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Name:________________________________Section: _____________________Score:______
Subject: ______________________________Teacher: _____________________Date: ______
Activity Title: ________________________________________________________________
Type of Activity (Concept notes, summative, formative)_______________________________
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Difference between Computer Hardware and Software

Definition Devices that are required to store and Collection of instructions that enables a user to
execute (or run) the software. interact with the computer. Software is a program
that enables a computer to perform a specific task,
as opposed to the physical components of the
system (hardware).
Types Input, storage, processing, control, and System software, Programming software, and
output devices. Application software.
Function Hardware serve as the delivery system for To perform the specific task you need to complete.
software solutions. The hardware of a Software is generally not need to for the hardware
computer is infrequently change, in to perform its basic level tasks such as turning on
comparison with software and data, which and responding to input.
are “soft” in the sense that they are readily
created, modified, or erased on the
Examples CD-ROM, monitor, printer, video card, QuickBooks, Adobe Acrobat, Google Chrome,
scanners, label makers, routers and Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Apple Maps
Interdependenc Hardware starts functioning once software To deliver its set of instructions, Software is install
y is loaded. on hardware.
Failure Hardware failure is random. Hardware Software failure is systematic. Software does not
does have increasing failure at the last have an increasing failure rate.
Durability Hardware wears out over time. Software does not wear out over time. However,
bugs are discover in software as time passes.
Nature Hardware is physical in nature. Software is logical in nature.

Activity 1
Instructions: Identify the following whether it is computer HARDWARE or
SOFTWARE. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

_____________1. It requires to store and execute (or run) the software.

_____________2. It does not wear out over time.
_____________3. It serves as the delivery system for software solutions.
_____________4. It is generally not needed to perform its basic level tasks such as turning on
and responding to input.
_____________5. The collection of instructions that enables a user to interact with the computer.

Activity 2
Instructions: Identify whether the following example is computer HARDWARE or
SOFTWARE. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

_____________1. Modems
_____________2. Apple Maps
_____________3. Printer
_____________4. Microsoft Word
_____________5. Monitor

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