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Precalculus, 1st Ed.

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chapter 1: Functions And Relations

Chapter 1: Sections

SECTION 1.2Circles

1. Write an Equation of a Circle in Standard Form

2. Write the General Form of an Equation of a Circle

1. Write an Equation of a Circle in Standard Form

In addition to graphing equations by plotting points, we will learn to

recognize specific categories of equations and the characteristics of their
graphs. We begin by presenting the definition of a circle.

Definition of a Circle

A circle is the set of all points in a plane that are equidistant from a fixed
point called the center. The fixed distance from any point on the circle to
the center is called the radius.

The radius of a circle is often denoted by r, where r > 0. It is also important

to note that the center is not actually part of the graph of a circle. It will be
drawn in the text as an open dot for reference only.

Suppose that a circle is centered at the point (h, k) and has radius r (Figure
1-11). The distance formula can be used to derive an equation of the circle.
Let (x, y) be an arbitrary point on the circle. Then by definition the distance
between (h, k) and (x, y) must be r.

Lecture: Standard Form of an Equation of a Circle

PDF Transcript for Lecture: Standard Form of an Equation of a Circle

Figure 1-11

Animation: Investigating the effect of the center and radius on

the graph of a circle
Lecture: Identifying the Center and Radius of a Circle from
Standard Form
PDF Transcript for Lecture: Identifying the Center and Radius of a Circle
from Standard Form

Page 132 Standard Form of an Equation of a Circle

Given a circle centered at (h, k) with radius r, the standard form of an

equation of the circle (also called center-radius form) is given by

Examples Standard form CenterRadius

(x − 4)2 + (y + 3)2 = 25 (x − 4)2 + [y − (−3)]2 = (5)2 (4, −3) 5

x2 + y2 = 7 (0, 0)

In Example 1, we write an equation of a circle in standard form.

Lecture: Writing the Standard Form of an Equation of a Circle

PDF Transcript
Given itsfor
Radiusthe Standard Form of an Equation of a
Circle Given its Center and Radius

EXAMPLE 1Writing an Equation of a Circle in Standard Form

a. Write the standard form of an equation of the circle with center (−4,
6) and radius 2.

b. Graph the circle.




Point of Interest

Among his many contributions to mathematics, René Descartes discovered

analytic geometry, which uses algebraic equations to describe geometric
shapes. For example, a circle can be described by the algebraic equation (x
− h)2 + (y − k)2 = r2.

Skill Practice 1

a. Write an equation of the circle with center (3, −1) and radius 4.

b. Graph the circle.


1. a. (x − 3)2 + (y + 1)2 = 16

Lecture: Write an Equation of a Circle Given

Endpoints of a Diameter
PDF Transcript for Lecture: Write an Equation of a Circle
Given Endpoints of a Diameter

EXAMPLE 2Writing an Equation of a Circle in Standard Form

Write the standard form of an equation of the circle with endpoints of a

diameter (−1, 0) and (3, 4).


A sketch of this scenario is given in Figure 1-12. Notice that the midpoint
of the diameter is the center of the circle.

Figure 1-12

Page 133

The radius of the circle is the distance between either endpoint of the
diameter and the center. Using the endpoint (−1, 0) as (x1, y1) and the
center (1, 2) as (x2, y2), apply the distance formula.
An equation of the circle is: (x − h)2 + (y − k)2 = r2.

Skill Practice 2

Write the standard form of an equation of the circle with endpoints of a

diameter (−3, 3) and (−1, −1).


2. (x + 2)2 + (y − 1)2 = 5

2. Write the General Form of an Equation of a Circle

In Example 2 we have the equation (x − 1)2 + (y − 2)2 = 8. If we expand the

binomials and combine like terms, we can write the equation in general

General Form of an Equation of a Circle

An equation of a circle written in the form x2 + y2 + Ax + By + C = 0 is

called the general form of an equation of a circle.

By completing the square we can write an equation of a circle given in

general form as an equation in standard form. The purpose of writing an
equation of a circle in standard form is to identify the radius and center.
This is demonstrated in Example 3.

Lecture: Given an Equation of a Circle in General Form Write

the Standard Form
PDF Transcript for Lecture: Given an Equation of a Circle in General Form
Write the Standard Form

EXAMPLE 3Writing an Equation of a Circle in Standard Form

Write the equation of the circle in standard form. Then identify the center
and radius.


The center is (−5, 3), and the radius is . See Figure 1-13.

