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Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion (2019) 5:72

Cathodic Protection Performance Evaluation of Magnesium Anodes

on Mild Steel Corrosion in 0.5 M ­H2SO4 and Seawater Environments
Cleophas Akintoye Loto1,2 · Roland Tolulope Loto1 · Abimbola Patricia Popoola2

Received: 9 January 2019 / Revised: 22 March 2019 / Accepted: 20 June 2019

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

The performance of two different sizes of galvanic magnesium anodes on the cathodic protection of mild steel in 0.5 M
sulphuric acid and seawater was evaluated at room temperature of 27 °C. The cathodic protection reactions process was
observed by weight-loss method, its corresponding corrosion rate calculation and potential measurement method. The
­ 2SO4, the experiment
magnesium anodes were observed to be effective as sacrificial anode in the tested environments. In H
recorded very low weight loss of mild steel throughout the experiment. The magnesium anode with a larger cross-sectional
area (magnesium anode 2) recorded a weight loss of 0.0095 g (9.5 mg) and corrosion rate (C.R.) of 0.007 mm/year; smaller
size anode (magnesium anode 1) achieved 0.0785 g (78.5 mg) weight loss and C.R. of 0.062 mm/year during the same time
of 21st day of the experiment. With magnesium anode 2 (bigger size) the potential ranged between − 0.467 V (− 467 mV)
and − 0.441 V (mV) from the start to the end. For magnesium anode 1 (slightly smaller size) the electrode potential ranged
between − 0.524 V (− 524 mV) and (− 0.441 V). In seawater environment, similar low value results were obtained. Mg (anode
2) recorded 0.0008 g (0.80 mg); the smaller anode (Ng anode1) recorded 0.0011 g (1.1 mg) weight loss at 21 days of the
experiment. The results obtained for the potential measurement bear close correlation with the weight-loss method in both
the sulphuric acid and seawater. The varying anode cross-sectional areas used showed the anode size effects.

Keywords  Corrosion · Cathodic protection · Magnesium anodes · Mild steel · Sulphuric acid · Seawater

1 Introduction of the global GDP (2013). By using available corrosion con-

trol practices, it is estimated that savings of between 15 and
Materials degradation and deterioration by electrochemical 35% of the cost of corrosion could be realised; i.e. between
reactions that cause corrosion is one of the biggest chal- US$375 and $875 billion annually on a global basis. This
lenges facing our ageing infrastructure today. Many gov- tremendous cost is less surprising when we consider that
ernment studies indicate that in the US alone, costs due to corrosion occurs, with varying degrees of severity wherever
corrosion loss is more than $276 billion annually [1]. metals and other materials are used. Most of the corrosion
The global cost according to recent NACE studies [2] is loss on the infrastructure can be prevented by science and
estimated to be US$2.5 trillion which is equivalent to 3.4% technology that is available to us today.
Cathodic protection technique is one of the various meth-
ods available to prevent or control corrosion. It is a proce-
* Cleophas Akintoye Loto dure used to protect an object from corrosion by making it
a cathode. Cathodic protection is an electrochemical means
Roland Tolulope Loto of corrosion control in which the oxidation reaction in a
galvanic cell is concentrated at the anode and suppresses
Abimbola Patricia Popoola corrosion of the cathode in the same cell. This is achieved
by placing a more easily corroded metal to act as the anode
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Covenant of the electrochemical cell in contact with the metal to be
University, Canaan Land, Ota, Nigeria protected. This technique was first used in 1824 by Sir Hum-
Department of Chemical, Metallurgical and Materials phry Davy who described it in a series of papers presented
Engineering, Tshwane University of Technology, to the Royal Society [3] in London. Cathodic protection is a
Pretoria 0001, South Africa

