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Word-list 4 - Health

abdomen / ˈæbdəmən / the part of your body between your chest and legs which contains живіт
your stomach, bowels etc
abdominal cavity / ˈkæviti / a hole or space inside abdomen черевна порожнина
able-bodied / ˈeɪbəl bɒdid / physically strong and healthy, especially when compared with здоровий
someone who is disabled
ache / eɪk / a continuous pain that is not sharp or very strong біль
acupuncture / ˈækjʊˌpʌŋktʆə / a treatment for pain and disease that involves pushing special акупунктура
needles into parts of the body
acute / əˈkjuːt / an acute illness or disease quickly becomes very serious сильний
Adam's apple / ˈæpəl / the lump at the front of your neck that moves when you talk or адамове яблуко
addiction / əˈdɪkʆən / the need to take a harmful drug regularly, without being able to залежність
AIDS / eɪdz / a very serious disease that stops your body from defending itself СНІД
against infections, and usually causes death
ailment / ˈeɪlmənt / an illness that is not very serious захворювання
ambulance / ˈæmbjuləns / a special vehicle that is used to take people who are ill or injured швидка допомога
to hospital
ambulance service / ˈæmbjuləns ˈsɜːvɪs / a service that is used to take people who are ill or injured to служба швидкої
hospital допомоги
anaesthetic / ˌænɪsˈθetɪk / a drug that stops you feeling pain анестетик
ankle / ˈæŋkəl / the joint between your foot and your leg щиколотка
appendix / əˈpendɪks / a small organ near your bowel, which has little or no use апендикс
armpit / ˈɑːmˌpɪt / the hollow place under your arm where it joins your body пахва
artificial limb / lɪm / an artificial arm or leg штучна кінцівка
artificial teeth / tiːθ / artificial hard white objects in your mouth that you use to bite штучні зуби
and eat food
baby teeth / ˈbeɪbi tiːθ / teeth from the first set of teeth that young children have молочні зуби
back / bæk / the part of the body between the neck and legs, on the opposite спина
side to the stomach and chest
belching / beltʆɪŋ / letting air from your stomach come out loudly through your відрижка
benign / bɪˈnaɪn / a benign tumour (=unnatural growth in the body) is not caused by доброякісна пухлина
bicep / ˈbaɪsep / the large muscle on the front of your upper arm біцепс
bile duct / baɪl dʌkt / a narrow tube in your body that a bitter green-brown liquid жовчний канал
formed in the liver, which helps you to digest fats, passes through
bite / baɪt / the way that a person or animal's top and bottom teeth touch прикус
when their mouth is closed
bladder / ˈblædə / the organ in your body that holds urine (=waste liquid) until it is сечовий міхур
passed out of your body
blind / blaɪnd / unable to see сліпий
blister / ˈblɪstə / a swelling on your skin containing clear liquid, caused for водянка
example by a burn or continuous rubbing
blood pressure / blʌd ˈpreʆə / the force with which blood travels through your body кров’яний тиск
blood transfusion / trænsˈfjuːʒɪn / the process of putting blood into someone's body as a medical переливання крові
bodily organs / ˈɔːgənz / parts of the body, such as the heart or lungs, that have particular органи тіла
body / ˈbɒdi / the physical structure of a person or animal тіло
boil / bɔɪl / a painful infected swelling under someone's skin запалення
bone / bəʊn / one of the hard parts that together form the frame of a human, кістка
animal, or fish body
bottom / ˈbɒtəm / the part of your body that you sit on зад
brain / breɪn / the organ inside your head that controls how you think, feel, and мозок
breast / brest / one of the two round raised parts on a woman's chest that груди
produce milk when she has a baby
breath / breθ / the air that you send out of your lungs and take into your lungs дихання
when you breathe
bridge / brɪdʒ / a small piece of metal that keeps false teeth in place by attaching міст
them to your real teeth
bruise / bruːz / a purple or brown mark on your skin that you get because you рана
have fallen, been hit etc
caesarean / sɪˈzeəriən / an operation in which a woman's body is cut open to take a baby кесарів розтин
calf / kɑːf / the part of the back of your leg between your knee and your ankle литка
canine tooth / ˈkeɪnaɪn / one of the four sharp pointed teeth in the front of your mouth ікло
capsule / ˈkæpsjuːl / a plastic container shaped like a very small tube with medicine капсула
inside that you swallow whole
cardiologist / ˌkɑːdiˈɒlədʒɪst / a doctor who studies or treats heart diseases кардіолог
caries / ˈkeəriz / decay in someone's teeth карієс

