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Road to Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination

Writing notes (11) (Descriptive Writing – 記敘文)

A. 歷屆試題
題目 考核重點

1 HKDSE English Sample Paper Q3 (Review) a. Write a review of the

Learning English through Drama
b. Describing what the
You recently went to see the first performance of a school play written play was about
specially for students and their parents. The performance was a disaster from
c. Explaining what went
start to finish. Write a review of the performance for the school magazine,
describing what the play was about and explaining what went wrong on the

2 HKDSE English Sample Paper Q5 (Report) a. Write a report for the

school newsletter
Learning English through Debating
b. Describe the topic you
You are the secretary of the school debating team. Last week you attended the had to debate
finals of the interschool debating contest. You have been asked to write a
c. Describe how your
report on what happened at the finals for the school newsletter. Describe the
team performed
topic you had to debate, how your team performed, which team won the
competition and what the prize was. d. Describe which team
won the competition

e. Describe what the prize

題目 考核重點

3 HKDSE English Sample Paper Q8 (Article) a. Write an article for the

school magazine
Learning English through Workplace Communication
b. Describing your
Your school recently conducted a ‘Working Week’ scheme during which experience during the
students could choose to work as one of the following: ‘Working Week’

• a reporter c. Describing how you felt

about the job you
• a teacher chose

• a restaurant cook

• a flight attendant

• a photographer

You took part in the scheme. Now your careers advisor has asked you to write
an article for the school magazine describing your experience during the
‘Working Week’ and how you felt about the job you chose.

Write the article.

4 HKDSE English Practice Paper Q2 (Diary entry) a. Complete your diary

Learning English through Drama
b. Describing what
You are the director of a play. Yesterday you held the first rehearsal. Complete happened at the
your diary entry describing what happened at the rehearsal, whether you rehearsal
think it was a success and what you need to improve before the next
c. Describing whether you
think it was a success

d. Explain what you need

to improve before the
next rehearsal
題目 考核重點

5 HKDSE English Practice Paper Q3 (Article) a. Writing an article about

the book fair
Learning English through Short Stories
b. Explaining why you
You are a reporter for the school magazine. You recently attended some found it interesting
events at the Hong Kong Book Fair. Your favourite one was a talk by three
c. Explaining what you
different authors on what makes a good short story. You are now writing an
article about the event, explaining why you found it interesting and what you

6 HKDSE English 2012 Q4 (blog) a. Write on your blog

Learning English through Poems and Songs b. Describing the

You are the lead singer in a band. Last week, you held your first performance
c. Describing how you felt
at a music festival in Victoria Park. Write on your blog describing the
performance, including how you felt, the atmosphere and the things you d. Describing the things
could have done better. you could have done

7 HKDSE English 2013 Q3 (Diary entry) a. Write a diary entry

Learning English through Drama b. Describe a situation

when you betrayed
You are reading Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare for drama class. In the your best friend
play, Brutus betrayed his best friend, Julius Caesar, for the good of the
country. Your homework is to write a diary entry about a situation when you
betrayed your best friend.
8 HKDSE English 2014 Q6 (Article) a. You were employed as
a costumed character
Learning English through Workplace Communication

The Hong Kong Daily is asking students to submit an article about their b. Submit an article to a
summer job experiences. You were employed as a costumed character newspaper
performer in one of the local theme parks last summer. In your article, write
c. Write about your
about your typical working day, and the good things and bad things about
typical working day
your job. Write the article.
d. Write about the good
things and bad things
about your job

9 HKDSE English 2014 Q7 (Article) a. Write an article for

your school magazine
Learning English through Popular Culture
b. Describing the show
You recently attended a stand-up comedy show and you were impressed by
c. Discussing the
the performance. Write an article for your school magazine describing the
challenges such
show, discussing the challenges such performers might face and how
performers might face
students at school can benefit from watching such a performance.
d. Discussing how
students at school can
benefit from watching
such a performance

10 HKDSE English 2014 Q8 (Article) a. Write an article for

your school magazine
Learning English through Poems and Songs
b. Describe how you
You took part in the Hong Kong Schools Poetry Festival. You have been asked prepared for the
by your teacher to write an article for your school magazine about how you competition
prepared for the competition and what you learned from this experience.
c. what you learned from
this experience
11 HKDSE English 2019 Q4 (News Report) a. Write a news report

Learning English through Sports Communication b. Describe the game and

You are a reporter for the sports section of the Young Post. You were what happened
afterwards. Include
attending the final game of the season between rivals St. George’s School and
thoughts and opinions
Royal College when something unexpected happened during the game.
from different people
 Write a news report. involved.

 Describe the incident and what happened afterwards. Include c. Give your report a
thoughts and opinions from different people involved. headline

Give your report a headline.