72   Page 2 of 7 Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion (2019) 5:72

widely used method for controlling the corrosion of metallic gas drilling rigs, production platforms/semisubmersibles
structures in contact with many types of conducting envi- and support underwater pipelines, underground pipelines,
ronments such as seawater, soils, acids, alkalis and natural buried structures, harbour piling and jetties, floating docks,
waters. Cathodic protection essentially reduces the corrosion dolphins, buoys, lock gates and submerged concrete struc-
rate of a metallic structure by reducing its corrosion poten- tures. There are many other uses, including a large range of
tial, bringing the metal closer to an immune state. industrial equipment where the surfaces are in contact with
Cathodic protection systems are most commonly used to corrosive electrolytes e.g. heat exchangers, pump impellers
protect steel, water/fuel pipelines and storage tanks; steel and vessel internals [17].
pier piles, ships, offshore oil platforms and onshore oil well The impressed current cathodic protection is used for
casings among others. In some cases, cathodic protection larger structures that galvanic anodes could not economically
can be an effective method of controlling stress corrosion deliver current to provide complete protection. Impressed
cracking. There is still keen interest in research on cathodic current cathodic protection (ICCP) systems use anodes con-
protection by corrosion research scientist [4–14] due to its nected to a DC power source (a cathodic protection rectifier).
technological and economic importance. Anodes for ICCP systems include silicon, cast iron, graphite,
A side effect of improperly performed cathodic protec- mixed metal oxide, platinum and niobium coated wire.
tion may, however, be the production of molecular hydrogen, Cathodic protection (CP) is widely applied for corrosion
leading to its absorption in the protected metal and subse- prevention on steel structures in contact with sea water;
quent hydrogen embrittlement [15]. Hydrogen embrittlement one of its most important applications is the protection of
is the process by which various metals, most importantly platforms and submerged structures. However, the severe
high-strength steel, become brittle and crack following expo- environmental conditions in deep water which is character-
sure to hydrogen. This may lead to catastrophic failures. It ised by the absence of oxygen (then possibly promoting the
may also cause disbondment of coatings; the coating would growth of sulphate-reducing bacteria), the presence of sul-
then act as an insulating shield to the cathodic protection phides and neutral to slightly acidic pH are factors that could
currents. It cannot be used to prevent atmospheric corrosion influence chemical equilibrium (in particular, carbonate and
on metals. bicarbonate), and thus modifying the protection conditions
The two mostly used methods of CP are the galvanic or and affecting the electrochemical behaviour of the anodic
sacrificial anode method and the impressed current cathodic material [18].
protection. Galvanic anode systems employ reactive metals Cathodic protection has performed tremendous roles
as auxiliary anodes that are directly electrically connected to in the sustainability and longevity of engineering metallic
the steel to be protected. Impressed-current systems employ materials in service. This investigation focuses on contin-
inert anodes and use an external source of DC power to uous efforts being made to improve the efficiency of this
impress a current from an external anode onto the cathode method to mitigate the debilitating effect of corrosion in the
surface. Galvanic or sacrificial anodes are made in various society. This could enhance wider engineering applications
shapes using alloys of zinc, magnesium and aluminium. and the economic benefits.
The electrochemical potential, current capacity and con- This experimental work examines the performance of
sumption rate of these alloys are superior for CP than iron. magnesium alloy as sacrificial anodes for the cathodic pro-
A sacrificial anode, or sacrificial rod, is a metallic anode tection of mild steel in both sea water and sulphuric acid
used in an electrochemical process where it is intended to media. It aims at investigating the rate of corrosion of the
be dissolved to protect other metallic components. Galvanic test specimens and the corresponding protection effective-
anodes are designed and selected to have a more “active” ness of the anodes at the tested conditions.
voltage (technically a more negative electrochemical poten-
tial) than the metal of the structure (typically steel). Sacri-
ficial protection is inexpensive because it has the obvious 2 Materials and Methods
advantage that it does not need any external power source.
It also gives a fairly uniform distribution of current, but that 2.1 Preparation of Specimens
current output is low and the only way to increase it is to use
more anodes. Little or no maintenance is required except The mild steel and magnesium anode plates used for this work
to replace the anode, which should be necessary only after were locally obtained in Nigeria. The mild steel specimen had
several years of service. But because the system is cheap a percent nominal chemical composition of 0.130 C, 0.147
and simple, there is usually no convenient way to monitor Cu, 0.173 Si, 0.397 Mn, 0.017 P, 0.031 S, 0.010 Co, 0.0005
the amount of protection being given [16]. Ca, 0.021 Zn and the rest 99.2 Fe. The magnesium anode
There are many examples of the application of sacrifi- used had ~ 99.36% magnesium composition. The seawater
cial anodes and these include ships, hulls, offshore oil and was that of the Atlantic Ocean obtained from Bar-beach shore

Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion (2019) 5:72 Page 3 of 7  72

0.35 0.3

Corrosion Rate (mmpy)

0.3 0.25
Weight Loss (g)

