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Dental Silicate Cements: XII. The Rots.

of Water


Laboratory of the Government Chemist, Cornwall House, Stamford Street, London SE],

Variation of the phosphoric acid/water ra- undertaken. In particular, the chemical

tio used in the preparation of a dental sili- methods of studying the elution of specific
cate cement has profound effects on the ions from dental silicate cements6-9 were ap-
properties of the cement. Setting time, com- plied. It was hoped that, in addition to the
pressive strength, and resistance to attack practical aspect, some insight would be
by water and acids are among the factors gained into the role of water in the cement-
dependent on this ratio, and there is evi- ing reaction. The object was to establish
dence that cementing hydrates of definite optimum conditions and investigate the de-
composition have been formed in some in- pendence of various cement properties on
stances. this factor.
The influence of the phosphoric acid/water Materials and Methods
ratio in the preparation of silicate cements
on the properties of the final cement has
The concentration of phosphoric acid in
been long known but little investigated. the cement liquid is termed ( throughout
Poetschke,' in 1916, recorded the effect of this paper, ie, c =% w/w H3PO4.
the liquid composition on cement property, The experimental liquids used consisted
finding that there was an optimum phos- of aqueous solutions containing varying con-
phoric acid concentration for maximum centrations of phosphoric acid. The liquids
strength development. He also noted that were of two types: P-liquids, containing
the contraction of a cement on setting de- phosphoric acid only; and PAZ-liquids, con-
creased with increasing acid concentration taining aluminum and zinc in addition. The
and that with a high phosphoric acid con- latter are listed in Table 1. The generic for-
tent expansion could occur; this phenom- mula of the series can be represented as:
enon was later the subject of a careful study 0.0255 q % w/w Al; 0.133 o % w/w Zn;
by Ray.2 Wright3 observed that setting time ( % w/w H3PO4. Some of these liquids
increased with the acid concentration of the have been described by Wilson and Kent.'0
liquid; a similar observation has been made
by Paffenbarger, Schoonover, and Souder.4 TABLE 1
A paper by Worner and Docking5 repre- COMPOSITIONS (W/W%) OF MODIFIED
sents the most complete study in this field. PHOSPHORIC AcID LIQUIDS USED FOR
They confirmed the observations of previous
investigators and made a systematic investi- q (H3PO4) Al Zn H20
gation of the effect of acid concentration on 39.2 1.00 5.20 54.9
setting time, strength, and solubility. Their 44.1 1.125 5.85 49.4
results show that this parameter can have a 45.0 1.14 5.95 48.3
considerable influence on the characteristics 46.0 1.17 6.10 47.0
of the cement and that optimum conditions 47.0 1.20 6.22 46.0
for different properties do not coincide. 48.0 1.22 6.36 44.8
Since the acid content of the liquid is of 49.0 1.25 6.50 43.6
critical importance in optimizing cement 53.9 1.37 7.15 38.0
properties, an extensive investigation was 58.8 1.50 7.80 32.5
* In this series, the weaker members can be pre-
Received for publication December 25, 1968. pared by successive dilution of the strongest member.
308 WILSON ET AL J Dent Res March-April 1970
Cements were prepared for the majority hours. They were then quickly wiped with
of experiments using a powder* designated tissue paper and reweighed.
P-2 by Wilson and Batchelor.7 Cements are EVAPORATED WATER.-Standard cement
referred to as P-type or PAZ-type cements, disks were prepared and stored in a sealed
depending on the liquid. In a few experi- and clamped mold for 72 hours at 37 C.
ments a second brand of cement, C- 11t, The polythene seal was then removed, and
was used. the disks rapidly weighed. Evaporable water
Cement pastes were prepared by spatula- was removed by heating the disk, which was
tion at 20 C, using the usual specification mounted so that maximum surface area was
technics."1 12 The powder/liquid ratio used exposed, in an oven at 105 C for 24 hours.
was 4 gm/ml, except for certain C-I1 ce- After reweighing, the disks were heated to
ments. 150 C for 24 hours and weighed again.
PHYSICAL PROPERTIES.-Consistency, set- SURFACE.-Standard cement disks were
ting time, and compressive-strength deter- prepared at 20 C and transferred to an in-
minations were based on specification pro- cubator (at 37 C) three minutes after the
cedures,11 the details of which have been start of mixing. Four minutes later they
discussed previously.6'7 Some setting-time were removed, and the cement surface im-
measurements were made at 20 C as well as mediately exposed and examined for dulling
at 37 C. or crazing within one minute of exposure.
The procedure for determining compres-
sive strengths was modified so that figures Results
could be obtained for slow-setting cements. SETTING TIME AND CONSISTENCY.-The
After the cement cylinders (12 mm long X setting time of P-type cements (Fig 1) was
6 mm in diameter) were removed from the
sealed molds, they were stored in a humidi-
fier at 37 C and 95 to 100% relative hu-
midity for 23 hours before measurement.
were used in a number of experiments on
resistivity, water absorption, and water loss. 40 _
The standard disks were 20 mm in diameter
and 1.5 mm thick and were prepared as de- A Standard ADA technic
B At constant 20 C
scribed earlier.6 The disks were hardened in
an oven at 37 C for various periods of time.
depending on the experiment, before being
cement disks to aqueous and acid attack 2 A
was measured by use of the method de-
scribed by Wilson, Kent, and Batchelor.9 A
.01 M potassium hydrogen phthalate buffer
(pH = 4.0) was used for the acid condi- cl / ~~~~~~~A
tions. At the end of the experiment, all solu-
tions were analyzed for phosphate, silicate,
and sodium, using methods described pre-
WATER ABSORPTION.-Standard cement
disks were prepared and stored in clamped
molds at 37 C for one hour. The disks were
weighed and suspended in a humidifier
(100% relative humidity, 37 C) for 72 Concentration of liquid, 0/0 w/w H3P04
* Super Syntrex, Amalgamated Dental Co. Ltd.,
London, Eng. FIG 1-Setting time of cements prepared
t Terralux Ultra, Tahn-Porzellan, K. G. Hamburg. from unmodified phosphoric acid solutions,
Ger. P/L = 4.0 gm/ml.
found to increase slowly with p in the range
of 29 to 55, remain stationary in the range
55 to 65, and then increase sharply with p
above 65. Lower testing temperatures (20
C as against 37 C) resulted in prolongation
of the setting time, an effect more decided
at the higher p values. There was no varia-
tion of the consistency of cements with p.
strength/ p curves are shown in Figure 2.
P-type cements exhibited a maximum com-
pressive strength at p = 53 for both P/L
ratios; 2,250 kg/cm2 for a P/L 4 gm/ml
and 1,680 kg/cm2 for a P/L = 3 gm/ml. Concentration of liquid nfnw/w H3Po.
Compressive strength was found to vary
little when p ranged from 58 to 63. The FIG 3.-Ions leached into water during seven
days (ie, 1 + 6 days) from cements prepared
PAZ-type cement differed considerably; from unmodified liquids, P/L = 4.0 gm/ml.
maximum strength (2,810 kg/cm2) was at-
tained at a lower concentration (q = 49).
Decrease of the strength from the maximum
at lower p values was much sharper, so that
below p = 45, PAZ-type cements were
weaker than P-type cements. MuE

