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Good News New Humanity’s Newsletter

E d i t i o n 6 , D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 0


Introduction - Let’s talk about Earth! 1

Cambodia - My name is Uk Chem and this is my story 2

Cambodia - Discovering each other at the seaside 3

Cambodia - Working in communion 4

Myanmar - From the field to your table 4

Myanmar - Where collecting the fruit of the Earth is so hard 5

Introduction - Let’s talk about Earth!

Today we would like to talk about the In these pages we can not to answer
earth. The earth that feeds us, that these questions, but just tell you
gives us work, that is so fundamental some stories of brave people, of
in developing countries...and for all farmers who believe in their work
of us! and who have the courage to wake
Did you know that Myanmar is the up every morning with the idea of
first producer of rice in South East creating a brand new start.
Asia, with a daily per capita produc-
tion of 190 Kg? And rice, according We will also share with you some
to the Ministry of Agriculture, repre- news about what’s going on in New
sents only the 39% of total crop Humanity and about our projects.
sown area. We hope you will enjoy your reading!
And did you know that
also Cambodia has a
rice surplus and is pro-
ducing new quality va-
rieties for export? And
that the Country can
also count on a good
production of cotton
and pepper?

How does it come that

farmers are so poor?
How is it possible that
people are still starv-
Associazione New Humanity Edition 6, December 2010

Cambodia - My name is Uk Chhem and this is my story

I am Uk Chhem and I am 61 years old. I live
in Kompong Chhnang province and I spend
my time working as a farmer. I have a large
family: my wife, 4 daughters and 4 sons.
In 1985 I got an accident, I stepped down
on a landmine near to my village while I was
going to catch some fish in the lake.

Nowadays I live in another village called

Pum Thmei (“New Village”); over here I
have a plot of 7,000 m² for rice cultivation,
one of the main activities in this province
together with fishing. Every year I use to
harvest between 1,200 to 1,800 kg of rice,
but the amount of rice collected depends on
the raining season because we do not count
on an irrigation system. With little rain, we
just collect little rice to eat. For example, in
2008 I collected about 1,200 Kg of rice, this
quantity was consumed by my family in 6 Uk Chem and his wife feeding the poultry
months only, so after that I had to look for
other activities to get some money and buy the of my efforts I was selected to hold a Small
rice for the other half year. Model Farm for poultry rearing. New Humanity
Besides rice cultivation I used to raise some provided me with 8 hens, 2 roosters and some
animals like pigs and poultry, but even so, this materials to make the hen house for my poul-
activity before the training with New Humanity try, and then I started my experience. This year
could not generate extra income to cover other (2010) my poultry has increased from 10 to 135
expenses. I think I did not have enough experi- heads, I use some of these animals to feed my
ence and technique to raise properly these ani- family and some others to sell. I have gener-
mals. Very often my animals were sick or dy- ated this year an income of more or less
ing. I was not happy with those results, so in 900,000 riels (US$ 225). This money has
2009 I decided to apply for a training course helped us to buy more rice and to cover other
provided by the “Mobile Training Center for Ag- expenses. For the coming year I have only 18
riculture Development” of New Humanity. hens and 42 chicks: enough to begin all over
I was very eager to learn more, and because again!

Mr. UK Chhem, is a Beneficiary of New Hu-

manity Cambodia. Article Prepared by Mr.

The province of Kompong Chhnang is located in the

central Cambodia, about 91 km to the north of the capi-
tal city Phnom Penh. Crossed by the Tonle Sap River,
the province covers an area of 5,521 km², i.e. 3.05 % of
the Cambodia land area. The total estimated population
is 531,517 people, that is to say 4.1 % of the total popu-
lation in Cambodia, with around 47.4 % of males and
52.6% of females. The majority of them are farmers.

