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Halloween Games & Activities:

Candy Jar Guess: Put Halloween candies in a jar and get the students to guess how many there
are and share them out afterwards. Special Halloween shaped candy (especially eye balls!)
would be really great.

Costume Party. Something all kids love to do - dress up in a Halloween costume. Prizes can be
given for best, scariest, funniest, etc.

Halloween Walk. Form line on one side of room. Cross room in following ways: 1). Fly like a bat;
2) gallop like a cowboy on a horse; 3) hop like a bunny; 4) roll like a pumpkin; 5) dance like a
princess; 6) creep like a cat; 7) walk like a skeleton; 8) float like a ghost; 9) stomp like a monster.

Haunted House Classroom. You can have a lot of fun turning your classroom into a Haunted
House. Rearrange the furniture, turn out all the lights, hide volunteers in strategic places
around the room to scare your students, then lead the students in (one or two at a time) and
listen to the screams! Eerie music is essential, as is a very dark room. If you can get some glow-
in-the-dark stars and arrows to illuminate a path around the room, and to mark the edges of
tables, chairs, and any other dangerous areas.

Chain words. Students sit in a circle. Student A says "witch". Student B continues: "witch and a
black cat". Continue around the circle.

Making Masks. Making masks is always fun and is also a good review for parts of the face,
colors and names of characters (Dracula, monster, witch, etc.). Simple masks can be made with
paper plates and string. A competition can be held and prizes given for the best, the funniest,
the scariest, the most colorful, the biggest.

Mummy Dress up. Let the children wrap each other in toilet paper and pretend to be a
mummy. Have 4 teams of kids, with each team allowed 2 rolls of toilet
paper and 2-4 rolls of sticky tape each.

Spelling Banner. Prepare two banners that say whatever you want them to say, i.e. Happy
Halloween, Trick or Treat, etc. Also prepare a set of letters for the same words cut out in two
different colors hidden randomly around the room. Divide the class into 2 teams with two
captains—the captains sit and wait for their teammates to bring the letters for their banner. If a
student is on the "red" team and sees a letter for the "green" team he/she just leaves it alone.
The first team to cover their banner letters wins.

Trick or Treat Game. Place slips of paper in a brown lunch bag. On each write down a different
"trick" such as "hop on one foot" or "close your eyes and touch your nose." Have each child in
turn, say, "trick or treat" and draw a paper from the bag. When s/he performs the "trick" say
"treat" and give him/her either a Halloween sticker or a candy.
Who am I Ghost? Blindfold one student. The other students stand in circle around the
blindfolded student. Spin the student around and then stop him/her facing another student. S
says "Whooooooo (like a ghost). Who am I?". The blindfolded S must guess who that student is
and call out his/her name.

Relay Race. Need straws and small pieces of paper. Divide into 2 teams. Each team-member
gets a straw (like a drinking straw). At the front of the line there is a bowl with the small pieces
of paper in it. Each team member needs to pick up a piece of paper using only the straw (ie
sucking the straw to keep the paper in place) and run to the other end of the room and deposit
the paper in a bowl. You can’t use your hands, if you drop the paper you have to start again.
*Make sure there is no possible way the paper can actually get up the straw*

Erase the Witch Game. Draw a witch on the whiteboard. Students are blindfolded and have to
see how much of the witch they can erase with one “chance.”

Halloween Bowling

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