12 HKDSE English 2019 Q6 (Film Review) a. Write a review of the

You are a reporter for the entertainment section of the Young Post. You have
been asked to review a new film called Cinderella which is based on the comic b. Include a brief
description of the plot
series Princesses of Power.
c. Explain how the main
 Write a review of the film.
characters are
 Include a brief description of the plot, how the main characters are
portrayed in this new
portrayed in this new version of Cinderella and why this director version of Cinderella
wanted to make this film.
d. Explain why this
director wanted to
Give your review a title.
make this film

e. Give your review a title

HKDSE English 2014 Q6

Learning English through Workplace Communication

The Hong Kong Daily is asking students to submit an article about their summer job experiences. You were
employed as a costumed character performer in one of the local theme parks last summer. In your article,
write about your typical working day, and the good things and bad things about your job. Write the article.

B. 範文

範例 1

標題 Costumed character performer? I do!

Paragraph 1 1. 其他人觀點

(介紹) When it comes to the question how harsh it is to be a costumed character performer,

people would answer unanimously that the job is not challenging at all. However, this

is not the case.

2. 簡介全文內容

Although working as a costumed character performer might be as tedious as being

employed as a fireman, it is undeniable that there are both good and bad things about

my job. But first, let’s start with describing my job duties on a typical working day.
Paragraph 2 1. 對話吸引讀者注意

(日常工作 1) “Hello, I am Minnie. Welcome to the Disneyland and have fun!”

2. 簡述職責

I was trained to imitate the voice of Minnie and sound positive even though I am

actually exhausted to death, in order to please every customer passing by.

3. 一大早上班

Waking up at 6 a.m. and arriving at Disneyland before 8 a.m. would be my first task

every morning.

4. 衣著

Please don’t ridicule my costume because it is really heavy. It would be hard to imagine

how a girl would wear it and walk around under the sweltering sun in summer time.

Yet, this arduous task was no longer impossible to me.

Paragraph 3 1. 標題句

(日常工作 2) After changing into the costume, all character performers had to be ready to receive

the enormous crowd at 10 a.m.

2. 簡述職責

Taking instant photos with them was a basic task, not to mention performing according

to their wish, like dancing with music and singing Disneyland theme songs! My job was

really less challenging in the morning as the sun rays were less strong. As an energetic

teenager, I would accomplish the tasks given by different customers without any

Paragraph 4 1. 過渡

(午飯時間 The one-hour lunch break would be the time for us to recharge our batteries and

prepare for the upcoming challenges ahead. Of course we would not all rest at the
same time and therefore our lunch time was scheduled accordingly.

Paragraph 5 1. 標題句

(日常工作 3) After the relaxing lunch and being rejuvenated, it’s time for us to work again.

2. 與上司的關係

Usually, I would stay sedentary inside some buildings in order to prevent myself from

suffering heat stroke. I thought that I would be scolded by my supervisor.

Nevertheless, she was really amiable and considerate, which I am grateful for.

3. 完成工作

At around 4 p.m., my daily routine ended and this was how my typical working day

looked like.

Paragraph 6 1. 過渡

(好處 1) Every coin has two sides and therefore there are certainly both good and bad things

regarding my job.

2. 好處 1

The task of putting on the heavy costume has obviously shaped my personal character

of having perseverance. I believe after this job, which depended largely on physical

strength, challenges ahead are under no circumstances insurmountable.

Paragraph 7 1. 標題句

(好處 2) Moreover, I have learnt to put myself into others’ shoes after this rewarding job


2. 詳細解釋

For jobs that may not be tough at first glance, I would still respect them since every

career has its uniqueness. It would be unfair to judge one’s career just based on the

appearance. Taking my job as an example, I did wrongly think that it would be relaxing

as what I was required to do was not demanding. Only when I fully experienced my job

did I notice that something which seemed to be trivial would also immensely influence


Paragraph 8 1. 標題句

(好處 3) In addition, being a costumed character performer allowed me to have a sense of

commitment after completing my assigned tasks.

2. 詳細解釋

It was really an interesting experience to have contact with many strangers, especially

when most of them were children. Making them happy and listening to their laughter

enabled me to gain a sense of satisfaction.

Paragraph 9 1. 標題句

(壞處) Of course there were also disappointing moments about my job but they were mostly

trivial stuffs when compared to what I gained.

2. 詳細解釋

Besides having contact with children, I was also obligated to serve adults. Some adults

might seem a lot more difficult to handle when compared to the easily satisfied

children as the former always complained without reasonable ground. I was once

scolded by a mainland tourist just because I did not take a photo with him immediately

after his request. He was really furious and reprimanded me until I burst into tears, but

I could do nothing at all due to the paramount importance of customers in Disneyland.

Undue emphasis was placed on serving customers while less emphasis is devoted to

taking care of employees’ needs.

Paragraph 10 1. 總結內容

(總結) Overall, my summer job experience was really beneficial to my personal growth despite

the bad things that I have encountered.