0.15 0.15
0.1 0.1
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0
Exposure Time (days) 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21
Exposure Time (Days)
MS with Magnesium anode 1 (g) MS with Magnesium anode 2 (g)
MS with Magnesium anode 1 (g) MS with Magnesium anode 2 (g)
Mild steel (MS) only (Control) (g)
Mild steel (MS) only (Control) (g)

Fig. 1  Weight loss with exposure time of mild steel protected with

Mg anodes in H­ 2SO4 Fig. 2  Corrosion rate with exposure time of mild steel in sulphuric

of Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria. The sulphuric acid was of

AnalaR grade. The concentration of the acid used was 0.5 M 0
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21
­H2SO4. The metallic test samples were cut into dimensions -0.1

Potential vs. SCE (V)

of 200 mm × 350 mm × 3 mm. They were initially pickled in
dilute hydrochloric acid, HCl. These test specimens were then -0.4
ground with silicon abrasive paper of 60, 120, 220, 320 grits, -0.5
polished to 1 μm, cleaned thoroughly with distilled water/ -0.6
ethanol, dried and kept in a desiccator for further weight-loss -0.7
experimental tests. Some selected specimens were in turn, -0.8
mounted in araldite resin after spot welding to the connect- Exposure Time (Days)
ing insulated flexible wire. They were to be used for potential Magnesium anode 1 (g) Magnesium anode 2
measurements of the steel test specimens/galvanic anodes Mild steel (Control) (g)
(Mg). There were two types of magnesium anodes used with
variables dimensions of: (i) 15 × 30 mm = 450 mm2 (4.5 cm2) Fig. 3  Plot of potential with exposure time of mild steel in sulphuric
surface area and designated as ‘magnesium anode 1’ and (ii) acid
20 × 25 mm = 500 mm2 (5 cm2) surface area and designated
as ‘magnesium anode 2’.
2.2 Weight‑Loss Experiment 0.0025
Weight Loss (g)

Weighed test pieces were fully and separately immersed for 0.0015
21 days in each of the different beakers containing the 0.5 M
­H2SO4, Seawater and 0.5 M ­H2SO4 + Seawater in which the
test pieces were separately protected by wire connection to
each of the magnesium anodes. Each of the test specimens
0 5 10 15 20 25
and the anodes was taken out every 3 days, washed with dis- Exposure Time (days)
tilled water, rinsed with ethanol, dried and re-weighed. Plots MS with Magnesium anode 1 (g) MS with Magnesium anode 2 (g)
of weight loss versus exposure time and corrosion rate versus Mild steel (MS) only Control (g)
exposure time were made (Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6). Similar
experiment as above was done for the unprotected specimens, Fig. 4  Weight loss with exposure time of mild steel protected with
that is, those that were not protected with magnesium anodes. Mg anodes in seawater
Weight-loss corrosion rate was employed as an evaluation
method because it is an effective method to determine the
corrosion rate covering the entire testing period as opposed where, W = Weight loss in milligrams; D = Metal density
to the LPR measurements which represent the corrosion rate in g/cm3, A = Exposed area of sample in c­ m2; T = Time of
at a specific time in the testing. Corrosion rate was calculated exposure of the metal sample in hours.
from the formula in Eq. 1.
C. R.(mm∕y) = 87 × (W∕DAT) (1)

72   Page 4 of 7 Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion (2019) 5:72

Corrosion Rate (mmpy)

0.0025 3 Results and Discussion
The principle of cathodic protection can be explained to
be derived from a situation such as when two metals are
0.001 electrically connected to each other and placed/immersed
in an electrolyte such as acid or seawater, electrons will
flow from the more active metal to the other due to the
0 differences in electrical potential—which is the driving
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21
Exposure Time (Days)
force. Anode, the more active metal, supplies current and
dissolves gradually into ions in the electrolyte, and at the
MS with Magnesium anode 1 (g) MS with Magnesium anode 2 (g)
same time produces electrons which the cathode (the less
Mild steel (MS) only Control (g)
active) receives through the metallic connection (galvanic)
with the anode. The cathode is thus negatively polarised
Fig. 5  Corrosion rate with exposure time of mild steel protected with
and becomes protected from corrosion [19].
Mg anodes in seawater

3.1 Sulphuric Acid Environment

Potential vs. SCE (V)

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21
3.1.1 Weight Loss and Corrosion Rate of Mild Steel

