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Week : Week 1

Theme : Management and continuity of life

Learning area : The world through our senses
Learning objectives : 1. Understanding the sensory organs and their functions
2. Understanding the sense of touch
Learning Outcomes : Students should be able to:
1. Identify and relate a sensory organ to its stimulus
2. State the pathway from stimulus to response:
Stimulus à Sensory organs à Nerves à Brain à Nerves à Response
3. Identify the structure of the human skin involve in stimulli detection
4. State the function of different receptors - pressure, heat, pain.
5. Draw conclusion on the sensitivity of the skin at different parts of the body
towards stimuli.
Activities : 1. Induction set - Teacher ask student to to touch the table and their friends.
Then they need to describe their observation.
2. Discuss with students about sensory organs and pathway of stimulus-
3. Discuss with students about the structures of human skin and sensitivity of
4. Teacher ask students to conclude the lesson.
Evaluation : Students complete the question in the workbook
Teaching aids : Handouts, workbook, OHP and transparencies

Week : Week 2
Theme : Management and continuity of life
Learning area : The world through our senses
Learning objectives : 1. Understanding the sense of smell
2. Understanding the sense of taste
Learning Outcomes : Students should be able to:
1. Identify the structure of nose
2. Identify the position of the sensory cells in the detection of smell
3. Identify the different areas of the tongue that respond to different taste
4. Relate the sense of taste with the sense of smell
Activities : 1. Induction set - Teacher ask student to smell one types of chemical substance
and taste it with blindfold.
2. Discuss with students about the sturcture of the nose and sensory cells and
its function.
3. Discuss with students about the structures of human tongue and relate the
sense of smell with sense of taste.
4. Teacher ask students to conclude the lesson.
Evaluation : Students complete the question in the workbook
Teaching aids : Handouts, workbook, chemical substance (vinegar), OHP and transparencies
Week : Week 2

Theme : Management and continuity of life

Learning area : The world through our senses

Learning objectives : 1. Understanding the sense of smell

2. Understanding the sense of taste

Learning Outcomes : Students should be able to:

1. Identify the structure of nose

2. Identify the position of the sensory cells in the detection of smell

3. Identify the different areas of the tongue that respond to different taste

4. Relate the sense of taste with the sense of smell

Activities : 1. Induction set - Teacher ask student to smell one types of chemical substance

and taste it with blindfold.

2. Discuss with students about the sturcture of the nose and sensory cells and

its function.

3. Discuss with students about the structures of human tongue and relate the

sense of smell with sense of taste.

4. Teacher ask students to conclude the lesson.

Evaluation : Students complete the question in the workbook

Teaching aids : Handouts, workbook, chemical substance (vinegar), OHP and transparencies
Week : Week 3
Theme : Management and continuity of life
Learning area : The world through our senses
Learning objectives : 1. Understanding the sense of hearing
2. Understanding the sense of sight
Learning Outcomes : Students should be able to:
1. Identify the structure of human ear
2. Explain the function of the different parts of the ear
3. Describe how we hear
4. Identify the structure of human eye
5. Explain the functions of different parts of the eye
6. Describe how we see
Activities : 1. Induction set - Teacher ask student to watch one scene in one movie and
explain how they can see and hear.
2. Discuss with students the structure of human ear and eye and the function of
all the parts.
3. Discuss with students how they can see and hear
4. Teacher ask students to conclude the lesson.
Evaluation : Students complete the question in the workbook
Teaching aids : Handouts, workbook, video, LCD, laptop, OHP and transparencies

Week : Week 4
Theme : Management and continuity of life
Learning area : The world through our senses
Learning objectives : 1. Understanding light and sight
Learning Outcomes : Students should be able to:
1. Describe the properties of light (reflection and refraction)
2. State the various defects of vision
3. Explain ways to correct vision defects
4. State and give examples of the limitations of sight
5. Connect stereoscopic and monocular vision with the survival of animals
6. Identify the appropriate device to overcome the limitations of sight
Activities : 1. Induction set - Teacher ask student about the phenomena of water with straw
inside the glass.
2. Discuss with students about properties of light (reflection and refraction)
3. Discuss with students various defects of vision and ways to correct it.
4. Discuss with students about the limitations of sight and appropriate device to
overcome this problem.
Evaluation : Students complete the question in the workbook
Teaching aids : Handouts, workbook, a glass of water, straw, OHP and transparencies
Week : Week 4
Theme : Management and continuity of life