catching / ˈkætʆɪŋ / an illness that is catching is easily passed to other people заразний
Caesarean section / sɪˈzeəriən / an operation in which a woman's body is cut open to take a baby кесарів розтин
cast in the eye / kɑːst / a problem with your eye which causes it to look sideways косіння
Casualty and Emergency / ˈkæʒuəlti ɪˈmɜːdʒənsi department of a hospital where patients are surgically treated відділення невідкладної
Department та хірургічної допомоги
dɪˈpɑːtmənt /
cavity / ˈkævɪti / a hole or space inside something порожнина
cement / sɪˈment / a thick sticky substance that becomes very hard when it dries and цемент
is used for filling holes
chain smoker / tʆeɪn ˈsməʊkə / smoker of cigarettes one immediately after another заядлий курець
chest / tʆest / the front part of your body between your neck and your stomach грудна клітка
checkup / ˈtʆek ʌp / a general medical examination that a doctor or dentist gives you регулярне відвідання
to make sure you are healthy лікаря
children's disease /ˈtʆɪldrənz dɪˈziːz / a disease children usually suffer from дитяча хвороба
chronic / ˈkrɒnɪk / a chronic disease or illness is one that continues for a long time хронічний
and cannot be cured
circulatory system / ˌsɜːkjːˈleɪtəri / system relating to the movement of blood around your body кровоносна система
clench / klentʆ / to hold something tightly in your hand or between your teeth затиснути
cold / kəʊld / a common illness that makes it difficult to breathe through your застуда
nose and often makes your throat hurt
colic / ˈkɒlɪk / if a baby has colic, it has severe pain in its stomach and bowels коліки
common / ˈkɒmən / happening often and to many people or in many places звичайний

belonging to or shared by everyone in a society

concussion / kənˈkʌʆən / a small amount of damage to the brain that makes you lose струс мозку
consciousness or feel sick for a short time, usually caused by
something hitting your head
confinements / kənˈfaɪnmənt / the time when a woman gives birth to a baby пологи
congenital / kənˈdʒenɪtl / a congenital medical condition or disease has affected someone від народження
since they were born
constipation / ˌkɒnstɪˈpeɪʆən / the condition of having difficulty in getting rid of solid waste запор
from your body
contagious / kənˈteɪdʒəs / a disease that is contagious can be passed from person to person заразний
by touch
cotton / ˈkɒtn / cloth or thread made from the white hair of the cotton plant бавовняний
course of treatment / kɔːs əv ˈtriːtmənt/ an amount of medicine or medical treatment that you have курс лікування
regularly for a specific period of time
cramp / kræmp / a severe pain that you get in part of your body when a muscle судорога
becomes too tight, making it difficult for you to move that part of
your body
cream / kriːm / a thick smooth substance that you put on your skin to make it feel крем
soft, treat a medical condition etc
cripple / ˈkrɪpəl / someone who is unable to walk properly because their legs are каліка
damaged or injured - now considered offensive
cross-eyed / krɒsaɪd / having eyes that both look in towards the nose косоокий
crutch / krʌtʆ / one of a pair of long sticks that you put under your arms to help милиця
you walk when you have hurt your leg
cubicle / ˈkjuːbɪkəl / a small part of a room that is separated from the rest of the room окрема частина
cut / kʌt / a wound that is caused when something sharp cuts your skin поріз
decay / dɪˈkeɪ / the natural chemical change that causes the slow destruction of розклад
dedicated smoker / ˈdedɪkeɪtɪd / someone who gives all attention and effort to smoking заядлий курець
dental care / ˈdentl / care relating to your teeth піклування про зуби
dentist / ˈdentɪst / someone whose job is to treat people's teeth зубний лікар
dentures / ˈdentʆəz / a set of artificial teeth worn by someone who does not have their вставна щелепа
own teeth any longer
dermatology / ˌdɜːməˈtɒlədʒi / the part of medical science that deals with skin diseases and their дермотологія
deterioration / dɪˈtɪəriəreɪʆən / development into a bad or worse situation погіршення
diagnosis / ˌdaɪəgˈnəʊsɪs / the process of discovering exactly what is wrong with someone діагноз
or something, by examining them closely
diarrhoea / ˌdaɪəˈrɪə / an illness in which waste from the bowels is watery and comes діарея
out often
digestive system / daɪˈdʒestɪv / connected with the process of digestion травна система
(the process of digesting food)
dislocation / dɪsləkeɪʆən / movement of a bone out of its normal position in a joint, usually вивих
in an accident
dizziness / ˈdɪzinɪs / feeling unable to stand steadily, for example because you are запаморочення
looking down from a high place or because you are ill
dizzy / ˈdɪzi / feeling unable to stand steadily, for example because you are запаморочливий
looking down from a high place or because you are ill
down hearted / daʊn hɑːtɪd / extremely sad, especially because someone you love has died or розстроєний
left you
drill / drɪl / a tool or machine used for making holes in something бур
drug addict / addiction / drʌg ˈædɪkt / someone who cannot stop taking illegal drugs наркозалежність
elbow / ˈelbəʊ / the joint where your arm bends лікоть
emergency medical aid / ɪˈmɜːdʒənsi / a help in an unexpected and dangerous situation that must be перша допомога
dealt with immediately
enema / ˈenɪmə / a liquid that is put into someone's rectum to make their bowels клізма
euthanasia / ˌjuːθəˈneɪziə / the deliberate killing of a person who is very ill and going to die, евтаназія
in order to stop them suffering
eye drops / wash / drɒps / a type of medicine that you put in your eye, ear etc, one drop at a краплі для очей
eye tooth / aɪ tuːθ / one of the long pointed teeth at the corner of your mouth очний зуб
faint / feɪnt / feeling weak and as if you are about to become unconscious втрата свідомості
because you are very ill, tired, or hungry
falling ill/sickness / fɔːlɪŋˈsɪknəs / losing health хвороба
false teeth / fɔːls tiːθ / a set of artificial teeth worn by someone who has lost their штучні зуби
natural teeth
familial / fəˈmɪliəl / connected with a family or typical of a family сімейний
family doctor / ˈfæmɪli dɒktə / a doctor trained to treat the general health problems of people of сімейний лікар
all ages
fatigue / fəˈtiːg / very great tiredness втома
fever / ˈfiːvə / an illness or a medical condition in which you have a very high лихоманка
feverish / ˈfiːvərɪʆ / suffering from a fever у лихоманці
filling / ˈfɪlɪŋ / food that is filling makes your stomach feel full пломба

