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 

Singkatan dan Akronim...................................................................................................................iii
Daftar Istilah....................................................................................................................................iii
Kata Pengantar................................................................................................................................iii
BAB 1................................................................................................................................................3
GAMBARAN UMUM MSPD...............................................................................................................3
Pengertian MSPD...............................................................................................................................3

Tujuan MSPD.....................................................................................................................................3

Dasar Hukum.....................................................................................................................................3

Pelaksana MSPD................................................................................................................................3

Waktu Pelaksanaan MSPD.................................................................................................................3

Manfaat MSPD..................................................................................................................................3

BAB 2...............................................................................................................................................3
PROSEDUR PELAKSANAAN MSPD.....................................................................................................3
Diagram 1: Siklus Pelaksanaan MSPD................................................................................................3

PROSES PELAKSANAAN KEGIATAN....................................................................................................3

Sumber Daya yang Diperlukan...........................................................................................................3

BAB 3................................................................................................................................................3
PERENCANAAN PROGRAM MSPD.....................................................................................................3
Ruang Lingkup Perencanaan..............................................................................................................3

Dasar Kegiatan...................................................................................................................................3

Tujuan, Target dan Kriteria Keberhasilan..........................................................................................3

Langkah Kegiatan Perencanaan.........................................................................................................3

Jadwal Kegiatan.................................................................................................................................3

Sumber Daya Penunjang....................................................................................................................3

Perencanaan Anggaran......................................................................................................................3

Pelaporan MSPD................................................................................................................................3

MODEL JADWAL PERENCANAAN KEGIATAN MSPD...........................................................................3

 

BAB 4...............................................................................................................................................3
AGREGASI/ PENGGABUNGAN LAPORAN MSPD................................................................................3
Agregasi/Penggabungan oleh Pengawas...........................................................................................3

Agregasi/Penggabungan oleh Pemerintahan Daerah........................................................................3

 

Abbreviations and Acronyms

AIBEP Australia Indonesia Basic Education Program

BAN S/M Badan Akreditasi Nasional Sekolah/Madrasah – School / Madrasah Accreditation
BAP Badan Akreditasi Provinsi – Province Accreditation Agency
BDK Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan -Departemen Agama – Education and Training
Center of Ministry of Religious Affairs
Depdagri Departemen Dalam Negeri – Ministry of Home Affairs
Kemendiknas kementeran Pendidikan Nasional – Ministry of National Education
Depag Departemen Agama – Ministry of Religious Affairs
EDD Evaluasi Diri Daerah – District Self Evaluation
EDS Evaluasi Diri Sekolah – School Self Evaluation
EMIS Education Management Information System (Sistem Informasi Manajemen
Pendidikan) Departemen Agama (MoRA)
KKS Kajian Kinerja Sekolah – School Performance Research
LPMP Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan – Education Quality Assurance
LPPKS Lembaga Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Kepala Sekolah (?) – School
Principal Development and Empowerment Institution
MPMP Model Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan – Education Quality Assurance Model
MSPD Monitoring Sekolah oleh Pemerintah Daerah – School Monitoring by District
Padati Pusat Data dan Informasi Depdiknas – Data and Information Center of MoNE
PDA Personal Digital Assistance -
PPB Pengembangan Profesi Berkelanjutan – Continuous Professional Development
PPPPTK Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan –
Teachers and Educational Personnel Development and Empowerment Center
RENSTRA Rencana Strategis - Strategic Plan
SMPD Sistem Manajemen Data Pendidikan – Education Data Management System
SNP Standar Nasional Pendidikan – National Education Standards
SPM Standar Pelayanan Minimal – Minimum Service Standards
SAS Statistical Analysis System -
SPPMP Sistem Penjaminan dan Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan – Education Quality
Assurance and Improvement System
SPSS Statistical Package for Social Science
WTP Wawancara Tokoh Pendidikan – Education Figure Interview
 