Figure 1-13
Skill Practice 3

Write the equation of the circle in standard form. Then identify the center
and radius. x2 + y2 − 8x + 2y − 8 = 0


3. (x − 4)2 + (y + 1)2 = 25; Center : (4, −1); Radius: 5

Not all equations of the form x2 + y2 + Ax + By + C = 0 represent the graph

of a circle. Completing the square results in an equation of the form (x −
h)2 + (y − k)2 = c, where c is a constant. In the case where c > 0, the graph
of the equation is a circle with radius . However, if c = 0,
or if c < 0, the graph will be a single point or nonexistent. These are called
degenerate cases.

Page 134
If c > 0, then the graph will be a circle with radius .

If c = 0, then the graph will be a single point, (h, k). The solution set is
{(h, k)}.
If c < 0, then the solution set is the empty set { }.

Lecture: Identifying a Degenerate Case of an Equation of a

PDF Transcript for Lecture: Identifying a Degenerate Case of an
Equation of a Circle

EXAMPLE 4Determining if an Equation Represents the Graph of a Circle

Write the equation in the form (x − h)2 + (y − k)2 = r2, and identify the
solution set.


Since r2 = 0, the solution set is {(0, 7)}. The sum of two squares will equal
zero only if each individual term is zero. Therefore, x = 0 and y = 7.

Skill Practice 4

Write the equation in the form (x − h)2 + (y − k)2 = r2, and identify the
solution set.  x2 + y2 + 2x + 5 = 0


4. (x + 1)2 + y2 = −4; The solution set is { }.

Graphing Calculator: Graphing a Circle on a Graphing

Setting a Square Viewing Window and Graphing a Circle

A graphing calculator expects an equation with the y variable isolated.

Therefore, to graph an equation of a circle such as (x + 5)2 + (y − 3)2 = 9,
from Example 3, we first solve for y.
Notice that the graph looks more oval-shaped than circular. This is because
the calculator has a rectangular screen. If the scaling is the same on the x-
and y-axes, the graph will appear elongated horizontally. To eliminate this
distortion, use a ZSquare option, located in the Zoom menu.

Also notice that the calculator display may not show the upper and lower
semicircles connecting. The viewing window between x = −16.1 and x =
16.1 is divided by the number of pixels displayed horizontally to get the
values of x used to graph the equation. These may not include x values at
the leftmost and rightmost points on the circle. That is, the calculator may
graph points close to (−8, 3) and (−2, 3) but not exactly at (−8, 3) and (−2,
3). Therefore, the upper and lower semicircles may not “hook up.”

Page 135 SECTION 1.2Practice Exercises

Prerequisite Review

For Exercises R.1–R.2, find the value of n so that the expression is a

perfect square trinomial. Then factor the trinomial.




R.3. Find the distance between (2, 3) and (−3, −2). Express your answer in
simplified radical form.


R.4. Multiply by using the special case products. Simplify.

Concept Connections

1. A __________________is the set of all points in a plane equidistant

from a fixed point called the __________________.


2. The distance from the center of a circle to any point on the circle is
called the__________________ and is often denoted by r.

3. The standard form of an equation of a circle with center (h, k) and

radius r is given by __________________.


4. An equation of a circle written in the form x2 + y2 + Ax + By + C = 0 is

called the __________________form of an equation of a circle.

Objective 1: Write an Equation of a Circle in Standard Form

5. Is the point (2, 7) on the circle defined by (x − 2)2 + (y − 7)2 = 4?


6. Is the point (3, 5) on the circle defined by (x − 3)2 + (y − 5)2 = 36?

7. Is the point (−4, 7) on the circle defined by (x + 1)2 + (y − 3)2 = 25?


8. Is the point (2, −7) on the circle defined by (x + 6)2 + (y + 1)2 = 100?
For Exercises 9–16, determine the center and radius of the circle.

9. (x − 4)2 + (y + 2)2 = 81

Exercise: Identifying the Center and Radius of a Circle from

Standard Form
PDF Transcript for Exercise: Identifying the Center and Radius of a
Circle from Standard Form


10. (x + 3)2 + (y − 1)2 = 16

11. x2 + (y − 2.5)2 = 6.25


12. (x − 1.5)2 + y2 = 2.25

13. x2 + y2 = 20

Exercise: Identifying the Center and Radius of a Circle from

Standard Form
PDF Transcript for Exercise: Identifying the Center and Radius of a
Circle from Standard Form


14. x2 + y2 = 28




For Exercises 17–32, information about a circle is given.

a. Write an equation of the circle in standard form.

b. Graph the circle. (See Examples 1–2)

