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BRCA mutations in the management

of breast cancer: the state of the art
Steven A. Narod
Abstract | Genetic testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations is gaining acceptance in clinical oncology worldwide
and may help target unaffected high-risk women for prevention and for close surveillance. Annual screening
with MRI seems to be an effective surveillance strategy, but the long term follow-up of women with small MRI-
detected breast cancers is necessary to establish its ultimate value. Women with cancer and a BRCA mutation
may benefit from tailored treatments, such as cisplatin or olaparib. The treatment goals for a woman with a
BRCA-associated breast cancer should be to prevent recurrence of the initial cancer and to prevent second
primary breast and ovarian cancers. Mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 are presented throughout the world and
it is important that the benefits of genetic testing and of targeted therapies be extended to women who live
outside of North America and Western Europe.
Narod, S. A. Nat. Rev. Clin. Oncol. 7, 702–707 (2010); published online 19 October 2010; doi:10.1038/nrclinonc.2010.166

The discovery of the BRCA1 gene in 19941 was quickly fol- mutations in that population. For example, two mutations
lowed by the discovery of BRCA2 in 1995.2 Shortly there- in BRCA1 (185delAG and 5382insC) and one mutation in
after, genetic testing for breast cancer susceptibility was BRCA2 (6174delT) account for the vast majority of BRCA
introduced into clinical practice and testing is now widely mutations (>90%) in the Ashkenazi Jewish population.3
available in North America and in Europe. The hope is that Thus, it is reasonable to test all Ashkenazi women with
if a mutation can be identified before diagnosis, breast and breast or ovarian cancer for the three founder mutations.4,5
ovarian cancer can be prevented. BRCA mutation carriers Moreover, in 2010, Metcalfe et al.6 suggested that this
may be offered intensified surveillance so that breast cancer recommendation be extended to include the Jewish popu-
may be diagnosed before metastatic spread. Furthermore, lation at large. Other populations with important founder
the optimum treatment of women with breast (or ovarian) mutations include ethnic isolates such as the Dutch7 and
cancer and a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation may be differ- French–Canadians.8 A common set of founder mutations
ent from that of non-carriers. However, the directed treat- is present in Eastern Europe—encompassing Poland,9
ment of women with hereditary breast cancer requires that Russia,10 Belarus11 and the Baltic states12,13—reflecting
genetic testing be available at the time of diagnosis. These their common Slavic ancestry. Founder mutations have
topics will be discussed in this Review. also been seen in island populations such as Iceland,14
Greenland,15 Cyprus16 and the Bahamas.17 A number of
Screening for mutations founder mutations have been identified in patients from
Genetic sequencing—whom to test? several South American countries,18,19 but few studies have
Genetic testing is expensive and in most countries it is been carried out in these populations. Founder muta-
rationed; thus, a lot of effort has been expended on decid- tions seem to be less important in the UK, Western and
ing upon whom to test. Relevant issues involved in decision Southern Europe, Asia and Africa.
making include the cost of a test and the prior probability In contrast to full gene sequencing, testing for founder
of a woman having a positive test result. The probability of mutations can be done at relatively low cost. In some cases
a BRCA mutation being present is a function of the age (for example, in Ashkenazi Jewish women or women from
of the woman and her disease status, as well as her ethnic the Bahamas) the founder mutations are common and the
group and her family history (Box 1). probability of a breast cancer patient having a mutation
exceeds 10%,4,20 but in other populations the frequency
Founder mutations of founder mutations is not higher than expected (for
Genetic testing is greatly simplified and relatively inexpen- example, 5–6% of Polish or French–Canadian premeno-
sive in populations where founder mutations are present. pausal patients with breast cancer carry a BRCA muta-
Womens College
Research Institute,
In these populations, a relatively small number of specific tion8,21). However, where founder alleles are present and
790 Bay Street, BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations account for the majority of all represent the majority of mutations in a population, the
Toronto, ON M5G 1N8, background genetic diversity will be less than that of an
steven.narod@ Competing interests ethnically mixed population and the prevalence of non- The author declares no competing interests. founder mutations is likely to be relatively low. In practical

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terms, the criteria for testing a patient from a population Key points
with a founder mutation should be less stringent than for
■ Genetic testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 is facilitated by the presence of one or
an ethnically mixed population. By contrast, for full gene
more founder mutations in a population
sequencing, the criteria should probably be more stringent
■ Ideally, prevention of hereditary breast cancer should encompass the entire
than otherwise. For example, in our clinic we offer genetic
period of risk
testing for three founder mutations to all Ashkenazi breast
■ Preventive oophorectomy reduces the risks of both breast and ovarian cancer
cancer patients based on a low cost of testing (approxi-
mately CAD$100) and a high prevalence of mutations ■ Tamoxifen is currently the only drug approved for breast cancer prevention in
premenopausal women
(12%).4 However, if a founder mutation is not present, we
are reluctant to invest additional resources in search of ■ The treatment of patients with breast cancer who have a BRCA1 or BRCA2
mutation should target the recurrence of the initial cancer and prevention of
a rare non-founder mutation, unless the family history
second primary cancers
is remarkable.