The Cambodian administration is insured through 8

districts, 69 communes and 553 villages. The average
density is 99 people per km² and the sown area is
132,252 hectares.
In the 2 districts of Boribor and Tuek Phos, where NH
implements its activities, the land for rice cultivation is
equivalent to 39,668 hectares. Irrigation systems (canal,
pond, and small lake) cover 35 % of the land, when 65
% depend completely on the rain ration.
Uk Chhem and his family
Associazione New Humanity Edition 6, December 2010

Cambodia - Discovering each other at the seaside

A dream comes true!! New Humanity’s staff Samboun, Chamroeun and Ravy told us abut
had expressed the desire of spending some their experience. Some of them have been
happy time together, with the opportunity to working with New Humanity for 15 years, oth-
know each other outside the working context. ers only for a few months. They have different
The staff is in fact composed by 71 persons languages, religions and backgrounds, but they
who work in different and distant places, at all share the same values.
Phnom Penh, Kandal, Kompong Chhnang, Trying to express in a word the meaning of
Mondolkiri, and we barely have the chance to New Humanity’s work in Cambodia, we found 5
meet who works far from us. keywords: honesty, family, solidarity, gener-
Thanks to the support of Cam to Me and of osity and gratitude.
a private donor from Hong Kong this idea Trying every day to work honestly and collabo-
has become reality. rating, in order to be near to the most vulner-
On the 20th of October, early in the morning, able and to become active characters of a posi-
we all gathered in Phnom Penh and we left to- tive change within society.
wards Kompong Saom, in the south of Cambo- Hervé, NH Country Coordinator, thanked all the
dia, where a wonderful sea was waiting for us. staff for the daily commitment and encouraged
The trip took a long time, more or less 5 hours, us to go on working responsibly, reminding us
and we filled 2 buses. As we arrived at Kom- that many friends, from all over the world, are
pong Saom, just the time to settle down and… supporting our job. Every moment has been full
straight to the beach! We swam, we played, we of participation and joy.
took pictures and we enjoyed the food sold on On the 22nd, after a last greeting to the sea on
the beach. Ream Beach, we left and everyone returned to
In the evening we organized a sort of role play his place. Only 3 days, but very intensive. A
and it has been amazing to see how every col- good atmosphere, the joy of staying together,
league transformed in a funny comedian. moments that create deeper relationships and
The following day some colleagues were in- that renovate our strengths, helping us in our
vited to share with the group their experience in daily work.
New Humanity. Thanks for giving us this opportunity!
As I said, the staff was numerous and it was
the first time that some colleagues had the Stefania Agatea
chance t meet each other. Veasna, Saokea, CML e Health Advisor New Humanity
Associazione New Humanity Edition 6, December 2010

Cambodia - Working in communion

Since the Law on the Protection and Promotion
of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has
been adopted and promulgated by Royal De-
cree in July 2009 after years of debate, more
attention has been brought in favor of this vul-
nerable sector.
Recently the Ministry of Social Affairs Veterans
and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY) has organ-
ized a Special Education Training for Com-
munity Based Rehabilitation (CBR) centers
conducted in Kampong Chhnang Town. The
positive sign of this first step is the work in col- Learning how to draw: a child working with his teacher
laboration between government agencies and
NGOs involved in the sector, for the organiza- der three focal points: prevention, community
tion of this meaningful activity whose main ob- based rehabilitation, and basic education. In the
jective was to bring better service for people second day, a field exposure was organized in
with physical and intellectual disability within the 4 CBR centers of NH. Then the group was
CBR centers. divided in 4 subgroups to facilitate their experi-
The ministry was represented by its staffs from ence.
the provincial office and civil society was repre- After this mutual collaboration, the MoSVY rep-
sented by 12 representatives from different resentatives and members of other NGOs
NGOs currently working with CBRs (Hagar, Ca- showed their appreciation for all the work
ritas, Rabbit School, New Humanity, etc). The that has been done by our organization, re-
training lasted 2 days and the first day was garding especially the functioning of CBRs in
dedicated to strengthen participants' under- rural setting where the approach and situation is
standing on different type of disability such really different from the capital Phnom Penh.
as autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome or Article and Photo by Mr. Chandy Cheng, Disability
epilepsy. All these issues were approached un- Program Manager

