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Headphone-To-Ear Transfer Function Estimation
Using Measured Acoustic Parameters
Jinlin Liu 1,2 , Huiqun Deng 3 , Peifeng Ji 2 and Jun Yang 1,2, *
1 School of Electronics, Electrical and Communication Engineering, University of Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;
2 Key Laboratory of Noise and Vibration Research, Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing 100190, China;
3 Deng Audio Research, 6350 Willingdon Ave., Burnaby, BC V5H 2V4, Canada;
* Correspondence:

Received: 12 April 2018; Accepted: 19 May 2018; Published: 3 June 2018 

Abstract: This paper proposes to use an optimal five-microphone array method to measure
the headphone acoustic reflectance and equivalent sound sources needed in the estimation of
headphone-to-ear transfer functions (HpTFs). The performance of this method is theoretically
analyzed and experimentally investigated. With the measured acoustic parameters HpTFs for
different headphones and ear canal area functions are estimated based on a computational acoustic
model. The estimation results show that HpTFs vary considerably with headphones and ear canals,
which suggests that individualized compensations for HpTFs are necessary for headphones to
reproduce desired sounds for different listeners.

Keywords: headphone; HpTF; acoustic parameters; binaural reproduction

1. Introduction
The headphone-to-ear transfer function (HpTF) is defined as the electroacoustic transfer function
from the input of a headphone to the sound pressure at the eardrum [1]. In general, HpTFs can
be measured by using standard ear simulators on dummy heads. However, current standard ear
simulators with fixed acoustic structures cannot simulate the average human ears above 10 kHz and
individual differences in ear canal geometry and eardrum impedance [2]. Thus, HpTFs measured by
standard ear simulators may not be satisfactory if individual HpTFs over the audible frequency range
are needed. It is shown that HpTFs vary considerably with headphones and listeners [3,4]. In the time
domain, the impulse response of the HpTF involves the reflections between the inner surface of the
headphone and the eardrum. If binaural signals are reproduced through headphones, these reflections
interfere with the sound localization cues formed by direction-dependent pinna reflections in the
binaural signals, and may cause the front-back confusion in sound localization [5,6]. In the frequency
domain, HpTFs introduce timbre distortions [7,8]. Therefore, to faithfully reproduce binaural signals
to different listeners through headphones, HpTFs need to be characterized and compensated.
Theoretically, HpTFs should be measured at a point in the ear canal where the binaural signal is
recorded [9]. However, direct measurements of individual HpTFs inside human ear canals are difficult
and risky. Recently, a method of estimating the HpTF given the headphone acoustic reflectance and
equivalent sound source to the ear canal, the ear canal area function and the eardrum impedance
has been developed [10]. This means that HpTFs for different headphones and listeners can be
estimated through computations based on the parameters of headphones and external ears. In previous
studies, there have been some results of the eardrum impedance and reflectance [11] and the ear canal
cross-sectional area functions [12,13] measured on human ears. Furthermore, a method for estimating

Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 918; doi:10.3390/app8060918

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eardrum reflectance and ear canal cross-sectional area functions from ear canal input impedance has
also been presented [14]. Thus, in order to estimate the HpTFs for different headphones, the headphone
acoustic reflectance and equivalent sound source to the ear canal need to be measured.
The acoustic reflectance of a headphone to the ear canal can be measured by using a single
microphone at five measurement positions in an impedance tube sequentially [10]. However, it may
be time-consuming to perform sequential measurements if a large number of headphones need to be
measured, especially for a wide frequency range with a linear frequency step. To solve this problem,
five microphones are simultaneously used to measure the sound pressure signals in the impedance
tube [15]. With respect to the determination of the headphone equivalent sound source to the ear canal,
some researchers utilize known acoustic impedance as reference loads [16,17]. However, acoustic loads
made of long tubes may result in some operation difficulties in the experiments, and the measurement
accuracy may be degraded by using the probe microphones as well.
In this paper, an optimal five-microphone array method for measuring the headphone acoustic
reflectance and equivalent sound sources needed in the estimation of HpTFs is presented. In contrast
to the previous work [15], a compensation function is introduced to compensate the mismatch between
microphone sensitivities, and the measurement accuracy of the proposed measurement method is
further improved by using a two-stage searching algorithm. The performance of the measurement
method is theoretically evaluated and experimentally investigated. With the measured headphone
acoustic reflectance and equivalent sound sources, HpTFs for different headphones and ear canal area
functions are then estimated through computations based on an acoustic model.

