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PSSXXX10.1177/0956797620941482BauerGreater Sensitivity in the Wake of a Publication Controversy

Psychological Science

A Call for Greater Sensitivity in the 1­–3

© The Author(s) 2020
Article reuse guidelines:
Wake of a Publication Controversy
DOI: 10.1177/0956797620941482

Issue 2 of Volume 31 of Psychological Science (2020) My purpose with this editorial is to describe the
included the article “Declines in Religiosity Predict process of review of this article in Psychological Science
Increases in Violent Crime—but Not Among Countries and to reflect on our editorial responsibility when we
With Relatively High Average IQ,” authored by Cory J. evaluate any work, but especially work that has broad
Clark, Bo M. Winegard, Jordan Beardslee, Roy F. Bau- societal implications, and on whether we met our
meister, and Azim F. Shariff (pp. 170–183). The abstract responsibility in the case of this now-retracted article.
of the article summed up its message: “lower rates of I also reflect on ways that we can make the editorial
religiosity were more strongly associated with higher process more sensitive to the broader impacts of the
homicide rates in countries with lower average IQ. research we consider for publication in Psychological
These findings raise questions about how secularization Science without introducing undue wariness about pub-
might differentially affect groups of different mean cog- lishing work on important topics. In considering my
nitive ability” (p. 170). The authors’ conclusion was comments, it is important that readers keep in mind
based on analysis of relations among national levels of that the Association for Psychological Science (APS) is
religiosity, rates of violence, and IQ. In discussing their committed to academic freedom and does not interfere
findings and their implications, the authors made a with the editorial handling of or express opinions about
number of statements that have been interpreted as the scientific papers it publishes and that the statements
politically charged and that some members of the aca- of any author published in any APS journal are not
demic community interpreted as racist. Other members necessarily the views of APS.
of the community questioned not only the claimed The now-retracted article underwent a comprehen-
implications but also the empirical foundation on which sive review process. The Action Editor ( Jamin Halber-
they were based. Still others questioned how the manu- stadt) recruited four scholars with relevant expertise to
script came to be published in Psychological Science. review the submission; one of the reviewers was a
Following a great deal of public, and no doubt pri- noted statistical expert. Another one of the reviewers
vate, debate, the authors of the article requested that had been recommended by the submitting authors. Per-
it be retracted. As Editor in Chief of Psychological Sci- mitting recommendations (as well as oppositions) is
ence, I honored the authors’ request and have formally standard operating procedure at the journal. All four
retracted the article ( scholars provided thoughtful, detailed, and generally
7620941437). Under most circumstances, formal retrac- positive reviews of the submission. On the basis of
tion would bring the episode to a close. But we are these reviews and his own independent evaluation of
living under anything but normal circumstances. We the manuscript, the Action Editor invited a revision. The
are living under high global anxiety associated with a authors responded to the comments, critiques, and sug-
pandemic that has infected 8.5 million people and gestions of the reviewers and made a number of sub-
caused the death of almost half a million people world- stantial revisions to the manuscript. On receipt of the
wide (The Wall Street Journal, 2020). Across the globe, first revision, the Action Editor recruited the same four
there is enormous political strife. There are economic reviewers, who once again provided substantive reviews
downturns that bring the threat of recession and even and recommendations for further improvement. The
depression, and with them, rising inequality. And there authors then undertook another round of substantial
is a constant current of racial and ethnic conflict that revision of the manuscript and resubmitted it. The sub-
in the best of times is just under the surface and in mission then underwent a third round of revision in
times of stress, crests with intensity. This is the context response to comments and suggestions from the Action
in which Psychological Science published an article that Editor and then Editor in Chief, Steve Lindsay. In short,
concluded that “secularization might differentially affect the manuscript received a thorough review from two
groups of different mean cognitive ability.” members of the Psychological Science editorial team
2 Bauer