a small amount of metal that is put into your tooth to cover a hole
finger / ˈfɪŋgə / one of the four long thin parts on your hand, not including your палець
first aid outfit (kit) / fɜːst eɪd ˈaʊtfɪt / a special bag or box containing bandages and medicines to treat аптечка
people who are injured or become ill suddenly

flat foot / flæt fʊt / a medical condition in which someone's feet rest flat on the плоскостопість
ground because the middle of each foot is not as curved as it
should be
floss / flɒs / a type of thin thread that you use for cleaning between your teeth нитка для чистки зубів
flu / fluː / a common illness that makes you feel very tired and weak, gives грип
you a sore throat, and makes you cough and have to clear your
nose a lot
food poisoning / fuːd ˈpɔɪzənɪŋ / a stomach illness caused by eating food that contains harmful отруєння
bacteria, so that you vomit
forearm / ˈfɔːrɑːm / the lower part of the arm, between the hand and the elbow передпліччя
fracture / ˈfræktʆə / a crack or broken part in a bone or other hard substance перелом
friction / ˈfrɪkʆən / when one surface rubs against another тертя
front tooth / frʌnt tuːθ / one of the hard white objects in front of your mouth that you use різці
to bite and eat food
frostbite / ˈfrɒstbaɪt / a condition caused by extreme cold, that makes your fingers and обмороження
toes swell, become darker, and sometimes fall off
gall bladder / gɔːl ˈblædə / the organ in your body in which bile is stored жовчний міхур
gangrene / ˈgæŋgriːn / a condition in which your flesh decays in part of your body, гангрена
because blood has stopped flowing there as a result of illness or
gap-toothed / gæp tuːθt / having wide spaces between your teeth з проміжками між
gargle / ˈgɑːgəl / liquid that you gargle with рідина для промивання

to clean the inside of your mouth and throat by blowing air

through water or medicine in the back of your throat
gash / gæʆ / a large deep cut or hole in something, for example in a person's глибока рана
gasp / gɑːsp / when you breathe in air quickly because you are having difficulty важке дихання
gathering / ˈgæðərɪŋ / a meeting of a group of people збори
general practitioner / ˈdʒenərəl prækˈtɪʆənə a doctor who is trained in general medicine лікар широкого
/ профілю
genetic engineering / dʒɪˈnetɪk ˌendʒɪ the science of changing the genetic structure of an animal, plant, генна інженерія
or human, usually to make them stronger or healthier
ˈnɪərɪŋ /
Geriatric Ward / dʒeriˈætrɪk wɔːd / a large room in a hospital where people who need medical геронтологічна палата
treatment stay relating to the medical care and treatment of old
geriatrician / ˌdʒeriˈætrɪʆən / doctor treating and caring of old people геронтолог
graze / greɪz / a wound caused by rubbing that slightly breaks the surface of подряпина
your skin
groin / grɔɪn / the place where the tops of your legs meet the front of your body пах
gum / gʌm / your gums are the two areas of firm pink flesh at the top and ясна
bottom of your mouth, in which your teeth are fixed
gut / gʌt / the tube through which food passes from your stomach стравохід
Gynaecological Ward / gaɪnɪˈkɒlədʒikəl a large room in a hospital where people who need medical гінекологічна палата
treatment stay relating to treatment of medical conditions and
wɔːd /
illnesses that affect only women, and usually relating to a
woman's ability to have babies
gynaecologist / gaɪnˈkɒlədʒist / doctor treating medical conditions and illnesses that affect only гінеколог
women, and usually relating to a woman's ability to have babies
haemorrhage / ˈhemərɪdʒ / a serious medical condition in which a person bleeds a lot, геморой
sometimes inside their body
head / hed / the top part of your body that has your face at the front and is голова
supported by your neck
headache / ˈhedeɪk / a pain in your head головний біль
health check / helθ tʆek / a test done to make sure you are healthy огляд
heart / hɑːt / the organ in your chest which pumps blood through your body серце
heartburn / ˈhɑːtbɜːn / an unpleasant burning feeling in your stomach or chest caused by печія
acid from your stomach
heavy smoker / ˈheviˈsməʊkə / someone who smokes a lot заядлий курець
heel / hiːl / the curved back part of your foot п’ятка
hiccups / ˈhɪkʌp / a sudden repeated stopping of the breath, usually caused by гикавка
eating or drinking too fast
hip / hɪp / one of the two parts on each side of your body between the top of стегно
your leg and your waist
hot-water bottle / hɒt ˈwɔːtə ˈbɒtl / a rubber container full of hot water, used to make a bed warm грілка
hypochondria / ˌhaɪpəˈkɒndriə / when someone continuously worries that there is something іпохондрія
wrong with their health, even when they are not ill
illness / ˈɪlnəs / a disease of the body or mind, or the condition of being ill хвороба
immune system / ɪˈmjuːn ˈsɪstəm / the system by which your body protects itself against disease імунна система
immunization / ɪmjuːnaɪˈzeɪʆən / protection of someone from a particular illness by giving them a імунізація
impediment of speech / ɪmˈpedɪmənt / a physical problem that makes speaking difficult мовні проблеми
incurable disease / ɪnˈkjʊərəbəl dɪˈziːz / a disease impossible to cure невиліковна хвороба
indigestion / ˌɪndɪˈdʒestʆən / pain that you get when your stomach cannot break down food нетравлення
that you have eaten
infectious / ɪnˈfekʆəs / an infectious illness can be passed from one person to another, інфекційний
especially through the air you breathe
inflammation / ˌɪnfləˈmeɪʆən / swelling and pain in part of your body, which is often red and запалення
feels hot
injury / ˈɪndʒəri / a wound or damage to part of your body caused by an accident or поранення
insomnia / ɪnˈsɒmniə / if you suffer from insomnia, you are not able to sleep безсоння
Intensive Care Unit / ɪnˈtensɪv keə ˈjuːnɪt / a group of people working together as part of a department in a відділ інтенсивного
hospital that treats people who are very seriously ill or badly догляду
injured, or the continuous and thorough treatment given to
patients there
iodine / ˈaɪədiːn / a dark blue chemical substance that is used on wounds to prevent йод
infection, it is a chemical element: symbol I
itch / ɪtʆ / an uncomfortable feeling on your skin that makes you want to свербіння
rub it with your nails
it hurts me when I / hɜːt / to feel pain when breathing/swallowing болить, коли
breathe/swallow вдихаю/ковтаю
jaundice / ˈdʒɔːndɪs / a medical condition in which your skin and the white part of your жовтуха
eyes become yellow
jellies / ˈdʒeli / a drug that makes you feel relaxed and sleepy, which some драже
people use illegally
joint / dʒɔɪnt / a part of your body that can bend because two bones meet there суглоб
kidney failure / kɪdni ˈfeɪljə / an occasion when part of your body (kidney) stops working відмова нирки
kidney / kɪdni / one of the two organs in your lower back that separate waste нирка
products from your blood and make urine
knee / niː / the joint that bends in the middle of your leg коліно
lame in the left leg / leɪm / unable to walk properly because your leg or foot is injured or шкутильгає на ліву ногу
large intestine / lɑːdʒ ɪnˈtestɪn / the lower part of your bowels, where food is changed into solid товста кишка
waste matter
larynx / ˈlærɪŋks / the part in your throat where your voice is produced голосові зв’язки
laxative / ˈlæksətɪv / a medicine or something that you eat which makes your bowels проносне
empty easily
liquid ammonia /ˈlɪkwɪd əˈməʊniə/ a clear liquid with a strong bad smell that is used for cleaning or розчин аміаку
in cleaning products
liver / ˈlɪvə / a large organ in your body that produces bile and cleans your печінка
long / short-sighted / lɒŋ ʆɔːt ˈsaɪtəd / able to see objects or read things clearly only when they are far далекозорий,
from your eyes короткозорий