2. 對未來的期望

I have become more mature and equipped with appropriate attitude to overcome the

challenges ahead in my future life.

Content 7/7 7/7

Language 7/7 7/7

Organization 6/7 6/7

Total 20/21 20/21

40/42 (5**)
範例 2
標題 Seize the day, make your life extraordinary

A summer job as costumed character performer – By Chris Wong

Paragraph 1 1. 普遍學生的選擇

(介紹) After the mentally and physically demanding DSE examination, what would you choose

to do with your long summer vacation? Squander your time at home or get hooked on

the TV games and Facebook round the clock? Travel across the world for relaxation?

2. 自己的選擇

All these activities are attractive, yet after listening to the sharing by Nicholas Tse at

HKUST, I realized that “One needs to get rid of those temptations before he can

succeed.” Unlike most of the teenagers, I chose to be a costumed character performer

at Hong Kong Disneyland last summer. The tasks sound formidable, but in no way

insurmountable. Soon after, I plucked up my courage to hand in the application form

and get away from my temptations.

Paragraph 2 1. 標題句

(日常工作) Every day I had a typical working routine to follow, starting from dressing in the

costumes in the changing room.

2. 綵排

After wearing my Mickey Mouse uniform, my working day then officially kick-started.

The day was definitely hectic and physically demanding. Before the opening of the

theme park, all of us needed to have rehearsal for the coming shows.

3. 表演

Having to perform at regular intervals, I was required to play the roles of various Disney

cartoon characters, including Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Winnie the Pooh. After

two hours of rehearsal and the checking of props, all of us would get ready for the real

performance. Having completed three rounds of plays, we would continue to wear the

costumes and perform other activities. The tasks after lunch time were the most

challenging. Not only did I need to sing Disney theme songs and dance energetically to

entertain the multitude of locals, mainland tourists and foreign tourists, I had to take

photos with them to capture their blissful moments. Performing till the firework

display, I was then able to take off my costumes, ending my typical working day in

Disneyland with sweat and joy.

Paragraph 3 1. 過渡
(工作辛勞) Being a costumed cartoon character performer was definitely a double-edged sword,

with both sorrow and merriment.

2. 辛勞 1 -- 遊客行為不當

What disappointed me most was that some selfish mainland visitors tended to act

according to their desire and disregarded my feelings. Not only did they abuse me with

foul languages, they also excreted and spitted everywhere in the theme park.

Unfortunately, I accidentally fell into their “traps”, which stained my costumes. Even

though I complained to my seniors, they turned a blind eye to my suffering and

mercilessly emphasized the paramount significance of respecting our customers.

3. 辛勞 2 -- 綵排發生糾紛

Apart from being tormented by the irresponsible mainland tourists, conflicts arose

during rehearsal sessions. Owing to misunderstanding and miscommunication, I had

some heated arguments with my colleagues during the first weeks. Thankfully, we

managed to mend fences after getting acquainted with each other.

Paragraph 4 1. 標題句

(工作得著) The benefits brought by the job definitely outweighed the drawbacks.
2. 得著 1 -- 傳達愛與關懷

To commence with, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity allowed me to bring merriment

to children. In this materialistic society, spiritual fulfillment is always neglected.

Through the job, I could make good use of my talent to bring love and care to others. As

Nelson Mandela once said, “Love wins everything. Teaching people through love is the

best way to reach their heart.” No matter which race people belong to and how old

they are, I can have the chance to convey the message of love and care to them.

3. 得著 2 -- 提升工作技巧

Furthermore, through working independently as a costumed character performer

could I enhance my problem solving skills. Having to deal with some unexpected

situations, like how to comfort a crying child or forgetting the script of a play, I have

become more mature and confident of coping with the challenges in my future career.
Paragraph 5 1. 呼應首段

(總結) If one sets a limit for what he will do, he will then set a limit for what he can do. Dear

all, everyone can have a chance to do something useful and pursue the dream! Why

one should opt for wasting the time on electronic gadgets? Why not try to have some

breakthroughs before becoming a mature adult?

2. 強調獲益良多

Although being a costumed character performer is no easy task, the job is definitely

rewarding as we can learn to spread love and care to people from all walks of life and

enhance our problem solving skills. Why are you still hesitating? Fill in an application

form and you can transform into the ambassador of love.

Content 6/7 7/7

Language 6/7 6/7

Organization 6/7 7/7

Total 18/21 20/21

38/42 (5**)
範例 3

標題 Behind the Scene of a Glorious Cartoon Character

Paragraph 1 2. 用問題吸引讀者注意

(介紹) Have you ever imagined how the life of a famous cartoon character would be like?

Cartoon characters are certainly fictional, but I tried to become one last summer.

