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DECRETO DE CREACIÓN N°000842 del 30 de septiembre de 2002. DECRETO LEGALIZACION



Nombre: Curso: Cod: Fecha:

Docente: Piedad Molano y Marilu Antolinez
Asignatura: INGLES
DBA Identifica el propósito de textos orales y escritos de mediana longitud relacionados con
temas de interés general y de su entorno académico usando la gramática conocida.
Evidencia Desarrolla ejercicios de comprensión de textos con temas de interés general y de su
entorno académico usando la gramática aprendida.
Estrategia de Desarrollo de guía, y envío por medio de herramientas digitales
Tema: TEXTOS INCOMPLETOS Tiempo: Junio 17 a
Junio 30


Lea el texto a continuacion y responda las preguntas 1-7, marque A, B o C en su

hoja de respuestas.

What a story!

Stephen William Hawking, a well-known scientist from Oxford, studied physics

at Oxford University. When he was 21 and was doing studies on the universe
at Cambridge University, the doctors found he had a neuro motor problem.
Later, his problem got worse but he wanted to finish his studies.

He thought he was going to live only a few months because most people like
him only live for 18 months after diagnosis. In 1985, he had an operation and
lost his ability to speak. At first, he could talk by spelling words moving his
eyes when someone showed him a letter. Then, he was able to choose words
from a computer screen with a switch.

In 1998, his first book, which was about the universe, was very popular, but
many people did not finish it because it was difficult to understand. In 2005,
he wrote a simple version called A brief History of Time. “Before I got ill, my
life was boring,” he said. But then he had dreams about giving something good
to the world, so he began to improve his work and now we can understand the
universe better.

He said his success came from the help of his wife and children, other people,
and government organizations. Hawking worked as a Lucasian Proffessor of
mathematics at the University of Cambridge, a job that Newton also had had
in 1663.

1.Stephen Hawking became a sick person when

A. he was a student.
B. he was born.
C. he was popular.

2. After his 21st birthday, he believed he was going to

A. die soon.
B. study more.
C. discover new things.

3. Before he died, he could talk using

A. his face.
B. a machine.
C. some letters.

4. His second book was

A. easier to read.
B. for famous people.
C. very advanced.

5. When did he start needing help to communicate?

A. in 1985
B. in 1988
C. in 2005

6. Being sick, he decided to

A. help the planet.

B. be interesting.
C. get better at numbers.

7. Hawking thought his dreams had come true thanks to his

A. professors.
B. family.
C. company.

En el examen de inglés están presentes 7 partes:

 Parte 1: con un 11% del total de las preguntas de inglés, en esta

encontramos los clásicos avisos, que poseen un mensaje y hay que
identificar en qué lugar se puede ver ese tipo de anuncios
 Parte 2: con 11% de preguntas, aquí se evalúa el léxico, hay 8 palabras y
un enunciado que describe la palabra, se debe elegir la palabra que se
relaciona con el enunciado.

 Parte 3: igualmente con el 11% de preguntas, se evalúa las habilidades

comunicativas. El clásico dialogo donde hay que elegir la opción correcta
que el personaje puede responder en dicho dialogo.
 Parte 4: con 18% de las preguntas de inglés, se evalúa el conocimiento
gramatical, hay un texto con espacios en blanco donde se debe escoger la
palabra correcta, que encaja en dicha parte en blanco.
 Parte 5: cuenta con 16% de las preguntas. Aquí hay que comprender un
texto y responder preguntas en base al texto.
 Parte 6: posee 11% de las cuestiones, hay que leer un texto al igual que la
parte 5, solo que las preguntas no son puntales del texto, son de inferencia,
como la intención del autor y aspectos del texto a destacar.

 Parte 7: con un 22% , siendo la que más preguntas posee, es similar a la parte 4
pero con un mayor toque de exigencia.

Ya se ha trabajado Parte 1 y 2. En este workshop nos centramos en las partes

4,5,6,y 7


Lea el siguiente texto y responda las preguntas 8-15

There is controversy over the German origin of the hamburger, but it is a U.S
invention, says “The Hamburger: A History” by Josh Ozersky. However, the
origin of the inventor of the hamburger is still not clear.

It could be Charlie Nagreen, who sold meatballs between two pieces of soft
bread in 1885. Or maybe Frank Menches, from Ohio, who sold a sandwich
made of meat and soft bread in Hamburg, N.Y. in 1885. Another possible
inventor was Louis Lassen, from Connecticut, who served some meat pieces
between two slices of toast 1900. There was also Fletcher David, a Texan who
sold meat sandwich with soft bread in a world exhibition in 1904, where it got
the name “hamburger.”

However, meat and bread -like today´s hamburger- was more common in
Hamburg, Germany, in the nineteenth century, it was called Hamburg for the
United States. Anyone could prepare it, and they could have it while standing
up or walking.

So, the hamburger already existed in the early twentieth century, but it was
only food for workingmen and served in restaurants near factories at midday.
However, after the introduction of the automobile in the market and people´s
new wish for meals to eat on the road, the reputation of the hamburger
improved in 1920.

8. Ozersky thinks that the hamburger was first made by a person who

A. was American.

B. lived in Germany.

C. had a strange origin.

9. A different type of bread was first used in a hamburger

A. Ohio.

B. Texas.

C. Connecticut.

10. The hamburger became known by people from all over the world in

A. 1885.

B. 1900.

C. 1904

11. Who made a hamburger with meat prepared in a special way?

A. Charlie Nagreen.

B. Louis Lawmen.

C. Fletcher David.

12. Hamburgers in Germany were different from the American ones in that

A. were very popular.

B. had more meat.

C. were known later.

13. The hamburgers brought from Germany to the US were

A. hard to find.

B. interesting to make.

C. easy to eat.

14. At the beginning of the last century, some people ate hamburgers for

A. breakfast.

B. lunch.

C. dinner.

15. What changed the way people thought of the hamburger in 1920?

A. a new path.

B. a new job.

C. a new machine.



My name is Gabino Lopez. I was born and grew up in a Guatemalan village and
later become a small farmer there. The biggest problem in my life was that we,
never had enough food or money but, 21 years ago started doing things
differently, and that changed my life. I began using plants instead fertilizers.
This was very good for my farm.

So, I joined some other colleagues and went to agricultural classes in San
Martin I stopped burning my fields every year and changed many others ways
of making on my farm. This improved things a lot. Soon, friends began asking
me to help them and I began giving other farmers information and learned to
speak in front of groups. In 1979, I became the leader of a team. At first, I was
afraid, but my friends helped me, telling me that I could do it the next five years
as one.

We have shown that ecological farming is highly useful for most village
farmers. Also, learning about it has been very important for me. I am happy to
help many farmers and give them information because that’s how we are
making a better world. It makes me feel good to know I have helped my people.

16. When he was younger, Gabino

A. was a big farmer

B. was a poor

C. had no problems.

17. How did Gabino make his farm better?

A. He did things in new ways

B. He stopped using fertilizers

C. He made some new friends.

18. Gabino took agricultural classes with

A. People he didn’t know

B. People working on his farm.

C. a number of other farmers.

19. after the classes, Gabino stopped

A. Working on his fields.

B. Improving his fields.

C. Setting fire to his fields

20. How did Gabino learn to speak in public?

A. By asking for help

B. By helping other people

C. By looking for information.

21. In 1979 Gabino was afraid of

A. Being a leader

B. Helping his friends

C. Being a manager

22. What does Gabino think about what he is doing now?

A. It is a good way of learning

B. It improves people’s lives

C. It is necessary for ecological farming.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22




What a story
Ecological Farming

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