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Citizenship Articles 2

By Jagadish

Citizens have right to stay in the country even though they marry foreigner under democratic rights

Marriage is the right of every citizen of choice to choose

What can an individual do if he is more knowledgeable than citizens of country

He is forced to marry outside the country for solace

Democratic rights of nation give the provision to marry anyone

In India such marriages are called as Anglo-Indian marriages

They are still stationed in nation in smaller areas of countries

When such marriages were accepted before why not continue it

Nobody has legal right to decide the fate of other citizens be it prime minister of country himself be

In India nation should facilitate people to choose their life partner

Jobs which discriminate and not allow a candidate to choose his will such organizations should be closed

Knowledge now a days is rampant but many have discarded it as they are not rich to handle it

It is intellectuals with huge information under their brains always like to become rich

If nation doesn’t have bride who is rich, it is evident that bridegroom would look outside his community

To feel safe and to protect himself a candidate must be given permission to choose his life partner

World is huge but country is to be broad minded to see the safety of citizens

To be alive society has put many conditions, to keep oneself intact people should be brave to survive

Hence a democratic nation like ours should facilitate knowledgeable partner to accept each other to

keep each other intact and alive in a world of villains

Moral ethics teaches that good people be it any religion from can marry if they prefer to be alive
Marrying stupid's is not acceptable as there is nobody rich available, go outside the box and search

T0 protect the family a democratic nation is best solution to be intact and to fight for survival instead of

dictatorship world of hooligans of nation

Thought of the day

In a world of villains even your own family relative can create stumbling blocks in marriage of yours


Citizens of nation to determine who should be rich and who should never have money

Citizens donate money to the needed or to terrorism under the heading of patriotism

Terrorism call themselves as freedom fighters and rich donate to share money with them as idealism

This would make the existing ruling party vulnerable as money is flowing in without effort

If citizens are given power to decide the fate of rich donation under control terrorism can be controlled

Those citizens who indulge in increasing death through funding are removed from rich


Biography written on them

Remove passive income through court interference

Keep salaries of rich within check through diversified political funding

Every month pay money to authors who are productive than funding to terrorism

Give terrorism a chance to elect themselves to political party stature

Citizens public mandate to see issues raised by freedom fighters as genuine case to take up or not

Citizens decide who to be rich based upon reasoning and biography written on candidate

Citizens decide rich people through entrepreneurship creation and employment generation

Those who don’t indulge in employment creation can lose money through institutional tie ups

Institutional tie ups should be governed by public and advised by public where rich should invest

Citizens direction is countries direction and creation of employment is rich class duty

Thought of the day

Freedom fighters should be paid money and do terrorism on the basis of military acceptance


Citizens who do fraudulent transactions and are caught, loans aren't sanctioned to them by bank

Recently state bank of India did a fraudulent transaction which finance minister didn’t like

If any bank or individual in higher position does fraudulent transaction, he should be penalized


Every individual takes loans as dependency to create huge wealth is limited in our nation

Usually through loans most of the education and personal loans are sorted out in nation’

If such loans are discarded to individuals who are unethical towards country correction can be made

Any project to take place requires money and if transaction is curtailed automatically wisdom is gained

Banks deny loans to those who are wicked else unethical in approach
How does bank benefited if all transactions are curtailed which can generate to them huge money?

Pass it on transaction of unethical people through courts

Pay a minimum court fees and get knowledge of how to set up a contract which is enforceable by law

Work it out number of parties who are affected with the transaction and generate a document

This document is submitted to the court and court approval project is fought for and won

Projects which are small or marginal in law perspective view point mobile courts do the transaction

Thought of the day

Courts and their acceptance to keep democracy intact


Death which happens in other countries of big stalwarts should be received in documentation form

Big stalwarts die in other countries

They should never ever visit other countries after 60 other than medical health reason

If at all they visit foreign they should submit their medical health to government organization

In case they die in foreign a detailed report should be submitted by foreign doctors to home country

A detailed analysis should be submitted , with medical autopsy done for home country to consider

Who is big stalwart and who is small stalwart is determined on the strength of family support

Family should pay the medical report to foreign autopsy to determine the exact death

