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Laser transmission through thin cirrus clouds

K. N. Liou, Y. Takano, S. C. Ou, and M. W. Johnson

A near-infrared airborne-laser transmission model for thin cirrus clouds has been developed on the basis
of the successive-order-of-scattering approach to account for multiple scattering by randomly and hori-
zontally oriented ice crystals associated with an aircraft–target system. Direct transmission and trans-
mission due to multiple scattering are formulated specifically for this geometric system, in which
scattering and absorption associated with aerosols, water vapor, and air are accounted for. A number
of sensitivity experiments have been performed for investigation of the effect of aircraft–target position,
cirrus cloud optical depth, and ice crystal size on laser transmission for tactical applications. We show
that transmission contributions produced by orders of scattering higher than 1 are small and can be
neglected. The possibility of horizontal orientation of ice crystals can enhance transmission of laser
beams in the aircraft–target geometry. Transmitted energy is strongly dependent on the horizontal
distance between the aircraft and the target and on the cloud optical depth as well as on whether the cloud
is above or below the aircraft. © 2000 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: 140.0140, 010.3310, 010.1320, 290.1090.

1. Introduction contrails and water vapor generated by jet airplane

In a paper published in this journal, a model for the traffic.2,3 Satellite observations from the National
evaluation of the transmission of emitted infrared Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s High-
radiation from a hot target through thin cirrus was Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder 共HIRS兲 by the
developed.1 It was pointed out that cirrus clouds, CO2 slicing method also show a substantial increase
particularly thin cirrus, are globally distributed; they of cirrus cover over the tropics in recent years.4 The
are present at all latitudes and in all seasons, with an composition of cirrus varies significantly in time and
average fractional cloud cover of approximately 20 – space. Laboratory and field experiments illustrate
30%. Some of these clouds are subvisual and can that the shape and size of ice crystals in cirrus clouds
interact significantly with radiation by means of long- are governed by temperature and supersaturation,
path transmission. On the basis of observations but they normally have a basic hexagonal structure.
from ground-based lidar and radar, airborne instru- In the atmosphere, if the growth of ice particles in-
mentations, and satellites, cirrus clouds are typically volves collision and coalescence, the shapes of the
located in the upper troposphere and the lower particles can be extremely complex. Observations
stratosphere. The formation, maintenance, and dis- from aircraft optical probes and replicator techniques
sipation of these clouds are directly associated with for tropical, midlatitude, and contrail cirrus reveal
synoptic and mesoscale disturbances as well as being that these clouds are composed largely of bullet ro-
related to deep cumulus outflows. Increases of high settes, solid and hollow columns, single and double
cloud cover have been noted at several urban airports plates, aggregates, and ice crystals with irregular
in the United States from surface observations span- surfaces with sizes ranging from a few micrometers
ning 40 years; the increases are attributed to the to ⬃1000 ␮m.
In recent years, high-energy lasers at near-infrared
wavelengths have been developed. With advances
in laser technology, an active system can be incorpo-
K. N. Liou 共knliou@atmos.ucla.edu兲, Y. Takano, and S. C. Ou are rated into the aircraft platform for engagement with
with the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Cal- a moving target. For such a system to be effective in
ifornia, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90095. M. W. John-
operation, the atmospheric effects must be carefully
son is with the Airborne Laser Program System Office, Kirtland
Air Force Base, New Mexico 87117-6612. taken into consideration. The presence of persistent
Received 3 December 1999; revised manuscript received 25 May high-level cirrus in addition to optical turbulence,
2000. also can potentially cause concern for the transmis-
0003-6935兾00兾274886-09$15.00兾0 sion of laser beams from the aircraft position to the
© 2000 Optical Society of America target, particularly in the regions of the upper tropo-