-0.4 Presented in Figs. 1, 2 are the results obtained for the

specimens immersed in 0.5 M H ­ 2SO4 using separately two
magnesium anodes of different sizes and surface areas for
-0.8 the cathodic protection of the mild steel specimens. In
Exposure Time (Days)
Fig. 1, it could be observed that there was a consider-
Magnesium anode 1 (g) Magnesium anode 2 (g) able very low weight loss of mild steel throughout the
Mild steel (Control) (g) experiment with the magnesium anode with a larger cross-
sectional area (magnesium anode 2) recording a weight
Fig. 6  Plot of potential with exposure time of mild steel in seawater loss of 0.0095 g (9.5 mg) as against the relatively smaller
size anode (magnesium anode 1) which achieved 0.0785 g
(78.5 mg) weight loss during the same time of 21st day
of the experiment. The weight-loss results recorded for
2.3 Potential Measurements the experiment with unprotected mild steel was 0.298 g
(298 mg) at the same period of the experiment which was
The prepared specimens were tested for potential meas- comparatively significantly higher. The clear observation
urements. They were immersed, in turns, in the test media from the anode protected results is that the rate of loss of
after being connected to the magnesium anode. Potential metal to corrosion in this test medium decreased with the
measurement tests were also performed in the different increase in the magnesium anode surface area.
test media for the unprotected test specimens, that is, The corresponding corrosion rate results presented in
those not connected with the Mg anodes. The potential Fig. 2 followed the same trend as above. While with the
was recorded at every 3-day interval using a digital volt- Mg anode 2, a mild steel corrosion rate of just 0.007 mm/
meter and saturated calomel electrode as the reference year was recorded; it was clearly different with the smaller
electrode. Plots of potential (vs. SCE) with the exposure size anode, the Mg anode 1, in which the corrosion rate
time were made. It is important to mention that all the was 0.062 mm/year. It must be remembered that the two
experiments in this investigation were performed at the anodes of the same stock were sacrificial anodes to pro-
room temperature of 27. tect the mild steel. The unprotected mild steel underwent
apparent corrosion in the H ­ 2SO4 test medium. As at the
21st day of the experiment, it recorded 0.298 mm/year cor-
2.4 Photomicrographs rosion rate. This result was not unexpected as the test acid
was a strong one and its corrosion degradation effect on
Photomicrographs were made from the surface of the mild steel is already well-known. It could be observed that
representative specimens at very low magnifications of the two anodes performed well relatively but the slightly
optical microscope (× 50), and are presented in Fig. 7. bigger anode performed better due to size effect.

Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion (2019) 5:72 Page 5 of 7  72

Fig. 7  Surface optical photomicrographs of mild steel specimens d = in seawater and protected with Mg anode. All the mild steel speci-
under various conditions: a = as-received; b = in ­H2SO4 unpro- mens used here were protected with the larger Mg anode 2
tected—control; c = in sulphuric acid and protected with Mg anode;

3.1.2 Potential Measurements 3.2 Seawater Environment

Figure 3 shows the results obtained for the potential meas- 3.2.1 Weight Loss and Corrosion Rate of Mild Steel
urement of mild steel specimens protected by magnesium
anodes and also, the specimen not protected in sulphuric The results obtained for the weight loss and the corre-
acid. The mild steel specimens protected with the two mag- sponding corrosion rate versus exposure time for the steel
nesium anodes (different in size) had slightly fluctuating specimens immersed in seawater and protected with mag-
electrode potentials that put them in the protective passive nesium anodes specimens are presented in Figs. 4, 5. In
range right from the start of the experiment to the end. The Fig. 4, the results obtained for the unprotected mild steel
electrode potential recorded with the use of magnesium recorded 0.0027 g (2.7 mg) at 21 days of the experiment.
anode 2 (bigger size) ranged from the start with a value The slightly bigger magnesium anode (magnesium anode
of − 0.467 V (− 467 mV) and ended with − 0.441 V (mV). 2) recorded 0.0008 g (0.80 mg) weight loss and the sec-
Likewise with the use of magnesium anode 1 (slightly ond anode (relatively smaller) had a weight loss of 0.0011 g
smaller size) the electrode potential started with − 0.524 V (1.1 mg) at 21 days of the experiment. Apparently, the short
(− 524 mV) and ended on the 21st day of the experiment experimental period seemed short to achieve more weight
as like the use of magnesium anode 2 value (− 0.441 V). loss quantitatively.
From the results, the curves crisscrossed each other, that The corresponding corrosion rate is presented in Fig. 5.
is, their electrochemical corrosion reactions behaviour were The same trend as above was followed. The unprotected mild
similar and very close indeed. The result of the unprotected steel specimen recorded a corrosion rate of 0.0021 mm/year;
mild steel was distinctly different. It started with a potential while the magnesium anode 1 and 2 recorded 0.0008 and
value of − 0.550 V (− 550 mV) and decreased steadily to 0.0006 mm/year respectively. In Fig. 5, it can be seen that
− 0.793 V (− 793 mV) after 21 days. This result indicates the the corrosion rate of mild steel protected with large magne-
vulnerability of the unprotected test electrode with the mag- sium anode is relatively more stable and lower than that of the
nesium sacrificial anode to the corrosive attack of ­H2SO4.