2. The Microphone Array Method for Measuring Acoustic Reflectance

2.1. Theory
For the transfer function method [18,19], two measurement positions are used to measure
the reflectance of an acoustic load, and the measurement frequency range is determined by
0.05c/s < f < 0.45c/s, where c is the speed of the sound, and s is the distance between the
measurement positions. It is clear that two measurement positions cannot achieve satisfactory
measurement accuracy over a wide frequency range. Assume N microphones located at positions
x1 to x N are simultaneously used in an impedance tube with a pinna simulator, as shown in Figure 1.
Let pi ( f ) and pr ( f ) denote the frequency responses of the incident and reflected sound pressures at
x = 0, respectively. Then, the output of the nth microphone Vn ( f ) at position xn can be expressed as

Vn ( f ) = [ pi ( f )e jkxn + pr ( f )e− jkxn ] · Mn ( f ), n = 1, 2, . . . , N, (1)

where Mn ( f ) is the frequency response of the sensitivity of the nth microphone, f is the frequency, k is the

wave number, and j = −1. If tube attenuation is considered, the wave number can be determined as [20]
2π f 0.0194 f
k= −j , (2)
c D0 c

where D0 is the diameter of the tube.

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Sound source

under test

Figure 1.
Figure 1. The
The microphone array method
microphone array method for
for measuring
measuring the
the acoustic reflectance in
acoustic reflectance in an
an impedance
impedance tube
with a pinna simulator.
with a pinna simulator.

Considering that different microphones have different sensitivities, this paper introduces a
Considering that different microphones have different sensitivities, this paper introduces
a complex compensation function nJ(n ( )f ) to compensate the mismatch between microphone
complex compensation function J f to compensate the mismatch between microphone
sensitivities. With
frequency response
response of theof sensitivity
the sensitivity
of theof
1stthe 1st microphone
microphone M1 ( f ) asM 1 ( f ) as
the compensation
reference, function Jnfunction
the compensation J n ( f as
( f ) is defined ) is defined as
Mn ( f )
JJn ((f )f )== M n ( f, ) , n n
. . . , N.
N. (3)
n M1 ( f ) (3)
M1 ( f )
As shown below, the compensation functions can be obtained by calculating the ratio between
As shown below, the compensation functions can be obtained by calculating the ratio between
the frequency response of the 1st microphone and that of the nth microphone measured at the same
the frequency response of the 1st microphone and that of the nth microphone measured at the same
position in the impedance tube.
position in the impedance tube.
Based on Equations (1) and (3), the outputs of N microphones measured at positions x1 to x N can
Based on Equations (1) and (3), the outputs of N microphones measured at positions x1 to x N
be written as
can be written as
e jkxjkx1 e−-jkx
    
V1 ( f ) J1 ( f ) 0 ··· 0 1
  V1 ( f  )   J1 ( f ) 0 0   ejkx21 e− jkx12  "
jkx #
 V2 ( f )   0 J2 ( f ) · · · 0  e e
 .   .   jkx - jkx  
 pi ( f )
V ( f) = M1 ( f )
  .. 2   = M ( f )  ..
 0 J.. 2 ( f ). .
. .
.. 0 
 e.. 2 e .. 2 
  .
 p ( f ) .
.   i pr ( f ).

 e jkx N e− jkx N  pr ( f ) 
VN ( f )   0
0 · · · JN ( f )
    
VN (form
f )  0 J N ( f )  e jkx 
- jkx N
0 N
Or, in matrix
Or, in matrix form Vmic = M1 JAP, (5)

