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~ I ~ ~ ~ AND


R. 0. Veliz and J. R. Souza

Center for Telecommunications Studies - CETUC
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro - PUCRio
Rua Marques de S%oVicente, 225 -
22453-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil


The propagation characteristics of short electric pulses on lossy, coupled microstrip lines is thoroughly
investigated using fullwave methods. It is shown that mode coupling is the main cause of pulse distortion. and that
it can be controlled by appropriate choice of the substrate coniposition. The results obtained indicate the
feasibility of VLSI circuit with high conductor density, keeping the crosstalk and distortion due to mode coupling
under control.


In VLSI circuits. short electric pulses are not only affected by the intrinsic frequency dispersion of the
transmission lines, but also by the small interline spacings. which introduce undesired coupling to adjacent lines.
The net results of these effects are the distortion of the signal pulse and crosstalk. The adequate design of such
circuits then requires a rigorous study of the propagation characteristics (mode coupling, dispersion, attenuation)
of the transmission lines along which the pulses are transmitted.

This paper presents a thorough investigation of the propagation characteristics of short electric pulses on lossy,
coupled microstrip lines, considering single- and double-layered substrates. Due to the high frequency contents of
short pulses, it is necessary to use fullwave techniques for this analysis. The well known Spectral Domain
Approach (SDA) was, due to its ease of fomiulation and accuracy. chosen for the calculation of the phase and
attenuation constants of the microstrip lines An algorithm based on the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is used to
simulate the pulse propagation along the transmission lines. The present analysis goes beyond the ones found in
the literature, e. g. [l], [2], as losses due to imperfect ground planes and substrates are fully taken into account.
The possibility of controlling mode coupling through adequate choice of the substrate coniposition is also

For signals propagating on a pair of coupled lines, ?he distortion mechanism can be conveniently analyzed with
the odd- and even-mode formalism [3], where each mode is described by a distinct propagation constant:.

Even-mode: yze(o)= rxzs(m) +jfi,,(o) ; Odd-mode: yZo(m) = a,,(o) +.ipzo(o) (1)

Considering that an input signal V(t,z=O) is applied to only one of the coupled lines (say, line l), after a
propagating distance D the signals on the two lines, V,(t,z=D) and V,(t,z=D), can be expressed as:

V, (t,z=D)=$’ { 3[V(t,z=O)J .ex-[-yaY(m)D]

.cosh(A.y,D) } (2)

where 3 represents the Fourier Transform, and

0-7803-2674-1/95/$4.00 8 1995 IEEE. a42 SBMOllEE IvlTT-S IMOC’DS Proceedings

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The equations (2) and (3) above can be used to calculate the transient response of the coupled lines. The Fourier
transforms are calculated with the FFT algorithm, while the odd- and even-mode propagation constants are
rigorously calculated via the Spectral Domain Approach 131461.


3.1 Coupled microstrip lilies with single substrate

Initially, the Spectral Domain Approach (SDA) was used to calculate the propagation constant of the coupled
microstrip lines over a suf'ficiently wide frequency range, considering lossy, single-layered substrate, and lossy
ground plane. The latter is easily incorporated in the SDA formulation simply by representing it as an extra
substrate layer [6].The results obtained for the odd- and even-mode propagation constants are shown in Figure 1,
for different values of the substrate conductivity The dispersive nature of the c:oupled microstrip lines is clearly
seen in this figure. It is observed that the phase and attenuation constants of the even-mode are 1,argerthan those of

Lossy coupled microstrips Lossy coupled microstrips

w=OSmm h=0.635mm ~,=12.2
1 s=l .Omm t=0.012mm u,=4.1 E ~ s / ~ P

un = 0.000 S/m
uh = 0.025 S/m
uh = 0.075 S/m
U h = 0.125 s/
3.2 v

0 c
Qa 2 40.0
3.0 0

T !20.0

i t

0.0 bW,
,-, ,
, , ,
10 -j 1 lb 10'
Frequency (GHz:I

(4 (b)
Figure 1 : Variation of the even- and odd-mode normalized phase (a) and attenuation (b) constants with frequency for a
pair of coupled microstrip lines, considering different values for the substrate conductivity.

the odd-mode at the lower frequencies. At very high frequencies, the two modes become degenerate, and are
equivalent to the mode propagating in a single strip of 5ame dimensions. These results indicate that mode
coupling is fundamentally i% low frequency phenomenon, as the electrical distance between the strips increases
with frequency, thus reducing the amount of coupling.

