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Who was Abraham Lincoln

Quiz 1

1. Why did President Abraham Lincoln fight the war?

2. Who did the President address from the window of the White House?
3. Make a sentence with these words!
with shall rebels What we do the?
4. The President wasn’t interested in:
a) revenge.
b) The South.
c) His country.
d) Tad.
5. What was Abraham Lincoln called?
6. When and where was Abraham Lincoln born?
7. Make a sentence with these words!
hated Lincoln slavery The family.
8. How did Abraham and his older sister, Sarah, help their family?
9. Who was Sarah Bush Johnston and what did she bring?
10. How did his stepmother treat Lincoln?
11. At what age did Abraham finish school for good?
12. At what age did Abraham leave home?

Quiz 2.
1. When did Lincoln move to Springfield, the new state capital?
2. Lincoln worked:
a) At a friend’s law firm.
b) On a farm.
c) In a factory.
d) He was unemployed.
3. Make a sentence with these words!
group lawyers joined Lincoln the of.
4. How did Lincoln impress people?
5. Who did he marry and when?
6. Make a sentence with these words!
couple first hotel At the lived in a.
7. Why was their son nicknamed Tad?
8. What brought Lincoln back to politics?
9. What made Lincoln famous?
10. Who did Lincoln challenge for his seat in the Senate?
11. Mach each word with its explanation or synonym!
unanimously Citation
discouraged without opposition; with the agreement of all
people involved.
destroyed Disheartened
quotation Demolished
12. What was Lincoln’s favorite phrase?

Quiz 3

1. What happened in 1858?

2. Douglas’ nickname was:
a) The Little Giant.
b) Honest Abe.
c) Tad.
d) He didn’t have a nickname.
3. How dis Douglas travel and how did Lincoln travel?
4. Make a sentence with these words!
about disagreed debates had People who won the.
5. The slave states:
a) Hated Lincoln.
b) Loved Lincoln.
6. Who did they elect as their president?
7. In his brief inauguration speech, Lincoln:
a) spoke to a huge crowd gathered in front of the capitol.
b) spoke to his friends and family.
8. Mach each word with its explanation or synonym!

soldier Careful
impatient Fighter
borrow Intolerant
cautious Take
9. What did the White House look like when the moved there?
10. Why was Lincoln angry with his wife?
a) Because she spent so much money redecorating the White House.
b) Because she wanted to move out.
c) Because he didn’t like her.
d) Because they didn’t have any children.
11. Make a sentence with these words!
soldier doll named The boys had a Jack.
12. Who got Lincoln to free a turkey that was being fattened for Christmas dinner?

Quiz 4

1. How many men were wounded or killed in the war?

2. Which problems did the North face?
3. Mach each word with its explanation or synonym!

afraid Suppression
A support Bill
Constitution Backing
Slavery Scared
4. What happened to Slaves who escaped from rebel owners or were captured by the Union
5. Where did slavery remain legal and why?
6. By the end of the war how many black people joined the Union army?
7. Ulysses S. Grant was:
a) a black man
b) a presidential candidate
c) a member of the Senate
d) a brilliant general.
8. George McClellan was:
a) Lincoln’s opponent.
b) Lincoln’s friend.
c) Lincoln’s brother.
d) Lincoln’s cousin.
9. What did the Congress pass with Lincoln’s encouragement?
10. Make a sentence with these words!
plotting already men president These were to kill the.
11. What was Lincoln’s dream about?
12. How did Lincoln die?

Quiz 5

1. Who was John Wilkes Booth and what happened to him?

2. What was going on all over the nation?
3. Mach each word with its explanation or synonym!

recover An illness
upset Burial
funeral Nervous
tuberculosis Recuperate
4. Who appears on the penny and the five-dollar bill?
a) Abraham Lincoln.
b) George Washington.
5. What was named after Lincoln?
6. People saw Lincoln as:
a) a kind of saint.
b) their enemy.
7. What happened only two years after president Lincoln’s death?
8. Which mistake did the engraver make?
9. Which important events in black history took place at the Lincoln memorial?
10. Who was Martin Luther King and what was his speech named?
11. Make a sentence with these words!
have America was him lucky to.
12. Almost from the moment of his death, Lincoln became:
a) a larger-than-life figure.
b) just a man.

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