your cartoon house is just a pentagon, and it doesn't even need to
be perfectly even. The other shape that you'll need to start is a square. The
parts of the image to the left shaded in blue are the basic shapes. Once you
have the basic shapes, use perspective to give depth to your cartoon house.

Step 2 - Raising the Walls

Your cartoon house will take on a bit of character here. The garage door is simply
a square with horizontal lines running through it (roll-up doors have sections,

For the house, start with the door, right in the middle of the bottom, a simple
rectangle standing on end. Place a standard window on each side of the door -
squares with a "+" sign inside. Inside the area above the door , place another

Now, add shutters with a rectangle out to each side (add horizontal lines for slats)
and a ledge, a simple thin rectangle underneath. Finish out the roof by copying the existing lines with a parallel line
and connecting at the ends.

Step 3 - Landscaping
No home would be complete without a yard, and your cartoon house
deserves no less. Under each lower window, draw a simple "blob" that will
represent bushes. Above the door, add an overhang - a "rhombus." Are you
getting out your old geometry notes yet? It's a slanted square. Add a
rectangle on the bottom and another on the right to make it 3-dimensional. I
like for my front door to have a stoop, so add two small rectangles in front of
the door.

A doorknob helps to open the door, and you can build a door frame with two
vertical lines right next to each other on either side of the door. Add a tree
for shade in your yard - basically a tall flame topping what looks like a small
coffee cup shape for the tree's trunk. Add some round shapes leading up to the stoop to resemble stone steps. Your
cartoon house is almost complete.
Step 4 - Moving In
To get to your garage, you'll need a driveway, so add two straight lines
coming from the garage door almost on top of each other on each side of the
door. A picket fence keeps nosy neighbors away, so place a fence on both
sides of the house. The fence posts are basically rectangles topped with

Add a chimney with two rectangles standing on end and two more lying on
their sides on top. Finish by adding clouds of smoke to show that someone's
at home.

Now that you've finished drawing your cartoon home, you can add some personal touches, like a custom paint job,
vinyl siding, or even a satellite dish to the roof
How to Draw
Great Cartoon
Drawing cartoon cars that look good is not as
easy as it may seem because we are very
familiar with the shape of a car.

Though the image may look simple, there's

actually a lot more going on in the drawing
than you may realize. This guide will help you
with some of the problems involved with drawing cars and help you make something that looks really great. Let's get
right into drawing cartoon cars before you start getting bored!

Step 1 - Car Curves

Draw three curves like in the step one image. The large
curve at the top will make the roof and back of the car.
The two smaller curves in front will make the hood of the

Note that the large curve and the smaller curve are
connected. Cartoon cars come in all different shapes, use
this guide to start, and then try experimenting with
different shapes of your own!

Step 2 - Headlights and Body

Define the front of the car first. To start this, place two
circles on the outsides of the two smaller curves you
created in step one. Why make the headlights first on
cartoon cars? The answer is because they will give you a
guide where to place the lines on the outside of the
headlights. You may notice that these lines on the outside
of the headlights look different. Don't worry about this -
once we have added the bumper they will look the same.

TIP: Remember to let your curves flow. If

this seems unnatural to you, try some
practice curves on a piece of scrap paper.
You'll get it eventually! When drawing
cartoon cars it's important that the quality of your curves is good or your end result
won't look nearly as nice as it could.

Connect the two lines that you just made outside of the headlights. This line should have a slight curve in it.
Remember when drawing cartoon cars or anything for that matter, to draw lightly with your pencil so when it comes
time to clean up your drawing you can erase any ugly unwanted lines easily.

Add one last line from the back corner of your first big curve and attach it to the front of the car. Don't worry about
the wheels just yet; we'll tackle those at the end as they are the hardest part to get looking right.
Step 3 - Windows
You can draw the windows in any order you like, but it's easiest
to start with the windshield.

Notice how the two windows on the side are slightly different
sizes. This is due to perspective and will help make your
cartoon cars look more believable.

Step 4 - The Big One!

Now that we've laid out the basic shapes of the car body, let's
add in a bunch more details.

Start with the easiest parts first - the rear-view mirrors. The
shapes are simple enough; add them on to both sides of the
car just in front of the front-side windows.

Next draw two rectangular, yet curvy, shapes to form the

details on the front bumper. Draw a curved rectangle behind
these curves to finish off the front bumper. Let it extend past
the edge of the car on the left side. This will cover up the
difference between the lines on the outside of the headlights
that we created in step two.