unable to see objects clearly unless they are very close

lost teeth / lɒst tiːθ / the hard white objects in your mouth that you use to bite and eat втрачені зуби
food which fell out
lotion / ˈləʊʆən / a liquid mixture that you put on your skin or hair to clean, soften, лосьйон
or protect it
lump / lʌmp / a small hard swollen area that sticks out from someone's skin or пухлина
grows in their body, usually because of an illness
lungs / lʌŋz / the two organs in your body that you breathe with легені
malignant / məˈlɪgnənt / a malignant disease is one such as cancer, which can develop in злоякісна пухлина
an uncontrolled way and is likely to cause someone's death
massage / ˈmæsɑːʒ / the action of pressing and rubbing someone's body with your масаж
hands, to help them relax or to reduce pain in their muscles or
Maternity Unit / məˈtɜːnɪti juːnɪt / a single apartment in a larger building пологове відділення
relating to a woman who is pregnant or who has just had a baby
maternity home / məˈtɜːnɪti həʊm / the house, apartment, or place where you have a baby пологовий будинок
medicine for a cold / ˈmedsən / a substance used for treating a cold ліки проти застуди
mental retardation / ˈmentl rɪtɑːˈdeɪʆən / a delay of the development of the mind and thinking затримка розумового
metabolism / mɪˈtæbəlɪzəm / the chemical processes by which food is changed into energy in метаболізм
your body
midwife / ˈmɪdwaɪf / a specially trained nurse whose job is to help women when they акушерка
are having a baby
migraine / ˈmiːgreɪn / an extremely bad headache, during which you feel sick and have мігрень
pain behind your eyes
minor / ˈmaɪnə / someone who is below the age at which they become legally неголовна спеціальність
responsible for their actions
nasal spray / ˈneɪzəl spreɪ / liquid which is forced out of a special container in a stream of розпилювач для носа
very small drops
related to the nose
nausea / ˈnɔːziə / the feeling that you have when you think you are going to vomit нудота
(=bring food up from your stomach through your mouth)
navel / ˈneɪvəl / the small hollow or raised place in the middle of your stomach пуп
neck / nek / the part of your body that joins your head to your shoulders, or шия
the same part of an animal or bird
nerve / nɜːv / nerves are parts inside your body which look like threads and нерв
carry messages between the brain and other parts of the body
nervous system / ˈnɜːvəs ˈsɪstəm / your nerves, brain, and spinal cord, with which your body feels нервова система
pain, heat etc and your movements are controlled
neuralgia / njʊˈrældʒə / a sharp pain along the length of a nerve невралгія
neurologist / njʊˈrɒlədʒist / doctor treating the nervous system and its diseases невролог
nipple / ˈnɪpəl / the small dark circular part of a woman's breast. Babies suck milk сосок
through their mother's nipples
nurse / nɜːs / someone whose job is to look after people who are ill or injured, медсестра(медбрат)
usually in a hospital
observation / ˌɒbzəˈveɪʆən / the process of watching something or someone carefully for a спостереження
period of time
obstetrician / ˌɒbstəˈtrɪʆən / a doctor who has special training in obstetrics(the part of medical акушер
science that deals with the birth of children)
oculist / ˈɒkjʊlɪst / a doctor who examines and treats people's eyes окуліст
ointment / ˈɔɪntmənt / a soft cream that you rub into your skin, especially as a medical мазь
operating table /ˈɒpəreɪtɪŋ ˈteɪbəl/ a special table in an operating theatre which a person lies on операційний стіл
when they are having an operation
Ophthalmic Ward / ɒfˈθælmɪk wɔːd / a large room in a hospital where people who need medical офтальмологічна палата
treatment stay relating to the eyes and the illnesses that affect
optician / ɒpˈtɪʆən / someone who tests people's eyes and sells glasses in a shop оптик
Orthopaedic Ward / ˌɔːθəˈpiːdɪk wɔːd / a large room in a hospital where people who need medical ортопедична палата
treatment stay relating to the medical treatment of problems that
affect a people's bones or muscles
orthopaedist / ˌɔːθəˈpiːdɪst / a doctor with special training in orthopedics ортопед
outbreak / ˈaʊtbreɪk / if there is an outbreak of disease in an area, it suddenly starts to спалах
Paediatric Ward / piːdiˈetrɪk wɔːd / a large room in a hospital where people who need medical педіатрична палата
treatment stay relating to children
paediatrician / piːdiəˈtrɪʆən / a doctor who deals with children and their illnesses педіатр
painkiller / ˈpeɪnˌkɪlə / a medicine which reduces or removes pain знеболювальний засіб
palm / pɑːm / the inside surface of your hand, in which you hold things долоня