4886 APPLIED OPTICS 兾 Vol. 39, No. 27 兾 20 September 2000

sphere and the lower stratosphere, where most of the
thin cirrus clouds reside. In this paper we present a
transmission model specifically developed for long-
path cw laser transmission through high cirrus
clouds. In addition to ice crystals, air molecules,
aerosols, and water vapor are also taken into account
in the transmission formulations. In Section 2, di-
rect transmission and transmission as a result of
multiple scattering are formulated. Computational
results with the 1.315-␮m laser wavelength are pre-
sented in Section 3. A summary is given in Section
2. Formulation of Laser Transmission

A. Direct Transmission
Direct transmission follows exponential attenuation,
and the transmitted power Fd can be written in the

Fd ⫽ F0 exp共⫺␤e s兲
⫽ F0 exp关⫺共␤air ⫹ ␤aer ⫹ kv␳ ⫹ ␤cld兲s兴, (1)

where F0 is the laser power in units of watts; the total

extinction coefficient ␤e is the sum of the scattering
coefficient of air molecules ␤air, the extinction coeffi-
cient of aerosols ␤aer, the absorption coefficient of
water vapor times water-vapor density kv␳, and the
extinction coefficient of cirrus cloud particles ␤cld. Fig. 1. 共a兲 First-order scattering contribution and definitions of
The parameter s is a distance along the laser beam scan angle ␪ and path length s in an aircraft–target system. s⬘ ⫽
between the cloud top and the cloud base, which can BE, s ⫺ s⬘ ⫽ ET, u ⫽ BM, and v ⫽ AT. 共b兲 Second-order scat-
tering contribution in an aircraft–target system. s ⫺ s⬘ ⫽ ET, s⬘
be expressed by
⫽ EB, s⬙ ⫽ DB, u ⫽ BM, v ⫽ AT, s1 ⫽ EF, s2 ⫽ FB⬘, and s3 ⫽ B⬘M.

s ⫽ 共zt ⫺ zb兲兾␮, (2)

where P共⍀⬘, ⍀兲 is the scattering phase function of the
where ␮ is the sine of the scan angle ␪ ⫽ tan 关共 za ⫺ ⫺1 cloud particles, ␻˜ is the single-scattering albedo, and,
zm兲兾d兴 of the laser beam, as shown in Fig. 1共a兲; za, zt, according to Eq. 共1兲, F共0兲 共s⬘, ⍀⬘兲 is given by
zb, and zm are the heights of the aircraft, the cloud
top, the cloud base, and the target, respectively; and F共0兲共s⬘, ⍀⬘兲 ⫽ F0 exp关⫺␤e共s ⫺ s⬘兲兴. (5)
d is the horizontal distance between the aircraft and In this formulation the laser beam is assumed to be
the target. collimated, so no angular width is included in Eq. 共5兲,
which differs from that presented by Liou et al.1; s⬘ is
B. Multiple-Scattering Contributions to the Transmission
a distance EB along the laser beam between the cloud
base and a certain point in the cloud, as shown in Fig.
Our transmission formulation associated with multi- 1. From Eq. 共4兲, the first-order source function
ple scattering follows the model developed by Liou et J共1兲共s⬘, ⍀兲 can be written in the form
al.1 First, transmission that is due to the nth-order

scattering can be expressed in the form ␻˜ 共0兲 ⌿1
J共1兲共s⬘, ⍀兲 ⫽ F 共s⬘, ⍀兲 P共⌰兲sin⌰d⌰, (6)

F共n兲共0, ⍀兲 ⫽ J共n兲共s⬘, ⍀兲exp共⫺␤e s⬘兲␤eds⬘, where P共⌰兲 is the phase function of the cloud, which
0 is a function of scattering angle ⌰, and ⌿1 is an angle
n ⫽ 1, 2, . . . , (3) associated with the target when it is viewed from
point E, which can be expressed by
where the nth-order source function is defined by
⌿1 ⫽ tan⫺1 冉 冊 rt
u ⫹ s⬘
, (7)

J共n兲共s⬘, ⍀兲 ⫽
4␲ 兰 ⌬⍀
F共n⫺1兲共s⬘, ⍀⬘兲 P共⍀⬘, ⍀兲d⍀⬘, (4) where rt is the effective radius of the target and u ⫽
共zb ⫺ zm兲兾␮ is a distance BM between the cloud base