Vmic = Marray,
where Vmic is the output vector of the microphone
1JAP ,
J is the matrix of compensation functions,
A is the propagation matrix determined by the measurement positions, and P is the vector containing
the Vmic isincident
unknown the output
and vector of sound
reflected the microphone
pressures inarray, J is the matrix
the impedance of compensation
tube. Then, for N ≥ 3,
functions, A is solution
least-squares of Equation
the propagation (5) can
matrix be obtained
determined by via measurement positions, and P is the
the pseudo-inversion
vector containing the unknown incident and reflected sound pressures in the impedance tube. Then,
−1 H
for N  3 , the least-squares solution
e of A H A) A
= (Equation (5) (can J)−obtained
M1be 1
Vmic , via pseudo-inversion (6)

where A H is the Hermitian transpose = (A A

P matrix H
(M H
) Vmic , the estimated value. With some
algebraic manipulations, Equation (6) can be rewritten as
where A is the Hermitian"transpose # matrix of A , and (~) represents the estimated value. With
some algebraic manipulations, Equation
pei ( f ) (6) can
1 be rewritten
−1 as
= (A H A) A H J−1 Vmic . (7)
per ( f ) M1 ( f )
 pi ( f )  1
 p ( f )  = M ( f ) ( A A) A J Vmic .
H -1 H -1
 r  1

The acoustic reflectance can be determined by

Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 918 4 of 10

The acoustic reflectance can be determined by

per ( f )
r0 ( f ) = . (8)
pei ( f )

It can be seen from Equation (7) that although M1 ( f ) is unknown, this term is a common factor
that can be cancelled in calculating the ratio between pei ( f ) and per ( f ). Thus, the acoustic reflectance
can be calculated from Equation (7) with M1 ( f ) = 1.

2.2. Error Analysis

In practice, the compensated microphone output signals may contain errors due to the
measurement noise and the inaccurate compensation functions. Let the compensated microphone
output vector Vcom be the sum of the true values V and the errors ∆V

Vcom = J−1 Vmic = V + ∆V. (9)

Then the estimated sound pressure vector P

e can be obtained from Equation (7)

e = (A H A)−1 A H Vcom = P + (A H A)−1 A H ∆V.

P (10)

Assume that the elements of ∆V are independently distributed with zero mean and equal variance
σ2 , the expected value of the squared norm of the estimation error can be formulated as

2 T
e − Pk ] = σ 2 Tr ((Λ−1 ) Λ−1 ) = σ 2 SF2 ,
E[kP (11)

where E[] is the expectation value of a matrix, Tr() is the trace value of a matrix, Λ is the diagonal
matrix containing the singular values of A, and SF is the singularity factor, defined as [21]
SF = ∑ Λ−j 2 . (12)

Thus, the sensitivity of the microphone array method to errors caused by measurement noise and
inaccurate compensation functions can be evaluated in terms of the SF.
In general, the measurement accuracy of the microphone array method can be improved by
increasing the number of microphone positions [22]. However, the effects of measurement accuracy
will become marginal when the number of microphone positions is greater than seven [21]. Therefore,
to obtain the accurate measurement results with the rational number of microphones, five microphones
are chosen in this paper. For the single microphone method [10], where the microphone spacing
is d pre = [1.25, 6.45, 1.0, 2.3]cm, the corresponding SF from 100 Hz to 16 kHz is plotted using the
mauve line in Figure 2. In comparison, the SF determined by five microphone positions with
uniform spacing of 1.0 cm is plotted using the blue line. As can be seen from Figure 2, the above
non-uniform microphone array can achieve a wider effective measurement frequency range than the
uniform-spacing configuration, but some fluctuations exist.
The performance of the non-uniform array can be further improved if its SF can be reduced. To do
so, a two-staged searching algorithm is presented to find the optimal microphone spacing over the
frequency range [ f min , f max ]. Firstly, define the collection D0 of the microphone spacing d0 , i.e.,
n o
D0 = d0 SF( f peak , d0 ) < γ , (13)

Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 918 5 of 10

where d0 = [d21 , d32 , . . . , d54 ], di+1,i , i = 1, . . . , 4 is the microphone spacing, f peak is the frequency of SF
peak within the frequency range, and γ is the predefined threshold. Then, the optimal microphone
Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 10
spacing dopt can be determined as follows

opt =
ddopt =arg
argmin SF(d00 ),,
minSF( (14)

11 KK
K 
where SF=
where SF = ∑ SF( = kk (( ffmax
SF(ffkk,,dd00)),, f fkk = max −−f min , and
f min andKK is
is the
the number
number of
of the
the frequency
frequency bins.
K kk==11

Figure 2.
2. (Color
(Color online)
online) Comparisons
Comparisons of
of singularity
singularity factors
factors determined
determined by
by the
the uniform
uniform microphone

To improve the measurement accuracy by optimizing the microphone spacing, the searching
To improve the measurement accuracy by optimizing the microphone spacing, the searching
algorithm is implemented between two adjacent measurement positions exhaustively at 1 mm step
algorithm is implemented between two adjacent measurement positions exhaustively at 1 mm step
over  smin , smax  , where f min = 100 Hz , f max = 16 kHz , smin = 0.45c / 16000 , and smax = 0.05c / 100 .
over [smin , smax ], where f min = 100 Hz, f max = 16 kHz, smin = 0.45c/16000, and smax = 0.05c/100.
The threshold
threshold γ is is chosen
chosen as as 0.85,
0.85, and
and the
frequencybins binsis isKK= = . Among
300300. Among all
the configurations,
all the configurations, the the
selectedoptimal microphone
optimal microphone spacing
spacingis isdopt
dopt = [2.0, 9.0, 5.0,
= [2.0, 9.0,1.0] . ]The
5.0,cm1.0 cm.
The corresponding
corresponding SF are SFshown
are shown in Figure
in Figure 2. As2.can
can be seen,
seen, the optimal
the optimal microphone
microphone positions
positions can
can lead
lead to an SF with smaller peaks than the previous non-uniform positions.
to an SF with smaller peaks than the previous non-uniform positions. Compared to the above Compared to the above
uniform and
uniform andnon-uniform
positionhas hasthe
averagedSF. SF.
It is noted that the selected
It is noted that the selected d d opt is dependent on the threshold
is dependent on the threshold γ. .

3. Experiments
3. Experiments
3.1. Measurements of Headphone Acoustic Reflectance
3.1. Measurements of Headphone Acoustic Reflectance
The proposed five-microphone array method is used here to measure the acoustic reflectance
The proposed
for different five-microphone
headphones array impedance
in a customized method is used tube,here to is
which measure
made ofthe acousticsteel
stainless reflectance
with an
for different
inner diameterheadphones
of 8 mm, an in aouter
of 20 mm,tube, and awhich is made
total length of of
mm. One steel
endwith an
of this
inner diameter of 8 mm, an outer diameter of 20 mm, and a total length of 380
tube is connected to a standard small right pinna simulator DB 61 removed from the KEMAR dummy mm. One end of this
the othertoend
a standard small
is connected to aright
soundpinna simulator
source DB 61Atremoved
(headphone). from the positions,
the measurement KEMAR
dummy head, and the other end is connected to a sound source (headphone).
five miniature microphones (Sonion 8002, Suzhou, China) are flush mounted on the tube. At the measurement
positions, five miniature
To compensate themicrophones
microphone(Sonion 8002, Suzhou,
mismatch, China) are
the frequency flush mounted
responses on the tube.
of all microphones
are To compensate
sequentially the microphone
measured mismatch,
at position x1 in the the impedance
frequency responses
tube. The of all
B&K microphones
PULSE 3560C are
sequentially measured at position x1 in the impedance tube. The B&K PULSE 3560C (Næ rum,
Denmark) drives the sound source to produce a linear sweep signal from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Then the
compensation functions in terms of Equation (3) can be determined as

M n ( f ) Un ( f )
Jn ( f ) = = , n = 1, 2,...,5 , (15)
M 1 ( f ) U1 ( f )
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(Nærum, Denmark) drives the sound source to produce a linear sweep signal from 20 Hz to 20 kHz.
Then the compensation functions in terms of Equation (3) can be determined as