17. Center: (−2, 5); Radius: 1

Exercise: Writing the Standard Form of an Equation of a
Circle Given its Center and Radius
PDF Transcript for Exercise: Writing the Standard Form of an
Equation of a Circle Given its Center and Radius


18. Center: (−3, 2); Radius: 4

19. Center: (−4, 1); Radius: 3


20. Center: (6, −2); Radius: 6

21. Center: (−4, −3); Radius:


22. Center: (−5, −2); Radius:

23. Center: (0, 0); Radius: 2.6


24. Center: (0, 0); Radius: 4.2

25. The endpoints of a diameter are (−2, 4) and (6, −2).

Exercise: Write an Equation of a Circle Given Endpoints of

a Diameter
PDF Transcript for Exercise: Write an Equation of a Circle Given
Endpoints of a Diameter


26. The endpoints of a diameter are (7, 3) and (5, −1).

27. The center is (−2, −1) and another point on the circle is (6, 5).


28. The center is (3, 1) and another point on the circle is (6, 5).

29. The center is (4, 6) and the circle is tangent to the y-axis. (Informally, a
line is tangent to a circle if it touches the circle in exactly one point.)


30. The center is (−2, −4) and the circle is tangent to the x-axis.

31. The center is in Quadrant IV, the radius is 5, and the circle is tangent to
both the x- and y-axes.


32. The center is in Quadrant II, the radius is 3, and the circle is tangent to
both the x- and y-axes.

33. Write an equation that represents the set of points that are 5 units from
(8, −11).


34. Write an equation that represents the set of points that are 9 units from
(−4, 16).

35. Write an equation of the circle that is tangent to both axes with radius
and center in Quadrant I.


36. Write an equation of the circle that is tangent to both axes with radius
and center in Quadrant III.

Page 136 Objective 2: Write the General Form of an Equation of a Circle

37. Determine the solution set for the equation (x + 1)2 + (y − 5)2 = 0.


38. Determine the solution set for the equation (x − 3)2 + (y + 12)2 = 0.

39. Determine the solution set for the equation (x − 17)2 + (y + 1)2 = −9.


40. Determine the solution set for the equation (x + 15)2 + (y − 3)2 = −25.

For Exercises 41–54, write the equation in the form (x − h)2 + (y − k)2 =
c. Then if the equation represents a circle, identify the center and
radius. If the equation represents a degenerate case, give the solution
set. (See Examples 3–4)

41. x2 + y2 + 6x − 2y + 6 = 0


42. x2 + y2 + 12x − 14y + 84 = 0




45. x2 + y2 − 20y − 4 = 0


46. x2 + y2 + 22x − 4 = 0

47. 10x2 + 10y2 − 80x + 200y + 920 = 0 (Hint: Divide by 10 to make the
x2 and y2 term coefficients equal to 1.)

Exercise: Given an Equation of a Circle in General Form

Write the Standard Form
PDF Transcript for Exercise: Given an Equation of a Circle in General
Form Write the Standard Form


48. 2x2 + 2y2 − 32x + 12y + 90 = 0

49. x2 + y2 − 4x − 18y + 89 = 0


50. x2 + y2 − 10x − 22y + 155 = 0

51. 4x2 + 4y2 − 20y + 25 = 0

Exercise: Identifying a Degenerate Case of an Equation of a

PDF Transcript for Exercise: Identifying a Degenerate Case of an
Equation of a Circle


52. 4x2 + 4y2 − 12x + 9 = 0




Mixed Exercises

55. A cell tower is a site where antennas, transmitters, and receivers are
placed to create a cellular network. Suppose that a cell tower is located
at a point A(4, 6) on a map and its range is 1.5 mi. Write an equation
that represents the boundary of the area that can receive a signal from
the tower. Assume that all distances are in miles.


56. A radar transmitter on a ship has a range of 20 nautical miles. If the

ship is located at a point (−32, 40) on a map, write an equation for the
boundary of the area within the range of the ship's radar. Assume that
all distances on the map are represented in nautical miles.

57. Suppose that three geological study areas are set up on a map at points
A(−4, 12), B(11, 3), and C(0, 1), where all units are in miles. Based on
the speed of compression waves, scientists estimate the distances from
the study areas to the epicenter of an earthquake to be 13 mi, 5 mi, and
10 mi, respectively. Graph three circles whose centers are located at
the study areas and whose radii are the given distances to the
earthquake. Then estimate the location of the earthquake.


