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A Simple and Efficient Method to Simulate Induction Machines with

Rotor Asymmetries
Carla C. Martins Cunha Braz J. Cardoso Filho
Universidade Federal do Esphito Santo - UFES Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG
Departamento de Engenbaria Elbmca Departamento de Engenharia El&trica
CaixaPostal01.9011 AV. Ant6nio Carlos. 6627
Vit6ria, ES 29060-970 Belo Horizoute. MG 31270-010
cmlo@cpdee.ufig. br

Absfract - The need for detection of rotor faults at an earUer sections in an induction motor. It is shown that it is possible
stage, so that maintenance can he planned ahead, has pushed the to develop a model of the induction machine with stluctural
development of monitoring metho& with increasing sensitivity symmeby using only four coupled differential equations, i.e.,
and noise immunity. An important issue in snch effort is the the classical dq model and still be able to compute current
m o d e w of the induetion machine including rotor bar and end- and voltage on each rotor bar and end-ring sections, through a
ring faulb, with a minimum of compntational complexity. In
this paper, it is introduced a new and simpler approach for the linear transformation of the rotor current vector. Futher
modelling and computer simulation of indnction machines with investigation of this approach suggested the application of its
rotor wymmetries. This approach is based on the well-known dq basis in the modeling and simulation of rotor asymmetries.
transient model of the sjmmebicd machie, with rotor In this paper, it is introduced a new and simpler approach
nsymmeMes introduced throngh a h e a r transformation of the for the modelling and computer simulation of induction
extended rotor cnrrent vector. Simulation results previonaly machines with rotor asymmetries. This approach is based on
presented in the literatore are repmdnced to snpport the the well-hown dq model for the symmetrical machine. Rotor
proposed approach. asymmetries are introduced through a linear transformation
of the extended rotor current vector (direct and quadrature
I. INTRODUCTION axis components plus n zero-sequence components) to the n-
Rotor bar and end-ring faults yield asymmetrical operation Iwp rotor space, where the specified asymmetry is included.
of induction machines, causing unbalanced currents, torque The dq components of the rotor current including the
pulsation, increased losses and decreased average torque [l]. asymmetty are then generated through the inverse
The need for detection of rotor faults at an earlier stage, so transformation and fed to the induction motor integration
that maintenance can be scheduled, has pushed the algoritbm. The model is always of fourth order (independent
development of monitoring methods with increasing of the number of rotor bars!) and the rotor current
sensitivity and noise immunity. An issue that is an important transformation matrix only depends on the number of rotor
part of such effort is the modeling of the induction machine bars and can be computer generated.
including rotor bar and end-ring faults to any extent, with a A detailed explanation of the model derivation is presented
minimum of c o m p ~ t a t i o complexity.
~l Benefit fiom such along with a full set of simulation plots for several rotor fault
modeling approach is twofold development of monitoring situations. Simulation results previously presented in the
algorithms and deeper understanding of the rotor faults and literature are reproduced to suppart the proposed approach. It
their propagation mecbanism. is also expected some experimental results in future work.
The classical model employed in the simulation of faulty
rotor cages, is based on the modeling of individual
conductors in the rotor cage by R-L series circuits, with II. THE ASYMMETRIC ROTOR INDUCTION MOTOR
current loop defined by two adjacent rotor bars connected by MODEL
a portion of the end-ring. So, for a n rotor bars machine, the
classical approach leads to a hansient model with a total of A. Symmehic Motor Model
n+3 coupled simultaneous differential equations [I]. Such a Given the structural symmeity of the rotor, it is convenient
model is quite complex from both development (dependent to model the n-bar cage through n identical magnetically
on the number of rotor bars) and computer solution coupled loops. One particular advantage of this approach is
PefiPectiVES. that it is applicable to rotors with both integer and non-integer
In 121, it is proposed an alternative approach based on number of bars per pole. For simplicity, each loop is defined
coupled magnetic circuit theory and complex space-vector by two adjacent rotor bars and the connecting portions of the
notation to represent individual rotor bars and end ring end rings between them [I].