Mn ( f ) Un ( f )
Jn ( f ) = = , n = 1, 2, . . . , 5, (15)
M1 ( f ) U1 ( f )
Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 10

where Un ( f ) denotes the frequency response of the nth microphone measured at position x1 .
where U n ( f ) denotes the frequency response of the nth microphone measured at position x1 . The
The compensation functions obtained by Equation (15) are shown in Figure 3. After compensation,
compensation functions obtained by Equation (15) are shown in Figure 3. After compensation, the
the five microphones
five microphones arearemounted
mounted at thepositions
at the positions x1 xto1 to
x N ,xand
N , and the sound
the sound source
source plays theplays
same the same
sweep signal.
sweep signal. With the measured compensation functions and sound pressure signals, theheadphone
With the measured compensation functions and sound pressure signals, the
acoustic reflectance r0 ( f ) can
headphone acoustic reflectance r0 ( f ) can by
be determined the Equations
be determined by the(7) and (8).
Equations (7) and (8).
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where U n ( f ) denotes the frequency response of the nth microphone measured at position x1 . The
compensation functions obtained by Equation (15) are shown in Figure 3. After compensation, the
five microphones are mounted at the positions x1 to x N , and the sound source plays the same
sweep signal. With the measured compensation functions and sound pressure signals, the
headphone acoustic reflectance r0 ( f ) can be determined by the Equations (7) and (8).

Figure 3. (Color online) The measured J 1 to J 5 used for compensating the microphone mismatch
Figure 3. (Color online) The measured J1 to J5 used for compensating the microphone mismatch in the
in the proposed five-microphone array.
proposed five-microphone array.
In the experiments, three different types of (insert, semi-open, closed-back) headphones are
measured. As shown in Figure 4, the headphone chosen as a representative of each of the
In the experiments, three different types of (insert, semi-open, closed-back) headphones
headphone type is Huawei AM12 (insert), Beyerdynamic DT880 (semi-open circumaural) and AKG
are measured. As shown
K550 (closed-back
Figure 3. (Color
in Figure
circumaural). 4, the
online) The measured 5a,b headphone
J 1 to show
J 5 usedthe
for magnitude
a representative
phase responses
mismatch of the
of each of
the headphone type
acoustic in is
reflectance Huawei
for the AM12
above three
the proposed five-microphone array. (insert),
different Beyerdynamic
types of headphones DT880
measured (semi-open
using the circumaural)
and AKGfive-microphone
K550 (closed-back array method. To validate
circumaural). Figurethe proposed
5a,b show method, the magnitude
the magnitude andandphase
phase responses
responses In of
headphone three different
acoustic types of (insert,
reflectance obtained semi-open,
with theclosed-back) headphones
single microphone are
of the acoustic reflectance
measured. As shown
for intheFigure
above three different types
4, themeasurement
headphone chosen
of headphones
as are
a representative
of (blue
each lines)
of the in
using the
which is sequentially measured at each position, also presented
proposed Figure
headphone type array
is Huawei method.
AM12 To validate
(insert), Beyerdynamicthe proposed
DT880 method,
(semi-open the
5a,b. It can be seen that the results measured by the proposed method are in good agreement magnitude
and AKG and phase
responses with K550
of the (closed-back
those measured by circumaural).
using the Figure
reflectance 5a,b show
single microphone the magnitude
method, and
the single phase responses
that of
the proposed method,the
method which is
acoustic reflectance
for accurate measurements for theofabove three different
the headphone types of
acoustic headphones
reflectance measured
over a wideusing the proposed
frequency range
sequentially measured at each measurement position, are also presented
five-microphone array method. To validate the proposed method, the magnitude and phase
(blue lines) in is
Figure 5a,b.
reliable. It should be mentioned that, the measurement results without the compensation function
It can be seenresponses
that theofresults measured
the headphone byreflectance
acoustic the proposed obtained method
with the are in microphone
single good agreement method, with those
are close to those obtained with the compensation function. This is because the magnitudes of the
by which
measuredcompensation sequentially
single are
measured at each
less than 3 dB,
which shows
suggesting are also
good consistency
theforproposed (blue lines) in for accurate
all microphones.
Figure 5a,b. It can be seen that the results measured by the proposed method are in good agreement
measurements of the headphone acoustic reflectance over a wide frequency range is reliable. It should
with those measured by using the single microphone method, suggesting that the proposed method
be mentionedforthat, themeasurements
accurate measurement of theresults
acousticthe compensation
reflectance over a widefunction are close
frequency range is to those
reliable. It should be mentioned that, the measurement results without the
obtained with the compensation function. This is because the magnitudes of the compensation compensation function
are close to those obtained with the compensation function. This is because the magnitudes of the
functions are compensation
less than 3 functions
dB, which shows good consistency for all microphones.
are less than 3 dB, which shows good consistency for all microphones.