3. 簡介工作職責

As a Form Six student, I took part in the work experience scheme held by the Hong

Kong Disneyland. The job that I applied for was “costumed character performer”. These

performers were required to dress as one of the cartoon characters of Disneyland, and

dance with the music during the parades. The job was amazing and eye-opening, yet

sometimes tedious. Overall, I think that this is a precious experience notwithstanding

the difficult parts of the job.

Paragraph 2 2. 標題句

(日常工作 1) The daily routine of a cartoon character performer is as follows.

3. 準備巡遊

In the morning I had to wake up quite early at six to catch the bus Disneyland. Upon

arrival, the manager would hold a meeting with the all the performers, informing us of

the weather that day, whether there were special guests, or some other special

arrangements. The meeting would be held until ten o’clock. Then, we would have to

get prepared for our performances.

Paragraph 3 1. 標題句

(日常工作 2) There were usually three scheduled parades every day, and each parade involved

different casts. I was mostly responsible for the parade at three o’clock as Donald Duck.

2. 準備巡遊

I was mostly responsible for the parade at three o’clock as Donald Duck. To avoid any

blunders during the performance, I would usually watch cartoon scenes of Donald Duck

with my phone before my performance, in order for me to imitate his behavior and his

tone. I would also practice frequently in front of the mirror before my performance.

Being a cartoon character was not east; these are the important things that we all

needed to do with a view to making the show flawless.

Paragraph 4 1. 標題句

(日常工作 3) Although the content of the show was always the same every day and it was always the

same songs every day that got repeated, I always felt a tinge of nervousness before the

three o’clock show, as at three o’clock the pack was packed with tourists.

2. 巡遊

I made sure that I was costumed well, and then I had to act as if the ghost of Donald

Duck had possessed me. During the parade, I always greeted visitors with a Donald

Duck voice and I danced together with other cartoon characters. Usually after the

parade, there would be a photo-taking session at the Main Street of the park, and I took

tens of thousands of photos with different postures with the visitors, as there was

usually a long queue waiting for the photo-taking. At six o’clock, my job was finished

and that marked the end of my typical working day at Disneyland.

Paragraph 5 1. 標題句

(好處 1) There are two good points about my job. First, the job is always full of fun and


2. 詳細解釋

Being a costumed character performer means that I had to amaze visitors. It was

always satisfying to see happy and smiley faces when people were impressed with my

performance. I would get an instant sense of fulfillment and achievement. Moreover,

dancing with the music during a parade was a pure enjoyment for me too. Also, there

were always challenges when dealing with different visitors of different nationalities,

since I had to switch my language constantly when I talked to different kinds of tourists.

Whenever I was successful in making them contented, I would feel jubilant too.

Paragraph 6 1. 標題句

(好處 2) Furthermore, the job was a unique and rare experience.

2. 詳細解釋

Rarely do people get a summer job as mine when compared to jobs in offices. It is

definitely special to experience how a theme park operates daily and how to deal with

people. Also, my communication skills were well-trained through the job because I had

to be a fluent speaker with instant wit as a popular cartoon character. This is certainly

not anything that one would learn from an office job.

Paragraph 7 1. 標題句

(壞處 1) However, there are some aspects of the job that I am not quite contented with. To

commence with, the job was physically demanding in summer.

2. 詳細解釋

Imagine wearing a heavy and bulky costume under the bright sun. It was very stuffy

inside the costume and I often sweated all over my body, not to mention dancing in the

skin of Donald Duck. Besides, the job was at times tedious and tiring. Squeezing my

voice to imitate Donald Duck’s signature voice nearly got me sore throat at the end of

my working experience scheme. That was how I suffered physically.

Paragraph 8 1. 標題句

(壞處 2) Mentally, often do I get frustrated when I was ignored by visitors.

2. 詳細解釋

As everyone knows, Donald Duck is not the dominant character of Disney film series.

Children are often more fond of Mickey and Minnie than Donald Duck. Nevertheless, I

realized that in order to create a joyous atmosphere for the fellow visitors, this was

what I had to overcome. Hence, in the end, this frustration transformed me into a

more accommodating person at the workplace. Thanks to this experience, I finally got

a taste of being at work and now, I understand that every coin has two sides – and so

does being a seemingly glorious and happy cartoon character.

Paragraph 9 1. 總結全文

(總結句) The difficulties at work were certainly blessings in disguise, as I have learned and

gained a lot during this summer job experience. Instead of being ordinary, this

experience was extraordinary.

2. 期望

Hopefully, ordinary students like me would also have a chance to try the job. I

guarantee that such an experience would be the most unforgettable and most precious

one in your secondary school life. From now on, I view the theme park performers in

new light as I appreciate their hard work more than before after experiencing their

work last summer.

Content 7/7 7/7

Language 6/7 6/7

Organization 5/7 5/7

Total 18/21 18/21

36/42 (5*)
HKDSE English 2014 Q7

Learning English through Popular Culture

You recently attended a stand-up comedy show and you were impressed by the performance. Write an article

for your school magazine describing the show, discussing the challenges such performers might face and how

students at school can benefit from watching such a performance.