72   Page 6 of 7 Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion (2019) 5:72

smaller magnesium anode. The impact of the anode size effect Figure 7a shows the microstructural surface as-received;
on the cathodic protection performance is also here confirmed. while Fig. 7b shows the surface after immersion in 0.5 M
sulphuric acid at 21 days and unprotected with the magne-
3.2.2 Potential Measurements sium anode that is, the control experiment. Though not very
clear, the surface feature was that of general corrosion. The
Figure 6 shows the results obtained for the potential meas- photomicrograph obtained for the specimen immersed in
urement of the mild steel specimens protected with magne- sulphuric acid and protected with the Mg anode, C, showed
sium anode and also the unprotected specimens in seawater in minimal surface corrosion when compared with the untested
0.5 M H2SO4. The electrode potentials obtained for the mild specimen. The specimen immersed in seawater, D, and pro-
steel specimens protected with the bigger magnesium anode tected with the anode did not show visible corrosion. These
ranged from − 0.475 V (− 475) to − 0.43 V (− 483 Mv) after observations are in agreement with the gravimetric and elec-
21 days. The smaller anode’s electrode potential also ranged trode potential electrochemical corrosion results.
from − 0.564 V (− 564 mV) at start to − 0.605 V (− 605 mV)
at 21 days. The unprotected mild steel specimen’s potential,
started with − 0.651 V (− 651 mV) and ended with − 0.698 V
(− 698 mV) at 21 days. All the curves featured some sight 5 Conclusions
fluctuations. While the electrochemical reactions behaviour
of the magnesium anode protected specimens were within the 1. Magnesium anode was protective for mild steel test elec-
passive electrode potentials range, the unprotected specimens trode in seawater.
fell slightly outside the passive electrode potentials range and ­ 2SO4 the magnesium sacrificial anode was
2. In the 0.5 M H
indicating some active corrosion reactions. These results are also found to be protective for mild steel specimens. It
essentially in agreement with results obtained for the gravi- can therefore be effectively used at ambient temperatures
metric experiments. for cathodic protection in this strong acid environment.
In summary, as could be observed from Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 3. The different sizes of the magnesium anode used for
and 6, a relatively greater weight loss was achieved for the mild cathodic protection showed variation in performance.
steel protected with the smaller magnesium anode than the The bigger the anode, the better the protective perfor-
bigger anode. The deduction, therefore, is that the rate of loss mance due to the more electrons supplied to protect the
of metal to corrosion decreases as the area of the magnesium cathode. Also, the bigger size anode takes longer time
sacrificial anode increases. When all the results are compared, for replacement.
the overall positive effect of the magnesium sacrificial anode
cathodic protection can be clearly observed.
In general, as previously mentioned [20], galvanic anodes Acknowledgements  The authors acknowledge the support of Covenant
University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ota, Nigeria for
are designed and selected to have a more “active” voltage- that providing the research facilities for this work. The laboratory work
is, technically having more negative electrochemical potential contribution of Mr. Henry Ajisegiri is also acknowledged.
than the metal of the structure/component, usually steel. By
mechanism, for effective cathodic protection, CP, the potential Compliance with Ethical Standards 
of the metal electrode (steel) surface is polarised (pushed) to
more negative direction until the surface has a uniform poten- Conflict of interest  The author declares that there is no conflict of in-
tial. At this stage, the driving force (difference in potential) for terest.
the corrosion reaction is halted. There is continued corrosion
of galvanic or sacrificial anode with the consumption of the
anode material until eventual replacement. The current flow
from the anode to the cathode causes the polarisation. The dif- References
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