AM12 DT880 K550

(insert) (semi-open) (closed-back)

Figure 4. (Color online) The insert, semi-open and closed-back headphones used in the experiments.

AM12 DT880 K550

(insert) (semi-open) (closed-back)

Figure 4. (Color online)

Figure 4. (ColorThe insert,
online) semi-open
The insert, and
semi-open andclosed-back headphones
closed-back headphones used in used in the experiments.
the experiments.
Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 918
of 10

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5. (Color
parameters forfor
three different
three types
different of
of headphones (First
headphone; Second
Second row: Beyerdynamic
Beyerdynamic DT880
semi-open circumaural
circumaural headphone;
row:AKG AKG K550 closed-back
K550 closed-backcircumaural
circumaural headphone). (a)
(a) magnitude
magnitude responses
responsesof of
phase responses
responses of the
headphone acoustic reflectance; (c) The magnitude responses of the the headphone
headphone Norton
Norton equivalent
source (NEVVS).
volume velocity source (NEVVS).

3.2. Measurements
3.2. of Headphone
Measurements of Headphone Equivalent
Equivalent Sound
Sound Sources
In general,
In general, the
the sound
generatedbybya aheadphone
headphone to to
be modeled
be modeled as theas
Thevenin equivalent pressure source or the Norton equivalent volume
the Thevenin equivalent pressure source or the Norton equivalent volume velocity source [16,23]. velocity source [16,23].
However, to
However, to measure
measure the the Thevenin
Thevenin pressure
pressure source,
source, thethe entrance
entrance of of the
the ear
ear canal
canal must
must be be physically
blocked, which
blocked, which isis not
not feasible
feasible for for insert
insert headphones.
headphones. Thus, Thus, the
the Norton
Norton equivalent
equivalent volume
volume velocity
source (NEVVS) is used here to characterize the equivalent sound sources
source (NEVVS) is used here to characterize the equivalent sound sources of headphones. By using of headphones. By using
the proposed
the proposed five-microphone
five-microphone array array method,
method, the the NEVVSs
NEVVSs of of different
different headphones
headphones can can bebe measured
based on the same impedance tube as used in the measurements
based on the same impedance tube as used in the measurements of the headphone acoustic reflectance,of the headphone acoustic
reflectance, where the detail measurement steps are described in [10].
where the detail measurement steps are described in [10]. The NEVVS responses of the AM12, DT880,The NEVVS responses of the
and K550DT880, and K550
measured by themeasured
proposed by the proposed array
five-microphone five-microphone
method are array plotted method
in Figure are5c.
plotted in
Figure 5c.
4. Estimation of HpTFs
4. Estimation of HpTFs
The human ear canal is about −27 mm long and about 8 mm in diameter, which can be seen as a
slightly humantubeear with
is aboutcross-sectional
−27 mm long and about
areas. 8 mm
In this in diameter,
paper, which
for simplicity, thecan be seen
acoustic as a
of the earbended
canal istube with varying
approximated as ancross-sectional
M-sectional tube areas.with
In this
sectionfor simplicity,
having the same the length
acoustic L
and of the cross-sectional
variable ear canal is approximated
area Sm , m =as 1, an
. . . ,M-sectional
M, and the tube
each section Zedhaving
( f ) is atthe
of the Mth
length section.
L and Given
variable the measuredarea
cross-sectional Sm , m =acoustic
headphone 1, , M , reflectance r0 ( f ) and
and the eardrum Z ed ( f ) is
Norton equivalent
at the end of the Mth section. Given the measured headphone acoustic reflectance r ( f ) and
volume velocity source U 0 ( f ) , the HpTF can be estimated as [10]