Next. a Gaussian pulse of 30ps (FWHM) was launched along line 1. The resulting pulse after propagation along
the line, for a distance of 4Cl.Onim, and the pulse coupled to line 2 are shown in Figures 2-a and 2-b, respectively.
Different values were considered for the substrate conductivity, as indicated in these figures, which a150 show two
other pulses for comparison: one propagated along a dispersion and loss free transmission line, which presents no
distortion; another one propagated along a single microstrip line of the same width as the coupled lines. Figure 2-a
shows that the pulse along line 1 was strongly distorted: its amplitude was severely reduced, while its width
increased considerably. Cornparing this pulse with that propagated in a single microstrip line 171, it is observed
that the former suffers greater distortion, indicating the importance of mode coupling. Figure 2-b shows the signal
coupled to line 2, whose magnitude reflects the strong coupling between the two lines. It is also seen in Figures 2
that the substrate conductivity affects mostly the amplitude of the pulses, with little distortion. This means that the
difference in the mode attimuation constants does not contribute much to the coupling, and hence to pulse
distortion. These results agree with those of reference [2].

The effect of the separation between the conductor of the coupled mcrostrip lines was also investigated. For this
purpose, four different values of the strip spacing were considered, representing the cases of stroiig, moderate and
very little coupling: S = 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0nini. A low conductivity substrate was chosen for Ithis investigation
(rrh=0.025S/m) The attenuation and phase constants calculated for the odd- and even-modes are shown in Figures
3-a and 3-b, respectively. 'The results confirm that, as the strip spacing increases, the odd- and even-mode


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attenuation and phase constants tend to those of a single microstrip line of the same width, as the coupling
between the lines reduces.
Lossy coupled microstrips
Lossy coupled
h=0.635mm E =12.2
''O 44 w=0.5mm h = 0 . 6 3 5 m m e,=12.2
s = l Omm t=0.012mm ut=4.1E7S/m
s=l.Omm t=0.012mm u,L4 1E7S/m

4 -0.0 ......
Undistorted i
......... isolcted line ' ,'

1 - uh = 0.000 s / m .',:
uh = 0.025 S/m
uh = 0.075 S/m
m u , = 0.125 S/m i
' 5 0 - -05 ; , > I , I I I I I , I l I I I t # I I I Z I I I / I I I I , I I / /I , I I / / I I \ 8 r r W - r

300 350 400 450 500 550 300 350 400 450 500 550
Time (DS) Time (ps)

(a> @)
Figure 2: Pulse distortion along coupled microstrip lines, for different value of the substrate conductivity: (a) Line
1, (b) Line 2 . (FWHM = 30ps, z = 40").

3.6 Lossy coupled microstrips

w=0.5mm ah=0.025S/m
27.0 h=0.635mm c,=12.2
t=0.012mm al=4.1E7S/m


g\ 22.0
= 0.5 mm (even mode
s = 1.0 m m
s = 2.0 mm



1::- ............
3 .............................P......................
.' ,.'
. . . . .,x&x+:.:<<.:.!.!x:


Frcsuencv fGHzl
10 -' I 10 10'
Frequency (GHz)

(4 (b)
Figure 3 : Variation of the odd- and even-mode normalized phase constant (a) and attenuation constant (b) with
frequency, for different values of the separation between the pair of coupled microstrip lines.