Learning area : The world through our senses

Learning objectives : 1. Understanding light and sight
Learning Outcomes : Students should be able to:
1. Describe the properties of light (reflection and refraction)
2. State the various defects of vision
3. Explain ways to correct vision defects
4. State and give examples of the limitations of sight

5. Connect stereoscopic and monocular vision with the survival of animals

6. Identify the appropriate device to overcome the limitations of sight
Activities : 1. Induction set - Teacher ask student about the phenomena of water with straw
inside the glass.
2. Discuss with students about properties of light (reflection and refraction)
3. Discuss with students various defects of vision and ways to correct it.
4. Discuss with students about the limitations of sight and appropriate device to
overcome this problem.
Evaluation : Students complete the question in the workbook
Teaching aids : Handouts, workbook, a glass of water, straw, OHP and transparencies
Week : Week 5
Theme : Management and continuity of life
Learning area : The world through our senses
Learning objectives : 1. Understanding sound and hearing
Learning Outcomes : Students should be able to:
1. Describe the properties of sound
2. Explain the reflection and absorption of sound
3. Explain the defects of hearing
4. Explain ways of rectifying the defects in hearing
5. State the limitations of hearing
6. State the device used to overcome the limitations of hearing
7. Explain stereophonic hearing
Activities : 1. Induction set - Teacher ask student why the elderly always have the hearing
problem and how they solve the problem.
2. Discuss with students about properties of sound including reflection and
absorption of sound.
3. Discuss with students defects of hearing and ways to retrifying the defcts
4. Discuss with students about the limitations of hearing and the device used to
overcome this problem.
Evaluation : Students complete the question in the workbook
Teaching aids : Handouts, workbook, OHP and transparencies

Week : Week 6
Theme : Management and continuity of life
Learning area : The world through our senses
Learning objectives : 1. Understanding the stimulli and responses in plants
Learning Outcomes : Students should be able to:
1. State the stimulli that cause response in plants
2. Identify the parts of plants sensitive to specific stimulus
3. Relate the response in plants to their survival
Activities : 1. Induction set - Teacher ask student why some of the plants move in different
way. (Teacher show some of the unusual plant pictures)
2. Discuss with students about the stimulli that cause response to plant
3. Discuss with students the parts of plants that sensitive to specific stimulli and
relate the response to their survival.
Evaluation : Students complete the question in the workbook
Teaching aids : Handouts, workbook, OHP and transparencies
Week : Week 6
Theme : Management and continuity of life

Learning area : The world through our senses

Learning objectives : 1. Understanding the stimulli and responses in plants
Learning Outcomes : Students should be able to:
1. State the stimulli that cause response in plants
2. Identify the parts of plants sensitive to specific stimulus
3. Relate the response in plants to their survival
Activities : 1. Induction set - Teacher ask student why some of the plants move in different

way. (Teacher show some of the unusual plant pictures)

2. Discuss with students about the stimulli that cause response to plant
3. Discuss with students the parts of plants that sensitive to specific stimulli and
relate the response to their survival.
Evaluation : Students complete the question in the workbook
Teaching aids : Handouts, workbook, OHP and transparencies
Week : Week 7
Theme : Management and continuity of life
Learning area : Nutrition
Learning objectives : 1. Analysing the classes of food
2. Evaluating the importance of a balanced diet.
Learning Outcomes : Students should be able to:
1. Explain through examples the classes of food
2. State the function of each classes of food
3. Test for starch, glucose, protein, and fats.
Activities : 1. Induction set - Teacher ask students to taste some of the food and ask them
about the classes of food.
2. Discuss with students the classes of food and its function by using some
some examples.
3. Students need to carry out activities to test the classes of food (starch,
glucose, protein and fats).
4. Discuss with students about a balanced diet and the factors that must be
considered when planning a balanced diet.
5. Students need to explain how the factors affect a balanced diet
6. Discuss with students the quantity of energy in each gram of carbs, protein
and fats
7. Students need to estimate the calories of food taken in a meal and plan a
a balanced diet.
Evaluation : Students complete the question in the workbook
Teaching aids : Handouts, workbook, starch, glucose, white egg, oil, petri dish, spatula, experiment apparatus, OHP
and transparencies