pancreas / ˈpæŋkriəs / a gland inside your body, near your stomach, that produces підшлункова залоза
insulin and a liquid that helps your body to use the food that you
paraplegic / ˌpærəˈpliːdʒɪk / someone who is unable to move the lower part of their body, паралізований до пояса
including their legs
pathologist / pəˈθɒlədʒi / a doctor who studies the causes and effects of illnesses патолог
pelvis / ˈpelvɪs / the set of large wide curved bones at the base of your spine, to таз
which your legs are joined
peroxide / pəˈrɒksaɪd / a liquid chemical used to make hair light in colour or to kill пероксид
physiotherapist / ˌfɪziəʊˈθerəpɪst / someone whose job is to give physiotherapy фізіотерапевт
pill / pɪl / a small solid piece of medicine that you swallow whole пілюля
plaster cast / ˈplɑːstə kɑːst / a cover made from plaster of Paris, put around an arm, leg etc to гіпс
keep a broken bone in place while it mends
powder / ˈpaʊdə / a dry substance in the form of very small grains порох, пудра

a type of powder that you put on your face in order to make it

look smoother and to give it more colour
pregnancy / ˈpregnənsi / when a woman is pregnant (=has a baby growing inside her вагітність
preventive dentistry / ˈdentɪstri / the medical study of the mouth and teeth, or the work of a dentist запобіжні лікувальні
to prevent illnesses заходи до зубів
probe / prəʊb / a long thin metal instrument that doctors and scientists use to зонд
examine parts of the body
prognosis / prɒgˈnəʊsɪs / a doctor's opinion of how an illness or disease will develop прогноз
psychiatrist / saɪˈkaɪətrɪst / a doctor trained in the treatment of mental illness психіатр
psychosomatic / ˌsaɪkəʊsəˈmætɪk/ a psychosomatic illness is caused by fear or anxiety rather than психосоматичний
by a physical problem
palsy / ˈpɔːlzi / an illness that makes your arms and legs shake because you епілепсія
cannot control your muscles
pulse / pʌls / the regular beat that can be felt, for example at your wrist, as пульс
your heart pumps blood around your body
purge / pɜːdʒ / a substance used to make you empty your bowels проносне
pus / pʌs / a thick yellowish liquid produced in an infected part of your body гній
quadriplegic /ˌkwɒdrɪˈpliːdʒɪk/ someone who is permanently unable to move any part of their інвалід без кінцівок
body below their neck
quarantine / ˈkwɒrəntiːn / a period of time when a person or animal is kept apart from карантин
others in case they are carrying a disease
queasy / ˈkwiːzi / feeling that you are going to vomit (to bring food or drink up нудота
from your stomach out through your mouth, because you are ill)
radiologist / ˌreɪdiˈɒlədʒɪst / a hospital doctor who is trained in the use of radiation to treat рентгенолог
rash / ræʆ / a lot of red spots on someone's skin, caused by an illness висип
receptionist / rɪˈsepʆənɪst / someone whose job is to welcome and deal with people arriving людина на прийомі
in a hotel or office building, visiting a doctor etc
respiration / ˌrespɪˈreɪʆən / the process of breathing дихання
respiratory system / rɪˈspɪrətəri / a system relating to breathing or your lungs дихальна система
rhythm / ˈrɪðəm / a regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements ритм
rib / rɪb / one of the 12 pairs of curved bones that surround your chest ребро
running nose / ˈrʌnɪŋ nəʊz / a liquid is flowing out of the nose нежить
runny / ˈrʌni / a runny nose, runny eyes etc have liquid coming out of them, текучий
usually because you have a cold
saliva / səˈlaɪvə / the liquid that is produced naturally in your mouth слина
scar / skɑː / a permanent mark that is left on your skin after you have had a шрам
cut or wound
scratch / skrætʆ / a small cut on someone's skin подряпина
short of breath / ʆɔːt əv breθ / unable to breathe easily, especially because of ill health задихається
shot / ʆɒt / an injection of a drug (=when it is put into the body with a укол
shoulder / ˈʆəʊldə / one of the two parts of the body at each side of the neck where плече
the arm is connected
sickness / ˈsɪknəs / the state of being ill хвороба
skin graft / skɪn grɑːft / a medical operation in which healthy skin is removed from one пересадка шкіри
part of your body and used on another part to replace burned or
damaged skin
skull / skʌl / the bones of a person's or animal's head череп
sleeping tablets/pills / sliːpɪŋ pɪlz / pills which help you to sleep снотворне
sling / slɪŋ / a piece of cloth tied around your neck to support an injured arm перев’яз
or hand
spinal column / cord / ˈspaɪnl ˈkɒləm kɔːd / the row of bones down the centre of your back that supports your хребет/спинний мозок
body and protects your spinal cord

