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Put the verbs in parentheses into a correct form:

Last week I (1. invite) several friends to dinner. When the first couple (2. arrive), I still (3. work) in the kitchen; for I
quite (4. not finish) (5. prepare) the salad. I tell them (6. make) themselves at home, (7. add) that I (8. join) them in a
few minutes. If they (9. come) ten minutes later, I (10. be) ready for them. The dinner (11. be) an excellent one and I
(12. compliment) on my (13. cook). One of my friends (14. say) that he (15. go) (16. send) his wife to me for cooking
lessons. I enjoy (17. work) in the kitchen if somebody else (18. do) the washing up.
32. Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct form. Pay attention to word order:

I (1. sit) in my office the other day when I (2. tell) that someone (3. want) (4. see) me. It was Harold Fortiss, an old
friend of mine. When I (5. ask) him how he (6. be), he (7. tell) me a rather sad story. He told me that he (8. have) to
close down his business because of financial difficulties and that he (9. look) for a job. He (10. add) that if he (11. not
find) one quickly, he (12. be) in serious trouble. He (13. ask) me whether I (14. can) (15. do) anything (16. help) him
(17. find) something interesting. I (18. say) (19. do) my best and (20. ask) him (21. give) me a ring the following day.

33. Put the verbs in parentheses into a correct form. Use the Passive Voice wherever possible. Pay attention to
word order:

a. If more money (1. need), it (2. find). (Three possibilities)

b. It should (3. do) before the foundations (4. lay). Now it's too late.

c. The house (5. change) hands three times since it first (6. build).

d. The dinner still (7. cook) when we (8. arrive); but since the table already (9. lay), we (10. tell) (11. seat).

e. Why I (12. not tell) earlier? I ought (13. inform) immediately.

f. If the letter (14. not find) by tomorrow, he may (15. dismiss).

g. Several people (16. interview) before one finally (17. select).

h. The animals (18. feed) at the same time every morning.

i. The paintings must (19. hang) by an expert. They are really well arranged.

j. It must (20. steal) while the house (21. paint).

34. Put the verbs in parentheses into a correct form. Pay attention to word order:

One day, while I (1. wait) for a bus, someone (2. tap) me on the shoulder and (3. ask) me if my name (4. be) Alfred.
He (5. tell) me that we once (6. work) in the same office. Although I (7. remember) his name, I never (8. recognize) him if
he (9. not speak) to me. He (10. change) very much since I last (11. see) him. He told me that he badly (12. injure) in a
road accident and only recently (13. come) out of hospital. On parting, he (14. ask) whether we (15. can) (16. meet) again.
I (17. take) his telephone number and (18. say) that I (19. call) him within the next few days. He (20. say) he (21. look)
forward to (22. hear) from me.
35. Put the verbs in parentheses into a correct form. Pay attention to word order:

(1. Think) I (2. surprise) my friend, I (3. drop) in on him the other day. He (4. sort) out his collection of postage stamps,
something he always (5. enjoy) (6. do). I (7. tell) him that there (8. be) an interesting lecture at the club and (9. ask) him if
he (10. feel) like (11. go). When I (12. tell) him who the lecturer (13. be), he (14. say) he very much (15. like) (16. go).
He added that he (17. hear) him (18. speak) before and (19. be) very favourably impressed. (20. See) that we (21.
have) very little time, we (22. take) a taxi. If we (23. not do) so, we (24. be) late. I (25. hate) (be) late for a lecture.
36. Put the words in parentheses into a correct form:

I (1. be) interested in public speaking for a number of years and (2. consider) by my friends (3. be) quite a good
speaker. A few days ago, I (4. ask) (5. take) part in a public debate. Several of my friends (6. go) (7. be) there, and I
(8. look) forward to an interesting evening. Unfortunately, while I (9. drive) to the club, my car (10. break) down and I
(11. must) (12. take) a taxi. I (13. arrive) just as the chairman (14. open) the meeting. I (15. make) my way to the
platform and (16. apologize) to the chairman for (17. arrive) late. At the end of the evening I (18. tell) him what (19.
37. Put the verbs in parentheses into a correct form:

a. I (1. not see) John Berry for several months. When I last (2. hear) from him, he (3. work) on a ship. He (4. say)
then that he (5. get) in touch with me as soon as he (6. return) to London. I (7. like) (8. see) him again. I always (9.
enjoy) (10. talk) to him.