Norton equivalent volume velocity source U 0 ( f ) , the HpTF can beMestimated −1 as [10]
e− jk M L 0.5(1 + r0 ( f ))(1 + red ( f )) ∏ e− jkm L (1 + rm )
HH pTF ( f ) = U0 ( f ) Zed ( f ) (16)
ei− jkM + r0 (1f ))(1 + red (rfm)) e − jkm L (1 + rm )1
(M L " #)" #
h −0.5(1
H HpTF ( f ) = U 0 ( f )1Z ed r(0f )( f ) m∏ =1 Mr−m e− jkm 2L e− jkm 2L
m =1
red ( f )e− jk M 2L (16)
 1  1 rm    1 
1 r0 ( f )  r e- jkm 2 L e- jkm 2 L   r ( f )e− jkM 2 L 
where km is the wave number in the mth section,  mr=m1 =m (Sm+1 − Sm )/ (Smed+1 + Sm ), and  red ( f ) is the
reflectance of the eardrum red ( f ) = (ρc/S M − Zed ( f ))/(ρc/S M + Zed ( f )). To simulate the real human
where km is the wave number in the mth section, rm = ( Sm +1 − Sm ) / ( Sm +1 + Sm ) , and red ( f ) is the
ear, the effective eardrum impedance model [11] and ear canal area function [12] measured on human
reflectance of the eardrum red ( f ) = (  c / SM − Z ed ( f ) ) / (  c / SM + Zed ( f ) ) . To simulate the real
Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 10