List of Terms
Term Definition
Content Analysis A process to analyze descriptive qualitative data. The content of this note is
further analyzed to identify themes, factors and ideas.
Impact Impacts of an education program or activity that are measured against the
short-term and long-term results and benefits of the program and activity
which can be realized or maintained.
Qualitative Data Qualitative data are descriptive and presented in forms of characters,
correlations or quality. Qualitative data have a lot of characters and include
gathered information that is not in form of number.
Quantitative Data Measurable data stated in forms of such as rupiah, degrees, meters and
frequency and they can be stated in statistical forms. Quantitative data
present data in a quantitative form and are usually use numerical figures for
an activity or action.
Efficiency An education activity or program is said to be effective if implemented and
managed well by using an effective costs

Component element It is sub part of the standard components. Some of the standard components
have a number of component elements. The achievement towards the
component elements can provide feedbacks on the achievement of the
EMIS A computerized or media-printing system in order to record education
quality assurance data
Evaluation A process to determine relevance, quality, results and impacts of various
activities. An evaluation is a process that is more complex than supervision
since it focuses more on the measurement of impacts, results and quality.
Education Results Results are final impacts or results that are expected from a program or a
process. Education results are often abstract and immediate, mid-term or
Education Input Inputs are resources, materials that are used and processed in a program in
order to get outputs and results that are expected.

Effectiveness An education activity or program is considered effective if it can achieve its

targets or goals.
 

Term Definition
Reliability The consistencies of data or data collection method. Data or data collection
process are considered to be reliable if the same process conducted many
times produces the same or consistent result.
Validity The accuracy of data or instrument used in data collection.

Standard The main part of the Education Standards. Each National Education
Components Standards consists of a number of components. The achievement of each
standard component will finally direct to the achievement of the National
Education Standards.
Monitoring Checking or tracing the footprint of a project, program or activity in order to
make sure that:
 input is given according to plan – timely, adequate quantity and within
budget plafond
 Process is implemented according to plan, and
 output is what is achieved according to what is proposed
MSPD A set of strategies implemented by staffs of Education / Religious Affair
Offices and school supervisors at the level of District government in order to
monitor and evaluate the quality and effectiveness of a school and
educational personnel against the Eight National Education Standards.
Quality Quality measured based on relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and impacts
of a program, process or action.
Education Output Outputs in forms of activities, products or services as results of the input
processing. Outputs are more tangible results.
Quality A set of coordinated strategies and programs that are designed and
Improvement implemented by all levels in the national education system in order to
improve learning results of all students.
Quality Assurance Quality assurance is a set of process and system that are interrelated in order
to collect, analyze and report data concerning performance and quality of
educational personnel, programs and institutions. Quality assurance in the
end will support the quality improvement.
The quality assurance process identifies fields of achievement and priorities
for improvement and in order to provide data for evidence based planning
and decision making as well as in order to build a continuous improvement
 

Term Definition

Education Process Process is an action conducted or a procedure implanted such as teaching,

assessing, management system – in order to use and manage inputs in order
to get the outputs or results.
Triangulation An approach in data collection and / or data analysis, which compares and
synthesizes data from various sources or data collected by using various


1. The use of school already includes madrasah

2. The use of District Education Office refers to the Education Office
of the same type and the Mapenda Office of the Ministry of
Religious Affairs at district / city level.