標題 Entertaining, yet Educational Stand-up Comedy Shows

Paragraph 1 1. 表演簡述

(介紹) The first stand-up comedian in Hong Kong, Wong Tze Wah, performed his tenth stand-

up comedy show in the Hong Kong Coliseum last Sunday, 6 th of April.

2. 簡介全文內容

I went to the show and I definitely enjoyed the two hours spent. Not only did I laugh,

but also I learnt a lot.

Paragraph 2 1. 標題句

(記述表演) The show started at around 8:30 p.m., with an amusing opening featuring recent

protests in Taiwan.

2. 詳述表演

Wong Tze Wah gave an excellent kick-off. He dressed in a white suit with a gun-shot

pattern on his back and stepped on a pair of shoes of different styles and colours

(yellow boot on his left foot and leather shoes on his right foot). He continued on his

elaboration of Taiwan’s situation and added spice to it. By creating logical

contradictions and overstated consequences, Wong Tze Wah managed to lead the

audience to his world of laughter. Whenever he drank water or changed topic, there

would be a strong melody played to keep up the atmosphere. In the two hours, Wong

Tze Wah showed a lot of his own insights or experiences with the audience over a

basket of featuring topics and hot news. There were times when people gave instant

responses that were not expected by the performer. However, Wong Tze Wah was

capable of dealing with them with his overwhelming humour and outstanding talent.

He presented the audience with thoughts which were unique and humorous in a lively

and entertaining way. At the end of the comedy show, Wong Tze Wah sang a song that

summarized all laughing points of the show to remind us of the enjoyable moments

during the show. After the show, I could not help but reflect upon his views and

thought about the social issues he mentioned.

Paragraph 3 1. 承上

(過渡段) To just talk for two hours on a stage alone is undoubtedly not an easy task.

2. 啟下

I can imagine all sorts of difficulties he might face.

Paragraph 4 1. 標題句

(挑戰 1) Firstly, it is very hard to choose the materials which can cater to the audience of the


2. 詳細解釋

I saw elderly people, working adults, families, teenagers and even kids in the

auditorium. These people have different interests, mindsets and exposure, thus having

different reactions towards the same performance. Wong Tze Wah must have tried

very hard to understand people of various ages deep enough to find out what makes

them laugh, what they care and what they want to hear.
Paragraph 5 1. 標題句

(挑戰 2) Secondly, it was difficult for Wong Tze-wah to capture the attention of the audience.

2. 詳細解釋

Normally, people can at most pay attention to the same speaker for 15 minutes and yet

Wong Tze-wah succeeded in attracting our attention for 2 hours. Apparently, this

required years of experience and sharpened presentation skills to do so. He knew when

to tone down his voice so that the audience could take a break mentally and changed

topic when the audience was just about to get bored. What impressed me was that he

managed to grab my full attention in the two hours and overcame such difficulties.

Paragraph 6 1. 標題句

(挑戰 3) Thirdly, when facing negative reactions of the audience, Wong Tze-wah did not lose his


2. 詳細解釋

Sometimes, the audience lost track of what Wong Tze-wah was saying and did not

laugh. Despite the awkwardness of dead air, Wong Tze-wah remained calm and upbeat,

impressing his audience with his tremendous sense of humour and hilarious jokes. His

capability of controlling and leading the atmosphere was simply inimitable.

Paragraph 7 1. 承上啟下

過渡段 Having elaborated on the challenges Wong Tze-wah was facing, here are the benefits

to students when they are watching a live stand-up comedy show.

Paragraph 8 1. 標題句

(好處 1) To commence with, students can learn the presentation skills showcased by Wong Tze-


2. 詳細解釋

A stand-up comedy show is a matter of presentation and communication. By acting as a

role model and example, Wong Tze wah managed to inspire students and teach them

how to grab attention from audience and effectively communicate with people .

Through watching such presentation could students enhance their public speaking

Paragraph 9 1. 標題句

(好處 2) Apart from presentation skills, students can also understand how self-confidence is

essential for public speaking.

2. 詳細解釋

Stand-up comedians need sufficient confidence to display the best performance to a

large crowd of people. As mentioned above, he might encounter dead air or

unexpected feedback from the audience. Through watching the excellent performance

by Wong Tze-wah could students realize how courage is important in public speaking.

After experiencing such a live show, students would not be afraid of public speaking

and gradually transform into a mature leader who could confidently present


Paragraph 10 1. 標題句

(好處 3) Another benefit is that students can be exposed to insights of the performer about

various social phenomena, enhancing their social awareness and critical thinking.

2. 詳細解釋

Stand-up comedies are mostly related to our society and daily life. Students might

overlook such issues before watching the show. However, students would pay more

attention to things happening around them and become more aware of social issues

and trends. This can improve students’ all-round development and enrich students’

knowledge in multiple aspects.

