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The Battle of Bamajeda

By Jake Care
In this micro gamebook, you will be pitted against a malevolent sorcerer who wields dark
magic. However you have powers of your own to defend yourself.
This fight gives you many different attack options, like Way of the Tiger, a variety of
powers and abilities like DestinyQuest, the ever-changing combat from Sword of the
Samurai’s battle with the undead samurai, the diversity of opponent’s attacks from
Blackstaff Adventures, impressive 1-on-1 mechanics like Duelmaster, and many extra’s
of my own!

You Will Need

-A copy of the Battle Sheet
-A pencil, an eraser
-One die
-A standard deck of 52 cards (i.e. no jokers)
-A copy of the Spell List (Optional)

Your Character and Set up

You are fairly well built and so start off with 100 Hp. Every time you take damage,
deduct the amount of damage taken from your Hp. Keep track of your Hp with the Battle
Sheet. If ever you reach zero Hp, you are dead, and have lost the game.
You also have a choice of spells and techniques to equip your character with. On the next
page you will find a list of techniques, from which you may choose 10. Note these down
on your Battle sheet.
Take the deck of cards, shuffle them and place them face down in your Draw Pile. When
you discard cards place them face up in a Discard Pile adjacent to the Draw Pile. When
you have run out of cards in the Draw Pile, Shuffle the Discard Pile and replace it on the
Draw Pile. Finish drawing cards if necessary.

During this adventure you will be pitted in combat, hence it is important to understand
how combat works. You must record your enemy’s Hp on your Battle Sheet and keep
track of it throughout the entire combat. To work out the combat follow the steps bellow.

1. Your turn: Choices: At the beginning of combat you may choose to move to a
new location via choices given to you in the text below the combat. Follow the
instruction in the text and then turn to the section corresponding with your choice.
Go to step 3 of combat.
2. Your turn: Technique: Choose a technique from your list of chosen techniques on
your Battle Sheet. Discard required cards to pay the cost of using the technique
and apply the effect of the technique. If you are unable to use any of your
techniques you may discard cards at the cost of 10Hp per card discarded.
3. Between turns: Draw cards until you have five cards in your hand.
4. Chthon’s Turn: Attack: Roll one die and consult you opponent’s attack chart.
Follow the instruction under his attack chart. Apply damage and turn to new
sections as needed. Then return to step 1
Techniques Explanation
You will notice that each spell on the technique list below there are three columns; one
saying the name of the technique, one with a cost, and the last with the effects. When you
choose to use a technique you must first discard cards from your hand in order to pay the
cost of the technique

Paying the cost of a technique is as follows: Examine the first combination of number
and suit. Discard cards from your hand of the same suit as in the cost, whose face values
sum equal to or greater than the number in the cost.
For example: 7♦ could be paid for by discarding the seven of diamonds, or by discarding
the five of diamonds and four of diamonds at the same time (which would be greater than
the cost, but potentially the only combination in your had that would satisfy the cost)
Follow the same method for every number and suit under the cost of the technique. If
multiple suits are given along with a number, you may use cards of any of the suits
indicated to pay the cost.
For example: 10♠♣♦♥ could be paid for with the two of hearts, the six of clubs, and the
three of spades.
If there is an “n” in place of the number, then you may choose how much to pay.
For example: 10♦, n♦ could be paid for by discarding the seven of diamonds, and the
five of diamonds to pay for the 10♦, then by choosing to discard the nine of diamonds to
pay for the n♦ you have an “n” value of nine.
If there is “all” in place of the number, then you must discard all cards in your hand of the
indicated suits to use the technique.
For example: all ♠♣♦♥ would indicate that you have to discard your entire hand.
IMPORTANT: all face cards have a value of 10. Ace has a value of 1.