1. Istilah sekolah mencakup

 madrasah 
2. Istilah Kantor Pendidikan Daerah mencakup Dinas Pendidikan dan
 Kantor Departemen Agama
3. Istilah Pemerintah Daerah mencakup Pemerintah Kabupaten atau
The Technical Guidelines of School Monitoring by District Govenrment is made in order to
support the implementation of the Education Quality Assurance System (EQAS), which is
regulated in the Permendiknas No 63 / 2009.
This MSPD technical guideline provides information on the implementation at each stage in
the implementation cycle of the MSPD. This guideline is used by the LPMP, Dinas
Pendidikan/Kantor Kemenag and the office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and by
school supervisors in planning and implementing the MSPD.
The guideline is made with following chapters:

Chapter 1 – Overview of MSPD

Chapter 2 –MSPD Implementation Procedure
Chapter 3 –MSPD Program Planning
Chapter 4 – MSPD report Aggregation
Chapter 5 – Closing

Definition of MSPD
In the National Education System, District governments, districts or cities, play an important role in:
 providing education services
 monitoring education quality and providing education support services
 making reports concerning quality and performance of education units, teachers and
educational personnel
 improving education quality and services

The Regulation by the Minister of National Education (Permendiknas) No. 50/2007 concerning
Education Management Standards oblige District government to implement education quality assurance
programs together with LPMP in each region. This guideline will also detail the responsibility of
District government in monitoring and improving quality of schools, teachers and educational
The implementation of monitoring is conducted by school supervisors. In many cases, a lot of education
monitoring practices conducted by district / city are not effective in terms of:
 collection of relevant and valid data
 analysis of collected data
 use of available data in order to imporove schools
 reporting of the achievement of the MSS and NES

Due to the abovementioned reasons, District governments, supported by LPMP, work

together with education units in the circle of MoNE / MoRA in order to review and improve the
effecgiveness of the monitoring and evaluations of performances of schools in order to be in line
with the achievement of NES.

MSPD is an important part in the implementation of EQAS with a purposes to improve the
role of district / city governments (through Education and Religious Affair offices) in order to
improve the performance of schools in order to achieve the MSS and NES.

The guideline of the MSPD is expected to be able to direct and guide the procedures and the
ways a district / city government monitors the performance of its schools in order to improve the
quality of schools in its area.

9 Part 1
Objective of MSPD
The School Monitoring by District Government aims, among others, at:
1. Collecting (collection) of valid and reliable data concerning quality and performance of schools
based on their SSE.
2. Analyzing collected data.
3. Using the results of the analysis for:
a. Making of plans, determining policies and allocating district / city resources and making
decisions based on collected data.
b. Developing and implementing programs and strategies in order to improve education quality
at schools.
c. Identifying schools that need to be given special attentions in order to improve their

Legal Base
1. Act No 20 / 2003 concerning National Education System
2. Government Regulation No 19 / 2005 concerning Education National Standards
3. Government Regulation No 17 / 2010 concenring Education Management and Provision
4. Regulation by the Minister of National Education No 50 / 2007 concerning Standards of
Education Management by Regional Government
5. Regulation by the Minister of National Education No 63 / 2009 concerning Education Quality

Implementation of MSPD
MSPD is the responsibility of district /city governments and it will be implemented by the
Education and Religious Affair Offices in order to measure the performances of schools in
implementing the MSS and NES. The main strategy used by District / City Education and Religious
Affair Offices is to collect data concerning school quality and effectiveness by using the results of
The MSPD provides information in forms of detailed qualitative and quantitative data related
to the achievements of MSS and NES. The Education and Religious Affair Offices assign
supervisors to perform this duty as part of the duty of the functional position. Supervisors also
implement the facilitation duty during the planning, implementation, management and reporting the
SSE results which are used for the bases of the MSPD reporting.
The main focus of the MSPD is realated to the academic supervision and school
management, which are an inseparable part of the duty of a school supervisor. At the same time, the
SSE also aims at the effectiveness of the implementation of academic and management supervision.
Therefore, the participations of supervisors in the implementations of SSE is very important.

10 Part 1
MSPD Implementation Time
The MSPD activity is an annual cycle of continuous education quality assurance and
improvement activities in order to generate a quality culture. Therefore, it requires a measurement
activity. The completion of the MSPD format is conducted after the finishing of SSE reports. On the
other hand, the supports giving by a supervisor in the implementation of SSE has to be seen as a part
of an integrated duty in facilitating a school. The results of MSPD will serve as important inputs for
the making of district / city education development plan. Therefore, the discussion of the results of
the MSPD has to be conducted in an MSPD Workshop conducted before the making of district / city
education development plan and budget.