Paragraph 11 1. 總結感受

(總結 After watching the show, I have become a staunch fan of Wong Tze-wah and I cannot
wait to watch his next show.

2. 期望

I bet you are now interested to join me at the show next time. I wish I could share the

pleasure with every one of you!

Content 7/7 7/7

Language 6/7 7/7

Organization 7/7 7/7

Total 20/21 21/21

41/42 (5**)
HKDSE English 2014 Q8

Learning English through Poems and Songs

You took part in the Hong Kong Schools Poetry Festival. You have been asked by your teacher to write an

article for your school magazine about how you prepared for the competition and what you learned from this


標題 My Road Taken – the Hong Kong Schools Poetry Festival

Paragraph 1 1. 描述一般人看法

(介紹) Many of you may think that the Hong Kong Schools Poetry Festival would be quite

similar to other occasions like the Speech Festival or the Music Festival.

2. 突顯活動性質不同  介紹全文內容

In fact, the Hong Kong Schools Poetry Festival is peculiar in its own way, so let me

share with you my thoughts before and after the festival.

Paragraph 2 1. 介紹可供選擇的比賽項目

(報名經過) Like many people, I originally perceived the festival as an ordinary competition. To my

astonishment, when I first received my entry form, there were a myriad of categories

that one could join, ranging from haiku appreciation to on the spot sonnet recitation.

Hardly could I decide which entry I should join.

2. 最終選擇

In the end, I attempted to step out of my comfort zone and gave unseen poetry

appreciation a shot.
Paragraph 3 1. 對比賽的期待

(準備過程 1) To be frank, I adore each and every genre of poems, so it was immensely hard for me

to just opt for one. I believed that I would enjoy the competition though it was rather


2. 比賽項目

Fortunately, I had one month to prepare for my competition. It was judged based on a

5-minute impromptu speech and I realized I had to read extensively in order to

prepare me for any genre that may pop up.

3. 準備比賽的挑戰

The first thing I did to prepare for the competition was to expose myself to different

types of poems. It was very benevolent of Ms Young for her to share with me her

anthology of poems tailor-made for her English literature examination. I spent days

reading different kinds of poems, mastering all of them except for limericks (打油詩). It

was extremely difficult to excavate the humour of the poet and to figure out the true

meaning of the punch line. Well, all that I knew about limericks was merely its unique

rhyme scheme.

4. 恩師相助

Thankfully, Ms Young gave me the opportunity to present my impromptu speech

during her lessons. Having experienced how it felt to analyze a poem in 5 minutes, I

boosted up my confidence after these mock examinations.

Paragraph 4 1. 個人努力

(準備過程 2) In addition to the preparation for different texts, I also fostered my skills to detect

literary devices and decipher their literal meanings. To prepare for the competition, I

read an array of texts, from news articles to novels, hoping to learn more about

different literary devices and analyze them.

2. 準備成效

Through my strenuous efforts could I master the skills of accurately interpreting

various poems regardless of how subtle their messages are.

Paragraph 5 1. 充滿自信

(比賽過程) On the day of the competition, I felt that I was well-prepared, brimming with energy

and confidence.

2. 比賽經過

Eventually, the poem allocated to me turned to be Robert Frost’s “The Road Not

Taken”. Luckily, it was not a limerick, or else I could have felt flummoxed and stuttered

throughout my speech. At that moment, a lot of ideas rushed into my mind and I could

even discover the junction of two roads as an extended metaphor of all big and small

decisions in life. Thankfully, I managed to become the champion of the competition.

Paragraph 6 1. 標題句

(比賽得著 1) From this experience, I have learnt that it can be beneficial for us to challenge

ourselves rather than to do things we are competent in.

2. 詳細解釋

I am glad that I attempted to participate in the unseen entry of the competition as it

was great fun preparing for it. I feel that all these trivial albeit crucial decisions make

our lives extraordinary as stated in Frost’s poem. I really felt daunted before the

competition but I was honoured to have the opportunity to perform on stage.

Paragraph 7 1. 標題句

(比賽得著 2) The competition also revealed the fun side of poetry.

2. 詳細解釋

During the competition, I sat down and listened to many guest speakers sharing their

passion for poetry. I have to admit that all of their ideas are creative, such as the

acrostics ( 離 合 詩 ) presented on the spot. It is what makes the Hong Kong Schools

Poetry Festival so unique as it enables everyone to shine and showcase their creativity,

but not mundanely memorize a piece just for the purpose of competition. After all,

winning is not of utmost importance, right?

Paragraph 8 1. 希望加深讀者對詩歌了解

(總結) I wish my encounters and thoughts before and after the Hong Kong Schools Poetry

Festival could give you some insights about poems.