the thick string of nerves enclosed in your spine, by which

messages are sent to and from your brain
splint / splɪnt / a flat piece of wood, metal etc used for keeping a broken bone in шина
position while it mends
sore / sɔː / a part of your body that is sore is painful, because of infection or болючий
because you have used a muscle too much
spasm / ˈspæzəm / an occasion when your muscles suddenly become tight, causing спазм
you pain
specialist / ˈspeʆəlɪst / a doctor who knows more about one particular type of illness or спеціаліст
treatment than other doctors
spine / spaɪn / the row of bones down the centre of your back that supports your хребет
body and protects your spinal cord
spleen / spliːn / an organ near your stomach that controls the quality of your селезінка
spots / spɒts / small round red areas on someone's skin that show that they are плями
sprain / spreɪn / a damage to a joint in your body by suddenly twisting it розтягання
squint / squinting / skwɪnt / a condition of your eye muscles that makes each eye look in a косоокість
slightly different direction
stammering / ˈstæmə / to speak with a lot of pauses and repeated sounds, either because заїкання
you have a speech problem, or because you are nervous, excited

a speech problem which makes someone speak with a lot of

pauses and repeated sounds
sting / stɪŋ / a wound or mark made when an insect or plant stings you укус

a sharp pain in your eyes or skin, caused by being hit, by smoke

stomach / ˈstʌmək / the organ inside your body where food begins to be digested шлунок
stroke / strəʊk / if someone has a stroke, an artery (=tube carrying blood) in their інсульт
brain suddenly bursts or becomes blocked, so that they may die
or be unable to use some muscles
stuttering / ˈstʌtərɪŋ / speaking with difficulty because you cannot stop yourself from заїкання
repeating the first consonant of some words
suffocation / ˈsʌfəkeɪʆən / a death of preventing from breathing задихання
sun-stroke / ˈsʌnstrəʊk / fever, weakness etc caused by being outside in the sun for too сонячний удар
surgeon / ˈsɜːdʒən / a doctor who does operations in a hospital хірург
Surgical Ward / ˈsɜːdʒɪkəl wɔːd / a large room in a hospital where people who need medical хірургічна палата
treatment stay relating to or used for medical operations
sweaty / ˈsweti / covered or wet with sweat (drops of salty liquid that come out пітний
through your skin when you are hot, frightened, ill, or doing
swollen / ˈswəʊlən / a part of your body that is swollen is bigger than usual, especially опухлий
because you are ill or injured
symptom / ˈsɪmptəm / something wrong with your body or mind which shows that you симптом
have a particular illness
tablet / ˈtæblɪt / a small round hard piece of medicine which you swallow таблетка
temperature / ˈtempərətʆə / the temperature of your body, especially used as a measure of температура
whether you are sick or not
tension / ˈtenʆən / a nervous worried feeling that makes it impossible for you to тиск
the nose is clogged up / klɒgd / the nose became blocked закладений ніс
thigh / θaɪ / the top part of your leg, between your knee and your hip стегно
throat / θrəʊt / the passage from the back of your mouth to the top of the tubes горло
that go down to your lungs and stomach
throb / θrɒb / a low strong regular beat or sensation пульсація
thumb / θʌm / the part of your hand that is shaped like a thick short finger and великий палець
helps you to hold things
tissue / ˈtɪʆuː / a piece of soft thin paper, used especially for blowing your nose тканина
toe / təʊ / one of the five movable parts at the end of your foot палець на нозі
tooth / tuːθ / one of the hard white objects in your mouth that you use to bite зуб
and eat food
tooth decay / tuːθ dɪˈkeɪ / the natural chemical change that causes the slow destruction of руйнування зубу
tonsils / ˈtɒnsɪlz / your tonsils are the two small round pieces of flesh at the sides of мигдалики
your throat
transmitted disease / trænzˈmɪtəd dɪˈziːz / a disease that one person passes to another заразна хвороба
transplantation / trænsplɑːnteɪʆən / moving an organ, piece of skin etc from one person's body and пересадка
put it into another as a form of medical treatment
treatment / ˈtriːtmənt / something that is done to cure someone who is injured or ill лікування
tumour / ˈtjuːmə / a mass of diseased cells in your body that have divided and пухлина