relating the amounts of phosphate, sodium,
and silica leached from cements into water, "4
at 37 C, to p were established (Fig 3, 4).
For P-type cements, phosphate-leach max- C

imums were found at p = 38 and p = 58,

with minimums at p = 49 and p = 63 (Fig
3). The sodium-leach curve was similar, ex-
cept that there was no maximum corre- 30 40 50 60
Concentration of liquid, %/O wlw H3 PC4
sponding to p = 58. The curve for silica
leach was found to be different, with only FIG 4.-Ions leached into water during seven
a broad minimum with <p from 49 to 60. days (ie, 1 + 6 days) from cements prepared
The corresponding phosphate-leach curve from modified liquids, P/L = 4.0 gm/ml.
for PAZ-type cements (Fig 4) is similar to
that found for P-type cements but with a minimum displaced toward lower p values.
(For PAZ-type cements p values were more
restricted.) The curves for sodium and sil-
ica leach were also similar to those for the
P-type cements, again with the position of
-Modified 4Gm/ml maximums and minimums displaced toward
-r lower p values.
relating to the amount of phosphate and
silica extracted from the P-type cements into
-3 Cmml "
acid solution (Fig 5) show that extractable
phosphate increased gradually with p in the
uI000- range of 29 to 49, then sharply to a max-