Under the Effects section, if you see “Damage” then you may subtract however much
damage is dealt from your opponent’s Hp.
For example: 10 Damage would indicate you can subtract 10 from your enemy’s Hp.
If you see “Hp” you may add however much Hp is indicated to your Hp. This cannot take
you over your Full Hp score.
For example: +10 Hp would indicate that you may add 10 to your Hp.
If you see “Card” then you may add however many cards are indicated to the number of
cards you would normally draw during the Mid Turn combat step.
For example: +2 Cards would indicate that you may draw until you have seven cards in
your hand during the Mid Turn combat step.
The Technique List
Name Cost Effect
Slice 5♣ 10 Damage
Fire 7♦ 10 Damage
Levitate 10♠ Allows you to fly
Maul 10♣, n♣ 15+n Damage
Heal 5♥, n♥ +n Hp
Nimbus 10♦, n♦ 5+n Damage, +1 card
Dark Rain 7♠, 4♥ 10 Damage, +5 Hp
Smash 7♣, 7♠ 16 Damage
Chi Strike 7♣, 7♦ 20 Damage
Lightning 7♦, 5♠, 12 Damage, +1 Card
Cataclysm 5♣, 5♥, n♦♠ n Damage +5 Hp
Curse 5♦, 5♠, n♠♣♦♥ 5+n Damage
Blast 5♦, 5♠, 5♥, n♠♣♦♥ 15+n Damage
Leech 10♠, 10♥, n♠♣♦♥ n Damage, +n Hp
Aurora 2♦, 2♠, 2♣, 2♥ 5 Damage, +5 Hp, +1 card
Transform 5♦, 5♠, 5♣, 5♥ +10Hp, +2 Cards
Hypergrade 7♦, 7♠, 7♣, 7♥ Choose a suit. Draw cards, placing cards from
the chosen suit into your hand, and discarding all
others. Finish drawing when your hand is full.
Transmute 10♠♣♦♥ Choose a card in your hand. That card may now
be considered of any suit. Discard the card at the
end of your next turn, regardless of whether it is
used or not.
Charge Up 30♠♣♦♥ +3 Cards
Song of Youth n♠♣♦♥ 16-n Damage (must spend one card to use this
ability, i.e. n≠0 for this spell)
Reflect all ♠♣♦♥ Roll a die and compare to Chthon’s chart. Apply
any damage under the effects column to Chthon.
Follow any instructions telling you to discard
cards after the Mid Turn combat step. Ignore all
instruction to turn to different sections.

Techniques that require ♣ are generally melee attacks using your powers to add to your
body. These moves generally cause more damage than others.
Techniques that require ♦ are generally magical techniques using your powers to create
enchanted moves.
Techniques that require ♠ are generally spiritual moves, combining yourself with nature
and higher power.
Techniques that require ♥ are generally healing techniques. You will usually regain Hp
when using these techniques.
You have been hunting Chthon for quite some time. The dark mage is a master of
trickery and has eluded your many traps and snares. You have just barely been able to
track the flight of Chthon. Eventually you find yourself in front of the gates of the
fortress Bamajeda. You push open the heavy iron gates and walk inside. You stride into
the great hall of Bamajeda and look around; you see nothing, until you look up to the
balcony looking over the great hall. Chthon’s gaunt face is peering down at you from the
“You’re end is nigh!” you call up to him, as you ascend the steep staircase up to the
“I believe you are mistaken young mage,” Chthon drawls, “You have never faced me in
person and you do not know the extent of my powers; I am giving you this final change
to leave, otherwise I shall be force to extinguish you and your meddling ways
permanently.” The dark mage taunts.
“Never. Prepare for vengeance.” You utter, as you raise your hands to cast a spell.
Go to 1
Battle Record


Full Hp: 100
Current Hp:

Your Techniques
Name Cost Effect


Full Hp: 100
Current Hp:
Chthon draws a glimmering Xiphos; a Greek battle sword. In his other hand there is a
crackle of electricity; magical bolts of lightning arc from his palm.
“You have just made your last mistake.” Chthon spits as he advances towards you. You
prepare to fight.

Roll Technique Effect

1&2 Slash 20 Damage, -1 ♣ card
3 Zap 20 Damage, -1 card
4 Fly Chthon jumps up onto one of the beams over top of the hall.
Go to 4
5 Move Chthon jumps over the balcony down to the main hall; Go to 3
6 Blast 25 Damage. You are knocked from the balcony onto the hall
below; Go to 2

-If ever any of your attacks does over 25 damage in a single hit, then you have knocked
Chthon off the balcony on to the hall below; he takes 5 extra damage as he slams into the
ground below. He picks himself up and continues the fight; go to 3

- During step 1 of combat you may choose to go down to the hall; if you jump over the
balcony take 5 damage, unless you cast Levitation. Alternately run down the staircase;
Chthon gets a free attack at you; roll for an attack, but do not follow instructions to go to
other pages. Go to 2

- During step 1 of combat you may choose to jump to one of the beams spanning over the
main hall; Chthon gets one free attack at you while you jump over; roll for an attack, but
do not follow instructions to go to other pages. However if you cast Levitation you are
able to fly over without penalty. Go to 8

If you reduce Chthon to zero Hp, go to 10

You look up from where you are standing in the great hall to the balcony where Chthon
stands; he has his Xiphos sheathed and uses both hands to hurtle magical attacks down
upon you.

