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?PHP Echo and Print Statements
Echo statement
PHP echo statement
Last update on November 09 2019 06:56:39 (UTC/GMT +8 hours)
In PHP the two basic constructs to get outputs are echo and print. Actually, echo()
is not a function, it is a language construct, therefore, you can use it without


Display string, variable with echo

PHP echo and HTML paragraph element
PHP echo and HTML table element
PHP echo and html anchor element
PHP echo and HTML header element
PHP echo and HTML list element
Display string, variable with echo


echo (arg1, arg2... )

Example : Simple string display

echo 'One line simple string.<br />';
echo 'Two line simple string example<br />';
echo 'Tomorrow I \'ll learn PHP global variables.<br />';
echo 'This is a bad command : del c:\\*.* <br />';
All the above echo commands simply display the corresponding string, here we have
used an additional html command <br /> at the end of each echo statement to
generate a line break as \n cannot generate a line break in browser.

Example : Variable inside echo statement

// Variables inside an echo statement.
$abc='We are learning PHP';
echo "$abc at $xyz <br />";
// Simple variable display
echo $abc;
echo "<br />"; // creating a new line
echo $xyz;
echo "<br />"; // creating a new line
// Displaying arrays
echo "Fruits are : {$fruits['fruit1']} and
{$fruits['fruit2']}" ;

We are learning PHP at

We are learning PHP
Fruits are : Apple and Banana
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PHP echo and HTML paragraph element

We can display string, variables with echo function, additionally, we can embedded
html commands into echo command. Here we have attached html paragraph element in
various form into echo.


// simple html statement.
echo 'One line simple string.<br />';
// display strings within paragraph with different color.
echo "<p> <font color=blue>One line simple string in
blue color</font> </p>";
echo "<p> <font color=red>One line simple string in red
color</font> </p>";
echo "<p> <font color=green> One line simple string in
green color</font> </p>";
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Example of PHP echo and html paragraph element with font color

// simple html statement.
echo 'One line simple string.<br />';
// display strings within paragraph with different color.
echo "<p> <font color=blue font face='arial' size='2pt'>One line simple string in
blue color, arial font and font size 2pt</font> </p>";
echo "<p> <font color=red font face='verdana' size='5pt'>One line simple string in
red color, verdana font and font size 5pt</font> </p>";
echo "<p> <font color=green font face='courier' size='6pt'>One line simple string
in green color, courier font and font size 6pt</font> </p>";
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Example of PHP echo and html paragraph element with font color, size

echo "<p align='left'> <font color=blue size='6pt'>This is left alignment
6pt</font> </p>";
echo "<p align='center'> <font color=blue size='6pt'>This is center alignment
6pt</font> </p>";
echo "<p align='right'> <font color=blue size='6pt'>This is right alignment
6pt</font> </p>";
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Example of PHP echo and html paragraph element with font color, size, and PHP

echo "<p> <font color=blue size='4pt'> Salary of Mr. A is :</font> <font color=red
echo "<p> <font color=blue size='4pt'> Salary of Mr. B is :</font> <font color=red
echo "<p> <font color=blue size='4pt'> Salary of Mr. C is :</font> <font color=red
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PHP echo and HTML table element

We can display string, variables with echo function, additionally, we can embedded
html elements into echo command. Here we have attached html table elements into


echo "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpading=0>
<tr> <td><font color=blue>Salary of Mr. A is</td> <td>$a$</font></td></tr>
<tr> <td><font color=blue>Salary of Mr. B is</td> <td>$b$</font></td></tr>
<tr> <td><font color=blue>Salary of Mr. C is</td> <td>$c$</font></td></tr>
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Example of PHP echo and HTML table element, font color and PHP variable

echo "<table style='border: 1px solid red;' cellspacing=0 cellpading=0>
<tr> <td><font color=blue>Salary of Mr. A is</td> <td>$a$</font></td></tr>
<tr> <td><font color=blue>Salary of Mr. B is</td> <td>$b$</font></td></tr>
<tr> <td><font color=blue>Salary of Mr. C is</td> <td>$c$</font></td></tr>
View the example in the browser
Example of PHP echo and HTML table element, font color, table border and PHP

echo "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpading=0>
Monthly Salary Statement </table>";
echo "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpading=0>
<tr> <td><font color=blue>Salary of Mr. A is</td> <td>$a$</font></td></tr>
<tr> <td><font color=blue>Salary of Mr. B is</td> <td>$b$</font></td></tr>
<tr> <td><font color=blue>Salary of Mr. C is</td> <td>$c$</font></td></tr>
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PHP echo html anchor element

We can display string, variables with echo function, additionally, we can embedded
html elements into echo command. Here we have attached html anchor element into


echo "<a href=echo-order-list.php>
Click here to see the current month salary
View the example in the browser

Example of PHP echo and HTML anchor element with font color

echo "<a href=echo-order-list.php>
<font color=blue size=4pt> Click here to
see the current month salary statement.
View the example in the browser

Example of PHP echo and HTML anchor element with font color, size

echo "<a href='echo-order-list.php'
style='color: red; font-size: 10pt'>
Click here to see the current month salary statement.
View the example in the browser

PHP echo and HTML header element

We can display string, variables with echo function, additionally, we can embedded
html elements into echo command. Here we have attached html header element into

Example :

echo "<h1> This is header1 </h1> ";
echo "<h2> This is header2 </h2> ";
echo "<h3> This is header3 </h2> ";
echo "<h4> This is header4 </h2> ";
echo "<h5> This is header5 </h2> ";
echo "<h6> This is header6 </h2> ";
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Example of PHP echo and HTML header element and variable

echo "<h1> Salary of Mr. A is : $a$ </h1>";
echo "<h2> Salary of Mr. B is : $b$ </h2>";
echo "<h3> Salary of Mr. C is : $c$ </h3>";
View the example in browser

PHP echo and HTML list element

We can display string, variables with echo function, additionally, we can embedded
html elements into echo command.
Here we have attached html ordered and unordered list elements into echo.

Example of PHP echo and HTML ordered list

echo "<ol align='left'> <font color=red size='4pt'> Salary statement for the
Current month</font><li> <font color=blue>Salary of Mr. A is : $a$</font></li>
<li> <font color=blue>Salary of Mr. B is : $b$</font></li><li> <font
color=blue>Salary of Mr. C is : $c$</font></li>
View the example in browser

Example of PHP echo and HTML unordered list

echo "<ul align='left'> <font color=red
size='4pt'> Salary statement for the Current month
</font> <li> <font color=blue>Salary of Mr. A is :
<li> <font color=blue>Salary of Mr. B is :
<li> <font color=blue>Salary of Mr. C is :
View the example in browser

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