human ear, the effective eardrum impedance model [11] and ear canal area function [12] measured
Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 918 8 of 10
on human ears are adopted here for estimating the HpTFs of the Huawei AM12, Beyerdynamic
DT880, and AKG K550. The above ear canal area function with fixed ear canal length of 27 mm can
be described
ears by here
are adopted the mid locations the
for estimating that refers
x k HpTFs of thetoHuawei
the innermost corner of the ear
AM12, Beyerdynamic canal
DT880, andand
K550. The aboveradii rk . area function with fixed ear canal length of 27 mm can be described by the mid
ear canal
Three that refersear
xk different to the innermost
canal corner of
area functions thefixed
with ear canal and the
rk and ear corresponding
canal lengths of radii rk . 27 mm,
22 mm,
Three different ear canal area functions
and 32 mm, where the corresponding mid locations are 22 with fixed r and ear canal lengths of 22
k x / 27 , x , and 32x / 27 are chosen mm, 27 mm, to
k k k
and 32 mm, where the corresponding mid locations are 22xk /27, xk , and 32xk /27 are chosen to study
study the effects of various ear canal lengths on HpTFs, and the estimated HpTFs for the AM12,
the effects of various ear canal lengths on HpTFs, and the estimated HpTFs for the AM12, DT880,
DT880, and K550 are illustrated in Figure 6a. As can be seen, HpTFs vary considerably with
and K550 are illustrated in Figure 6a. As can be seen, HpTFs vary considerably with headphones
headphones and ear canal lengths. Even for the same headphone, HpTFs show large variations
and ear canal lengths. Even for the same headphone, HpTFs show large variations between different
between different ear canal lengths. In particular, for AM12, the peak at 6 kHz is caused by the
ear canal lengths. In particular, for AM12, the peak at 6 kHz is caused by the self-resonance of the
self-resonance of the headphone, not relying on the length of the ear canal. The difference in HpTFs
headphone, not relying on the length of the ear canal. The difference in HpTFs could be even greater if
could be even greater if individual eardrum impedances are taken into account.
individual eardrum impedances are taken into account.
In the same way, to study the effects of various ear canal cross-sectional areas on HpTFs, three
In the same way, to study the effects of various ear canal cross-sectional areas on HpTFs,
different ear canal area functions with fixed ear canal length of 27 mm and ear canal radius of 0.8 rk ,
three different ear canal area functions with fixed ear canal length of 27 mm and ear canal radius of
r , and 1.2 r are chosen, and the estimated HpTFs for the AM12, DT880, and K550 are depicted in
0.8k rk , rk , and k1.2 rk are chosen, and the estimated HpTFs for the AM12, DT880, and K550 are depicted
in Figure 6b.6b.According
Accordingto to
canal acoustic
canal model
acoustic model presented
presented in Equation
in Equation (16), thethe
(16), effects of the
effects ear
of the
ear canalradii rk on
radii rkHpTFs
on HpTFs can can
be equivalent to the
be equivalent to effects of the
the effects ofeardrum
the eardrum reflectance
reflectancered ron onHpTFs.
HpTFs. As
As be be seenseenfrom Figure
from Figure5b,5b,
variations ofof
variations the ear
the earcanal
canalradii considerable impact
radiirrk k have a considerable impact on on the
overall gains
gains ofof the
the HpTFs,
HpTFs, while
while thethe structures
structuresof of the
variations. This
This is
is because
the resonance
frequencyofofthe theearearcanal
canalis is
mainlydependent on on
dependent thethe
length of ear
length canal
of ear rather
canal thanthan
rather the
the eardrumimpedance.
On the whole, HpTFs HpTFs show showlargelargevariations
headphones and
and earear canals.
canals. In
In binaural
binaural reproduction,
reproduction, it itis isdesired
should be be compensated
compensated in order to to
faithfully reproduce
reproduce binaural
binaural signals
signals atat the
eardrums. IfIfcompensation
compensation using
non-individual HpTFHpTF
from aa third
maycause causeconsiderable
degradation. TheThe method
method of of estimating
HpTFs makes
makes itit possible
possible to
to establish
establish aa database
database for
for various
various headphones
headphones and and listeners
listeners by
by adjusting
the parameters
the parameters of of headphones
headphones and and ears.
ears. Actual
Actual individual
individual eardrum
eardrum impedances
impedances and and ear
ear canal
canal area
functions are
functions areexpected
expectedto tobebeused
usedin infuture



Figure6.6. (Color
Figure (Color online)
online) The
The estimated
estimated HpTFs
HpTFs forfor three
three different
different types
types of
headphones with
with different
ear canalarea
functions.(a)(a) Ear
Ear canal
canal lengths
lengths of mm,
of 22 22 mm, 27 mm,
27 mm, and 32and
mm,32 mm, respectively;
respectively; (b) Ear(b) Ear
canal radius
radius 0.8rk r(small),
of 0.8rkof(small), k (normal),rk (normal),
and 1.2r k and 1.2
(large), r (large),
k respectively.
Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 918 9 of 10

5. Conclusions
An optimal five-microphone array method is developed for the measurements of the headphone
acoustic reflectance and equivalent sound sources needed in the estimation of HpTFs. The optimal
microphone positions are selected based on a two-stage searching algorithm, and compensation of
microphones is implemented by introducing a compensation function. Experimental results show
the effectiveness of the measurement method. This paper proposes that, given the parameters
of headphones and ears, HpTFs can be estimated based on a computational acoustic model.
The estimation results demonstrate that the parameters of headphones and ear canals have a
considerable impact on the HpTFs, and compensations using individual HpTFs are essential for
headphone reproduction. Our further research will focus on the effects of individualized compensation
using model-based HpTFs on binaural reproduction.

Author Contributions: J.L. And J.Y. conceived the work, and J.L. conducted the experiments. H.D. And P.J.
provided suggestions and guidance for the work. J.Y. supervised the project and provided the funding for
the experiments.
Acknowledgments: This work was supported by National Natural Science Fund of China under Grants
No. 11674348, and Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS (2015019).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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