Roll Technique Effect

1&2 Rain of knives 25 Damage, -1 card
3 Lightning 20 Damage, -1 ♦ card, -1 ♣ card
4 Rain of fire 25 Damage
5 Fly Chthon jumps over the balcony down to the main hall; Go to 6
6 Move Chthon jumps up onto one of the beams over top of the hall.
Go to 5

-Chthon takes no damage from any moves that require ♣

-During step 1 of combat you may choose run up to the balcony; while running up the
stairs however Chthon gets a free attack at you; roll for an attack, but do not follow
instructions to go to other pages. However you may cast Levitation and fly up to the
balcony without Chthon getting a free attack. Go to 2

-During step 1 of combat if you cast Levitation then you may fly up to one of the beams
spanning over the main hall; Go to 5

If you reduce Chthon down to zero Hp, go to 10

You look down over the balcony where Chthon stands confidently in the greal hall; he
has sheathed his Xiphos and now uses both hands to send magical attacks up at you.

Roll Technique Effect

1&2 Detonate 20 Damage
3 Fireball 20 Damage, -1 ♦ card
4 Telekinesis 20 Damage. Chthon uses his powers to throw you over the
balcony onto the ground before him; Go to 6
5 Fly Chthon flies up over to the balcony to face you; Go to 1
6 Power leap Chthon jumps up onto one of the beams over top of the hall. Go
to 4

-Chthon takes no damage from any moves that require ♣

-During step 1 of combat you may choose to go down to the hall; if you jump over the
balcony take 5 damage, unless you cast Levitation. Alternately run down the staircase;
Chthon gets a free attack at you; roll for an attack, but do not follow instructions to go to
other pages. Go to 6

-During step 1 of combat you may choose to jump to one of the beams spanning over the
main hall; Chthon gets one free attack at you while you jump over; roll for an attack, but
do not follow instructions to go to other pages. However if you cast Levitation you are
able to fly over without penalty. Go to 7

If you reduce Chthon down to zero Hp, go to 10

Chthon leaps across the rafters and beams that span the ceiling of the great hall. He faces
the balcony all the while, never taking his gaze from you. His Xiphos is sheathed at his
side, and he flings spells at you with one hand while using the other for balance as he
dodges and jumps his way along the support beams.

Roll Technique Effect

1&2 Bolt 20 Damage, -1 ♠ card
3 Leech 20 Damage, -1 ♥ card, +15 Hp
4 Telekinesis 20 Damage. Chthon uses his powers to throw you over the
balcony onto the ground. Go to 5
5 Leap Chthon jumps from the beams onto the balcony to face you;
Go to 1
6 Drop Chthon drops down from the beams to the hall. Go to 3

-Chthon takes no damage from any moves that require ♣

-If ever any of your attacks does over 20 damage in a single hit, then you have knocked
Chthon off the beams and he falls down to the hall below; he takes 5 extra damage as he
slams into the ground below. He picks himself up and continues the fight; go to 3

-During step 1 of combat you may choose to go down to the hall; if you jump over the
balcony take 5 damage, unless you cast Levitation. Alternately run down the staircase;
Chthon gets a free attack at you; roll for an attack, but do not follow instructions to go to
other pages. Go to 6

-During step 1 of combat you may choose to jump to one of the beams spanning over the
main hall; Chthon gets one free attack at you while you jump over; roll for an attack, but
do not follow instructions to go to other pages. However if you cast Levitation you are
able to fly over without penalty. Go to 7

If you reduce Chthon down to zero Hp, go to 10

You are in the great hall, while Chthon looks down at you from the rafters. He leaps
above you nimbly from beam to beam. He uses both hands to cast spells that drop
explosive dark energy upon you. You prepare yourself for another blast.

Roll Technique Effect

1&2 Dark Detonation 25 Damage, -1 card
3 Lake of flames 25 Damage
4 Erupt 20 Damage, -2 cards
5 Leap Chthon jumps from the beams onto the balcony; Go to 2
6 Drop Chthon drops down from the beams to the hall to face you.
Go to 6

-Chthon takes no damage from any moves that require ♣

-If ever any of your attacks does over 20 damage, then you have knocked Chthon off the
beams and he falls down to the hall below; he takes 5 extra damage as he slams into the
ground in front of you. He picks himself up and continues the fight; go to 6

-During step 1 of combat you may choose run up to the balcony; while running up the
stairs however Chthon gets a free attack at you; roll for an attack, but do not follow
instructions to go to other pages. However you may cast Levitation and fly up to the
balcony without Chthon getting a free attack. Go to 4

-During step 1 of combat if you cast Levitation then you may fly up to one of the beams
and face Chthon; Go to 9

If you reduce Chthon down to zero Hp, go to 10

You and Chthon face eachother in the great hall of Bamajeda. Chthon spins his Xiphos in
his hands as he strides towards you confidently. You prepare yourself for his next