Myanmar - From the field to your table

Chopping, Cutting, organized by New Humanity. Some fruits, such
Boiling, Frying, Mix- as papayas, mangos, tamarinds and bananas,
ing...No, this is not are in fact difficult to sell in the local market be-
the advertising of a cause overproduced, but after being cooked,
new multifunctional these products can instead be easily sold. This
tool that can’t miss in is the reason why New Humanity has organized
your’s just a training on food processing, giving the atten-
the description of dants the opportunity to learn a new income
what happens during generating tool. The first edition of the training
the Training on was held in October in Nam Latt Farm and was
Mixing the fruit with sugar Food Processing addressed only to women.
Associazione New Humanity Edition 6, December 2010

Myanmar - Where collecting the fruits of the Earth is so hard

For the rural communities in the Shan State, where, thanks to the assistance of a qualified
and for every rural community all over the world, staff, they can find the answers to their doubts
the EARTH is everything: feeding, work, earn- and new solutions.
ings, passion. The main goal is to enable rural communities to
From the earth they can collect the fruit of their improve and increase their agricultural outcome
labour and, as a consequence, the possibility and, as a consequence, their living conditions.
for them and for the whole community to live. The project started in July 2009 and we still
Myanmar in particular funds its commercial ac- have a long way to walk: New Humanity is giv-
tivity on agriculture, thank to its long tradition ing many inputs to the farmers and in the future
handed down from one generation to an other, we count to see a better collaboration among
to the good climatic conditions, to the fertile sole rural communities. The interest of the benefici-
and to the work of rural communities that habit aries is high and all farmers are eager to learn
most of Myanmar’s territory. more and more. This brought us to organize
With such a rooted tradition and with an avail- more activities and to involve also women, who
ability of land that every other Country envies, represent the driving force of agricultural activity
Myanmar in 2010 should be amongst most de- in Myanmar.
veloped Country regarding the primary sector. NH is enlarging its sphere of activity. Thanks to
Unfortunately, reality barely meets expectations. the collaboration with the local NGO Rural De-
The choice of closing to the external world velopment Society, we are realizing engineering
taken by the Government halted agricultural de- interventions aimed at improving the irrigation
velopment and innova- system and the provision
tion. The reality is lack of of drinkable water to the
knowledge on fertilizers villages. We are also ex-
and natural preserva- perimenting together with
tives, deforestation, poli- the farmers the cultiva-
tics regardless of the tion of new vegetables,
environment. the distribution of quality
New Humanity works seeds, the construction
in Taunggyi, in the of building for rice stor-
south Shan State, with age and conservation,
the purpose of increas- the provision of simple
ing and improving agricultural machines
practical skills and A farmer in the greenhouse that can help the farmers
know how among the in their daily work.
farmers living in Kong Long. New Humanity or- The ultimate objective of the project is to enable
ganizes several training courses and accompa- rural communities to become independent and
nies farmers in the managing of agricultural ac- competitive and to become autonomous in the
tivities. future.
NH has now become a permanent presence in By now, we are sure that hard work and col-
the Region, in order to always stay in touch with laboration between New Humanity and rural
the beneficiaries, and manages 2 Agriculture community will bring good fruits.
Service Centers, places where farmers can
buy material and seeds at a fair price and Silvia Bonotto, Program Manager in Taunggyi
New Humanity is a volunteer, non profit and apolitical humani-
tarian organization, founded in 1992 in order to work in South-
Eastern Asia.

New Humanity’s vision is a society where everyone, according

to his needs and capabilities, can receive the appropriate edu-
cation and assistance and can contribute to the development
of his own community, whether rural or urban.
Associazione New Humanity New Humanity’s main commitment is the promotion of educa-
tion as a fundamental weapon in the crusade against poverty
and social exclusion, thanks to the affirmation of the dignity
and the rights of every man.

Currently New Humanity works in Cambodia and Myanmar

through the implementation of programmes aimed at promot-
Via Mose Bianchi 94 ing the social and human development of the whole popula-
20149 Milano tion. New Humanity’s activity focuses on education, rural de-
velopment, health and professional training.

New Humanity works in the respect of the principles of subsidi-

Tel.: 02 4382373 arily, reciprocity, joint responsibility and cooperation, promot-
ing local capabilities and implementing its programmes in step
E-mail: with development plans of local authorities and international


With a donation you can support New Humanity’s activity and our projects on behalf
of the population of Cambodia and Myanmar.

Make a donation to:

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