11 Part 1
Benefits of MSPD
Results of MSPD can be used as bases for:
a. Making education quality improvement planning
b. Determining district / city government policies in education
c. Allocating resources in district / city
d. Making decisions related to education based on collected data
e. Developing and implementing programs and strategies in order to improve education quality at
f. Identifying schools that need special attentions in improving its performance

12 Part 1

The implementation of MSPD is basically a part of a cycle of national education quality assurance-
improvement activity that places a district / city government to be active in facilitating schools to improve
their performances in the implementations of MSS and NES. The implementation of MSPD is a continuous
annual activity so that education quality culture can be realized. The activity cycle can be seen in the below

Diagram 1: MSPD Implementation Cycle

Stage 1
Collecting Results
of School Self
Stage 8 Stage 2
Implementing school Studying SSE results and
quality improvement monitoring notes of each
program school

Stage 3
Stage 7 Filling in the
Making School MSPD format
Development Plan at for each school
district / city level

Stage 4
Stage 6 Aggregating the
Identifying priorities results of MSPD of
for school a number of schools
dvelopment needs facilitated by the
(district / city) as well Stage 5 supervisor
as considering other Aggregating the
pieces of information results of MSPD
based on the
types and levels
of schools

13 Part 1

The MSPD activity is implemented in following stages:

1. Collecting SSE Results

Stage 1
Collecting Results Supervisors collect data of SSE results related to the education
of School Self quality at schools (especially schools that they facilitate).

Stage 2
2. Studying SSE results of each school
Studying SSE results
and monitoring notes Results of SSE data and notes of other monitoring are studied
of each school by supervisors in order to make an MSPD report to the district /
- Achievement against the MSS and NES
- School SSE recommendations
- Follow up

Stage 3 3. Mengisi Laporan MSPD Per-Sekolah

Filling in the - Supervisor analyzes the SSE results which will serve as the
MSPD format for materials for the making of the MSPD reports from the schools
each school that they facilitate.
- Supervisors sort proposals and suggestions based on what
school can do and what district / city offices can do
- The MSPD report is made by referring to the results of the SSE

14 Part 1
4. Aggregating the results of MSPD
Stage 4
Aggregating the
results of MSPD of After making the MSPD report of each school, next, the
a number of schools supervisor performs aggregations of the MSPD reports.
facilitated by the
supervisor The results of the aggregation are sort based on groups of
problems that each school faces.

5. Aggregating the results of MSPD based on the types and

levels of schools
Stage 5 In order to make a report to the district / city education offices /
Aggregating the religious affair offices, supervisors aggregate / summarize the
results of MSPD results of the MSPD based on the types and levels of schools -
based on the SD, SMP, MI, and MTs.
types and levels The district / city education offices / religious affair offices can
of schools also use the MSPD reports as sources of information regarding
impacts and effectiveness of education program initiatives in
the district / city.
The MSPD reports consist of qualitative and quantitative data
which will serve as solid bases for the district / city education
offices / religious affair offices in making education quality
improvement planning at district / city level.

6. Identifying priorities for school dvelopment needs

Stage 6 (district / city) as well as considering other pieces of
Identifying priorities information
for school Based on the MSPD reports and other information from other
dvelopment needs relevant sources, the district / city education offices / religious
(district / city) as well affair offices can identify things that are made priorities in
as considering other developing schools and improving education quality.
pieces of information
Therefore, the education offices / religious affair offices will have
materials for program designing that are better directed in
school quality development and improvement.