58. Three fire observation towers are located at points A(−6, −14), B(14,
10), and C(−3, 13) on a map where all units are in kilometers. A fire is
located at distances of 17 km, 15 km, and 13 km, respectively, from
the observation towers. Graph three circles whose centers are located
at the observation towers and whose radii are the given distances to the
fire. Then estimate the location of the fire.

Write About It

59. State the definition of a circle.


60. What are the advantages of writing an equation of a circle in standard


Expanding Your Skills

61. Find all values of y such that the distance between (4, y) and (−2, 6) is
10 units.


62. Find all values of x such that the distance between (x, −1) and (4, 2) is
5 units.

63. Find all points on the line y = x that are 6 units from (2, 4).


64. Find all points on the line y = −x that are 4 units from (−4, 6).

Page 137
The general form of an equation of a circle is (x − h)2 + (y − k)2 = r2. If
we solve the equation for x we get equations of the form
. The equation
represents the graph of the corresponding right-side semicircle, and
the equation represents the graph of the left-
side semicircle. Likewise, if we solve for y, we have
. These equations represent the top and bottom
semicircles. For Exercises 65–68, graph the equations.

65. a.




66. a.




67. a.





68. a.




69. Find the shortest distance from the origin to a point on the circle
defined by x2 + y2 − 6x − 12y + 41 = 0.


70. Find the shortest distance from the origin to a point on the circle
defined by x2 + y2 + 4x − 12y + 31 = 0.

Technology Connections

For Exercises 71–74, use a graphing calculator to graph the circles on

an appropriate square viewing window.
71. x2 + y2 = 36


72. x2 + y2 = 49

73. (x − 18)2 + (y + 20)2 = 80


74. (x + 0.04)2 + (y − 0.02)2 = 0.01

Precalculus, 1st Ed.
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chapter 1: Functions And Relations

Chapter 1: Sections

Page 120 SECTION 1.1

The Rectangular Coordinate System and Graphing Utilities
SECTION 1.1The Rectangular Coordinate System and Graphing Utilities

1. Plot Points on a Rectangular Coordinate System

2. Use the Distance and Midpoint Formulas

3. Graph Equations by Plotting Points

4. Identify x- and y-Intercepts

5. Graph Equations Using a Graphing Utility

Websites, newspapers, sporting events, and the workplace all utilize graphs
and tables to present data. Therefore, it is important to learn how to create
and interpret meaningful graphs. Understanding how points are located
relative to a fixed origin is important for many graphing applications. For
example, computer game developers use a rectangular coordinate system to
define the locations of objects moving around the screen.

1. Plot Points on a Rectangular Coordinate System

Mathematician René Descartes (pronounced “day cart”) (1597–1650) was
the first to identify points in a plane by a pair of coordinates. He did this by
intersecting two perpendicular number lines with the point of intersection
called the origin. These lines form a rectangular coordinate system (also
known in his honor as the Cartesian coordinate system) or simply a
coordinate plane. The horizontal line is called the x-axis and the vertical
line is called the y-axis. The x- and y-axes divide the plane into four
quadrants. The quadrants are labeled counterclockwise as I, II, III, and IV
(Figure 1-1).

Animation: Review of plotting points in a rectangular coordinate

Animation: Practice plotting points in a rectangular coordinate
Animation: Introduction to a rectangular coordinate system

Figure 1-1

Every point in the plane can be uniquely identified by using an ordered pair
(x, y) to specify its coordinates with respect to the origin. In an ordered pair,
the first coordinate is called the x-coordinate, and the second is called the
y-coordinate. The origin is identified as (0, 0). In Figure 1-2, six points
have been graphed. The point (−3, 5), for example, is placed 3 units in the
negative x direction (to the left) and 5 units in the positive y direction
Figure 1-2
2. Use the Distance and Midpoint Formulas

Recall that the distance between two points A and B on a number line can
be represented by |A − B| or |B − A|. Now we want to find the distance
between two points in a coordinate plane. For example, consider the points
(1, 5) and (4, 9). The distance d between the points is labeled in Figure 1-3.
The dashed horizontal and vertical line segments form a right triangle with
hypotenuse d.

Figure 1-3

The horizontal distance between the points is |4 − 1| = 3.

The vertical distance between the points is |9 − 5| = 4.

Page 121
Applying the Pythagorean theorem, we have

We can make this process generic by labeling the points P(x1, y1) and Q(x2,
y2). See Figure 1-4.