Next, the effect of the strip separation on a Gaussian pulse of 30 ps (FWHM) was investigated, and the results are
shown in Figure 4. The pulse was launched in line 1, and Figure 4-a shows the pulse shape after a propagating
distance of 40.0". For the smaller separation (S = 0 5mm), the effects of a strong mode coupling are clear: the
pulse is considerably distorted, and its amplitude is reduced to less than half of the original value. The
deformation experienced by the pulse is such that it is almost divided in two. The pulse coupled to line 2 is shown
in Figure 4-b; its magnitude and shape confkn the strong coupling. This pulse is similar in amplitude and shape to
that in line 1, except for an inversion of the peaks. These results illustrate the odd- and even-mode formulation
for coupled lines [3]: for strong mode coupling, the temporal response of the lines show a separation of the even
and odd pulses, i. e.. an in-phase pair of pulses appear in line 1, while in line 2 the two pulses have phase
difference of 180". Figure 4-a also indicates that, as the separation between the conductors increases, the pulse in
line 1 is less affected by mode coupling: its amplitudes increases, and its shape tends to that of a pulse propagating
along a single inicrostrip line. On the other hand, the amplitude of the pulse in line 2 decreases, indicating a
reduction in the amount of coupling as the conducting strips are moved apart.


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Lossy coupled microstrips LLossy coupled micirostrips
w = O , 5 m rn rrh=O. 025S/m w=0.5mm oh=0.025S/m
h=0.635mm E,-12.2 h=0.635mm c,=12.2
t=O.OlZrnm ol=4.1E7S/m t=0.012mm 1 E7S/m

0.5 -
s = 0.5 mm
= 1.0 mm
s = 2.0 m
-s = 4.0 m


Ms = 0.5 rnm
s = 1.0 mm
drQdrcdrs =2 0 mm
- s = 4.0 mm
-- isoloted line
530 Illrllrlnl"n
330 380 430 480 530
Time ( p s )
Time (ps)

(a) CO>
Figure 4: Pulse distortion along lossy, coupled microstrip lines, for different values of the sepalration between
the conduc:ting strips: (a) Line 1, (b) Line 2 (FWHM = 30ps, z = 40m1n).

3.2. Coupled microstrip lines with composite substrate

One technique that allows a considerable reduction of mode coupling, and hence the crosstalk in coupled lines is
known as substrate compeinsation [SI. This technique consists simply in a composite substrate, with an extra layer,
with a lower dielectric constant, between the original substrate and the ground plane. In ordler to maintain the
dimensions of the structurle, the total thickness of composite substrate is made equal to that of the original layer.
e extra layer considereid here has a dielectric constant ~,=2.2and conductivity o=O.OSOS/m. Three different
thickness combinations of the composite substrate layers were considered: hl/h2=0.318/0.3 18, 0.159/0.476,
0 102/0.533, which will, from now on, be refened to as C1, C2, C3, respectively. Again, the structure was
characterized in temis of the odd- and even-mode normalized phase constant and attenuation constant. The results
obtained for the phase constant, considering two values of conductor separation (S), are shown in Figure 5 .

It is seen in Figure 5 that ithe various combinations of the composite substrate control the difference between the
odd- and even-mode phase constants For a conductor separation S=l.Omm (Figure 5 - 4 , this difference is
minimum for the second combination (C2), while for S=O.Smm (Figure 5-b), the minimum difference is obtained
for the third conibination (C3). There exists one at least one combination that equalizes the odd- and even-mode
phase velocities. In Figure 5, with combinations C2 and C3 smaller pulse distortion is expected, as illustrated in
Figure 6 and 7 for a Gaussian pulse of 30ps (FWHM)

Figure 6 confirms what was said above: the greater (or smaller) equalization of the odd- and even-mode phase
velocities, produced by the combinations of the composite substrate, results in weaker (or stronger) coupling
between the lines or, in other words, little (or much) pulse distortion. For comparison, Figure 6 also shows (in
dashed line) the pulses corresponding to the case of a single substrate layer. It is seen that the composite substrate
leads to more favourable results, for any of the layer combinatiosn, than the latter. With combination C2, which
provided the smaller difference between the odd- and even-mode phase velocities, the pulse in line 1 (line 2) has
larger (smaller) amplitude. This results follow from the significant reduction in the mode coupling due to substrate

Thc results shown in Figure 7 are similar to those in Figure 6. In this case, the substrate combination C3 now
affords the better conditions for pulse propagation with minimum distortion due to mode coupling.