2. 呼籲參加詩歌比賽

If you enjoy poetry as I do, do not hesitate to join the competition next year. I am sure

all of you will be captivated by the magnificent voyage of poetry and explore your vast

reservoir of creativity!

Content 7/7 7/7

Language 7/7 6/7

Organization 7/7 7/7

Total 21/21 20/21

41/42 (5**)

HKDSE English 2012 Q4

Learning English through Poems and Songs

You are the lead singer in a band. Last week, you held your first performance at a music festival in Victoria

Park. Write on your blog describing the performance, including how you felt, the atmosphere and the things

you could have done better.

標題 We rock the stage, up and down, and all the way round!

Paragraph 1 1. 表演簡述

(介紹) It was one of the most memorable days of my life – my band, Elixir, had our debut at

the music festival in Victoria Park last night. It was definitely a huge success.

Paragraph 2 1. 標題句

(綵排) The rehearsal started a few hours before the official performance.

2. 描述綵排

It didn’t go very well. So nervous was I that I couldn’t perform to the level I am capable

of doing. My heart just couldn’t help beating quickly. My friends in the band kept

comforting me and asking me not to worry too much. “We will be fine,” they said.

Knowing that my friends supported me, I managed to relax and felt a bit more

Paragraph 3 1. 過渡

(開始表演) After the rehearsal, we stayed backstage to wait.

2. 準備上台

“Now ladies and gentlemen, let’s welcome our first performers, Elixir!” said the MC.

Hearing the cheers and applause from the audience, I knew it was our show time. I

took a deep breath and went onstage along with my friends.

3. 上台表演

Having stepped onto the stage, I was nearly frozen in astonishment and couldn’t

believe my eyes – the crowd in front of me was the biggest crowd I have ever seen! I

looked at my friends; they all smiled at me, shooting me a confident glance. I knew I

could do it. As the music started, I immediately focused on, immersing myself in the


Paragraph 4 1. 標題句

(第 1 首歌) The first song we performed was Born This Way by Lady Gaga.

2. 詳述表演

As I was singing, I didn’t only hear my voice and the music, but also the audience

humming and clapping along with us. I was so impressed that our music was able to

move the listeners and engage them in the performance. It was so enjoyable. After the

first song, we asked the crowd whether they liked our performance. Many of them

shouted “Yes” and “Bravo!” I felt so proud that people was captivated by our music.

Paragraph 5 1. 標題句

(第 2 首歌) Not until we sang the second song was the audience truly enraptured by us.
2. 解釋歌曲寓意

We performed a song that we had composed, C’est la vie, meaning “That’s life” in

French. Before the performance, I explained the meaning of the song. “There are

always ups and downs in our life. In times of difficulties, whether we can overcome

these obstacles is only a matter of time. At the end of the day we will definitely see the

light again. Thus, when we face adversities, we should stay strong and never give up.”

3. 詳述表演

As our final performance ended, the crowd gave us a loud round of applause and

standing ovation. Some of them even shouted “Encore!” The sensation deep in my

heart of knowing the audience appreciated our effort was simply beyond words. We

then played an extra song and wave goodbye to the audience.

Paragraph 6 1. 標題句

(評價表演) Overall, I was immensely satisfied with our performance. Nevertheless, I still believe

there is room for improvement.

2. 詳細檢討表演

With a view to performing better next time, I must strive harder on maintaining

composure when I am on stag . So nervous was I that I pulled down my performance a

bit. Failing to hit a few high notes in the show, I was quite disappointed with myself.

Moreover, I need to think of some ways to let the audience interact with us performers

more. Not only does a successful performer produce good music but should also

engage the audience more in the performance. Therefore, I should communicate and

share our feelings with the audience in future performances. It is also all the important

for me to exchange ideas with more experienced bands to learn and seek advice from


Paragraph 7 1. 表演得著

(總結) Not only have I learnt a lot from the participation in the singing festival, I am also

grateful that many of you are around to support me.

2. 展望將來

The old adage “Hard work pays off” has always been my life motto. It is my conviction

that success comes with perseverance and devotion. I will definitely work hard to strive

for my dream to be a professional band singer. I can’t wait for our band’s next

HKDSE English Sample Paper Q8 (Article)

Learning English through Workplace Communication

Your school recently conducted a ‘Working Week’ scheme during which students could choose to work as one
of the following:

• a reporter

• a teacher

• a restaurant cook

• a flight attendant

• a photographer

You took part in the scheme. Now your careers advisor has asked you to write an article for the school
magazine describing your experience during the ‘Working Week’ and how you felt about the job you chose.

Write the article.

標題 Dream to fly, fly to dream

Paragraph 1 1. 個人經歷入題

(介紹) “You are never going to make it!” This demoralizing thought often echoes inside my

head. Throughout my life, peers have been perceiving me as too feeble and frail to

realize my dream of becoming a flight attendant.