imum at p = 53, followed by a decrease

30 40 SO60 when p ranged from 53 to 75. Silica ex-
Concentration of liquid, %0 w/ow H3PO4 tracted decreased with c in the range of
FIG 2.-Compressive strengths of cements 29 to 53, the slope of the curve increasing
prepared from unmodified and modified phos- at p = 40. The curve was level in the range
phoric acid solutions. of 53 to 58. As p increased beyond this
310 WILSON ET AL J Dent Res March-April 1970
pressed as percentage by weight of the ce-
ment disk) is shown by a maximum of
c:8 1.1 1% w/w H20 at (p = 49 and a minimum
E of 0.85% w/w H20 at (p = 59. There is a
E rapid increase in water absorbed as (p in-
creases above 59.
r"- ,I EVAPORABLE WATER.-The evaporable
water in cements is considerably affected by
E ( at 105 C (Fig 7). Results are expressed
I -P25-
2[ as percentage fraction by weight of the ce-
ment disk (curve A) and as a percentage
fraction by weight of the total water (curve
30 40 50
Concentration of liquid,
60 70
B). The latter data were calculated from
the following equations:
FIG 5.-Ions extracted into buffer solution
(pH 4.0) during six days from cements pre- Wf = (a + 1 ) We,
pared from unmodified liquids, P/L = 4.0 gm/ (100-c)
ml; buffer composition, .OlM potassium hydro-
gen phthalate. where Wf is the evaporable water, expressed
as percentage by weight of the total water;
point, the amount of silica extracted de- WV is the evaporable water, expressed as
creased to a minimum at ( = 68, and then percentage by weight of the cement disk; c
increased rapidly. is the concentration of phosphoric acid, per-
WATER ABSORPTION.-The influence of ( centage by weight; and a is the powder/
on the imbibition of water by P-type ce- liquid ratio of the cement expressed as gm
ments from an atmosphere saturated with of powder per gm of liquid.
water vapor (Fig 6, water absorption is ex- Also

where 0 is the powder/liquid ratio expressed
conventionally as gm of powder/ml of liq-
uid and p is the density of phosphoric acid
at any particular concentration c.
3 Inspection of curve A shows that W, in-
creases slowly with (, to a maximum of
9.7% at p = 53. Thereafter, it declines rap-
idly above ( = 55. The Wf/ ( curve is more

-o i
-V I0 s


I~~~~~~~~ 20 40 60
phosphoric uoncrmtio
80o 5

20 40 60
phosphoric acid concentration FIG 7.-Water evaporable during 72 hours
at 105 C from cements prepared from unmodi-
FIG 6.-Water absorbed during 72-hour stor- fied liquids. Curve A, percentage weight loss
age over water by cements prepared from un- of cement; and curve B, percentage of total
modified liquids. initial water content lost.
complex, with a maximum at p =58 and a result of a lack of water in the system.
a minimum at 4 = 63. Vapor-pressure measurements1415 show that
SURFACE.-The phenomenon of dulling the activity of water rapidly declines above
and crazing of the cement surface when ex- 50% w/w H3PO4, and specific conductance
posed seven minutes after the start of mix- measurements'6 show that there is a decreas-
ing becomes evident above p = 45, when ing ionic mobility above 50% w/w H3PO4
using unmodified liquids (Table 2). Where (where there is a maximum conductance).
modified liquids have been used, the border The viscosity of phosphoric acid solutions
line appears to be about p = 46 to 47. are also known to increase sharply with con-
CEMENT SYSTEM C- 1 .-This material centration above 65% w/w H3PO4, and
was tested at a P/L ratio of 2.75 gm/ml by this would contribute to a decrease in ionic
use of liquid L-1 1 (c = 65) and also PAZ- mobility. These results are explained by
O (q = 49). The latter liquid could not be changes in the structure of the acid at about
used at 20 C, since the cement set on the 67% w/w H3PO4.17 In the p range of 45
slab. It was successfully mixed with PAZ-O to 50% w/w H3PO4, the phosphate groups
at 3 C with a P/L ratio of 3.63 gm/ml. are linked by water molecules to each other
Results (Table 3) show considerable depen- by hydrogen bonding. In the stronger acid,
dence on p and the mixing temperature. however, the phosphate tetrahedrons are di-
rectly hydrogen bonded to each other. This
Discussion has the effects of reducing the mobility of
SETTING TIME.-The gradual increase of the phosphate groups and causing the latter
setting time as 0 rises from 29 to 55 (Fig to compete for the water in the system, so
1) is to be expected, since the increasing reducing the amount of water available for
acidity will delay the precipitation of insol- the reaction. Water is required to act as a
uble phosphates and fluorides in the cement. solvent base for the setting reaction, to hy-
Previous experiments13 have shown that drate protons and to be available for the
acidity of cements increases with p. The formation of cementing hydrates. Hence, a
level region between p = 55 and p =63, deficiency of water results in an arrestment
shown by both curves, is difficult to explain of the reaction, and the acidity of the ce-
but suggests that there is more than one re- ment remains high. Conclusive evidence of
action mechanism. The rapid increase in this deficiency of water is given with the
setting time when p increases above 65 is discussion on water absorption.

