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  Homework Assignment

Science Grade- IV
Upload Date: 1st July 2020                                                                    Due Date: 6th July 2020
Total Marks: 10marks
● After watching all three videos lectures regarding animals (habitat and adaptation,
desert, rivers and reef and people and the environment), then attempt the following
● This homework has to be attempted on this MS Word/ Google Docs.
● After completing the homework, please submit it on Google Classroom by the given due
● 5% marks will be deducted from students who are unable to submit their assignments
by the given due date.   
● Late assignments will not be graded if submitted 2 days after the due date.
● Resubmitted assignments will not be graded.
● Refrain from resolving the comments which the teacher might have written in the
comment box as it is feedback for your own understanding.

Q1. Name four habitats of the animal kingdom. ( /4)

1. 3.

2. 4.

Q2. Read the given statements carefully and write the correct answer in the box given. ( /3)
1. An adaptation is:

a. movement from one area to another.

b. loss of a kind of living thing.

c. a body part or behavior that helps a living thing survives.

d. behavior that an animal is born with.

2. A physical adaptation that helps an animal hide from predators is a (n)

a. adaptation.

b. migration.

c. camouflage.

d. instinct.

3. What adaptation of an organism allows it to burrow underground?

a. large paws and sharp claw

b. thick fur coat

c. hairless tail
d. small eyes


Q3. With the hints given below guess the name of the animal and match its adaptations with various
functions. ( /3)

Name of the animal:


a. Sharp claws a. Prevent sinking into the snow

b. act as insulation and a store

of energy
b. Large feet

c. White fur c. To catch and eat prey

d. thick layer of blubber d. Camouflage


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