■ Rapid genetic testing at the point of breast cancer diagnosis may influence
The 14% mutation prevalence in women with a non-
treatment plan, in particular with regard to the use of novel agents, such as
mucinous invasive ovarian cancer indicates that it is ratio-
cisplatin and olaparib
nal to recommend genetic testing in this cancer type.22 For
patients with breast cancer, both age-of-onset and recep-
tor status are important predictors of a mutation. The Box 1 | Factors that predict a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation
majority of BRCA1 mutation-associated breast cancers
■ Ethnic group (for example, Ashkenazi Jewish)
are triple-negative (estrogen receptor-negative, proges-
■ Young age (<50 years) of onset of breast cancer
terone receptor-negative, HER2-negative),23 but only
(especially for triple-negative disease)
about 10% of early-onset triple-negative breast cancers
■ Invasive ovarian cancer (any age)
are BRCA1-positive.24,25 Age-of-onset alone is a relatively
weak criterion for genetic testing, but the predictive value ■ Family history of breast or ovarian cancer
of age-of-onset is improved if the triple-negative pheno-
type is used to stratify cases.26,27 Hence it is rational to offer
genetic testing to all women diagnosed as having triple- bilateral mastectomy as part of the initial treatment.28
negative breast cancer before the age of 50, whereas for In both Europe and North America, rates of preventive
estrogen-receptor positive cases, in the absence of a family oophorectomy are high (approximately 60%), but tamox-
history, the upper age limit for testing unselected cases ifen chemoprevention is infrequent in both regions.28 The
should be 30–35 years. Netherlands is notable for a very high uptake of preven-
The identification of mutation carriers before the tive mastectomy among gene carriers.29 Genetic testing
development of cancer is desirable as preventative measures services have now been established in Japan and South
can be taken at an early stage. However, the prior prob- America, but to date, little information has emerged from
ability of a mutation being present is higher in an affected these regions regarding the frequencies of preventive and
woman of a given age, than in an unaffected woman of the treatment options.