02003 IEEE
0-7803-7817-203617.00 703
Fig. I -Rotor cage equivalentc h i t [Z].

For the purpose of analysis, each rotor bar and segment of r, = equivalent stator resistance;
end ring is replaced by a R-L series equivalent circuit r, = equivalent rotor resistance;
representing the resistive and inductive nature of the cage. It Lb = stator leakage inductance ;
is also convenient to cany out the analysis using mesh L,, = stator leakage inductance ;
currents as the independent variables. Such an equivalent L, = mapetizinginductance.
circuit is shown in Fig.1.
Assuming the rotor of a squirrel cage induction machine to
be symmetric, an equivalent model of a wound-rotor machine B. Roior Current Tronformaiion
may be obtained, leading to the following equations, in a In general, all n-loop rotor aments (ir,, i,= ....i,,) are
synchronously rotating dq reference 6ame [3]: mapped into a n-dimensional vector space. new space
vector is defmed by the T transformation (Appendix 1) such
v, = r, .i;, + p . q s + we.& (01)
v, =r,.ik +pJzk,-we4, (02)
vq, = o = rr.i: + p ~ - o,In:,
. + (we (03)
va = 0 = rr.i2+ p.n> - (oe -0, )A> (04)

i ’ , ~is the real part of the rotor current complex vector @);
i’,I is the imaginary part of the rotor current complex
vector &);
iL ,,,is the zero-sequence componentsof the rotor current
complex vector a).
Thus, i ’ , ~ and ih are the d and q components,
Where: respectively, of the rotor current complex vector a).
If the
P = numberofpoles; rotor cage is symmetric, the zero sequence components of the
or = rotorspeed; vector b vanish. Conversely, in the presence of a rotor
T, = torque; asymmetIy, some zero sequence components are not zero.

C. Modelling of Rotor Asymmem'es .
The proposed method to model rotor asymmetries is
straigbtfomard. The motor with rotor asymmetries is still
modelled by the equations (01) - (09), but, in each iteration,
the rotor loop currents (iH)will be determined and modified
to account for the asymmetry.
The rotor current complex vector a) is computed fiom the
symmetric motor model. With & referred to a rotor fixed
reference frame, the n-loop rotor currents (in) are then
computed as (I 1):


A. Simplijied Model
Let us assume that rotor equivalent phase currents, in
steady state operation, are symmetric and 1.0 pu of
amplitude. The rotor current complex vector & is given by
The next step is the introduction of the rotor asymmetry.
Without loss of generality, let us assume that the P bar is
broken. The null m t through this bar is obtained by I, = ih + j.i, (14)
modifying the n-loop rotor current vector as shown in (12):
Assuming the stator phase currents are also symmetiic and
with 1.0 pu amplitude, then

1 i: L = ik + j i , (15)

Finally, as in (OS), the torque will be proportional to

Figs. 2 and 3 were obtained assuming the stator current

vector leads the rotor current vector by x/Z. It was assumed a
four-pole machine with a 28 bars rotor cage. Both figures
show plots of the torque deviation (17) and correspond to
faults in bars 8 and in bars 8 and 9, respectively. Note that
Finally, the new n-dimension rotor current complex vector rotor bar number 1 is the one at the reference position at t = 0
& is detamined (13). and fed back to the induction motor and bar number increase in the counter clockwise direction,
integration algorithm. Note that only the components t(1) as shown in Fig.4.
and g 2 ) (ib and isn mqectively) are used in the symmetric
model. Note also that the zero-sequence components are not AT = T -T
e e,- e.-
all zero in this case. For the assumed condition (b? bar is
broken). the new n-dimension rotor current complex vector is The results shown in Figs. 2 and 3 are similar to the ones
given by indicated in [4], fiom the Vienna Monitoring Method. The
local mini" in the torque deviation plots versus the
position of the rotor flux space vector indicates tbe location
of the broken bar. Note also the redundant indication of the
bar location, due to the difference between the real rotor
circumference and the electric rotor space [4].