and four independent reviewers. I conducted an after- I have concluded that we were not. We failed to rec-
the-fact review of the process and am wholly satisfied ognize that the message of this article could be inter-
that it conformed to the policies and procedures estab- preted to have racial overtones and thus could be
lished for review of submissions to the journal. highly controversial. We therefore failed to act to miti-
In the public discourse that surrounded the now- gate the potential harm to which the message could
retracted publication of Clark et al. (2020), some mem- contribute. We failed to provide a more direct, deliber-
bers of the academic community highlighted weaknesses ate, and explicit alternative perspective on the data and
in the empirical foundation on which the authors’ con- the conclusions of the article. We should not and will
clusions were based. The concerns were amplified by not shy away from publishing articles on sensitive polit-
the potential for the conclusions to imply racial differ- ical, social, and cultural issues. But what we must and
ences in IQ that may contribute to differences in the will do is exercise greater care in our handling of all
relation between religiosity and moral behavior, as submissions, including those on sensitive topics.
indexed by violence. There were three primary mea- I am taking several affirmative steps to bring greater
sures in the study, all at the national level: religiosity, sensitivity to our editorial process. Going forward, I am
violence, and IQ. I am not aware of issues with the instituting a new policy for Psychological Science. In
country-level measure of religiosity. In the course of the case of potentially controversial articles such as the
review, concerns were raised regarding use of country- now-retracted article by Clark and colleagues, we will
level homicide rates as the proxy for moral and immoral arrange for an invited “Further Reflections” article
behavior. Concerns were also raised about the measures (or articles) that will be published along with the target
of national IQ used in the research; the measures tend article. Authors of “Further Reflections” articles will
to trend lower in non-Western, educated, industrialized, endeavor to place potentially controversial work in
rich, and democratic (non-WEIRD) countries. Ulti- broader context. They might highlight strengths and
mately, it was these concerns that led Clark et  al. to limitations in the measurement of key constructs in the
request that their article be retracted. Yet throughout work, evaluate the analytic approach, provide comple-
the process of review and response to review (and in mentary and potentially challenging alternative inter-
the now-retracted article itself), the authors defended pretations, and so forth. The intention is to explicitly
the measures. recognize that on many topics with which we deal in
Does my finding that the review process for this psychological science, there are concerns apart from
now-retracted article conformed to the policies and the reliability and robustness of our findings—we need
procedures established for review in the journal, and to do a better job of evaluating the validity of our work
that the authors defended the measures on which they and of anticipating its implications beyond our own
relied, mean that the process of review was without laboratories.
fault? No, that is not what I am saying. As social scien- We cannot know whether the approach of copublica-
tists, we have a responsibility to be sensitive to the tion of a “Further Reflections” article would have posi-
political, social, and cultural issues raised by our work. tively impacted the discourse surrounding Clark and
We have a responsibility to clearly distinguish between colleagues’ article. What is clear, though, is that through-
the measures we use and the theoretical constructs out the editorial process, we might have made different
those measures are intended to assess. To paraphrase decisions and taken more constructive action had we
Steve Lindsay, we have a responsibility to be appropri- been better informed about the issues. So that we might
ately modest in asserting our claims, clear in articulating be better educated in the future, I have invited two
the limits on the generalizability of our findings, and “Data Brief” articles on topics central to the now-
circumspect in our conclusions and their possible impli- retracted article, namely, homicide rates as a proxy for
cations (S. Lindsay, personal communication, June 15, violence (which in turn was used as a proxy for moral-
2020). We must be especially sensitive when the topics ity) and national IQ measures. I have asked the authors
with which we are dealing are associated with a history of these articles to place these types of measures in
of injustice and when the message of our work could broader context, to discuss their utility and their limita-
be inflammatory or incendiary. tions, and to evaluate the integrity of cross-national
In the case of the now-retracted article, some readers comparisons more broadly. I am hopeful that through
may debate whether the authors themselves were suf- these articles, the academic community will become
ficiently sensitive to these issues. It is not my place to better educated and thus more sensitive.
voice a perspective on that concern. It is my place to Going forward, the editorial team of Psychological
take a stand on whether in our handling of the manu- Science will be devoting greater effort to evaluating the
script, Psychological Science was sufficiently sensitive. validity as well as the reliability and robustness of the
Greater Sensitivity in the Wake of a Publication Controversy 3

measures used in the research we consider for publica- our obligation to consider the societal impact of the
tion, regardless of the topic. And because words matter, work that we publish.
we also will be paying closer attention that in the arti- —Patricia J. Bauer
cles we select for publication, there is a clear distinction Editor in Chief
between measures and theoretical constructs, that
claims do not outreach data, that limits on generaliz- Acknowledgments
ability are recognized, and that conclusions and their The author thanks Deanna Barch, Jamin Halberstadt, Steve
possible implications are conveyed in a socially sensi- Lindsay, Steve Snow, and others for consultation and com-
tive and scientifically responsible manner. These actions ments on draft versions of this editorial.
will make both our journal and our science more
socially responsible. References
I close with an apology to the field and the broader
society for any harm to which we contributed by pub- Clark, C. J., Winegard, B. M., Beardslee, J., Baumeister, R. F.,
& Shariff, A. F. (2020). Declines in religiosity predict
lishing research without sufficient sensitivity. In the
increases in violent crime—but not among countries
present case, I vigorously defend the editorial process with relatively high average IQ. Psychological Science,
to which the article in question was subjected. I also 31, 170–183. doi:10.1177/0956797619897915
reaffirm our commitment to publishing the highest The Wall Street Journal. (2020, June 19). Florida reports
quality science we can and to not refraining from pub- record high daily Covid-19 cases. Retrieved from
lishing articles on sensitive political, social, and cultural
issues. I further commit to acting in better accord with news-06-19-2020-11592556843

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