same age; thus, paradoxically, it is often easier to qualify
for testing after a diagnosis of cancer than before. In the Cance screening—selecting the best method
absence of a personal history of cancer, genetic testing Screening for breast cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 muta-
is based on a family history of early-onset breast cancers tion carriers should ideally include an annual MRI
(age <50 years) and ovarian cancers (at any age). Typically, examination. Studies have consistently shown MRI to be
a family with two early-onset breast cancers or ovarian more sensitive than mammography.30–32 In a prospective,
cancers would qualify for testing. non-randomized, study, the incidence of advanced breast
cancer (2 cm or more or node-positive) was reduced by
International variation 70% in the 6-year follow-up period in women with a BRCA
Genetic testing has been available in Canada, the USA and mutation who underwent regular MRI examination, com-
the UK since 1996. The extent to which genetic testing pared with those who had conventional mammography.33
is employed varies globally and remains rare outside of To achieve maximal benefit, MRI screening should be con-
North America and Western Europe. The international ducted annually in women aged 25–65 years, or a total of
variation is largely due to market forces and the extent 40 examinations should be carried out. This method of
to which genetic testing is an insured service. However, screening is an expensive commitment; each MRI exami-
other important factors include the availability of genetic nation costs between US$1,000 and $3,000. In addition,
counseling, the presence of testing facilities and physi- long-term health implications of 40 doses of gadolinium
cian awareness and referral networks. In the past decade, have not been evaluated. Moreover, the benefit of MRI
genetic testing has been introduced in Eastern Europe probably does not persist much beyond 2 years after the
and some latin American countries, largely due to the last screening examination. Mammography is a much
presence of founder mutations in these populations. less expensive alternative to MRI, but in cohort studies of
The use of the various preventive practices (described BRCA mutation carriers who were screened by mammo-
in detail below) varies widely between countries.28 For graphy alone, the rate of interval cancers was unacceptably
example, in North America, patients with cancer are much high, that is, in some cases the majority of breast cancers
more likely than their European counterparts to undergo were found between screens by the patient herself.34–37

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Hereditary breast cancer this is because, outside of clinical trials, few unaffected
After a diagnosis of breast cancer in one breast, a woman high-risk women have elected to take tamoxifen. Metcalfe
with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation experiences a high risk and colleagues estimated that only 6% of unaffected BRCA
of contralateral breast cancer. The 10-year risk of contra- mutation carriers with intact breasts choose to take tamox-
lateral breast cancer has been estimated to be between 20% ifen for chemoprevention.28 These women often cite con-
and 30%.38–41 Factors that predict the risk of contralateral cerns about potential side effects as the reason for this
breast cancer include an early age of diagnosis of the first choice. An alternate to tamoxifen for postmenopausal
breast cancer and a family history of early-onset breast women (including women who have undergone preven-
cancers in first-degree relatives.38–41 tive oophorectomy) is raloxifene, but data on raloxifene
in BRCA mutation carriers have not been published. In
natural history of hereditary breast cancer the 2010 update of the Study of Tamoxifen and Raloxifene
Most breast cancers in women with a BRCA1 mutation are (STAR) trial, the protective effect of tamoxifen exceeded
diagnosed at a young age (typically between ages 30 and that of raloxifene by approximately 25%.47 little is known
50 years) and are triple-negative.26 To a large extent, the about the potential benefit of tamoxifen or raloxifene in
natural history of cancer in women carrying BRCA muta- women after oophorectomy. The majority of BRCA muta-
tions is similar to that of young women with triple-negative tion carriers in North America will undergo an oophorec-
breast cancer. The salient features of triple-negative cancers tomy within 1 year of finding out their mutation status.48 In
include a propensity to early distant recurrence (com- one small study of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers,
monly within 1–3 years) and an attenuated relationship a past history of tamoxifen treatment was a risk factor for
between tumor size, lymph-node status and survival.42 In endometrial cancer.49 The utility of tamoxifen for prevent-
an historical cohort study from Israel, Rennert and col- ing distant recurrence specifically in women with BRCA1
leagues found that overall, the 10-year survival of women mutation-associated breast cancer has not been evaluated
with a BRCA1 mutation (49%) or a BRCA2 mutation (48%) in any of the (few) studies that have examined clinical
was similar to that of non-carriers (51%), but tumor size outcomes in patients with hereditary breast cancer.