Roll Technique Effect

1&2 Whirl of blades 20 Damage, -1 ♣ card 
3 Shatter 20 Damage, -1 ♦ card, -1 ♥ card
4 Stun 15 Damage. Roll for Chthon again; i.e. skip your turn.
5 Fly Chthon flies up over to the balcony; Go to 2
6 Power leap Chthon jumps up onto one of the beams over top of the hall.
Go to 5

-During step 1 of combat you may choose run up to the balcony; while running up the
stairs however Chthon gets a free attack at you; roll for an attack, but do not follow
instructions to go to other pages. However you may cast Levitation and fly up to the
balcony without Chthon getting a free attack. Go to 3

-During step 1 of combat if you cast Levitation then you may fly up to one of the beams
spanning over the main hall; Go to 7

If you reduce Chthon down to zero Hp, go to 10

You scurry and leap across the beams trying desperately to keep balance. You can almost
see a snicker on Chthon’s lips as he looks up at you from the great hall. With his Xiphos
sheathed he ignites flames is both palms and throws them up towards you.

Roll Technique Effect

1&2 Blast 25 Damage. Chthon’s blast not only burns you, but also
destroys the beam you are on, you fall to the ground; Go to 6
3 Freeze 20 Damage, -1 ♦ card, -1 ♥ card
4 Infernal flames 20 Damage, -1 card
5 Fly Chthon flies over to the balcony. Go to 8
6 Power leap Chthon jumps up onto one of the beams to face you. Go to 9

-Chthon takes no damage from any moves that require ♣

-During step 1 of combat you may choose to jump down to the hall; take 5 damage. In
addition Chthon gets one free attack at you as you recover; roll for an attack, but do not
follow instructions to go to other pages. You may avoid all penalties by casting a
Levitation spell Go to 6

-During step 1 of combat you may choose to jump down to the balcony; Chthon gets one
free attack at you while you jump over; roll for an attack, but do not follow instructions to
go to other pages. However if you cast Levitation you are able to fly over without
penalty. Go to 3

If you reduce Chthon down to zero Hp, go to 10

You scurry and leap across the beams trying desperately to keep balance. You can almost
see a snicker on Chthon’s lips as he watches you from the balcony. With his Xiphos
sheathed he uses both hands to send a curse towards you.

Roll Technique Effect

1&2 Blast 25 Damage. Chthon’s blast not only burns you, but also
destroys the beam you are on; Go to 6
3 Curse of bones 20 Damage, -1 ♥ card
4 Infernal binding 20 Damage, -1 ♠ card
5 Leap Chthon jumps up onto the beams to face you; Go to 9
6 Move Chthon moves down to the hall. Go to 7

-Chthon takes no damage from any moves that require ♣

-During step 1 of combat you may choose to jump down to the hall; take 5 damage. In
addition Chthon gets one free attack at you as you recover; roll for an attack, but do not
follow instructions to go to other pages. You may avoid all penalties by casting a
Levitation spell Go to 2

-During step 1 of combat you may choose to jump down to the balcony; Chthon gets one
free attack at you while you jump over; roll for an attack, but do not follow instructions to
go to other pages. However if you cast Levitation you are able to fly over without
penalty. Go to 1

If you reduce Chthon down to zero Hp, go to 10

You and Chthon dance from beam to beam. Chthon’s Xiphos whistles through the air as
he slashes at you mid-jump. With his other hand Chthon throws dark magics at you. The
two of you fight while trying your best to keep balanced.

Roll Technique Effect

1&2 Blast 25 Damage. Chthon’s blast not only burns you, but also
destroys the beam you are on; go to 6
3 Electric blade 20 Damage, -1 ♥ card
4 Smite 20 Damage, -1 ♠ card
5 Leap Chthon jumps from the beams onto the balcony; Go to 8
6 Drop Chthon drops down from the beams to the hall. Go to 7

-If ever any of your attacks does over 20 damage, then you have knocked Chthon off the
beams and he falls down to the hall below; he takes 5 extra damage as he slams into the
ground below. He picks himself up and continues the fight; go to 7

-During step 1 of combat you may choose to jump down to the hall; take 5 damage. In
addition Chthon gets one free attack at you as you recover; roll for an attack, but do not
follow instructions to go to other pages. You may avoid all penalties by casting a
Levitation spell Go to 5

-During step 1 of combat you may choose to jump down to the balcony; Chthon gets one
free attack at you while you jump over; roll for an attack, but do not follow instructions to
go to other pages. However if you cast Levitation you are able to fly over without
penalty. Go to 4

If you reduce Chthon down to zero Hp, go to 10

Your find blow knocks Chthon off into the air, and his body crashes down onto the floor
of the great hall. He does not rise. He is finally dead. You approach the corps, almost
expecting it to leap back onto its feet once more. You take his Xiphos from his hand and
stand the proud victor of your epic battle.

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