The horizontal leg of the right triangle is |x2 − x1| or equivalently |x1 −

The vertical leg of the right triangle is |y2 − y1| or equivalently |y1 −

Figure 1-4

Applying the Pythagorean theorem, we have

Lecture: Introduction to the Distance Formula

PDF Transcript for Lecture: Introduction to the Distance Formula



the distance formula can also be expressed as

Distance Formula

The distance between points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is given by

EXAMPLE 1Finding the Distance Between Two Points

Find the distance between the points (−5, 1) and (7, −3). Give the exact
distance and an approximation to 2 decimal places.


Skill Practice 1

Find the distance between the points (−1, 4) and (3, −6). Give the exact
distance and an approximation to 2 decimal places.


1. units ≈ 10.77 units

The Pythagorean theorem tells us that if a right triangle has legs of lengths
a and b and hypotenuse of length c, then a2 + b2 = c2. The following
related statement is also true: If a2 + b2 = c2, then a triangle with sides of
lengths a, b, and c is a right triangle. We use this important concept in
Example 2.

Avoiding Mistakes

A statement of the form “if p, then q” is called a conditional statement. Its

converse is the statement “if q, then p.” The converse of a statement is not
necessarily true. However, in the case of the Pythagorean theorem, the
converse is a true statement.

Lecture: Applying the Distance Formula to Determine if Three

Points Define the Vertices of a Right Triangle
PDF Transcript for Lecture: Applying the Distance Formula to Determine
if Three Points Define the Vertices of a Right Triangle

Page 122 EXAMPLE 2Determining if Three Points Form the Vertices of a Right
Determine if the points M(−2, −3), P(4, 1), and Q(−1, 7) form the vertices
of a right triangle.


Determine the distance between each pair of points.

The line segment is the longest and would potentially be the

hypotenuse, c. Label the shorter sides as a and b.

Check the condition that a2 + b2 = c2.


We denote the distance between points P and Q as

The second notation is the length of the line segment with endpoints P and

The points M, P, and Q do not form the vertices of a right triangle.

Skill Practice 2

Determine if the points X(−6, −4), Y(2, −2), and Z(0, 5) form the vertices of
a right triangle.

2. No

Now suppose that we want to find the midpoint of the line segment
between the distinct points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2). The midpoint of a line
segment is the point equidistant (the same distance) from the endpoints
(Figure 1-5).

Figure 1-5

The x-coordinate of the midpoint is the average of the x-coordinates from

the endpoints. Likewise, the y-coordinate of the midpoint is the average of
the y-coordinates from the endpoints.

Lecture: Finding the Midpoint of a Line Segment

PDF Transcript for Lecture: Finding the Midpoint of a Line Segment

Midpoint Formula

The midpoint of the line segment with endpoints (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is

Avoiding Mistakes

The midpoint of a line segment is an ordered pair (with two coordinates),

not a single number.

EXAMPLE 3Finding the Midpoint of a Line Segment

Find the midpoint of the line segment with endpoints (4.2, −4) and (−2.8,

Page 123 Skill Practice 3

Find the midpoint of the line segment with endpoints (−1.5, −9) and (−8.7,


3. or (−5.1, −2.5)

3. Graph Equations by Plotting Points

The relationship between two variables can often be expressed as a graph

or expressed algebraically as an equation. For example, suppose that two
variables, x and y, are related such that y is 2 more than x. An equation to
represent this relationship is y = x + 2. A solution to an equation in the
variables x and y is an ordered pair (x, y) that when substituted into the
equation makes the equation a true statement.

For example, the following ordered pairs are solutions to the equation y = x
+ 2.

The set of all solutions to an equation is called the solution set of the
equation. The graph of all solutions to an equation is called the graph of
the equation. The graph of is shown in Figure 1-6.
Figure 1-6

One of the goals of this text is to identify families of equations and the
characteristics of their graphs. As we proceed through the text, we will
develop tools to graph equations efficiently. For now, we present the point-
plotting method to graph the solution set of an equation. In Example 4, we
start by selecting several values of x and using the equation to calculate the
corresponding values of y. Then we plot the points to form a general outline
of the curve.

Lecture: Graphing an Equation by Plotting Points 1

PDF Transcript for Lecture: Graphing an Equation by Plotting Points 1

EXAMPLE 4Graphing an Equation by Plotting Points

Graph the equation by plotting points.  


Skill Practice 4

Graph the equation by plotting points.  x2 + y = 4



Page 124

The graph of an equation in the variables x and y represents a relationship

between a real number x and a corresponding real number y. Therefore, the
values of x must be chosen so that when substituted into the equation, they
produce a real number for y. Sometimes the values of x must be restricted
to produce real numbers for y. This is demonstrated in Example 5.