did not predict survival in the BRCA1-positive cohort.43 Oophorectomy is associated with reductions in the
Women with small cancers (<2 cm) had relatively poor risks of both ovarian and breast cancer in BRCA muta-
outcomes and women with large cancers (>2 cm) did com- tion carriers.50–52 Approximately half of breast cancers
paratively well. There are few comparable data for BRCA2 occur in BRCA1 mutation carriers before the age of 40
mutation carriers. and, therefore, the earlier the oophorectomy, the greater
the potential for prevention. If oophorectomy is per-
Primary prevention of hereditary breast cancer formed after the age of 50 there is probably no benefit
Consideration of strategies for primary prevention in terms for breast cancer risk. In a case-control study by Eisen
of their potential for reducing the lifetime risk of cancer et al.,50 an oophorectomy before the age of 40 was associ-
could be very useful. The lifetime risk of breast cancer is ated with a reduction in the risk of breast cancer of 64% in
about 70% for a BRCA1 mutation carrier and about 60% women with a BRCA1 mutation and 31% in women with
for a BRCA2 mutation carrier.44 The risk of ovarian cancer a BRCA2 mutation. Similar estimates were generated in a
in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers is around 40% meta-analysis by Rebbeck and colleagues.51 To what extent
and 20%, respectively.44 Strategies for cancer prevention the effect of oophorectomy on breast cancer risk dimin-
should be evaluated in terms of the magnitude and dura- ishes with time since oophorectomy is not yet known.
tion of the protective effect. Prevention strategies can be Eisen et al.50 observed no protective effect for an oopho-
divided into those that offer transient protection and those rectomy performed at least 15 years before diagnosis.
that offer lifelong protection. For example, a 5-year course Some women are reluctant to undergo oophorectomy at
of tamoxifen might offer an unaffected woman protection the age of 35 because of a desire to preserve fertility and
against breast cancer for 15 years—including the 5 years most are concerned about the acute effects of surgical
on therapy and 10 years thereafter. However, the BRCA1 menopause. Several of the symptoms of menopause can
mutation carrier faces a significantly elevated risk of breast be mitigated by hormone replacement therapy, but the
cancer from the age of 25 to 70 years (a 45-year period); quality-of-life does not return to presurgical levels.53 Two
therefore, a single course of tamoxifen cannot be expected studies reported that hormone replacement therapy did
to offer lifetime protection in this group. not increase the subsequent risk of breast cancer in BRCA
Tamoxifen has been associated with a 70% reduction mutation carriers.54,55 Evidence indicates that hormone
in contralateral breast cancer in both BRCA1 and BRCA2 replacement may increase the risk of ovarian cancer in
mutation carriers45 and it is reasonable to assume that it the general population,56 but this association has not been
should be effective in primary prevention as well. One established in BRCA mutation carriers.
small study of 288 breast cancer cases, published in 2001, Owing to the limitations of tamoxifen, oophorectomy
found that tamoxifen was not associated with a reduc- and MRI screening described in this Review, many women
tion in the risk of first primary breast cancer in BRCA1 opt for preventive mastectomy. Cohorts of women with
mutation carriers, but a risk reduction was seen in BRCA2 preventive mastectomy have been followed in Europe and
mutation carriers (62% reduction in breast cancer inci- North America.29,57,58 These studies indicate that the pro-
dence).46 No further studies have been published on tection offered by bilateral total mastectomy approaches
primary prevention with tamoxifen. To a large extent, 100%, and the protection is permanent.29,57,58

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Secondary prevention of contralateral cancer regimen. It is not yet clear if the responsiveness of breast
Several studies have reported that the risk of contralateral cancer patients to cisplatin relates more to the triple-
breast cancer was reduced in women who had an oopho- negative phenotype or to the BRCA mutation status per se.
rectomy. Metcalfe et al. (unpublished work) estimated However, the degree of response to cisplatin among BRCA1
the risk of contralateral breast cancer in 810 women mutation carriers seems to exceed that of non-carrier
with a BRCA mutation or with a BRCA mutation in the women with triple-negative cancer. In 2010, Silver et al.73
family. Among women diagnosed with the first breast reported that four of 26 women with non-BRCA1 triple-
cancer below the age of 40 and with two ovaries intact, negative breast cancer had a pathologic complete response
the 15-year risk of contralateral breast cancer was 58%. after cisplatin treatment. In the same study, both women
Oophorectomy was associated with a 52% reduction in with a BRCA1 mutation and triple-negative breast cancer
the risk of contralateral breast cancer. had a complete response. Clearly, more data on the use of
In North America, about half of BRCA1 mutation car- cisplatin in BRCA1 mutation carriers and other patients
riers with breast cancer are treated with bilateral mastec- from studies using multiple clinical end points are needed
tomy, but this practice is relatively rare in Europe.28 To date, before specific clinical recommendations can be made.