7. Making School Development Plan

Stage 7
Making School
15 Plan at Part 1
district / city level
Based on the results of the idenfications of priorities for
school development and materials for designing programs,
the education offices / religious affair offices makes School
Devlopment Program Plan at district / city level

8. Implementing quality improvement program

Stage 8 The district / city education offices / religious affair offices
Implementing school implements the school improvement program and
quality improvement education quality Improvement based on the results of
program identifications of the prioritized of the needs of school

The implementation of MSPD is monitored by a team from

the district / city education offices / religious affair offices and
the results are used for the improvement of the
implementation of the next MSPD.

Required Resources
Resources required to implement the MSPD are as follows:
1. Human resources
- The implementation of MSPD needs to be supported by professional supervisors and
other educational personnel.
2. Fund resource
- The fund for the implementation of MSPD is from the district / city budget according
to the needs.
3. Other resources

16 Part 1

In order to have an effective implementation of the MSPD, the district / city team needs to make
annual activity plan and mid-term work plan (every four-year).

Scope of Planning
One of the responsibilities of the district / city education offices / religious affair offices as a part of
the education quality assurance is the MSPD activity. The scope of the planning, at least,
1) Name of activity
2) Scope of planning
3) Bases of planning activity
Step of planning activity is an important step in so that the whole implementation of the
MSPD can be effective in realizing the expected goal.
4) Goal, target and success criteria
District / city government should establish goals, targets and success criteria according
to the principles of quality assurance. Each district / city can determine goals that are in
line with the needs of the activity implementation.
5) Activity Steps
In the planning development, the district / city government should make procedures that
are in line with the SOP of the MSPD. (steps of activities are stated in the Column 5)
6) Activity Schedule
7) Required resources and budget
8) Budget planning
9) Reporting

Bases for Activity

Step of planning activity is an important step in so that the whole implementation of the MSPD
can be effective in realizing the expected goal.

Goals, Targets and Success Criteria

Each district / city government can establish its own goals according that are in line with the
purpose of the quality assurance. Besides the goals, the district / city government also sets
measurable targets and success criteria.

The mapping of district / city school quality in implementing the Eight National Education
Standards (SNP).

17 Part 1
Target: Each year, the district / city education / religious affair office is able to map schools’
performances in order to produce information to be used for the making of district / city
education development policies.
1. Activity is implanted from January to April 2010.
Success Criteria:
1. Availability of information based from the quality mapping in a form of an information
document system concerning the performance of schools in implementing the NES.
2. The activity is implemented for four months.

Steps of Planning Activity

In the planning development, the district / city government should make procedures that are in
line with the Standards of Operational Procedures (SOP) of the MSPD that covers the following
steps of activities:
1. Forming an MSPD work team with a decree by district / city government as a part of the
district / city education quality assurance system.
2. Planning SSE result study for each school
3. Planning the completion of MSPD format for each school
4. Planning supervisors’ activities in aggregating the MSPD data of schools that they
5. Planning the aggregation of the MSPD results based on the levels and types of schools,
which is implemented after supervisors finish aggregating their own schools
6. Planning workshop activities in order to identify need priorities of school development and
making School Development Plan designs at district / city level.
7. Preparing the implementation of the school quality improvement program
8. Designing the implementation of coordination and socialization
9. Designing an evaluation of the activity
10. Making report and recommendations

Activity Schedule
Format model is on the next page:

No Month of Implementation
Activity PIC
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Establishing work Pemda
2 Studying SSE Supervisor
results per school
18 Part 1
3 Completing MSPD Supervisor
format for each
Aggregation work team
5 Aggregating MSPD
MSPD results work team
based on types and
6 Workshop MSPD
activities in order work team
to identify need
priorities of school
development and
making School
Development Plan
designs at district /
city level
7 Making school MSPD
development policy work team
plan at district /
city level
8 Implementing MSPD
school quality work team
9 Designing the MSPD
implementation of work team
coordination and
10 Designing an MSPD
evaluation of the work team
11 Planning MSPD
workshops of the work team
results of the
implementation of
12 Making policies, MSPD
report and work team

19 Part 1
Supported resources
Equipment of the activity (computer, laptop, LCD), funds and personnel (support in forms of
policies and administration)

Budget Planning
MSPD activity budget source:
District / city local budget (RAPBD).

