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20. To print Fibonacci-Series :

n = int(input("Enter the no. of elements to be printed in series = "))
print(f, end = ' ' )
print(s,end = ' ' )
for a in range(1,n-1):
t = f+s
print(t,end = ' ' )
f,s = s,t


Enter the no. of elements to be printed in series = 20

0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181

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1. Write a program to print Bio-Data taking input from the user.

#Program to take input from user for Bio-Data
nam = input("Enter your name : ")
cls = int(input("Enter your class : "))
m_name = input("Enter your Mother's name : ")
f_nam = input("Enter your Father's name : ")
b_nam = input("Enter your Brother's name : ")
dob= (input("Enter your Date-of-Birth : "))
hobb = input("Enter your hobbies : ")
caste = input("Enter your caste : ")
mar_stat = input("Enter your marital-status: ")
phn_no = input("Enter your phone number: ")
add = input("Enter your address: ")


Enter your name : Sumit Pandey

Enter your class : 11
Enter your Mother's name : Mrs. Kamla Pandey
Enter your Father's name : Mr. D. B. Pandey
Enter your Brother's name : Amit Pandey
Enter your Date-of-Birth : 5 Jan 2003
Enter your hobbies : Reading novels, Playing Football, Listening music,Writing
Poems etc.
Enter your caste : General
Enter your marital-status: Unmarried
Enter your phone number: 9911783554
Enter your address: 51/171, Street No. 15, Shivaji Park, Gurugram(HR)

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2. To Calculate average marks in five subjects.

#To calculate avg marks
st_name = input("Enter student's name:")
clas = input("Enter your class:")
age = input("Enter your age:")
print("Enter your number in five subjects: ")
eng = float(input("Enter your marks in English:"))
physics = float(input("Enter your marks in Physics:"))
chem = float(input("Enter your marks in Chemistry:"))
cs = float(input("Enter your marks in Computer-Science:"))
maths = float(input("Enter your marks in Maths:"))
avg = ((eng+physics+chem+cs+maths)/370)*100
print("Average marks in five subjects: ", avg)

Enter student's name: Sumit Pandey
Enter your class: 11
Enter your age: 16
Enter your number in five subjects:
Enter your marks in English: 58.5
Enter your marks in Physics: 38.5
Enter your marks in Chemistry: 56
Enter your marks in Computer-Science: 64
Enter your marks in Maths: 74
Average marks in five subjects: 78.64864864864865

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7. Write a program to print a table

#To print a table of user's choice
no_ = int(input("Enter a number to get it's table = "))
for a in range(1,11):
print(no_ ,"X", a, "=",no_*a)


Enter a number to get it's table = 11127

11127 X 1 = 11127
11127 X 2 = 22254
11127 X 3 = 33381
11127 X 4 = 44508
11127 X 5 = 55635
11127 X 6 = 66762
11127 X 7 = 77889
11127 X 8 = 89016
11127 X 9 = 100143
11127 X 10 = 111270

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8. Write a program to print even numbers from 1 to 100.

#To print even number from 1 to 100
for a in range(1,101):
if a%2 == 0:
print(a, end = " ")


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66
68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98

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19. To print a pattern

for i in range(5):
for j in range(5):
if i < 3 :
if j == 2 - i or j == 2 + i :
print("*" , end="")
else :
print(" " , end = "")
else :
if j == i-2 or j == 6 - i :
print("*" , end="")
else :
print(" " , end = "")


* *

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21. Write a program to solve a quadratic equation

#To solve a Quadratic equation
print("Equation = 4x^2 + 6x +2")
x = int(input("Enter the value of x: "))
ans = 4*(x**2) + (6*x) + 2
print("Solution of the equation = ",ans)

Equation = 4x^2 + 6x +2
Enter the value of x: 5
Solution of the equation = 132

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12. Write a program to find the mean of a given list

print("Program for mean of a given list")
l1 = list(eval(input("Enter the numbers for list = ")))
total = sum(l1)
a = len(l1)
print("Mean of the given list = ",total/a)

Program for mean of a given list
Enter the numbers for list = 5,39,12,27
[5, 39, 12, 27]
Mean of the given list = 20.75

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11. Write a program to make a mathematical Calculator.

# To make a calculator using python
print("1. Addition")
print("2. Subtraction")
print("3. Multiplication")
print("4. Division")
print("5. Exponent")
choice = int(input("Enter your choice = "))
if (choice>=6):
print("Wrong value entered by the user")
if choice == 5:
no1 = int(input("Enter the no. = "))
no2 = int(input("Enter the power = "))
a = no1**no2
print("Result = ", a)
if (choice>=1 and choice<=4):
print("Enter the values")
num1 = int(input("Enter the no. 1 = "))
num2 = int(input("Enter the no. 2 = "))
if choice == 1:
sumit = num1 + num2
print("Result = ", sumit)
elif choice == 2:
a = num1 - num2
print("Result = ", a)
elif choice == 3:
a = num1*num2

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print("Result = ", a)
elif choice == 4:
a = num1/num2
print("Result = ", a)

1. Addition
2. Subtraction
3. Multiplication
4. Division
5. Exponent
Enter your choice = 1
Enter the values
Enter the no. 1 = 286
Enter the no. 2 = 171
Result = 457

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3. A student has to travel a distance of 450 km by car at a certain

average speed. Write python script to find the total time taken
to cover the distance.

#To find the total time taken to cover the distance

print("Total distance = 450km")
spd = int(input("Enter the average speed in km/hr = "))
t = 450/spd
print("Total time taken = ",t,"hr")

Total distance = 450km
Enter the average speed in km/hr = 45
Total time taken = 10.0 hr

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4. Write a python code to calculate simple interest by inputting

the value of principle amount and rate from the user for a
time-period of 5 years.

pri_pl = int(input("Enter principle amount = "))

rate = int(input("Enter Rate = "))
print("Time period = 5 years")
si = (pri_pl*rate*5)/100
print("Simple Interest = ",si)

Enter principle amount = 1000
Enter Rate = 5
Time period = 5 years
Simple Interest = 250.0

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5. Write a python code to convert the time inputted in minutes into hours
and vice-versa.

print("1. Convert minutes in hours")

print("2, Convert hours in minutes")
choice = int(input("Enter your choice in number(1 or 2) = "))
if (choice>=3 or choice == 0):
print("Invalid value")
elif choice == 1:
min = float(input("Enter time in minutes = "))
hour = min/60
print("Time in hours = ",hour,"hr")
elif choice == 2:
hour = float(input("Enter time in hours = "))
min = hour*60
print("Time in minutes = ",min,"min")

1. Convert minutes in hours
2, Convert hours in minutes
Enter your choice in number(1 or 2) = 1
Enter time in minutes = 180
Time in hours = 3.0 hr

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6. Write a python code to swap the values of two variables a and b, using
multiple assignment statements.

a,b = 10,15
a,b = b,a


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22. Program to implement ‘guess the number’ game .

import random
number = random.randint(10,50)
ctr = 0
while ctr<5:
guess = int(input("Guess a number in range 10..50:"))
if guess == number:
print("You win!! :")

if not ctr<5:
print("You losse :(\n The number was",number)

Guess a number in range 10..50:5
Guess a number in range 10..50:27
Guess a number in range 10..50:12
Guess a number in range 10..50:39
Guess a number in range 10..50:50
You losse :(
The number was 47

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