increased too quickly
ulcer / ˈʌlsə / a sore area on your skin or inside your body that may bleed or виразка
produce poisonous substances
vaccination / ˈvæksɪneɪt / protection of a person or animal from a disease by giving them a вакцинація
vaccine / ˈvæksiːn / a substance which contains a weak form of the bacteria or virus вакцина
that causes a disease and is used to protect people from that
vessel / ˈvesəl / a vein in your body судина
vitamins / ˈvɪtəmɪnz / chemical substances in food that are necessary for good health вітаміни
waist / weɪst / the narrow part in the middle of the human body талія
wheelchair / ˈwiːltʆeə / a chair with wheels, used by people who cannot walk крісло
windpipe / ˈwɪndpaɪp / the tube through which air passes from your mouth to your lungs дихальний канал
wisdom tooth / ˈwɪzdəm tuːθ / one of the four large teeth at the back of your mouth that do not зуб мудрості
grow until you are an adult
wool / wʊl / the soft thick hair that sheep and some goats have on their body вовна
wrist / rɪst / the part of your body where your hand joins your arm зап’ястя
X-rays / ˈeks reɪz / a medical examination made using X-rays рентген
to ache all over / eɪk ɔːl ˈəʊvə / to pain in every part все болить
to apply a mustard plaster / əˈplaɪ əˈmʌstəd to use a plaster with a mustard base to heat a particular part of скористатися гірчичним
your body пластиром
plɑːstə /
to be allergic to / əˈlɜːdʒɪk / to suffer from unpleasant reaction to certain things мати алергію до
to be all skin and bones / skɪn ænd bəʊnz / to be very thin бути страшенно худим
to be as fit as a fiddle / fɪt əz ə ˈfɪdl / to be in a good shape бути у чудовій формі
to beat / biːt / when your heart beats, it moves in a regular rhythm as it pumps пульсувати
your blood
to be / feel ill with / bi ɪl wɪð / to have a disease хворіти
to be off colour / bi ɒf ˈkʌlə / not to feel well бліднути
to be one foot in the grave / wʌn fʊt ɪn ðə greɪv/ to be on the verge of life бути однією ногою в
to be over the hill / əʊvə ðə hɪl / to be old бути старим
to be predisposed to / bi ˌpriːdɪsˈpəʊzd tə / to be likely to suffer from a particular health problem бути схильним
to be running a temperature / bi ˈrʌnɪŋ ə to have a body temperature that is higher than normal, especially мати температуру
because you are sick
ˈtemprətʆə /
to be safe and sound / seɪf ænd saʊnd / to be OK бути здоровим

to be seasick / ˈsiːˌsɪk / feeling ill when you travel in a boat, because of the movement of мати морську хворобу
the boat in the water
to be sick and tired of sth / sɪk ænd taɪəd / to be bored with sth набриднути
to be under the weather / ˈʌndə ˈweðə / to be unwell почуватися погано
to be unwell / ʌnˈwel / not to feel good почуватися погано
to be X-rayed / ˈeks reɪd / to have fluorography taken пройти рентген
to black out / blæk aʊt / to lose conscience втратити свідомість
to bleed / bliːd / to lose blood, especially because of an injury кровоточити
to blow one’s nose / bləʊ nəʊz / to clean your nose by forcing air through it into a cloth or a piece висякатися
of soft paper
to breathe in deeply / briːð ˈdiːpli / to inhale much air глибоко дихати
to bring / keep down the / brɪŋ daʊn to make your temperature lower збити температуру
ˈtempərətʆə /
to catch a cold / kætʆ kəʊld / to become ill застудитися
to come down with a disease / kʌm daʊn wɪð / to fall ill злягти
to complain of sth / kəmˈpleɪn / to say that you feel ill or have a pain in a part of your body жалітися
to consult a doctor / kənˈsʌlt / to visit a doctor for advice консультуватися
to cough / kɒf / to suddenly push air out of your throat with a short sound, often кашляти
to diagnose / ˈdaɪəgnəʊz / to find out what illness someone has, or what the cause of a fault діагностувати
is, after doing tests, examinations etc
to die of sth / daɪ / to stop living and become dead померти від
to drill / drɪl / to make a hole in something using a drill свердлити
to ease / reduce pain / iːz rɪˈdjuːs peɪn / if pain eases, or if you ease it, it gradually becomes less знеболювати
to examine / ɪgˈzæmɪn / if a doctor examines you, they look at your body to check that оглядати
you are healthy
to fall ill / fɔːl ɪl / to become sick захворіти
to feel black and blue all / fiːl blæk ænd bluː / skin that is black and blue has bruises (=dark marks) on it as a відчувати себе побитим
over result of being hit