It is worth mentioning that the pulses obtained after equalization of the odd- and even-mode phase velocities
present less distortion than pulses propagated along a single microstrip line of siinilar dimensions as one of the
coupled lines. This means ithat substrate compensation can not only control mode coupling, but also improve the
dispersive characteristics of the transmission line.

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3.5 Lossy coupled microstrips
Lossy coupled microstrips w=0.5mm s=OSmm
w=0.5mm s = l .Omm h=0.635mm r,=l2.2
h=0.635mm c -12.2
t=0,012mm u'14 I E ~ S / ~ c r l = 2 . 2uh,=0.050S/m
E,,=z.z uh,=o.d.GoS/m 3.0 c,=12.2 u,=0.025S/m
3.0 e a = l 2.2 ~,~==0.025S/m

B 2.5 2.5
a a

1: 2.0

Sm* hl=hZ=h/2=0.318mm
waea hl=0.159mm h2=0.476mm
hl=O.lOZmm h2=0.533mm

10 10
hl=0.159mm h2=0.476mm

frequency (GHZ)
Frequency (GHz)

(4 (b)
Figure 5: Variation of the normalized phase constant with frequency for the odd- and even-modes of a pair of
coupled microstrip lines, considering a composite substrate (S=l .Omm and S=O.Smm).

LOSSY coupled microstrips

Lossy coupled microstrips w=OSmm cII=2.2 ea=12.2
w=0.5mm c,,=2.2 re=12.2

s=l .Omm t=0.012mm ul=4.1 E7S/m
s=l.Omm t=O.OlZmm ut=4.iE7S/m
- h l =h2=h/2=0.318mm
hl=0.159mm h2=0.476mm
h t =0.102mm h2=0.533mm
T '.O - - single substrate (c,=12.2)

, I
, ,I

I ,
* I

,, *,
, I

, I

z -0.0

- - h l =h2=h/2=0.318mm
%we& h l =0.159mm

, , , ,, , , ,, , , ,
hl=0.102mm h2=0.533mm
......- single substrate (~,=12.2)
, , , , , ,, , , , , , ,? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
250 350 450 550 250 350 450 550
Time ( p s ) Time (ps)

(4 (b)
Figure 6: Pulse distortion in lossy, coupled microstrip lines for different substrate combinations: (a) Line 1, (b) Line 2
(FWHM = 30ps, z = 40").


Based on the Spectral Domain Approach, a rigorous investigation of short electric pulse propagation along
coupled microstrip lines was carried out considering the material losses. It was observed that mode coupling,
originated by thc different odd- and even-mode phase velocities, was the main cause of pulse distortion. For the
small loss structures considered here, the different mode attenuation constants do not contribute much to pulse
distortion. It was shown that substrate compensation is an effective way reducing mode coupling and, in
consequence, pulse distortion, even for very small spacing between the conducting strips.

This work was supported by TELEBRAS - Telecomunicaqdes Brasileiras S.A. under the contract
PUC-TELEBRAS 5 1 ~ 9 3 .


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t,o ~ Lossy coupled niicrostrips Lossy coupled microatrips
w=OSmm c,,=2.2 cn=12.2 w=O.Smm ~ , ~ = 2 .cn=12.2
i s=0.5mm : = 0 ~ 1 2 m m ut=4.tE7S/mw s w
1 --- hl =h2=h/2=0.31 Bmm
maw hl=O.l59mm h2=0.476mm
hl=O.lOZmm h2=0.533mm
.__ single substrate ( ~ , = 1 2 . 2 )

- h l =hZ=:h/2=O.J18mm
h l =O.l!59mm h2=0.476mm
h 1 =O. 102mm h2=0.533mm
. single substrate (c,=12.2)
... -.

(a) (b)
Figure 7: Pulse distortion in lossy, coupled microstrip lines for different substrate combinations: (a) Line 1, (b) Line 2
(FWHM = 30ps, z = 40").


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