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Opening Statement of Councilmember David Grosso, Member

Committee on Government Operations Markup of

FY2020 Budget Report and Recommendations
June 24, 2020

I want to recognize you and your team efforts and hard work put in compiling the FY21 budget
amid this unprecedented and challenging time we are in.

I recognize that hard choices must be made given the shortfalls in revenue our city budget is
forecasting but we must make sure that our budget priorities align with that of our residents in
greater need.

This public health emergency has impacted us all in different ways. And this budget season is a
unique opportunity we have in front of us to put the city not just in a position for a dynamic
economic recovery path but also to lay the groundwork for an even better, fairer and more
inclusive city.

I am concerned about the budget cuts proposed by the Mayor to community offices, OHR and
the OAH which are offices already struggling to provide the adequate level of services to meet
our community needs.

I also appreciate your leadership Chairman Todd for advancing our bill in your Committee and
protecting access to reproductive health care and abortion providers in DC by accepting
funding from the Education Committee for “the Strengthening Reproductive Health
Protections Amendment Act of 2019” which funds 2 FTEs at the Office of Human Rights.

I want to thank Councilmember Silverman and the Committee on Labor and Workforce
Development for the transfer-in of $1,879,183 and 10 FTEs for OHR to work on paid leave
enforcement, which is very critical to its proper implementation.

Thanks to the Committee on the Judiciary & Public Safety for the transfer provided to enhance
OHR’s capacity for coordinated education and response on hate crimes, funding 1 FTE, Public
Affairs Specialist to work on these issues.

I am incredibly pleased to see the Committee found resources to restore 3 FTEs in the
Investigations Unit at OHR removed by the proposed Mayor’s budget.

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Although, those 3 FTEs are much needed to allow OHR to continue providing the important
work they do in eradicating discrimination, increasing equal opportunity, and protecting
human rights for DC residents, it is not enough. This would simply leave the office with the
same staff level than the current year not at the capacity it needs to be.

OHR has doubled its size over the last six years, in terms of enforcement authority, personnel,
and budget. It has been difficult for the office to adjust to the growing caseload which is
outpacing the its capacity to manage and respond to cases in an effective and timely manner.

OHR currently and historically has faced challenges in terms of not having adequate staffing to
respond to the growing caseload and backlogs. Now, it is the time to support this office and its

I also have concerns about the defunding of the FTE that serves as the Bullying Prevention
Coordinator. In a response to me earlier this year, then-Director Palacio indicated that the
bullying prevention coordinator role was vacant, and OHR was actively seeking to fill the role,
but for FY21 that’s funding has been eliminated.

While our students may be engaged in distance learning, bullying does not stop. Schools need
the helpful and vital resources of the bullying prevention coordinator to use as guidance, and
parents need it to help improve student outcomes.


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