20 September 2000 兾 Vol. 39, No. 27 兾 APPLIED OPTICS 4887

and the target. Finally, from Eq. 共3兲, transmission s⬙ ⫹ u
that is due to first-order scattering can be expressed s2 ⫹ s3 ⫽ , (15)
by cos共⌰2 ⫺ ⌰1兲
u sin ␪

兰 s3 ⫽ . (16)
F 共0, ⍀兲 ⫽ exp关⫺共␤nc,a␯ ⫹ ␤nc,bu兲兴 共1兲
J 共s⬘, ⍀兲 sin 共␪ ⫹ ⌰2 ⫺ ⌰1兲
Finally, transmission that is due to second-order
⫻ exp共⫺␤e s⬘兲␤eds⬘. (8) scattering can be expressed by

Exponential attenuation outside the cloud is ac- s
counted for in Eq. 共8兲, where ␤nc,a and ␤nc,b are the F共2兲共0, ⍀⬘兲 ⫽ exp关⫺共␤nc,a␯ ⫹ ␤nc,bs3兲兴 J共2兲共s⬙, ⍀⬘兲
extinction coefficients that are due to noncloud ma- 0
terials 共air molecules, aerosols, and water vapor兲 ⫻ exp共⫺␤e s2兲␤eds⬙. (17)
above and below the cloud, respectively, and v ⫽
共 za ⫺ zt兲兾␮ denotes a distance between the aircraft Note that, when the aircraft is below the cloud and
and the cloud top. the target is above the cloud, a similar formulation
In a manner similar to that for first-order scatter- can be derived.
ing, we can determine second-order scattering. Tak-
ing into account the specific geometry defined in Fig. C. Single-Scattering and Absorption Parameters
1 and using Eq. 共6兲, we now find the first-order source The computation of laser transmission through
function J共1兲 as clouds and the atmosphere requires knowledge of the
single-scattering and absorption parameters involv-
␻˜ 共0兲

⌰1t ing ice crystals, aerosols, and water vapor associated
J共1兲共s⬘, ⍀⬘兲 ⫽ F 共s⬘, ⍀⬘兲 P共⌰1兲sin⌰1d⌰1, (9) with the laser wavelengths. In what follows, we de-
2 0 scribe the data used for these transmission calcula-
where F共0兲 is the direct transmitted component ex-
In recent years, we have developed a number of
pressed by Eq. 共5兲. The upper limit of scattering
light-scattering programs for ice crystals of various
angle ⌰1t is given by the minimum of the two angles
shapes and sizes that are typical of those that occur
as follows:
in cirrus clouds. We used a Monte Carlo–

⌰1t ⫽ min tan⫺1再 冋 共zt ⫺ zb兲cos ␪

s⬘ ⫺ s⬙
, 册 geometric-ray-tracing method to compute the scat-
tering, absorption, and polarization properties of
large ice particles with several regular and irregu-

tan⫺1 冋 共zt ⫺ zb兲共1兾cos ␪ ⫺ cos ␪兲

s⬘ ⫺ s⬙ 册冎 , (10)
lar structures, including solid and hollow columns,
single and double plates, dendrites, bullet rosettes,
and aggregates.5 The shapes of these ice crystals
are defined by appropriate geometric models and
where s⬙ is the position at which second-order scat- incident coordinate systems. The incident photons
tering occurs along the path, as shown in Fig. 1共b兲. are traced with a hit-and-miss Monte Carlo method
Source function J共1兲 can now be integrated along the and followed by geometric reflection and refraction
path to give the first-order scattering contribution in on the crystal boundary in which absorption can be
the form accounted for by stochastic procedures. The geo-
metric ray tracing requires a principle of localiza-

s tion such that the particle size is larger than the
F共1兲共s⬙, ⍀⬘兲 ⫽ J共1兲共s⬘, ⍀⬘兲exp共⫺␤e s1兲␤eds⬘, (11) incident wavelength. In addition, it is assumed
0 that the energy attenuated by the scatterer can be
decomposed into equal extinction from diffraction,
where s1 ⫽ 共s⬘ ⫺ s⬙兲兾cos ⌰1. Next, second-order reflection, and refraction such that the extinction
source function J共2兲共s⬙, ⍀⬘兲 is given by efficiency is equal to 2 regardless of the particle size