Week : Week 8
Theme : Management and continuity of life
Learning area : Nutrition
Learning objectives : 1. Understanding the digestive system in man
Learning Outcomes : Students should be able to:
1. Explain what digestion is
2. Identify the parts of the digestive system
3. Describe the flow of food particles in the alimentary canal
4. State the functions of the organs in the digestive system
5. Describe the process of digestion in the alimentary canal
6. List the end products of digestion of carbohydrate, protein and fats.
Activities : 1. Induction set - Teacher ask students what happen to the food that they eat
2. Discuss with students what is digestion and parts of the digestive system
involve in the digestion process.
3. Discuss with students the flow af food particles in the alimentary canal
4. Discuss with students the functions of the organ in the digestive system and
the process of digestion.
5. Students need to list the end products of digestion
Evaluation : Students complete the question in the workbook
Teaching aids : Handouts, workbook, OHP and transparencies
Week : Week 8
Theme : Management and continuity of life

Learning area : Nutrition

Learning objectives : 1. Understanding the digestive system in man
Learning Outcomes : Students should be able to:
1. Explain what digestion is
2. Identify the parts of the digestive system
3. Describe the flow of food particles in the alimentary canal
4. State the functions of the organs in the digestive system

5. Describe the process of digestion in the alimentary canal

6. List the end products of digestion of carbohydrate, protein and fats.
Activities : 1. Induction set - Teacher ask students what happen to the food that they eat
2. Discuss with students what is digestion and parts of the digestive system
involve in the digestion process.
3. Discuss with students the flow af food particles in the alimentary canal
4. Discuss with students the functions of the organ in the digestive system and
the process of digestion.
5. Students need to list the end products of digestion

Evaluation : Students complete the question in the workbook

Teaching aids : Handouts, workbook, OHP and transparencies
Week : Week 9
Theme : Management and continuity of life
Learning area : Nutrition
Learning objectives : 1. Understanding the process of absorption of digested food
2. Understanding the reabsorption of water and defecation
Learning Outcomes : Students should be able to:
1. Explain the process of absorption of the products of digestion
2. Make inference about the absorption of glucose through the visking tube
3. State how water is reabsorbed in the large intestine
4. Expalin defecation
5. Relate the problem of defecation with eating habits
Activities : 1. Induction set - Teacher ask students either they have the constipation
problem or not.
2. Discuss with students the process of absorption based on the products of
3. Discuss with students about water reabsorbtion and explain defecation
4. Students need to relate the problem of defecation with eating habits
5. Students need to carry out an experiment to show the absorption of glucose
through a Visking Tube.
Evaluation : Students complete the question in the workbook
Teaching aids : Handouts, workbook, OHP and transparencies

Week : Week 10
Theme : Management and continuity of life
Learning area : Nutrition
Learning objectives : 1. Put into practice the habits of healthy eating
Learning Outcomes : Students should be able to:
1. Justify the importance of eating nutritious food
2. Put in practice good eating habits
3. Justify the generous distribution of food to the underprivileged/needy
4. Relate the dining culture of different people conforming to sensitivites and
religious beliefs.
Activities : 1. Induction set - Teacher ask students about their dining culture
2. Discuss with students the importance of eating nutritious food
3. Students need to explain about good eating habits and generous distribution
food to the needy.
5. Students need to relate the dining culture of different people to sensitivities
and religious beliefs.
Evaluation : Students complete the question in the workbook
Teaching aids : Handouts, workbook, OHP and transparencies
Week : Week 10
Theme : Management and continuity of life

Learning area : Nutrition

Learning objectives : 1. Put into practice the habits of healthy eating
Learning Outcomes : Students should be able to:
1. Justify the importance of eating nutritious food
2. Put in practice good eating habits
3. Justify the generous distribution of food to the underprivileged/needy
4. Relate the dining culture of different people conforming to sensitivites and

religious beliefs.
Activities : 1. Induction set - Teacher ask students about their dining culture
2. Discuss with students the importance of eating nutritious food
3. Students need to explain about good eating habits and generous distribution
food to the needy.
5. Students need to relate the dining culture of different people to sensitivities
and religious beliefs.
Evaluation : Students complete the question in the workbook
Teaching aids : Handouts, workbook, OHP and transparencies

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