b. It's time we (11. go). If we (12. not leave) soon, the family (13. wonder) what (14. happen) to us.
c. 'It's a pity you (15. not understand) French. If you (16. do), you (17. be) able (18. get) a much better job than the
one you (19. have) now.' 'If I (20. think) it (21. help), I (22. start) (23. learn) tomorrow.'
38. Put the verbs in parentheses into a correct form:

a. When I (1. arrive), he still (2. work). He said that he (3. work) for the last two hours but that he (4. go) (5. stop) in
a few minutes. He (6. add) that if I (7. arrive) ten minutes later, I (8. may not find) him at home. When I (9.
mention) that the apartment (10. look) rather untidy, he (11. say) that the woman who usually (12. clean) it (13.
be) sick for some time and nothing (14. do) for over a week. When I (15. ask) him why he (16. not do) it himself,
he (17. say) that he (18. intend) (19. do) so if Mrs. Jones (20. not come) the following day.
b. Now put the conversation into Direct Speech. Begin: He said, 'I have been working .. . '
39. Put the verbs in parentheses into a correct form:

While I (1. wait) for a bus the other day, it suddenly (2. begin) (3. rain) I (4. not take) my umbrella; nor I (5. wear) a
coat. While I (6. wonder) whether or not (7. take) shelter, the bus (8. arrive) and I (9. get) on. I wonder why it
always (10. rain) when I (11. leave) my umbrella at home -at least, that's how it (12. seem) to me. Fortunately, by the
time I (13. reach) my destination, the rain (14. stop). There are occasions when I (15. enjoy) (16. walk) in the rain, but I
(17. like) (18. be) properly (19. dress) for the occasion.
40. Put the verbs in parentheses into a correct form:

a. I (1. work) at the crossword puzzle for over an hour, but I (2. make) very little progress so far.

b. 'As soon as I (3. finish) (4. write) this letter, I (5. take) a walk. I (6. not be) out of the house today. You (7. like)
(8. join) me?' 'I (9. love) to. Give me a call as soon as you (10. be) ready (11. leave).''

c. 'What he (12. do) when you (13. see) him?' 'He (14. sit) in a corner (15. talk) to John.'

d. 'What he (16. do) when he (17. see) you?' 'He (18. smile) and (19. raise) his hat.'

e. ‘The teacher (20. arrive) yet?' 'No, at least I (21. not see) him.' ‘That's strange; he (22. never be) late
before.' 'Well, if he (23. not come) today, it (24. be) the first lesson he (25. miss) since the course (26. begin).
f. 'I (27. do) it tomorrow?' 'I'd rather you (28. do) it today.'
41. Put the verbs in parentheses into a correct form. Pay attention to word order:

I (1. go) to see my friend yesterday. Only by (2. take) a taxi I (3. get) there on time. If I (4. walk), I (5. be) late. If I (6. be) late,
my friend (7. be) angry. My watch always (8. seem) (9. stop) at the wrong time. It's time I (10. have) a good watch. If I
(11. do), I never (12. be) late. My watch (13. not be) the same since something (14. go) wrong with it last year. If my
father (15. ask) me what I want for a birthday present, I (16. know) exactly what (17. say).
42. Put the verbs in parentheses into a correct form:

I (1. go) (2. see) my friend yesterday as we previously (3. arrange); for we (4. have) several important things (5.
discuss). However, he (6. not be) there when I (7. arrive); nor (8. be) there any message for me. But (9. know) him
as I do, I (10. be) sure there (11. be) a good reason for his absence. When he finally (12. turn) up, I (13. wait) more
than an hour. He (14. say) that he (15. have) a puncture on the way and (16. telephone) the garage (17. ask) them (18.
send) someone (19. change) the wheel. When I (20. ask) him why he (21. not do) it himself, he (22. say) he never (23.
do) such a thing before and that he (24. have) no intention of (25. start) now.

43. Put the verbs in parentheses into a correct form:

George (1. return) from England last week and tomorrow evening we (2. have) a party (3. celebrate) his return. When
you (4. see) him tomorrow, you (5. be) amazed (6. see) how much he (7. change) since we last (8. see) him. When I (9.
ask) him what he (10. intend) (11. do) he (12. say) he (13. not make) up his mind yet, but if he (14. offer) a good job he
probably (15. take) it and (16. start) (17. work) immediately. He (18. add) that he (19. may) even open a business of
his own. However, (20. know) George as I do, I (21. think) he (22. be) far happier (23. work) for somebody else.