The budget model includes several parts and stages that need to be detailed according to the
needs and budget capacity of each district / city government:

1. Preparation or planning (MSPD Pre implementation)

a. Coordination meeting
b. Dissemination

2. Implementation of MSPD
a. SSE data collection
b. Meetings to discuss the SSE results (Aggregating the MSPD)

3. Reporting (Recommendation) of the results of MSPD

4. Workshop for the results of MSPD

MSPD Reporting
Completing report according to the manual of the use of the MSPD and by using the
standardized format

20 Part 1
No Month of Implementation
Activity PIC
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Establishing work Pemda
2 Studying SSE Supervisor
results per school
3 Completing MSPD Supervisor
format for each
Aggregation work team
5 Aggregating MSPD
MSPD results work team
based on types and
6 Workshop MSPD
activities in order work team
to identify need
priorities of school
development and
making School
Development Plan
designs at district /
city level
7 Making school MSPD
development policy work team
plan at district /
city level
8 Implementing MSPD
school quality work team
9 Designing the MSPD
implementation of work team
coordination and
10 Designing an MSPD
evaluation of the work team
11 Planning MSPD
workshops of the work team
results of the
implementation of
21 Part 1
12 Making policies, MSPD
report and work team


22 Part 1

Based on the results of SSE that have been implemented by each school, supervisors made an MSPD
report. The MSPD reports from various schools under a supervisor need to be aggregated by to become
one MSPD report by each supervisor. The aggregation results of the MSPD are reported to the district /
city education offices / religious affair offices at the district / city level.
The aggregation of the MSPD report consists of:

No Activity PIC Result

1 1. Implementing SSE activity School Development Team Report of SSE results
2 2. Analyzing SSE results SDT  Description of school
performance according to
standards and indicators
 Performance
improvements and School
Development Plan
making recommendations
3 3. Completing MSPD report Supervisor (individual) MSPD report of each
format supervisor
4 4. Aggregation and analysis Supervisor (individual) Aggregation reports of
by each supervisor on his schools facilitated by a
or her schools supervisor
5 5. Aggregation and analysis MSPD Team Aggregation report by the
by the district / city MSPD Team according to
education offices / the level and types of
religious affair offices schools
6 6. Workshop to identifies MSPD Team List of strategic issues and
strategic issues and to set priorities
7 Workshop to make MSPD Team Proposed materials for
district / city education school quality
development programs improvements

The seven above activities are sorted based on level of schools, supervisors and based on district /
city. Following is the explanation of aggregating activities by supervisors and the MSPD Team

23 Part 1
Aggregation by Supervisors
Aggregations conducted by a supervisor on schools that he or she facilitates aim at gathering
information concerning the strengths, weaknesses and recommendations from schools that he or she
facilitates to be reported to the education offices / religious affair offices. This aggregation report is
used as inputs for the aggregation at district / city level.
The aggregation activities include the following steps:
a. Collecting MSPD data based on the SSE results
b. Analyzing the MSPD data in order to identify strengths and weaknesses
c. Making conclusions of the strengths and weaknesses of each school
Based on the aggregation reports of each standard, a summary is made as a recommendation to
the district / city education offices / religious affair offices.
d. In the summary of each standard, there will be recommendations and suggestions of activities in
order to implement the recommendations.

Aggregations by District / City Government

The aggregation of the MSPD reports by district / city government is based on the aggregation
produced by supervisors. The aggregation activities conducted by the district / city government are
as follows:
a. Recapitulations of the weaknesses in implementing the MSS and NES in all schools
b. Recapitulations of recommendations for all schools
c. Proposed activities in order to map quality and to improve schools’ quality

24 Part 1

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