⌰2⫹⌿2 To improve the geometric ray-tracing method we
J共2兲共s⬙, ⍀⬘兲 ⫽ F共1兲共s⬙, ⍀⬘兲 P共⌰兲sin ⌰d⌰, (12) use the innovative approach of mapping the equiva-
2 ⌰2⫺⌿2 lent tangential electric and magnetic fields on the
where the relevant angles can be expressed as fol- particle surface that are determined by geometric
lows: reflection and refraction to the far field by means of
the basic electromagnetic wave theory.6 One can

⌰2 ⫽

⫹ ⌰1 ⫺ tan⫺1
s⬙ ⫹ u

共s⬘ ⫺ s⬙兲tan ⌰1
, 册 (13)
use the improved method to compute the scattering
and absorption properties of irregular ice particles
with size parameters larger than approximately 15–

冉 冊
20. Moreover, we have developed a finite-difference
rt time-domain 共FDTD兲 technique for solution of the
⌿2 ⫽ tan⫺1 , (14)
s2 ⫹ s3 problem of light scattering by small ice crystals. It

4888 APPLIED OPTICS 兾 Vol. 39, No. 27 兾 20 September 2000

Fig. 2. Phase functions for six laser wavelengths corresponding to four typical cirrus clouds. Ice crystal mean effective sizes De for cirrus
cloud models are shown in parentheses.

solves the Maxwell equations by using appropriate lengths 共␭ ⫽ 0.532, 0.589, 1.03, 1.064, 1.315, 11.15
absorbing boundary conditions and is considered to ␮m兲 are computed from a combination of the FDTD
be exact, as verified by exact Mie results for long and geometric ray-tracing methods.11 Figure 2
circular cylinders and spheres.7,8 Because of the fi- shows the phase functions for the six wavelengths.
nite discretization and numerical limitation as well Except for the 11.15-␮m wavelength, we see the typ-
as the computer time requirement, the FDTD method ical halo patterns at the 22° and 46° scattering angles
is applicable to size parameters smaller than ⬃20. associated with the hexagonal structure of ice crys-
By unifying the modified geometric ray-tracing and tals. The diffraction peak at forward-scattering an-
FDTD methods, we are now in a position to carry out gles varies when the mean effective ice crystal size
the numerical simulation of light scattering and ab- changes, even though it cannot be distinguished in
sorption of ice crystals with arbitrary sizes and the figure. The mean effective ice crystal size De is
shapes that can be defined mathematically or numer- defined in terms of the maximum dimension D in the
ically. form
The refractive indices for ice that correspond to
laser wavelengths are determined by appropriate in-
terpolations of the existing values listed by Liou.9
We employ four ice crystal size distributions that
De ⫽
兰 Vn共D兲dD 冒兰 An共D兲dD, (18)

represent cirrus uncinus, typical cirrostratus, and where V and A are the volume and the projection
cold cirrus 共abbreviated as Ci Uncinus, Cs, and Cold area of an ice crystal, respectively. Figure 3 shows
Ci, respectively, in Figs. 2 and 3兲 conditions as well as the extinction coefficient, the single-scattering al-
contrail cirrus.10 Based on the available ice crystal bedo, and the asymmetry factor corresponding to
size distribution observations, we use a cirrus model those in Fig. 2. The extinction coefficient for cirrus
consisting of a combination of bullet rosettes and ag- uncinus is much larger than that of the other three
gregates 共50%兲, hollow columns 共30%兲, and plates cirrus clouds because of its larger mean size. The
共20%兲. When we have defined the refractive indices single-scattering albedo for the first five wave-
for ice, the ice crystal size distributions, and the lengths is close to 1 because of the small imaginary
shape model, we can carry out the scattering and refractive index of ice. The asymmetry factor var-
absorption calculations by using the programs de- ies only slightly in the near-infrared wavelength
scribed above. For ice crystals with size parameters region. The asymmetry factor was recently mea-
smaller than 20, the FDTD method is used in the sured by Gerber et al.12 with a 0.63-␮m laser beam
calculations, whereas for those with size parameters for aggregate ice particles that occurred in arctic ice
larger than 20 the modified geometric ray-tracing clouds. The result is shown in Fig. 3, along with a
method is followed. corresponding theoretical interpretation. Note
Single-scattering properties for six laser wave- that these results differ from those computed for