Refund of money back to family by insurance is discretion of insurance agent in home country

If political wing set is involved in knowing the death of the candidate and is concerned he is big stalwart
Proper reports of autopsy should be submitted at files of politicians table through family reports

Entire procedure to be completed as early as possible is considered to be safest path of relations

Tourism of big stalwarts in other countries should be channelized through embassy and consulate

Without intimating the embassy about arrival and departure the candidate cant enter foreign soil

Embassy would determine whether to consider the person of home country is big stalwart or not

To be considered to be made to spend money in foreign soil to have safe passage or not

Money spending is big stalwart headache in which country can't sponsor for his visit to foreign

Embassy would facilitate the path; candidate has to pay in accordance with safety net

If big stalwart can't pay the money charged by the embassy the big stalwart has to stay in the homeland

Outside the country embassy determines the path and direction, candidate has to agree

Embassy intimates to the foreign soil about arrival and departure and all procedures to be carried out

It is embassy and consulate which if stationed in foreign soil big stalwarts can enter else stay home

Thought of the day

Embassy and consulate are catchwords for big stalwarts to spend money and be safe in foreign soil


Foreigner who is prosecuted in India for breaking the rule has right to take lawyer from his country

Foreigners can make mistakes in any country

He needs protection from going to jail

If found guilty by police administration foreigner can pick up his own country lawyer to fight his case

Anyone has the legal right to choose his own lawyer to protect himself from doing injustice accidentally

Till the lawyer comes to the country of crime the candidate is not put in jail but is given house arrest

Once the lawyer comes to the ashore to look at his client , the candidate is put under trial

During the trial process till the candidate is proven guilty the foreigner is treated with house arrest

Similar cases of high profile also can be put under house arrest in our nation unless found guilty

Putting in candidate under jail is last resort , hence house arrest means staying in home with guard

Foreigner has the right to forward his case to his nationality for review

Till the review and verdict heard in the court is matched with foreign soil court

the candidate is house arrested and never molested

Once the verdict is announced the candidate can review it in his motherland and tally it up

Till then he is under house arrest having the choice under his belt to spend in jail either in motherland

Or in country of crime

If the candidate choses motherland to spend the verdict details of what has happened should be

Intimated to the supreme court whether he has spent the verdict or was freed up by motherland court

Details of these are to be reported by the foreign soil court to Indian court

Being a democratic nation , verdict spending is in the hands of the foreigner

Thought of the day

Democratic rights and voice raised by the defense to spend time of verdict in mother land through

courts mutual acceptance

Citizens can remove operating system or take operating system of their choice through united nations

When operating system is costly citizens can voice their opinion and bring down the prices of os

When operating system is costly citizens can easily put their petition to supreme court to lessen price

When operating system is costly citizens can easily put petition to politicians to lessen the price

When operating system is costly citizens can specify which part of knowledge they like to lessen price

When operating system is costly citizens can access information and lessen price through CEO help

When operating system is costly citizens can petition it to united nations and lessen the os amount

When operating system is costly citizens can reduce the price through request of sponsorship

Operating system usually should work on torrent

Operating system usually should work on sponsorship

Operating system usually should work on knowledge freedom

Operating system usually should work on insight of public

Operating system usually should give insight to authors work

Operating system usually should act as collaborator to CEOs desk work

Operating system usually should act as facilitator to citizens knowledge either free or paid

Operating system usually should act under membership fees to facilitate costly knowledge to doorstep

Thought of the day

How much to charge per month to CEO benefit to see knowledge pass through hands of public

All citizens have to pay membership fees to united nations for enrolling into operating system

Corona virus is spreading

Humans are victims of diseases

Institutions need money

Money is fuel to the economy

75% of the economy is run by rural sector

Knowledge is still not widespread

Illiteracy is huge and increasing

First duty of mankind is to allocate finance in the hands of institutions

Hence membership fees of say 500rs per month per person can save lives as is seen now in corona case

So pay money and give a helping hand to fellow citizens to give them additional life as yours

Those who are miser can never succeed in life as they are always saving money

Those who spend money and need money in near future are the ones selected to become rich