no study has documented a reduction in mortality from In the past 5 years, there has been much optimism
cancer attributable to contralateral mastectomy. However, expressed in anticipation of a new class of drugs called
if the goal of contralateral mastectomy is to reduce the poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors.74
number of deaths from contralateral breast cancer, it may Members of this class of drugs have shown effectiveness
take at least 20 years of follow-up to document a reduction against BRCA1-positive and BRCA2-positive breast cancer
in mortality. cells in preclinical models and phase II studies.74,75 PARP
is involved in the repair of single-strand DNA breaks
Treatment of hereditary breast cancer and inhibition of the enzyme results in an impairment
In choosing treatment for a BRCA-positive woman of DNA repair and an augmentation in the number of
with breast cancer, several factors should be taken into double-strand DNA breaks. This phenotype is particu-
consideration, including the risk of recurrence and the larly detrimental to cells with no intact BRCA1 or BRCA2
risks of contralateral breast cancer and ovarian cancer. protein (such as breast cancer cells in mutation carriers,
Theoretically, women with impaired DNA repair ability which have undergone loss of heterozygosity) and results
might experience more adverse effects from radiotherapy in cell death. Single agent olaparib (a PARP inhibitor)
and/or chemotherapy than women without a BRCA muta- has shown effectiveness in treating metastatic hereditary
tion, but this outcome has not yet been observed.59–62 Thus, breast cancer,76,77 and it is hoped that this drug, or others
the choice of a treatment should be based on evidence of in its class, will be used to potentiate the effect of other
its effectiveness. chemotherapies, such as cisplatin.
To a large extent, the response to treatment of BRCA1
mutation-associated cancers is related to the underlying Conclusions
genetic defect, which may differ from other cancers with a Increasing evidence indicates that knowledge of the
similar histological appearance. On the basis of preclinical BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation status will enable a patient
models, it was predicted that BRCA1 mutation-associated and her health care provider to make informed decisions
breast cancers would be resistant to taxanes and sensitive about cancer prevention, screening and treatment. To date,
to DNA damaging agents, such as mitomycin C and cis- compelling evidence has been noted regarding the sur-
platin.63–69 To date, few clinical trials have been conducted gical prevention of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer,
on the hereditary subgroup and several reports are based on through preventive mastectomy and oophorectomy. The
observational trials. Robson and colleagues studied an benefit of annual MRI screening has been suggested by a
Ashkenazi Jewish cohort with early-stage breast cancers.70 number of studies, but has not yet been shown to reduce
The researchers found that women with a BRCA1 mutation mortality. Further studies need to be done on chemo-
who did not receive chemotherapy had a worse outcome prevention and on individualized therapy for women with
than women with non-hereditary breast cancers of similar breast cancer and a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation.
size, but the adverse effect of mutation status on prognosis
was nullified if chemotherapy was given. Similarly, an
enhanced benefit of chemotherapy for BRCA1 mutation Review criteria
carriers was seen in the study by Rennert et al.43 In 2008
The articles cited in this Review represent, from
Byrski and colleagues reported early results of a study of
the author’s point of view, the most important and
neoadjuvant chemotherapy, showing that BRCA1 mutation representative articles of their type published in
carriers were less likely to respond to taxanes (complete the English literature between 1994 and 2010 and
or partial response) than were women without a BRCA1 accessible through PubMed. Search terms include
mutation.71 In a follow-up study published in 2010, Byrski “BRCA1”, “BRCA2”, “breast cancer”, “screening” and
et al.72 found that BRCA1 mutation carriers were highly “management”. No additional websites were searched.
sensitive to neoadjuvant cisplatin chemotherapy. Of 12 The author regrets that, due to space limitations, not
all pertinent articles were included in this Review.
women who were given cisplatin, 10 (83%) experienced
Several unpublished results (and in press articles) were
a pathologic complete response, compared with 13 of 76 communicated here with permission from the authors.
women (17%) who received an anthracycline-containing

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