20 September 2000 兾 Vol. 39, No. 27 兾 APPLIED OPTICS 4889

mission computation. The extinction coefficient of
air molecules can be parameterized and is given by

␤air ⫽
⫽ 0.008569␭⫺4共1 ⫹ 0.0113␭⫺2 ⫹ 0.00013␭⫺4兲
⫻ , (19)

where ⌬z is the thickness of a layer whose pressure

difference is ⌬p, p0 is 1013.25 mbars, and ␭ is the
wavelength in micrometers.
Water-vapor absorption is treated by means of the
correlated k-distribution 共CKD兲 method. In the
CKD method, the wave-number integration is trans-
formed into an integration over cumulative probabil-
ity g, a monotonically increasing and smooth function
in the absorption coefficient space. The use of the g
function circumvents the requirement of resolving
the individual line structures, which are strongly de-
pendent on pressure. The CKD method is exact in
the limits of weak- and strong-line approximations,
as well as for a single line and for lines with periodic
occurrence.16 Based on this method, only a few in-
tegration points are required for an acceptable level
Fig. 3. Extinction coefficients, single-scattering albedos, and of accuracy to be achieved in the transmittance cal-
asymmetry factors that correspond to the phase functions depicted culations for inhomogeneous atmospheres. We used
in Fig. 2. Also included are a measured asymmetry factor at 0.63 the CKD method to compute the absorption coeffi-
␮m taken from Ref. 12 for aggregates that occur in arctic ice clouds cient of water vapor based on the HITRAN92 line-by-
and a corresponding theoretical interpretation. line database.17 We employed a spectral resolution
of 50 cm⫺1 involving 10 g to determine the correlated
k coefficients, following the method developed by Liou
et al.10 We incorporated the absorption that is due
the cirrus cloud models that employ a combination to water vapor into the scattering process by modify-
of ice crystal shapes. ing the extinction coefficient and the single-
For ice particles, because of their hexagonal struc- scattering albedo associated with cloud and aerosol
ture, transmission through the two parallel planes of particles.
columns and plates can enhance forward scattering.
For visible wavelengths this transmission is ⬃10% of 3. Computational Results
the total transmission13 and must be accounted for in In what follows, we present illustrative results com-
the scattering calculations. The delta-function puted from the transmission model. Inputs to the
transmission part of the extinction coefficient can be transmission model include the geometric variables
computed by means of the similarity principle and that involve the laser beam and the target as well as
can be expressed by ␤cld␻f ˜ ␦, where f␦ is the fractional the single-scattering and absorption parameters for
energy that resides in the forward direction of the cirrus clouds, aerosols, and water vapor. Back-
phase function. ground aerosols and water-vapor profiles are as-
We have used the standard aerosol 共IHAZE ⫽ 1兲 of sumed for the purpose of this study. However, to
the MODTRAN3.7 program14 to define the extinction evaluate the attenuation of laser energy through high
coefficient of aerosol ␤aer. However, only the extinc- cirrus clouds requires that the information on cloud
tion coefficient of aerosols at a wavelength of 0.5 ␮m height, horizontal extent, and ice water content in
is available in MODTRAN. D’Almeida et al. have listed terms of the effective optical depth be given a priori.
the extinction coefficients, single-scattering albedos, We envisage that a combination of data sources based
and asymmetry factors of 10 aerosol models for 60 on satellite remote sensing and mesoscale model pre-
wavelengths.15 The spectral properties of a rural dictions could provide the required information for
aerosol model are used to interpolate the single- transmission calculations.
scattering properties of aerosols for the laser wave- Consider the aircraft above a cirrus cloud and a
lengths. We then utilize the MODTRAN standard target at any altitude. Figure 4 shows the transmit-
aerosol model to perform the interpolation necessary ted power of the 1.315-␮m laser beam 共or transmis-
to obtain the required vertical resolution for the sion兲 as a function of target height zm. In this
single-scattering properties of aerosols in the trans- calculation a cirrostratus cloud with a mean effective