P/L RATIO OF 4 gm/ml
0 (H3PO4) Unmodified Liquids Modified Liquids
44 Glossy, no crazing Glossy, no crazing
45 Slightly dulled, no crazing Glossy, no crazing
46 Dulled and crazed Dulled, no crazing
47 Dulled and crazed Dulled, slight crazing
48 Dulled and crazed Dulled and crazed
49 Dulled and crazed Dulled and crazed
50 Dulled and crazed Dulled and crazed
* A color-blended sample of P-2 was used, since crazing showed up more clearly
than when using a white cement.

P/ Rai _eprtr
P/L Ratio Temperature
Liquid (gm/ml) of Mixing Compressive Strength
L-1 1 (, = 64.9) 2.75 20C 700 kg/cm2
L-11 (o = 64.9) 2.75 3C 635 kg/cm2
PAZ-0 (o = 49) 3.63 20 C Set before completion
of mixing
PAZ-O (-o = 49) 3.63 3C 1,860 kg/cm2
~ .~=9
~ 3.
312 WILSON ET AL J Dent Res March-April 1970
COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH.-Compressive is one of the soluble species produced dur-
strength of cements may be taken as a mea- ing the course of the cement-forming re-
sure of the degree of cementation. Since it action.6
has been established by electron probe'8 and Confining the immediate discussion to P-
other studies'9,20 that these are phosphate- type cements, the rapid increase in leached
bonded cements, then clearly at some point ions with (p values above the minimum at
compressive strength must decrease with 4, 63, which correspond to similar increases in
simply because of a lack of sufficient phos- electrical conductivity,'0 can be attributed
phate. However, this explanation is insuffi- to two causes. First, the amount of cement
cient to account for the sharp fall in strength powder reacting must increase with the
from the maximum as ( decreases (Fig 2), phosphoric acid content of the liquid so that
which must be connected with the known a greater amount of soluble sodium dihy-
deleterious effect of excess water on silicate drogen phosphate is produced. Second, this
cements. It may be that below certain p increase in leached ions corresponds to sim-
values a noncement-forming hydrate is pro- ilar increases in setting time and water ab-
duced. For example, in portland-cement sorption, suggesting that lack of water in
chemistry it is known that only certain hy- these systems is inhibiting the cement-form-
drates have cementation properties. What- ing reaction. Both these causes result in ce-
ever the explanation, it is certain that a ments of higher ionic character.
sharp change in cement structure occurs. The increase in leachable ions below the
The decrease in strength as p increases other minimum, at ( = 49, results from the
above 63, which parallels the prolongation adverse effect of excess water in these sys-
of setting time in this region, can be attrib- tems on cementation. The complex situation
uted to the same fundamental cause, ie, in the optimum cementation region between
lack of water in the system leading to inhi- ( 49 and (p= 63 is difficult to explain in
bition of the setting reaction. This effect is the light of current knowledge, but is con-
further discussed with evaporable water. nected with the water-affinity phenomena
Although, as is to be expected, the max- discussed later in this paper.
imum strength for P-type cements varies The leached sodium/! and phosphate/!
with the P/ L ratio of the mix, the corre- curves for PAZ-type cements require no de-
sponding q values are identical (at 63) and tailed discussion, since they follow those of
thus independent of the P/ L ratio. The the P-type cements. There is, however, dis-
H20: H3PO4 ratio alone determines the po- placement of maximums and minimums to
sition of the maximum. Addition of modi- lower ( values. For any particular ( value,
fiers to a cement liquid results in a reduc- a PAZ-liquid will contain less water than
tion in the H20 :H3PO4 ratio at equivalent the corresponding P-liquid (because of the
phosphoric acid concentrations, thus ex- added modifiers). Hence, if water content
plaining the lower c value associated with is a controlling factor, the relative deficiency
the PAZ-cement of maximum strength. The of water in PAZ-liquids can only be reduced
greater maximum strength of the PAZ- by a decrease in (.
cement results from an increased packing The pattern of the leached silica/ ( curves
of the gel matrix with metal ions derived is different from the corresponding curves
from the liquid. for phosphate, the inference being that silica
WATER-LEACHABLE MATERIAL-.The ion and phosphate are not in combination. This
leach/! curves for both P-type and PAZ- deduction is consistent with known facts.2'
type cements (Fig 3, 4) are complex but The solution of silica into aqueous solution
broadly similar, both exhibiting maximums as orthosilicates or perhaps disilicates is
and minimums. The narrower range of p a depolymerization process; the amount
values used in establishing the curve for the leached will, therefore, be dependent on the
PAZ-type cements accounts for the absence degree of polymerization of the silica gel as
of a second minimum present in the curves well as the amount of silica gel produced