44. Put the verbs in parentheses into a correct form:

a. I (1. not go) (2. wait) for Frank. By the time he (3. be) ready, it (4. be) too late (5. go) anywhere.

b. We (6. stand) at the bus-stop for about ten minutes when a passer-by (7. tell) us that the last bus already (8.
go). It seems strange that in a city like London buses (9. stop) (10. run) so early.

c. John (11. come) to work late recently. The manager already (12. speak) to him. If he (13. not be) careful, he
(14. may) (15. find) himself out of a job.

d. As he (16. run) (17. catch) the bus, he (18. fall) and (19. break) his leg. He (20. be) in hospital for over a week, but
(21. expect) (22. be) out tomorrow.

e. 'This is the third time you (23. fall) asleep while (24. work). (25. Be) anything the matter?' 'We (26. have) some
trouble with the baby recently I think he's teething. I hardly (27. close) my eyes last night.'

f. (28. Guess) who I (29. find) (30. wait) for me when I (31. get) home.
45. Put the verbs in parentheses into a correct form:
a. When I (1. finish) (2. read) this story, it (3. be) the sixth time I (4. read) it.
b. When I (5. see) him, he (6. read) the letter the committee (7. send) him. Seldom I (8. see) him so happy.
c. When I (9. arrive) at the airport, several other members of the family (10. wait) there. Some of them (11. be)
there for quite a time. They all (12. come) (13. greet) our grandfather, who (14. not visit) England for over
twenty years.
d. If only I (15. know) earlier that you (16. go) (17. buy) a washing machine, I (18. can save) you quite a bit of
money. You really should (19. mention) it sooner.
46. Put the verbs in parentheses into a correct form:

a. If we (1. not leave) soon, we (2. arrive) after the show (3. begin). (4. See) that we are guests, our host (5. be) very
angry if we (6. do) such a thing.

b. By the time we (7. arrive), most of the people (8. leave). It (9. be) better if we (10. not go) at all.

c. 'You ought (11. tell) me earlier.' 'I'm sorry I (12. not do) so, but it (13. not occur) to me that you (14. be) interested
in (15. listen) to chamber music.'

d. She (16. not do) a stroke of work since she (17. leave) school.

e. (18. See) that there (19. be) nobody at home, I put a note in his letter-box (20. tell) him where I (21. intend) (22.
spend) the evening.

f. He (23. speak) for over an hour. If he (24. not stop) soon, he (25. talk) to an empty hall. Several people already (26.
leave), and the others (27. get) fidgety.
47. Put the verbs in parentheses into a correct form:

I (1. run) all the way to the station only (2. find) that the train already (3. leave). I (4. tell) that there (5. be) another one
in twenty minutes. (6. See) that I (7. have) some time (8. spare), I (9. go) to the news-stand (10. buy) a newspaper.
While I (11. glance) through it, I (12. hear) someone (13. call) my name. It (14. be) my friend Alfred, who I (15.
think) (16. catch) the earlier train. He, too, (17. miss) it. He (18. say) that he (19. catch) it if his watch (20. not be)
48. Put the verbs in parentheses into a correct form. Pay attention to word order:

a. 'What time John generally (1. arrive)? He generally (2. arrive) at about nine o'clock, but he (3. telephone) a few
minutes ago (4. say) that he (5. not be) at the office before 11 o'clock this morning.' 'You (6. mind) (7. ask) him
(8. get) in touch with me as soon as he (9. arrive)?'

b. I wish I (10. be) there when she told him what she (11. think) of him. I would like (12. see) his face.

c. We (13. need not take) our raincoats. It didn't rain after all.

d. 'You (14. like) (15. go) somewhere this evening?' 'I just as soon (16. stay) at home.'

e. She (17. work) for me ever since she (18. leave) school.

f. At the end of this week I (19. work) here exactly four years.

g. If you (20. not behave) yourself, we (21. not take) you with us to the circus tomorrow.

h. She never (22. go) to the party if, she (23. know) that John (24. go) (25. be) there. She (26. not see) him or (27.
speak) to him since their engagement (28. break) off. Fortunately, he left very early and so an embarrassing
situation (29. avoid).

i. My neighbours (30. not stop) (31. complain) ever since my daughter (32. start) (33. take) piano lessons.

j. Why you (34. not tell) you (35. not finish) the book? I (36. not take) it back to the library.

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