B. Induction Motor Model
Figs S(a) to 7(a) show simulation results for a 2.0 cv,
60&, 4 pole, 380V, 3.62A induction machine (parameten
listed in appendix 2). It is assumed in this simulation that the
rotor bar number 8 is broken. Symmetric and asymmetric
rotor operations are compared assuming operation under
constant slip frequency. In this example, the slip frequency is
set at 1.53 Hz (rated slip frequency). This leads to
approximately 8.0 Nm (rated motor torque) for symmetric
rotor operation. On the other hand, Figs. 5 0 ) to 7@) present
simulation results for the same motor described above in the
case of rotor bars number 8 and 9 are at fault. Rotor bar
number 1 is the one at the reference position at t = 0. and bar
numbers increase in the counter clockwise direction, as
shown in Fig.4. The torque deviation is plotted as a function
Fig.2 -Torque deviation for steadystate operarion when barnumber 8 is of the rotor bar number in Fig. 5.


Fig5 -Torque deviation v- rotor bar number. (a) Bar no. 8 at fault. (a)
Fig.4 - Rcpreotation of broken bars [I]. Bars no. 8 arrd 9 at fault.

These plots correspond to the output of the Vienna
Monitoring Method 141, used here to verify the proposed
modelling technique. The local mini" in the torque
deviation indicates the location of the broken bar. Note also
the redundant indication of the bar location, due to the
difference between the real rotor circumference and the
electric rotor space.
Tbe rotor flux space phasor, excited by both stator and
rotor currents, is affected by a double slip frequency
modulation [Ip].This modulation,resultsin distortion of the
stator terminal quantities, which corresponds to the well-
known side-band fiequencies in steady state (Fig. 6).
Fig. 7 shows the current distribution in the rotor for the two
cases described before. As it has been reported previously in
the literature, the current through the bars adjacent to the
faulty one increases. The larger current implies extra stress on
the adjacent bars, potentially propagating the fault. This result
also demonstrates the proper operation of the proposed
simulation method.

.. -...........
......... .
. . ,.

b6 Ili Y $4 bll tu 61 bl h3 w k3 @)
Fig.7-Surrmrefdmtabincumnt di&batim.(a)Barno.Sal 1 fault.
(4 @) Bars no. 8 and 9 a1 fault.

. . .
In this paper, it has been presented a method suitable for
computer simulation of induction machines with rotor
asymmetries. The method is based on the classical fourth
order transient model for symmetrical induction machines,
with additional wmputation limited to the transformation of
the rotor current vector to a rotor fixed reference 6ame and
the application of linear transformations the extended rotor
current vector. Proper operation of the proposed method has
been wmborated through simulation of an induction motor
with rotor asymmetry, matching results previously published
in the literature.
Fig6 -Stator m f f"cy spectrum. (a) Bar no. 8 at faull
@) Bars no. 8 and 9 at f a d L

APPENDIX 1 - THE TRANSFORMATION T Taking z, =I and z3= z5=...zp0, z,, and zr2 are
determined, and the fourth vector of the null space is
The T transformation is generated for from a very simple
calculated as:
algorithm. The fust two lines correspond to a n phase d,q
transformation,plus a constant. That is
[z4, 242 0 1 '.' 01

Finally, the remaining linearly independent vectors are

determined at the same manner.

Since the vectors formed by the first two lines are linearly
independent, the null space of this 2xn sub-matrix has 2.0 cv, 60Hz,4 pole, 380V, 3.62A
dimension (n-2).A base for the null space is defmed by (n-2)
linearly independent vectors , such that Tdg = 0. Taking n = 28
P = 4
0.0045 kg. m2
e equal to zero,for simplicity, L, = 254.97mH
4 = 9.92 mH L',, = 9.92mH
r, = 6.615 R r' = 2.065 Cl

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