Next, draw the wheel wells. This can be a little bit tricky. Because of perspective, like the windows, the front wheel
should be larger than the back. Draw lightly and keep trying until you get two curves for the wheels that look
pleasing to you.

Step 5 - Final Detailing

Let's finish off this drawing with some final details to
really make it shine.

Add a curve to the back of the car with a little circle

on top to make the aerial for the car.

Draw two rounded rectangles to the back of the car

to create the tail light and the back bumper.

The door handles are simple oval shapes. Draw them

just below the windows and remember that because
of perspective the back door handle should be
smaller than the front one.

Two rounded rectangles, one inside of the other will form the license plate. Just above that draw the grill of the car.
To make the basic shapes for this draw two straight lines coming up from the details on the front bumper. Then draw
a curve at the top of these lines that connects them together. We'll use rounded rectangles again to create the
spaces in the grill.

The last thing to add is the wheels. Draw a large oval inside of the wheel well. Then draw another smaller oval inside
of it. This second oval should be a little closer to the back of the wheel than the front. Look closely at the front wheel
in step five for a clear example of this. Again, perspective causes this to happen. To give the wheel some thickness
First draw a small straight line that extends from the lowest part of the larger oval you just drew. Next, draw a curve
that matches the curve of that oval starting from the end of the straight line that you just made. This curve should
connect with the body of the car.

Add a hood ornament for the final detail. You can copy the one in the image or create your own to add your personal
touch to this cartoon car.
That's it for this step by step lesson on how to draw great looking cartoon cars. There are a lot of little details that all
come together to make the car look great. If you find that you car didn't come out looking too hot, go back to the
start and try drawing it again. I'm sure that you'll find that your second car looks much better than your first
attempt. Don't get discouraged, keep at it, and it will all come together!
Drawing a Bright and
Happy Cartoon Sun

Drawing a cartoon sun is one of the easiest things to draw. At least,

that's what I imagine you must be thinking. When you look up into
the sky at the real sun (don't look at it too long) it's not much more
than a big ball of blinding light. So to draw a cartoon version of the
sun you would expect it to also be something simple, something
bright and you're totally right. Anyone can draw a circle though, so
you will learn how to draw curves and make this sun shine brightly.

Step 1 - A Big Ball of Light

Grab a compass from your geometry drawing kit, a cup, a cd, a coin, a bowl - any circular
drawing object that you can find. You'll start this cartoon sun drawing lesson off by making
a circle. Use whatever object you found and trace it. It's important that your circle be
nearly perfect because we will use a compass later to help make the spikes coming out
from the sun's face.

Step 2 - Detailing the Face

This is another easy step. The mouth is a simple curve with two curves on the end of it.
The eyes and eyebrows are also curves. Notice that the mouth is drawn at a slight
angle. This helps make the face a little more interesting than if everything was
symmetrical from the left side to the right. Feel free to experiment at this step and
make a face that you feel shows the personality of your cartoon sun.

Step 3 - Guide Points

Get out your compass and set it up so that you will draw a larger circle - in the
step 3 picture this is the outer layer of red dots. Instead of drawing a full circle you
only want to place some small dots along the path of your compass circle. These
will be guides that we will use in the next step. Try use an equal distance between
the points. After you have done that, make your compass smaller and create
another layer of dots that is closer to the cartoon sun face. These marks should not
touch the face and be spaced so that you add a dot between each of the marks on
the larger guide line. These marks will be used to define the low point of the curves
in the next step. If you are confused take a look at the step 4 image and see how
these marks will be used.
Step 4 - Adding Curves
Using your guide lines from step 3 it's time to add some curves to the cartoon sun and start to let it shine. Start at
one of the outer layer of dots and draw a curve from outer point, down to inner point and then back up to an outer
point. If you placed the points correctly in step 3 this should be easy. Continue around the entire sun and You will
have the first layer of shiny curves. The cartoon sun should really start to take shape now.

Step 5 - Another Row of Curves

This is an optional step, so if you are happy with your drawing after step 4
you can consider it done. Follow steps 3 and 4 again, but this time when
you make your inner and outer guide dots make your compass slightly
larger than before. Also, adjust the position of the dots so that this second
layer's curves will be drawing in the middle of the first layer of shiny
details. Take care to draw lightly and make sure not to draw over top of
your work from step 4. This row of curves should looks like it is behind the
first row.

That's it - quick and painless cartoon sun drawing! The take away lesson
here is that when you want to draw curves it's good to set yourself up
with guide points. Draw your guides first, and then draw your curve and
make it pass through the guide points. This is the best way to draw curves
that look great.

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