for P-type cements in respect to sodium and in the cement-forming reaction. Hence,
phosphate. there is an optimum acidity for gel forma-
The leached sodium/!( curves are similar tion, which would account for the minimum
to those for phosphate, which is to be ex- in the silica leach/! curve. The amount of
pected, since sodium dihydrogen phosphate silica eluted increases sharply below a (
value of 49 and is probably caused by ex- that a cement prepared from 75% w/ w
cess water in the cement. This point coin- H3PO4 would be expected to be weak; and
cides with a minimum in the phosphate this has been observed (Fig 2). Previously,
leach/ p curve and, therefore, represents a it has been shown by leaching studies and
region of maximum cementation where infrared analysis'9 that hydrated sodium di-
water is strongly bound as a cementing hy- hydrogen phosphate, NaH2PO4.H20, is a
drate. water-soluble constituent of dental cements
RESISTANCE TO ACID ATTACK.-These re- and that it is a deleterious species. The wa-
sults (Fig 5), obtained for P-type cements ter associated with it is nonbonding and
only, are difficult to explain. There is a can be easily removed. Its presence in quan-
change in slope of the P205 curve at c = tity would account for a high evaporable-
49, corresponding to the minimum in the water content. Since the amount of this spe-
aqueous leaching curves; otherwise, there is cies formed increases with q, the amount of
little connection between the two phenom- evaporable water will also increase.
ena. Unfortunately, the maximum at 0 = OPTIMIZATION OF CEMENT PROPERTY.-
53 coincides with maximum compressive The data assembled show that there is no
strength (Fig 2). The best cementing spe- one p value for either P-type or PAZ-type
cies is thus least resistant to acid attack. cements at which all cement properties may
At p = 49, as found in several commer- be optimized. Selection of a particular liq-
cial liquids, the amount of phosphate ex- uid must be dependent on the property con-
tracted into a pH buffer from a P-type ce- sidered most essential, or on some overall
ment is only 60% of that from a PAZ-type.9 balance between different properties.
WATER ABSORPTION.-The close similarity For P-type cements there is a clear choice
between the water absorption/! curve (Fig between strength and durability. Inspection
6), the setting time/! curve, and the phos- of the aqueous and acid-resistance data
phate leach/! curve indicates that these are (Fig 3, 5) would indicate that maximum
related phenomena. The sharp increase in cement durability is to be achieved with a
affinity for water shown by P-type cements cement liquid containing 49% w/w H3PO4.
as p increases above 60, which follows a This is not the point of maximum strength,
similar increase in setting time, is clear evi- which is achieved with a liquid containing
dence that there is a deficiency of water in 53% w/w H3PO4.
these systems. The logical inference is that The situation for PAZ-type cements is
it is this deficiency of water that retards the more critical. The rapid decline of strength
reaction and is responsible for the prolonga- below p = 49 means that this is the effec-
tion of setting time. Thus retardation of the tive minimum for PAZ-type cements. Above
setting reaction results in cements of greater this point, water-leachable phosphate in-
ionic character, since the precipitation is not creases more sharply than the silica de-
complete. Hence, these cements have a high creases. Below this point, the decrease in
soluble-phosphate content and also a high phosphate and the increase in silica are
electric conductivity.'0 equally matched (Fig 4). On balance, over-
The complex relationship between water all optimization of property is to be achieved
absorption and p in the maximal cementa- with a PAZ-liquid containing 49% w/w
tion region (40 to 60) is difficult to explain. H3PO4.
There are correspondences with the phos- SURFACE.-Table 2 shows that the occur-
phate leach/! curve and the flat region in rence of crazing is related to p, but its pre-
the setting time/+ curve. All that may be cise cause is obscure. Setting time and evap-
inferred is that water affinity is closely re- orable water may well be factors influencing
lated to cementation. this parameter.
All these results emphasize the critical CEMENT C- 11.-This cement system has
role of water in the reaction. previously been reported.22 It fails the
EVAPORABLE WATER.-The main interest standard specification tests with respect
of this curve (Fig 7, curve B) is the increase to strength and "solubility and disintegra-
of Wf with p (above 60) until at p = 75 it tion."6'9'22 Analysis showed that the liquid
represents nearly the whole of the cement contained 64.9% w/w H3P04, which, ac-
water. Since the nonevaporable water may cording to data for P-2 presented earlier, is
be equated with bonding water, it is clear too high and would result in low strength
314 WILSON ET AL J Dent Res March-April 1970
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