Forced to work in earth is opportunity to be wealthy

Those who sit in the house and know nothing about the world are paupers

Internet is the doorstep to do jobs in the home

This can only be worked out when membership fees is paid by employees

The more you pay money and be ethical, diseases would be miles away

because of availability of medication many people lives can be saved

Mongolians killed many people in their lives

We are civilized and not barbarians

Work in multiple source jobs and do hard work

Pay membership fees per individual and save the lives of public
Thought of the day

Diseases are the root cause for demise of humans, it is nothing to do with Hindu yugas to live longer


Operating system if proven unethical or playing dubious role not acceptable to public is removed

Operating system which removes away wealth from the nation creating void situation os is removed

Operating system which leads you to warfare because of excess cash accumulation os is shifted to UN

Operating system which provides knowledge to children and provides employment os is kept

Operating system which increases the basic industry and removes consumerism market os is removed

Operating system which makes a state government independent os is removed

Operating system which eliminates diseases and creates institutions in to the country os is kept

Operating system which enhances and upgrades the walls of country home ministry os is kept

Operating system which increase knowledge of the country and allows right to information os is kept

Operating system which develops technological growth and keep nation intact os is kept

Operating system which improves the agricultural output through collaboration os is kept

Operating system which develops brotherhood and improves the relations of global village os is kept

Thought of the day

Keeping brotherhood of nations and generating employment to citizens is duty of operating system

Any company or individual must work for the welfare of humanity to sustain in the country

Individuals must groom up entrepreneurship for fellow citizens to gain access to marriage

Individuals must groom up knowledge by assigning tasks to becoming authors

Individuals must groom up all the subjects and never concentrate on one area of specialization

Individuals must groom up sports in nation to avail of pension through sports institution

Individuals must groom up PhD for further enhancement in terminologies in the earth

Individuals must groom up courts and give them insight into atrocities through court fees

Individuals must groom up internet so that jobs in the market place can sustain without tension

Individuals must groom up experience certificate so that jobs are secured and safe in the nation

Individuals must groom up the society without civil war and solve problems through collaboration

Thought of the day

Employment generation is the key issue to solve any problem on earth and to keep family intact


Companies must explain everything to citizens when asked for through media mandatory

Companies govern the health of citizens

Companies govern the wealth of citizens

Companies govern the portfolio management of citizens

Companies govern the income of citizens

Companies govern the pricing strategy of citizens

Companies look at knowledge of citizens

Companies look at insight of PhD in consumer durables

Companies govern the mind of citizens

Companies share wealth of citizens

Companies govern the income of citizens through day time work load

Companies govern the expenditure of citizens through day time income shared with night time hawkers

Companies govern the knowledge of citizens through day time earnings shifting to PhD works

Day time work is income of citizens

Afternoon time of work load is income and expenditure of citizens

Night time companies snatch away savings of the day time workers

Day time workers earn income through exchange of work or sharing work through dependency

Night time entrepreneurs earn income through day time earnings of work done in 18 hours time


Jagadish earns income by doing job in internet

He earns income through writing

This writing is dependent upon what others are writing about

Through writing of other Jagadish does PhD and earns wealth

If PhD is not done world would not move forward

He gets income for the day through earnings done by creating something which is not into existence

He gets income by discovering something which others could not find out during space of time allotted
Jagadish spends money on movies which is after hard days work

The expenditure is removal of savings of the day to keep Jagadish fresh to work next day

The next day again Jagadish does PhD and earns income for the family of his

Again, he spends money for food and stay for the day

He loses savings and whatever is left earned is kept in bank

Hence companies have to explain why they exist and why Jagadish type earn income whether legal or


Companies are legally bound to give benefits to the citizens by making them responsible for the

purchase for which due weightage of utility is to be given for the money taken from him

The more expenditure Jagadish does, less the savings for the day

Expenditure determines the income of the day

It is not income of the day

It is money spent after the day determines his health., wealth and knowledge

So companies have to decide where they can earn income at end of the day

Companies have to determine which areas of geography people have more income to spend

Companies have to determine where to set up their up scale market to gain income for them

Companies have to determine where the business is huge and where those citizens reside and why

Thought of the day

It is companies which determine the income, expenditure and savings of the citizens

hence answerable to public as they govern the society and provide direction through


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