4890 APPLIED OPTICS 兾 Vol. 39, No. 27 兾 20 September 2000

Fig. 5. Same as Fig. 4 but with the position of the aircraft set at
za ⫽ 8 km; second-order scattering results are not shown.

Fig. 4. Direct transmission and transmission owing to first- and

second-order scattering through cirrus clouds in the US1976 stan-
the two middle parts of the figure. When the cloud
dard atmosphere as a function of target height zm. The parame-
ters used in the calculation are ␭ ⫽ 1.315 ␮m, De ⫽ 42 ␮m, F0 ⫽
optical depth is 0.2, transmission associated with
106 W, rt ⫽ 3 m, and d ⫽ 100 km. The cirrus cloud is located first-order scattering decreases with an increase of
between zt ⫽ 9.5 and zb ⫽ 9 km, and the position of the aircraft, za, zm, corresponding to the enhanced attenuation of the
is 11 km. direct transmission as displayed at the top of the
figure. When the target is inside the cloud, trans-
mission associated with first-order scattering is en-
ice crystal size of 42 ␮m is used, along with the stan- hanced by more than 2 orders of magnitude as a
dard atmospheric profile. The cloud is located be- result of the contribution from scattering by the dif-
tween zb ⫽ 9 km and zt ⫽ 9.5 km. Other relevant fracted light beam. In general, transmission that is
parameters are as follows: laser power, F0 ⫽ 106 W; due to first-order scattering is relatively small com-
effective radius of the target, rt ⫽ 3 m; aircraft height, pared with direct transmission. Transmission pro-
za ⫽ 11 km; horizontal distance between the aircraft duced by second-order scattering is much smaller
and the target, d ⫽ 100 km; and cirrus optical depth, than the direct component and can be safely ne-
␶. When aerosols and water vapor in the atmo- glected.
sphere are neglected, the direct transmission de- Figure 5 shows laser transmission for the same
creases with an increase of zm owing to the longer configuration as in Fig. 4, except that now the aircraft
path lengths inside the cirrus cloud, as shown by the is below the cloud 共 za ⫽ 8 km兲. When the target is
dashed curves in the top two parts of Fig. 4, until the between the surface 共zm ⫽ 0 km兲 and the cloud base
target reaches the cloud base. If aerosols and water 共 zm ⫽ 9 km兲, the direct transmission increases mono-
vapor are added to the atmosphere, enhanced atten- tonically because of the decrease in the aerosol and
uation near the ground occurs because of their higher water-vapor concentrations between the aircraft and
mixing ratios there, as shown by the solid curves in the target. Transmission that is due to first-order
the same parts of the figure. After the target scattering can be neglected. When the target enters
emerges from the cloud, the laser beam suffers al- the cloud, the direct transmission decreases abruptly.
most no attenuation. However, when zm reaches zt After the target emerges from the cloud top, the di-
共⫽11 km兲, there is a slight decrease in the direct rect transmission increases because of the shorter
transmission produced by water-vapor absorption as- path lengths in the cloud. Transmission that is due
sociated with the longest path length. When the to first-order scattering is almost symmetrical with
cloud’s optical depth is 0.05, transmission that is due respect to that displayed in Fig. 4 because of geomet-
to first-order scattering increases with an increase of rical symmetry. Figure 6 shows laser transmission
zm owing to the small optical depth, as indicated in with the same configuration as in Fig. 4, except that