2. 簡介全文內容

However, only after my experience as a flight attendant in the “Working Week”

Scheme do I realize how this seemingly whimsical dream can actually turn into a


Paragraph 2 1. 簡介工作的理想和現實
(簡介工作) As a seventeen-year-old teenager, I was inexplicably appalled when offered the
chance to work as a flight attendant for Lufthansa Airlines during the “Working Week.”
Indeed, being a stewardess may seem to be a glorious and grand lifetime experience.
Nevertheless, behind this mirage of magnificence is an arena of challenges and

2. 強調自己夢想成為機艙服務員

Yet, after this experience, I am assured that being a flight attendant is certainly my

Paragraph 3 1. 訓練內容

(培訓) Unlike other job options in this “Working Week”, my internship could not start right
away at its workplace – a plane. I had to spend a day learning all the safety regulations
and issues concerning flying. For instance, I had to recite a series of protocols to be
used during an emergency landing.

2. 訓練原因

Contrary to what many believe, the primary reason for having flight attendants is not
to cater for the customers but to guarantee their safety. During any crisis, the task of
rescuing passengers falls to the crew members as most passengers, generally, lack
knowledge about planes.

3. 進一步解釋訓練內容

In this series of training sessions, I got to try the emergency slide, which was actually
embarrassing. I was also required to practise evacuating passengers, which is definitely
a tall order.
Paragraph 4 1. 工作衣著和地點

(詳述工作) After these arduous practices, my journey to the sky could finally commence. Wearing a
mature, elegant, yet flexible, dark blue uniform with low heels, I began to work. My first
journey was a ten-hour flight from Los Angeles to London.

2. 工作的挑戰

As the passengers got on board, I guided them to their seats. Having to maintain a smile
all the time, I felt like I had cramps in my lips. Just when I thought I could slack off for a
second, a cranky passenger suddenly threw a temper tantrum and complained about a
coffee stain on his seat. Being gazed at and teased by others, I felt utterly awkward and
panicked. Fortunately, my mentor came and saved the day, or I would have made myself
a laughing stock.

Paragraph 5 1. 工作的樂趣

(詳述工作) As the plane took off and ascended, a shockwave of excitement flushed to my head. I
was so euphoric that I could not help giggling. Since I was a toddler, I had been dreaming
of flying in the sky like the seagulls. My dream finally came true. Never had I been so
jubilant in my life!

2. 工作的挑戰

After my momentary merriment, I reminded myself to concentrate on my duties. As

soon as the plane maintained a steady altitude, we started serving the first meal. Being
shaken by occasional turbulence, serving was an impossible task. I had to handle cups
with extreme discretion or they would splash onto the customers. After exhaustively
and cautiously serving hundreds of passengers, it was my turn to take a ten-minute
break. Just before I could take a nap, I was suddenly summoned to clean the toilet,
which is probably the most awful part of my job. Having to clean the filthy bathroom
definitely spoilt my appetite and pushed me to the brink of throwing up.

3. 航班到埗

In the aftermath of this fatiguing yet fascinating flight, all the passengers disembarked
and I could eventually have some free time in the mesmerizing city of London.
Paragraph 6 1. 工作得著

(工作得著) Being a flight attendant is a chance of lifetime that one can rarely have. This is one of the
few jobs allowing employees to travel all over the globe for free. In just a week, I went
to Britain, Germany and Denmark! My job allowed me to visit myriads of places,
appreciate various stunning cultures and make acquaintances with people from all walks
of life.

2. 強調機艙服務員是最佳選擇

Out of all the jobs I was allowed to choose from the Working Week scheme, being a flight
attendant is definitely what I find most remarkable and meaningful.

Paragraph 7 1. 分析工作的挑戰

(工作挑戰) This job is, despite its glamorous nature, very demanding. For one, after a few flights, I
realized that this job can be exhausting as you have to work in a cramped and shaking
environment. A flight attendant has to be very eloquent and adroit to satisfy even the
strangest demand of the passengers. Furthermore, since delays are a constant, a
stewardess has to have good comforting and crowd control skills to resolve and assuage
any discontent and anger vented by the passengers. Thus, as a flight attendant, you to
be braced for any uncertainty or variable that can never be anticipated and accounted

2. 強調自己享受工作

Yet, it is also because of these challenges that this job is so marvelous and satisfying.

Paragraph 8 1. 總結全文

(總結) My journey in this “Working Week” has pulled my dream as a flight attendant closer to
being within reach. Though the job is strenuous, it grants us the extraordinary
experience that one so thirsts for.

2. 勸勉其他人

In fact, everyone has their passion. It could be being an actor or a chef, but in all cases,
the most imperative thing is to never let your dedication be extinguished and to keep
pursuing your dream until you attain it. Though it may appear like building castles in the
air, as long as you try your best, someday you can finally live out your long sought-after

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