Lecture: Graphing an Equation by Plotting Points

PDF Transcript for Lecture: Graphing an Equation by Plotting Points

EXAMPLE 5Graphing an Equation by Plotting Points

Graph the equation by plotting points.  y2 − 1 = x


Choose x ≥ −1 so that the radicand is nonnegative.

Skill Practice 5

Graph the equation by plotting points.  x + y2 = 2




In Example 5, we choose several convenient values of x such as −1, 0, 3,

and 8 so that the radicand will be a perfect square.

4. Identify x- and y-Intercepts

When analyzing graphs, we want to examine their most important features.

Two key features are the x- and y-intercepts of a graph. These are the points
where a graph intersects the x- and y-axes.

Any point on the x-axis has a y-coordinate of zero. Therefore, an x-

intercept is a point (a, 0) where a graph intersects the x-axis (Figure 1-7).
Any point on the y-axis has an x-coordinate of zero. Therefore, a y-
intercept is a point (0, b) where a graph intersects the y-axis (Figure 1-7).

Figure 1-7

In some applications, we may refer to an x-intercept as the x-coordinate of

a point of intersection that a graph makes with the x-axis. For example, if
an x-intercept is (−4, 0), then the x-intercept may be stated simply as −4
(the y-coordinate is understood to be zero). Similarly, we may refer to a y-
intercept as the y-coordinate of a point of intersection that a graph makes
with the y-axis. For example, if a y-intercept is (0, 2), then it may be stated
simply as 2.
To find the x- and y-intercepts from an equation in x and y, follow these

Determining x- and y-Intercepts from an Equation

Given an equation in x and y,

Find the x-intercept(s) by substituting 0 for y in the equation and

solving for x.

Find the y-intercept(s) by substituting 0 for x in the equation and

solving for y.

Lecture: Identifying x- and y-Intercepts

PDF Transcript for Lecture: Identifying x- and y-Intercepts

Page 125 EXAMPLE 6Finding x- and y-Intercepts

Given the equation y = |x| − 1,

a. Find the x-intercept(s).

b. Find the y-intercept(s).



The x-intercepts are (1, 0) and (−1, 0).


The y-intercept is (0, −1).

The intercepts (1, 0), (−1, 0), and (0, −1) are consistent with the
graph of the equation y = |x| − 1 found in Example 4 (Figure 1-8).

Figure 1-8
Skill Practice 6

Given the equation y = x2 − 4,

a. Find the x-intercept(s).

b. Find the y-intercept(s).


6. a. (2, 0) and (−2, 0)

b. (0, −4)


Sometimes when solving for an x- or y-intercept, we encounter an equation

with an imaginary solution. In such a case, the graph has no x- or y-

5. Graph Equations Using a Graphing Utility

Graphing by the point-plotting method should only be considered a

beginning strategy for creating the graphs of equations in two variables. We
will quickly enhance this method with other techniques that are less
cumbersome and use more analysis and strategy.
One weakness of the point-plotting method is that it may be slow to
execute by pencil and paper. Also, the selected points must fairly represent
the shape of the graph. Otherwise the sketch will be inaccurate. Graphing
utilities can help with both of these weaknesses. They can graph many
points quickly, and the more points that are plotted, the greater the
likelihood that we see the key features of the graph. Graphing utilities
include graphing calculators, spreadsheets, specialty graphing programs,
and apps on phones.

Figures 1-9 and 1-10 show a table and a graph for y = x2 − 3.

Graphing Calculator: Using a Graphing Utility to Graph an

Page 126 Equation CONNECTIONS
Using the Table Feature and Graphing an Equation

In Figure 1-9, we first enter the equation into the graphing editor. Notice
that the calculator expects the equation represented with the y variable

Figure 1-9

To set up a table, enter the starting value for x, in this case, −3. Then set the
increment by which to increase x, in this case 1. The x-increment is entered
as ΔTbl (read “delta table”). Using the “Auto” setting means that the table
of values for X and Y1 will be automatically generated.

The table shows eleven x-y pairs but more can be accessed by using the up
and down arrow keys on the keypad.

The graph in Figure 1-10 is shown between x and y values from −10 to 10.
The tick marks on the axes are 1 unit apart. The viewing window with these
parameters is denoted [−10, 10, 1] by [−10, 10, 1].

Figure 1-10


The Greek letter ∆ (“delta”) written before a variable represents an

increment of change in that variable. In this context, it represents the
change from one value of x to the next.