to feel being beaten

to feel louse / fiːl laʊs / to feel miserable відчувати немічним
to feel nauseous / ˈnɔːziəs / feeling that you are going to vomit нудити
to feel one's pulse / pʌls / count how many times someone's heart beats in a minute, usually міряти пульс
by feeling their wrist
to feel poorly / ˈpɔːli / to feel badly почувати себе недобре
to fill in / fɪl / to put a substance into a hole, crack etc to make a surface level запломбувати
to gain/recover /rɪˈgeɪn ˈkɒnʆəsnəs/ to wake up after being unconscious прийти до тями
to gain strength / geɪn streŋθ / to become strong відновлювати силу
to get a burn / scald / bɜːn skɔːld / an injury caused by fire, heat, the light of the sun, or acid опектися

a burn on your skin caused by hot liquid or steam

to get over / get ˈəʊvə / to become well again after an illness видужати
to get pregnant / get ˈpregnənt / if a woman or female animal is pregnant, she has an unborn baby завагітніти
growing inside her body
to get well / get wel / healthy видужати
to give an injection / gɪv ɪnˈdʒekʆən / to put a drug into someone's body using a special needle зробити укол
to have a headache / ˈhedeɪk / to have a pain in your head мати головний біль
to have a prescription made / həv prɪˈskrɪpʆən to prepare a piece of paper on which a doctor writes what виписати рецепт
up medicine a sick person should have, so that they can get it from a
meɪd ʌp /
to have a thorough / ˈθʌrə ɪgˌzæmɪˈneɪʆən to have a set of medical tests including every possible detail пройти ретельний огляд
examination /
to have an appointment with / əˈpɔɪntmənt / an arrangement for a meeting at an agreed time and place, for мати візит до лікаря
the doctor seeing the doctor
to have one's blood / blʌd / to look at the red liquid that your heart pumps around your body зробити аналіз крові
examined / tested carefully and thoroughly because you want to find out more
about it
to have one's chest X-rayed / ˈeks reɪ / to photograph the inside of someone's chest using X-rays зробити рентген
грудної клітини
to have / undergo an / ˌɒpəˈreɪʆən / to have the process of cutting into someone's body to repair or зробити операцію
operation remove a part that is damaged
to heal / hiːl / to make someone who is ill become healthy again, especially by зцілювати
using natural powers or prayer
to inhale / ɪnˈheɪl / to breathe in air, smoke, or gas вдихати
to irritate / ˈɪrɪteɪt / to make a part of your body painful and sore дратувати
to join the majority / dʒɔɪn məˈdʒɒrɪti / to become a member of most of the people померти
to keep in good health / kiːp gʊd helθ / to continue to have health зберігати здоров’я
to listen to one’s heart and / ˈlɪsən hɑːt tʆest / to examine heart and chest слухати серце і легені
to lose consciousness / luːz ˈkɒnʆəsnɪs / to lose the condition of being awake and able to understand what знепритомніти
is happening around you
to operate on / ˈɒpəreɪt / to cut into someone's body in order to repair or remove a part that робити операцію
is damaged
to pass out / pɑːs / to become unconscious знепритомніти
to perform an operation / pəˈfɔːm ˌɒpəˈreɪʆən / to cut into someone's body to repair or remove a part that is робити операцію
to prescribe for a headache / prɪˈskraɪb / to say what medicine or treatment a sick person should have to виписати ліки від
cope with a headache головного болю
to prick / prɪk / accidentally make a hole in your skin вколотися
to protect from / prəˈtekt / to keep someone or something safe from harm, damage, or illness захищатися від
to pull a muscle / pʊl ˈmʌsəl / to injure one of your muscles by stretching it too much during розтягнути м’язи
physical activity
to pull/take out (a tooth) / pʊl teɪk aʊt / to use force to take something from the place where it is fixed or вирвати зуб
to put a bandage / pʊt ˈbændɪdʒ / to tie a narrow piece of cloth around a wound or around a part of робити пов’язку
the body that has been injured
to recover from / rɪˈkʌvə / to get better after an illness, accident, shock etc видужати
to sneeze / sniːz / if you sneeze, air suddenly comes from your nose, making a чихати
noise, for example when you have a cold
to sound one's chest and / saʊnd / to examine heart and chest слухати серце і легені
to sprain an ankle / spreɪn / to damage an ankle by suddenly twisting it розтягнути щиколотку
to staunch / stɔːntʆ / to stop the flow of liquid, especially of blood from a wound зупинити кровотечу
to strip to the waist / strɪp weɪst / to take off any clothes on the top half of your body роздягнутися до пояса
to suffer from sth / ˈsʌfə / to experience physical or mental pain страждати від
to swell / swel / to become larger and rounder than normal - used especially about напухати
parts of the body
to swoon / swuːn / to fall to the ground because you have been affected by an непритомніти
emotion or shock
to take medicine / teɪk ˈmedsən / to use a substance used for treating illness, especially a liquid you приймати ліки
to take one's temperature / teɪk ˈtempərətʆə / to measure temperature міряти температуру
to throw up / θrəʊ ʌp / to bring food or drink up from your stomach out through your блювати
mouth because you are ill
to treat sb for sth / triːt / to try to cure an illness or injury by using drugs, hospital care, лікувати
operations etc
to turn one's stomach / tɜːn ˈstʌmək / to make you feel sick or upset викликати нудоту
to vomit / ˈvɒmɪt / to bring food or drink up from your stomach out through your блювати
mouth, because you are ill
to write out a prescription / raɪt aʊt prɪˈskrɪpʆən / to write what medicine or treatment a sick person should have виписати рецепт

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