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Title of Selection Page/Text Structure Breakdown

From Pedro’s Journal Page & Text

Genre Paragraph Structure
Historical Fiction

TEKS August 3
Pedro is part of the Santa
p.90-92 Cause/effect
5.6A, 5.6B, 5.6E, 5.10E Maria crew because he knew
how to read and write.

Point of View
September 10 -Oct 10
The crew is getting anxious so
Close Reads Focus Story Vocabulary p.93 Cause/effect
they start pressuring Columbus
Point of view 5.10E to turn back.
Character traits 5.7C
Context clues 5.3B
Text Evidence 5.7C leagues
October 11- October 12
Columbus encounters land and
course p.94-95 sequence
people. Natives showered
them with gifts

jaunts October 16-December 13

Natives realized Columbus and
96-97 sequence his crew were not Gods and
were not as friendly as they
Reading Comprehension Academic thought.
Expectations Vocabulary
1.Point of View Context Clues

2.Character traits January 28

p. 94-95 sequence Columbus and his crew head
Overall Text Structure(s) back home.

Sequence of events February 2

description Pedro is happy to go back
Pg.96-97 sequence
home and can’t imagine
repeating this journey again.

Signaling Words Key/Central Idea (Main Idea)

First Pedro is part of Columbus voyage. Second, Santa Maria’s
crew does not see land and get anxious so they start pressuring
August 3,September 10, October 10, October 11 Columbus to turn back. Third, Columbus encounters land and
Next, Then people. Fourth, Natives showered Columbus and his crew with
gifts but later realized they were not Gods. Fifth, Pedro is happy
to go back home and can’t imagine repeating this journey again.
Essential Question (CPQ) & Weekly Question Summary of Text
Pedro joins Columbus in the uncertain journey to India.
How do journeys change us? Columbus’s crew felt anxious and scared as they did not see hopes
What can people learn from visiting unknown lands? of finding land. Columbus is pressured to turn back but he offers
rewards to calm his men down. Finally, they spot land and
encounter Native Americans who welcomed them with gifts. Later
Natives realized they were not Gods and were not as friendly.
Columbus and his crew then head back home and Pedro can’t
imagine repeating this long journey.

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