The calculator plots a large number of points and then connects the points.
So instead of graphing a single smooth curve, it graphs a series of short line
segments. This may give the graph a jagged look (Figure 1-10).

EXAMPLE 7Graphing Equations Using a Graphing Utility

Use a graphing utility to graph y = |x| − 15 and y = −x2 + 12 on the viewing

window defined by [−20, 20, 2] by [−15, 15, 3].

Enter the equations using the Y= editor.

Use the WINDOW editor to change the viewing window parameters. The
variables Xmin, Xmax, and Xscl relate to [−20, 20, 2]. The variables Ymin,
Ymax, and Yscl relate to [−15, 15, 3].

Page 127

Select the GRAPH feature. Notice that the graphs of both equations appear.
This provides us with a tool for visually examining two different models at
the same time.

Skill Practice 7

Use a graphing utility to graph y = −x + 2 and y = 0.5x2 − 2 on the viewing

window [−6, 6, 1] by [−4, 8, 1].



SECTION 1.1Practice Exercises

Prerequisite Review

R.1. Simplify the radical.


R.2. Given a right triangle with a leg of length 7 km and hypotenuse of

length 25 km, find the length of the unknown leg.


R.3. Solve for y. ax + by = c


R.4. Evaluate x2 + 4x + 5 for x = −5

Concept Connections

1. In a rectangular coordinate system, the point where the x- and y-axes

meet is called the ______________.


2. The x- and y-axes divide the coordinate plane into four regions called

3. The distance between two distinct points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is given
by the formula ______________.


4. The midpoint of the line segment with endpoints (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is
given by the formula ______________.

5. A ______________to an equation in the variables x and y is an ordered

pair (x, y) that makes the equation a true statement.


6. An x-intercept of a graph has a y-coordinate of ______________.

7. A y-intercept of a graph has an x-coordinate of ______________.


8. Given an equation in the variables x and y, find the y-intercept by

substituting ______________for x and solving for ______________.
Objective 1: Plot Points on a Rectangular Coordinate System

For Exercises 9–10, plot the points on a rectangular coordinate system.




Objective 2: Use the Distance and Midpoint Formulas

For Exercises 11–18,

a. Find the exact distance between the points. (See Example 1)

b. Find the midpoint of the line segment whose endpoints are the given
points. (See Example 3)

11. (−2, 7) and (−4, 11)


12. (−1, −3) and (3, −7)

13. (−7, −4) and (2, 5)


14. (3, 6) and (−4, −1)

Exercise: Finding the Midpoint of a Line Segment

PDF Transcript for Exercise: Finding the Midpoint of a Line Segment

15. (2.2, −2.4) and (5.2, −6.4)


16. (37.1, −24.7) and (31.1, −32.7)




Page 128
For Exercises 19–22, determine if the given points form the vertices of
a right triangle. (See Example 2)

19. (1, 3), (3, 1), and (0, −2)


20. (1, 2), (3, 0), and (−3, −2)

Exercise: Applying the Distance Formula to Determine if

Three Points Define the Vertices of a Right Triangle
PDF Transcript for Exercise: Applying the Distance Formula to
Determine if Three Points Define the Vertices of a Right Triangle

21. (−2, 4), (5, 0), and (−5, 1)


22. (−6, 2), (3, 1), and (1, −2)

Objective 3: Graph Equations by Plotting Points

For Exercises 23–24, determine if the given points are solutions to the

23. x2 + y = 1

a. (−2, −3)

b. (4, −17)



a. (1, −2)

b. (−2, −3)


For Exercises 25–30, identify the set of values x for which y will be a
real number.










For Exercises 31–44, graph the equations by plotting points. (See

Examples 4–5)

31. y=x


32. y = x2



35. y = x3



Exercise: Graphing an Equation by Plotting Points 1

PDF Transcript for Exercise: Graphing an Equation by Plotting Points





Exercise: Graphing an Equation by Plotting Points

PDF Transcript for Exercise: Graphing an Equation by Plotting Points

39. y2 − x − 2 = 0


40. y2 − x + 1 = 0







Objective 4: Identify x- and y-Intercepts

For Exercises 45–50, estimate the x- and y-intercepts from the graph.





Page 129

For Exercises 51–62, find the x- and y-intercepts. (See Example 6)

51. −2x + 4y = 12


52. −3x − 5y = 60

53. x2 + y = 9


54. x2 = −y + 16




57. x = y2 − 1

Exercise: Identifying x- and y-Intercepts

PDF Transcript for Exercise: Identifying x- and y-Intercepts


58. x = y2 − 4







Mixed Exercises

63. A map of a wilderness area is drawn with the origin placed at the
parking area. Two fire observation platforms are located at points A
and B. If a fire is located at point C, determine the distance to the fire
from each observation platform.