20 September 2000 兾 Vol. 39, No. 27 兾 APPLIED OPTICS 4891

Fig. 6. Same as Fig. 5 but with the position of the aircraft set at Fig. 7. Direct transmission and transmission owing to first-order
za ⫽ 9.25 km. This is an in-cloud configuration. scattering through cirrus clouds for several ice crystal mean effec-
tive sizes as a function of target height zm. The parameters used
are the same as in Fig. 4. Aerosols and water vapor are included
now the aircraft is inside the cirrus cloud 共za ⫽ 9.25 in the calculation.
km兲. In this case, the direct transmission in the top
of Fig. 6 is small because of the long path lengths
inside the cloud. Correspondingly, transmission L兾2a ⫽ 300兾100 共␮m兲 and plates 共referred to as 2-D
that is due to first-order scattering in the bottom of plates兲 with a size of L兾2a ⫽ 20兾200 共␮m兲, where L is
Fig. 6 is also small, unlike in the previous cases. the maximum dimension and a is the half-width.
When the target is outside the cloud, the direct trans- Although the single-scattering albedo is almost con-
mission increases because of the shorter path lengths stant, the extinction coefficient and the delta-
in the cloud. If aerosols and water vapor are ne- function transmission tend to increase with an
glected, the direct transmission and transmission increase of ␪. Using ␤e共␮兲, ␻˜ 共␮兲, and f␦共␮兲 in Fig. 8
curves associated with first-order scattering are sym- that have the same average values ␤៮ e, ␻˜ , and ៮f␦ as
metric near zm ⫽ za 共⫽9.25 km兲 because of the sym- those of the randomly oriented ice crystals defined in
metric geometric configuration. Fig. 4, we computed the transmission of a laser beam;
In Fig. 7 we investigate the effects of mean effective the results are shown in Fig. 9. The direct trans-
ice crystal size De on laser transmission. We use the mission for horizontally oriented ice crystals is larger
same configuration as in Fig. 4. The direct trans- than that for randomly oriented ice crystals, as
mission at the top of the figure depends only slightly shown at the top of Fig. 9, because the relative ex-
on De. This weak dependence is a result of the delta- tinction coefficient in Fig. 8 is smaller than 1 at ␪ ⬍
function transmission f␦, which increases when De 10° for the present aircraft–target geometry. Be-
increases. Transmission that is due to first-order cause of the effect of horizontal orientation, transmis-
scattering depends significantly on De because the sion produced by first-order scattering is smaller for
diffraction peak is more nearly confined to forward- ␶ ⫽ 0.05 but more intense for ␶ ⫽ 0.2, the former
scattering directions for large De. because of the smaller optical depth for horizontally
Next, we study the effects of ice crystal horizontal oriented ice crystals and the latter because there is
orientation on laser transmission. Figure 8 shows less attenuation of the direct transmission as dis-
extinction coefficient ␤e, single-scattering albedo ␻˜ , played at the top of the figure.
and delta-function transmission f␦ for horizontally
oriented ice crystals as a function of ␪, where ␪ is the 4. Summary
emergent angle of the light beam. These parame- A near-infrared laser transmission model involving
ters are computed from the geometrical-optics ap- thin cirrus clouds has been developed for an aircraft–
proach.5,17 We consider horizontally oriented target system, primarily for tactical applications.
columns 共referred to as Parry columns兲 with a size of Transmission produced by multiple scattering is

4892 APPLIED OPTICS 兾 Vol. 39, No. 27 兾 20 September 2000

Fig. 9. Direct transmission and transmission owing to first-order
scattering through cirrus clouds for horizontally and randomly
Fig. 8. Normalized extinction coefficient, single-scattering al- oriented ice crystals in the US1976 standard atmosphere. The
bedo, and delta-function transmission for Parry columns and two- parameters used are the same as in Fig. 4. 2-D and 3-D, two- and
dimensional 共2-D兲 plates as a function of the laser scan angle ␪ at three-dimensional, respectively.
a wavelength of 1.315 ␮m.

This research has been supported by U.S. Air Force

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