64. A map of a state park is drawn so that the origin is placed at the visitor
center. The distance between grid lines is 1 mi. Suppose that two
hikers are located at points A and B.

a. Determine the distance between the hikers.

b. If the hikers want to meet for lunch, determine the location

of the midpoint between the hikers.
The position of an object in a video game is represented by an ordered
pair. The coordinates of the ordered pair give the number of pixels
horizontally and vertically from the origin. Use this scenario for
Exercises 65–66.

65. a. Suppose that player A is located at (36, 315) and player B is

located at (410, 53). How far apart are the players? Round
to the nearest pixel.

b. If the two players move directly toward each other at the

same speed, where will they meet?

c. If player A moves three times faster than player B, where

will they meet? Round to the nearest pixel.


66. Suppose that a player is located at point A(460, 420) and must move in
a direct line to point B(80, 210) and then in a direct line to point
C(120, 60) to pick up prizes before a 5-sec timer runs out. If the player
moves at 120 pixels per second, will the player have enough time to
pick up both prizes? Explain.

67. Verify that the points A(0, 0), B(x, 0), and make up the
vertices of an equilateral triangle.


68. Verify that the points A(0, 0), B(x, 0), and C(0, x) make up the vertices
of an isosceles right triangle (an isosceles triangle has two sides of
equal length).
For Exercises 69–70, assume that the units shown in the grid are in

a. Determine the exact length and width of the rectangle shown.

b. Determine the perimeter and area.



Page 130

For Exercises 71–72, the endpoints of a diameter of a circle are shown.

Find the center and radius of the circle.


For Exercises 73–74, an isosceles triangle is shown. Find the area of the
triangle. Assume that the units shown in the grid are in meters.



For Exercises 75–78, determine if points A, B, and C are collinear.

Three points are collinear if they all fall on the same line. There are
several ways that we can determine if three points, A, B, and C are
collinear. One method is to determine if the sum of the lengths of the
line segments and equals the length of .

75. (2, 2), (4, 3), and (8, 5)


76. (2, 1.5), (4, 2), and (8, 3)

77. (−2, 8), (1, 2), and (4, −3)


78. (−1, 5), (0, 3), and (5, −13)

Write About It

79. Suppose that d represents the distance between two points (x1, y1) and
(x2, y2). Explain how the distance formula is developed from the
Pythagorean theorem.


80. Explain how you might remember the midpoint formula to find the
midpoint of the line segment between (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).

81. Explain how to find the x- and y-intercepts from an equation in the
variables x and y.


82. Given an equation in the variables x and y, what does the graph of the
equation represent?

Expanding Your Skills

A point in three-dimensional space can be represented in a three-

dimensional coordinate system. In such a case, a z-axis is taken
perpendicular to both the x- and y-axes. A point P is assigned an
ordered triple P(x, y, z) relative to a fixed origin where the three axes
meet. For Exercises 83–86, determine the distance between the two
given points in space. Use the distance formula
83. (5, −3, 2) and (4, 6, −1)


84. (6, −4, −1) and (2, 3, 1)

85. (3, 7, −2) and (0, −5, 1)


86. (9, −5, −3) and (2, 0, 1)

Page 131 Objective 5: Graph Equations Using a Graphing Utility (Technology


87. What is meant by a viewing window on a graphing device?


88. Which of the viewing windows would show both the x- and y-
intercepts of the graph of 780x − 42y = 5460?

a. [−20, 20, 2] by [−40, 40, 10]

b. [−10, 10, 1] by [−10, 10, 1]

c. [−10, 10, 1] by [−10, 150, 10]

d. [−10, 10, 1] by [−150, 10, 10]

For Exercises 89–92, graph the equation with a graphing utility on the
given viewing window. (See Example 7)

89. y = 2x − 5 on [−10, 10, 1] by [−10, 10, 1]


90. y = −4x + 1 on [−10, 10, 1] by [−10, 10, 1]

91. y = 1400x2 − 1200x on [−5, 5, 1] by [−1000, 2000, 500]


92. y = −800x2 + 600x on [−5, 5, 1] by [−1000, 500, 200]

For Exercises 93–94, graph the equations on the standard viewing

window. (See Example 7)

Exercise: Using a Graphing Utility to Graph an Equation

PDF Transcript for Exercise: Using a Graphing Utility to Graph an


93. a. y = x3



94. a.


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